Example #1
bool InputManager::processKeyState(LSHandle* handle, LSMessage* msg, void* userData)
    // {"get": string}
                               SCHEMA_1(REQUIRED(get, string)));

	bool success = false;
	const char* keyString = NULL;
	QEvent::Type state = QEvent::None;
	LSError err;
	json_object* root = 0;


	// get the text name of the key
	const char* str = LSMessageGetPayload(msg);
	if (!str) {
		g_debug("%s: Unable to get JSON payload from message", __PRETTY_FUNCTION__);
		return false;

	root = json_tokener_parse(str);
	if (root && !is_error(root)) {

		// Get the key name from the msg -- the format will be {"get":"NAME"},
		// where NAME is something like ringer, slider, etc
		keyString = json_object_get_string(json_object_object_get(root, "get"));
		if (keyString) {

			// lookup the state of the key
			Qt::Key key = stringToKey(keyString);
			state = getKeyState(key);

			success = true;
	json_object* response = 0;
	if (success) {
		response = createKeyJson(keyString, state);
	else {
		response = json_object_new_object();
	json_object_object_add(response, "returnValue", json_object_new_boolean(success));

	if (!LSMessageReply(handle, msg, json_object_to_json_string(response), &err)) {
		LSErrorPrint(&err, stderr);

	if (root && !is_error(root))


	return true;
Example #2
static bool cbComPalmImage2Status(LSHandle* lsHandle, LSMessage *message,
									void *user_data)
	LSError lsError;

    // {"serviceName": string, "connected": boolean}
                               SCHEMA_2(REQUIRED(serviceName, string), REQUIRED(connected, boolean)));

	json_object * root = 0;
	const char* str = LSMessageGetPayload(message);
	if( !str )
		return false;

	root = json_tokener_parse(str);
	if ((root == NULL) || (is_error(root))) {
		root = NULL;
		return true;

	json_object * label = Utils::JsonGetObject(root,"connected");
	if (label != NULL)
		if (json_object_get_boolean(label) == true)
			//image2 is available
			Settings::settings()->m_image2svcAvailable = true;
			Settings::settings()->m_image2svcAvailable = false;
		Settings::settings()->m_image2svcAvailable = false;

	return true;
bool AmbientLightSensor::controlStatus(LSHandle *sh, LSMessage *message, void *ctx)
#if defined (TARGET_DEVICE)
    LSError lserror;
    bool result = true;

    AmbientLightSensor *als = (AmbientLightSensor*)ctx;

    // {"subscribe":boolean, "disableALS" : boolean}
                               SCHEMA_2(REQUIRED(subscribe, boolean), REQUIRED(disableALS, boolean)));

    g_debug ("%s: received '%s;", __PRETTY_FUNCTION__, LSMessageGetPayload(message));

    bool subscribed = false;

    result = LSSubscriptionProcess (sh, message, &subscribed, &lserror);
        LSErrorFree (&lserror);
        result = true;
        subscribed = false;

    if (subscribed)
        als->on ();

		bool disable = false;
		const char* str = LSMessageGetPayload(message);
		if (str) {
			json_object* root = json_tokener_parse(str);
			if (root && !is_error(root)) {
				result = true;
	    	    disable = json_object_get_boolean(json_object_object_get(root, "disableALS"));

        if (disable)

    int ptr = (als->m_alsPointer + als->m_alsSamplesNeeded - 1) % als->m_alsSamplesNeeded;
    gchar *status = g_strdup_printf ("{\"returnValue\":true,\"current\":%i,\"average\":%i,\"disabled\":%s,\"subscribed\":%s}",
            als->m_alsValue[ptr], als->m_alsSum / als->m_alsSamplesNeeded, als->m_alsDisabled > 0 ? "true" : "false", 
            subscribed ? "true" : "false");

    if (NULL != status)
        result = LSMessageReply(sh, message, status, &lserror);
        LSErrorPrint (&lserror, stderr);
        LSErrorFree (&lserror);

    return true;
bool ImageServices::lsImageInfo(LSHandle* lsHandle, LSMessage* message,void* user_data)
	LSError lserror;
	std::string errorText;
	json_object * root = NULL;
	const char* str;
	std::string srcfile;
	int srcWidth;
	int srcHeight;
	int srcBpp;
    const char* srcType;
    // {"src": string}
                               SCHEMA_1(REQUIRED(src, string)));

