int main ( void ) { // Initialize the processor and peripherals. if ( InitializeSystem() != TRUE ) { UART2PrintString( "\r\n\r\nCould not initialize USB Custom Demo App - system. Halting.\r\n\r\n" ); while (1); } if ( USBHostInit(0) == TRUE ) { UART2PrintString( "\r\n\r\n***** USB Custom Demo App Initialized *****\r\n\r\n" ); } else { UART2PrintString( "\r\n\r\nCould not initialize USB Custom Demo App - USB. Halting.\r\n\r\n" ); while (1); } // Main Processing Loop while (1) { // This demo does not check for overcurrent conditions. See the // USB Host - Data Logger for an example of overcurrent detection // with the PIC24F and the USB PICtail Plus. // Maintain USB Host State USBHostTasks(); // Maintain Demo Application State ManageDemoState(); } return 0; } // main
// USBTask static int usbhost_process(struct data_source *ds) { // Maintain USB Host State USBHostTasks(); USBHostUSBBTTask(); return 0; }
BOOL ConnectionTasks() { USBHostTasks(); #ifndef USB_ENABLE_TRANSFER_EVENT USBHostAndroidTasks(); #endif ConnBTTasks(); ConnADBTasks(); ConnAccessoryTasks(); return USBHostDeviceStatus(0 /* ignored */) == USB_DEVICE_ATTACHED; }
int main ( void ) { // Initialize the processor and peripherals. if ( InitializeSystem() != TRUE ) { UART2PrintString( "\r\n\r\nCould not initialize USB Custom Demo App - system. Halting.\r\n\r\n" ); while (1); } if ( USBHostInit(0) == TRUE ) { UART2PrintString( "\r\n\r\n***** USB Custom Demo App Initialized *****\r\n\r\n" ); } else { UART2PrintString( "\r\n\r\nCould not initialize USB Custom Demo App - USB. Halting.\r\n\r\n" ); while (1); } btClientData.State = BT_STATE_IDLE; btClientData.Initialized = FALSE; mPORTAOutputConfig(0x3); mPORTAWrite(0x0); mPORTBOutputConfig(0x10); // OC 1 PPSOutput(PPS_RP4, PPS_OC1); //Enable Interrupt SetPriorityIntOC1(4); EnableIntOC1; OpenTimer2(T2_ON | T2_PS_1_8 ,0xffff); // OpenOC1(OC_IDLE_CON | OC_TIMER2_SRC | OC_PWM_EDGE_ALIGN ,OC_SYNC_TRIG_IN_TMR2,0,0); SetDCOC1PWM(0xc00,0); // Main Processing Loop while (1) { BTClientTasks(); // Maintain USB Host State USBHostTasks(); DelayMs(1); } return 0; } // main
/******************************************************************************* Function: bool USBHostCDC_ApiDeviceDetect( void ) Description: This function determines if a CDC device is attached and ready to use. Precondition: None Parameters: None Return Values: true - CDC present and ready false - CDC not present or not ready Remarks: Since this will often be called in a loop while waiting for a device, we'll make sure the tasks are executed. *******************************************************************************/ bool USBHostCDC_ApiDeviceDetect( void ) { USBHostTasks(); USBHostCDCTasks(); if ((USBHostCDCDeviceStatus(CDCdeviceAddress) == USB_CDC_NORMAL_RUNNING) && (CDCdeviceAddress != 0)) { return true; } return false; }
