Example #1
//randomally seed the sigma, pi, lambda ws etc...
void component::initialize_bounds(double mu, segment * data , int K, double scale, double noise_w, 
	double termination, double fp, double forward_bound, double reverse_bound){//random seeds...
	foot_print 	= fp;
	if (noise_w>0){
		noise 	= NOISE(data->minX, data->maxX, 
			noise_w, 0.5);
		type 	= 0; 

		int complexity=1;
		if (data->strand == "."){

		random_device rd;
		mt19937 mt(rd());
		double sigma,lambda, pi_EMG, w_EMG  ;	
		double b_forward,  w_forward;
		double a_reverse,  w_reverse;

		//start sampling
		//for the bidirectional/EMG component
		uniform_real_distribution<double> dist_lambda_2(1, 250);
		uniform_real_distribution<double> dist_sigma_2(1, 250);
		gamma_distribution<double> dist_lengths(1,( (data->maxX-data->minX)/(K)));
		sigma 				= dist_sigma_2(mt)/scale;
		lambda 				= scale/dist_lambda_2(mt) ;
		double dist 		=  (1.0/lambda);
		int j 				= get_nearest_position(data, mu, dist);
		int k 				= get_nearest_position(data, mu, forward_bound-mu);
		double pi 			= 0.5;
		if (data->strand == "+"){
			pi 				= 1.0;
		}else if (data->strand=="-") {
			pi 				= 0.;
		forward 			= UNI(mu+(1.0/lambda), data->maxX, 1.0 / (complexity*K), 1, j, pi);
		forward.j=j, forward.k=k;

		bidir 				= EMG(mu, sigma, lambda, 1.0 / (complexity*K), 0.5);
		bidir.foot_print 	= fp;
		dist 				=  -(1.0/lambda);
		j 					= get_nearest_position(  data, mu, dist);
		k 					= get_nearest_position(data, mu, reverse_bound-mu);
		reverse 			= UNI(data->minX, mu-(1.0/lambda),  1.0 / (complexity*K) , -1, j,1-pi);
		reverse.j=k, reverse.k=j;
		termination 		= (termination > 1);
		type 		= 1;
// Gets the count of emails in the folder "INBOX" if SelectFolder() has not been called before.
int Imap::GetEmailCount()
        return mpi_Imap->GetEmailCount();
    catch (std::exception& Ex)
        throw new Exception(UNI(Ex.what()).c_str());
// Do not use this constructor "manually"! 
// Call Pop3.FetchEmailAt() to get an instance of EmailParser instead!
EmailParser::EmailParser(IntPtr p_Internal)
        mpi_Email = (cEmailParser*)(void*)p_Internal;
    catch (std::exception& Ex)
        throw new Exception(UNI(Ex.what()).c_str());
// Gets the unique identifier that the server has assigned to this email.
// Connects to the server (POP3 command UIDL)
String* EmailParser::GetUID()
        return new String(mpi_Email->GetUID().c_str());
    catch (std::exception& Ex)
        throw new Exception(UNI(Ex.what()).c_str());
// Deletes the email on the server. 
// Connects to the server (POP3 command DELE)
// ATTENTION: If Pop3.Close() is not called afterwards the email(s) will not be deleted!
void EmailParser::Delete()
    catch (std::exception& Ex)
        throw new Exception(UNI(Ex.what()).c_str());
String* Imap::GetCurrentFolder()
        return new String(mpi_Imap->GetCurrentFolder().c_str());
    catch (std::exception& Ex)
        throw new Exception(UNI(Ex.what()).c_str());
// Disconect from the server
void Imap::Close()
    catch (std::exception& Ex)
        throw new Exception(UNI(Ex.what()).c_str());
// s_Path = "[Gmail]/Sent"
// ATTENTION: s_Path is case sensitive!
// If you never call this function the default folder is "INBOX".
void Imap::SelectFolder(String* s_Path)
    catch (std::exception& Ex)
        throw new Exception(UNI(Ex.what()).c_str());
EmailParser::eFlags EmailParser::GetFlags()
        return (eFlags)mpi_Email->GetFlags();
    catch (std::exception& Ex)
        throw new Exception(UNI(Ex.what()).c_str());
// Gets the zero-based index of this email in the server's folder (e.g. Inbox)
UInt32 EmailParser::GetIndex()
        return mpi_Email->GetIndex();
    catch (std::exception& Ex)
        throw new Exception(UNI(Ex.what()).c_str());
void Imap::SetAuthData(String* s_User, String* s_Password)
        mpi_Imap->SetAuthData(StrW(s_User), StrW(s_Password));
    catch (std::exception& Ex)
        throw new Exception(UNI(Ex.what()).c_str());
// s_Server   = hostname of IMAP server
// u16_Port   = 0 to use the default port, otherwise the user defined port
// e_Security = The encryption mode
// If the server sends a certificate that is not signed with a root certificate:
// b_AllowInvalidCerts = true  -> only write an ERROR to the Trace output.
// b_AllowInvalidCerts = false -> throw an exception and do not send the email.
Imap::Imap(String* s_Server, UInt16 u16_Port, eSecurity e_Security, bool b_AllowInvalidCerts)
        mpi_Imap = new cImap(StrW(s_Server), u16_Port, (cCommon::eSecurity)e_Security, b_AllowInvalidCerts, IDR_ROOT_CA);
    catch (std::exception& Ex)
        throw new Exception(UNI(Ex.what()).c_str());
UInt32 EmailParser::GetEmbeddedObjectCount()
        return mpi_Email->GetEmbeddedObjectCount();
    catch (std::exception& Ex)
        throw new Exception(UNI(Ex.what()).c_str());
// Gets the emails in the folder "INBOX" if SelectFolder() has not been called before.
// Fetches only the header of the email (command FETCH HEADER).
// s32_Index is zero-based!
// returns null if index invalid
EmailParser* Imap::FetchEmailAt(int s32_Index)
        cEmailParser* p_Email = mpi_Imap->FetchEmailAt(s32_Index);
        if (!p_Email)
            return NULL;

