Example #1
static int
    Tcl_Interp *interp,		/* Interpreter for error reporting. */
    Tk_Canvas canvas,		/* Canvas to hold new item. */
    Tk_Item *itemPtr,		/* Record to hold new item; header has been
				 * initialized by caller. */
    int objc,			/* Number of arguments in objv. */
    Tcl_Obj *const objv[])	/* Arguments describing rectangle. */
    BitmapItem *bmapPtr = (BitmapItem *) itemPtr;
    int i;

    if (objc == 0) {
	Tcl_Panic("canvas did not pass any coords");

     * Initialize item's record.

    bmapPtr->anchor = TK_ANCHOR_CENTER;
    bmapPtr->bitmap = None;
    bmapPtr->activeBitmap = None;
    bmapPtr->disabledBitmap = None;
    bmapPtr->fgColor = NULL;
    bmapPtr->activeFgColor = NULL;
    bmapPtr->disabledFgColor = NULL;
    bmapPtr->bgColor = NULL;
    bmapPtr->activeBgColor = NULL;
    bmapPtr->disabledBgColor = NULL;
    bmapPtr->gc = None;

     * Process the arguments to fill in the item record. Only 1 (list) or 2 (x
     * y) coords are allowed.

    if (objc == 1) {
	i = 1;
    } else {
	const char *arg = Tcl_GetString(objv[1]);
	i = 2;
	if ((arg[0] == '-') && (arg[1] >= 'a') && (arg[1] <= 'z')) {
	    i = 1;
    if (BitmapCoords(interp, canvas, itemPtr, i, objv) != TCL_OK) {
	goto error;
    if (ConfigureBitmap(interp, canvas, itemPtr, objc-i, objv+i, 0)
	    == TCL_OK) {
	return TCL_OK;

    DeleteBitmap(canvas, itemPtr, Tk_Display(Tk_CanvasTkwin(canvas)));
    return TCL_ERROR;
Example #2
static int
    Tcl_Interp *interp,		/* For error reporting. */
    Tk_Canvas canvas,		/* Canvas to hold new item. */
    Tk_Item *itemPtr,		/* Record to hold new item; header has been
				 * initialized by caller. */
    int objc,			/* Number of arguments in objv. */
    Tcl_Obj *const objv[])	/* Arguments describing rectangle. */
    RectOvalItem *rectOvalPtr = (RectOvalItem *) itemPtr;
    int i;

    if (objc == 0) {
	Tcl_Panic("canvas did not pass any coords");

     * Carry out initialization that is needed in order to clean up after
     * errors during the the remainder of this function.

    rectOvalPtr->tsoffset.flags = 0;
    rectOvalPtr->tsoffset.xoffset = 0;
    rectOvalPtr->tsoffset.yoffset = 0;
    rectOvalPtr->fillColor = NULL;
    rectOvalPtr->activeFillColor = NULL;
    rectOvalPtr->disabledFillColor = NULL;
    rectOvalPtr->fillStipple = None;
    rectOvalPtr->activeFillStipple = None;
    rectOvalPtr->disabledFillStipple = None;
    rectOvalPtr->fillGC = None;

     * Process the arguments to fill in the item record.

    for (i = 1; i < objc; i++) {
	const char *arg = Tcl_GetString(objv[i]);

	if ((arg[0] == '-') && (arg[1] >= 'a') && (arg[1] <= 'z')) {
    if ((RectOvalCoords(interp, canvas, itemPtr, i, objv) != TCL_OK)) {
	goto error;
    if (ConfigureRectOval(interp, canvas, itemPtr, objc-i, objv+i, 0)
	    == TCL_OK) {
	return TCL_OK;

    DeleteRectOval(canvas, itemPtr, Tk_Display(Tk_CanvasTkwin(canvas)));
    return TCL_ERROR;
Example #3
static int
    Tcl_Interp *interp,		/* Interpreter for error reporting. */
    Tk_Canvas canvas,		/* Canvas to hold new item. */
    Tk_Item *itemPtr,		/* Record to hold new item; header has been
				 * initialized by caller. */
    int objc,			/* Number of arguments in objv. */
    Tcl_Obj *const objv[])	/* Arguments describing window. */
    WindowItem *winItemPtr = (WindowItem *) itemPtr;
    int i;

    if (objc == 0) {
	Tcl_Panic("canvas did not pass any coords");

     * Initialize item's record.

    winItemPtr->tkwin = NULL;
    winItemPtr->width = 0;
    winItemPtr->height = 0;
    winItemPtr->anchor = TK_ANCHOR_CENTER;
    winItemPtr->canvas = canvas;

     * Process the arguments to fill in the item record. Only 1 (list) or 2 (x
     * y) coords are allowed.

    if (objc == 1) {
	i = 1;
    } else {
	const char *arg = Tcl_GetString(objv[1]);

	i = 2;
	if ((arg[0] == '-') && (arg[1] >= 'a') && (arg[1] <= 'z')) {
	    i = 1;
    if (WinItemCoords(interp, canvas, itemPtr, i, objv) != TCL_OK) {
	goto error;
    if (ConfigureWinItem(interp, canvas, itemPtr, objc-i, objv+i, 0)
	    == TCL_OK) {
	return TCL_OK;

    DeleteWinItem(canvas, itemPtr, Tk_Display(Tk_CanvasTkwin(canvas)));
    return TCL_ERROR;
Example #4
static void
    ClientData clientData,	/* WindowItem structure for slave window that
				 * was stolen away. */
    Tk_Window tkwin)		/* Tk's handle for the slave window. */
    WindowItem *winItemPtr = clientData;
    Tk_Window canvasTkwin = Tk_CanvasTkwin(winItemPtr->canvas);

    Tk_DeleteEventHandler(winItemPtr->tkwin, StructureNotifyMask,
	    WinItemStructureProc, winItemPtr);
    if (canvasTkwin != Tk_Parent(winItemPtr->tkwin)) {
	Tk_UnmaintainGeometry(winItemPtr->tkwin, canvasTkwin);
    winItemPtr->tkwin = NULL;
Example #5
static void
    Tk_Canvas canvas,		/* Overall info about widget. */
    Tk_Item *itemPtr,		/* Item that is being deleted. */
    Display *display)		/* Display containing window for canvas. */
    WindowItem *winItemPtr = (WindowItem *) itemPtr;
    Tk_Window canvasTkwin = Tk_CanvasTkwin(canvas);

    if (winItemPtr->tkwin != NULL) {
	Tk_DeleteEventHandler(winItemPtr->tkwin, StructureNotifyMask,
		WinItemStructureProc, winItemPtr);
	Tk_ManageGeometry(winItemPtr->tkwin, NULL, NULL);
	if (canvasTkwin != Tk_Parent(winItemPtr->tkwin)) {
	    Tk_UnmaintainGeometry(winItemPtr->tkwin, canvasTkwin);
Example #6
static int
ConfigureBLine(Tcl_Interp *interp, Tk_Canvas canvas, Tk_Item *itemPtr, 
              int argc, CONST84 char** argv, int flags)
  register BLineItem *linePtr = (BLineItem *) itemPtr;
  Tk_Window tkwin;
  tkwin = Tk_CanvasTkwin(canvas);
  if (Tk_ConfigureWidget(interp, tkwin, configSpecs, argc, argv,
     (char *) linePtr, flags) != TCL_OK) 
    return TCL_ERROR;

   * Recompute bounding box for line.

