Example #1
time_t filetimeToUnixTime(const FILETIME *ft) {
  if (!is_filetime_set(ft))
    return 0;

  ULONGLONG ll = (ULONGLONG(ft->dwHighDateTime) << 32) + ft->dwLowDateTime;
  return time_t((ll - 116444736000000000LL) / 10000000LL);
// Function protecting GetTickCount result from rolling over,
// result is in [ms]
  DWORD GTC = ::GetTickCount();

  // Cheaper then CMPXCHG8B
  AutoCriticalSection lock(&sTimeStampLock);

  // Pull the rollover counter forward only if new value of GTC goes way
  // down under the last saved result
  if ((sLastGTCResult > GTC) && ((sLastGTCResult - GTC) > (1UL << 30)))

  sLastGTCResult = GTC;
  return ULONGLONG(sLastGTCRollover) << 32 | sLastGTCResult;
Example #3
void IMemStream::freeMem()
    if( m_pbMem )
        // decommit the committed pages
        BOOL b;
        if( m_ullSize > ULONGLONG(0) )
            b = VirtualFree( m_pbMem, (SIZE_T) m_ullSize, MEM_DECOMMIT );
        // free all pages
        b = VirtualFree( m_pbMem, 0, MEM_RELEASE );
        m_pbMem = NULL;
    // WARNING: does not reset the buffer vars (size, pos, end)
// Function protecting GetTickCount result from rolling over, result is in [ms]
// @param gtc
// Result of GetTickCount().  Passing it as an arg lets us call it out
// of the common mutex.
static inline ULONGLONG
TickCount64(DWORD now)
  ULONGLONG lastResultHiPart = sLastGTCResult & (~0ULL << 32);
  ULONGLONG result = lastResultHiPart | ULONGLONG(now);

  // It may happen that when accessing GTC on multiple threads the results
  // may differ (GTC value may be lower due to running before the others
  // right around the overflow moment).  That falsely shifts the high part.
  // Easiest solution is to check for a significant difference.

  if (sLastGTCResult > result) {
    if ((sLastGTCResult - result) > (1ULL << 31))
      result += 1ULL << 32;
      result = sLastGTCResult;

  sLastGTCResult = result;
  return result;
ULONGLONG CpuUsage::getUsageEx()
    ULONGLONG nCpuCopy = m_nCpuUsage;

    if (::InterlockedIncrement(&m_lRunCount) == 1)
        if (!enoughTimePassed())
            return nCpuCopy;

        ULONGLONG ullSysNonIdleTime = getSystemNonIdleTimes();
        ULONGLONG ullProcNonIdleTime = getProcessNonIdleTimes();

        if (!isFirstRun())
            ULONGLONG ullTotalSys = ullSysNonIdleTime - m_ullPrevSysNonIdleTime;

            if (ullTotalSys == 0)
                return nCpuCopy;

            m_nCpuUsage = ULONGLONG((ullProcNonIdleTime - m_ullPrevProcNonIdleTime) * 100.0 / (ullTotalSys));
            m_ullPrevSysNonIdleTime = ullSysNonIdleTime;
            m_ullPrevProcNonIdleTime = ullProcNonIdleTime;

        m_dwLastRun = (ULONGLONG)GetTickCount();
        nCpuCopy = m_nCpuUsage;


    return nCpuCopy;
diskdump_display_regs(int cpu, FILE *ofp)
	Elf32_Nhdr *note32;
	Elf64_Nhdr *note64;
	char *user_regs;
	size_t len;

	if (cpu >= NR_CPUS || dd->nt_prstatus_percpu[cpu] == NULL) {
		error(INFO, "registers not collected for cpu %d\n", cpu);

