enum control_state StateMachine::get_state() {
  if(ToSeconds(SubtractTime(GetTime(), com_stamp)) > com_duration) {
    state = kStop;
  else if (   (state == kQuat || state == kOpen || state == kOpenAttitude)
           && (ToSeconds(SubtractTime(GetTime(), pilot_stamp)) > pilot_duration) ) {
    standby_needs_init = true;
    state = kStandby;
  return state;
Example #2
//This function expires a cookie for a ScreenName by setting its expires
//	parameter to 1 hour in the past
void ExpireCookie(void)
	long ltime;
	struct tm *GMTime;

	//19 = "Set-Cookie: " + " Facts="
	char szCookieParm[MAXNAMLEN + MAX_SCREEN_NAME_SIZE + 19 + 1];
	char szCookieTime[MAX_COOKIE_TIME_SIZE + 1];

	strcpy(szCookieParm, "Set-Cookie: ");
	strcat(szCookieParm, g_szScreenName);
	strcat(szCookieParm, " Facts=");
	strcat(szCookieParm, g_szGetCookiesFile);
	strcat(szCookieParm, "; ");
	//Get the current time

	//subtract 1 hour
	ltime -= ToSeconds(0L, 1, 0, 0);

	//Convert to GMT/UTC time
	GMTime = localtime(&ltime);

	//Format for the cookie
	memset(szCookieTime, '\0', sizeof(szCookieTime) + 1);
	strftime(szCookieTime, MAX_COOKIE_TIME_SIZE, "expires=%A, %d-%b-%Y %H:%M:%S GMT; ", GMTime);

	//Append it to current cookie contents and print it.
	strcat(szCookieParm, szCookieTime);	//append the GMT time
	printf("%s\n", szCookieParm);

// Update outputs based on desired and estimated state
void PulsingCoaxControllerQuat::Update() {
  struct Time new_t = GetTime();
  float dt = ToSeconds(SubtractTime(new_t, t));
  t = new_t;

  // collect estimated state
  QuatState est;
  est.q = ukf->ukf.get_q();
  est.w = ukf->ukf.get_w();

  // calculate PD control law
  float omega = 0; // basis for angular momentum estimate
  float omega_filt = BiquadLpfDynamicCUpdate(&omega_filter,  omega, dt);

  pd->Calculate(dt, thrust_des, des, est, omega_filt, u);

  // saturate thrust command
  u.thrust = SatFloat(u.thrust, -thrust_sat, thrust_sat);

  // saturate yaw command 
  u.yaw = SatFloat(u.yaw, -u.thrust, u.thrust);
  u.yaw = SatFloat(u.yaw, -yaw_sat, yaw_sat);
  // calculate mean motor voltages
  top_mean = u.thrust - u.yaw;
    bottom_mean = u.thrust + u.yaw;
    bottom_mean = 0;

  // map roll and pitch to motor pulsing commands
  u_phase = atan2f(u.pitch, u.roll);
  top_pulse_amp = sqrtf(u.roll*u.roll + u.pitch*u.pitch);
  if(top_pulse_amp < pulse_thresh) {
    top_pulse_amp = 0;
  else {
    top_pulse_amp = top_pulse_amp + pulse_min;

  // amplitude saturation
  top_pulse_amp = fmin(top_pulse_amp, pulse_sat);                // no pulse above sat value

  // phase correction
  top_pulse_phase = WrapRad(- u_phase + advance_angle);

  // zero pulsing amplitude if top rotor mean drive is too small
  if(top_mean < 1.0f) {
    top_pulse_amp = 0;
void UavReporter::FillMsgUavReporterEstimator(MsgUavReporterEstimator *tx_msg) {
  Quaternionf q;  q = est->ukf.get_q();
  Vector3f w;     w = est->ukf.get_w();

  tx_msg->t             = ToSeconds(imu->time);
  tx_msg->wx_meas       = imu->w[0];
  tx_msg->wy_meas       = imu->w[1];
  tx_msg->wz_meas       = imu->w[2];
  tx_msg->ax_meas       = imu->a[0];
  tx_msg->ay_meas       = imu->a[1];
  tx_msg->az_meas       = imu->a[2];
  tx_msg->wx_est        = w(0);
  tx_msg->wy_est        = w(1);
  tx_msg->wz_est        = w(2);
  tx_msg->qw_est        = q.w();
  tx_msg->qx_est        = q.x();
  tx_msg->qy_est        = q.y();
  tx_msg->qz_est        = q.z();
Example #5
TimeDuration::ToSecondsSigDigits() const
  return ToSeconds();
Example #6
MFBT_API double
BaseTimeDurationPlatformUtils::ToSecondsSigDigits(int64_t aTicks)
  return ToSeconds(aTicks);
Example #7
time_t Time2time_t(Time x) { return ToSeconds(x).count(); }
void StateMachine::ReadMsg(CommunicationInterface& com, uint8_t* rx_data, uint8_t rx_length) {
  (void)com;        // intentionally unused
  (void)rx_length;  // intentionally unused

  uint8_t type = rx_data[0];

