Example #1
int main( int argc , char *argv[] )
   int iarg=1 , ii , do_iwarp=0 ;
   char *prefix = "NwarpCat" ;
   mat44 wmat , smat , qmat ;
   THD_3dim_dataset *oset=NULL ;
   char *cwarp_all=NULL ; int ntot=0 ;

   AFNI_SETUP_OMP(0) ;  /* 24 Jun 2013 */

   if( argc < 2 || strcasecmp(argv[1],"-help") == 0 ) NWC_help() ;

   /*-- bureaucracy --*/

   mainENTRY("3dNwarpCat"); machdep();
   PRINT_VERSION("3dNwarpCat"); AUTHOR("Zhark the Warper");
   (void)COX_clock_time() ;
   putenv("AFNI_WSINC5_SILENT=YES") ;

   /*-- initialization --*/

   CW_no_expad = 1 ;  /* don't allow automatic padding of input warp */
   Hverb = 0 ;        /* don't be verbose inside mri_nwarp.c */
   for( ii=0 ; ii < NWMAX ; ii++ ) cwarp[ii] = NULL ;

   /*-- scan args --*/

   while( iarg < argc && argv[iarg][0] == '-' ){


     if( strcasecmp(argv[iarg],"-iwarp") == 0 ){
       do_iwarp = 1 ; iarg++ ; continue ;


     if( strcasecmp(argv[iarg],"-space") == 0 ){
       sname = strdup(argv[++iarg]) ; iarg++ ; continue ;


     if( strcasecmp(argv[iarg],"-NN") == 0 || strncasecmp(argv[iarg],"-nearest",6) == 0 ){
       WARNING_message("NN interpolation not legal here -- switched to linear") ;
       interp_code = MRI_LINEAR ; iarg++ ; continue ;
     if( strncasecmp(argv[iarg],"-linear",4)==0 || strncasecmp(argv[iarg],"-trilinear",6)==0 ){
       interp_code = MRI_LINEAR ; iarg++ ; continue ;
     if( strncasecmp(argv[iarg],"-cubic",4)==0 || strncasecmp(argv[iarg],"-tricubic",6)==0 ){
       WARNING_message("cubic interplation not legal here -- switched to quintic") ;
       interp_code = MRI_QUINTIC ; iarg++ ; continue ;
     if( strncasecmp(argv[iarg],"-quintic",4)==0 || strncasecmp(argv[iarg],"-triquintic",6)==0 ){
       interp_code = MRI_QUINTIC ; iarg++ ; continue ;
     if( strncasecmp(argv[iarg],"-wsinc",5) == 0 ){
       interp_code = MRI_WSINC5 ; iarg++ ; continue ;


     if( strcasecmp(argv[iarg],"-expad") == 0 ){
       int expad ;
       if( ++iarg >= argc ) ERROR_exit("no argument after '%s' :-(",argv[iarg-1]) ;
       expad = (int)strtod(argv[iarg],NULL) ;
       if( expad < 0 ){
         WARNING_message("-expad %d is illegal and is set to zero",expad) ;
         expad = 0 ;
       CW_extra_pad = expad ;  /* this is how we force extra padding */
       iarg++ ; continue ;


     if( strncasecmp(argv[iarg],"-interp",5)==0 ){
       char *inam ;
       if( ++iarg >= argc ) ERROR_exit("no argument after '%s' :-(",argv[iarg-1]) ;
       inam = argv[iarg] ; if( *inam == '-' ) inam++ ;
       if( strcasecmp(inam,"NN")==0 || strncasecmp(inam,"nearest",5)==0 ){
         WARNING_message("NN interpolation not legal here -- changed to linear") ;
         interp_code = MRI_LINEAR ;
       } else if( strncasecmp(inam,"linear",3)==0 || strncasecmp(inam,"trilinear",5)==0 ){
         interp_code = MRI_LINEAR ;
       } else if( strncasecmp(inam,"cubic",3)==0 || strncasecmp(inam,"tricubic",5)==0 ){
         WARNING_message("cubic interplation not legal here -- changed to quintic") ;
         interp_code = MRI_QUINTIC ;
       } else if( strncasecmp(inam,"quintic",3)==0 || strncasecmp(inam,"triquintic",5)==0 ){
         interp_code = MRI_QUINTIC ;
       } else if( strncasecmp(inam,"wsinc",4)==0 ){
         interp_code = MRI_WSINC5 ;
       } else {
         ERROR_exit("Unknown code '%s' after '%s' :-(",argv[iarg],argv[iarg-1]) ;
       iarg++ ; continue ;


     if( strcasecmp(argv[iarg],"-verb") == 0 ){
       verb++ ; NwarpCalcRPN_verb(verb) ; iarg++ ; continue ;


     if( strcasecmp(argv[iarg],"-prefix") == 0 ){
       if( ++iarg >= argc ) ERROR_exit("no argument after '%s' :-(",argv[iarg-1]) ;
       prefix = argv[iarg] ;
       if( !THD_filename_ok(prefix) ) ERROR_exit("Illegal name after '%s'",argv[iarg-1]) ;
       iarg++ ; continue ;


     if( strncasecmp(argv[iarg],"-warp",5) == 0 ){
       int nn ;
       if( iarg >= argc-1 ) ERROR_exit("no argument after '%s' :-(",argv[iarg]) ;
       if( !isdigit(argv[iarg][5]) ) ERROR_exit("illegal format for '%s' :-(",argv[iarg]) ;
       nn = (int)strtod(argv[iarg]+5,NULL) ;
       if( nn <= 0 || nn > NWMAX )
         ERROR_exit("illegal warp index in '%s' :-(",argv[iarg]) ;
       if( cwarp[nn-1] != NULL )
         ERROR_exit("'%s': you can't specify warp #%d more than once :-(",argv[iarg],nn) ;
       cwarp[nn-1] = strdup(argv[++iarg]) ;
       if( nn > nwtop ) nwtop = nn ;
       iarg++ ; continue ;


     ERROR_message("Confusingly Unknown option '%s' :-(",argv[iarg]) ;
     suggest_best_prog_option(argv[0],argv[iarg]) ;
     exit(1) ;


   /*-- load any warps left on the command line, after options --*/

   for( ; iarg < argc && nwtop < NWMAX-1 ; iarg++ )
     cwarp[nwtop++] = strdup(argv[iarg]) ;

   /*-- check if all warp strings are affine matrices --*/

#define AFFINE_WARP_STRING(ss)     \
  ( strstr((ss)," ") == NULL &&    \
    ( strcasestr((ss),".1D") != NULL || strcasestr((ss),".txt") != NULL ) )

   for( ntot=ii=0 ; ii < nwtop ; ii++ ){
     if( cwarp[ii] == NULL ) continue ;
     ntot += strlen(cwarp[ii]) ;
     if( ! AFFINE_WARP_STRING(cwarp[ii]) ) break ;  /* not affine */
   if( ntot == 0 ) ERROR_exit("No warps on command line?!") ;

   if( ii == nwtop ){  /* all are affine (this is for Ziad) */
     char *fname = malloc(sizeof(char)*(strlen(prefix)+16)) ; FILE *fp ;
     float a11,a12,a13,a14,a21,a22,a23,a24,a31,a32,a33,a34 ;

