Example #1
bool InitHTTPServer()
    if (!InitHTTPAllowList())
        return false;

    if (gArgs.GetBoolArg("-rpcssl", false)) {
            "SSL mode for RPC (-rpcssl) is no longer supported.",
            "", CClientUIInterface::MSG_ERROR);
        return false;

    // Redirect libevent's logging to our own log
    // Update libevent's log handling. Returns false if our version of
    // libevent doesn't support debug logging, in which case we should
    // clear the BCLog::LIBEVENT flag.
    if (!UpdateHTTPServerLogging(g_logger->WillLogCategory(BCLog::LIBEVENT))) {

#ifdef WIN32

    raii_event_base base_ctr = obtain_event_base();

    /* Create a new evhttp object to handle requests. */
    raii_evhttp http_ctr = obtain_evhttp(base_ctr.get());
    struct evhttp* http = http_ctr.get();
    if (!http) {
        LogPrintf("couldn't create evhttp. Exiting.\n");
        return false;

    evhttp_set_timeout(http, gArgs.GetArg("-rpcservertimeout", DEFAULT_HTTP_SERVER_TIMEOUT));
    evhttp_set_max_headers_size(http, MAX_HEADERS_SIZE);
    evhttp_set_max_body_size(http, MAX_SIZE);
    evhttp_set_gencb(http, http_request_cb, nullptr);

    if (!HTTPBindAddresses(http)) {
        LogPrintf("Unable to bind any endpoint for RPC server\n");
        return false;

    LogPrint(BCLog::HTTP, "Initialized HTTP server\n");
    int workQueueDepth = std::max((long)gArgs.GetArg("-rpcworkqueue", DEFAULT_HTTP_WORKQUEUE), 1L);
    LogPrintf("HTTP: creating work queue of depth %d\n", workQueueDepth);

    workQueue = new WorkQueue<HTTPClosure>(workQueueDepth);
    // transfer ownership to eventBase/HTTP via .release()
    eventBase = base_ctr.release();
    eventHTTP = http_ctr.release();
    return true;
Example #2
UniValue logging(const JSONRPCRequest& request)
    if (request.fHelp || request.params.size() > 2) {
        throw std::runtime_error(
            "logging [include,...] <exclude>\n"
            "Gets and sets the logging configuration.\n"
            "When called without an argument, returns the list of categories that are currently being debug logged.\n"
            "When called with arguments, adds or removes categories from debug logging.\n"
            "The valid logging categories are: " + ListLogCategories() + "\n"
            "libevent logging is configured on startup and cannot be modified by this RPC during runtime."
            "1. \"include\" (array of strings) add debug logging for these categories.\n"
            "2. \"exclude\" (array of strings) remove debug logging for these categories.\n"
            "\nResult: <categories>  (string): a list of the logging categories that are active.\n"
            + HelpExampleCli("logging", "\"[\\\"all\\\"]\" \"[\\\"http\\\"]\"")
            + HelpExampleRpc("logging", "[\"all\"], \"[libevent]\"")

    uint32_t originalLogCategories = logCategories;
    if (request.params.size() > 0 && request.params[0].isArray()) {
        logCategories |= getCategoryMask(request.params[0]);

    if (request.params.size() > 1 && request.params[1].isArray()) {
        logCategories &= ~getCategoryMask(request.params[1]);

    // Update libevent logging if BCLog::LIBEVENT has changed.
    // If the library version doesn't allow it, UpdateHTTPServerLogging() returns false,
    // in which case we should clear the BCLog::LIBEVENT flag.
    // Throw an error if the user has explicitly asked to change only the libevent
    // flag and it failed.
    uint32_t changedLogCategories = originalLogCategories ^ logCategories;
    if (changedLogCategories & BCLog::LIBEVENT) {
        if (!UpdateHTTPServerLogging(logCategories & BCLog::LIBEVENT)) {
            logCategories &= ~BCLog::LIBEVENT;
            if (changedLogCategories == BCLog::LIBEVENT) {
            throw JSONRPCError(RPC_INVALID_PARAMETER, "libevent logging cannot be updated when using libevent before v2.1.1.");

