Example #1
QDWHInfo QDWH( Matrix<F>& A, const QDWHCtrl& ctrl )
    typedef Base<F> Real;
    const Real twoEst = TwoNormEstimate( A );
    A *= 1/twoEst;

    // The one-norm of the inverse can be replaced with an estimate which is
    // a few times cheaper, e.g., via Higham and Tisseur's block algorithm
    // from "A Block Algorithm for Matrix 1-Norm Estimation, with an Application
    // to 1-Norm Pseudospectra".
    Real sMinUpper;
    Matrix<F> Y( A );
    if( A.Height() > A.Width() )
        qr::ExplicitTriang( Y );
            TriangularInverse( UPPER, NON_UNIT, Y );
            sMinUpper = Real(1) / OneNorm( Y );
        } catch( SingularMatrixException& e ) { sMinUpper = 0; }
            Inverse( Y );
            sMinUpper = Real(1) / OneNorm( Y );
        } catch( SingularMatrixException& e ) { sMinUpper = 0; }

    return QDWHInner( A, sMinUpper, ctrl );
Example #2
inline void
CholeskyUVar2( Matrix<F>& A )
#ifndef RELEASE
    if( A.Height() != A.Width() )
        throw std::logic_error("Nonsquare matrices cannot be triangular");
    // Matrix views
        ATL, ATR,  A00, A01, A02,
        ABL, ABR,  A10, A11, A12,
                   A20, A21, A22;

    // Start the algorithm
    ( A, ATL, ATR,
         ABL, ABR, 0 );
    while( ATL.Height() < A.Height() )
        ( ATL, /**/ ATR,  A00, /**/ A01, A02,
         /*************/ /******************/
               /**/       A10, /**/ A11, A12,
          ABL, /**/ ABR,  A20, /**/ A21, A22 );

        Cholesky( UPPER, A11 );
        Trsm( RIGHT, UPPER, NORMAL, NON_UNIT, F(1), A11, A01 );
        Trsm( LEFT, UPPER, ADJOINT, NON_UNIT, F(1), A11, A12 );
        Herk( UPPER, NORMAL, F(1), A01, F(1), A00 );
        Gemm( NORMAL, NORMAL, F(-1), A01, A12, F(1), A02 );
        Herk( UPPER, ADJOINT, F(-1), A12, F(1), A22 );
        Trsm( RIGHT, UPPER, ADJOINT, NON_UNIT, F(1), A11, A01 );
        Trsm( LEFT, UPPER, NORMAL, NON_UNIT, F(-1), A11, A12 );
        TriangularInverse( UPPER, NON_UNIT, A11 );
        Trtrmm( ADJOINT, UPPER, A11 );

        ( ATL, /**/ ATR,  A00, A01, /**/ A02,
               /**/       A10, A11, /**/ A12,
         /*************/ /******************/
          ABL, /**/ ABR,  A20, A21, /**/ A22 );
#ifndef RELEASE
Example #3
( const Matrix<Real>& A,
  const Matrix<Real>& b,
  const Matrix<Real>& c,
        Matrix<Real>& z,
  const ADMMCtrl<Real>& ctrl )

    // Cache a custom partially-pivoted LU factorization of
    //    |  rho*I   A^H | = | B11  B12 |
    //    |  A       0   |   | B21  B22 |
    // by (justifiably) avoiding pivoting in the first n steps of
    // the factorization, so that
    //    [I,rho*I] = lu(rho*I).
    // The factorization would then proceed with
    //    B21 := B21 U11^{-1} = A (rho*I)^{-1} = A/rho
    //    B12 := L11^{-1} B12 = I A^H = A^H.
    // The Schur complement would then be
    //    B22 := B22 - B21 B12 = 0 - (A*A^H)/rho.
    // We then factor said matrix with LU with partial pivoting and
    // swap the necessary rows of B21 in order to implicitly commute
    // the row pivots with the Gauss transforms in the manner standard
    // for GEPP. Unless A A' is singular, pivoting should not be needed,
    // as Cholesky factorization of the negative matrix should be valid.
    // The result is the factorization
    //   | I 0   | | rho*I A^H | = | I   0   | | rho*I U12 |,
    //   | 0 P22 | | A     0   |   | L21 L22 | | 0     U22 |
    // where [L22,U22] are stored within B22.
    Matrix<Real> U12, L21, B22, bPiv;
    Adjoint( A, U12 );
    L21 = A;
    L21 *= 1/ctrl.rho;
    Herk( LOWER, NORMAL, -1/ctrl.rho, A, B22 );
    MakeHermitian( LOWER, B22 );
    // TODO: Replace with sparse-direct Cholesky version?
    Permutation P2;
    LU( B22, P2 );
    P2.PermuteRows( L21 );
    bPiv = b;
    P2.PermuteRows( bPiv );