     LOAD_IDENT_MAT44(wmat) ;
     for( ii=0 ; ii < nwtop ; ii++ ){
       if( cwarp[ii] == NULL ) continue ;
       smat = CW_read_affine_warp_OLD(cwarp[ii]) ;
       qmat = MAT44_MUL(smat,wmat) ; wmat = qmat ;

     if( strcmp(prefix,"-") == 0 || strncmp(prefix,"stdout",6) == 0 ){
       fp = stdout ; strcpy(fname,"stdout") ;
     } else {
       strcpy(fname,prefix) ;
       if( strstr(fname,".1D") == NULL ) strcat(fname,".aff12.1D") ;
       fp = fopen(fname,"w") ;
       if( fp == NULL ) ERROR_exit("Can't open output matrix file %s",fname) ;
     if( do_iwarp ){
       qmat = MAT44_INV(wmat) ; wmat = qmat ;
     UNLOAD_MAT44(wmat,a11,a12,a13,a14,a21,a22,a23,a24,a31,a32,a33,a34) ;
             " %13.6g %13.6g %13.6g %13.6g %13.6g %13.6g %13.6g %13.6g %13.6g %13.6g %13.6g %13.6g\n",
             a11,a12,a13,a14,a21,a22,a23,a24,a31,a32,a33,a34 ) ;
     if( verb && fp != stdout ) INFO_message("Wrote matrix to %s",fname) ;
     if( fp != stdout ) fclose(fp) ;
     exit(0) ;

   /*** at least one nonlinear warp ==> cat all strings, use library function to read ***/

   cwarp_all = (char *)calloc(sizeof(char),(ntot+NWMAX)*2) ;
   for( ii=0 ; ii < nwtop ; ii++ ){
     if( cwarp[ii] != NULL ){ strcat(cwarp_all,cwarp[ii]) ; strcat(cwarp_all," ") ; }

   oset = IW3D_read_catenated_warp( cwarp_all ) ;  /* process all of them at once */

   if( do_iwarp ){            /* 18 Jul 2014 */
     THD_3dim_dataset *qwarp ;
     if( verb ) fprintf(stderr,"Applying -iwarp option") ;
     qwarp = THD_nwarp_invert(oset) ;
     DSET_delete(oset) ;
     oset = qwarp ;
     if( verb ) fprintf(stderr,"\n") ;
   tross_Make_History( "3dNwarpCat" , argc,argv , oset ) ;
   if( sname != NULL ) MCW_strncpy( oset->atlas_space , sname , THD_MAX_NAME ) ;
   EDIT_dset_items( oset , ADN_prefix,prefix , ADN_none ) ;
   DSET_write(oset) ; WROTE_DSET(oset) ;

   /*--- run away screaming into the night, never to be seen again ---*/

   INFO_message("total CPU time = %.1f sec  Elapsed = %.1f\n",
                COX_cpu_time() , COX_clock_time() ) ;

   exit(0) ;
Example #2
void THD_set_dataset_attributes( THD_3dim_dataset *dset )
   THD_datablock *blk ;
   THD_dataxes   *daxes ;
   THD_diskptr   *dkptr ;

   int itemp[IFILL_DIM] , ii ;
   float ftemp[FFILL_DIM] ;

   int id , nx , ny , nz , nv , nxy , nxyz , ibr , nb ;
   MRI_IMAGE *im ;
   int save_order ;
   THD_dmat33 tmat ;
   THD_dfvec3 tvec ;
   mat44 Tc, Tr;
   float angle;
   char name[666] ; floatvec *fv ;

ENTRY("THD_set_dataset_attributes") ;

   /*-- sanity checks --*/

   if( ! ISVALID_3DIM_DATASET(dset)    ||
       ! ISVALID_DATABLOCK(dset->dblk) ||
       ! ISVALID_DISKPTR(dset->dblk->diskptr) ) EXRETURN ;

   blk = dset->dblk ; daxes = dset->daxes ;  /* always used fixed daxes */
   dkptr = blk->diskptr ;

   /****** These attributes used to be set in THD_write_3dim_dataset() *****/

   /*----- write TYPESTRING attribute -----*/

   THD_set_string_atr( blk , ATRNAME_TYPESTRING ,
                       DATASET_typestr[dset->type] ) ;

   /*----- write IDCODE attributes -----*/

   THD_set_string_atr( blk , ATRNAME_IDSTRING , dset->idcode.str ) ;
   THD_set_string_atr( blk , ATRNAME_IDDATE   , dset->idcode.date ) ;

   if( ! ISZERO_IDCODE(dset->anat_parent_idcode) )
     THD_set_string_atr( blk, ATRNAME_IDANATPAR, dset->anat_parent_idcode.str );
     THD_erase_one_atr ( blk, ATRNAME_IDANATPAR ) ;

   if( ! ISZERO_IDCODE(dset->warp_parent_idcode) )
     THD_set_string_atr( blk, ATRNAME_IDWARPPAR, dset->warp_parent_idcode.str );
     THD_erase_one_atr ( blk, ATRNAME_IDWARPPAR ) ;

   /*----- write SCENE_TYPE attribute -----*/

   itemp[0] = dset->view_type ;
   itemp[1] = dset->func_type ;
   itemp[2] = dset->type ;

   THD_set_int_atr( blk , ATRNAME_SCENE_TYPE ,
                          ATRSIZE_SCENE_TYPE , itemp ) ;

   /*----- write data labels -----*/

   if( strlen(dset->self_name) == 0 ) DSET_FIX_NAMES(dset) ;

   THD_set_string_atr( blk , ATRNAME_LABEL1   , dset->label1 ) ;
   THD_set_string_atr( blk , ATRNAME_LABEL2   , dset->label2 ) ;
   THD_set_string_atr( blk , ATRNAME_DATANAME , dset->self_name ) ;

   if( dset->keywords != NULL )
      THD_set_string_atr( blk , ATRNAME_KEYWORDS , dset->keywords ) ;
      THD_erase_one_atr ( blk , ATRNAME_KEYWORDS ) ;

   /*----- write parent names, if they exist -----*/

   if( strlen(dset->warp_parent_name) > 0 )
      THD_set_string_atr( blk , ATRNAME_WARP_PARENT ,
                          dset->warp_parent_name ) ;
      THD_erase_one_atr ( blk , ATRNAME_WARP_PARENT ) ;

   if( strlen(dset->anat_parent_name) > 0 )
      THD_set_string_atr( blk , ATRNAME_ANATOMY_PARENT ,
                          dset->anat_parent_name ) ;
      THD_erase_one_atr ( blk , ATRNAME_ANATOMY_PARENT ) ;

   /*----- write axes orientation -----*/

   itemp[0] = daxes->xxorient ;
   itemp[1] = daxes->yyorient ;
   itemp[2] = daxes->zzorient ;

