Example #1
 * Wait until the data in the buffer has finished playing.
PaError waitUntilBlioWriteBufferIsEmpty( PaMacBlio *blio, double sampleRate,
                                        size_t framesPerBuffer )
    PaError result = paNoError;
    if( blio->outputRingBuffer.buffer ) {
        ring_buffer_size_t framesLeft = PaUtil_GetRingBufferReadAvailable( &blio->outputRingBuffer );

        /* Calculate when we should give up waiting. To be safe wait for two extra periods. */
        PaTime now = PaUtil_GetTime();
        PaTime startTime = now;
        PaTime timeoutTime = startTime + (framesLeft + (2 * framesPerBuffer)) / sampleRate;

        long msecPerBuffer = 1 + (long)( 1000.0 * framesPerBuffer / sampleRate);
        while( framesLeft > 0 && now < timeoutTime ) {
            VDBUG(( "waitUntilBlioWriteBufferIsFlushed: framesLeft = %d, framesPerBuffer = %ld\n",
                  framesLeft, framesPerBuffer ));
            Pa_Sleep( msecPerBuffer );
            framesLeft = PaUtil_GetRingBufferReadAvailable( &blio->outputRingBuffer );
            now = PaUtil_GetTime();

        if( framesLeft > 0 )
            VDBUG(( "waitUntilBlioWriteBufferIsFlushed: TIMED OUT - framesLeft = %d\n", framesLeft ));
            result = paTimedOut;
    return result;
   Attempts to set the requestedFramesPerBuffer. If it can't set the exact
   value, it settles for something smaller if available. If nothing smaller
   is available, it uses the smallest available size.
   actualFramesPerBuffer will be set to the actual value on successful return.
   OK to pass NULL to actualFramesPerBuffer.
   The logic is very simmilar too setBestSampleRate only failure here is
   not usually catastrophic.
static PaError setBestFramesPerBuffer( const AudioDeviceID device,
                                       const bool isOutput,
                                       unsigned long requestedFramesPerBuffer, 
                                       unsigned long *actualFramesPerBuffer )
   UInt32 afpb;
   const bool isInput = !isOutput;
   UInt32 propsize = sizeof(UInt32);
   OSErr err;
   Float64 min  = -1; /*the min blocksize*/
   Float64 best = -1; /*the best blocksize*/
   int i=0;
   AudioValueRange *ranges;

   if( actualFramesPerBuffer == NULL )
      actualFramesPerBuffer = &afpb;

   /* -- try and set exact FPB -- */
   err = AudioDeviceSetProperty( device, NULL, 0, isInput,
                                 propsize, &requestedFramesPerBuffer);
   err = AudioDeviceGetProperty( device, 0, isInput,
                           &propsize, actualFramesPerBuffer);
   if( err )
      return ERR( err );
   if( *actualFramesPerBuffer == requestedFramesPerBuffer )
      return paNoError; /* we are done */

   /* -- fetch available block sizes -- */
   err = AudioDeviceGetPropertyInfo( device, 0, isInput,
                           &propsize, NULL );
   if( err )
      return ERR( err );
   ranges = (AudioValueRange *)calloc( 1, propsize );
   if( !ranges )
      return paInsufficientMemory;
   err = AudioDeviceGetProperty( device, 0, isInput,
                                &propsize, ranges );
   if( err )
      free( ranges );
      return ERR( err );
   VDBUG(("Requested block size of %lu was not available.\n",
          requestedFramesPerBuffer ));
   VDBUG(("%lu Available block sizes are:\n",propsize/sizeof(AudioValueRange)));
   for( i=0; i<propsize/sizeof(AudioValueRange); ++i )
      VDBUG( ("\t%g-%g\n",
              (float) ranges[i].mMinimum,
              (float) ranges[i].mMaximum ) );
   /* --- now pick the best available framesPerBuffer -- */
   for( i=0; i<propsize/sizeof(AudioValueRange); ++i )
      if( min == -1 || ranges[i].mMinimum < min ) min = ranges[i].mMinimum;
      if( ranges[i].mMaximum < requestedFramesPerBuffer ) {
         if( best < 0 )
            best = ranges[i].mMaximum;
         else if( ranges[i].mMaximum > best )
            best = ranges[i].mMaximum;
   if( best == -1 )
      best = min;
   VDBUG( ("Minimum FPB  %g. best is %g.\n", min, best ) );
   free( ranges );