  // message received, reset communications timeout
  com_stamp = GetTime();

  // transition based on current state
  if(state == kStop) {
    if(type == kTypeQuatPilot || type == kTypeQuatFullObsPilot) {
      pilot_stamp = GetTime();
      state = kQuat;
    else if(type == kTypeOpenPilot) {
      pilot_stamp = GetTime();
      state = kOpen;
    else if(type == kTypeOpenAttitudePilot) {
      pilot_stamp = GetTime();
      state = kOpenAttitude;
    else {
      standby_needs_init = false;
      state = kStandby;

  else if(state == kStandby) {
    if(type == kTypeQuatPilot || type == kTypeQuatFullObsPilot) {
      pilot_stamp = GetTime();
      state = kQuat;
    else if(type == kTypeOpenPilot) {
      pilot_stamp = GetTime();
      state = kOpen;
    else if(type == kTypeOpenAttitudePilot) {
      pilot_stamp = GetTime();
      state = kOpenAttitude;
    else if(type == kTypeKill) {
      state = kStop;

  else if(state == kQuat || state == kOpen || state == kOpenAttitude) {
    if(type == kTypeQuatPilot || type == kTypeQuatFullObsPilot) {
      pilot_stamp = GetTime();
      state = kQuat;
    else if(type == kTypeOpenPilot) {
      pilot_stamp = GetTime();
      state = kOpen;
    else if(type == kTypeOpenAttitudePilot) {
      pilot_stamp = GetTime();
      state = kOpenAttitude;
    else if(type == kTypeKill) {
      state = kStop;
    else if (ToSeconds(SubtractTime(GetTime(), pilot_stamp)) > pilot_duration) {
      standby_needs_init = true;
      state = kStandby;
Example #9
float StopWatch::ElapsedSeconds() const
	return mEnabled ? ToSeconds(mElapsedTime) : 0.f;
Example #10
time_t Convert( time_t Month, time_t Day, time_t Year, time_t Hours, time_t Minutes, time_t Seconds, MERIDIAN Meridian, DSTMODE dst )
  static int DaysNormal[13] = { 0, 31, 28, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31 };
  static int DaysLeap[13] = { 0, 31, 29, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31 };
  static int LeapYears[17] = { 1972, 1976, 1980, 1984, 1988, 1992, 1996, 2000, 2004, 2008, 2012, 2016, 2020, 2024, 2028, 2032, 2036 };
  int *yp;
  int *mp;
  int i;
  time_t Julian;
  time_t tod;
  if ( Year < 0 )
    Year = 0 - Year;
  if ( Year <= 69 )
    Year += 2000;
  if ( Year <= 99 )
    Year += 1900;
  if ( Year <= 1969 )
    Year += 100;
  mp = DaysNormal;
  yp = LeapYears;
  for ( ; yp < ""; yp++ )
    if ( yp[0] == Year )
      mp = DaysLeap;
      // yp++;
  if ( Year <= 1969 || Year > 2038 || Month <= 0 || Month > 12 || Day <= 0 || mp[ Month ] < Day )
    return -1;
  Julian = Day + ( Year * 365 ) + -719050 + -1;
  yp = LeapYears;
  for ( ; yp < "" && yp[0] < Year; Julian++ )
    // Julian++;
  i = 1;
  for ( ; i < Month; i++ )
    Julian += mp[0];
    // i++;
  Julian *= 0x15180;
  Julian += yyTimezone * 60;
  tod = ToSeconds( Hours, Minutes, Seconds, Meridian );
  if ( tod < 0 )
    return -1;
  Julian += tod;
  tod = Julian;
  if ( dst == DSTon || ( dst == DSTmaybe && *(int*)localtime( &tod )/*.32*/ ) )
    Julian += -3600;
  return Julian;
Example #11
int ProcessCookies(void)
	char szKeepFacts[7], *szFileName;
	char szTargetScreen[MAX_SCREEN_NAME_SIZE + 1], *p;
	long ltime, lDays;
	struct tm *GMTime;
	int iHours, iMins;
	int bResult;

	//19 = "Set-Cookie: " + " Facts="
	char szCookieParm[MAXNAMLEN + MAX_SCREEN_NAME_SIZE + 19 + 1];