   THD_set_int_atr( blk , ATRNAME_ORIENT_SPECIFIC ,
                          ATRSIZE_ORIENT_SPECIFIC , itemp ) ;

   /*----- write axes origin -----*/

   ftemp[0] = daxes->xxorg ;
   ftemp[1] = daxes->yyorg ;
   ftemp[2] = daxes->zzorg ;

   THD_set_float_atr( blk , ATRNAME_ORIGIN ,
                            ATRSIZE_ORIGIN , ftemp ) ;

   /*----- write axes spacings -----*/

   ftemp[0] = daxes->xxdel ;
   ftemp[1] = daxes->yydel ;
   ftemp[2] = daxes->zzdel ;

   THD_set_float_atr( blk , ATRNAME_DELTA ,
                            ATRSIZE_DELTA , ftemp ) ;

   /*-- write matrix for (i,j,k) to DICOM (x,y,z) conversion [15 Dec 2005] --*/

   if( !ISVALID_MAT44(daxes->ijk_to_dicom) ) THD_daxes_to_mat44( daxes ) ;

   if( ISVALID_MAT44(daxes->ijk_to_dicom) ){
     UNLOAD_MAT44(daxes->ijk_to_dicom, ftemp[0],ftemp[1],ftemp[2],ftemp[3],
                                       ftemp[8],ftemp[9],ftemp[10],ftemp[11] );
     THD_set_float_atr( blk , "IJK_TO_DICOM" , 12 , ftemp ) ;

   /*-- write matrix for (i,j,k) to DICOM real (x,y,z) conversion [18 May 2007] --*/
   /* to store obliquity information */
   if(!THD_update_obliquity_status()){ /* maybe update the obliquity unless refitting */

      if (ISVALID_MAT44(dset->daxes->ijk_to_dicom_real)){
           /* if not oblique already,compute Tc (Cardinal transformation matrix) */
           angle = THD_compute_oblique_angle(daxes->ijk_to_dicom_real, 0);

              THD_dicom_card_xform(dset, &tmat, &tvec);
                  tmat.mat[0][0], tmat.mat[0][1], tmat.mat[0][2], tvec.xyz[0],
                  tmat.mat[1][0], tmat.mat[1][1], tmat.mat[1][2], tvec.xyz[1],
                  tmat.mat[2][0], tmat.mat[2][1], tmat.mat[2][2], tvec.xyz[2]);
              daxes->ijk_to_dicom_real = Tc;
   if( ISVALID_MAT44(daxes->ijk_to_dicom_real) ){
     UNLOAD_MAT44(daxes->ijk_to_dicom_real, ftemp[0],ftemp[1],ftemp[2],ftemp[3],
                                       ftemp[8],ftemp[9],ftemp[10],ftemp[11] );
     THD_set_float_atr( blk , "IJK_TO_DICOM_REAL" , 12 , ftemp ) ;

   /*----- write markers, if present -----*/

   if( dset->markers != NULL ){

      for( ii=0 ; ii < MARKS_MAXNUM ; ii++ ){   /* put bad data in */
         if( !dset->markers->valid[ii] )        /* invalid markers */
            dset->markers->xyz[ii][0] =
            dset->markers->xyz[ii][1] =
            dset->markers->xyz[ii][2] = FFILL ;

      THD_set_float_atr( blk , ATRNAME_MARKSXYZ ,
                               ATRSIZE_MARKSXYZ ,
                               &(dset->markers->xyz[0][0]) ) ;

      THD_set_char_atr( blk , ATRNAME_MARKSLAB ,
                              ATRSIZE_MARKSLAB ,
                              &(dset->markers->label[0][0]) ) ;

      THD_set_char_atr( blk , ATRNAME_MARKSHELP ,
                              ATRSIZE_MARKSHELP ,
                              &(dset->markers->help[0][0]) ) ;

      THD_set_int_atr( blk , ATRNAME_MARKSFLAG ,
                             ATRSIZE_MARKSFLAG ,
                             &(dset->markers->aflags[0]) ) ;
   } else {
      THD_erase_one_atr( blk , ATRNAME_MARKSXYZ  ) ;
      THD_erase_one_atr( blk , ATRNAME_MARKSLAB  ) ;
      THD_erase_one_atr( blk , ATRNAME_MARKSHELP ) ;
      THD_erase_one_atr( blk , ATRNAME_MARKSFLAG ) ;

   /*----- write warp, if present -----*/

   if( dset->warp != NULL ){
      int wdata_size = 0 ;

      switch( dset->warp->type ){

         case WARP_AFFINE_TYPE:{
            THD_affine_warp *ww = (THD_affine_warp *) dset->warp ;
            itemp[0] = WARP_AFFINE_TYPE ;
            itemp[1] = ww->resam_type ;

            wdata_size = MAPPING_LINEAR_FSIZE ;
            COPY_FROM_STRUCT( ww->warp ,
                              MAPPING_LINEAR_FSTART ,
                              float ,
                              ftemp ,
                              MAPPING_LINEAR_FSIZE ) ;
         break ;

         case WARP_TALAIRACH_12_TYPE:{
            THD_talairach_12_warp *ww =
               (THD_talairach_12_warp *) dset->warp ;
            int iw , ioff ;

            itemp[0] = WARP_TALAIRACH_12_TYPE ;
            itemp[1] = ww->resam_type ;

            wdata_size = WARP_TALAIRACH_12_SIZE ;

            for( iw=0 ; iw < 12 ; iw++ ){
               ioff = iw * MAPPING_LINEAR_FSIZE ;

               COPY_FROM_STRUCT( ww->warp[iw] ,
                                 MAPPING_LINEAR_FSTART ,
                                 float ,
                                 &(ftemp[ioff]) ,
                                 MAPPING_LINEAR_FSIZE ) ;
         break ;
      } /* end of switch on warp type */

      THD_set_int_atr( blk , ATRNAME_WARP_TYPE ,
                             ATRSIZE_WARP_TYPE , itemp ) ;

      THD_set_float_atr( blk , ATRNAME_WARP_DATA ,
                               wdata_size , ftemp ) ;

