Example #1
void PrintStackTrace(int skipCount, const char* executableName)
	void* addresses[16];
	const int symbolCount = backtrace(addresses, UDT_COUNT_OF(addresses));
	if(skipCount >= symbolCount)

	char** const messages = backtrace_symbols(addresses, symbolCount);
	if(messages == NULL)

	printf("Stack trace:\n");
	for(int i = skipCount; i < symbolCount; ++i)
		printf("#%d %s\n", i, messages[i]);

		if(executableName == NULL)

		char callBuffer[256];
		sprintf(callBuffer,"addr2line %p -e %s", addresses[i], executableName);

Example #2
void udtBaseParser::ResetForGamestateMessage()
	_inServerMessageSequence = -1;
	_inServerCommandSequence = -1;
	_inReliableSequenceAcknowledge = -1;
	_inClientNum = -1;
	_inChecksumFeed = -1;
	_inParseEntitiesNum = 0;
	_inServerTime = S32_MIN;
	_inLastSnapshotMessageNumber = S32_MIN;

	_outServerCommandSequence = 0;
	_outSnapshotsWritten = 0;
	_outWriteFirstMessage = false;
	_outWriteMessage = false;

	memset(_inEntityBaselines, 0, sizeof(_inEntityBaselines));
	memset(_inSnapshots, 0, sizeof(_inSnapshots));
	memset(_inConfigStrings, 0, sizeof(_inConfigStrings));
	for(u32 i = 0; i < (u32)UDT_COUNT_OF(_inEntityEventTimesMs); ++i)
		_inEntityEventTimesMs[i] = S32_MIN;

Example #3
static void UTF8_WriteCodePoint(u32& newLength, char* output, u32 codePoint, const char* input)
	for(u32 i = 0; i < (u32)UDT_COUNT_OF(ShortEscapeCodePoints); ++i)
		if(codePoint == ShortEscapeCodePoints[i].CodePoint)
			newLength = 2;
			output[0] = '\\';
			output[1] = ShortEscapeCodePoints[i].OutputChar;

	// Range: 0x0000 - 0x001F
	if(codePoint <= 0x001F)
		newLength = 6;
		output[0] = '\\';
		output[1] = 'u';
		output[2] = HexDigits[(codePoint >> 12) & 15];
		output[3] = HexDigits[(codePoint >> 8) & 15];
		output[4] = HexDigits[(codePoint >> 4) & 15];
		output[5] = HexDigits[codePoint & 15];
Example #4
const udtString udtBaseParser::GetConfigString(s32 csIndex) const
	if(csIndex < 0 || csIndex >= (s32)UDT_COUNT_OF(_inConfigStrings))
		return udtString::NewEmptyConstant();

	return _inConfigStrings[csIndex];
Example #5
void udtBaseParser::WriteBigConfigStringCommand(const udtString& csIndex, const udtString& csData)
	// Simple example:
	// cs idx "name0\value0\name1\value1\name2\value2\name3\value3"
	// becomes:
	// bcs0 idx "name0\value0\"
	// bcs1 idx "name1\value1\"
	// bcs1 idx "name2\value2\"
	// bcs2 idx "name3\value3"
	const u32 maxLengthPerCmd = MAX_STRING_CHARS - 2;
	const u32 perCmdOverhead = 8 + csIndex.GetLength();
	const u32 maxDataLength = maxLengthPerCmd - perCmdOverhead;
	u32 outputChunks = 0;
	for(u32 i = 2;; ++i)
		const u32 perCmdData = (csData.GetLength() + i - 1) / i;
		if(perCmdData + perCmdOverhead <= maxLengthPerCmd)
			outputChunks = i;

	u32 dataOffset = 0;
	for(u32 i = 0; i < outputChunks; ++i)
		const char* bcsIdxRaw = i == 0 ? "0" : (i == outputChunks - 1 ? "2" : "1");
		const udtString data = udtString::NewSubstringRef(csData, dataOffset, bcsIdxRaw[0] == '2' ? (u32)~0 : maxDataLength);
		const udtString bcs = udtString::NewConstRef("bcs");
		const udtString bcsIdx = udtString::NewConstRef(bcsIdxRaw);
		const udtString space = udtString::NewConstRef(" ");
		const udtString quote = udtString::NewConstRef("\"");
		udtString command = udtString::NewEmpty(_tempAllocator, MAX_STRING_CHARS);
		const udtString* cmdPieces[] =
		udtString::AppendMultiple(command, cmdPieces, (u32)UDT_COUNT_OF(cmdPieces));