/******************************************************************************* Function: BOOL USBHostCDC_ApiDeviceDetect( void ) Description: This function determines if a CDC device is attached and ready to use. Precondition: None Parameters: None Return Values: TRUE - CDC present and ready FALSE - CDC not present or not ready Remarks: Since this will often be called in a loop while waiting for a device, we'll make sure the tasks are executed. *******************************************************************************/ BOOL USBHostCDC_ApiDeviceDetect( void ) { USBHostTasks(); USBHostCDCTasks(); if ((USBHostCDCDeviceStatus(CDCdeviceAddress) == USB_CDC_NORMAL_RUNNING) && (CDCdeviceAddress != 0)) { return TRUE; } return FALSE; }
/** * Execute run_loop */ void embedded_execute(void) { data_source_t *ds; while (1) { USBHostTasks(); // process data sources data_source_t *next; for (ds = (data_source_t *) data_sources; ds != NULL ; ds = next){ next = (data_source_t *) ds->; // cache pointer to next data_source to allow data source to remove itself ds->process(ds); } #ifdef HAVE_TICK // process timers while (timers) { timer_source_t *ts = (timer_source_t *) timers; if (ts->timeout > system_ticks) break; run_loop_remove_timer(ts); ts->process(ts); } #endif #if USE_SPP_SERVER || USE_DUALSHOCK3_RUMBLE sendchar(); #endif // disable IRQs and check if run loop iteration has been requested. if not, go to sleep #if 0 hal_cpu_disable_irqs(); if (trigger_event_received){ hal_cpu_enable_irqs_and_sleep(); continue; } hal_cpu_enable_irqs(); #else Idle(); #endif #ifndef __DEBUG if(!deviceAddress){ Reset(); } #endif } }
/******************************************************************** * Function: void main(void) * * PreCondition: None * * Input: None * * Output: None * * Side Effects: None * * Overview: Main program entry point. * * Note: None *******************************************************************/ MAIN_RETURN main(void) { SYSTEM_Initialize(SYSTEM_STATE_USB_HOST); //Initialize the stack USBHostInit(0); APP_HostHIDMouseInitialize(); while(1) { USBHostTasks(); USBHostHIDTasks(); //Application specific tasks APP_HostHIDMouseTasks(); }//end while }//end main
/******************************************************************** * Function: void main(void) * * PreCondition: None * * Input: None * * Output: None * * Side Effects: None * * Overview: Main program entry point. * * Note: None *******************************************************************/ int main(void) { SYS_Initialize(); FILEIO_Initialize(); FILEIO_RegisterTimestampGet(GetTimestamp); //Initialize the stack USBHostInit(0); APP_HostMSDSimpleInitialize(); while(1) { USBHostTasks(); USBHostMSDTasks(); //Application specific tasks APP_HostMSDSimpleTasks(); }//end while }//end main
int main ( void ) { if ( InitializeSystem() != TRUE ) { UART2PrintString( "\r\n\r\nCould not initialize USB Custom Demo App - system. Halting.\r\n\r\n" ); while (1); } if ( USBHostInit(0) == TRUE ) { UART2PrintString( "\r\n\r\n***** USB Custom Demo App Initialized *****\r\n\r\n" ); } else { UART2PrintString( "\r\n\r\nCould not initialize USB Custom Demo App - USB. Halting.\r\n\r\n" ); while (1); } while (1) { USBHostTasks(); ManageDemoState(); } return 0; } // main
