    LOG(("nsHttpChannelAuthProvider::AddAuthorizationHeaders? "
         "[this=%p channel=%p]\n", this, mAuthChannel));

    NS_ASSERTION(mAuthChannel, "Channel not initialized");

    nsCOMPtr<nsIProxyInfo> proxyInfo;
    nsresult rv = mAuthChannel->GetProxyInfo(getter_AddRefs(proxyInfo));
    if (NS_FAILED(rv)) return rv;
    if (proxyInfo) {
        mProxyInfo = do_QueryInterface(proxyInfo);
        if (!mProxyInfo) return NS_ERROR_NO_INTERFACE;

    uint32_t loadFlags;
    rv = mAuthChannel->GetLoadFlags(&loadFlags);
    if (NS_FAILED(rv)) return rv;

    // this getter never fails
    nsHttpAuthCache *authCache = gHttpHandler->AuthCache();

    // check if proxy credentials should be sent
    const char *proxyHost = ProxyHost();
    if (proxyHost && UsingHttpProxy())
        SetAuthorizationHeader(authCache, nsHttp::Proxy_Authorization,
                               "http", proxyHost, ProxyPort(),
                               nullptr, // proxy has no path

    if (loadFlags & nsIRequest::LOAD_ANONYMOUS) {
        LOG(("Skipping Authorization header for anonymous load\n"));
        return NS_OK;

    // check if server credentials should be sent
    nsCAutoString path, scheme;
    if (NS_SUCCEEDED(GetCurrentPath(path)) &&
        NS_SUCCEEDED(mURI->GetScheme(scheme))) {
        SetAuthorizationHeader(authCache, nsHttp::Authorization,

    return NS_OK;
nsHttpChannelAuthProvider::PrepareForAuthentication(bool proxyAuth)
    LOG(("nsHttpChannelAuthProvider::PrepareForAuthentication "
         "[this=%p channel=%p]\n", this, mAuthChannel));

    if (!proxyAuth) {
        // reset the current proxy continuation state because our last
        // authentication attempt was completed successfully.
        LOG(("  proxy continuation state has been reset"));

    if (!UsingHttpProxy() || mProxyAuthType.IsEmpty())
        return NS_OK;

    // We need to remove any Proxy_Authorization header left over from a
    // non-request based authentication handshake (e.g., for NTLM auth).

    nsCAutoString contractId;

    nsresult rv;
    nsCOMPtr<nsIHttpAuthenticator> precedingAuth =
        do_GetService(contractId.get(), &rv);
    if (NS_FAILED(rv))
        return rv;

    uint32_t precedingAuthFlags;
    rv = precedingAuth->GetAuthFlags(&precedingAuthFlags);
    if (NS_FAILED(rv))
        return rv;

    if (!(precedingAuthFlags & nsIHttpAuthenticator::REQUEST_BASED)) {
        nsCAutoString challenges;
        rv = mAuthChannel->GetProxyChallenges(challenges);
        if (NS_FAILED(rv)) {
            // delete the proxy authorization header because we weren't
            // asked to authenticate
            rv = mAuthChannel->SetProxyCredentials(EmptyCString());
            if (NS_FAILED(rv)) return rv;
            LOG(("  cleared proxy authorization header"));

    return NS_OK;
nsHttpChannelAuthProvider::GetAuthorizationMembers(bool                 proxyAuth,
                                                   nsCSubstring&        scheme,
                                                   const char*&         host,
                                                   int32_t&             port,
                                                   nsCSubstring&        path,
                                                   nsHttpAuthIdentity*& ident,
                                                   nsISupports**&       continuationState)
    if (proxyAuth) {
        NS_ASSERTION (UsingHttpProxy(),
                      "proxyAuth is true, but no HTTP proxy is configured!");

        host = ProxyHost();
        port = ProxyPort();
        ident = &mProxyIdent;

        continuationState = &mProxyAuthContinuationState;
    else {
        host = Host();
        port = Port();
        ident = &mIdent;

        nsresult rv;
        rv = GetCurrentPath(path);
        if (NS_FAILED(rv)) return rv;

        rv = mURI->GetScheme(scheme);
        if (NS_FAILED(rv)) return rv;

        continuationState = &mAuthContinuationState;

    return NS_OK;
nsHttpChannelAuthProvider::ProcessAuthentication(uint32_t httpStatus,
                                                 bool     SSLConnectFailed)
    LOG(("nsHttpChannelAuthProvider::ProcessAuthentication "
         "[this=%p channel=%p code=%u SSLConnectFailed=%d]\n",
         this, mAuthChannel, httpStatus, SSLConnectFailed));