		_outMsg.WriteString(command.GetPtr(), (s32)command.GetLength());

		dataOffset += maxDataLength;

Example #6
bool udtPath::Combine(udtString& combinedPath, udtVMLinearAllocator& allocator, const udtString& folderPath, const udtString& extra)
	const bool isSeparatorNeeded = !HasTrailingSeparator(folderPath);
	const udtString path = udtString::IsNullOrEmpty(folderPath) ? udtString::NewConstRef(".") : folderPath;
	const udtString separator = isSeparatorNeeded ? udtString::NewConstRef(GetSeparator()) : udtString::NewEmptyConstant();
	const udtString* strings[] =

	combinedPath = udtString::NewFromConcatenatingMultiple(allocator, strings, (u32)UDT_COUNT_OF(strings));

	return true;
Example #7
static bool UTF8_NeedsEscaping(u32& newLength, u32 codePoint)
	for(u32 i = 0; i < (u32)UDT_COUNT_OF(ShortEscapeCodePoints); ++i)
		if(codePoint == ShortEscapeCodePoints[i].CodePoint)
			newLength = 2; // Of form: "\A".
			return true;

	// Range: 0x0000 - 0x001F
	if(codePoint <= 0x001F)
		newLength = 6; // Of form: "\uABCD".
		return true;

	return false;
Example #8
UDT_API(s32) udtGetStringArray(udtStringArray::Id arrayId, const char*** elements, u32* elementCount)
	if(elements == NULL || elementCount == NULL)
		return (s32)udtErrorCode::InvalidArgument;

		case udtStringArray::Weapons:
			*elements = WeaponNames;
			*elementCount = (u32)(UDT_COUNT_OF(WeaponNames) - 1);

		case udtStringArray::PowerUps:
			*elements = PowerUpNames;
			*elementCount = (u32)(UDT_COUNT_OF(PowerUpNames) - 1);

		case udtStringArray::MeansOfDeath:
			*elements = MeansOfDeathNames;
			*elementCount = (u32)(UDT_COUNT_OF(MeansOfDeathNames) - 1);

		case udtStringArray::PlayerMeansOfDeath:
			*elements = PlayerMeansOfDeathNames;
			*elementCount = (u32)(UDT_COUNT_OF(PlayerMeansOfDeathNames) - 1);

		case udtStringArray::Teams:
			*elements = TeamNames;
			*elementCount = (u32)(UDT_COUNT_OF(TeamNames) - 1);

		case udtStringArray::CutPatterns:
			*elements = CutPatternNames;
			*elementCount = (u32)(UDT_COUNT_OF(CutPatternNames) - 1);

			return (s32)udtErrorCode::InvalidArgument;

	return (s32)udtErrorCode::None;
Example #9
void udtBaseParser::WriteGameState()
	_outMsg.Init(_outMsgData, sizeof(_outMsgData));



	// Config strings.
	for(u32 i = 0; i < (u32)UDT_COUNT_OF(_inConfigStrings); ++i)
		const udtString& cs = _inConfigStrings[i];
		if(_outProtocol == _inProtocol && !udtString::IsNullOrEmpty(cs))
			_outMsg.WriteBigString(cs.GetPtr(), cs.GetLength());

		udtVMScopedStackAllocator allocatorScope(_tempAllocator);
		udtConfigStringConversion outCs;
		_protocolConverter->ConvertConfigString(outCs, _tempAllocator, (s32)i, cs.GetPtr(), cs.GetLength());
		if(outCs.Index >= 0 && outCs.String.GetLength() > 0)
			_outMsg.WriteBigString(outCs.String.GetPtr(), outCs.String.GetLength());

	idLargestEntityState nullState;
	Com_Memset(&nullState, 0, sizeof(nullState));
	// Baseline entities.
	for(s32 i = 0; i < ID_MAX_PARSE_ENTITIES; ++i)
		// We delta from the null state because we write a full entity.
		const idEntityStateBase* const newState = GetBaseline(i);

		// Write the baseline entity if it's not filled with 0 integers.
		if(memcmp(&nullState, newState, _inProtocolSizeOfEntityState))

