Example #1
 * Reads a property file.
 * There are several property files, this code can read all
 * of those but will only make use of the properties it recognizes.
 * @returns 0 on success.
 * @returns !0 on failure.
 * @param   pszBasePath         The base path, can be NULL.
 * @param   pszFilename     The name of the file.
static int ReadProperties(const char *pszBasePath, const char *pszFilename)
     * Open input.
    FILE *pFile = OpenFile(pszBasePath, pszFilename);
    if (!pFile)
        return 1;

     * Parse the input and spit out the output.
    char szLine[4096];
    while (GetLineFromFile(szLine, sizeof(szLine), pFile) != NULL)
        if (IsCommentOrBlankLine(szLine))
        char *pszCurField;
        char *pszRange    = FirstField(&pszCurField, StripLine(szLine));
        char *pszProperty = NextField(&pszCurField);
        if (!*pszProperty)
            ParseError("no property field.\n");

        RTUNICP LastCP;
        RTUNICP StartCP = ToRange(pszRange, &LastCP);
        if (StartCP == ~(RTUNICP)0)

        while (StartCP <= LastCP)
            ApplyProperty(StartCP++, pszProperty, pszCurField);


    return 0;
int main( int argc, char** argv )

// initialize ROS, spezify name of node
ros::init(argc, argv,"cob_sdh_demo");
//Node handle
ros::NodeHandle nh_;
//Topic to publish
actionlib::SimpleActionClient<cob_actions::JointCommandAction> ac_("JointCommand",true);
//Goal to send
cob_actions::JointCommandGoal goal;
//command to send
cob_msgs::JointCommand command_;

//Services to call                
ros::ServiceClient srvClient_SetAxisTargetAcceleration_ = nh_.serviceClient<cob_srvs::Trigger>("SetAxisTargetAcceleration");
ros::ServiceClient srvClient_DemoInfo_ = nh_.serviceClient<cob_srvs::demoinfo>("DemoInfo");
ros::ServiceClient srvClient_GetFingerXYZ_ = nh_.serviceClient<cob_srvs::GetFingerXYZ>("GetFingerXYZ");
ros::ServiceClient srvClient_Updater_ =  nh_.serviceClient<cob_srvs::Trigger>("DSAUpdater");   
ros::ServiceClient srvClient_CloseHand_ =  nh_.serviceClient<cob_srvs::Trigger>("CloseHand");
ros::ServiceClient srvClient_Init = nh_.serviceClient<cob_srvs::Trigger>("Init");  
ros::ServiceClient srvClient_Force_ = nh_.serviceClient<cob_srvs::Force>("Force");	
ros::ServiceClient srvClient_SetOperationMode = nh_.serviceClient<cob_srvs::SetOperationMode>("SetOperationMode");	
		std::vector<std::string> JointNames_;
		std::vector<std::string> JointNamesAll_;
		std::vector<int> axes_;
		std::vector<double> targetAngles_; // in degrees
		int debug_level=0;

std::vector<SDH::cSDH::eAxisState> state_;

double timeout_;

 cDBG cdbg( false, "red" ); 



    // initialize debug message printing:
    cdbg.SetFlag( debug_level > 0 );
    //cdbg.SetOutput( options.debuglog );

    //g_sdh_debug_log = options.debuglog;

    cdbg << "Debug messages of " << argv[0] << " are printed like this.\n";

    // reduce debug level for subsystems
    // external code
        bool srv_querry = false;
	    int srv_execute = 1;
	    std::string srv_errorMessage = "no error";
    std::cout << "initiating the hand";            
    cob_srvs::Trigger srv0;
    srv_querry = srvClient_Init.call(srv0);
    srv_execute = srv0.response.success;
    srv_errorMessage = srv0.response.errorMessage.data.c_str();

        timeout_ = 1.0; // a real timeout is needed to make the closing of the connections work in case of errors / interrupt

         /*printf("Connecting to tactile sensor controller. This may take up to 8 seconds...");
        cDSA ts = cDSA(0, dsadevicenum_, dsadevicestring_.c_str());
        // Prepare for grasping: open hand:
        std::vector<double> pose;
	std::cerr << "Pose generated " << pose[0] << " " << pose[1] << " " << pose[2] << "\n";
	for (int i = 0; i<9; i++ )
	    command_.positions[i] = pose[i]; 
	goal.command = command_;
	goal.hasvelocity = false; 