  ComputeBLineBbox(canvas, linePtr);

  return TCL_OK;
Example #7
static int
    Tcl_Interp *interp,		/* Leave Postscript or error message here. */
    Tk_Canvas canvas,		/* Information about overall canvas. */
    Tk_Item *itemPtr,		/* Item for which Postscript is wanted. */
    int prepass)		/* 1 means this is a prepass to collect font
				 * information; 0 means final Postscript is
				 * being created. */
    BitmapItem *bmapPtr = (BitmapItem *) itemPtr;
    double x, y;
    int width, height, rowsAtOnce, rowsThisTime;
    int curRow;
    char buffer[100 + TCL_DOUBLE_SPACE * 2 + TCL_INTEGER_SPACE * 4];
    XColor *fgColor;
    XColor *bgColor;
    Pixmap bitmap;
    Tk_State state = itemPtr->state;

    if (state == TK_STATE_NULL) {
	state = Canvas(canvas)->canvas_state;
    fgColor = bmapPtr->fgColor;
    bgColor = bmapPtr->bgColor;
    bitmap = bmapPtr->bitmap;
    if (Canvas(canvas)->currentItemPtr == itemPtr) {
	if (bmapPtr->activeFgColor!=NULL) {
	    fgColor = bmapPtr->activeFgColor;
	if (bmapPtr->activeBgColor!=NULL) {
	    bgColor = bmapPtr->activeBgColor;
	if (bmapPtr->activeBitmap!=None) {
	    bitmap = bmapPtr->activeBitmap;
    } else if (state == TK_STATE_DISABLED) {
	if (bmapPtr->disabledFgColor!=NULL) {
	    fgColor = bmapPtr->disabledFgColor;
	if (bmapPtr->disabledBgColor!=NULL) {
	    bgColor = bmapPtr->disabledBgColor;
	if (bmapPtr->disabledBitmap!=None) {
	    bitmap = bmapPtr->disabledBitmap;

    if (bitmap == None) {
	return TCL_OK;

     * Compute the coordinates of the lower-left corner of the bitmap, taking
     * into account the anchor position for the bitmp.

    x = bmapPtr->x;
    y = Tk_CanvasPsY(canvas, bmapPtr->y);
    Tk_SizeOfBitmap(Tk_Display(Tk_CanvasTkwin(canvas)), bitmap,
	    &width, &height);
    switch (bmapPtr->anchor) {
    case TK_ANCHOR_NW:			   y -= height;		break;
    case TK_ANCHOR_N:	   x -= width/2.0; y -= height;		break;
    case TK_ANCHOR_NE:	   x -= width;	   y -= height;		break;
    case TK_ANCHOR_E:	   x -= width;	   y -= height/2.0;	break;
    case TK_ANCHOR_SE:	   x -= width;				break;
    case TK_ANCHOR_S:	   x -= width/2.0;			break;
    case TK_ANCHOR_SW:						break;
    case TK_ANCHOR_W:			   y -= height/2.0;	break;
    case TK_ANCHOR_CENTER: x -= width/2.0; y -= height/2.0;	break;

     * Color the background, if there is one.

    if (bgColor != NULL) {
		"%.15g %.15g moveto %d 0 rlineto 0 %d rlineto %d %s\n",
		x, y, width, height, -width, "0 rlineto closepath");
	Tcl_AppendResult(interp, buffer, NULL);
	if (Tk_CanvasPsColor(interp, canvas, bgColor) != TCL_OK) {
	    return TCL_ERROR;
	Tcl_AppendResult(interp, "fill\n", NULL);

     * Draw the bitmap, if there is a foreground color. If the bitmap is very
     * large, then chop it up into multiple bitmaps, each consisting of one or
     * more rows. This is needed because Postscript can't handle single
     * strings longer than 64 KBytes long.

    if (fgColor != NULL) {
	if (Tk_CanvasPsColor(interp, canvas, fgColor) != TCL_OK) {
	    return TCL_ERROR;
	if (width > 60000) {
	    Tcl_AppendResult(interp, "can't generate Postscript",
		    " for bitmaps more than 60000 pixels wide", NULL);
	    return TCL_ERROR;
	rowsAtOnce = 60000/width;
	if (rowsAtOnce < 1) {
	    rowsAtOnce = 1;
	sprintf(buffer, "%.15g %.15g translate\n", x, y+height);
	Tcl_AppendResult(interp, buffer, NULL);
	for (curRow = 0; curRow < height; curRow += rowsAtOnce) {
	    rowsThisTime = rowsAtOnce;
	    if (rowsThisTime > (height - curRow)) {
		rowsThisTime = height - curRow;
	    sprintf(buffer, "0 -%.15g translate\n%d %d true matrix {\n",
		    (double) rowsThisTime, width, rowsThisTime);
	    Tcl_AppendResult(interp, buffer, NULL);
	    if (Tk_CanvasPsBitmap(interp, canvas, bitmap,
		    0, curRow, width, rowsThisTime) != TCL_OK) {
		return TCL_ERROR;
	    Tcl_AppendResult(interp, "\n} imagemask\n", NULL);
    return TCL_OK;
Example #8
static void
    Tk_Canvas canvas,		/* Canvas that contains item. */
    BitmapItem *bmapPtr)	/* Item whose bbox is to be recomputed. */
    int width, height;
    int x, y;
    Pixmap bitmap;
    Tk_State state = bmapPtr->header.state;

    if (state == TK_STATE_NULL) {
	state = Canvas(canvas)->canvas_state;
    bitmap = bmapPtr->bitmap;
    if (Canvas(canvas)->currentItemPtr == (Tk_Item *)bmapPtr) {
	if (bmapPtr->activeBitmap!=None) {
	    bitmap = bmapPtr->activeBitmap;
    } else if (state==TK_STATE_DISABLED) {
	if (bmapPtr->disabledBitmap!=None) {
	    bitmap = bmapPtr->disabledBitmap;

    x = (int) (bmapPtr->x + ((bmapPtr->x >= 0) ? 0.5 : - 0.5));
    y = (int) (bmapPtr->y + ((bmapPtr->y >= 0) ? 0.5 : - 0.5));

    if (state==TK_STATE_HIDDEN || bitmap == None) {
	bmapPtr->header.x1 = bmapPtr->header.x2 = x;
	bmapPtr->header.y1 = bmapPtr->header.y2 = y;

     * Compute location and size of bitmap, using anchor information.