void dev_elecom_u3412s(void) { log_info( "\r\n ELECOM U3412S device attached\r\n\r\n" ); GENERAL_CONTROLLER_STATE state = CONTROLLER_INITIALIZE; while(deviceAddress){ unsigned char hid_packet[64]; switch(state){ case CONTROLLER_INITIALIZE: if (!USBHostBluetoothRxEventIsBusy(deviceAddress)){ state = CONTROLLER_STATE_GET_DATA; } break; case CONTROLLER_STATE_GET_DATA: if(USBHostBluetoothReadEvent(deviceAddress,hid_packet,64) == USB_SUCCESS){ state = CONTROLLER_STATE_GET_DATA_WAIT; } break; case CONTROLLER_STATE_GET_DATA_WAIT: if (!USBHostBluetoothRxEventIsBusy(deviceAddress)){ state = CONTROLLER_STATE_GET_DATA; #if 0 int i; for(i = 0;i < 26;i++){ log_info("%2x",hid_packet[i]); } log_info( "GET DATA\r\n" ); #endif elecom_u3412s_process_packet2(hid_packet,64); out_button_state(); } break; case CONTROLLER_STATE_ERROR: break; } USBHostTasks(); } }
//****************************************************************************** //****************************************************************************** // Thunks to the underlying USB HOST MAL code //****************************************************************************** //****************************************************************************** void ChipKITUSBHost::Tasks() { USBHostTasks(); }
/******************************************************************** * Function: void main(void) * * PreCondition: None * * Input: None * * Output: None * * Side Effects: None * * Overview: Main program entry point. * * Note: None *******************************************************************/ void main(void) { // test command buffer // if(0) // { // UB_Init(); // // UB_ProcessCommand( STX); // UB_ProcessCommand( STX); // UB_ProcessCommand( 0x76); // UB_ProcessCommand( 0x8A); // UB_ProcessCommand( ETX); // // UB_ProcessCommand( STX); // UB_ProcessCommand( STX); // UB_ProcessCommand( 0); // UB_ProcessCommand( ETX); // // APP_HostHIDPICkitTasks(); // // UB_ProcessCommand( STX); // UB_ProcessCommand( STX); // UB_ProcessCommand( 0); // UB_ProcessCommand( ETX); // } //------------- test UART ---------------- setup(); // if(0) // { // //test Timer_1ms // TIMER_SetConfiguration ( TIMER_CONFIGURATION_1MS ); // TIMER_RequestTick( blinkLED, 500); //500ms // // //test UART2 // IEC1bits.U2RXIE= 1; //enable RXIE // // } //-------------------------------- SYSTEM_Initialize(SYSTEM_STATE_USB_HOST); //Initialize the stack USBHostInit(0); APP_HostHIDPICkitInitialize(); UB_Init(); // UART_Buffer while (1) { USBHostTasks(); USBHostHIDTasks(); //Application specific tasks APP_HostHIDPICkitTasks(); UB_TxTasks(); LATBbits.LATB3 ^= 1; }//end while }//end main