   } else {  /* no warp exists */
int main (int argc,char *argv[])
{/* Main */
   static char FuncName[]={"ConvertSurface"}; 
	int kar, volexists, i, j, Doinv, randseed, Domergesurfs=0, pciref;
   float DoR2S, fv[3], *pcxyzref;
   double xcen[3], sc[3];
   double xform[4][4];
   char  *if_name = NULL, *of_name = NULL, *if_name2 = NULL, 
         *of_name2 = NULL, *sv_name = NULL, *vp_name = NULL,
         *OF_name = NULL, *OF_name2 = NULL, *tlrc_name = NULL,
         *acpc_name=NULL, *xmat_name = NULL, *ifpar_name = NULL, 
         *ifpar_name2 = NULL;
                     iparType = SUMA_FT_NOT_SPECIFIED,
                     oType = SUMA_FT_NOT_SPECIFIED;
   SUMA_SO_File_Format iForm = SUMA_FF_NOT_SPECIFIED, 
                        iparForm = SUMA_FF_NOT_SPECIFIED, 
                        oFormat = SUMA_FF_NOT_SPECIFIED;
   SUMA_SurfaceObject *SO = NULL, *SOpar = NULL, *SOsurf = NULL;
   SUMA_PARSED_NAME *of_name_strip = NULL, *of_name2_strip = NULL;
   SUMA_SFname *SF_name = NULL;
   void *SO_name = NULL;
   char orsurf[6], orcode[6], *PCprojpref=NULL, *NodeDepthpref=NULL;
   THD_warp *warp=NULL ;
   THD_3dim_dataset *aset=NULL;
   SUMA_Boolean brk, Do_tlrc, Do_mni_RAI, Do_mni_LPI, Do_acpc, Docen, Do_flip;
   SUMA_Boolean Doxmat, Do_wind, Do_p2s, onemore, Do_native, Do_PolDec;
   int Do_PCproj, Do_PCrot, Do_NodeDepth;
   SUMA_Boolean exists;
   SUMA_Boolean LocalHead = NOPE;
   /* Allocate space for DO structure */
   ps = SUMA_Parse_IO_Args(argc, argv, "-o;-i;-sv;-ipar;");
   kar = 1;
   xmat_name = NULL;
   xcen[0] = 0.0; xcen[1] = 0.0; xcen[2] = 0.0;
	brk = NOPE;
   orcode[0] = '\0'; 
   randseed = 1234;
   Docen = NOPE;
   Doxmat = NOPE;
   Do_tlrc = NOPE;
   Do_mni_RAI = NOPE;
   Do_mni_LPI = NOPE;
   Do_acpc = NOPE;
   Do_wind = NOPE;
   Do_flip = NOPE;
   Do_p2s = NOPE;
   Do_native = NOPE;
   DoR2S = 0.0;
   Do_PolDec = NOPE;
   Do_PCproj = NO_PRJ;
   Do_PCrot = NO_ROT;
   pciref = -1;
   pcxyzref = NULL;
   PCprojpref = NULL;
   NodeDepthpref = NULL;
   Do_NodeDepth = 0;
   Doinv = 0;
   Domergesurfs = 0;
   onemore = NOPE;
	while (kar < argc) { /* loop accross command ine options */
		/*fprintf(stdout, "%s verbose: Parsing command line...\n", FuncName);*/
		if (strcmp(argv[kar], "-h") == 0 || strcmp(argv[kar], "-help") == 0) {
			 usage_SUMA_ConvertSurface(ps, strlen(argv[kar]) > 3 ? 2:1);
          exit (0);
      if (!brk && (strcmp(argv[kar], "-seed") == 0)) {
         kar ++;
			if (kar >= argc)  {
		  		fprintf (SUMA_STDERR, "need 1 integer after -seed\n");
				exit (1);
			randseed = atoi(argv[kar]); 
			brk = YUP;

      if (!brk && (strcmp(argv[kar], "-xyzscale") == 0)) {
         kar ++;
			if (kar+2 >= argc)  {
		  		fprintf (SUMA_STDERR, "need 3 values after -XYZscale\n");
				exit (1);
			sc[0] = strtod(argv[kar], NULL); kar ++; 
			sc[1] = strtod(argv[kar], NULL); kar ++; 
         sc[2] = strtod(argv[kar], NULL);
			xmat_name = "Scale";
         Doxmat = YUP;
         Doinv = 0;
         brk = YUP;
      if (!brk && ( (strcmp(argv[kar], "-xmat_1d") == 0) || 
                    (strcmp(argv[kar], "-xmat_1D") == 0) ) ) {
         kar ++;
			if (kar >= argc)  {
		  		fprintf (SUMA_STDERR, "need 1 argument after -xmat_1D\n");
				exit (1);
			xmat_name = argv[kar]; 
         Doxmat = YUP;
         Doinv = 0;
			brk = YUP;
      if (!brk && ( (strcmp(argv[kar], "-ixmat_1d") == 0) || 
                    (strcmp(argv[kar], "-ixmat_1D") == 0) ) ) {
         kar ++;
			if (kar >= argc)  {
		  		fprintf (SUMA_STDERR, "need 1 argument after -ixmat_1D\n");
				exit (1);
			xmat_name = argv[kar]; 
         Doxmat = YUP;
         Doinv = 1;
			brk = YUP;
      if (!brk && (strcmp(argv[kar], "-polar_decomp") == 0)) {
         Do_PolDec = YUP;
			brk = YUP;
      if (!brk && (strcmp(argv[kar], "-merge_surfs") == 0)) {
         Domergesurfs = 1;
			brk = YUP;
      if (!brk && (strcmp(argv[kar], "-pc_proj") == 0)) {
         kar ++;
			if (kar+1 >= argc)  {
		  		fprintf (SUMA_STDERR, "need 2 argument after -pc_proj\n");
				exit (1);
              if (!strcmp(argv[kar],"PC0_plane")) Do_PCproj = E1_PLN_PRJ;
         else if (!strcmp(argv[kar],"PC1_plane")) Do_PCproj = E2_PLN_PRJ;
         else if (!strcmp(argv[kar],"PC2_plane")) Do_PCproj = E3_PLN_PRJ;
         else if (!strcmp(argv[kar],"PCZ_plane")) Do_PCproj = EZ_PLN_PRJ;
         else if (!strcmp(argv[kar],"PCY_plane")) Do_PCproj = EY_PLN_PRJ;
         else if (!strcmp(argv[kar],"PCX_plane")) Do_PCproj = EX_PLN_PRJ;
         else if (!strcmp(argv[kar],"PC0_dir"))   Do_PCproj = E1_DIR_PRJ;
         else if (!strcmp(argv[kar],"PC1_dir"))   Do_PCproj = E2_DIR_PRJ;
         else if (!strcmp(argv[kar],"PC2_dir"))   Do_PCproj = E3_DIR_PRJ;
         else if (!strcmp(argv[kar],"PCZ_dir"))   Do_PCproj = EZ_DIR_PRJ;
         else if (!strcmp(argv[kar],"PCY_dir"))   Do_PCproj = EY_DIR_PRJ;
         else if (!strcmp(argv[kar],"PCX_dir"))   Do_PCproj = EX_DIR_PRJ;
         else {
            SUMA_S_Err("Bad value of %s for -pca_proj", argv[kar]);
         if (argv[kar][0] == '-') {
            SUMA_S_Err("Prefix for -pc_proj should not start with '-'.\n"
                       "Could it be that %s is another option and \n"
                       "the prefix was forgtotten?", argv[kar]);
         PCprojpref = argv[kar];
         brk = YUP;
      if (!brk && (strcmp(argv[kar], "-node_depth") == 0)) {
         kar ++;
			if (kar >= argc)  {
		  		fprintf (SUMA_STDERR, "need a prefix argument after -node_depth\n");
				exit (1);
         Do_NodeDepth = 1;
         if (argv[kar][0] == '-') {
            SUMA_S_Err("Prefix for -node_depth should not start with '-'.\n"
                       "Could it be that %s is another option and \n"
                       "the prefix was forgtotten?", argv[kar]);
         NodeDepthpref = argv[kar];
         brk = YUP;
      if (!brk && (strcmp(argv[kar], "-make_consistent") == 0)) {
         Do_wind = YUP;
			brk = YUP;