	if (machine_type("X86_64")) {
		note64 = dd->nt_prstatus_percpu[cpu];
		len = sizeof(Elf64_Nhdr);
		len = roundup(len + note64->n_namesz, 4);
		len = roundup(len + note64->n_descsz, 4);
		user_regs = (char *)note64 + len - SIZE(user_regs_struct) - sizeof(long);
		    "    RIP: %016llx  RSP: %016llx  RFLAGS: %08llx\n"
		    "    RAX: %016llx  RBX: %016llx  RCX: %016llx\n"
		    "    RDX: %016llx  RSI: %016llx  RDI: %016llx\n"
		    "    RBP: %016llx   R8: %016llx   R9: %016llx\n"
		    "    R10: %016llx  R11: %016llx  R12: %016llx\n"
		    "    R13: %016llx  R14: %016llx  R15: %016llx\n"
		    "    CS: %04x  SS: %04x\n",
		    ULONGLONG(user_regs + OFFSET(user_regs_struct_rip)),
		    ULONGLONG(user_regs + OFFSET(user_regs_struct_rsp)),
		    ULONGLONG(user_regs + OFFSET(user_regs_struct_eflags)),
		    ULONGLONG(user_regs + OFFSET(user_regs_struct_rax)),
		    ULONGLONG(user_regs + OFFSET(user_regs_struct_rbx)),
		    ULONGLONG(user_regs + OFFSET(user_regs_struct_rcx)),
		    ULONGLONG(user_regs + OFFSET(user_regs_struct_rdx)),
		    ULONGLONG(user_regs + OFFSET(user_regs_struct_rsi)),
		    ULONGLONG(user_regs + OFFSET(user_regs_struct_rdi)),
		    ULONGLONG(user_regs + OFFSET(user_regs_struct_rbp)),
		    ULONGLONG(user_regs + OFFSET(user_regs_struct_r8)),
		    ULONGLONG(user_regs + OFFSET(user_regs_struct_r9)),
		    ULONGLONG(user_regs + OFFSET(user_regs_struct_r10)),
		    ULONGLONG(user_regs + OFFSET(user_regs_struct_r11)),
		    ULONGLONG(user_regs + OFFSET(user_regs_struct_r12)),
		    ULONGLONG(user_regs + OFFSET(user_regs_struct_r13)),
		    ULONGLONG(user_regs + OFFSET(user_regs_struct_r14)),
		    ULONGLONG(user_regs + OFFSET(user_regs_struct_r15)),
		    USHORT(user_regs + OFFSET(user_regs_struct_cs)),
		    USHORT(user_regs + OFFSET(user_regs_struct_ss))

	if (machine_type("X86")) {
		note32 = dd->nt_prstatus_percpu[cpu];
		len = sizeof(Elf32_Nhdr);
		len = roundup(len + note32->n_namesz, 4);
		len = roundup(len + note32->n_descsz, 4);
		user_regs = (char *)note32 + len - SIZE(user_regs_struct) - sizeof(int);
		    "    EAX: %08x  EBX: %08x  ECX: %08x  EDX: %08x\n"
		    "    ESP: %08x  EIP: %08x  ESI: %08x  EDI: %08x\n"
		    "    CS: %04x       DS: %04x       ES: %04x       FS: %04x\n"
		    "    GS: %04x       SS: %04x\n"
		    "    EBP: %08x  EFLAGS: %08x\n",
		    UINT(user_regs + OFFSET(user_regs_struct_eax)),
		    UINT(user_regs + OFFSET(user_regs_struct_ebx)),
		    UINT(user_regs + OFFSET(user_regs_struct_ecx)),
		    UINT(user_regs + OFFSET(user_regs_struct_edx)),
		    UINT(user_regs + OFFSET(user_regs_struct_esp)),
		    UINT(user_regs + OFFSET(user_regs_struct_eip)),
		    UINT(user_regs + OFFSET(user_regs_struct_esi)),
		    UINT(user_regs + OFFSET(user_regs_struct_edi)),
		    USHORT(user_regs + OFFSET(user_regs_struct_cs)),
		    USHORT(user_regs + OFFSET(user_regs_struct_ds)),
		    USHORT(user_regs + OFFSET(user_regs_struct_es)),
		    USHORT(user_regs + OFFSET(user_regs_struct_fs)),
		    USHORT(user_regs + OFFSET(user_regs_struct_gs)),
		    USHORT(user_regs + OFFSET(user_regs_struct_ss)),
		    UINT(user_regs + OFFSET(user_regs_struct_ebp)),
		    UINT(user_regs + OFFSET(user_regs_struct_eflags))
Example #7
std::string rippleCommandSignedXRPPayment(
	const std::string& addressFrom, const std::string& secretFrom, unsigned int sequence,
	const std::string& addressTo,
	double xrp, double fee,
	std::string& outTransactionHash)

	std::string tx_blob = sign::CreateSendXRPTransaction(addressFrom, secretFrom, addressTo, ULONGLONG(xrp*ULONGLONG(1000000)), ULONGLONG(fee*ULONGLONG(1000000)), sequence, outTransactionHash);

	std::string result = "{\"command\": \"submit\", \"tx_blob\": \"" + tx_blob + "\"}";
	return result;	
Example #8
ULONGLONG CMSFileTime::GetTime() const throw()
	return( (ULONGLONG( dwHighDateTime )<<32)|dwLowDateTime );
ULONGLONG ZipArchiveFile::Seek(LONGLONG llOffset, ESeekOrigin origin)
   if (AtEndOfStream())
      // seek beyond end of file
      return m_uiUncompressedSize;