        // Start reading tactile sensor info in a thread:
        //cDSAUpdater dsa_updater( &ts, 8 );
        //boost::this_thread::sleep(boost::posix_time::milliseconds(200)); // give the updater a chance to read in first frame
        //cDSA::sContactInfo contact_info;

#if 0
        // for debugging, just output the local preprocessing results:
        cIsGraspedByArea is_grasped_obj( &ts );
        double expected_area_ratio[6] = { 0.5, 0.5, 0.5, 0.5, 0.5, 0.5 };
        for ( int i=0; i+unused_opt_ind<argc; i++ )
            int rc = sscanf( argv[unused_opt_ind+i], "%lf", &expected_area_ratio[i] );
            assert( rc == 1 );
        is_grasped_obj.SetCondition( expected_area_ratio );

        while  ( true )
            for ( int m=0; m < 6; m++ )
                contact_info = ts.GetContactInfo( m );
                printf( "  m=%d age=%ldms force=%6.1f x=%6.1f y=%6.1f area=%6.1f\n",
                        ts.GetAgeOfFrame( (cDSA::sTactileSensorFrame*) &ts.GetFrame() ),
                        contact_info.force, contact_info.cog_x, contact_info.cog_y, contact_info.area );
            printf( "=> IsGrasped: %d\n", is_grasped_obj.IsGrasped() );


        // wait for contact to start grasping
        // double contact_area;  
        printf("\nPress any tactile sensor on the SDH to start searching for contact...") ; fflush( stdout );
        int is_grasped_no = 0;   
        float threshold = 10; 
        ros::Subscriber sub = nh_.subscribe("/tactile_tools/mean_values", 100, Callback);
      cDBG cdbg(false,"red");
            //contact_area = 0.0;
            //		mv = ros.getMsg("/tactile_tools/mean_values");
            is_grasped_no = 0;   
            for ( int m=0; m <(int) (sizeof(mv_)/sizeof(double)); m++ )
            //    contact_area += ts.GetContactArea( m );
                     		if( mv_[m] > threshold)
            			       is_grasped_no += 1;
                //printf( "  m=%d area2=%6.1f\n", m, ts.GetContactArea( m ) );

            printf("  contact area too small\n");
            ros::Subscriber sub = nh_.subscribe("/tactile_tools/mean_values", 100, Callback);
        //} while ( contact_area < desired_start_contact_area );
        } while ( is_grasped_no <2 );
        // wait until that contact is released on the middle finger
        ros::Subscriber sub1 = nh_.subscribe("area_data", 100, AreaCallback);  
        double desired_start_contact_area = 5.0;
        while ( (area2 + area3) > desired_start_contact_area )
           ros::Subscriber sub1 = nh_.subscribe("area_data", 100, AreaCallback);
           boost::this_thread::sleep(boost::posix_time::milliseconds(200)); // give the updater a chance to read in first frame       

        printf("  OK, contact detected: \n") ; fflush( stdout );

        // start grasping
        double desired_force = 5.0; //options.desired_force // the desired force that every sensor patch should reach
        double vel_per_force = 2.5;     // factor for converting force to velocity
        double loop_time = 0.01;
        int loop_time_ms = (int) (loop_time * 1000.0);

        bool finished = false;
        printf( "Simple force based grasping starts:\n" );
        printf( "  Joints of the opposing fingers 1 and 3 (axes 1,2,5,6) will move in\n" );
        printf( "  positive direction (inwards) as long as the contact force measured\n" );
        printf( "  by the tactile sensor patch of that joint is less than\n" );
        printf( "  the desired force %f\n", desired_force );
        printf( "  This will use the velocity with acceleration ramp controller.\n" );
        printf( "\n" );
        printf( "  Press a tactile sensor on the middle finger 2 to stop!\n" );
        fflush( stdout );


        // switch to velocity with acceleration ramp controller type:
       /* hand.SetController( hand.eCT_VELOCITY_ACCELERATION );
        hand.SetAxisTargetAcceleration( hand.All, 100 );
        cdbg << "max=" << hand.GetAxisMaxVelocity( hand.all_real_axes ) << "\n";*/
                cob_srvs::Trigger srv1;
                srv_querry = srvClient_SetAxisTargetAcceleration_.call(srv1);
                srv_execute = srv1.response.success;
                srv_errorMessage = srv1.response.errorMessage.data.c_str();