      if (!brk && (strcmp(argv[kar], "-flip_orient") == 0)) {
         Do_flip = YUP;
			brk = YUP;
      if (!brk && (strcmp(argv[kar], "-xcenter") == 0)) {
         kar ++;
			if (kar+2>= argc)  {
		  		fprintf (SUMA_STDERR, "need 3 arguments after -xcenter\n");
				exit (1);
			xcen[0] = atof(argv[kar]); ++kar;
			xcen[1] = atof(argv[kar]); ++kar;
			xcen[2] = atof(argv[kar]); 
         Docen = YUP;
			brk = YUP;
      if (!brk && (strcmp(argv[kar], "-native") == 0)) {
         Do_native = YUP;
			brk = YUP;
      if (!brk && (strcmp(argv[kar], "-orient_out") == 0)) {
         kar ++;
			if (kar>= argc)  {
		  		fprintf (SUMA_STDERR, "need 1 argument after -orient_out\n");
				exit (1);
			snprintf(orcode, 4*sizeof(char), "%s", argv[kar]);
         if (!SUMA_ok_orstring(orcode)) {
            fprintf (SUMA_STDERR, "%s is a bad orientation string\n", orcode);
				exit (1);
			brk = YUP;
      if (!brk && (strcmp(argv[kar], "-radial_to_sphere") == 0)) {
         kar ++;
			if (kar >= argc)  {
		  		fprintf (SUMA_STDERR, "need 1 argument after -radial_to_sphere\n");
				exit (1);
         DoR2S = atof(argv[kar]);
			brk = YUP;
      if (!brk && (strcmp(argv[kar], "-patch2surf") == 0)) {
         Do_p2s = YUP;
         brk = YUP;
      if (!brk && (strcmp(argv[kar], "-xml_ascii") == 0)) {
         oFormat = SUMA_XML_ASCII_SURF;
         brk = YUP;
      if (!brk && (strcmp(argv[kar], "-xml_b64") == 0)) {
         oFormat = SUMA_XML_B64_SURF;
         brk = YUP;
      if (!brk && (strcmp(argv[kar], "-xml_b64gz") == 0)) {
         oFormat = SUMA_XML_B64GZ_SURF;
         brk = YUP;
      if (!brk && (strcmp(argv[kar], "-tlrc") == 0)) {
         Do_tlrc = YUP;
         brk = YUP;
      if (!brk && (strcmp(argv[kar], "-acpc") == 0)) {
         Do_acpc = YUP;
         brk = YUP;
      if (!brk && (strcmp(argv[kar], "-mni_rai") == 0)) {
         Do_mni_RAI = YUP;
         brk = YUP;
      if (!brk && (strcmp(argv[kar], "-mni_lpi") == 0)) {
         Do_mni_LPI = YUP;
         brk = YUP;
      if (!brk && !ps->arg_checked[kar]) {
			fprintf (SUMA_STDERR,
                  "Error %s: Option %s not understood. Try -help for usage\n", 
                  FuncName, argv[kar]);
			suggest_best_prog_option(argv[0], argv[kar]);
         exit (1);
		} else {	
			brk = NOPE;
			kar ++;
   if (argc < 3) {
        SUMA_S_Err("Too few options");
        usage_SUMA_ConvertSurface (ps, 0);
        exit (1);
   /* transfer info from ps structure (backward compat) */

   if (ps->o_N_surfnames) {
      of_name = ps->o_surfnames[0];
      of_name2 = ps->o_surftopo[0];
      oType = ps->o_FT[0];
      if (oFormat == SUMA_FF_NOT_SPECIFIED) {
         oFormat = ps->o_FF[0];
   if (ps->i_N_surfnames) {
      if_name = ps->i_surfnames[0];
      if_name2 = ps->i_surftopo[0];
      iType = ps->i_FT[0];
      iForm = ps->i_FF[0];
   if (ps->ipar_N_surfnames) {
      ifpar_name = ps->ipar_surfnames[0];
      ifpar_name2 = ps->ipar_surftopo[0];
      iparType = ps->ipar_FT[0];
      iparForm = ps->ipar_FF[0];
   if (ps->N_sv) sv_name = ps->sv[0];
   if (ps->N_vp) vp_name = ps->vp[0];
   /* sanity checks */
   if (Do_native && orcode[0] != '\0') {
      SUMA_S_Err("Options -native and -orient_out are mutually exclusive");
   if (Do_mni_LPI && Do_mni_RAI) {
      SUMA_S_Err("\nCombining -MNI_lpi and -MNI_rai options.\nNot good.");
   if (!if_name) {
      SUMA_S_Err("input surface not specified.\n");
   if (!of_name && (Do_PCproj < 0 && !Do_NodeDepth) ) {
      SUMA_S_Err("output surface or projection PREFIX not specified.\n");
   if (iType == SUMA_FT_NOT_SPECIFIED) {
      SUMA_S_Err("input type not recognized.\n");
   if (oType == SUMA_FT_NOT_SPECIFIED && (Do_PCproj < 0 && !Do_NodeDepth) ) {
      SUMA_S_Err("output type not recognized.\n");
   if (  oType != SUMA_GIFTI && 
         oFormat >= SUMA_XML_SURF && 
         oFormat <= SUMA_XML_B64GZ_SURF &&
         (Do_PCproj < 0 && !Do_NodeDepth) ){
      SUMA_S_Err("XML output options only valid with -o_gii\n");
   if (iType == SUMA_SUREFIT) {
      if (!if_name2) {
         SUMA_S_Err("input SureFit surface incorrectly specified.\n");
      if (sv_name && !vp_name) {
         SUMA_S_Err("VolParent needs the -sv option for SureFit surfaces.");
   if (iType == SUMA_VEC) {
      if (!if_name2) {
         SUMA_S_Err("Input vec surface incorrectly specified.\n");