    // Possibly form the inverse of L22 U22
    Matrix<Real> X22;
    if( ctrl.inv )
        X22 = B22;
        MakeTrapezoidal( LOWER, X22 );
        FillDiagonal( X22, Real(1) );
        TriangularInverse( LOWER, UNIT, X22 );
        Trsm( LEFT, UPPER, NORMAL, NON_UNIT, Real(1), B22, X22 );

    Int numIter=0;
    const Int m = A.Height();
    const Int n = A.Width();
    Matrix<Real> g, xTmp, y, t;
    Zeros( g, m+n, 1 );
    PartitionDown( g, xTmp, y, n );
    Matrix<Real> x, u, zOld, xHat;
    Zeros( z, n, 1 );
    Zeros( u, n, 1 );
    Zeros( t, n, 1 );
    while( numIter < ctrl.maxIter )
        zOld = z;

        // Find x from
        //  | rho*I  A^H | | x | = | rho*(z-u)-c |
        //  | A      0   | | y |   | b           |
        // via our cached custom factorization:
        // |x| = inv(U) inv(L) P' |rho*(z-u)-c|
        // |y|                    |b          |
        //     = |rho*I U12|^{-1} |I   0  | |I 0   | |rho*(z-u)-c|
        //     = |0     U22|      |L21 L22| |0 P22'| |b          |
        //     = "                        " |rho*(z-u)-c|
        //                                  | P22' b    |
        xTmp = z;
        xTmp -= u;
        xTmp *= ctrl.rho;
        xTmp -= c;
        y = bPiv;
        Gemv( NORMAL, Real(-1), L21, xTmp, Real(1), y );
        if( ctrl.inv )
            Gemv( NORMAL, Real(1), X22, y, t );
            y = t;
            Trsv( LOWER, NORMAL, UNIT, B22, y );
            Trsv( UPPER, NORMAL, NON_UNIT, B22, y );
        Gemv( NORMAL, Real(-1), U12, y, Real(1), xTmp );
        xTmp *= 1/ctrl.rho;

        // xHat := alpha*x + (1-alpha)*zOld
        xHat = xTmp;
        xHat *= ctrl.alpha;
        Axpy( 1-ctrl.alpha, zOld, xHat );

        // z := pos(xHat+u)
        z = xHat;
        z += u;
        LowerClip( z, Real(0) );

        // u := u + (xHat-z)
        u += xHat;
        u -= z;

        const Real objective = Dot( c, xTmp );

        // rNorm := || x - z ||_2
        t = xTmp;
        t -= z;
        const Real rNorm = FrobeniusNorm( t );
        // sNorm := |rho| || z - zOld ||_2
        t = z;
        t -= zOld;
        const Real sNorm = Abs(ctrl.rho)*FrobeniusNorm( t );

        const Real epsPri = Sqrt(Real(n))*ctrl.absTol +
        const Real epsDual = Sqrt(Real(n))*ctrl.absTol +

        if( ctrl.print )
            t = xTmp;
            LowerClip( t, Real(0) );
            t -= xTmp;
            const Real clipDist = FrobeniusNorm( t );
            cout << numIter << ": "
              << "||x-z||_2=" << rNorm << ", "
              << "epsPri=" << epsPri << ", "
              << "|rho| ||z-zOld||_2=" << sNorm << ", "
              << "epsDual=" << epsDual << ", "
              << "||x-Pos(x)||_2=" << clipDist << ", "
              << "c'x=" << objective << endl;
        if( rNorm < epsPri && sNorm < epsDual )
    if( ctrl.maxIter == numIter )
        cout << "ADMM failed to converge" << endl;
    x = xTmp;
    return numIter;
Example #4
inline void
Inverse( DistMatrix<F>& A )
#ifndef RELEASE
    if( A.Height() != A.Width() )
        throw std::logic_error("Cannot invert non-square matrices");
    const Grid& g = A.Grid();
    DistMatrix<int,VC,STAR> p( g );
    LU( A, p );
    TriangularInverse( UPPER, NON_UNIT, A );

