Example #1
  \brief Rewrites feature at the given offset (level 1)

  \param Map pointer to Map_info structure
  \param offset feature offset
  \param type feature type
  \param points feature geometry
  \param cats feature categories

  \return feature offset (rewriten feature)
  \return -1 on error
off_t V1_rewrite_line_ogr(struct Map_info *Map,
                          int line,
                          int type,
                          off_t offset,
                          const struct line_pnts *points, const struct line_cats *cats)
    if (type != V1_read_line_ogr(Map, NULL, NULL, offset)) {
        G_warning(_("Unable to rewrite feature (incompatible feature types)"));
        return -1;

    /* delete old */
    V1_delete_line_ogr(Map, offset);

    return V1_write_line_ogr(Map, type, points, cats);
Example #2
  \brief Rewrites feature at the given offset on level 1 (OGR interface)
  This function simply calls V1_delete_line_ogr() and V1_write_line_ogr().
  \param Map pointer to Map_info structure
  \param offset feature offset
  \param type feature type (see V1_write_line_ogr() for supported types)
  \param points pointer to line_pnts structure (feature geometry)
  \param cats pointer to line_cats structure (feature categories)
  \return feature offset (rewriten feature)
  \return -1 on error
off_t V1_rewrite_line_ogr(struct Map_info *Map,
			  int line, int type, off_t offset,
			  const struct line_pnts *points, const struct line_cats *cats)
    G_debug(3, "V1_rewrite_line_ogr(): line=%d type=%d offset=%"PRI_OFF_T,
	    line, type, offset);
#ifdef HAVE_OGR
    if (type != V1_read_line_ogr(Map, NULL, NULL, offset)) {
	G_warning(_("Unable to rewrite feature (incompatible feature types)"));
	return -1;

    /* delete old */
    V1_delete_line_ogr(Map, offset);

    return V1_write_line_ogr(Map, type, points, cats);
    G_fatal_error(_("GRASS is not compiled with OGR support"));
    return -1;
Example #3
  \brief Deletes feature (topology level) -- internal use only

  \param pointer to Map_info structure
  \param line feature id

  \return 0 on success
  \return -1 on error
int V2_delete_line_ogr(struct Map_info *Map, off_t line)
    int ret, i, type, first;
    struct P_line *Line;
    struct Plus_head *plus;
    static struct line_cats *Cats = NULL;
    static struct line_pnts *Points = NULL;

    G_debug(3, "V2_delete_line_ogr(), line = %d", (int) line);

    type = first = 0;
    Line = NULL;
    plus = &(Map->plus);

    if (plus->built >= GV_BUILD_BASE) {
        Line = Map->plus.Line[line];

        if (Line == NULL)
            G_fatal_error(_("Attempt to delete dead feature"));
        type = Line->type;

    if (!Cats) {
        Cats = Vect_new_cats_struct();
    if (!Points) {
        Points = Vect_new_line_struct();

    type = V2_read_line_ogr(Map, Points, Cats, line);

    /* Update category index */
    if (plus->update_cidx) {

        for (i = 0; i < Cats->n_cats; i++) {
            dig_cidx_del_cat(plus, Cats->field[i], Cats->cat[i], line, type);
    /* Update fidx */

    /* delete the line from coor */
    ret = V1_delete_line_ogr(Map, Line->offset);

    if (ret == -1) {
        return ret;

    /* Update topology */
    if (plus->built >= GV_BUILD_AREAS && type == GV_BOUNDARY) {
        /* TODO */
        /* remove centroid together with boundary (is really an OGR polygon) */
    /* Delete reference from area */
    if (plus->built >= GV_BUILD_CENTROIDS && type == GV_CENTROID) {
        /* for OGR mapsets, virtual centroid will be removed when polygon is removed */

    /* delete the line from topo */
    dig_del_line(plus, line, Points->x[0], Points->y[0], Points->z[0]);

    /* Rebuild areas/isles and attach centroids and isles */
    if (plus->built >= GV_BUILD_AREAS && type == GV_BOUNDARY) {
        /* maybe not needed VERIFY */
    return ret;