    Tk_SizeOfBitmap(Tk_Display(Tk_CanvasTkwin(canvas)), bitmap,
	    &width, &height);
    switch (bmapPtr->anchor) {
    case TK_ANCHOR_N:
	x -= width/2;
    case TK_ANCHOR_NE:
	x -= width;
    case TK_ANCHOR_E:
	x -= width;
	y -= height/2;
    case TK_ANCHOR_SE:
	x -= width;
	y -= height;
    case TK_ANCHOR_S:
	x -= width/2;
	y -= height;
    case TK_ANCHOR_SW:
	y -= height;
    case TK_ANCHOR_W:
	y -= height/2;
    case TK_ANCHOR_NW:
	x -= width/2;
	y -= height/2;

     * Store the information in the item header.

    bmapPtr->header.x1 = x;
    bmapPtr->header.y1 = y;
    bmapPtr->header.x2 = x + width;
    bmapPtr->header.y2 = y + height;
Example #9
static int
    Tcl_Interp *interp,		/* Used for error reporting. */
    Tk_Canvas canvas,		/* Canvas containing itemPtr. */
    Tk_Item *itemPtr,		/* Bitmap item to reconfigure. */
    int objc,			/* Number of elements in objv.  */
    Tcl_Obj *const objv[],	/* Arguments describing things to configure. */
    int flags)			/* Flags to pass to Tk_ConfigureWidget. */
    BitmapItem *bmapPtr = (BitmapItem *) itemPtr;
    XGCValues gcValues;
    GC newGC;
    Tk_Window tkwin;
    unsigned long mask;
    XColor *fgColor;
    XColor *bgColor;
    Pixmap bitmap;
    Tk_State state;

    tkwin = Tk_CanvasTkwin(canvas);
    if (TCL_OK != Tk_ConfigureWidget(interp, tkwin, configSpecs, objc,
	    (const char **) objv, (char *) bmapPtr, flags|TK_CONFIG_OBJS)) {
	return TCL_ERROR;

     * A few of the options require additional processing, such as those that
     * determine the graphics context.

    state = itemPtr->state;

    if (bmapPtr->activeFgColor!=NULL ||
	    bmapPtr->activeBgColor!=NULL ||
	    bmapPtr->activeBitmap!=None) {
	itemPtr->redraw_flags |= TK_ITEM_STATE_DEPENDANT;
    } else {
	itemPtr->redraw_flags &= ~TK_ITEM_STATE_DEPENDANT;

    if (state == TK_STATE_NULL) {
	state = Canvas(canvas)->canvas_state;
    if (state == TK_STATE_HIDDEN) {
	ComputeBitmapBbox(canvas, bmapPtr);
	return TCL_OK;
    fgColor = bmapPtr->fgColor;
    bgColor = bmapPtr->bgColor;
    bitmap = bmapPtr->bitmap;
    if (Canvas(canvas)->currentItemPtr == itemPtr) {
	if (bmapPtr->activeFgColor!=NULL) {
	    fgColor = bmapPtr->activeFgColor;
	if (bmapPtr->activeBgColor!=NULL) {
	    bgColor = bmapPtr->activeBgColor;
	if (bmapPtr->activeBitmap!=None) {
	    bitmap = bmapPtr->activeBitmap;
    } else if (state == TK_STATE_DISABLED) {
	if (bmapPtr->disabledFgColor!=NULL) {
	    fgColor = bmapPtr->disabledFgColor;
	if (bmapPtr->disabledBgColor!=NULL) {
	    bgColor = bmapPtr->disabledBgColor;
	if (bmapPtr->disabledBitmap!=None) {
	    bitmap = bmapPtr->disabledBitmap;

    if (bitmap == None) {
	newGC = None;
    } else {
	gcValues.foreground = fgColor->pixel;
	mask = GCForeground;
	if (bgColor != NULL) {
	    gcValues.background = bgColor->pixel;
	    mask |= GCBackground;
	} else {
	    gcValues.clip_mask = bitmap;
	    mask |= GCClipMask;
	newGC = Tk_GetGC(tkwin, mask, &gcValues);
    if (bmapPtr->gc != None) {
	Tk_FreeGC(Tk_Display(tkwin), bmapPtr->gc);
    bmapPtr->gc = newGC;

    ComputeBitmapBbox(canvas, bmapPtr);
    return TCL_OK;
Example #10
static int
CreateBLine(Tcl_Interp* interp, Tk_Canvas canvas, Tk_Item *itemPtr, 
            int argc, CONST84 char** argv)
  BLineItem *linePtr = (BLineItem *) itemPtr;
  int i;

  tagsOption.parseProc = Tk_CanvasTagsParseProc;
  tagsOption.printProc = Tk_CanvasTagsPrintProc;

  if (argc < 4) 
    Tcl_AppendResult(interp, "wrong # args:  should be \"",
      Tk_PathName(Tk_CanvasTkwin(canvas)), "\" create ",
      itemPtr->typePtr->name, " x1 y1 x2 y2 ?x3 y3 ...? ?options?",
      (char *) NULL);
    return TCL_ERROR;

   * Carry out initialization that is needed to set defaults and to
   * allow proper cleanup after errors during the the remainder of
   * this procedure.

  linePtr->numPoints = 0;
  linePtr->coordPtr = NULL;
  linePtr->width = 1;
  linePtr->capStyle = CapButt;
  linePtr->joinStyle = JoinRound;
  linePtr->borderWidth = 2;
  linePtr->relief = TK_RELIEF_RAISED;
  linePtr->border = NULL;

   * Count the number of points and then parse them into a point
   * array.  Leading arguments are assumed to be points if they
   * start with a digit or a minus sign followed by a digit.

  for (i = 4; i < (argc-1); i+=2) 
    if ((!isdigit(UCHAR(argv[i][0]))) &&
        ((argv[i][0] != '-') || (!isdigit(UCHAR(argv[i][1]))))) 
  if (BLineCoords(interp, canvas, itemPtr, i, argv) != TCL_OK) 
    goto error;
  if (ConfigureBLine(interp, canvas, itemPtr, argc-i, argv+i, 0) == TCL_OK) 
    return TCL_OK;