    // Solve inv(A) L = inv(U) for inv(A)
    DistMatrix<F> ATL(g), ATR(g),
               ABL(g), ABR(g);
    DistMatrix<F> A00(g), A01(g), A02(g),
               A10(g), A11(g), A12(g),
               A20(g), A21(g), A22(g);
    DistMatrix<F> A1(g), A2(g);
    DistMatrix<F,VC,  STAR> A1_VC_STAR(g);
    DistMatrix<F,STAR,STAR> L11_STAR_STAR(g);
    DistMatrix<F,VR,  STAR> L21_VR_STAR(g);
    DistMatrix<F,STAR,MR  > L21Trans_STAR_MR(g);
    DistMatrix<F,MC,  STAR> Z1(g);
    ( A, ATL, ATR,
      ABL, ABR, 0 );
    while( ABR.Height() < A.Height() )
        ( ATL, /**/ ATR,  A00, A01, /**/ A02,
          /**/       A10, A11, /**/ A12,
          /*************/ /******************/
          ABL, /**/ ABR,  A20, A21, /**/ A22 );

        View( A1, A, 0, A00.Width(),             A.Height(), A01.Width() );
        View( A2, A, 0, A00.Width()+A01.Width(), A.Height(), A02.Width() );

        L21_VR_STAR.AlignWith( A2 );
        L21Trans_STAR_MR.AlignWith( A2 );
        Z1.AlignWith( A01 );
        Z1.ResizeTo( A.Height(), A01.Width() );
        // Copy out L1
        L11_STAR_STAR = A11;
        L21_VR_STAR = A21;
        L21Trans_STAR_MR.TransposeFrom( L21_VR_STAR );

        // Zero the strictly lower triangular portion of A1
        MakeTrapezoidal( LEFT, UPPER, 0, A11 );
        Zero( A21 );

        // Perform the lazy update of A1
          F(-1), A2, L21Trans_STAR_MR, F(0), Z1 );
        A1.SumScatterUpdate( F(1), Z1 );

        // Solve against this diagonal block of L11
        A1_VC_STAR = A1;
        A1 = A1_VC_STAR;

        ( ATL, /**/ ATR,  A00, /**/ A01, A02,
          /*************/ /*******************/
          /**/       A10, /**/ A11, A12,
          ABL, /**/ ABR,  A20, /**/ A21, A22 );

    // inv(A) := inv(A) P
    ApplyInverseColumnPivots( A, p );
#ifndef RELEASE
Example #5
inline void
Inverse( Matrix<F>& A )
#ifndef RELEASE
    if( A.Height() != A.Width() )
        throw std::logic_error("Cannot invert non-square matrices");
    Matrix<int> p;
    LU( A, p );
    TriangularInverse( UPPER, NON_UNIT, A );

    // Solve inv(A) L = inv(U) for inv(A)
    Matrix<F> ATL, ATR,
           ABL, ABR;
    Matrix<F> A00, A01, A02,
           A10, A11, A12,
           A20, A21, A22;
    Matrix<F> A1, A2;
    Matrix<F> L11,
    ( A, ATL, ATR,
      ABL, ABR, 0 );
    while( ABR.Height() < A.Height() )
        ( ATL, /**/ ATR,  A00, A01, /**/ A02,
          /**/       A10, A11, /**/ A12,
          /*************/ /******************/
          ABL, /**/ ABR,  A20, A21, /**/ A22 );

        View( A1, A, 0, A00.Width(),             A.Height(), A01.Width() );
        View( A2, A, 0, A00.Width()+A01.Width(), A.Height(), A02.Width() );

        // Copy out L1
        L11 = A11;
        L21 = A21;

        // Zero the strictly lower triangular portion of A1
        MakeTrapezoidal( LEFT, UPPER, 0, A11 );
        Zero( A21 );

        // Perform the lazy update of A1
        Gemm( NORMAL, NORMAL, F(-1), A2, L21, F(1), A1 );

        // Solve against this diagonal block of L11
        Trsm( RIGHT, LOWER, NORMAL, UNIT, F(1), L11, A1 );

        ( ATL, /**/ ATR,  A00, /**/ A01, A02,
          /*************/ /*******************/
          /**/       A10, /**/ A11, A12,
          ABL, /**/ ABR,  A20, /**/ A21, A22 );

    // inv(A) := inv(A) P
    ApplyInverseColumnPivots( A, p );
#ifndef RELEASE