// - LuaValue::asBoolean ----------------------------------------------------
 bool LuaValue::asBoolean() const
    if (dataType_ == LUA_TBOOLEAN)
       return *reinterpret_cast<const bool*>(&data_);
       throw TypeMismatchError ("boolean", typeName());
 LuaUserData& LuaValue::asUserData()
    if (dataType_ == LUA_TUSERDATA)
       return *reinterpret_cast<LuaUserData*>(&data_);
       throw TypeMismatchError ("userdata", typeName());
 // - LuaValue::asTable ------------------------------------------------------
 LuaValueMap LuaValue::asTable() const
    if (dataType_ == LUA_TTABLE)
       return *reinterpret_cast<const LuaValueMap*>(&data_);
       throw TypeMismatchError ("table", typeName());
 // - LuaValue::asString -----------------------------------------------------
 const std::string& LuaValue::asString() const
    if (dataType_ == LUA_TSTRING)
       return *reinterpret_cast<const std::string*>(&data_);
       throw TypeMismatchError ("string", typeName());
 // - LuaValue::asNumber() ---------------------------------------------------
 lua_Number LuaValue::asNumber() const
    if (dataType_ == LUA_TNUMBER)
       return *reinterpret_cast<const lua_Number*>(&data_);
       throw TypeMismatchError ("number", typeName());
   // - LuaValue::operator[] ---------------------------------------------------
   LuaValue& LuaValue::operator[] (const LuaValue& key)
      if (type() != LUA_TTABLE)
         throw TypeMismatchError ("table", typeName());

      LuaValueMap& table = *reinterpret_cast<LuaValueMap*>(data_);

      return table[key];
 // - LuaValue::asFunction ---------------------------------------------------
 const LuaFunction& LuaValue::asFunction() const
    if (dataType_ == LUA_TFUNCTION)
       return *reinterpret_cast<const LuaFunction*>(&data_);
       throw TypeMismatchError ("function", typeName());
   const LuaValue& LuaValue::operator[] (const LuaValue& key) const
      if (type() != LUA_TTABLE)
         throw TypeMismatchError ("table", typeName());

      const LuaValueMap& table = *reinterpret_cast<const LuaValueMap*>(data_);

      LuaValueMap::const_iterator it = table.find(key);

      if (it == table.end())
         return Nil;

      return it->second;
 // - LuaValue::asInteger() --------------------------------------------------
 lua_Integer LuaValue::asInteger() const
    if (dataType_ == LUA_TNUMBER)
       lua_Number num = (*reinterpret_cast<const lua_Number*>(&data_));
       lua_Integer res;
       lua_number2integer (res, num);
       return res;
       throw TypeMismatchError ("number", typeName());
Example #10
   // - LuaVariable::pushTheReferencedValue ------------------------------------
   void LuaVariable::pushTheReferencedValue() const
      assert (keys_.size() > 0 && "There should be at least one key here.");

      lua_rawgeti (state_, LUA_REGISTRYINDEX, LUA_RIDX_GLOBALS);

      typedef std::vector<LuaValue>::const_iterator iter_t;
      for (iter_t p = keys_.begin(); p != keys_.end(); ++p)
         PushLuaValue (state_, *p);
         lua_gettable (state_, -2);

         if (keys_.size() > 1 && p != keys_.end()-1 && !lua_istable(state_, -1))
            throw TypeMismatchError ("table", p->typeName());

         lua_remove (state_, -2);
Example #11
   // - LuaVariable::pushLastTable ---------------------------------------------
   void LuaVariable::pushLastTable()
      // Push the globals table onto the stack
      lua_pushglobaltable (state_);

      // Reach the "final" table (and leave it at the stack top)
      typedef KeyList::const_iterator iter_t;

      assert (keys_.size() > 0 && "At least one key should be present here.");

      iter_t end = keys_.end();

      for (iter_t p = keys_.begin(); p != end; ++p)
         PushLuaValue (state_, *p);
         lua_gettable (state_, -2);
         if (!lua_istable (state_, -1))
            throw TypeMismatchError ("table", luaL_typename (state_, -1));
         lua_remove (state_, -2);