Example #1
uint8_t * ChipKITUSBHost::GetCurrentConfigurationDescriptor(uint8_t deviceAddress)
BOOL USBHostUSBBTInit( BYTE address, DWORD flags, BYTE clientDriverID )
    int i = 0;
    BYTE   *descriptor;

    UART2PrintString( "USBBT init\r\n" );

    descriptor = USBHostGetCurrentConfigurationDescriptor( address );

    // Find the next interface descriptor.
    while (i < ((USB_CONFIGURATION_DESCRIPTOR *)descriptor)->wTotalLength)
        // See if we are pointing to an interface descriptor.
        if (descriptor[i+1] == USB_DESCRIPTOR_INTERFACE)
            g_usbbt.endpointCtrl = 0;
            g_usbbt.endpointInt = 0;
            g_usbbt.endpointBulkIN = 0;
            g_usbbt.endpointBulkOUT = 0;

            // Scan for endpoint descriptors.
            i += descriptor[i];
            while (descriptor[i+1] == USB_DESCRIPTOR_ENDPOINT)
                if (descriptor[i+3] == 0x02) // Bulk
                    if (((descriptor[i+2] & 0x80) == 0x80) && (g_usbbt.endpointBulkIN == 0))
                        g_usbbt.endpointBulkIN = descriptor[i+2];
                    if (((descriptor[i+2] & 0x80) == 0x00) && (g_usbbt.endpointBulkOUT == 0))
                        g_usbbt.endpointBulkOUT = descriptor[i+2];
                } else if(descriptor[i+3] == 0x03) // Interrupt
                    g_usbbt.endpointInt = descriptor[i+2];
                } else if(descriptor[i+3] == 0x00) // Control
                    g_usbbt.endpointCtrl = descriptor[i+2];
                i += descriptor[i];

            if ((g_usbbt.endpointInt != 0) && (g_usbbt.endpointBulkIN != 0) && (g_usbbt.endpointBulkOUT != 0))
                g_usbbt.initialized = 1;
                g_usbbt.deviceAddress = address;
                g_usbbt.clientDriverID = clientDriverID;
                /*				if(g_usbbt.endpointBulkIN_Busy == 0)
                				if(g_usbbt.endpointInt_Busy == 0)
                UART2PrintString( " Control endpoint : " );
                UART2PutHex( g_usbbt.endpointCtrl );
                UART2PrintString( " Interrupt endpoint IN: " );
                UART2PutHex( g_usbbt.endpointInt );
                UART2PrintString( " Bulk endpoint IN: " );
                UART2PutHex( g_usbbt.endpointBulkIN );
                UART2PrintString( " Bulk endpoint OUT: " );
                UART2PutHex( g_usbbt.endpointBulkOUT );
                UART2PrintString( "\r\n" );
                return TRUE;
        // Jump to the next descriptor in this configuration.
        i += descriptor[i];
    return FALSE;
    void* AndroidInitialize_Pv1 ( BYTE address, DWORD flags, BYTE clientDriverID )

    Per instance client driver for Android device.  Called by USB host stack from
    the client driver table.

    Per instance client driver for Android device.  Called by USB host stack from
    the client driver table.


    BYTE address - the address of the device that is being initialized
    DWORD flags - the initialization flags for the device
    BYTE clientDriverID - the clientDriverID for the device

  Return Values:
    TRUE - initialized successfully
    FALSE - does not support this device

    This is a internal API only.  This should not be called by anything other
    than the USB host stack via the client driver table
void* AndroidInitialize_Pv1 ( BYTE address, DWORD flags, BYTE clientDriverID )
    BYTE   *config_descriptor         = NULL;
    BYTE *device_descriptor = NULL;
    WORD tempWord;
    BYTE *config_desc_end;

    BYTE i;

    device_descriptor = USBHostGetDeviceDescriptor(address);

    ReadWORD(&tempWord, &device_descriptor[USB_DEV_DESC_VID_OFFSET]);

    if(tempWord == 0x18D1)
        ReadWORD(&tempWord, &device_descriptor[USB_DEV_DESC_PID_OFFSET]);
        if((tempWord == 0x2D00) || (tempWord == 0x2D01))
                if(devices_pv1[i].state == WAITING_FOR_ACCESSORY_RETURN) 
                    device = &devices_pv1[i];
                    device->state = RETURN_OF_THE_ACCESSORY;