	ImageServices * pImgSvc = instance();
	if (pImgSvc == NULL) {
		errorText = "Image Service has not started";
		goto Done_lsImageInfo;

	if (pImgSvc->isValid() == false) {
		errorText = "Image Service has not started (failed init)";
		goto Done_lsImageInfo;

	str = LSMessageGetPayload( message );
	if (!str) {
		errorText = "No payload provided";
		goto Done_lsImageInfo;

	root = json_tokener_parse( str );
	if (!root || is_error(root)) {
		errorText = "Malformed JSON detected in payload";
		root = 0;
		goto Done_lsImageInfo;

	if (Utils::extractFromJson(root,"src",srcfile) == false) {
		errorText = "'src' parameter missing";
		goto Done_lsImageInfo;

        QImageReader reader(QString::fromStdString(srcfile));
        if(!reader.canRead()) {
            errorText = reader.errorString().toStdString();
            return false;
            goto Done_lsImageInfo;
        srcWidth = reader.size().width();
        srcHeight = reader.size().height();
        // QImageReader probably won't return all of these, but just to make sure we cover all cases
        switch(reader.imageFormat()) {
            case QImage::Format_ARGB32_Premultiplied:
            case QImage::Format_ARGB32:
            case QImage::Format_RGB32:
            srcBpp = 32; break;
            case QImage::Format_RGB888:
            case QImage::Format_RGB666:
            case QImage::Format_ARGB8565_Premultiplied:
            case QImage::Format_ARGB6666_Premultiplied:
            case QImage::Format_ARGB8555_Premultiplied:
            srcBpp = 24; break;
            case QImage::Format_RGB444:
            case QImage::Format_ARGB4444_Premultiplied:
            case QImage::Format_RGB16:
            case QImage::Format_RGB555:
            srcBpp = 16; break;
            case QImage::Format_Indexed8:
            srcBpp = 8; break;
            case QImage::Format_Mono:
            case QImage::Format_MonoLSB:
            srcBpp = 1; break;
            srcBpp = 0;
       srcType = reader.format(); // png/jpg etc


	if (root)

	json_object * reply = json_object_new_object();
	json_object_object_add(reply, "subscribed", json_object_new_boolean(false));
	if (errorText.size() > 0) {
		json_object_object_add(reply, "returnValue", json_object_new_boolean(false));
		json_object_object_add(reply, "errorCode", json_object_new_string(errorText.c_str()));
	else {
		json_object_object_add(reply, "returnValue", json_object_new_boolean(true));
		json_object_object_add(reply, "width",json_object_new_int(srcWidth));
		json_object_object_add(reply, "height",json_object_new_int(srcHeight));
		json_object_object_add(reply, "bpp",json_object_new_int(srcBpp));
		json_object_object_add(reply, "type", json_object_new_string(srcType));

	if (!LSMessageReply(lsHandle, message, json_object_to_json_string(reply), &lserror))
		LSErrorFree (&lserror);


	return true;
bool ImageServices::lsEzResize(LSHandle* lsHandle, LSMessage* message,void* user_data)
	LSError lserror;
	std::string errorText;
	json_object * root = NULL;
	json_object * label = NULL;
	const char* str;
	std::string srcfile;
	std::string destfile;
	std::string desttype;
	uint32_t destSizeW = 0;
	uint32_t destSizeH = 0;

    // {"src": string, "dest": string, "destType": string, "destSizeW": integer, "destSizeH": integer}
                               SCHEMA_5(REQUIRED(src, string), REQUIRED(dest, string), REQUIRED(destType, string), REQUIRED(destSizeW, integer), REQUIRED(destSizeH, integer)));

	ImageServices * pImgSvc = instance();
	if (pImgSvc == NULL) {
		errorText = "Image Service has not started";
		goto Done_ezResize;

	if (pImgSvc->isValid() == false) {
		errorText = "Image Service has not started (failed init)";
		goto Done_ezResize;

	str = LSMessageGetPayload( message );
	if (!str) {
		errorText = "No payload provided";
		goto Done_ezResize;

	root = json_tokener_parse( str );
	if (!root || is_error(root)) {
		errorText = "Malformed JSON detected in payload";
		root = 0;
		goto Done_ezResize;

	if (Utils::extractFromJson(root,"src",srcfile) == false) {
		errorText = "'src' parameter missing";
		goto Done_ezResize;
	if (Utils::extractFromJson(root,"dest",destfile) == false) {
		errorText = "'dest' parameter missing";
		goto Done_ezResize;
	if (Utils::extractFromJson(root,"destType",desttype) == false) {
		errorText = "'destType' parameter missing";
		goto Done_ezResize;

	if ((label = Utils::JsonGetObject(root,"destSizeW")) != NULL)
		destSizeW = json_object_get_int(label);
		errorText = "'destSizeW' missing";
		goto Done_ezResize;
	if ((label = Utils::JsonGetObject(root,"destSizeH")) != NULL)
		destSizeH = json_object_get_int(label);
		errorText = "'destSizeH' missing";
		goto Done_ezResize;