        std::vector<double> aaa; aaa.resize(9); // axis actual angles
        std::vector<double> ata; ata.resize(9); // axis target angles
        std::vector<double> atv; atv.resize(9); // axist target velocities
        std::vector<double> fta0(3); // finger target angles
        std::vector<double> fta1(3); // finger target angles
        std::vector<double> fta2(3); // finger target angles
        std::vector<double> fta[3];
        fta[0] = fta0;
        fta[1] = fta1;
        fta[2] = fta2;

        std::vector<double> min_angles ;
        std::vector<double> max_angles ;
        std::vector<double> max_velocities ;
        //Call service to get infomation for following variables      
                cob_srvs::demoinfo srv2;
                srv_querry = srvClient_DemoInfo_.call(srv2);
                srv_execute = srv2.response.success;
                srv_errorMessage = srv2.response.errorMessage.data.c_str(); 
        for (int i=0; i<7; i++)
                    max_angles.push_back( (srv2.response.MaxAngle)[i]);
                    max_velocities.push_back ((srv2.response.MaxVelocity)[i]);
                    atv.push_back ((srv2.response.TargetVelocity)[i]);
        while (true) //!finished:
            int nb_ok = 0;

            // check for stop condition (contact on middle finger)
            cDSA::sContactInfo contact_middle_prox; contact_middle_prox.area =srv2.response.Contact_info2_area;
            cDSA::sContactInfo contact_middle_dist; contact_middle_dist.area =srv2.response.Contact_info3_area;
            if ( contact_middle_prox.area + contact_middle_dist.area > desired_start_contact_area )
                printf ("\nContact on middle finger detected! Stopping demonstration.\n") ; fflush( stdout );
                finished = true;

            // Get current position of axes:
            // (Limited to the allowed range. This is necessary since near the
            //  range limits an axis might report an angle slightly off range.)
                cob_srvs::demoinfo srv2;
                srv_querry = srvClient_DemoInfo_.call(srv2);
                srv_execute = srv2.response.success;
                srv_errorMessage = srv2.response.errorMessage.data.c_str();
            for (int i=0; i<7; i++)
             aaa.push_back ((srv2.response.ActualAngle)[i]);
            ToRange( aaa, min_angles, max_angles );
            ata = aaa;
            //std::vector<double> force ;

             //for the selected axes:
            int ais[] = { 1,2, 5,6 }; // indices of used motor axes
            int mis[] = { 0,1, 4,5 }; // indices of used tactile sensors
            std::vector<double> force; force.resize(4);
            cob_srvs::Force srv5;
            srv_querry = srvClient_Force_.call(srv5);
            for (int i =0; i < (int)(sizeof(srv5.response.force_data)/sizeof(double)); i++)
                force.push_back ((srv5.response.force_data)[i]) ;
            srv_execute = srv5.response.success;
            srv_errorMessage = srv5.response.errorMessage.data.c_str();
            for ( int i=0; i < (int) (sizeof( ais ) / sizeof( int )); i++ )
                int ai = ais[i];
                int mi = mis[i];
                // read the contact force of the tactile sensor of the axis
                //contact_info  = ts.GetContactInfo( mi );
                //cdbg << "%d,%d,%d  force=%6.1f x=%6.1f y=%6.1f area=%6.1f\n" % (ai, fi, part, force, cog_x, cog_y, area) # pylint: disable-msg=W0104
             if((int)force.size() >= mi)
	           {    cdbg << mi << " force=" << force[mi] << "\n";
                   // translate the measured force into a new velocity for the axis
                   // in order to reach the desired_force
                    atv[ai] = (desired_force - force[mi]) * vel_per_force;
                // limit the calculated target velocities to the allowed range:
                atv[ai] = ToRange( atv[ai], -max_velocities[ai], max_velocities[ai] );

                if ( force[mi] < desired_force )
                    cdbg << "closing axis " << ai << " with " << atv[ai] << " deg/s\n";
                else if ( force[mi] > desired_force )
                    cdbg << "opening axis " << ai << " with " << atv[ai] << " deg/s\n";
                    cdbg << "axis " << ai << " ok\n";
                    nb_ok += 1;

              cdbg << "mi is greater then force size\n";  

                // check if the fingers would get closer than 10mm with the calculated position:
                // calculate future position roughly according to determined velocity:
                ata[ai] += atv[ai] * loop_time; // s = v * t  =>  s(t') = s(t) + v * dt

                AxisAnglesToFingerAngles( ata, fta[0], fta[1], fta[2] );