    NS_ASSERTION(mAuthChannel, "Channel not initialized");

    nsCOMPtr<nsIProxyInfo> proxyInfo;
    nsresult rv = mAuthChannel->GetProxyInfo(getter_AddRefs(proxyInfo));
    if (NS_FAILED(rv)) return rv;
    if (proxyInfo) {
        mProxyInfo = do_QueryInterface(proxyInfo);
        if (!mProxyInfo) return NS_ERROR_NO_INTERFACE;

    uint32_t loadFlags;
    rv = mAuthChannel->GetLoadFlags(&loadFlags);
    if (NS_FAILED(rv)) return rv;

    nsCAutoString challenges;
    mProxyAuth = (httpStatus == 407);

    // Do proxy auth even if we're LOAD_ANONYMOUS
    if ((loadFlags & nsIRequest::LOAD_ANONYMOUS) &&
        (!mProxyAuth || !UsingHttpProxy())) {
        LOG(("Skipping authentication for anonymous non-proxy request\n"));
        return NS_ERROR_NOT_AVAILABLE;

    rv = PrepareForAuthentication(mProxyAuth);
    if (NS_FAILED(rv))
        return rv;

    if (mProxyAuth) {
        // only allow a proxy challenge if we have a proxy server configured.
        // otherwise, we could inadvertently expose the user's proxy
        // credentials to an origin server.  We could attempt to proceed as
        // if we had received a 401 from the server, but why risk flirting
        // with trouble?  IE similarly rejects 407s when a proxy server is
        // not configured, so there's no reason not to do the same.
        if (!UsingHttpProxy()) {
            LOG(("rejecting 407 when proxy server not configured!\n"));
            return NS_ERROR_UNEXPECTED;
        if (UsingSSL() && !SSLConnectFailed) {
            // we need to verify that this challenge came from the proxy
            // server itself, and not some server on the other side of the
            // SSL tunnel.
            LOG(("rejecting 407 from origin server!\n"));
            return NS_ERROR_UNEXPECTED;
        rv = mAuthChannel->GetProxyChallenges(challenges);
        rv = mAuthChannel->GetWWWChallenges(challenges);
    if (NS_FAILED(rv)) return rv;

    nsCAutoString creds;
    rv = GetCredentials(challenges.get(), mProxyAuth, creds);
    if (rv == NS_ERROR_IN_PROGRESS)
        return rv;
    if (NS_FAILED(rv))
        LOG(("unable to authenticate\n"));
    else {
        // set the authentication credentials
        if (mProxyAuth)
            rv = mAuthChannel->SetProxyCredentials(creds);
            rv = mAuthChannel->SetWWWCredentials(creds);
    return rv;
nsHttpChannelAuthProvider::GetCredentialsForChallenge(const char *challenge,
                                                      const char *authType,
                                                      bool        proxyAuth,
                                                      nsIHttpAuthenticator *auth,
                                                      nsAFlatCString     &creds)
    LOG(("nsHttpChannelAuthProvider::GetCredentialsForChallenge "
         "[this=%p channel=%p proxyAuth=%d challenges=%s]\n",
        this, mAuthChannel, proxyAuth, challenge));

    // this getter never fails
    nsHttpAuthCache *authCache = gHttpHandler->AuthCache(mIsPrivate);

    uint32_t authFlags;
    nsresult rv = auth->GetAuthFlags(&authFlags);
    if (NS_FAILED(rv)) return rv;

    nsAutoCString realm;
    ParseRealm(challenge, realm);

    // if no realm, then use the auth type as the realm.  ToUpperCase so the
    // ficticious realm stands out a bit more.
    // XXX this will cause some single signon misses!
    // XXX this was meant to be used with NTLM, which supplies no realm.
    if (realm.IsEmpty()) {
        realm = authType;

    // set informations that depend on whether
    // we're authenticating against a proxy
    // or a webserver
    const char *host;
    int32_t port;
    nsHttpAuthIdentity *ident;
    nsAutoCString path, scheme;
    bool identFromURI = false;
    nsISupports **continuationState;

    rv = GetAuthorizationMembers(proxyAuth, scheme, host, port,
                                 path, ident, continuationState);
    if (NS_FAILED(rv)) return rv;

    uint32_t loadFlags;
    rv = mAuthChannel->GetLoadFlags(&loadFlags);
    if (NS_FAILED(rv)) return rv;

    if (!proxyAuth) {
        // if this is the first challenge, then try using the identity
        // specified in the URL.
        if (mIdent.IsEmpty()) {
            GetIdentityFromURI(authFlags, mIdent);
            identFromURI = !mIdent.IsEmpty();

        if ((loadFlags & nsIRequest::LOAD_ANONYMOUS) && !identFromURI) {
            LOG(("Skipping authentication for anonymous non-proxy request\n"));
            return NS_ERROR_NOT_AVAILABLE;