   if (( Do_mni_RAI || Do_mni_LPI) && !Do_tlrc) {
      SUMA_SL_Warn ( "I hope you know what you're doing.\n"
                     "The MNI transform should only be applied to a\n"
                     "Surface in the AFNI tlrc coordinate space.\n");
   if (Do_acpc && Do_tlrc) {
      SUMA_S_Err("You can't do -tlrc and -acpc simultaneously.");
   if ((Doxmat || Docen) && (Do_acpc || Do_tlrc)) {
      SUMA_S_Err("You can't do -tlrc or -acpc with -xmat_1D and -xcenter.\n");
   if ((!Doxmat && Docen)) {
      SUMA_S_Err("You can't use -xcenter without -xmat_1D.\n");
   if (oType == SUMA_SUREFIT) {
      if (!of_name2) {
       SUMA_S_Err("output SureFit surface incorrectly specified. \n");
   if (oType == SUMA_VEC) {
      if (!of_name2) {
       SUMA_S_Err("output vec surface incorrectly specified. \n");
   if ( ps->i_N_surfnames > 1 && !Domergesurfs) {
      SUMA_S_Err("Multiple surfaces specified without -merge_surfs option\n"
                 "Nothing to do for such an input\n");
   /* test for existence of input files */
   if (!SUMA_is_predefined_SO_name(if_name, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL) &&
       !SUMA_filexists(if_name)) {
      SUMA_S_Errv("if_name %s not found.\n", if_name);
   if (if_name2) {
      if (!SUMA_filexists(if_name2)) {
         SUMA_S_Errv("if_name2 %s not found.\n", if_name2);

   if (ifpar_name2) {
      if (!SUMA_filexists(ifpar_name2)) {
         SUMA_S_Errv("ifpar_name2 %s not found.\n", ifpar_name2);
   if (ifpar_name) {
      if (!SUMA_filexists(ifpar_name)) {
         SUMA_S_Errv("ifpar_name %s not found.\n", ifpar_name);
   if (xmat_name) {
      if (!strstr(special_xmats,xmat_name) && !SUMA_filexists(xmat_name)) {
         SUMA_S_Errv("xmat file %s not found.\n", xmat_name);
   } else {
      if (Do_PolDec) {
         SUMA_S_Err("-polar_decomp is useless without -xmat_1D");

   if (sv_name) {
      char *head = NULL, view[10];
      head = SUMA_AfniPrefix(sv_name, view, NULL, &volexists);
      if (!SUMA_AfniExistsView(volexists, view) && !SUMA_filexists(sv_name)) {
         fprintf (SUMA_STDERR,
                  "Error %s: volume %s not found.\n", FuncName, head);
      if (head) SUMA_free(head); head = NULL;
   if ((Do_tlrc || Do_acpc) && (!sv_name)) {
      fprintf (SUMA_STDERR,
               "Error %s: -tlrc must be used with -sv option.\n", FuncName);
   if (vp_name) {
      if (!SUMA_filexists(vp_name)) {
         fprintf (SUMA_STDERR,
                  "Error %s: %s not found.\n", FuncName, vp_name);

   /* check for existence of output files */
   if ((Do_PCproj < 0 && !Do_NodeDepth) ) {
      if (of_name2) {
         SUMA_SFname *SFname;

         SO_name = SUMA_2Prefix2SurfaceName (of_name, of_name2, NULL, 
                                             vp_name, oType, &exists);
         SFname = (SUMA_SFname *)SO_name;
         OF_name2 = SUMA_copy_string(SFname->name_topo);
         OF_name = SUMA_copy_string(SFname->name_coord);
      } else {
         SO_name = SUMA_Prefix2SurfaceName (of_name, NULL, vp_name, 
                                            oType, &exists);
         OF_name = SUMA_copy_string((char *) SO_name);

      if (exists && !THD_ok_overwrite()) {
         if (OF_name2) 
            fprintf (SUMA_STDERR,
                     "Error %s: output file(s) %s and/or %s exist already.\n", 
                     FuncName, OF_name, OF_name2);
         else fprintf ( SUMA_STDERR,
                        "Error %s: output file %s exists already.\n", 
                        FuncName, OF_name);
   /* now for the real work */
   if (Doxmat) {
      MRI_IMAGE *im = NULL;
      double *far=NULL;
      int nrow, ncol;
      if (!strcmp(xmat_name,"RandRigid")) {
         SUMA_FillRandXform(xform, randseed, 2); 
      } else if (!strcmp(xmat_name,"RandAffine")) {
         SUMA_FillRandXform(xform, randseed, 3);
      } else if (!strcmp(xmat_name,"RandShift")) {
         SUMA_FillRandXform(xform, randseed, 1);
      } else if (!strcmp(xmat_name,"Scale")) {
         SUMA_FillScaleXform(xform, sc);
      } else if (!strcmp(xmat_name,"NegXY")) {
      } else {
         im = mri_read_double_1D (xmat_name);

         if (!im) {
            SUMA_SLP_Err("Failed to read 1D file");
         far = MRI_DOUBLE_PTR(im);
         nrow = im->nx;
         ncol = im->ny;
         if (nrow == 1) {
            if (ncol != 12) { 
               SUMA_SL_Err("Mat file must have\n"
                           "one row of 12 columns.");
               mri_free(im); im = NULL;   /* done with that baby */
            i = 0;
            while (i < 12) {
               xform[i/4][0] = far[i]; ++i;
               xform[i/4][1] = far[i]; ++i;
               xform[i/4][2] = far[i]; ++i;
               xform[i/4][3] = far[i]; ++i;
            xform[3][0] = 0.0;  
            xform[3][1] = 0.0;  
            xform[3][2] = 0.0;  
            xform[3][3] = 1.0;
         } else {
            if (ncol < 4 ) {
               SUMA_SL_Err("Mat file must have\n"
                           "at least 4 columns.");
               mri_free(im); im = NULL;   /* done with that baby */
            if (nrow < 3 ) {
               SUMA_SL_Err("Mat file must have\n"
                           "at least 3 rows.");
               mri_free(im); im = NULL;   /* done with that baby */
            if (ncol > 4) {
               SUMA_SL_Warn(  "Ignoring entries beyond 4th \n"
                              "column in transform file.");
            if (nrow > 3) {
               SUMA_SL_Warn(  "Ignoring entries beyond 3rd\n"
                              "row in transform file.\n");
            for (i=0; i < 3; ++i) {
               xform[i][0] = far[i];
               xform[i][1] = far[i+nrow];
               xform[i][2] = far[i+2*nrow];
               xform[i][3] = far[i+3*nrow];
            xform[3][0] = 0.0;  
            xform[3][1] = 0.0;  
            xform[3][2] = 0.0;  
            xform[3][3] = 1.0;
      if (LocalHead) {
         fprintf(SUMA_STDERR,"\n++ ConvertSurface xform:\n");
         for (i=0; i < 4; ++i) {
            fprintf(SUMA_STDERR," %+.5f\t%+.5f\t%+.5f\t%+.5f\n",
                   xform[i][0], xform[i][1], 
                   xform[i][2], xform[i][3]);  
      mri_free(im); im = NULL;
      if (Doinv) {
         mat44 A, A0;
         LOAD_MAT44( A0, \
                  xform[0][0], xform[0][1], xform[0][2], xform[0][3],    \
                  xform[1][0], xform[1][1], xform[1][2], xform[1][3],    \
                  xform[2][0], xform[2][1], xform[2][2], xform[2][3]   );
         A = nifti_mat44_inverse(A0);
         UNLOAD_MAT44(A,   \
                  xform[0][0], xform[0][1], xform[0][2], xform[0][3],    \
                  xform[1][0], xform[1][1], xform[1][2], xform[1][3],    \
                  xform[2][0], xform[2][1], xform[2][2], xform[2][3]   );

