Example #1
void GAP_Instance::readBestKnown(string& fileName,
                                 string& instanceName)
   ifstream is;
   string   instance;
   double   bestUpperBound;
   bool     isProvenOptimal;
   int      status  = 0;
   status = UtilOpenFile(is, fileName);

   if (status)
      throw UtilException("Failed to best-known file",
                          "readBestKnown", "GAP_Instance");

   while (!is.eof()) {
      is >> instance >> bestUpperBound >> isProvenOptimal;
      instance = UtilStrTrim(instance);

      if (instance == instanceName) {
         if (isProvenOptimal) {
            m_bestKnownLB = bestUpperBound;
         } else {
            m_bestKnownLB = -COIN_DBL_MAX;

         m_bestKnownUB     = bestUpperBound;
         m_isProvenOptimal = isProvenOptimal;
Example #2
// --------------------------------------------------------------------- //
void MAD_DecompApp::initializeApp(UtilParameters & utilParam) {

   UtilPrintFuncBegin(m_osLog, m_classTag,
		      "initializeApp()", m_param.LogDebugLevel, 2);

   //--- get application parameters
   m_appParam.dumpSettings(m_osLog); //use message handler

   //--- read instance from lp file (from MADLIB)
   //---   http://elib.zib.de/pub/mp-testdata/madlib/index.html
   string lpFile  = m_appParam.DataDir    + UtilDirSlash();
   lpFile        += m_appParam.Instance;
   if(m_appParam.DataSubDir == "miplib"){
      lpFile     += ".p.lp";
   } else if(m_appParam.DataSubDir == "netlib"){
      lpFile     += ".ob4";
   m_nOrigRows = m_instance.getNumRows();   
   m_beta      = m_appParam.NumBlocks;

   //--- read best known lb/ub 
   string bestKnownFile  = m_appParam.DataDir + UtilDirSlash();
   bestKnownFile        += "madlib." + m_appParam.DataSubDir + ".opt";
      ifstream is;
      string   instanceName;
      double   bestLB, bestUB;
      UtilOpenFile(is, bestKnownFile);
         //--- these are the number of rows in the border (less is better)
         is >> instanceName >> bestLB >> bestUB;
         //printf("Instance = %15s bestLB = %6g bestUB = %6g\n",
         //     instanceName.c_str(), bestLB, bestUB);
         instanceName = UtilStrTrim(instanceName);
         if(instanceName == m_appParam.Instance){
            //--- the paper solves z = max sum x,             
            //---    where x is an assignment to a block
            //---    so, nBorder = nRows - z
            //---    or, z       = nRows - nBorder
            //--- but we only do min, so we solve -z = min sum (-x)
            //----   so, -z      = nBorder - nRows
            m_bestKnownLB = bestLB - m_nOrigRows;
            m_bestKnownUB = bestUB - m_nOrigRows;

   //--- set capacity based on MADLIB study (if it is not set):
   //---  http://elib.zib.de/pub/mp-testdata/madlib/index.en.html
   if(m_appParam.Capacity != -1){
      m_kappa = m_appParam.Capacity;
	 = static_cast<int>(ceil(static_cast<double>(m_nOrigRows)/m_beta));
      if(m_appParam.DataSubDir == "netlib" ||
	 m_appParam.DataSubDir == "equipart"){
	    = static_cast<int>(ceil(static_cast<double>(m_nOrigRows)/m_beta));
      } else if(m_appParam.DataSubDir == "miplib" ||
		m_appParam.DataSubDir == "miplibT"){
	 m_kappa = static_cast<int>(ceil( 1.05 * m_nOrigRows / m_beta) ); 
      } else if(m_appParam.DataSubDir == "steiner"){
	 if(m_appParam.Instance[0] == 'g'){
	    m_kappa = 30;
	 } else if (m_appParam.Instance[0] == 'd'){
	    m_kappa = 50;

   UTIL_DEBUG(m_param.LogDebugLevel, 1,
              << "Instance = " << m_appParam.Instance << endl
              << "  nRows  = " << m_nOrigRows         << endl
              << "  bestLB = " << m_bestKnownLB       << endl
              << "  bestUB = " << m_bestKnownUB       << endl
              << "  Beta   = " << m_beta              << endl
              << "  Kappa  = " << m_kappa             << endl;