                // TODO: CheckFingerCollisions not implemented in SDHLibrary-C++
#if 0
                (cxy, (c01,d01), (c02,d02), (c12,d12)) = hand.CheckFingerCollisions( fta[0], fta[1], fta[2] );
                d_min = min( d01, d02, d12);
                if ( (cxy || d_min < 2.0)  && force < desired_force )
                    // if there would be a collision then do not move the current axis there
                    printf( "not moving axis %d further due to internal collision (d_min=%f)\n", ai, d_min );
                    ata[ai] = aaa[ai];
                    atv[ai] = 0.0;
                // simple approach for now: dont let any finger move into the other fingers half
                int fi = ( (ai<=2) ? 0 : 2 );
                //std::vector<double> xyz = hand.GetFingerXYZ( fi, fta[fi] );

                std::vector<double> xyz;
                cob_srvs::GetFingerXYZ srv3;
                srv3.request.number = fi;
                for (i=0; i<(int)(sizeof(fta[fi])/sizeof(double));i++)
                     srv3.request.value[i] = fta[fi][i];
               srv_querry = srvClient_GetFingerXYZ_.call(srv3);
                 for (i=0; i<3;i++)
                    srv_execute = srv3.response.success;
                    srv_errorMessage = srv3.response.errorMessage.data.c_str(); 

                switch (fi)
                case 0:
                    if ( xyz[0] <= 6.0 )
                        // if there would be a collision then do not move the current axis there
                        printf( "not moving axis %d further due to quadrant crossing of finger %d xyz= %6.1f,%6.1f,%6.1f\n", ai, fi, xyz[0],xyz[1],xyz[2] );
                        ata[ai] = aaa[ai];
                        atv[ai] = 0.0;
                case 2:
                    if ( xyz[0] >= -6.0 )
                        // if there would be a collision then do not move the current axis there
                        printf( "not moving axis %d further due to quadrant crossing of finger %d xyz= %6.1f,%6.1f,%6.1f\n", ai, fi, xyz[0],xyz[1],xyz[2] );
                        ata[ai] = aaa[ai];
                        atv[ai] = 0.0;
                    assert( fi == 0  || fi == 2 );

            // a new target velocity has been calculated from the tactile sensor data, so move accordingly
            cdbg.PDM( "moving with %6.2f %6.2f %6.2f %6.2f %6.2f %6.2f %6.2f deg/s\n", atv[0], atv[1], atv[2], atv[3], atv[4], atv[5], atv[6] );
            cob_srvs::SetOperationMode srv6;
            srv6.request.operationMode.data = "velocity";
            ROS_INFO("changing operation mode to: %s controll", srv6.request.operationMode.data.c_str());
            srv_querry = srvClient_SetOperationMode.call(srv6);
            srv_execute = srv6.response.success;
            srv_errorMessage = srv6.response.errorMessage.data.c_str();
            command_.velocities.resize(9); command_.positions.resize(9);
		    command_.velocities[3] = atv[0];
			command_.velocities[7] = atv[1];
			command_.velocities[8] = atv[2]; 			
			command_.velocities[1] = atv[3];
			command_.velocities[2] = atv[4]; 
			command_.velocities[4] = atv[5];
			command_.velocities[5] = atv[6];
			command_.velocities[0] = 0;
			command_.velocities[6] = 0;
		    goal.command = command_;
		    goal.hasvelocity = true; 
            finished = (nb_ok == 6);

            fflush( stdout );
        cdbg << "after endless loop\n";

        // open up again
            cob_srvs::SetOperationMode srv7;
            srv7.request.operationMode.data = "position";
            ROS_INFO("changing operation mode to: %s controll", srv7.request.operationMode.data.c_str());
            srv_querry = srvClient_SetOperationMode.call(srv7);
            srv_execute = srv7.response.success;
            srv_errorMessage = srv7.response.errorMessage.data.c_str();
		for (int i = 0; i<9; i++ )
                  	command_.positions[i] = (double)pose[i]; 
		goal.command = command_;
		goal.hasvelocity = false; 

        // stop sensor:

        //cdbg << "Successfully disabled tactile sensor controller of SDH and closed connection\n";

        // Close the connection to the SDH and DSA
        //cdbg << "Successfully disabled joint controllers of SDH and closed connection\n";
                cob_srvs::Trigger srv4;
                srv_querry = srvClient_CloseHand_.call(srv4);
                srv_execute = srv4.response.success;
                srv_errorMessage = srv4.response.errorMessage.data.c_str();  


    catch (cSDHLibraryException* e)
        std::cerr << "demo-contact-grasping main(): An exception was caught: " << e->what() << "\n";
        delete e;