Example #1
BOOL TsProxyMakeTunnelCall(rdpTsg* tsg, PTUNNEL_CONTEXT_HANDLE_NOSERIALIZE tunnelContext,
		UINT32 procId, PTSG_PACKET tsgPacket, PTSG_PACKET* tsgPacketResponse)
	 * OpNum = 3
	 * HRESULT TsProxyMakeTunnelCall(
	 * [in] unsigned long procId,
	 * [in, ref] PTSG_PACKET tsgPacket,
	 * [out, ref] PTSG_PACKET* tsgPacketResponse
	 * );


	if (!TsProxyMakeTunnelCallWriteRequest(tsg, tunnelContext, procId))
		printf("TsProxyMakeTunnelCall: error writing request\n");
		return FALSE;

	if (!TsProxyMakeTunnelCallReadResponse(tsg))
		printf("TsProxyMakeTunnelCall: error reading response\n");
		return FALSE;

	return TRUE;
Example #2
BOOL tsg_connect(rdpTsg* tsg, const char* hostname, UINT16 port)
	RPC_PDU* pdu = NULL;
	RpcClientCall* call;
	rdpRpc* rpc = tsg->rpc;
	rdpSettings* settings = rpc->settings;

	tsg->Port = port;
	ConvertToUnicode(CP_UTF8, 0, hostname, -1, &tsg->Hostname, 0);
	ConvertToUnicode(CP_UTF8, 0, settings->ComputerName, -1, &tsg->MachineName, 0);

	if (!rpc_connect(rpc))
		fprintf(stderr, "rpc_connect failed!\n");
		return FALSE;

	DEBUG_TSG("rpc_connect success");

	tsg->state = TSG_STATE_INITIAL;

	rpc->client->SynchronousSend = TRUE;
	rpc->client->SynchronousReceive = TRUE;

	 *     Sequential processing rules for connection process:
	 *  1. The RDG client MUST call TsProxyCreateTunnel to create a tunnel to the gateway.
	 *  2. If the call fails, the RDG client MUST end the protocol and MUST NOT perform the following steps.
	 *  3. The RDG client MUST initialize the following ADM elements using TsProxyCreateTunnel out parameters:
	 * 	a. The RDG client MUST initialize the ADM element Tunnel id with the tunnelId out parameter.
	 * 	b. The RDG client MUST initialize the ADM element Tunnel Context Handle with the tunnelContext
	 * 	   out parameter. This Tunnel Context Handle is used for subsequent tunnel-related calls.
	 * 	c. If TSGPacketResponse->packetId is TSG_PACKET_TYPE_CAPS_RESPONSE, where TSGPacketResponse is an out parameter,
	 * 		 i. The RDG client MUST initialize the ADM element Nonce with TSGPacketResponse->
	 * 		    TSGPacket.packetCapsResponse->pktQuarEncResponse.nonce.
	 * 		ii. The RDG client MUST initialize the ADM element Negotiated Capabilities with TSGPacketResponse->
	 * 		    TSGPacket.packetCapsResponse->pktQuarEncResponse.versionCaps->TSGCaps[0].TSGPacket.TSGCapNap.capabilities.
	 * 	d. If TSGPacketResponse->packetId is TSG_PACKET_TYPE_QUARENC_RESPONSE, where TSGPacketResponse is an out parameter,
	 * 		 i. The RDG client MUST initialize the ADM element Nonce with TSGPacketResponse->
	 * 		    TSGPacket.packetQuarEncResponse->nonce.
	 * 		ii. The RDG client MUST initialize the ADM element Negotiated Capabilities with TSGPacketResponse->
	 * 		    TSGPacket.packetQuarEncResponse->versionCaps->TSGCaps[0].TSGPacket.TSGCapNap.capabilities.
	 *  4. The RDG client MUST get its statement of health (SoH) by calling NAP EC API.<49> Details of the SoH format are
	 *     specified in [TNC-IF-TNCCSPBSoH]. If the SoH is received successfully, then the RDG client MUST encrypt the SoH
	 *     using the Triple Data Encryption Standard algorithm and encode it using one of PKCS #7 or X.509 encoding types,
	 *     whichever is supported by the RDG server certificate context available in the ADM element CertChainData.
	 *  5. The RDG client MUST copy the ADM element Nonce to TSGPacket.packetQuarRequest->data and append the encrypted SoH
	 *     message into TSGPacket.packetQuarRequest->data. The RDG client MUST set the TSGPacket.packetQuarRequest->dataLen
	 *     to the sum of the number of bytes in the encrypted SoH message and number of bytes in the ADM element Nonce, where
	 *     TSGpacket is an input parameter of TsProxyAuthorizeTunnel. The format of the packetQuarRequest field is specified
	 *     in section

	if (!TsProxyCreateTunnel(tsg, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL))
		tsg->state = TSG_STATE_FINAL;
		return FALSE;

	pdu = rpc_recv_dequeue_pdu(rpc);

	if (!TsProxyCreateTunnelReadResponse(tsg, pdu))
		fprintf(stderr, "TsProxyCreateTunnel: error reading response\n");
		return FALSE;

	tsg->state = TSG_STATE_CONNECTED;