    (void)ImageServices::instance()->ezResize(srcfile, destfile, desttype.c_str(), destSizeW, destSizeH, errorText);


	if (root)

	json_object * reply = json_object_new_object();
	json_object_object_add(reply, "subscribed", json_object_new_boolean(false));
	if (errorText.size() > 0) {
		json_object_object_add(reply, "returnValue", json_object_new_boolean(false));
		json_object_object_add(reply, "errorCode", json_object_new_string(errorText.c_str()));
	else {
		json_object_object_add(reply, "returnValue", json_object_new_boolean(true));

	if (!LSMessageReply(lsHandle, message, json_object_to_json_string(reply), &lserror))
		LSErrorFree (&lserror);


	return true;
// http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ms725481.aspx
bool TimeZoneService::cbGetTimeZoneFromEasData(LSHandle* lsHandle, LSMessage *message,
											   void *user_data)
	std::string reply;
	bool ret;
	LSError lsError;
	json_object* root = 0;
	json_object* label = 0;

	int easBias;
	EasSystemTime easStandardDate;
	int easStandardBias;
	EasSystemTime easDaylightDate;
	int easDaylightBias;


	easBias = 0;
	easStandardDate.valid = false;
	easStandardBias = 0;
	easDaylightDate.valid = false;
	easDaylightBias = 0;

    // {"bias": integer, standardDate:{"year": integer, "month": integer, "dayOfWeek": integer, "day": integer, "hour": integer, "minute": integer, "second": integer}, "standardBias": integer, "daylightDate":{"year": integer, "month": integer, "dayOfWeek": integer, "day": integer, "hour": integer, "minute": integer, "second": integer}, "daylightBias": integer}
                               SCHEMA_5(REQUIRED(bias, integer), NAKED_OBJECT_OPTIONAL_7(standardDate, year, integer, month, integer, dayOfWeek, integer, day, integer, hour, integer, minute, integer, second, integer), OPTIONAL(standardBias, integer), NAKED_OBJECT_OPTIONAL_7(daylightDate, year, integer, month, integer, dayOfWeek, integer, day, integer, hour, integer, minute, integer, second, integer),OPTIONAL(daylightBias, integer)));
	const char* payload = LSMessageGetPayload(message);
	if (!payload) {
		reply = "{\"returnValue\": false, "
				" \"errorText\": \"No payload specifed for message\"}";
		goto Done;

	root = json_tokener_parse(payload);
	if (!root || is_error(root)) {
		reply = "{\"returnValue\": false, "
				" \"errorText\": \"Cannot parse json payload\"}";
		goto Done;

	// bias. mandatory (everything else is optional)
	label = json_object_object_get(root, "bias");
	if (!label || !json_object_is_type(label, json_type_int)) {
		reply = "{\"returnValue\": false, "
				" \"errorText\": \"bias value missing\"}";
		goto Done;
	easBias = json_object_get_int(label);

	// standard date
	label = json_object_object_get(root, "standardDate");
	if (label && json_object_is_type(label, json_type_object))
		readEasDate(label, easStandardDate);

	// standard bias
	label = json_object_object_get(root, "standardBias");
	if (label && json_object_is_type(label, json_type_int))
		easStandardBias = json_object_get_int(label);

	// daylight date
	label = json_object_object_get(root, "daylightDate");
	if (label && json_object_is_type(label, json_type_object))
		readEasDate(label, easDaylightDate);

	// daylight bias
	label = json_object_object_get(root, "daylightBias");
	if (label && json_object_is_type(label, json_type_int))
		easDaylightBias = json_object_get_int(label);

	// Both standard and daylight bias need to specified together,
	// otherwise both are invalid
	if (!easDaylightDate.valid)
		easStandardDate.valid = false;

	if (!easStandardDate.valid)
		easDaylightDate.valid = false;

