Example #1
static void ReplaceTime(TDateTime & DateTime, const TDateTime & NewTime)
  DateTime = Trunc(DateTime);
  if (DateTime >= 0)
    DateTime = DateTime + Abs(Frac(NewTime));
    DateTime = DateTime - Abs(Frac(NewTime));
Example #2
	size_t i = Length();
	while (i && uni_isspace(At(i - 1)))
Example #3
UniString::UniString(const UniString& other, size_t offset /* = 0 */, size_t length /* = OpDataFullLength */)
: m_data(other.m_data)
	if (offset)
	if (length < Length())
Example #4
		Point ptPos1, Point ptDir1, Point ptPos2, Point ptDir2,
		int nColor, float fWidth,
		float fStep, int nDivs):
			m_nColor(nColor), m_fWidth(fWidth), m_nDivs(nDivs)
		Point pt[] = {ptPos1, ptPos1 + ptDir1, ptPos2 - ptDir2, ptPos2};
		if( fStep )
			float len = SplineLenEst(pt);
			m_nDivs = 1 + Trunc(len / fStep);
		SplineCoefs(pt, m_coefs);
Example #5
UniString::AppendVFormat(const uni_char *format, va_list args)
	size_t buf_len = 0;
	uni_char *buf = GetAppendPtr_NoAlloc(buf_len);
	OP_ASSERT(buf_len <= Length()); // GetAppendPtr_NoAlloc() adds buf_len to Length()
	int result;

	// first, try to append without allocation
#ifdef va_copy // must use va_copy() in order to preserve args for reuse below
	va_list args_copy;
	va_copy(args_copy, args);
	result = uni_vsnprintf(buf, buf_len, format, args_copy);
#else // va_copy
	result = uni_vsnprintf(buf, buf_len, format, args);
#endif // va_copy

	if (result < 0) // uni_vsnprintf() returned error
		Trunc(Length() - buf_len);
		return OpStatus::ERR;
	else if (static_cast<size_t>(result) >= buf_len)
		// buf was too short, allocate to make enough room
		Trunc(Length() - buf_len);
		buf_len = result + 1;
		buf = GetAppendPtr(buf_len);
		result = uni_vsnprintf(buf, buf_len, format, args);
	OP_ASSERT(static_cast<size_t>(result) < buf_len);
	Trunc(Length() - (buf_len - result));
	return OpStatus::OK;
Example #6
char ASCIIShade(double x)
  if(IsNaN(x)) return 'E';
  if(IsInf(x)==1) return 'I';
  else if(IsInf(x)==-1) return 'i';
  int index = (int)Trunc(x*8) + 7;
  if(index < 0) index=0;
  if(index >= kNumAsciiShades) index=kNumAsciiShades-1;
  if(index == 7) {
    if(x > 0) return kAsciiShades[8];
    else if(x < 0) return kAsciiShades[6];
    else return kAsciiShades[7];
  return kAsciiShades[index];
Example #7
void mexFunction(int nlhs, mxArray *plhs[], int nrhs, const mxArray *prhs[]) {
    /*printf("Mex Function Entered Successfully\n");*/
    static double *x, *y, *z, *m;
    static int *mask;
    static int i, size, rowLen, masksize;
    static int nParm = 0;
    static int init = 1;    /* init = 1 means 'initialization loop' */
    static int jacobian = 0;    /* set this if you need the Jacobian matrix */
    static Files files;
    static char *inputfile = NULL;

    static ScoreOutput out;
    out.score = 1e38;       /*start with a very large number*/
    out.penalty = 0;
    out.size_resid_arr = 0;
    out.jacobian = NULL;
    out.residuals = NULL;
    /* allocate memory for static file names */

    files.inputfile = ( char * ) calloc( MAX_RECORD, sizeof( char ) );
    files.statefile = ( char * ) calloc( MAX_RECORD, sizeof( char ) );

    inputfile = mxArrayToString(prhs[2]);
    /*printf("%s\n", inputfile);*/
    rowLen = mxGetN(prhs[0]);
    if (rowLen < nParm) {   /*for some strange and/or paranormal reason rowLen is 1 whenever local search is called, despite that the input array length is still 56 */
        rowLen = nParm;
    } else {
        nParm = rowLen;
    masksize = mxGetN(prhs[1]);
    mask = (int *) calloc( masksize, sizeof(int) );

    x = mxGetPr(prhs[0]);
    m = mxGetPr(prhs[1]);