   /* --- set the buffer size (ignore errors) -- */
   requestedFramesPerBuffer = (UInt32) best ;
   propsize = sizeof( UInt32 );
   err = AudioDeviceSetProperty( device, NULL, 0, isInput,
                                 propsize, &requestedFramesPerBuffer );
   /* --- read the property to check that it was set -- */
   err = AudioDeviceGetProperty( device, 0, isInput,
                                 &propsize, actualFramesPerBuffer );

   if( err )
      return ERR( err );

   return paNoError;
 * Sets the sample rate the HAL device.
 * if requireExact: set the sample rate or fail.
 * otherwise      : set the exact sample rate.
 *             If that fails, check for available sample rates, and choose one
 *             higher than the requested rate. If there isn't a higher one,
 *             just use the highest available.
static PaError setBestSampleRateForDevice( const AudioDeviceID device,
                                    const bool isOutput,
                                    const bool requireExact,
                                    const Float64 desiredSrate )
   /*FIXME: changing the sample rate is disruptive to other programs using the
            device, so it might be good to offer a custom flag to not change the
            sample rate and just do conversion. (in my casual tests, there is
            no disruption unless the sample rate really does need to change) */
   const bool isInput = isOutput ? 0 : 1;
   Float64 srate;
   UInt32 propsize = sizeof( Float64 );
   OSErr err;
   AudioValueRange *ranges;
   int i=0;
   Float64 max  = -1; /*the maximum rate available*/
   Float64 best = -1; /*the lowest sample rate still greater than desired rate*/
   VDBUG(("Setting sample rate for device %ld to %g.\n",device,(float)desiredSrate));

   /* -- try setting the sample rate -- */
   err = AudioDeviceSetPropertyNowAndWaitForChange(
                                 device, 0, isInput,
                                 propsize, &desiredSrate, &srate );
   if( err )
      return err;

   /* -- if the rate agrees, and we got no errors, we are done -- */
   if( !err && srate == desiredSrate )
      return paNoError;
   /* -- we've failed if the rates disagree and we are setting input -- */
   if( requireExact )
      return paInvalidSampleRate;

   /* -- generate a list of available sample rates -- */
   err = AudioDeviceGetPropertyInfo( device, 0, isInput,
                                &propsize, NULL );
   if( err )
      return ERR( err );
   ranges = (AudioValueRange *)calloc( 1, propsize );
   if( !ranges )
      return paInsufficientMemory;
   err = AudioDeviceGetProperty( device, 0, isInput,
                                &propsize, ranges );
   if( err )
      free( ranges );
      return ERR( err );
   VDBUG(("Requested sample rate of %g was not available.\n", (float)desiredSrate));
   VDBUG(("%lu Available Sample Rates are:\n",propsize/sizeof(AudioValueRange)));
   for( i=0; i<propsize/sizeof(AudioValueRange); ++i )
      VDBUG( ("\t%g-%g\n",
              (float) ranges[i].mMinimum,
              (float) ranges[i].mMaximum ) );
   /* -- now pick the best available sample rate -- */
   for( i=0; i<propsize/sizeof(AudioValueRange); ++i )
      if( ranges[i].mMaximum > max ) max = ranges[i].mMaximum;
      if( ranges[i].mMinimum > desiredSrate ) {
         if( best < 0 )
            best = ranges[i].mMinimum;
         else if( ranges[i].mMinimum < best )
            best = ranges[i].mMinimum;
   if( best < 0 )
      best = max;
   VDBUG( ("Maximum Rate %g. best is %g.\n", max, best ) );
   free( ranges );

   /* -- set the sample rate -- */
   propsize = sizeof( best );
   err = AudioDeviceSetPropertyNowAndWaitForChange(
                                 device, 0, isInput,
                                 propsize, &best, &srate );
   if( err )
      return err;

   if( err )
      return ERR( err );
   /* -- if the set rate matches, we are done -- */
   if( srate == best )
      return paNoError;

   /* -- otherwise, something wierd happened: we didn't set the rate, and we got no errors. Just bail. */
   return paInternalError;