    UniValue result(UniValue::VOBJ);
    std::vector<CLogCategoryActive> vLogCatActive = ListActiveLogCategories();
    for (const auto& logCatActive : vLogCatActive) {
        result.pushKV(logCatActive.category, logCatActive.active);

    return result;
Example #3
UniValue logging(const JSONRPCRequest& request)
    if (request.fHelp || request.params.size() > 2) {
        throw std::runtime_error(
            "logging ( <include> <exclude> )\n"
            "Gets and sets the logging configuration.\n"
            "When called without an argument, returns the list of categories with status that are currently being debug logged or not.\n"
            "When called with arguments, adds or removes categories from debug logging and return the lists above.\n"
            "The arguments are evaluated in order \"include\", \"exclude\".\n"
            "If an item is both included and excluded, it will thus end up being excluded.\n"
            "The valid logging categories are: " + ListLogCategories() + "\n"
            "In addition, the following are available as category names with special meanings:\n"
            "  - \"all\",  \"1\" : represent all logging categories.\n"
            "  - \"none\", \"0\" : even if other logging categories are specified, ignore all of them.\n"
            "1. \"include\"        (array of strings, optional) A json array of categories to add debug logging\n"
            "     [\n"
            "       \"category\"   (string) the valid logging category\n"
            "       ,...\n"
            "     ]\n"
            "2. \"exclude\"        (array of strings, optional) A json array of categories to remove debug logging\n"
            "     [\n"
            "       \"category\"   (string) the valid logging category\n"
            "       ,...\n"
            "     ]\n"
            "{                   (json object where keys are the logging categories, and values indicates its status\n"
            "  \"category\": 0|1,  (numeric) if being debug logged or not. 0:inactive, 1:active\n"
            "  ...\n"
            + HelpExampleCli("logging", "\"[\\\"all\\\"]\" \"[\\\"http\\\"]\"")
            + HelpExampleRpc("logging", "[\"all\"], \"[libevent]\"")

    uint32_t original_log_categories = g_logger->GetCategoryMask();
    if (request.params[0].isArray()) {
        EnableOrDisableLogCategories(request.params[0], true);
    if (request.params[1].isArray()) {
        EnableOrDisableLogCategories(request.params[1], false);
    uint32_t updated_log_categories = g_logger->GetCategoryMask();
    uint32_t changed_log_categories = original_log_categories ^ updated_log_categories;

    // Update libevent logging if BCLog::LIBEVENT has changed.
    // If the library version doesn't allow it, UpdateHTTPServerLogging() returns false,
    // in which case we should clear the BCLog::LIBEVENT flag.
    // Throw an error if the user has explicitly asked to change only the libevent
    // flag and it failed.
    if (changed_log_categories & BCLog::LIBEVENT) {
        if (!UpdateHTTPServerLogging(g_logger->WillLogCategory(BCLog::LIBEVENT))) {
            if (changed_log_categories == BCLog::LIBEVENT) {
            throw JSONRPCError(RPC_INVALID_PARAMETER, "libevent logging cannot be updated when using libevent before v2.1.1.");

    UniValue result(UniValue::VOBJ);
    std::vector<CLogCategoryActive> vLogCatActive = ListActiveLogCategories();
    for (const auto& logCatActive : vLogCatActive) {
        result.pushKV(logCatActive.category, logCatActive.active);

    return result;
Example #4
bool InitHTTPServer()
    struct evhttp* http = 0;
    struct event_base* base = 0;

    if (!InitHTTPAllowList())
        return false;

    if (GetBoolArg("-rpcssl", false)) {
            "SSL mode for RPC (-rpcssl) is no longer supported.",
            "", CClientUIInterface::MSG_ERROR);
        return false;

    // Redirect libevent's logging to our own log
    // Update libevent's log handling. Returns false if our version of
    // libevent doesn't support debug logging, in which case we should
    // clear the BCLog::LIBEVENT flag.
    if (!UpdateHTTPServerLogging(logCategories & BCLog::LIBEVENT)) {
        logCategories &= ~BCLog::LIBEVENT;

#ifdef WIN32

    base = event_base_new(); // XXX RAII
    if (!base) {
        LogPrintf("Couldn't create an event_base: exiting\n");
        return false;

    /* Create a new evhttp object to handle requests. */
    http = evhttp_new(base); // XXX RAII
    if (!http) {
        LogPrintf("couldn't create evhttp. Exiting.\n");
        return false;

    evhttp_set_timeout(http, GetArg("-rpcservertimeout", DEFAULT_HTTP_SERVER_TIMEOUT));
    evhttp_set_max_headers_size(http, MAX_HEADERS_SIZE);
    evhttp_set_max_body_size(http, MAX_SIZE);
    evhttp_set_gencb(http, http_request_cb, NULL);

    if (!HTTPBindAddresses(http)) {
        LogPrintf("Unable to bind any endpoint for RPC server\n");
        return false;

    LogPrint(BCLog::HTTP, "Initialized HTTP server\n");
    int workQueueDepth = std::max((long)GetArg("-rpcworkqueue", DEFAULT_HTTP_WORKQUEUE), 1L);
    LogPrintf("HTTP: creating work queue of depth %d\n", workQueueDepth);

    workQueue = new WorkQueue<HTTPClosure>(workQueueDepth);
    eventBase = base;
    eventHTTP = http;
    return true;