  DeleteBLine(canvas, itemPtr, Tk_Display(Tk_CanvasTkwin(canvas)));
  return TCL_ERROR;
Example #11
static int
    Tcl_Interp *interp,		/* Interpreter for error reporting. */
    Tk_Canvas canvas,		/* Canvas containing itemPtr. */
    Tk_Item *itemPtr,		/* Rectangle item to reconfigure. */
    int objc,			/* Number of elements in objv. */
    Tcl_Obj *const objv[],	/* Arguments describing things to configure. */
    int flags)			/* Flags to pass to Tk_ConfigureWidget. */
    TextItem *textPtr = (TextItem *) itemPtr;
    XGCValues gcValues;
    GC newGC, newSelGC;
    unsigned long mask;
    Tk_Window tkwin;
    Tk_CanvasTextInfo *textInfoPtr = textPtr->textInfoPtr;
    XColor *selBgColorPtr;
    XColor *color;
    Pixmap stipple;
    Tk_State state;

    tkwin = Tk_CanvasTkwin(canvas);
    if (TCL_OK != Tk_ConfigureWidget(interp, tkwin, configSpecs, objc,
	    (const char **) objv, (char *) textPtr, flags|TK_CONFIG_OBJS)) {
	return TCL_ERROR;

     * A few of the options require additional processing, such as graphics
     * contexts.

    state = itemPtr->state;

    if (textPtr->activeColor != NULL || textPtr->activeStipple != None) {
	itemPtr->redraw_flags |= TK_ITEM_STATE_DEPENDANT;
    } else {
	itemPtr->redraw_flags &= ~TK_ITEM_STATE_DEPENDANT;

    if (state == TK_STATE_NULL) {
	state = Canvas(canvas)->canvas_state;

    color = textPtr->color;
    stipple = textPtr->stipple;
    if (Canvas(canvas)->currentItemPtr == itemPtr) {
	if (textPtr->activeColor != NULL) {
	    color = textPtr->activeColor;
	if (textPtr->activeStipple != None) {
	    stipple = textPtr->activeStipple;
    } else if (state == TK_STATE_DISABLED) {
	if (textPtr->disabledColor != NULL) {
	    color = textPtr->disabledColor;
	if (textPtr->disabledStipple != None) {
	    stipple = textPtr->disabledStipple;

    newGC = newSelGC = NULL;
    if (textPtr->tkfont != NULL) {
	gcValues.font = Tk_FontId(textPtr->tkfont);
	mask = GCFont;
	if (color != NULL) {
	    gcValues.foreground = color->pixel;
	    mask |= GCForeground;
	    if (stipple != None) {
		gcValues.stipple = stipple;
		gcValues.fill_style = FillStippled;
		mask |= GCStipple|GCFillStyle;
	    newGC = Tk_GetGC(tkwin, mask, &gcValues);
	mask &= ~(GCTile|GCFillStyle|GCStipple);
	if (stipple != None) {
	    gcValues.stipple = stipple;
	    gcValues.fill_style = FillStippled;
	    mask |= GCStipple|GCFillStyle;
	if (textInfoPtr->selFgColorPtr != NULL) {
	    gcValues.foreground = textInfoPtr->selFgColorPtr->pixel;
	newSelGC = Tk_GetGC(tkwin, mask|GCForeground, &gcValues);
    if (textPtr->gc != NULL) {
	Tk_FreeGC(Tk_Display(tkwin), textPtr->gc);
    textPtr->gc = newGC;
    if (textPtr->selTextGC != NULL) {
	Tk_FreeGC(Tk_Display(tkwin), textPtr->selTextGC);
    textPtr->selTextGC = newSelGC;

    selBgColorPtr = Tk_3DBorderColor(textInfoPtr->selBorder);
    if (Tk_3DBorderColor(textInfoPtr->insertBorder)->pixel
	    == selBgColorPtr->pixel) {
	if (selBgColorPtr->pixel == BlackPixelOfScreen(Tk_Screen(tkwin))) {
	    gcValues.foreground = WhitePixelOfScreen(Tk_Screen(tkwin));
	} else {
	    gcValues.foreground = BlackPixelOfScreen(Tk_Screen(tkwin));
	newGC = Tk_GetGC(tkwin, GCForeground, &gcValues);
    } else {
	newGC = NULL;
    if (textPtr->cursorOffGC != NULL) {
	Tk_FreeGC(Tk_Display(tkwin), textPtr->cursorOffGC);
    textPtr->cursorOffGC = newGC;

     * If the text was changed, move the selection and insertion indices to
     * keep them inside the item.

    textPtr->numBytes = strlen(textPtr->text);
    textPtr->numChars = Tcl_NumUtfChars(textPtr->text, textPtr->numBytes);
    if (textInfoPtr->selItemPtr == itemPtr) {

	if (textInfoPtr->selectFirst >= textPtr->numChars) {
	    textInfoPtr->selItemPtr = NULL;
	} else {
	    if (textInfoPtr->selectLast >= textPtr->numChars) {
		textInfoPtr->selectLast = textPtr->numChars - 1;
	    if ((textInfoPtr->anchorItemPtr == itemPtr)
		    && (textInfoPtr->selectAnchor >= textPtr->numChars)) {
		textInfoPtr->selectAnchor = textPtr->numChars - 1;
    if (textPtr->insertPos >= textPtr->numChars) {
	textPtr->insertPos = textPtr->numChars;

     * Restrict so that 0.0 <= angle < 360.0, and then recompute the cached
     * sine and cosine of the angle. Note that fmod() can produce negative
     * results, and we try to avoid negative zero as well.

    textPtr->angle = fmod(textPtr->angle, 360.0);
    if (textPtr->angle < 0.0) {
	textPtr->angle += 360.0;
    if (textPtr->angle == 0.0) {
	textPtr->angle = 0.0;
    textPtr->sine = sin(textPtr->angle * PI/180.0);
    textPtr->cosine = cos(textPtr->angle * PI/180.0);

    ComputeTextBbox(canvas, textPtr);
    return TCL_OK;
Example #12
static int
    Tcl_Interp *interp,		/* Used for error reporting. */
    Tk_Canvas canvas,		/* Canvas containing itemPtr. */
    Tk_Item *itemPtr,		/* Image item to reconfigure. */
    int objc,			/* Number of elements in objv.  */
    Tcl_Obj *const objv[],	/* Arguments describing things to configure. */
    int flags)			/* Flags to pass to Tk_ConfigureWidget. */
    ImageItem *imgPtr = (ImageItem *) itemPtr;
    Tk_Window tkwin;
    Tk_Image image;

    tkwin = Tk_CanvasTkwin(canvas);
    if (TCL_OK != Tk_ConfigureWidget(interp, tkwin, configSpecs, objc,
                                     (const char **) objv, (char *) imgPtr, flags|TK_CONFIG_OBJS)) {
        return TCL_ERROR;