      if (Do_PolDec) {
            /* a little something to do a polar decomposition on M into M = Q*S*/
               float det, m[4][4], q[4][4], s[4][4];
               char *stmp = SUMA_append_string("QS_",xmat_name);
               FILE *fout = fopen(stmp,"w"); SUMA_free(stmp); stmp = NULL;
               SUMA_S_Note("FixMe! #include above and if(1) here ...");
               det = polar_decomp(M, q,s);
               fprintf(fout,"#[M][D]: (D is the shift)\n");
               for (i=0;i<3; ++i)
                  fprintf(fout,  "#%.5f   %.5f  %.5f  %.5f\n", 
                                 M[i][0], M[i][1], M[i][2], M[i][3]); 
               for (i=0;i<3; ++i)
                  fprintf(fout,  "#%.5f   %.5f  %.5f  %.5f\n", 
                                 q[i][0], q[i][1], q[i][2], q[i][3]); 
               for (i=0;i<3; ++i)
                  fprintf(fout,  "#%.5f   %.5f  %.5f  %.5f\n", 
                                 s[i][0], s[i][1], s[i][2], s[i][3]);
               fprintf(fout,"#det: %f\n", det);
               fprintf(fout,  "#[Q][D]: A close xform to [M][D], "
                              "without scaling.\n#M = Q*S\n");
               for (i=0;i<3; ++i)
                  fprintf(fout,  "%.5f   %.5f  %.5f  %.5f\n", 
                                 q[i][0], q[i][1], q[i][2], M[i][3]);
               fclose(fout); SUMA_free(stmp); stmp = NULL;
            /* replace user's xform with orthogonal one: */
            fprintf(SUMA_STDOUT,"Replacing matrix:\n");
            for (i=0;i<3; ++i)
                  fprintf( SUMA_STDOUT,
                           " %.5f   %.5f  %.5f  %.5f\n", 
                           M[i][0], M[i][1], M[i][2], M[i][3]); 
            fprintf(SUMA_STDOUT,"     with matrix:\n");
            for (i=0;i<3; ++i)
                           " %.5f   %.5f  %.5f  %.5f\n", 
                           q[i][0], q[i][1], q[i][2], M[i][3]);
            for (i=0;i<3; ++i) { 
               M[i][0] = q[i][0]; M[i][1] = q[i][1]; M[i][2] = q[i][2]; 
            {/* use the NIFTI polar decomposition function 
               (same results as above)*/
               mat33 Q, A;
               for (i=0;i<3;++i) { 
                  A.m[i][0] = xform[i][0]; 
                  A.m[i][1] = xform[i][1]; 
                  A.m[i][2] = xform[i][2]; 
               Q = nifti_mat33_polar( A );
               /* replace user's xform with orthogonal one: */
               fprintf(SUMA_STDOUT,"Replacing matrix:\n");
               for (i=0;i<3; ++i)
                     fprintf( SUMA_STDOUT,
                              " %.5f   %.5f  %.5f  %.5f\n", 
                              xform[i][0], xform[i][1], 
                              xform[i][2], xform[i][3]); 
               fprintf(SUMA_STDOUT,"     with matrix:\n");
               for (i=0;i<3; ++i)
                     fprintf( SUMA_STDOUT,
                              " %.5f   %.5f  %.5f  %.5f\n", 
                              Q.m[i][0], Q.m[i][1], Q.m[i][2], xform[i][3]);
               for (i=0;i<3; ++i) { 
                  xform[i][0] = Q.m[i][0]; 
                  xform[i][1] = Q.m[i][1]; 
                  xform[i][2] = Q.m[i][2]; 
   if ( ps->i_N_surfnames ==  1) {
      /* load that one surface */
      SO = SUMA_Load_Surface_Object_Wrapper ( if_name, if_name2, vp_name, 
                                              iType, iForm, sv_name, 1);
      if (!SO) {
         SUMA_S_Err("Failed to read input surface.\n");
         exit (1);
   } else if ( ps->i_N_surfnames > 1 && Domergesurfs) {
      SUMA_SurfaceObject **SOar=NULL;
      int ii;
      SUMA_S_Notev("Merging %d surfaces into 1\n", ps->i_N_surfnames);
      SOar = (SUMA_SurfaceObject **)
                  SUMA_calloc(ps->i_N_surfnames, sizeof(SUMA_SurfaceObject *));
      if (ps->N_sv > 1 || ps->N_vp > 1) {
         SUMA_S_Errv("Cannot handle multiple (%d) -sv or multiple (%d) -vp\n",
                     ps->N_sv, ps->N_vp);
      for (ii = 0; ii<ps->i_N_surfnames; ++ii) {
         SOar[ii] = SUMA_Load_Surface_Object_Wrapper(ps->i_surfnames[ii], 
                                                     ps->i_FT[0], ps->i_FF[0], 
                                                     sv_name, 1);
      if (!(SO = SUMA_MergeSurfs(SOar, ps->i_N_surfnames))) {
         SUMA_S_Err("Failed to merge");
      for (ii = 0; ii<ps->i_N_surfnames; ++ii) {
      } SUMA_free(SOar); SOar=NULL;
   if (DoR2S > 0.0000001) {
      if (!SUMA_ProjectSurfaceToSphere(SO, NULL , DoR2S , NULL)) {
         SUMA_S_Err("Failed to project to surface");
   if (ifpar_name) {
      SOpar = SUMA_Load_Surface_Object_Wrapper ( ifpar_name, ifpar_name2,
                                 vp_name, iparType, iparForm, sv_name, 1);
      if (!SOpar) {
         SUMA_S_Err("Failed to read input parent surface.\n");
         exit (1);
      /* need edge list */
      if (!SUMA_SurfaceMetrics_eng (SOpar,"EdgeList", NULL, 0, 
                                    SUMAg_CF->DsetList)) {
         SUMA_SL_Err("Failed to create edgelist for parent");
   /* if Do_wind */
   if (Do_wind) {
      fprintf (SUMA_STDOUT,
         "Checking and repairing mesh's winding consistency...\n");
      /* check the winding, but that won't fix the normals, 
      you'll have to recalculate those things, if need be ... */
      if (!SUMA_SurfaceMetrics_eng (SO, "CheckWind", NULL, 0, 
                                    SUMAg_CF->DsetList)) {
         SUMA_S_Err("Failed in SUMA_SurfaceMetrics.\n");

   if (Do_flip) {
      fprintf (SUMA_STDOUT,
         "Flipping triangle winding...\n");
   if (Do_tlrc) {
      fprintf (SUMA_STDOUT,"Performing talairach transform...\n");