	 *     Sequential processing rules for connection process (continued):
	 *  6. The RDG client MUST call TsProxyAuthorizeTunnel to authorize the tunnel.
	 *  7. If the call succeeds or fails with error E_PROXY_QUARANTINE_ACCESSDENIED, follow the steps later in this section.
	 *     Else, the RDG client MUST end the protocol and MUST NOT follow the steps later in this section.
	 *  8. If the ADM element Negotiated Capabilities contains TSG_NAP_CAPABILITY_IDLE_TIMEOUT, then the ADM element Idle
	 *     Timeout Value SHOULD be initialized with first 4 bytes of TSGPacketResponse->TSGPacket.packetResponse->responseData
	 *     and the Statement of health response variable should be initialized with the remaining bytes of responseData, where
	 *     TSGPacketResponse is an out parameter of TsProxyAuthorizeTunnel. The format of the responseData member is specified
	 *     in section
	 *  9. If the ADM element Negotiated Capabilities doesn't contain TSG_NAP_CAPABILITY_IDLE_TIMEOUT, then the ADM element Idle
	 *     Timeout Value SHOULD be initialized to zero and the Statement of health response variable should be initialized with all
	 *     the bytes of TSGPacketResponse->TSGPacket.packetResponse->responseData.
	 * 10. Verify the signature of the Statement of health response variable using SHA-1 hash and decode it using the RDG server
	 *     certificate context available in the ADM element CertChainData using one of PKCS #7 or X.509 encoding types, whichever
	 *     is supported by the RDG Server certificate. The SoHR is processed by calling the NAP EC API
	 *     INapEnforcementClientConnection::GetSoHResponse.
	 * 11. If the call TsProxyAuthorizeTunnel fails with error E_PROXY_QUARANTINE_ACCESSDENIED, the RDG client MUST end the protocol
	 *     and MUST NOT follow the steps later in this section.
	 * 12. If the ADM element Idle Timeout Value is nonzero, the RDG client SHOULD start the idle time processing as specified in
	 *     section and SHOULD end the protocol when the connection has been idle for the specified Idle Timeout Value.

	if (!TsProxyAuthorizeTunnel(tsg, &tsg->TunnelContext, NULL, NULL))
		return FALSE;

	pdu = rpc_recv_dequeue_pdu(rpc);

	if (!TsProxyAuthorizeTunnelReadResponse(tsg, pdu))
		fprintf(stderr, "TsProxyAuthorizeTunnel: error reading response\n");
		return FALSE;


	 *     Sequential processing rules for connection process (continued):
	 * 13. If the ADM element Negotiated Capabilities contains TSG_MESSAGING_CAP_SERVICE_MSG, a TsProxyMakeTunnelCall call MAY be
	 *     made by the client, with TSG_TUNNEL_CALL_ASYNC_MSG_REQUEST as the parameter, to receive messages from the RDG server.

	if (!TsProxyMakeTunnelCall(tsg, &tsg->TunnelContext, TSG_TUNNEL_CALL_ASYNC_MSG_REQUEST, NULL, NULL))
		return FALSE;

	 *     Sequential processing rules for connection process (continued):
	 * 14. The RDG client MUST call TsProxyCreateChannel to create a channel to the target server name as specified by the ADM
	 *     element Target Server Name (section 3.5.1).
	 * 15. If the call fails, the RDG client MUST end the protocol and MUST not follow the below steps.
	 * 16. The RDG client MUST initialize the following ADM elements using TsProxyCreateChannel out parameters.
	 * 	a. The RDG client MUST initialize the ADM element Channel id with the channelId out parameter.
	 * 	b. The RDG client MUST initialize the ADM element Channel Context Handle with the channelContext
	 * 	   out parameter. This Channel Context Handle is used for subsequent channel-related calls.

	if (!TsProxyCreateChannel(tsg, &tsg->TunnelContext, NULL, NULL, NULL))
		return FALSE;

	pdu = rpc_recv_dequeue_pdu(rpc);

	call = rpc_client_call_find_by_id(rpc, pdu->CallId);

	if (call->OpNum == TsProxyMakeTunnelCallOpnum)
		if (!TsProxyMakeTunnelCallReadResponse(tsg, pdu))
			fprintf(stderr, "TsProxyMakeTunnelCall: error reading response\n");
			return FALSE;

		pdu = rpc_recv_dequeue_pdu(rpc);

	if (!TsProxyCreateChannelReadResponse(tsg, pdu))
		fprintf(stderr, "TsProxyCreateChannel: error reading response\n");
		return FALSE;


	 *  Sequential processing rules for data transfer:
	 *  1. The RDG client MUST call TsProxySetupReceivePipe to receive data from the target server, via the RDG server.
	 *  2. The RDG client MUST call TsProxySendToServer to send data to the target server via the RDG server, and if
	 *     the Idle Timeout Timer is started, the RDG client SHOULD reset the Idle Timeout Timer.
	 *  3. If TsProxyMakeTunnelCall is returned, the RDG client MUST process the message and MAY call TsProxyMakeTunnelCall
	 *     again with TSG_TUNNEL_CALL_ASYNC_MSG_REQUEST as the parameter.
	 *  4. The RDG client MUST end the protocol after it receives the final response to TsProxySetupReceivePipe.
	 *     The final response format is specified in section

	if (!TsProxySetupReceivePipe((handle_t) tsg, NULL))
		return FALSE;

#if 0
	pdu = rpc_recv_dequeue_pdu(rpc);

	if (!TsProxySetupReceivePipeReadResponse(tsg, pdu))
		fprintf(stderr, "TsProxySetupReceivePipe: error reading response\n");
		return FALSE;

	rpc->client->SynchronousSend = TRUE;
	rpc->client->SynchronousReceive = TRUE;

	fprintf(stderr, "TS Gateway Connection Success\n");

	return TRUE;