int main(void) { int i; BRC_InitializeLEDSW(); BRC_LEDRed(1); BRC_LEDGreen(0); BRC_SetupClockPLL(); BRC_SetupUSBClock(); BRC_InitializeSysClock(10000l); BRC_IORemap(); BRC_InitializeMotorPulse(); // MotorPulse RP bind StartIORemap(); RPOUT_CLK1=BRC_OCxRPO_MPCH(0); RPOUT_CLK2=BRC_OCxRPO_MPCH(1); RPOUT_CLK3=BRC_OCxRPO_MPCH(2); //RPOUT_CLK4=BRC_OCxRPO_MPCH(3); //RPOUT_CLK5=BRC_OCxRPO_MPCH(4); //RPOUT_CLK6=BRC_OCxRPO_MPCH(5); //RPOUT_DE21=BRC_OCxRPO_MPCH(1); //RPOUT_DE22=BRC_OCxRPO_MPCH(2); EndIORemap(); // Serial Port Binding #if 0 StartIORemap(); RPINR19bits.U2RXR=RPIN_DE22; // UART 2 RX <- RP_DE22 RPOUT_DE21=3; // RP_DE21 <- UART 2 TX EndIORemap(); InitializeSerial(SIB115200); #endif InitializeFutabaServo(SIB115200); TRIS_ENABLE12=TRIS_OUT; TRIS_DCY12=TRIS_OUT; TRIS_M12=TRIS_OUT; TRIS_TQ12=TRIS_OUT; LAT_ENABLE12=0; LAT_DCY12=0; LAT_M12=0; LAT_TQ12=0; TRIS_CWCCW1=TRIS_OUT; TRIS_CWCCW2=TRIS_OUT; TRIS_CWCCW3=TRIS_OUT; LAT_CWCCW1=0; LAT_CWCCW2=0; LAT_CWCCW3=0; BRC_SetMotorSpeed(0,0); BRC_SetMotorSpeed(1,0); BRC_SetMotorSpeed(2,0); BRC_InitializeLEDSwitchBoard(); InitializeMPU6050(); ReadMPU6050(1); #define Count RegFileL[0] #define ControlCount RegFileL[1] Count=0; ControlCount=0; InitializeSerialLoop(1,SLB115200,4,"BRC_USBtest " __DATE__ " " __TIME__); SLReply32(63,1,0x12345678); SLReplyProfile(63,"start up"); for(i=0;i<16;i++) { RegFileL[i]=0; RegFileS[i]=0; } // USB_JOYPAD ; do not change or use carefully // Initializer for USB interface and JoyPad handler USBHostInit(0); APP_HostHIDJoyPadInitialize(); // /USB_JOYPAD // ANSEL: digital config (0) // ANSELA=0x0000; ANSELB=0x0000; ANSELC=0x0000; ANSELD=0x0000; ANSELE=0x0000; // ANSELF=0x0000; ANSELG=0x0000; //TRIS_CCN10=TRIS_OUT; TRIS_CCN11=TRIS_OUT; //TRIS_CCN12=TRIS_OUT; TRIS_CCN13=TRIS_OUT; //TRIS_CCN14=TRIS_OUT; TRIS_CCN15=TRIS_OUT; //TRIS_CCN16=TRIS_OUT; TRIS_CCN17=TRIS_OUT; long clockstep=20; long nextclock=BRC_SysClock+clockstep; // state variables enum { SVCM_Position, SVCM_Velocity, SVCM_Lean }; struct _SV { long theta, thetav, pos, vel; long theta_ref, thetav_ref, pos_ref, vel_ref, pos_ref_0; long theta_0; long acc; int cm; // controlmode 0: pos 1: vel 2: agl ; SVCM_* int gm[4]; // gainmask 1,0,-1 } SV[2]; #define SVX (SV[0]) #define SVY (SV[1]) SVX.pos=0; SVY.pos=0;;; SVX.theta_0=SVY.theta_0=0; for(i=0;i<4;i++) {[i][i]=1; } int YawRate=0; RegFileL[4]= 400; RegFileL[5]=3500; RegFileL[6]= 500; RegFileL[7]=5000; FSServoOnOff(1,1); while(1) { RegFileL[2]=nextclock-BRC_SysClock; while(nextclock>BRC_SysClock) { // USB_JOYPAD ; do not change or use carefully // These three functions are required for state machine tasks // of USB handlers; execute while main tasks are idel USBHostTasks(); USBHostHIDTasks(); APP_HostHIDJoyPadTasks(); // /USB_JOYPAD } Count++; nextclock+=clockstep; // main control // lean angle sensing // if zero detect commanded if((((padState.button&0x300)==0x300)||(BRC_SWState()))&&(!IsIMUZeroDetect())) { ReadMPU6050(1); // zero detect mode SVX.theta_0=SVY.theta_0=0; } else ReadMPU6050(0); // normal IMU function if(IsIMUZeroDetect()) BRC_LEDGreen(1); else BRC_LEDGreen(0); unsigned long lastcc=ControlCount; if(((padState.button&0x1)==0x1)&&(!IsIMUZeroDetect())) { if(ControlCount<1000) ControlCount=1000; } if((((padState.button&0x5)==0x5)||(BRC_LEDSwitchBoard_GetPush()))&&(!IsIMUZeroDetect())) { ControlCount=10000000l; } if((padState.button&0xa)==0xa) { ControlCount=0; } if((lastcc==0)&&(ControlCount>0)) { // Control