// Render - render this model (only)
void CPUTModelOGL::Render(CPUTRenderParameters &renderParams, int materialIndex)
    CPUTCamera* pCamera = renderParams.mpCamera;
    if( renderParams.mDrawModels && !renderParams.mRenderOnlyVisibleModels || !pCamera || pCamera->mFrustum.IsVisible( mBoundingBoxCenterWorldSpace, mBoundingBoxHalfWorldSpace ) )
        // loop over all meshes in this model and draw them
        for(UINT ii=0; ii<mMeshCount; ii++)
            UINT finalMaterialIndex = GetMaterialIndex(ii, materialIndex);
            ASSERT( finalMaterialIndex < mpLayoutCount[ii], _L("material index out of range."));
            CPUTMaterialEffect *pMaterialEffect = (CPUTMaterialEffect*)(mpMaterialEffect[ii][finalMaterialIndex]);

		    mDrawModelCallBackFunc(this, renderParams, mpMesh[ii], pMaterialEffect, NULL, NULL);    
// Render this model. Render only this model, not its children or siblings.
void CPUTModelDX11::Render(CPUTRenderParameters &renderParams, int materialIndex)
    CPUTRenderParametersDX *pParams = (CPUTRenderParametersDX*)&renderParams;
    CPUTCamera             *pCamera = pParams->mpCamera;

    // TODO: Move bboxDirty to member and set only when model moves.
    bool bboxDirty = true;
    if( bboxDirty )

    if( renderParams.mShowBoundingBoxes && (!pCamera || pCamera->mFrustum.IsVisible( mBoundingBoxCenterWorldSpace, mBoundingBoxHalfWorldSpace )))
        DrawBoundingBox( renderParams );
    if( !renderParams.mDrawModels ) { return; }

    if( !pParams->mRenderOnlyVisibleModels || !pCamera || pCamera->mFrustum.IsVisible( mBoundingBoxCenterWorldSpace, mBoundingBoxHalfWorldSpace ) )
        // Update the model's constant buffer.
        // Note that the materials reference this, so we need to do it only once for all of the model's meshes.

        // loop over all meshes in this model and draw them
        for(UINT ii=0; ii<mMeshCount; ii++)
            UINT finalMaterialIndex = GetMaterialIndex(ii, materialIndex);
            ASSERT( finalMaterialIndex < mpSubMaterialCount[ii], _L("material index out of range."));
            CPUTMaterialDX11 *pMaterial = (CPUTMaterialDX11*)(mpMaterial[ii][finalMaterialIndex]);

            ((CPUTMeshDX11*)mpMesh[ii])->Draw(renderParams, mpInputLayout[ii][finalMaterialIndex]);