Example #1
void vga_movecursor(void  *cons, int row, int col)
  unsigned int curLoc;
  struct vga_console *vga;

  vga = (struct vga_console *)cons;

   * check whether the row is valid. if not we wrap around 
   * to row 0, similarly for column. 

  vga->row = row;
  vga->col = col;

  if (!VALID_ROW(vga->row))
    vga->row = 0;
  if (!VALID_COL(vga->col))
    vga->col = 0;
  curLoc = vga->row * VGA_COLS + vga->col;

  outb(VIDEO_DATA_REG, curLoc >> 8);
  outb(VIDEO_DATA_REG, curLoc & 0x00FF);
} /* end of vga_movecursor */
Example #2
    const TermBuffer      tb,
    const short           row,
    const short           col,
    const short           length,
          char           *buffer,
    const Boolean         needWideChar
    short   len;
    if (!VALID_ROW(tb, row) || !VALID_COL(tb, col))

    len = MIN(length, LENGTH(LINES(tb)[row]) - col);

    if (length > 0)
        memcpy(buffer, BUFFER(LINES(tb)[row]) + col, len);
Example #3
int check_diag(int row, int col, int x, int y)
	int count = 0;

	row = row + x;
	col = col + y;

	if (VALID_ROW(row) && VALID_COL(col)) {
		if (board[row][col] == QUEEN)
		count += check_diag(row, col, x, y);

	return count;
Example #4
    TermBuffer  tb,
    short      *row,
    short      *col,
    short      *width,
    termChar  **returnChars,  /* pointer to delete buffer        */
    short      *returnCount  /* count of bytes in delete buffer */
    int      copyCount;
    TermLine line;
    short    localRow;
    short    localCol;
    TermCharInfoRec startCharInfo;
    TermCharInfoRec stopCharInfo;

    if (!VALID_ROW(tb, *row) || !VALID_COL(tb, *col))
        if (returnChars)
	    *returnChars = NULL;
	    *returnCount = 0;

    ** save some local copies, to originals may get modified
    localRow = *row;
    localCol = *col;
    line     = LINE_OF_TBUF(tb, *row);
    *width   = MAX(0, MIN(WIDTH(line) - localCol, *width));

    ** there are 3 cases of deleting a character from a line:
    **     Case 1:
    **       the cursor is at least 2 positions past the end of the
    **       line (col - WIDTH(line) > 0)
    **     Case 2:
    **       the cursor is in the middle of the line (copyCount > 0)
    **          - move the remaining characters to the left
    **          - deleteEnhancement
    **          - adjust WIDTH and LENGTH
    **     Case 3:
    **       the cursor is at the end of the line (copyCount == 0 and
    **       col == WIDTH(line))
    **          - deleteEnhancement
    **          - adjust WIDTH and LENGTH
    if (localCol >= WIDTH(line) || *width == 0)
        ** Handle Case 1...
        if (returnChars)
	    *returnChars = NULL;
	    *returnCount = 0;

    ** make any necessary adjustments to 2 column characters...
    _patchUpChar(tb, *row, col, &startCharInfo);

    (void) _DtTermPrimGetCharacterInfo(tb, localRow,
               MIN(WIDTH(line), localCol + *width), &stopCharInfo);

    if ((stopCharInfo.width == 2) && 
	(stopCharInfo.startCol == localCol + *width - 1))
	** do not try to delete column 1 of 2...
	** replace the 2 column character with two one column spaces...
	*stopCharInfo.u.pwc = L' ';
	memmove(stopCharInfo.u.pwc + 1, stopCharInfo.u.pwc,
		(LENGTH(line) - stopCharInfo.idx) * sizeof(wchar_t));

	** now make stopCharInfo point at the new space
	stopCharInfo.width = 1;
    ** Save the current characters before we overwrite them
    ** (if returnChars is non-NULL 0)
    if (returnChars != NULL)
	*returnCount = (stopCharInfo.idx - startCharInfo.idx) * sizeof(wchar_t);
	*returnChars = (termChar *)XtMalloc(*returnCount);
	memmove(*returnChars, startCharInfo.u.pwc, *returnCount);
    ** Cases 2, 3, and 4 require that we delete the enhancement...
    if (DELETE_ENH(tb))
        (*DELETE_ENH(tb))(tb, localRow, localCol, *width);

    copyCount = MAX(0, LENGTH(line) - stopCharInfo.idx);
    if (copyCount > 0)
        ** handle case 2
        memmove(startCharInfo.u.pwc, stopCharInfo.u.pwc,
                copyCount * sizeof(wchar_t));

    ** Cases 2 and 3 require that we decrement the line length...
    WIDTH(line)  -= *width;
    LENGTH(line) -= (stopCharInfo.idx - startCharInfo.idx);

    ** update info we need to return...
    *width = stopCharInfo.startCol - startCharInfo.startCol;
Example #5
** Insert as many characters as possible at the specified row,col
** return a count of the number of characters bumped off the end of the line
** in 'returnLength' and a pointer to a buffer containing those characters
** 'returnChars'.
** The the new column width of the line is returned as the value of the
** function.
**      We are trying to implement mechanism and not policy.  This
**      routine does a minimum of checking for boundary conditions.
    const TermBuffer  tb,
    const short       row,
    const short       col,
          wchar_t    *newChars,
          short       numChars,
          Boolean     insertFlag,   /* if TRUE, insert, else overwrite        */
          termChar  **returnChars,  /* pointer to overflow buffer             */
          short      *returnLength  /* count of characters in overflow buffer */
           short    widthInc;       /* incremental change in line width  */
           short    lengthInc;      /* incremental change in line length */
           short    widthInsert;    /* column width of chars inserted    */
	   short    localCol;
           TermLine line;
    if (!VALID_ROW(tb, row) || !VALID_COL(tb, col))
        *returnLength = 0;
    if (isDebugFSet('i', 1)) {
#ifdef	BBA
#pragma BBA_IGNORE
#endif	/*BBA*/
	(void) _termBufferValidateLineWc(tb, row);

    line     = LINE_OF_TBUF(tb, row);
    localCol = col;
    if (WIDTH(line) < col)
        ** We're adding characters past the current end of line,
        ** pad it out.
        _DtTermPrimBufferPadLineWc(tb, row, col);

    ** It doesn't matter if we're overwriting, or inserting at the end 
    ** of the line, the result is the same...
    if (insertFlag == False || col == WIDTH(line))
	_primBufferOverwriteWc(tb, row, &localCol, newChars, numChars,
			       &lengthInc, &widthInc, &widthInsert,
			       *returnChars, returnLength);
	_primBufferInsertWc(tb, row, &localCol, newChars, numChars,
			    &lengthInc, &widthInc, &widthInsert,
			    *returnChars, returnLength);

    ** Everything's ready:
    **     - put the characters into the line
    **     - adjust the line width (_DtTermPrimBufferSetLineWidth won't
    **       let the line get shorter)...
    **     - adjust the line length
    **     - update the enhancements
    WIDTH(line)  += widthInc;
    LENGTH(line) += lengthInc;
    ** fix up the enhancments...
    if (INSERT_ENH(tb))
        (*INSERT_ENH(tb))(tb, row, col, widthInsert, insertFlag);

    if (isDebugFSet('i', 1)) {
#ifdef	BBA
#pragma BBA_IGNORE
#endif	/*BBA*/
	(void) _termBufferValidateLineWc(tb, row);