    for (i=0; i<masksize; i++) {
        mask[i] = (int) m[i];        
    for (i=0; i<nParm; i++) {
        x[i] = Trunc(x[i], 5);      /*this is needed to avoid errors due to lack of precision*/
        /*if (x[i] > 100)
            printf("Warning - %lf > 100 for i = %d!!!\n", x[i], i);*/
    plhs[0] = mxCreateDoubleMatrix(1,1,mxREAL);
    y = mxGetPr(plhs[0]);
    strcpy( files.inputfile, inputfile);
    sprintf( files.statefile, "%s.state", files.inputfile );
    /* check if a state file exists (access() is in unistd.h) */
    /*if( 0 == access( files.statefile, F_OK ) )
        stateflag = 1; //use this for restore when implemented*/
    MoveX(x, mask, &out, &files, init, jacobian, 1); /*0 Rkck, 1 Direct-Band */
    /*printf("SCORE = %lf, PENALTY = %lf, RETURNED %lf\n", out.score, out.penalty, out.score + out.penalty);*/
    /*printf("RETURNED %lf\n", out.score + out.penalty);*/
    if (out.score < 0) {    /* maybe eliminate later and deal only with 1e38 */
        printf("OUT_OF_BOUND - setting score to 0 and penalty to 1e38\n");
        out.score = 0;
        /*out.score = 1e38; /*testing (without penalties) purposes*/
        /*out.penalty = 0; /*testing (without penalties) purposes*/
        out.penalty = 1e38;
    size = out.size_resid_arr;
    plhs[1] = mxCreateDoubleMatrix(1,size,mxREAL);
    z = mxGetPr(plhs[1]);
    for (i=0; i<size; i++) {
        z[i] = out.residuals[i];
    y[0] = out.score + out.penalty; /*comment this to test without penalties*/
    plhs[1] = mxCreateDoubleMatrix(1,1,mxREAL);
    init = 0;
Example #8
String PropertyUtils::getFormattedNumber( String numberStr, IsoString numberFormat )
   if ( numberStr.IsEmpty() )
      return numberStr;

   size_t im = numberFormat.Find( 'm' );
   if ( im == String::notFound )
      return String().Format( numberFormat.c_str(), stringToFloatSafe( numberStr ) );

   numberFormat.DeleteRight( im );
   numberFormat.DeleteLeft( 1 );
   StringList tokens;
   numberFormat.Break( tokens, '.', true/*trim*/ );
   size_t fraction = stringToIntSafe( tokens[1] );
   size_t width    = stringToIntSafe( tokens[0] ) - fraction;
   assert( width > 0 );
   int hours = Trunc( stringToFloatSafe( numberStr ) );
   switch ( fraction )
   case 3:
         int minutes = Trunc( (stringToFloatSafe( numberStr ) - hours)*60 );
         IsoString formatStr = '%' + IsoString().Format( "%dd",width ) + ":%02d";
         return String().Format( formatStr.c_str(), hours, Abs( minutes ) );
   case 5:
         int minutes     = Trunc( (stringToFloatSafe( numberStr ) - hours)*60 );
         int minutesfrac = Trunc( ((stringToFloatSafe( numberStr ) - hours)*60 - minutes)*10);
         IsoString formatStr = '%' + IsoString().Format( "%dd", width ) + ":%02d.%d";
         return String().Format( formatStr.c_str(), hours, Abs( minutes ), Abs( minutesfrac ) );
   case 6:
         int minutes     = Trunc( (stringToFloatSafe( numberStr ) - hours)*60 );
         int seconds     = Trunc( ((stringToFloatSafe( numberStr ) - hours)*60 - minutes)*60 );
         IsoString formatStr = '%' + IsoString().Format( "%dd", width ) + ":%02d:%02d";
         return String().Format( formatStr.c_str(), hours, Abs( minutes ), Abs( seconds ) );
   case 8:
         int minutes     = Trunc( (stringToFloatSafe( numberStr ) - hours)*60 );
         int seconds     = Trunc( ((stringToFloatSafe( numberStr ) - hours)*60 - minutes)*60 );
         int secondsfrac = Trunc( (((stringToFloatSafe( numberStr ) - hours)*60 - minutes)*60 - seconds)*10 );
         IsoString formatStr = '%' + IsoString().Format( "%dd", width ) + ":%02d:%02d.%d";
         return String().Format( formatStr.c_str(), hours, Abs( minutes ), Abs( seconds ), Abs( secondsfrac ) );
   case 9:
         int minutes     = Trunc( (stringToFloatSafe( numberStr ) - hours)*60 );
         int seconds     = Trunc( ((stringToFloatSafe( numberStr ) - hours)*60 - minutes)*60 );
         int secondsfrac = Trunc( (((stringToFloatSafe( numberStr ) - hours)*60 - minutes)*60 - seconds)*100 );
         IsoString formatStr = '%' + IsoString().Format( "%dd", width ) + ":%02d:%02d.%02d";
         return String().Format( formatStr.c_str(), hours, Abs( minutes ), Abs( seconds ), Abs( secondsfrac ) );
      return String();