     * Create the image. Save the old image around and don't free it until
     * after the new one is allocated. This keeps the reference count from
     * going to zero so the image doesn't have to be recreated if it hasn't
     * changed.

    if (imgPtr->activeImageString != NULL) {
        itemPtr->redraw_flags |= TK_ITEM_STATE_DEPENDANT;
    } else {
        itemPtr->redraw_flags &= ~TK_ITEM_STATE_DEPENDANT;
    if (imgPtr->imageString != NULL) {
        image = Tk_GetImage(interp, tkwin, imgPtr->imageString,
                            ImageChangedProc, imgPtr);
        if (image == NULL) {
            return TCL_ERROR;
    } else {
        image = NULL;
    if (imgPtr->image != NULL) {
    imgPtr->image = image;
    if (imgPtr->activeImageString != NULL) {
        image = Tk_GetImage(interp, tkwin, imgPtr->activeImageString,
                            ImageChangedProc, imgPtr);
        if (image == NULL) {
            return TCL_ERROR;
    } else {
        image = NULL;
    if (imgPtr->activeImage != NULL) {
    imgPtr->activeImage = image;
    if (imgPtr->disabledImageString != NULL) {
        image = Tk_GetImage(interp, tkwin, imgPtr->disabledImageString,
                            ImageChangedProc, imgPtr);
        if (image == NULL) {
            return TCL_ERROR;
    } else {
        image = NULL;
    if (imgPtr->disabledImage != NULL) {
    imgPtr->disabledImage = image;
    ComputeImageBbox(canvas, imgPtr);
    return TCL_OK;
Example #13
static void
    Tk_Canvas canvas,		/* Canvas that contains item. */
    Tk_Item *itemPtr,		/* Item to be displayed. */
    Display *display,		/* Display on which to draw item. */
    Drawable drawable,		/* Pixmap or window in which to draw item. */
    int regionX, int regionY, int regionWidth, int regionHeight)
				/* Describes region of canvas that must be
				 * redisplayed (not used). */
    WindowItem *winItemPtr = (WindowItem *) itemPtr;
    int width, height;
    short x, y;
    Tk_Window canvasTkwin = Tk_CanvasTkwin(canvas);
    Tk_State state = itemPtr->state;

    if (winItemPtr->tkwin == NULL) {
    if (state == TK_STATE_NULL) {
	state = Canvas(canvas)->canvas_state;

     * A drawable of None is used by the canvas UnmapNotify handler
     * to indicate that we should no longer display ourselves.
    if (state == TK_STATE_HIDDEN || drawable == None) {
	if (canvasTkwin == Tk_Parent(winItemPtr->tkwin)) {
	} else {
	    Tk_UnmaintainGeometry(winItemPtr->tkwin, canvasTkwin);
    Tk_CanvasWindowCoords(canvas, (double) winItemPtr->header.x1,
	    (double) winItemPtr->header.y1, &x, &y);
    width = winItemPtr->header.x2 - winItemPtr->header.x1;
    height = winItemPtr->header.y2 - winItemPtr->header.y1;

     * If the window is completely out of the visible area of the canvas then
     * unmap it. This code used not to be present (why unmap the window if it
     * isn't visible anyway?) but this could cause the window to suddenly
     * reappear if the canvas window got resized.

    if (((x + width) <= 0) || ((y + height) <= 0)
	    || (x >= Tk_Width(canvasTkwin)) || (y >= Tk_Height(canvasTkwin))) {
	if (canvasTkwin == Tk_Parent(winItemPtr->tkwin)) {
	} else {
	    Tk_UnmaintainGeometry(winItemPtr->tkwin, canvasTkwin);

     * Reposition and map the window (but in different ways depending on
     * whether the canvas is the window's parent).

    if (canvasTkwin == Tk_Parent(winItemPtr->tkwin)) {
	if ((x != Tk_X(winItemPtr->tkwin)) || (y != Tk_Y(winItemPtr->tkwin))
		|| (width != Tk_Width(winItemPtr->tkwin))
		|| (height != Tk_Height(winItemPtr->tkwin))) {
	    Tk_MoveResizeWindow(winItemPtr->tkwin, x, y, width, height);
    } else {
	Tk_MaintainGeometry(winItemPtr->tkwin, canvasTkwin, x, y,
		width, height);
Example #14
static int
    Tcl_Interp *interp,		/* Used for error reporting. */
    Tk_Canvas canvas,		/* Canvas containing itemPtr. */
    Tk_Item *itemPtr,		/* Window item to reconfigure. */
    int objc,			/* Number of elements in objv.  */
    Tcl_Obj *const objv[],	/* Arguments describing things to configure. */
    int flags)			/* Flags to pass to Tk_ConfigureWidget. */
    WindowItem *winItemPtr = (WindowItem *) itemPtr;
    Tk_Window oldWindow;
    Tk_Window canvasTkwin;

    oldWindow = winItemPtr->tkwin;
    canvasTkwin = Tk_CanvasTkwin(canvas);
    if (TCL_OK != Tk_ConfigureWidget(interp, canvasTkwin, configSpecs, objc,
	    (const char **) objv, (char *) winItemPtr, flags|TK_CONFIG_OBJS)) {
	return TCL_ERROR;

     * A few of the options require additional processing.

    if (oldWindow != winItemPtr->tkwin) {
	if (oldWindow != NULL) {
	    Tk_DeleteEventHandler(oldWindow, StructureNotifyMask,
		    WinItemStructureProc, winItemPtr);
	    Tk_ManageGeometry(oldWindow, NULL, NULL);
	    Tk_UnmaintainGeometry(oldWindow, canvasTkwin);
	if (winItemPtr->tkwin != NULL) {
	    Tk_Window ancestor, parent;

	     * Make sure that the canvas is either the parent of the window
	     * associated with the item or a descendant of that parent. Also,
	     * don't allow a top-of-hierarchy window to be managed inside a
	     * canvas.

	    parent = Tk_Parent(winItemPtr->tkwin);
	    for (ancestor = canvasTkwin ;; ancestor = Tk_Parent(ancestor)) {
		if (ancestor == parent) {
		if (((Tk_FakeWin *) ancestor)->flags & TK_TOP_HIERARCHY) {
		    goto badWindow;
	    if (((Tk_FakeWin *) winItemPtr->tkwin)->flags & TK_TOP_HIERARCHY){
		goto badWindow;
	    if (winItemPtr->tkwin == canvasTkwin) {
		goto badWindow;
	    Tk_CreateEventHandler(winItemPtr->tkwin, StructureNotifyMask,
		    WinItemStructureProc, winItemPtr);
	    Tk_ManageGeometry(winItemPtr->tkwin, &canvasGeomType, winItemPtr);
    if ((winItemPtr->tkwin != NULL)
	    && (itemPtr->state == TK_STATE_HIDDEN)) {
	if (canvasTkwin == Tk_Parent(winItemPtr->tkwin)) {
	} else {
	    Tk_UnmaintainGeometry(winItemPtr->tkwin, canvasTkwin);

