Example #1
int // return value not used?
MakeTwistedCubeTrimmingLoop(ON_Brep& brep,
			    ON_BrepFace& face,
			    int v0, int v1, int v2, int v3, // indices of corner vertices
			    int e0, int eo0, // edge index + orientation w.r.t surface trim
			    int e1, int eo1,
			    int e2, int eo2,
			    int e3, int eo3)
    // get a reference to the surface
    const ON_Surface& srf = *brep.m_S[face.m_si];

    ON_BrepLoop& loop = brep.NewLoop(ON_BrepLoop::outer, face);

    // create the trimming curves running counter-clockwise around the
    // surface's domain, start at the south side
    ON_Curve* c2;
    int c2i, ei = 0, bRev3d = 0;
    ON_2dPoint q;

    // flags for isoparametric curves
    ON_Surface::ISO iso = ON_Surface::not_iso;

    for (int side = 0; side < 4; side++) {
	// side: 0=south, 1=east, 2=north, 3=west
	c2 = TwistedCubeTrimmingCurve( srf, side );
	c2i = brep.m_C2.Count();

	switch (side) {
	    case 0:
		ei = e0;
		bRev3d = (eo0 == -1);
		iso = ON_Surface::S_iso;
	    case 1:
		ei = e1;
		bRev3d = (eo1 == -1);
		iso = ON_Surface::E_iso;
	    case 2:
		ei = e2;
		bRev3d = (eo2 == -1);
		iso = ON_Surface::N_iso;
	    case 3:
		ei = e3;
		bRev3d = (eo3 == -1);
		iso = ON_Surface::W_iso;

	ON_BrepTrim& trim = brep.NewTrim(brep.m_E[ei], bRev3d, loop, c2i);
	trim.m_iso = iso;

	// the type gives metadata on the trim type in this case, "mated"
	// means the trim is connected to an edge, is part of an
	// outer/inner/slit loop, no other trim from the same edge is
	// connected to the edge, and at least one trim from a different
	// loop is connected to the edge
	trim.m_type = ON_BrepTrim::mated; // i.e. this b-rep is closed, so
	// all trims have mates

	// not convinced these shouldn't be set with a member function
	trim.m_tolerance[0] = 0.0; // exact
	trim.m_tolerance[1] = 0.0; //
    return loop.m_loop_index;
static int MakeTwistedCubeTrimmingLoop(  ON_Brep& brep, // returns index of loop
     ON_BrepFace& face,  // face loop is on
     //int vSWi, int vSEi, int vNEi, int vNWi, // Indices of corner vertices listed in SW,SE,NW,NE order
     int eSi,     // index of edge on south side of surface
     int eS_dir,  // orientation of edge with respect to surface trim
     int eEi,     // index of edge on south side of surface
     int eE_dir,  // orientation of edge with respect to surface trim
     int eNi,     // index of edge on south side of surface
     int eN_dir,  // orientation of edge with respect to surface trim
     int eWi,     // index of edge on south side of surface
     int eW_dir   // orientation of edge with respect to surface trim
  const ON_Surface& srf = *brep.m_S[face.m_si];

  ON_BrepLoop& loop = brep.NewLoop( ON_BrepLoop::outer, face );

  // Create trimming curves running counter clockwise around the surface's domain.
  // Start at the south side
  ON_Curve* c2;
  int c2i, ei=0, bRev3d=0;
  ON_2dPoint q;
  ON_Surface::ISO iso = ON_Surface::not_iso;

  for ( int side = 0; side < 4; side++ ) {
    // side: 0=south, 1=east, 2=north, 3=west
    c2 = TwistedCubeTrimmingCurve( srf, side );
    c2i = brep.m_C2.Count();

    switch ( side ) {
    case 0: // south
      ei = eSi;
      bRev3d = (eS_dir == -1);
      iso = ON_Surface::S_iso;
    case 1: // east
      ei = eEi;
      bRev3d = (eE_dir == -1);
      iso = ON_Surface::E_iso;
    case 2: // north
      ei = eNi;
      bRev3d = (eN_dir == -1);
      iso = ON_Surface::N_iso;
    case 3: // west
      ei = eWi;
      bRev3d = (eW_dir == -1);
      iso = ON_Surface::W_iso;

    ON_BrepTrim& trim = brep.NewTrim( brep.m_E[ei], bRev3d, loop, c2i );
    q = c2->PointAtStart();
    //trim.m_P[0] = srf.PointAt( q.x, q.y );
    q = c2->PointAtEnd();
    //trim.m_P[1] = srf.PointAt( q.x, q.y );
    trim.m_iso = iso;
    trim.m_type = ON_BrepTrim::mated; // This b-rep is closed, so all trims
                                         // have mates.
    trim.m_tolerance[0] = 0.0; // This simple example is exact - for models with
    trim.m_tolerance[1] = 0.0; // non-exact data, set tolerance as explained in
                               // definition of ON_BrepTrim.

  return loop.m_loop_index;