		// Get all timezones matching the current offset
		PrefsHandler* handler = PrefsFactory::instance()->getPrefsHandler("timeZone");
		TimePrefsHandler* tzHandler = static_cast<TimePrefsHandler*>(handler);
		TimeZoneService* tzService = TimeZoneService::instance();

		std::list<std::string> timeZones = tzHandler->getTimeZonesForOffset(-easBias);

		if (timeZones.empty()) {

			reply = "{\"returnValue\": false, "
					" \"errorText\": \"Failed to find any timezones with specified bias value\"}";
			goto Done;

		if (!easStandardDate.valid) {
			// No additional data available for refinement. Just use the
			// first timezone entry in the list
			json_object* obj = json_object_new_object();
			json_object_object_add(obj, "returnValue", json_object_new_boolean(true));
			json_object_object_add(obj, "timeZone", json_object_new_string(timeZones.begin()->c_str()));
			reply = json_object_to_json_string(obj);

			goto Done;
		else {

			time_t utcTime = time(NULL);
			struct tm* localTime = localtime(&utcTime);
			int currentYear = localTime->tm_year + 1900;

			updateEasDateDayOfMonth(easStandardDate, currentYear);
			updateEasDateDayOfMonth(easDaylightDate, currentYear);
			for (std::list<std::string>::const_iterator it = timeZones.begin();
				 it != timeZones.end(); ++it) {
				TimeZoneEntry tzEntry;
				tzEntry.tz = (*it);

				TimeZoneResultList tzResultList = tzService->getTimeZoneRuleOne(tzEntry);
				if (tzResultList.empty())

				const TimeZoneResult& tzResult = tzResultList.front();
				printf("For timezone: %s\n", tzEntry.tz.c_str());
				printf("year: %d, utcOffset: %lld, dstOffset: %lld, dstStart: %lld, dstEnd: %lld\n",
					   tzResult.year, tzResult.utcOffset, tzResult.dstOffset,
					   tzResult.dstStart, tzResult.dstEnd);

				// Set this timezone as the current timezone, so that we can calculate when the
				// DST transitions occurs in seconds for the specified eas data
				setenv("TZ", tzEntry.tz.c_str(), 1);

				struct tm tzBrokenTime;
				tzBrokenTime.tm_sec = easStandardDate.second;
				tzBrokenTime.tm_min = easStandardDate.minute;
				tzBrokenTime.tm_hour = easStandardDate.hour;
				tzBrokenTime.tm_mday = easStandardDate.day;
				tzBrokenTime.tm_mon = easStandardDate.month - 1;
				tzBrokenTime.tm_year = currentYear - 1900;
				tzBrokenTime.tm_wday = 0;
				tzBrokenTime.tm_yday = 0;
				tzBrokenTime.tm_isdst = 1;

				time_t easStandardDateSeconds = ::mktime(&tzBrokenTime);

				tzBrokenTime.tm_sec = easDaylightDate.second;
				tzBrokenTime.tm_min = easDaylightDate.minute;
				tzBrokenTime.tm_hour = easDaylightDate.hour;
				tzBrokenTime.tm_mday = easDaylightDate.day;
				tzBrokenTime.tm_mon = easDaylightDate.month - 1;
				tzBrokenTime.tm_year = currentYear - 1900;
				tzBrokenTime.tm_wday = 0;
				tzBrokenTime.tm_yday = 0;
				tzBrokenTime.tm_isdst = 0;

				time_t easDaylightDateSeconds = ::mktime(&tzBrokenTime);

				printf("eas dstStart: %ld, dstEnd: %ld\n", easDaylightDateSeconds, easStandardDateSeconds);
				if (easStandardDateSeconds == tzResult.dstEnd &&
					easDaylightDateSeconds == tzResult.dstStart) {
					// We have a winner
					json_object* obj = json_object_new_object();
					json_object_object_add(obj, "returnValue", json_object_new_boolean(true));
					json_object_object_add(obj, "timeZone", json_object_new_string(tzEntry.tz.c_str()));
					reply = json_object_to_json_string(obj);
					goto Done;

			reply = "{\"returnValue\": false, "
					" \"errorText\": \"Failed to find any timezones with specified parametes\"}";


	ret = LSMessageReply(lsHandle, message, reply.c_str(), &lsError);
	if (!ret)

	if (root && !is_error(root))

	return true;	