        // Let explicit URL credentials pass
        // regardless of the LOAD_ANONYMOUS flag
    else if ((loadFlags & nsIRequest::LOAD_ANONYMOUS) && !UsingHttpProxy()) {
        LOG(("Skipping authentication for anonymous non-proxy request\n"));
        return NS_ERROR_NOT_AVAILABLE;

    nsCOMPtr<nsIChannel> chan = do_QueryInterface(mAuthChannel);
    uint32_t appId;
    bool isInBrowserElement;
    GetAppIdAndBrowserStatus(chan, &appId, &isInBrowserElement);

    // if we already tried some credentials for this transaction, then
    // we need to possibly clear them from the cache, unless the credentials
    // in the cache have changed, in which case we'd want to give them a
    // try instead.
    nsHttpAuthEntry *entry = nullptr;
    authCache->GetAuthEntryForDomain(scheme.get(), host, port,
                                     realm.get(), appId,
                                     isInBrowserElement, &entry);

    // hold reference to the auth session state (in case we clear our
    // reference to the entry).
    nsCOMPtr<nsISupports> sessionStateGrip;
    if (entry)
        sessionStateGrip = entry->mMetaData;

    // for digest auth, maybe our cached nonce value simply timed out...
    bool identityInvalid;
    nsISupports *sessionState = sessionStateGrip;
    rv = auth->ChallengeReceived(mAuthChannel,
    if (NS_FAILED(rv)) return rv;

    LOG(("  identity invalid = %d\n", identityInvalid));

    if (identityInvalid) {
        if (entry) {
            if (ident->Equals(entry->Identity())) {
                if (!identFromURI) {
                    LOG(("  clearing bad auth cache entry\n"));
                    // ok, we've already tried this user identity, so clear the
                    // corresponding entry from the auth cache.
                    authCache->ClearAuthEntry(scheme.get(), host,
                                              port, realm.get(),
                                              appId, isInBrowserElement);
                    entry = nullptr;
            else if (!identFromURI ||
                                    entry->Identity().User()) == 0 &&
                     !(loadFlags &
                       (nsIChannel::LOAD_ANONYMOUS |
                        nsIChannel::LOAD_EXPLICIT_CREDENTIALS)))) {
                LOG(("  taking identity from auth cache\n"));
                // the password from the auth cache is more likely to be
                // correct than the one in the URL.  at least, we know that it
                // works with the given username.  it is possible for a server
                // to distinguish logons based on the supplied password alone,
                // but that would be quite unusual... and i don't think we need
                // to worry about such unorthodox cases.
                identFromURI = false;
                if (entry->Creds()[0] != '\0') {
                    LOG(("    using cached credentials!\n"));
                    return entry->AddPath(path.get());
        else if (!identFromURI) {
            // hmm... identity invalid, but no auth entry!  the realm probably
            // changed (see bug 201986).

        if (!entry && ident->IsEmpty()) {
            uint32_t level = nsIAuthPrompt2::LEVEL_NONE;
            if (mUsingSSL)
                level = nsIAuthPrompt2::LEVEL_SECURE;
            else if (authFlags & nsIHttpAuthenticator::IDENTITY_ENCRYPTED)
                level = nsIAuthPrompt2::LEVEL_PW_ENCRYPTED;

            // at this point we are forced to interact with the user to get
            // their username and password for this domain.
            rv = PromptForIdentity(level, proxyAuth, realm.get(),
                                   authType, authFlags, *ident);
            if (NS_FAILED(rv)) return rv;
            identFromURI = false;

    if (identFromURI) {
        // Warn the user before automatically using the identity from the URL
        // to automatically log them into a site (see bug 232567).
        if (!ConfirmAuth(NS_LITERAL_STRING("AutomaticAuth"), false)) {
            // calling cancel here sets our mStatus and aborts the HTTP
            // transaction, which prevents OnDataAvailable events.
            // this return code alone is not equivalent to Cancel, since
            // it only instructs our caller that authentication failed.
            // without an explicit call to Cancel, our caller would just
            // load the page that accompanies the HTTP auth challenge.
            return NS_ERROR_ABORT;

    // get credentials for the given user:pass
    // always store the credentials we're trying now so that they will be used
    // on subsequent links.  This will potentially remove good credentials from
    // the cache.  This is ok as we don't want to use cached credentials if the
    // user specified something on the URI or in another manner.  This is so
    // that we don't transparently authenticate as someone they're not
    // expecting to authenticate as.
    nsXPIDLCString result;
    rv = GenCredsAndSetEntry(auth, proxyAuth, scheme.get(), host, port,
                             path.get(), realm.get(), challenge, *ident,
                             sessionStateGrip, getter_Copies(result));
    if (NS_SUCCEEDED(rv))
        creds = result;
    return rv;