			// @NOTE: MSG_WriteBits is called in there with newState.number as an argument.
			idLargestEntityState newStateOutProto;
			_protocolConverter->ConvertEntityState(newStateOutProto, *newState);
			_outMsg.WriteDeltaEntity(&nullState, &newStateOutProto, true);


Example #10
bool udtBaseParser::ParseCommandString()
	s32 commandStringLength = 0;
	const s32 commandSequence = _inMsg.ReadLong();
	const char* const commandStringTemp = _inMsg.ReadString(commandStringLength);

	// Do we have it already?
	if(_inServerCommandSequence >= commandSequence) 
		// Yes, don't bother processing it.
		return true;
	// Copy the string to some temporary location.
	udtVMScopedStackAllocator scopedTempAllocator(_tempAllocator);
	udtString commandString = udtString::NewClone(_tempAllocator, commandStringTemp, (u32)commandStringLength);
	// We haven't, so let's store the last sequence number received.
	_inServerCommandSequence = commandSequence;

	bool plugInSkipsThisCommand = false;

	idTokenizer& tokenizer = _tokenizer;
	const int tokenCount = tokenizer.GetArgCount();
	const udtString commandName = (tokenCount > 0) ? tokenizer.GetArg(0) : udtString::NewEmptyConstant();
	s32 csIndex = -1;
	bool isConfigString = false;
	if(tokenCount == 3 && udtString::Equals(commandName, "cs"))
		if(StringParseInt(csIndex, tokenizer.GetArgString(1)) && csIndex >= 0 && csIndex < (s32)UDT_COUNT_OF(_inConfigStrings))
			isConfigString = true;

			const char* const csStringTemp = tokenizer.GetArgString(2);
			u32 csStringLength = (u32)strlen(csStringTemp);

			udtConfigStringConversion outCs;
			_protocolConverter->ConvertConfigString(outCs, _tempAllocator, csIndex, csStringTemp, csStringLength);
			if(outCs.NewString || outCs.Index != csIndex)
				commandString = udtString::NewEmpty(_privateTempAllocator, 2 * BIG_INFO_STRING);
				sprintf(commandString.GetWritePtr(), "cs %d \"%s\"", outCs.Index, outCs.String.GetPtr());
				commandStringLength = (s32)strlen(commandString.GetPtr());
				csStringLength = outCs.String.GetLength();

			// Copy the config string to some safe location.
			_inConfigStrings[csIndex] = udtString::NewClone(_configStringAllocator, csStringTemp, csStringLength);
	else if(tokenCount == 3 && udtString::Equals(commandName, "bcs0"))
		// Start a new big config string.
		sprintf(_inBigConfigString, "cs %s \"%s", tokenizer.GetArgString(1), tokenizer.GetArgString(2));
		plugInSkipsThisCommand = true;
	else if(tokenCount == 3 && udtString::Equals(commandName, "bcs1"))
		// Append to current big config string.
		strcat(_inBigConfigString, tokenizer.GetArgString(2));
		plugInSkipsThisCommand = true;
	else if(tokenCount == 3 && udtString::Equals(commandName, "bcs2"))
		// Append to current big config string and finalize it.
		strcat(_inBigConfigString, tokenizer.GetArgString(2));
		strcat(_inBigConfigString, "\"");
		commandString = udtString::NewConstRef(_inBigConfigString);
		commandStringLength = (s32)strlen(_inBigConfigString);
		goto tokenize;

	if(EnablePlugIns && !PlugIns.IsEmpty() && !plugInSkipsThisCommand)
		udtCommandCallbackArg info;
		info.CommandSequence = commandSequence;
		info.String = commandString.GetPtr();
		info.StringLength = commandStringLength;
		info.ConfigStringIndex = csIndex;
		info.IsConfigString = isConfigString;
		info.IsEmptyConfigString = isConfigString ? udtString::IsNullOrEmpty(tokenizer.GetArg(2)) : false;

		for(u32 i = 0, count = PlugIns.GetSize(); i < count; ++i)
			PlugIns[i]->ProcessCommandMessage(info, *this);

		if(csIndex >= 0 && commandStringLength >= MAX_STRING_CHARS)
			WriteBigConfigStringCommand(tokenizer.GetArg(1), tokenizer.GetArg(2));
		else if(commandStringLength < MAX_STRING_CHARS)
			_outMsg.WriteString(commandString.GetPtr(), commandStringLength);

	return true;