    ComputeWindowBbox(canvas, winItemPtr);
    return TCL_OK;

    Tcl_SetObjResult(interp, Tcl_ObjPrintf(
	    "can't use %s in a window item of this canvas",
    Tcl_SetErrorCode(interp, "TK", "GEOMETRY", "HIERARCHY", NULL);
    winItemPtr->tkwin = NULL;
    return TCL_ERROR;
Example #15
static void
    Tk_Canvas canvas,		/* Canvas that contains item. */
    Tk_Item *itemPtr,		/* Item to be displayed. */
    Display *display,		/* Display on which to draw item. */
    Drawable drawable,		/* Pixmap or window in which to draw item. */
    int x, int y, int width, int height)
				/* Describes region of canvas that must be
				 * redisplayed (not used). */
    TextItem *textPtr;
    Tk_CanvasTextInfo *textInfoPtr;
    int selFirstChar, selLastChar;
    short drawableX, drawableY;
    Pixmap stipple;
    Tk_State state = itemPtr->state;

    textPtr = (TextItem *) itemPtr;
    textInfoPtr = textPtr->textInfoPtr;

    if (state == TK_STATE_NULL) {
	state = Canvas(canvas)->canvas_state;
    stipple = textPtr->stipple;
    if (Canvas(canvas)->currentItemPtr == itemPtr) {
	if (textPtr->activeStipple != None) {
	    stipple = textPtr->activeStipple;
    } else if (state == TK_STATE_DISABLED) {
	if (textPtr->disabledStipple != None) {
	    stipple = textPtr->disabledStipple;

    if (textPtr->gc == NULL) {

     * If we're stippling, then modify the stipple offset in the GC. Be sure
     * to reset the offset when done, since the GC is supposed to be
     * read-only.

    if (stipple != None) {
	Tk_CanvasSetOffset(canvas, textPtr->gc, &textPtr->tsoffset);

    selFirstChar = -1;
    selLastChar = 0;		/* lint. */
    Tk_CanvasDrawableCoords(canvas, textPtr->drawOrigin[0],
	    textPtr->drawOrigin[1], &drawableX, &drawableY);

    if (textInfoPtr->selItemPtr == itemPtr) {
	selFirstChar = textInfoPtr->selectFirst;
	selLastChar = textInfoPtr->selectLast;
	if (selLastChar > textPtr->numChars) {
	    selLastChar = textPtr->numChars - 1;
	if ((selFirstChar >= 0) && (selFirstChar <= selLastChar)) {
	    int xFirst, yFirst, hFirst;
	    int xLast, yLast, wLast;

	     * Draw a special background under the selection.

	    Tk_CharBbox(textPtr->textLayout, selFirstChar, &xFirst, &yFirst,
		    NULL, &hFirst);
	    Tk_CharBbox(textPtr->textLayout, selLastChar, &xLast, &yLast,
		    &wLast, NULL);

	     * If the selection spans the end of this line, then display
	     * selection background all the way to the end of the line.
	     * However, for the last line we only want to display up to the
	     * last character, not the end of the line.

	    x = xFirst;
	    height = hFirst;
	    for (y = yFirst ; y <= yLast; y += height) {
		int dx1, dy1, dx2, dy2;
		double s = textPtr->sine, c = textPtr->cosine;
		XPoint points[4];

		if (y == yLast) {
		    width = xLast + wLast - x;
		} else {
		    width = textPtr->actualWidth - x;
		dx1 = x - textInfoPtr->selBorderWidth;
		dy1 = y;
		dx2 = width + 2 * textInfoPtr->selBorderWidth;
		dy2 = height;
		points[0].x = (short)(drawableX + dx1*c + dy1*s);
		points[0].y = (short)(drawableY + dy1*c - dx1*s);
		points[1].x = (short)(drawableX + (dx1+dx2)*c + dy1*s);
		points[1].y = (short)(drawableY + dy1*c - (dx1+dx2)*s);
		points[2].x = (short)(drawableX + (dx1+dx2)*c + (dy1+dy2)*s);
		points[2].y = (short)(drawableY + (dy1+dy2)*c - (dx1+dx2)*s);
		points[3].x = (short)(drawableX + dx1*c + (dy1+dy2)*s);
		points[3].y = (short)(drawableY + (dy1+dy2)*c - dx1*s);
		Tk_Fill3DPolygon(Tk_CanvasTkwin(canvas), drawable,
			textInfoPtr->selBorder, points, 4,
			textInfoPtr->selBorderWidth, TK_RELIEF_RAISED);
		x = 0;

     * If the insertion point should be displayed, then draw a special
     * background for the cursor before drawing the text. Note: if we're the
     * cursor item but the cursor is turned off, then redraw background over
     * the area of the cursor. This guarantees that the selection won't make
     * the cursor invisible on mono displays, where both are drawn in the same
     * color.

    if ((textInfoPtr->focusItemPtr == itemPtr) && (textInfoPtr->gotFocus)) {
	if (Tk_CharBbox(textPtr->textLayout, textPtr->insertPos,
		&x, &y, NULL, &height)) {
	    int dx1, dy1, dx2, dy2;
	    double s = textPtr->sine, c = textPtr->cosine;
	    XPoint points[4];

	    dx1 = x - (textInfoPtr->insertWidth / 2);
	    dy1 = y;
	    dx2 = textInfoPtr->insertWidth;
	    dy2 = height;
	    points[0].x = (short)(drawableX + dx1*c + dy1*s);
	    points[0].y = (short)(drawableY + dy1*c - dx1*s);
	    points[1].x = (short)(drawableX + (dx1+dx2)*c + dy1*s);
	    points[1].y = (short)(drawableY + dy1*c - (dx1+dx2)*s);
	    points[2].x = (short)(drawableX + (dx1+dx2)*c + (dy1+dy2)*s);
	    points[2].y = (short)(drawableY + (dy1+dy2)*c - (dx1+dx2)*s);
	    points[3].x = (short)(drawableX + dx1*c + (dy1+dy2)*s);
	    points[3].y = (short)(drawableY + (dy1+dy2)*c - dx1*s);

	    Tk_SetCaretPos(Tk_CanvasTkwin(canvas), points[0].x, points[0].y,
	    if (textInfoPtr->cursorOn) {
		Tk_Fill3DPolygon(Tk_CanvasTkwin(canvas), drawable,
			textInfoPtr->insertBorder, points, 4,
			textInfoPtr->insertBorderWidth, TK_RELIEF_RAISED);
	    } else if (textPtr->cursorOffGC != NULL) {
		 * Redraw the background over the area of the cursor, even
		 * though the cursor is turned off. This guarantees that the
		 * selection won't make the cursor invisible on mono displays,
		 * where both may be drawn in the same color.