        return new EmailParser((IntPtr)p_Email);
    catch (std::exception& Ex)
        throw new Exception(UNI(Ex.what()).c_str());
// For the email "John Miller <*****@*****.**>"
// returns String[] with 
// String[0] = "*****@*****.**" and 
// String[1] = "John Miller"
String* EmailParser::GetReplyTo() []
        wstring s_Name;
        wstring s_Email = mpi_Email->GetReplyTo(&s_Name);

        // The very awkward way of managed C++ to say "new String[2]"
	    String* s_Array[] = static_cast<String*[]>(Array::CreateInstance(__typeof(String), 2));
        s_Array[0] = new String(s_Email.c_str());
        s_Array[1] = new String(s_Name .c_str());
        return s_Array;
    catch (std::exception& Ex)
        throw new Exception(UNI(Ex.what()).c_str());
void EmailParser::GetCc(List<String*>* i_Emails, List<String*>* i_Names)
        vector<wstring> i_VectMails;
        vector<wstring> i_VectNames;

        mpi_Email->GetCc(&i_VectMails, &i_VectNames);

        for (size_t i=0; i<i_VectMails.size(); i++)
            i_Emails->Add(new String(i_VectMails.at(i).c_str()));
            i_Names ->Add(new String(i_VectNames.at(i).c_str()));
    catch (std::exception& Ex)
        throw new Exception(UNI(Ex.what()).c_str());
// Get all folders on the server
String* Imap::EnumFolders() []
        vector<wstring> i_Folders;

        // The very awkward way of managed C++ to say "new String[n]"
        String* s_Array[] = static_cast<String*[]>(Array::CreateInstance(__typeof(String), i_Folders.size()));

        for (size_t i=0; i<i_Folders.size(); i++)
            s_Array[i] = new String(i_Folders.at(i).c_str());

        return s_Array;
    catch (std::exception& Ex)
        throw new Exception(UNI(Ex.what()).c_str());
Example #18
// Get all folders on the server
void cImap::EnumFolders(vector<wstring>& i_FolderList)

        vector<ref<net::folder>> i_Folders = mi_Store->getRootFolder()->getFolders(true); // recursive
        for (size_t i=0; i<i_Folders.size(); i++)
            // The folder does not contain emails -> skip it
            if (i_Folders.at(i)->getType() & net::folder::TYPE_CONTAINS_MESSAGES)
                net::folder::path i_Path = i_Folders.at(i)->getFullPath();
    catch (...)
        // http://stackoverflow.com/questions/21346400/destructors-not-executed-no-stack-unwinding-when-exception-is-thrown
// returns local time and the timezone in minutes (+/-) deviation from GMT.
// returns DateTime::MinValue (00:00 at January 1, 0001) if no DATE field in the header!
DateTime EmailParser::GetDate(Int32* s32_Timezone)
        DateTime i_Date = DateTime::MinValue;
        *s32_Timezone  = 0;

        vmime::ref<const vmime::datetime> p_Date = mpi_Email->GetDate();
        if (p_Date)
            i_Date = DateTime(p_Date->getYear(), p_Date->getMonth(),  p_Date->getDay(),
                              p_Date->getHour(), p_Date->getMinute(), p_Date->getSecond());

            *s32_Timezone = p_Date->getZone();

        return i_Date;
    catch (std::exception& Ex)
        throw new Exception(UNI(Ex.what()).c_str());
static void TraceCallback(const char* s8_Trace)
    if (gf_Callback) 
        gf_Callback->Invoke(new String(UNI(s8_Trace).c_str()));