      /* form the tlrc version of the surface volume */
      tlrc_name = (char *) SUMA_calloc (strlen(SO->VolPar->dirname)+
      sprintf (tlrc_name, "%s%s+tlrc.HEAD", 
                           SO->VolPar->dirname, SO->VolPar->prefix);
      if (!SUMA_filexists(tlrc_name)) {
         fprintf (SUMA_STDERR,"Error %s: %s not found.\n", FuncName, tlrc_name);
      /* read the tlrc header */
      aset = THD_open_dataset(tlrc_name) ;
      if( !ISVALID_DSET(aset) ){
         SUMA_S_Err("%s is not a valid data set.\n", tlrc_name) ;
      if( aset->warp == NULL ){
         SUMA_S_Err("tlrc_name does not contain a talairach transform.\n");
      warp = aset->warp ;
      /* now warp the coordinates, one node at a time */
      if (!SUMA_AFNI_forward_warp_xyz(warp, SO->NodeList, SO->N_Node)) {
         SUMA_S_Err("Failed in SUMA_AFNI_forward_warp_xyz.\n");

   if (Do_acpc) {
      fprintf (SUMA_STDOUT,"Performing acpc transform...\n");

      /* form the acpc version of the surface volume */
      acpc_name = (char *) SUMA_calloc (strlen(SO->VolPar->dirname)+
      sprintf (acpc_name, 
               "%s%s+acpc.HEAD", SO->VolPar->dirname, SO->VolPar->prefix);
      if (!SUMA_filexists(acpc_name)) {
         fprintf (SUMA_STDERR,"Error %s: %s not found.\n", FuncName, acpc_name);
      /* read the acpc header */
      aset = THD_open_dataset(acpc_name) ;
      if( !ISVALID_DSET(aset) ){
         fprintf (SUMA_STDERR,
                  "Error %s: %s is not a valid data set.\n", 
                  FuncName, acpc_name) ;
      if( aset->warp == NULL ){
         fprintf (SUMA_STDERR,
                  "Error %s: acpc_name does not contain an acpc transform.\n", 
      warp = aset->warp ;
      /* now warp the coordinates, one node at a time */
      if (!SUMA_AFNI_forward_warp_xyz(warp, SO->NodeList, SO->N_Node)) {
         fprintf (SUMA_STDERR,
                  "Error %s: Failed in SUMA_AFNI_forward_warp_xyz.\n", FuncName);

   if (Do_mni_RAI) {
      fprintf (SUMA_STDOUT,"Performing MNI_RAI transform...\n");
      /* apply the mni warp */
      if (!SUMA_AFNItlrc_toMNI(SO->NodeList, SO->N_Node, "RAI")) {
         fprintf (SUMA_STDERR,
                  "Error %s: Failed in SUMA_AFNItlrc_toMNI.\n", FuncName);
   if (Do_mni_LPI) {
      fprintf (SUMA_STDOUT,"Performing MNI_LPI transform...\n");
      /* apply the mni warp */
      if (!SUMA_AFNItlrc_toMNI(SO->NodeList, SO->N_Node, "LPI")) {
         fprintf (SUMA_STDERR,
                  "Error %s: Failed in SUMA_AFNItlrc_toMNI.\n", FuncName);
   if (Doxmat) {
      fprintf (SUMA_STDOUT,"Performing affine transform...\n");
      if (LocalHead) {
         for (i=0; i<3 ; ++i) {
            fprintf (SUMA_STDERR,
                     "M[%d][:] = %f %f %f %f\n", 
                     i, xform[i][0], xform[i][1], xform[i][2], xform[i][3]);
         fprintf (SUMA_STDERR,"Cen[:] %f %f %f\n", xcen[0], xcen[1], xcen[2]);
      if (Docen) {
         if (!SUMA_Apply_Coord_xform(  SO->NodeList, SO->N_Node, SO->NodeDim,
                                       xform, 0, xcen)) { 
            SUMA_SL_Err("Failed to xform coordinates"); exit(1); 
      } else {
         if (!SUMA_Apply_Coord_xform(  SO->NodeList, SO->N_Node, SO->NodeDim,
                                       xform, 0, NULL)) { 
            SUMA_SL_Err("Failed to xform coordinates"); exit(1); 
   if (orcode[0] != '\0') {
      SUMA_LHv("Changing coordinates from %s to %s\n", orsurf, orcode);
      if (!SUMA_CoordChange(orsurf, orcode, SO->NodeList, SO->N_Node)) {
         SUMA_S_Err("Failed to change coords.");
   if (Do_p2s) {
      SUMA_SurfaceObject *SOold = SO;
      SUMA_LH("Changing patch to surface...");
      SO = SUMA_Patch2Surf(SOold->NodeList, SOold->N_Node, 
                           SO->FaceSetList, SO->N_FaceSet, 3);
      if (!SO) {
         SUMA_S_Err("Failed to change patch to surface.");
      /* get rid of old surface object */
   if (Do_native) {
      if (!SUMA_Delign_to_VolPar (SO, NULL)) {
         SUMA_S_Err("Failed to transform coordinates to native space");
   if (Do_NodeDepth) {
      float *dpth=NULL, mx=0.0;
      if (SUMA_NodeDepth(SO->NodeList, SO->N_Node, E1_DIR_PRJ, &dpth, 
                     0.0, NULL, &mx, &pcp) < 0) {
         SUMA_S_Err("Failed to compute node depth");
      } else {
         if (!SUMA_WriteNodeDepth(NodeDepthpref,pcp,dpth, mx)) {
            SUMA_S_Err("Failed to write node depth");
      pcp = SUMA_Free_PC_XYZ_Proj(pcp);
   if (Do_PCproj > NO_PRJ) {
      pciref = 0; pcxyzref = NULL;
      if (!(pcp = SUMA_Project_Coords_PCA(SO->NodeList, SO->N_Node,
                                  pciref, pcxyzref, Do_PCproj, Do_PCrot, 1))) {
         SUMA_S_Err("Failed to project");
      } else {
         if (!SUMA_Write_PC_XYZ_Proj(pcp, PCprojpref)) {
            SUMA_S_Err("Failed to write out projections");
         } else {
           pcp = SUMA_Free_PC_XYZ_Proj(pcp);

   /* write the surface object */
   if (SO_name) {
      if (LocalHead) SUMA_Print_Surface_Object (SO, stderr);
      fprintf (SUMA_STDOUT,"Writing surface...\n");
      if (!(SUMA_Save_Surface_Object ( SO_name,
                                    SO, oType, oFormat, SOpar))) {
         fprintf (SUMA_STDERR,
                  "Error %s: Failed to write surface object.\n", 
         exit (1);
   if (of_name_strip) of_name_strip = SUMA_Free_Parsed_Name (of_name_strip);
   if (of_name2_strip) of_name2_strip = SUMA_Free_Parsed_Name (of_name2_strip);
   if (OF_name) SUMA_free(OF_name);
   if (OF_name2) SUMA_free(OF_name2);
   if (SF_name) SUMA_free(SF_name);
   if (SO_name) SUMA_free(SO_name);
   if (SO) SUMA_Free_Surface_Object(SO);
   if (SOpar) SUMA_Free_Surface_Object(SOpar);
   if (ps) SUMA_FreeGenericArgParse(ps); ps = NULL;
   return (0);