    //if this isn't an old accessory, then it must be a new one
    if(device == NULL)
        //Find the first available device.
            if(devices_pv1[i].state == NO_DEVICE)
                device = &devices_pv1[i];
                    device->state = RETURN_OF_THE_ACCESSORY;
                    device->state = DEVICE_ATTACHED;

    config_descriptor = USBHostGetCurrentConfigurationDescriptor( address );

    //Save the total length for this configuration descriptor

    //Record the end of the descriptor so we know when to stop searching through
    //  the descriptor list
    config_desc_end = config_descriptor + tempWord;

    //Skip past the configuration part of this descriptor to the next 
    //  descriptor in the configuration descriptor list.  The size of the config
    //  part of the descriptor is the first byte of the list.
    config_descriptor += *config_descriptor;

    //Search the entire configuration descriptor for COMM interfaces
    while(config_descriptor < config_desc_end)
        //We are expecting a interface descriptor
            //Jump past this descriptor by adding the current descriptor length
            //  to the current descriptor pointer.
            config_descriptor += config_descriptor[USB_DESC_BLENGTH_OFFSET];

            //Jump back to the top of the while loop to continue searching through
            //  this configuration for the next interface

        device->address = address;
        device->clientDriverID = clientDriverID;

        if( (config_descriptor[USB_INTERFACE_DESC_BINTERFACECLASS_OFFSET] == 0xFF) &&
            (config_descriptor[USB_INTERFACE_DESC_BINTERFACESUBCLASS_OFFSET] == 0xFF) &&
            (config_descriptor[USB_INTERFACE_DESC_BINTERFACEPROTOCOL_OFFSET] == 0x00))
            //Jump past this descriptor to the next descriptor.
            config_descriptor += config_descriptor[USB_DESC_BLENGTH_OFFSET];

            //Parse through the rest of this interface.  Stop when we reach the
            //  next interface or the end of the configuration descriptor
            while((config_descriptor[USB_DESC_BDESCRIPTORTYPE_OFFSET] != USB_DESCRIPTOR_INTERFACE) && (config_descriptor < config_desc_end))
                    //If this is an endpoint descriptor in the DATA interface, then
                    //  copy all of the endpoint data to the device information.

                    if((config_descriptor[USB_ENDPOINT_DESC_BENDPOINTADDRESS_OFFSET] & 0x80) == 0x80)
                        //If this is an IN endpoint, record the endpoint number
                        device->INEndpointNum = config_descriptor[USB_ENDPOINT_DESC_BENDPOINTADDRESS_OFFSET]; 

                        //record the endpoint size (2 bytes)
                        device->INEndpointSize = (config_descriptor[USB_ENDPOINT_DESC_WMAXPACKETSIZE_OFFSET]) + (config_descriptor[USB_ENDPOINT_DESC_WMAXPACKETSIZE_OFFSET+1] << 8);
                        //Otherwise this is an OUT endpoint, record the endpoint number
                        device->OUTEndpointNum = config_descriptor[USB_ENDPOINT_DESC_BENDPOINTADDRESS_OFFSET]; 

                        //record the endpoint size (2 bytes)
                        device->OUTEndpointSize = (config_descriptor[USB_ENDPOINT_DESC_WMAXPACKETSIZE_OFFSET]) + (config_descriptor[USB_ENDPOINT_DESC_WMAXPACKETSIZE_OFFSET+1] << 8);
                config_descriptor += config_descriptor[USB_DESC_BLENGTH_OFFSET];
            //Jump past this descriptor by adding the current descriptor length
            //  to the current descriptor pointer.
            config_descriptor += config_descriptor[USB_DESC_BLENGTH_OFFSET];

