Example #1
 * Get the size of the sprite of a ship sprite heading west (used for lists).
 * @param engine The engine to get the sprite from.
 * @param[out] width The width of the sprite.
 * @param[out] height The height of the sprite.
 * @param[out] xoffs Number of pixels to shift the sprite to the right.
 * @param[out] yoffs Number of pixels to shift the sprite downwards.
 * @param image_type Context the sprite is used in.
void GetShipSpriteSize(EngineID engine, uint &width, uint &height, int &xoffs, int &yoffs, EngineImageType image_type)
	VehicleSpriteSeq seq;
	GetShipIcon(engine, image_type, &seq);

	Rect rect;

	width  = UnScaleGUI(rect.right - rect.left + 1);
	height = UnScaleGUI(rect.bottom - rect.top + 1);
	xoffs  = UnScaleGUI(rect.left);
	yoffs  = UnScaleGUI(rect.top);
Example #2
void DrawShipEngine(int left, int right, int preferred_x, int y, EngineID engine, PaletteID pal, EngineImageType image_type)
	VehicleSpriteSeq seq;
	GetShipIcon(engine, image_type, &seq);

	Rect rect;
	preferred_x = Clamp(preferred_x,
			left - UnScaleGUI(rect.left),
			right - UnScaleGUI(rect.right));

	seq.Draw(preferred_x, y, pal, pal == PALETTE_CRASH);
Example #3
 * Draws an image of a ship
 * @param v         Front vehicle
 * @param left      The minimum horizontal position
 * @param right     The maximum horizontal position
 * @param y         Vertical position to draw at
 * @param selection Selected vehicle to draw a frame around
void DrawShipImage(const Vehicle *v, int left, int right, int y, VehicleID selection, EngineImageType image_type)
	bool rtl = _current_text_dir == TD_RTL;

	SpriteID sprite = v->GetImage(rtl ? DIR_E : DIR_W, image_type);
	const Sprite *real_sprite = GetSprite(sprite, ST_NORMAL);

	int width = UnScaleGUI(real_sprite->width);
	int x_offs = UnScaleGUI(real_sprite->x_offs);
	int x = rtl ? right - width - x_offs : left - x_offs;

	y += ScaleGUITrad(10);
	DrawSprite(sprite, GetVehiclePalette(v), x, y);

	if (v->index == selection) {
		x += x_offs;
		y += UnScaleGUI(real_sprite->y_offs);
		DrawFrameRect(x - 1, y - 1, x + width + 1, y + UnScaleGUI(real_sprite->height) + 1, COLOUR_WHITE, FR_BORDERONLY);