int USL_HardError(word errval,int ax,int bp,int si) { #define IGNORE 0 #define RETRY 1 #define ABORT 2 extern void ShutdownId(void); static char buf[32]; static WindowRec wr; int di; char c,*s,*t; di = _DI; if (ax < 0) s = "DEVICE ERROR"; else { if ((di & 0x00ff) == 0) s = "DRIVE ~ IS WRITE PROTECTED"; else s = "ERROR ON DRIVE ~"; for (t = buf;*s;s++,t++) // Can't use sprintf() if ((*t = *s) == '~') *t = (ax & 0x00ff) + 'A'; *t = '\0'; s = buf; } c = peekb(0x40,0x49); // Get the current screen mode if ((c < 4) || (c == 7)) goto oh_kill_me; // DEBUG - handle screen cleanup fontnumber = 4; US_SaveWindow(&wr); US_CenterWindow(30,3); US_CPrint(s); US_CPrint("(R)ETRY or (A)BORT?"); VW_UpdateScreen(); IN_ClearKeysDown(); asm sti // Let the keyboard interrupts come through while (true) { switch (IN_WaitForASCII()) { case key_Escape: case 'a': case 'A': goto oh_kill_me; break; case key_Return: case key_Space: case 'r': case 'R': US_ClearWindow(); VW_UpdateScreen(); US_RestoreWindow(&wr); return(RETRY); break; } } oh_kill_me: abortprogram = s; ShutdownId(); fprintf(stderr,"TERMINAL ERROR: %s\n",s); return(ABORT); #undef IGNORE #undef RETRY #undef ABORT }
int USL_HardError(word errval,int ax,int bp,int si) { #define IGNORE 0 #define RETRY 1 #define ABORT 2 extern void ShutdownId(void); static char buf[32]; static WindowRec wr; int di; char c,*s,*t; di = _DI; if (ax < 0) s = "Device Error"; else { if ((di & 0x00ff) == 0) s = "Drive ~ is Write Protected"; else s = "Error on Drive ~"; for (t = buf;*s;s++,t++) // Can't use sprintf() if ((*t = *s) == '~') *t = (ax & 0x00ff) + 'A'; *t = '\0'; s = buf; } c = peekb(0x40,0x49); // Get the current screen mode if ((c < 4) || (c == 7)) goto oh_kill_me; // DEBUG - handle screen cleanup US_SaveWindow(&wr); US_CenterWindow(30,3); US_CPrint(s); US_CPrint("(R)etry or (A)bort?"); VW_UpdateScreen(); IN_ClearKeysDown(); asm sti // Let the keyboard interrupts come through while (true) { switch (IN_WaitForASCII()) { case key_Escape: case 'a': case 'A': goto oh_kill_me; break; case key_Return: case key_Space: case 'r': case 'R': US_ClearWindow(); VW_UpdateScreen(); US_RestoreWindow(&wr); return(RETRY); break; } } oh_kill_me: abortprogram = s; ShutdownId(); fprintf(stderr,"Terminal Error: %s\n",s); if (tedlevel) fprintf(stderr,"You launched from TED. I suggest that you reboot...\n"); return(ABORT); #undef IGNORE #undef RETRY #undef ABORT }