started now LAT_ENABLE12=1; SVX.theta_ref=0; SVX.pos_ref_0=SVX.pos_ref=SVX.pos; SVY.theta_ref=0; SVY.pos_ref_0=SVY.pos_ref=SVY.pos; SVX.vel=0; SVY.vel=0; SVX.thetav_ref=0; SVX.vel_ref=0; SVY.thetav_ref=0; SVY.vel_ref=0; BRC_LEDRed(1); } if(ControlCount>0) ControlCount--; if((lastcc>0)&&(ControlCount==0)) { // Control stopped now LAT_ENABLE12=0; BRC_LEDRed(0); } SVX.theta = imu.CGAngleY - SVX.theta_0; // lean to x axis dir SVX.thetav= imu.GyroAVY; // angular vel of above SVY.theta =-imu.CGAngleX - SVY.theta_0; // lean to y axis dir SVY.thetav=-imu.GyroAVX; // angular vel of above if(ControlCount>0) { // main control for(i=0;i<2;i++) { SV[i].acc=SDR8( SDR12((long)(RegFileL[4])*(SV[i].gm[0])*(SV[i].theta -SV[i].theta_ref))+ SDR12((long)(RegFileL[5])*(SV[i].gm[1])*(SV[i].thetav-SV[i].thetav_ref))+ SDR8( (long)(RegFileL[6])*(SV[i].gm[2])*(SV[i].pos -SV[i].pos_ref))+ SDR8( (long)(RegFileL[7])*(SV[i].gm[3])*(SV[i].vel -SV[i].vel_ref)) ); SV[i].vel+=SDR4(SV[i].acc); SV[i].pos+=SDR4(SV[i].vel); } if((SVX.vel>30000)||(SVX.vel<-30000)) ControlCount=0; // force stop if((SVY.vel>30000)||(SVY.vel<-30000)) ControlCount=0; int ps0=SVX.vel; int ps1=SVY.vel; int ps2=YawRate; int ms0= ps0 + +ps2; int ms1=-(ps0>>1)+(int)(((long)ps1*222)>>8)+ps2; int ms2=-(ps0>>1)-(int)(((long)ps1*222)>>8)+ps2; BRC_SetMotorSpeed(0,ms0); BRC_SetMotorSpeed(1,ms1); BRC_SetMotorSpeed(2,ms2); // lean angle equilibrium point if((padState.button&0x100)==0x100) for(i=0;i<2;i++) { SV[i].theta_0-=SDR4(SV[i].pos-SV[i].pos_ref); } } else { SVX.vel=0; SVY.vel=0; BRC_SetMotorSpeed(0,0); BRC_SetMotorSpeed(1,0); BRC_SetMotorSpeed(2,0); LAT_ENABLE12=0; BRC_LEDRed(0); } BRC_LEDSwitchBoard_CycleTask(); // USB_JOYPAD ; do not change or use carefully // request the JoyPad current stick/button state // results will be stored into padState (global) structure // in subsequent tasks in USB handlers if((Count&0xf)==0) APP_HostHIDInputRequest(); // /USB_JOYPAD //BRC_LEDRed((count&1)?1:0); #if 1 //BRC_LEDSwitchBoard_SetLEDRaw(0x55aa55aal); //BRC_LEDSwitchBoard_SetHex(0x0123); //BRC_LEDSwitchBoard_SetHex(BRC_LEDSwitchBoard_GetSwitch()); //BRC_LEDSwitchBoard_SetHex(Count); //BRC_LEDSwitchBoard_SetHex((int)(imu.CGAngleX>>8)+0x8000); //BRC_LEDSwitchBoard_SetHex(padState.axis[0]); //BRC_LEDRed(BRC_SWState()); BRC_LEDRed(BRC_LEDSwitchBoard_GetPush()); //BRC_LEDSwitchBoard_SetLEDRaw(RegFileL[4]); //BRC_LEDSwitchBoard_SetLED(RegFileL[4]); BRC_LEDSwitchBoard_SetLEDBits(0,IsIMUZeroDetect()); BRC_LEDSwitchBoard_SetLEDBits(1,(ControlCount>0)?1:0); // BRC_LEDSwitchBoard_SetHex((int)(imu.CGAngleX>>8)); // BRC_LEDSwitchBoard_SetSIntZS((int)(imu.CGAngleX>>8),3); #define IntAngleToDeg(a) ((((a)>>12)*358)>>9) #define IntAngleVelToDegps(a) ((((a)>>10)*625)>>6) #define IntPosToMm(a) ((((a)>>5)*267)>>8) #define IntVelToMmps(a) (((a)*209)>>11) switch((BRC_LEDSwitchBoard_GetSwitch()>>12)&0xf) { case 0: BRC_LEDSwitchBoard_SetSIntZS((int)IntAngleToDeg(SVX.theta),3); BRC_LEDSwitchBoard_SetDP(2); break; case 1: BRC_LEDSwitchBoard_SetSIntZS((int)IntAngleToDeg(SVY.theta),3); BRC_LEDSwitchBoard_SetDP(2); break; case 2: BRC_LEDSwitchBoard_SetSIntZS((int)IntAngleVelToDegps(SVX.thetav),2); BRC_LEDSwitchBoard_SetDP(1); break; case 3: BRC_LEDSwitchBoard_SetSIntZS((int)IntAngleVelToDegps(SVY.thetav),2); BRC_LEDSwitchBoard_SetDP(1); break; case 4: BRC_LEDSwitchBoard_SetSIntZS((int)IntPosToMm(SVX.pos),2); BRC_LEDSwitchBoard_SetDP(1); break; case 5: BRC_LEDSwitchBoard_SetSIntZS((int)IntPosToMm(SVY.pos),2); BRC_LEDSwitchBoard_SetDP(1); break; case 6: BRC_LEDSwitchBoard_SetSIntZS((int)IntVelToMmps(SVX.vel),1); BRC_LEDSwitchBoard_SetDP(0); break; case 7: BRC_LEDSwitchBoard_SetSIntZS((int)IntVelToMmps(SVY.vel),1); BRC_LEDSwitchBoard_SetDP(0); break; case 8: BRC_LEDSwitchBoard_SetUInt(Count); break; case 9: BRC_LEDSwitchBoard_SetSInt(RegFileL[2]&0xffff); break; case 10: BRC_LEDSwitchBoard_SetSIntZS((int)IntAngleToDeg(imu.CGAngleX),3); BRC_LEDSwitchBoard_SetDP(2); break; case 11: BRC_LEDSwitchBoard_SetSIntZS((int)IntAngleToDeg(imu.CGAngleY),3); BRC_LEDSwitchBoard_SetDP(2); break; case 12: BRC_LEDSwitchBoard_SetSIntZS((int)IntAngleVelToDegps(imu.GyroAVX),2); BRC_LEDSwitchBoard_SetDP(1); break; case 13: BRC_LEDSwitchBoard_SetSIntZS((int)IntAngleVelToDegps(imu.GyroAVY),2); BRC_LEDSwitchBoard_SetDP(1); break; } #endif for(i=0;i<2;i++) { switch(SV[i].cm) { case SVCM_Position: BRC_LEDSwitchBoard_SetLEDBits(2+i,0); break; case SVCM_Velocity: BRC_LEDSwitchBoard_SetLEDBits(2+i,1); break; case SVCM_Lean: BRC_LEDSwitchBoard_SetLEDBits(2+i,(Count&0x10)?1:0); break; } } if(padState.updated) { int ps[3]; int sh=2; ps[0]=DeadZone((int)((padState.axis[0])-0x8000)>>1,0x500); ps[1]=DeadZone((int)((padState.axis[1])-0x8000)>>1,0x500); ps[2]=DeadZone((int)((padState.axis[2])-0x8000)>>1,0x500); padState.updated=0; //SLReply16(63,0,padState.axis[0]); //SLReply16(63,1,(int)((((int)(padState.axis[0]))-0x8000))>>5); //SLReply16(63,4,padState.button); if(padState.button&0x0008) sh=0; YawRate=ps[2]>>(3+sh); // controlmode transition for(i=0;i<2;i++) { int ocm=SV[i].cm; SV[i].cm=SVCM_Position; if(padState.button&(0x010<<(i*2))) SV[i].cm=SVCM_Velocity; if(padState.button&(0x020<<(i*2))) SV[i].cm=SVCM_Lean; if(SV[i].cm!=ocm) // mode_changed { switch(SV[i].cm) { case SVCM_Position: SV[i].gm[0]=1; SV[i].gm[1]=1; SV[i].gm[2]=1; SV[i].gm[3]=1; // gain activation SV[i].pos_ref_0=SV[i].pos_ref=SV[i].pos; SV[i].vel_ref=0; SV[i].theta_ref=0; break; case SVCM_Velocity: SV[i].gm[0]=1; SV[i].gm[1]=1; SV[i].gm[2]=0; SV[i].gm[3]=1; // gain activation SV[i].vel_ref=0; SV[i].theta_ref=0; break; case SVCM_Lean: SV[i].gm[0]=1; SV[i].gm[1]=1; SV[i].gm[2]=0; SV[i].gm[3]=0; // gain activation SV[i].theta_ref=0; break; } } switch(SV[i].cm) { case SVCM_Position: SV[i].pos_ref=SV[i].pos_ref_0+((long)(ps[i])<<(4-sh)); break; case SVCM_Velocity: SV[i].vel_ref=ps[i]>>(sh); break; case SVCM_Lean: SV[i].theta_ref=(long)(ps[i])<<(8-sh); break; } } }