Example #1
/** Unregisters a selection of entities from physics calculations.
	Returns 0 upon success or a positive number equal to the amount of entities that it failed to unregister.
int PhysicsManager::UnregisterEntities(List<Entity*> & targetEntities){
	int failedUnregistrations = 0;
	for (int i = 0; i < targetEntities.Size(); ++i){
		if (UnregisterEntity(targetEntities[i]) != 0)
	return failedUnregistrations;
void idGameLocal::ClientReadSnapshot( const idSnapShot& ss )
	if( GetLocalClientNum() < 0 )
	// if prediction is off, enable local client smoothing
	//localPlayer->SetSelfSmooth( dupeUsercmds > 2 );
	// clear any debug lines from a previous frame
	gameRenderWorld->DebugClearLines( time );
	// clear any debug polygons from a previous frame
	gameRenderWorld->DebugClearPolygons( time );
	SelectTimeGroup( false );
	// so that StartSound/StopSound doesn't risk skipping
	isNewFrame = true;
	// clear the snapshot entity list
	// read all entities from the snapshot
	for( int o = 0; o < ss.NumObjects(); o++ )
		idBitMsg msg;
		int snapObjectNum = ss.GetObjectMsgByIndex( o, msg );
		if( snapObjectNum < 0 )
			assert( false );
		if( snapObjectNum == SNAP_GAMESTATE )
			mpGame.ReadFromSnapshot( msg );
		if( snapObjectNum == SNAP_SHADERPARMS )
			for( int i = 0; i < MAX_GLOBAL_SHADER_PARMS; i++ )
				globalShaderParms[i] = msg.ReadFloat();
		if( snapObjectNum == SNAP_PORTALS )
			// update portals for opened doors
			int numPortals = msg.ReadLong();
			assert( numPortals == gameRenderWorld->NumPortals() );
			for( int i = 0; i < numPortals; i++ )
				gameRenderWorld->SetPortalState( ( qhandle_t )( i + 1 ), msg.ReadBits( NUM_RENDER_PORTAL_BITS ) );
		if( snapObjectNum >= SNAP_PLAYERSTATE && snapObjectNum < SNAP_PLAYERSTATE_END )
			int playerNumber = snapObjectNum - SNAP_PLAYERSTATE;
			idPlayer* otherPlayer = static_cast< idPlayer* >( entities[ playerNumber ] );
			// Don't process Player Snapshots that are disconnected.
			const int lobbyIndex = session->GetActingGameStateLobbyBase().GetLobbyUserIndexFromLobbyUserID( lobbyUserIDs[ playerNumber ] );
			if( lobbyIndex < 0 || session->GetActingGameStateLobbyBase().IsLobbyUserConnected( lobbyIndex ) == false )
			if( otherPlayer != NULL )
				otherPlayer->ReadPlayerStateFromSnapshot( msg );
				if( otherPlayer != entities[ GetLocalClientNum() ] )    // This happens when we spectate another player
					idWeapon* weap = otherPlayer->weapon.GetEntity();
					if( weap && ( weap->GetRenderEntity()->bounds[0] == weap->GetRenderEntity()->bounds[1] ) )
						// update the weapon's viewmodel bounds so that the model doesn't flicker in the spectator's view
						weap->GetAnimator()->GetBounds( gameLocal.time, weap->GetRenderEntity()->bounds );
		if( snapObjectNum >= SNAP_LAST_CLIENT_FRAME && snapObjectNum < SNAP_LAST_CLIENT_FRAME_END )
			int playerNumber = snapObjectNum - SNAP_LAST_CLIENT_FRAME;
			// Don't process Player Snapshots that are disconnected.
			const int lobbyIndex = session->GetActingGameStateLobbyBase().GetLobbyUserIndexFromLobbyUserID( lobbyUserIDs[ playerNumber ] );
			if( lobbyIndex < 0 || session->GetActingGameStateLobbyBase().IsLobbyUserConnected( lobbyIndex ) == false )
			usercmdLastClientMilliseconds[playerNumber] = msg.ReadLong();
		if( snapObjectNum < SNAP_ENTITIES || snapObjectNum >= SNAP_ENTITIES_END )
		int entityNumber = snapObjectNum - SNAP_ENTITIES;
		if( msg.GetSize() == 0 )
			delete entities[entityNumber];
		bool debug = false;
		int spawnId = msg.ReadBits( 32 - GENTITYNUM_BITS );
		int typeNum = msg.ReadBits( idClass::GetTypeNumBits() );
		int entityDefNumber = ClientRemapDecl( DECL_ENTITYDEF, msg.ReadBits( entityDefBits ) );
		const int predictedKey = msg.ReadBits( 32 );
		idTypeInfo* typeInfo = idClass::GetType( typeNum );
		if( !typeInfo )
			idLib::Error( "Unknown type number %d for entity %d with class number %d", typeNum, entityNumber, entityDefNumber );
		// If there is no entity on this client, but the server's entity matches a predictionKey, move the client's
		// predicted entity to the normal, replicated area in the entity list.
		if( entities[entityNumber] == NULL )
			if( predictedKey != idEntity::INVALID_PREDICTION_KEY )
				idLib::PrintfIf( debug, "Looking for predicted key %d.\n", predictedKey );
				idEntity* predictedEntity = FindPredictedEntity( predictedKey, typeInfo );
				if( predictedEntity != NULL )
					// This presentable better be in the proper place in the list or bad things will happen if we move this presentable around
					assert( predictedEntity->GetEntityNumber() >= ENTITYNUM_FIRST_NON_REPLICATED );
#if 0
					idProjectile* predictedProjectile = idProjectile::CastTo( predictedEntity );
					if( predictedProjectile != NULL )
						for( int i = 0; i < MAX_PLAYERS; i++ )
							if( entities[i] == NULL )
							idPlayer* player = idPlayer::CastTo( entities[i] );
							if( player != NULL )
								if( player->GetUniqueProjectile() == predictedProjectile )
									// Set new spawn id
									player->TrackUniqueProjectile( predictedProjectile );
					idLib::PrintfIf( debug, "Found predicted EntNum old:%i new:%i spawnID:%i\n", predictedEntity->GetEntityNumber(), entityNumber, spawnId >> GENTITYNUM_BITS );
					// move the entity
					RemoveEntityFromHash( predictedEntity->name.c_str(), predictedEntity );
					UnregisterEntity( predictedEntity );
					assert( entities[predictedEntity->GetEntityNumber()] == NULL );
					predictedEntity->spawnArgs.SetInt( "spawn_entnum", entityNumber );
					RegisterEntity( predictedEntity, spawnId, predictedEntity->spawnArgs );
					predictedEntity->SetName( "" );
					// now mark us as no longer predicted
				//TODO make this work with non-client preditced entities
				/* else {
					idLib::Warning( "Could not find predicted entity - key: %d. EntityIndex: %d", predictedKey, entityNum );
				} */