static gboolean model_clear_active_foreach(gpointer key, gpointer value, gpointer data) { mtscan_model_t *model = (mtscan_model_t*)data; GtkTreeModel *store = (GtkTreeModel*)model->store; GtkTreeIter *iter = (GtkTreeIter*)value; gint64 firstseen, lastseen; gboolean privacy; gint8 rssi; guint8 state; gtk_tree_model_get(store, iter, COL_STATE, &state, COL_PRIVACY, &privacy, COL_RSSI, &rssi, COL_FIRSTLOG, &firstseen, COL_LASTLOG, &lastseen, -1); if(model->clear_active_all || UNIX_TIMESTAMP() > lastseen+model->active_timeout) { gtk_list_store_set(GTK_LIST_STORE(store), iter, COL_STATE, MODEL_STATE_INACTIVE, -1); model->clear_active_changed = TRUE; return TRUE; } if(state == MODEL_STATE_NEW && UNIX_TIMESTAMP() > firstseen+model->new_timeout) { gtk_list_store_set(GTK_LIST_STORE(store), iter, COL_STATE, MODEL_STATE_ACTIVE, -1); model->clear_active_changed = TRUE; } return FALSE; }
void kitchenFrame::fillMain() { ListBox2->Clear(); Lst2.Clear(); ListBox3->Clear(); Lst3.Clear(); ListBox4->Clear(); wxDateTime current = wxDateTime::Now(); mysqlpp::Query query = conn->query(); wxString orderBy; if(ToggleButton2->GetValue()) { orderBy = _T("`time_avg` ASC"); } else if(ToggleButton1->GetValue()) { orderBy = _T("`qty` DESC"); } query << "SELECT SUM( `qty` ) AS `qty`,`orders_dishes`.`name`,MIN(`orders`.`time`) \ AS `time_min`,MAX(`orders`.`time`) AS `time_max`,FROM_UNIXTIME(AVG(UNIX_TIMESTAMP(`orders`.`time`)))\ AS `time_avg` FROM `orders_dishes`,`orders` WHERE `orders`.`time` > '"<< wx2std(current.FormatISODate(), wxConvUI) <<"' \ AND `orders`.`status`=3 AND `orders_dishes`.`kitchen`=1 AND `orders_dishes`.`ready`=0 AND `orders_dishes`.`order_id`=`orders`.`id` \ GROUP BY `orders_dishes`.`name` ORDER BY "<< wx2std(orderBy, wxConvUI); mysqlpp::StoreQueryResult res =; if (res) { mysqlpp::Row row; mysqlpp::StoreQueryResult::size_type i; bool first = true; wxDateTime avg; for (i = 0; i < res.num_rows(); ++i) { row = res[i]; avg.ParseDateTime(std2wx(std::string(row["time_avg"]),wxConvUI)); wxTimeSpan diff = wxDateTime::Now() - avg; wxString toAppend = _("<font size = 5>") + std2wx(std::string(row["name"]),wxConvUI) + _("</font><br align=center>Avg. time: <b>") + diff.Format(_T("%M")) + _(" min.</b> Quantity: <font size = 5>") + std2wx(std::string(row["qty"]),wxConvUI) + _T("</font>"); if(first) { ListBox2->Append(toAppend); Lst2.Add(std2wx(std::string(row["name"]),wxConvUI)); ListBox2->Append(_T("Preved!Medved")); if(!ListBox2->IsVisible(ListBox2->GetCount()-1)) { first = false; ListBox2->Delete(ListBox2->GetCount()-2); Lst2.RemoveAt(Lst2.GetCount()-1); ListBox3->Append(toAppend); Lst3.Add(std2wx(std::string(row["name"]),wxConvUI)); } ListBox2->Delete(ListBox2->GetCount()-1); } else { ListBox3->Append(toAppend); Lst3.Add(std2wx(std::string(row["name"]),wxConvUI)); } } } //wxMessageBox(toSearch); int Lst2Index = Lst2.Index(toSearch); int Lst3Index = Lst3.Index(toSearch); if(Lst2Index != wxNOT_FOUND || Lst3Index != wxNOT_FOUND ) { if(Lst2Index != wxNOT_FOUND) { //making selection in first listbox fillDetails(Lst2[Lst2Index]); ListBox2->SetSelection(Lst2Index); } else { //making selection in second listbox fillDetails(Lst3[Lst3Index]); ListBox3->SetSelection(Lst3Index); } } else if(Lst2.GetCount() != 0) //if none of those has our dish - just selecting first one { fillDetails(Lst2[0]); ListBox2->SetSelection(0); toSearch = Lst2[0]; } }