   // calc new position
   ULONGLONG ullNewPos = m_ullCurrentPos;
   switch (origin)
   case seekBegin:
      ullNewPos = llOffset;

   case seekCurrent:
      ullNewPos += llOffset;

   case seekEnd:
      ullNewPos = ULONGLONG(m_uiUncompressedSize) - llOffset;


   if (ullNewPos >= m_uiUncompressedSize)
      // just seeked to end of file
      return m_uiUncompressedSize;

   // could be converted into rewind + forward skip
   if (ullNewPos < m_ullCurrentPos)
      throw Exception(_T("zip file archive stream can't be seeked backwards"), __FILE__, __LINE__);

   ULONGLONG ullBytesToSkip = ullNewPos - m_ullCurrentPos;

   if (ullBytesToSkip == 0)
      return m_ullCurrentPos;

   // skip over bytes
      // consume out buffer
      if (ullBytesToSkip < m_vecOutBuffer.size())
         m_vecOutBuffer.erase(m_vecOutBuffer.begin(), m_vecOutBuffer.begin() + static_cast<size_t>(ullBytesToSkip));

         ullBytesToSkip = 0;
      if (ullBytesToSkip == m_vecOutBuffer.size())
         ullBytesToSkip = 0;
         // more than enough in buffer
         ullBytesToSkip -= m_vecOutBuffer.size();

      // when not enough, decode more input
      if (ullBytesToSkip > 0)

         // read in at most 16k at a time
         DWORD dwBytesToRead = static_cast<DWORD>(std::min<ULONGLONG>(ullBytesToSkip, c_dwSkipBufferSize));


   } while (ullBytesToSkip > 0);

   m_ullCurrentPos = ullNewPos;

   return m_ullCurrentPos;
Example #10
BOOL HeapWalkHelper(Object * pBO, void * pvContext)
    OBJECTREF *   arrObjRef      = NULL;
    size_t        cNumRefs       = 0;
    bool          bOnStack       = false;
    //MethodTable * pMT            = pBO->GetMethodTable();

    ProfilerWalkHeapContext * pProfilerWalkHeapContext = (ProfilerWalkHeapContext *) pvContext;

    //if (pMT->ContainsPointersOrCollectible())
        // First round through calculates the number of object refs for this class
        GCHeap::GetGCHeap()->WalkObject(pBO, &CountContainedObjectRef, (void *)&cNumRefs);

        if (cNumRefs > 0)
            // Create an array to contain all of the refs for this object
            bOnStack = cNumRefs <= 32 ? true : false;

            if (bOnStack)
                // It's small enough, so just allocate on the stack
                arrObjRef = (OBJECTREF *)_alloca(cNumRefs * sizeof(OBJECTREF));
                // Otherwise, allocate from the heap
                arrObjRef = new (nothrow) OBJECTREF[cNumRefs];

                if (!arrObjRef)
                    return FALSE;

            // Second round saves off all of the ref values
            OBJECTREF * pCurObjRef = arrObjRef;
            GCHeap::GetGCHeap()->WalkObject(pBO, &SaveContainedObjectRef, (void *)&pCurObjRef);

    HRESULT hr = E_FAIL;

    if (ETW::GCLog::ShouldWalkHeapObjectsForEtw())
            (Object **) arrObjRef);
#endif // FEATURE_ETW

    // If the data was not allocated on the stack, need to clean it up.
    if ((arrObjRef != NULL) && !bOnStack)
        delete [] arrObjRef;

    // Return TRUE iff we want to the heap walk to continue. The only way we'd abort the
    // heap walk is if we're issuing profapi callbacks, and the profapi profiler
    // intentionally returned a failed HR (as its request that we stop the walk). There's
    // a potential conflict here. If a profapi profiler and an ETW profiler are both
    // monitoring the heap dump, and the profapi profiler requests to abort the walk (but
    // the ETW profiler may not want to abort the walk), then what do we do? The profapi
    // profiler gets precedence. We don't want to accidentally send more callbacks to a
    // profapi profiler that explicitly requested an abort. The ETW profiler will just
    // have to deal. In theory, I could make the code more complex by remembering that a
    // profapi profiler requested to abort the dump but an ETW profiler is still
    // attached, and then intentionally inhibit the remainder of the profapi callbacks
    // for this GC. But that's unnecessary complexity. In practice, it should be
    // extremely rare that a profapi profiler is monitoring heap dumps AND an ETW
    // profiler is also monitoring heap dumps.
    return TRUE;