		XFillPolygon(display, drawable, textPtr->cursorOffGC,
			points, 4, Convex, CoordModeOrigin);

     * If there is no selected text or the selected text foreground is the
     * same as the regular text foreground, then draw one text string. If
     * there is selected text and the foregrounds differ, draw the regular
     * text up to the selection, draw the selection, then draw the rest of the
     * regular text. Drawing the regular text and then the selected text over
     * it would causes problems with anti-aliased text because the two
     * anti-aliasing colors would blend together.

    if ((selFirstChar >= 0) && (textPtr->selTextGC != textPtr->gc)) {
	TkDrawAngledTextLayout(display, drawable, textPtr->gc,
		textPtr->textLayout, drawableX, drawableY, textPtr->angle,
		0, selFirstChar);
	TkDrawAngledTextLayout(display, drawable, textPtr->selTextGC,
		textPtr->textLayout, drawableX, drawableY, textPtr->angle,
		selFirstChar, selLastChar + 1);
	TkDrawAngledTextLayout(display, drawable, textPtr->gc,
		textPtr->textLayout, drawableX, drawableY, textPtr->angle,
		selLastChar + 1, -1);
    } else {
	TkDrawAngledTextLayout(display, drawable, textPtr->gc,
		textPtr->textLayout, drawableX, drawableY, textPtr->angle,
		0, -1);
    TkUnderlineAngledTextLayout(display, drawable, textPtr->gc,
	    textPtr->textLayout, drawableX, drawableY, textPtr->angle,

    if (stipple != None) {
	XSetTSOrigin(display, textPtr->gc, 0, 0);
Example #16
static int
    Tcl_Interp *interp,		/* Leave Postscript or error message here. */
    Tk_Canvas canvas,		/* Information about overall canvas. */
    Tk_Item *itemPtr,		/* Item for which Postscript is wanted. */
    int prepass)		/* 1 means this is a prepass to collect font
				 * information; 0 means final Postscript is
				 * being created.*/
    ImageItem *imgPtr = (ImageItem *) itemPtr;
    Tk_Window canvasWin = Tk_CanvasTkwin(canvas);
    double x, y;
    int width, height;
    Tk_Image image;
    Tk_State state = itemPtr->state;

    if (state == TK_STATE_NULL) {
        state = Canvas(canvas)->canvas_state;

    image = imgPtr->image;
    if (Canvas(canvas)->currentItemPtr == itemPtr) {
        if (imgPtr->activeImage != NULL) {
            image = imgPtr->activeImage;
    } else if (state == TK_STATE_DISABLED) {
        if (imgPtr->disabledImage != NULL) {
            image = imgPtr->disabledImage;
    if (image == NULL) {
         * Image item without actual image specified.

        return TCL_OK;
    Tk_SizeOfImage(image, &width, &height);

     * Compute the coordinates of the lower-left corner of the image, taking
     * into account the anchor position for the image.

    x = imgPtr->x;
    y = Tk_CanvasPsY(canvas, imgPtr->y);

    switch (imgPtr->anchor) {
    case TK_ANCHOR_NW:
        y -= height;
    case TK_ANCHOR_N:
        x -= width/2.0;
        y -= height;
    case TK_ANCHOR_NE:
        x -= width;
        y -= height;
    case TK_ANCHOR_E:
        x -= width;
        y -= height/2.0;
    case TK_ANCHOR_SE:
        x -= width;
    case TK_ANCHOR_S:
        x -= width/2.0;
    case TK_ANCHOR_SW:
    case TK_ANCHOR_W:
        y -= height/2.0;
        x -= width/2.0;
        y -= height/2.0;

    if (!prepass) {
        Tcl_Obj *psObj = Tcl_GetObjResult(interp);

        if (Tcl_IsShared(psObj)) {
            psObj = Tcl_DuplicateObj(psObj);
            Tcl_SetObjResult(interp, psObj);

        Tcl_AppendPrintfToObj(psObj, "%.15g %.15g translate\n", x, y);

    return Tk_PostscriptImage(image, interp, canvasWin,
                              ((TkCanvas *) canvas)->psInfo, 0, 0, width, height, prepass);
Example #17
static int
    Tcl_Interp *interp,		/* Used for error reporting. */
    Tk_Canvas canvas,		/* Canvas containing itemPtr. */
    Tk_Item *itemPtr,		/* Rectangle item to reconfigure. */
    int objc,			/* Number of elements in objv. */
    Tcl_Obj *const objv[],	/* Arguments describing things to configure. */
    int flags)			/* Flags to pass to Tk_ConfigureWidget. */
    RectOvalItem *rectOvalPtr = (RectOvalItem *) itemPtr;
    XGCValues gcValues;
    GC newGC;
    unsigned long mask;
    Tk_Window tkwin;
    Tk_TSOffset *tsoffset;
    XColor *color;
    Pixmap stipple;
    Tk_State state;

    tkwin = Tk_CanvasTkwin(canvas);

    if (TCL_OK != Tk_ConfigureWidget(interp, tkwin, configSpecs, objc,
	    (const char **)objv, (char *) rectOvalPtr, flags|TK_CONFIG_OBJS)) {
	return TCL_ERROR;
    state = itemPtr->state;

     * A few of the options require additional processing, such as graphics
     * contexts.

    if (rectOvalPtr->outline.activeWidth > rectOvalPtr->outline.width ||
	    rectOvalPtr->outline.activeDash.number != 0 ||
	    rectOvalPtr->outline.activeColor != NULL ||
	    rectOvalPtr->outline.activeStipple != None ||
	    rectOvalPtr->activeFillColor != NULL ||
	    rectOvalPtr->activeFillStipple != None) {
	itemPtr->redraw_flags |= TK_ITEM_STATE_DEPENDANT;
    } else {
	itemPtr->redraw_flags &= ~TK_ITEM_STATE_DEPENDANT;

    tsoffset = &rectOvalPtr->outline.tsoffset;
    flags = tsoffset->flags;
    if (flags & TK_OFFSET_LEFT) {
	tsoffset->xoffset = (int) (rectOvalPtr->bbox[0] + 0.5);
    } else if (flags & TK_OFFSET_CENTER) {
	tsoffset->xoffset = (int)
    } else if (flags & TK_OFFSET_RIGHT) {
	tsoffset->xoffset = (int) (rectOvalPtr->bbox[2] + 0.5);
    if (flags & TK_OFFSET_TOP) {
	tsoffset->yoffset = (int) (rectOvalPtr->bbox[1] + 0.5);
    } else if (flags & TK_OFFSET_MIDDLE) {
	tsoffset->yoffset = (int)
    } else if (flags & TK_OFFSET_BOTTOM) {
	tsoffset->yoffset = (int) (rectOvalPtr->bbox[2] + 0.5);