	//7 = "Date | "
	char szCookieExpireParm[MAX_COOKIE_TIME_SIZE + 7 + 1];

	char szCookieTime[MAX_COOKIE_TIME_SIZE + 1];

	//Determine if the screen wants to preserve facts using the 
	//	'cookie' option
        g_szScreenName,			// section name
        "PreserveFacts",		// entry name
        "no",					// default value
        szKeepFacts,			// return value
        sizeof(szKeepFacts),	// max length

	//No cookies requested, get out
	if(strcasecmp(szKeepFacts, "cookie") != 0)

	//Determine which screen the facts are being saved for
        g_szScreenName,			// section name
        "SaveFactsFor",			// entry name
        "",						// default value
        szTargetScreen,			// return value
        sizeof(szTargetScreen),	// max length

	if(strlen(szTargetScreen) == 0)
		ProcessErrorCode("COOK0001", g_szScreenName, 'n', 'n');

	//Append ' Facts'. This is where the target screen will look to
	//	get the name of the file to load.
	strcpy(szCookieParm, "Set-Cookie: ");
	strcat(szCookieParm, szTargetScreen);
	strcat(szCookieParm, " Facts=");

	//Get a unique filename to store facts
	bResult = GenerateTempFileName(&szFileName);
	if(bResult == FALSE)
		ProcessErrorCode("COOK0002", g_szScreenName, 'n', 'n');
		//Copy the file for the PreserveFacts function call
		strcpy(g_szSaveCookiesFile, szFileName);

		//Add the filename to the CookieParm string
		strcat(szCookieParm, szFileName);
		strcat(szCookieParm, "; ");  //Append a semicolon and a space

	//Get any screen-specific cookie expiration information
        g_szScreenName,				// section name
        "CookieExpiration",			// entry name
        "",							// default value
        szCookieExpireParm,			// return value
        sizeof(szCookieExpireParm),	// max length

	//If there is none then check to see if there is any
	//	default expiration information for the cookie
	if(strlen(szCookieExpireParm) == 0)
			"System",					// section name
			"CookieExpiration",			// entry name
			"",							// default value
			szCookieExpireParm,			// return value
			sizeof(szCookieExpireParm),	// max length

	//If there is still no expiration info found then the cookie will
	//	be written without an 'expires'. This will have the effect that
	//	the cookie will be present until the end of the session. This 
	//	means the cookie will be present until IE or NN is stopped/closed
	//	terminated ... whatever.
	if(strlen(szCookieExpireParm) == 0)
		printf("%s\n", szCookieParm);

	//We have an expiration parameter. Check to see if it is of the
	//	type : Date | 'Standard Cookie expiration'. If we find a '|'
	//	then we assume that anything to the right of it is a properly
	//	formed 'Standard Cookie expiration' as given in the document :
	//	http://home.netscape.com/newsref/std/cookie_spec.html.
	p = strtok(szCookieExpireParm, " \t");
	if(strcasecmp(p, "date") == 0)
		p = strchr(p, NULL);
		p++;	//Get past NULL
		p = strchr(p, '|');	//Up to the pipe ( '|' )
		p++;	//Past the pipe
		while(!isalpha(*p))	//Past the white space
		strcat(szCookieParm, "expires=");
		strcat(szCookieParm, p);
		strcat(szCookieParm, "; "); //append a semicolon and a space
		printf("%s\n", szCookieParm);

	//If we are here then the expires parameter is of the
	//	form Days, Hours, Mins. This will be used to modify the
	//	current time (GMT) and format an expiration date.
	//Construct a CTimeSpan object given the entry in WebCLIPS.INI

	//Days parameter first
	p = strtok(szCookieExpireParm, ",");
	lDays = atol(p);

	//Hours next
	p = strtok(NULL, ",");
	iHours = atoi(p);

	//Minutes next
	p = strtok(NULL, ",");
	iMins = atoi(p);

	//Get the current time

	//Add Days, Hours, Mins in terms of seconds to ltime
	ltime += ToSeconds(lDays, iHours, iMins, 0);

	//Convert to GMT/UTC time
	GMTime = localtime(&ltime);

	//Clear the buffer
	memset(szCookieTime, '\0', sizeof(szCookieTime) + 1);
	strftime(szCookieTime, MAX_COOKIE_TIME_SIZE, "expires=%A, %d-%b-%Y %H:%M:%S GMT; ", GMTime);

	//Append it to current cookie contents and print it.
	strcat(szCookieParm, szCookieTime);	//append the GMT time
	printf("%s\n", szCookieParm);