    return device;
Example #4
BOOL USBHostMIDIInit ( BYTE address, DWORD flags, BYTE clientDriverID )
    BYTE *config_descriptor;
    BYTE *ptr;
    BYTE bDescriptorType;
    BYTE bLength;
    BYTE bNumEndpoints;
    BYTE bNumInterfaces;
    BYTE bInterfaceNumber;
    BYTE bAlternateSetting;
    BYTE Class;
    BYTE SubClass;
    BYTE Protocol;
    BYTE currentEndpoint;
    WORD wTotalLength;
    BYTE index = 0;
    BOOL error = FALSE;
    MIDI_DEVICE *device = &devices[0];
    config_descriptor = USBHostGetCurrentConfigurationDescriptor(address);
    ptr = config_descriptor;
    // Load up the values from the Configuration Descriptor
    bLength              = *ptr++;
    bDescriptorType      = *ptr++;
    wTotalLength         = *ptr++;           // In case these are not word aligned
    wTotalLength        += (*ptr++) << 8;
    bNumInterfaces       = *ptr++;
    // Skip over the rest of the Configuration Descriptor
    index += bLength;
    ptr    = &config_descriptor[index];

    while (!error && (index < wTotalLength))
        // Check the descriptor length and type
        bLength         = *ptr++;
        bDescriptorType = *ptr++;

        // Find an interface descriptor
        if (bDescriptorType != USB_DESCRIPTOR_INTERFACE)
            // Skip over the rest of the Descriptor
            index += bLength;
            ptr = &config_descriptor[index];
            // Read some data from the interface descriptor
            bInterfaceNumber  = *ptr++;
            bAlternateSetting = *ptr++;
            bNumEndpoints     = *ptr++;
            Class             = *ptr++;
            SubClass          = *ptr++;
            Protocol          = *ptr++;

            // Check to see if this is a MIDI inteface descripter
            if (Class != AUDIO_CLASS || SubClass != MIDI_SUB_CLASS || Protocol != MIDI_PROTOCOL)
                // If we cannot support this interface, skip it.
                index += bLength;
                ptr = &config_descriptor[index];

            // Initialize the device
            device->deviceAddress = address;
            device->clientDriverID = clientDriverID;
            device->numEndpoints = bNumEndpoints;
            // Allocate enough memory for each endpoint
            if ((device->endpoints = (MIDI_ENDPOINT_DATA*)malloc( sizeof(MIDI_ENDPOINT_DATA) * bNumEndpoints)) == NULL)
                // Out of memory
                error = TRUE;   
            if (!error)   
                // Skip over the rest of the Interface Descriptor
                index += bLength;
                ptr = &config_descriptor[index];

                // Find the Endpoint Descriptors.  There might be Class and Vendor descriptors in here
                currentEndpoint = 0;
                while (!error && (index < wTotalLength) && (currentEndpoint < bNumEndpoints))
                    bLength = *ptr++;
                    bDescriptorType = *ptr++;

                    if (bDescriptorType != USB_DESCRIPTOR_ENDPOINT)
                        // Skip over the rest of the Descriptor
                        index += bLength;
                        ptr = &config_descriptor[index];
                        device->endpoints[currentEndpoint].endpointAddress = *ptr++;
                        device->endpoints[currentEndpoint].endpointSize = *ptr++;
                        device->endpoints[currentEndpoint].endpointSize += (*ptr++) << 8;
                        device->endpoints[currentEndpoint].busy = FALSE;
                        if(device->endpoints[currentEndpoint].endpointSize > 64)
                            // For full speed bulk endpoints, only 8, 16, 32, and 64 byte packets are supported
                            // But we will accept anything less than or equal to 64.
                            error = TRUE;
                        // Get ready for the next endpoint.
                        index += bLength;
                        ptr = &config_descriptor[index];

            // Ensure that we found all the endpoints for this interface.
            if (currentEndpoint != bNumEndpoints)
                error = TRUE;

    if (error)
        // Destroy whatever list of interfaces, settings, and endpoints we created.
        // The "new" variables point to the current node we are trying to remove.
        if (device->endpoints != NULL)
            free( device->endpoints );
            device->endpoints = NULL;
        return FALSE;
    #ifdef DEBUG_MODE
        UART2PrintString( "USB MIDI Client Initalized: " );
        UART2PrintString( " address=" );
        UART2PutDec( address );
        UART2PrintString( " Number of Endpoings=" );
        UART2PutHex( bNumEndpoints );
        UART2PrintString( "\r\n" );

    // Notify that application that we've been attached to a device.

    return TRUE;

} // USBHostMIDIInit