     * Configure the outline graphics context. If mask is non-zero, the gc has
     * changed and must be reallocated, provided that the new settings specify
     * a valid outline (non-zero width and non-NULL color)

    mask = Tk_ConfigOutlineGC(&gcValues, canvas, itemPtr,
    if (mask && \
	    rectOvalPtr->outline.width != 0 && \
	    rectOvalPtr->outline.color != NULL) {
	gcValues.cap_style = CapProjecting;
	mask |= GCCapStyle;
	newGC = Tk_GetGC(tkwin, mask, &gcValues);
    } else {
	newGC = None;
    if (rectOvalPtr->outline.gc != None) {
	Tk_FreeGC(Tk_Display(tkwin), rectOvalPtr->outline.gc);
    rectOvalPtr->outline.gc = newGC;

    if (state == TK_STATE_NULL) {
	state = Canvas(canvas)->canvas_state;
    if (state == TK_STATE_HIDDEN) {
	ComputeRectOvalBbox(canvas, rectOvalPtr);
	return TCL_OK;

    color = rectOvalPtr->fillColor;
    stipple = rectOvalPtr->fillStipple;
    if (Canvas(canvas)->currentItemPtr == itemPtr) {
	if (rectOvalPtr->activeFillColor!=NULL) {
	    color = rectOvalPtr->activeFillColor;
	if (rectOvalPtr->activeFillStipple!=None) {
	    stipple = rectOvalPtr->activeFillStipple;
    } else if (state == TK_STATE_DISABLED) {
	if (rectOvalPtr->disabledFillColor!=NULL) {
	    color = rectOvalPtr->disabledFillColor;
	if (rectOvalPtr->disabledFillStipple!=None) {
	    stipple = rectOvalPtr->disabledFillStipple;

    if (color == NULL) {
	newGC = None;
    } else {
	gcValues.foreground = color->pixel;
	if (stipple != None) {
	    gcValues.stipple = stipple;
	    gcValues.fill_style = FillStippled;
	    mask = GCForeground|GCStipple|GCFillStyle;
	} else {
	    mask = GCForeground;
#ifdef MAC_OSX_TK
	 * Mac OS X CG drawing needs access to the outline linewidth even for
	 * fills (as linewidth controls antialiasing).

	gcValues.line_width = rectOvalPtr->outline.gc != None ?
		rectOvalPtr->outline.gc->line_width : 0;
	mask |= GCLineWidth;
	newGC = Tk_GetGC(tkwin, mask, &gcValues);
    if (rectOvalPtr->fillGC != None) {
	Tk_FreeGC(Tk_Display(tkwin), rectOvalPtr->fillGC);
    rectOvalPtr->fillGC = newGC;

    tsoffset = &rectOvalPtr->tsoffset;
    flags = tsoffset->flags;
    if (flags & TK_OFFSET_LEFT) {
	tsoffset->xoffset = (int) (rectOvalPtr->bbox[0] + 0.5);
    } else if (flags & TK_OFFSET_CENTER) {
	tsoffset->xoffset = (int)
    } else if (flags & TK_OFFSET_RIGHT) {
	tsoffset->xoffset = (int) (rectOvalPtr->bbox[2] + 0.5);
    if (flags & TK_OFFSET_TOP) {
	tsoffset->yoffset = (int) (rectOvalPtr->bbox[1] + 0.5);
    } else if (flags & TK_OFFSET_MIDDLE) {
	tsoffset->yoffset = (int)
    } else if (flags & TK_OFFSET_BOTTOM) {
	tsoffset->yoffset = (int) (rectOvalPtr->bbox[3] + 0.5);

    ComputeRectOvalBbox(canvas, rectOvalPtr);

    return TCL_OK;
Example #18
static int
    Tcl_Interp *interp,		/* Interpreter for error reporting. */
    Tk_Canvas canvas,		/* Canvas to hold new item. */
    Tk_Item *itemPtr,		/* Record to hold new item; header has been
				 * initialized by caller. */
    int objc,			/* Number of arguments in objv. */
    Tcl_Obj *const objv[])	/* Arguments describing rectangle. */
    TextItem *textPtr = (TextItem *) itemPtr;
    int i;

    if (objc == 0) {
	Tcl_Panic("canvas did not pass any coords");

     * Carry out initialization that is needed in order to clean up after
     * errors during the the remainder of this function.

    textPtr->textInfoPtr = Tk_CanvasGetTextInfo(canvas);

    textPtr->insertPos	= 0;

    textPtr->anchor	= TK_ANCHOR_CENTER;
    textPtr->tsoffset.flags = 0;
    textPtr->tsoffset.xoffset = 0;
    textPtr->tsoffset.yoffset = 0;
    textPtr->color	= NULL;
    textPtr->activeColor = NULL;
    textPtr->disabledColor = NULL;
    textPtr->tkfont	= NULL;
    textPtr->justify	= TK_JUSTIFY_LEFT;
    textPtr->stipple	= None;
    textPtr->activeStipple = None;
    textPtr->disabledStipple = None;
    textPtr->text	= NULL;
    textPtr->width	= 0;
    textPtr->underline	= -1;
    textPtr->angle	= 0.0;

    textPtr->numChars	= 0;
    textPtr->numBytes	= 0;
    textPtr->textLayout = NULL;
    textPtr->actualWidth = 0;
    textPtr->drawOrigin[0] = textPtr->drawOrigin[1] = 0.0;
    textPtr->gc		= NULL;
    textPtr->selTextGC	= NULL;
    textPtr->cursorOffGC = NULL;
    textPtr->sine	= 0.0;
    textPtr->cosine	= 1.0;

     * Process the arguments to fill in the item record. Only 1 (list) or 2 (x
     * y) coords are allowed.

    if (objc == 1) {
	i = 1;
    } else {
	const char *arg = Tcl_GetString(objv[1]);

	i = 2;
	if ((arg[0] == '-') && (arg[1] >= 'a') && (arg[1] <= 'z')) {
	    i = 1;
    if ((TextCoords(interp, canvas, itemPtr, i, objv) != TCL_OK)) {
	goto error;
    if (ConfigureText(interp, canvas, itemPtr, objc-i, objv+i, 0) == TCL_OK) {
	return TCL_OK;

    DeleteText(canvas, itemPtr, Tk_Display(Tk_CanvasTkwin(canvas)));
    return TCL_ERROR;