XnStatus PoseToggleUserSelector::DetectPose(XnUserID nUserId)
    UserSelectionState* pState;
    XnStatus nRetVal = m_hUsersState.Get(nUserId, pState);
        return nRetVal;
    XnUInt64 lastOutOfPoseTime;

    nRetVal=m_usersOutOfPoseTime.Get(nUserId, lastOutOfPoseTime);
        return nRetVal; // we don't have a user time at all. This should not happen!!!
    XnUInt64 curOutOfPoseTime=m_pUserGenerator->GetTimestamp();

    if(pState->m_eState == XN_SELECTION_UNSELECTED || pState->m_eState == XN_SELECTION_FAILED)

        // we want to select the user
        if(lastOutOfPoseTime > 0 && (curOutOfPoseTime-lastOutOfPoseTime < m_timeBeforeToggle))
            return XN_STATUS_OK; // not enough time has passed since out of pose

        if(GetNumberOfSelectedUsers() >= m_nMaxUsersToTrack)
            return XN_STATUS_OK; // we don't select because we already have enough selected users
        XnUInt64 tmpTime = 0;
        m_usersOutOfPoseTime.Set(nUserId,tmpTime); // we start so we don't care about previous out of pose any more
        return PoseUserSelector::DetectPose(nUserId); // we select as the parent does.
        // we might want to unselect the user.

        if(lastOutOfPoseTime == 0 || (curOutOfPoseTime - lastOutOfPoseTime < m_timeBeforeToggle))
            return XN_STATUS_OK; // not enough time has passed
        // we need to unselect!
        m_pTrackingInitializer->AbortTracking(nUserId); // stop tracking
        m_usersOutOfPoseTime.Set(nUserId,curOutOfPoseTime); // we are not tracking so no time is relevant

    return XN_STATUS_ERROR;
Example #2
XnStatus PoseUserSelector::UpdatePoseProgress(XnUserID nUserId, XnPoseDetectionStatus ePoseError)
    UserSelectionState* pState;
    XnStatus nRetVal=m_hUsersState.Get(nUserId, pState);
    if(nRetVal != XN_STATUS_OK)
        return nRetVal;
    if(pState->m_eState != XN_SELECTION_UNSELECTED)
        return XN_STATUS_ERROR; // the user is in the wrong state.
    return UpdateUserSelectionState(nUserId,pState->m_eState, ePoseError);
Example #3
XnStatus UserSelector::UpdateUserTrackingProgress(XnUserID nUserId, XnInt64 newSubState)
    // update by getting the current state, making sure it is ok and then change the relevant
    // sub state
    UserSelectionState* pState;
    XnStatus nRetVal = m_hUsersState.Get(nUserId , pState);
    if(nRetVal != XN_STATUS_OK)
        return nRetVal;
    if(pState == NULL || pState->m_eState != XN_SELECTION_SELECTED)
        xnLogError("SAMPLE","User %d should have been in an unselected state but was instead in %d state.\n", nUserId, pState->m_eState);
        return XN_STATUS_ERROR; // this should be only called when a user is selected!
    return UpdateUserSelectionState(nUserId, pState->m_eState, newSubState);
Example #4
XnStatus UserSelector::UpdateUserTracking(XnUserID nUserId, XnBool bTracked, XnInt64 newSubState)
    // update by checking the current state is ok and then update it based on the success and the
    // sub state.
    UserSelectionState* pState;
    XnStatus nRetVal = m_hUsersState.Get(nUserId,pState);
        return nRetVal;
    if(pState == NULL || pState->m_eState != XN_SELECTION_SELECTED)
        xnLogError("SAMPLE","User %d should have been in an unselected state but was instead in %d state.\n", nUserId, pState->m_eState);
        return XN_STATUS_ERROR; // this should be only called when a user is selected!
    XnSelectionState newState = bTracked ? XN_SELECTION_TRACKING : XN_SELECTION_FAILED;

    return UpdateUserSelectionState(nUserId, newState, newSubState);
Example #5
XnStatus PoseUserSelector::StartTracking(XnUserID nUserId)
    UserSelectionState* pState;
    XnStatus nRetVal=m_hUsersState.Get(nUserId, pState);
    if(nRetVal != XN_STATUS_OK)
        return nRetVal; // we don't have such user ready
    if(pState->m_eState != XN_SELECTION_UNSELECTED)
        return XN_STATUS_ERROR; // the user is in the wrong state.
    nRetVal=UpdateUserSelectionState(nUserId, XN_SELECTION_SELECTED, 0);
        return nRetVal; // we can't continue because we can't update the state!
    return m_pTrackingInitializer->StartTracking(nUserId,FALSE);
void ClosestUserSelector::UpdateFrame()

    // find out who are the closest ones.
    for(UserStateHash::Iterator iter=m_hUsersState.begin(); iter!=m_hUsersState.end(); ++iter)

        //qDebug("Entro en el bucle");
        UserSelectionState* val=iter.Value();
        XnUserID newUser=iter.Key();
        XnPoint3D newCom;
            continue; // irrelevant user.
        if(val->m_eState == XN_SELECTION_FAILED)
            UserStatusWithCom* valWithCom=(UserStatusWithCom*)val;
            XnFloat distSqr=0.0f;
            XnFloat diff;
            diff = newCom.X - valWithCom->m_COM.X;
            distSqr += diff * diff;
            diff = newCom.Y - valWithCom->m_COM.Y;
            distSqr += diff * diff;
            diff = newCom.Z - valWithCom->m_COM.Z;
            distSqr += diff * diff;

        if(val->m_eState == XN_SELECTION_SELECTED || val->m_eState == XN_SELECTION_TRACKING)
            newCom.Z-=100.0f; // hysteresis to make the current user closer to avoid back and forth.
                newCom.Z=1.0f; // minimum dist!

    for(UserStateHash::Iterator iter=m_hUsersState.begin(); iter!=m_hUsersState.end(); ++iter)
        UserSelectionState* pState=iter.Value();
        XnUInt32 curUser=iter.Key();
            if(pState->m_eState == XN_SELECTION_SELECTED || pState->m_eState == XN_SELECTION_TRACKING)
                continue; // we are already tracking so nothing to do...
            UpdateUserSelectionState(curUser, XN_SELECTION_SELECTED, 0);
            if(pState->m_eState == XN_SELECTION_SELECTED || pState->m_eState == XN_SELECTION_TRACKING)
                // we need to unselect it...