Example #1
static void _fileCreateDirectory(const char *fileName, unsigned short volRefNum)
#ifndef USE_FILE_API
    int i = 0;
    for (i = 0; i < stringLen(fileName); i++) {
        if (fileName[i] == '/') {
            char *tempPath = stringDup(fileName);

            if (tempPath) {
                FileRef fileRef;
                tempPath[i + 1] = 0;
                // Try to open the path, if that fails we need to create it
                if (!VFSFileOpen(volRefNum, tempPath, vfsModeRead, &fileRef)) {
                } else {
                    VFSDirCreate(volRefNum, tempPath);

            } else { // To bad, we'll just fail for now
Example #2
/* Open the specified database, return the result from the database call */
static Err OpenVFSDatabase
    UInt16      volumeRef,  /* file's volume reference */
    Char*       path,       /* path to file */
    FileRef*    fileRef,    /* upon successful return, the access pointer */
    UInt16*     version,    /* upon successful return, the specific version
                               number */
    Char*       name,       /* upon successful return, the name */
    UInt32*     date,       /* upon successful return, the creation date */
    UInt16*     numRecords  /* upon successful return, the number of records */
    Err err;

    if ( path == NULL || fileRef == NULL || version == NULL || name == NULL ||
         date == NULL || numRecords == NULL )
        return vfsErrBadData;

    err = VFSFileOpen( volumeRef, path, vfsModeRead, fileRef );
    if ( err != errNone )
       return err;

    err = VFSFileDBInfo( *fileRef, name, NULL, NULL, date, NULL, NULL, NULL,
            NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, numRecords );

    return err;
Example #3
int fileFlushDirectory(char *directory)
#ifndef USE_FILE_API
    FileRef         dirRefNum;
    Err             error           = errNone;
    UInt32          volIterator     = vfsIteratorStart;
    UInt32          dirIterator     = vfsIteratorStart;
    UInt16          volRefNum       = 0;
    FileInfoType    info;
    char            *fileName       = memMgrChunkNew(1024);
    if (!fileName || !directory)
        goto fileEmptyDir_Error;
    error = VFSVolumeEnumerate(&volRefNum, &volIterator);
    if (error) {
        goto fileEmptyDir_Error;
    error = VFSFileOpen(volRefNum, directory, vfsModeRead, &dirRefNum);
    if (error) {
        goto fileEmptyDir_Error;
    info.nameP      = fileName;
    info.nameBufLen = 1024;
    while ((dirIterator != vfsIteratorStop) && !error) {
        error = VFSDirEntryEnumerate(dirRefNum, &dirIterator, &info);
        if (error)
            goto fileEmptyDir_Error;
        if (!(info.attributes & vfsFileAttrDirectory)) {
            error = VFSFileDelete(volRefNum, info.nameP); // Ignore errors
    return 0;

    if (fileName)
    return -1;
Example #4
FILE *fileOpen(const char *fileName, const char *mode)
    Err     error       = errNone;
    FILE    *fileOut    = NULL;
    Boolean rw          = 0;
    UInt32  openMode    = 0;
#ifndef USE_FILE_API
    UInt32  volIterator = vfsIteratorStart;

    if (!fileName || !mode)
        return NULL;
    fileOut = (FILE *)memMgrChunkNew(sizeof(FILE));
    if (!fileOut)
        return NULL;
    rw = ((mode[1] == '+') || (mode[1] && (mode[2] == '+')));

    switch (mode[0]) {
        case 'r':
            openMode = (rw)?fileModeReadWrite:fileModeReadOnly;
        case 'w':
            openMode = fileModeReadWrite;
            goto fileOpen_Error;
    fileOut->fileHand = FileOpen(0, fileName, 0, 0, openMode, &error);
    switch (mode[0]) {
        case 'r':
            openMode = (rw)?vfsModeReadWrite:vfsModeRead;
        case 'w':
            openMode = vfsModeReadWrite;
            goto fileOpen_Error;
    error = VFSVolumeEnumerate(&fileOut->volRefNum, &volIterator);
    if (error) {
            goto fileOpen_Error;
    error = VFSFileOpen(fileOut->volRefNum, fileName, openMode, &fileOut->fileRef);
    if (error == vfsErrFileNotFound) {
        _fileCreateDirectory(fileName, fileOut->volRefNum);
        error = VFSFileCreate(fileOut->volRefNum, fileName);
        if (error) {
            goto fileOpen_Error;
        error = VFSFileOpen(fileOut->volRefNum, fileName, openMode, &fileOut->fileRef);
        if (error) {
            goto fileOpen_Error;
    } else if (error) {
        goto fileOpen_Error;
    return fileOut;
    if (fileOut)
    return NULL;
Example #5

  Description: See documentation for standard C library fopen

PALM_FILE* palm_fopen( const char* in_name, const char* in_mode, UInt16 in_volRef )
    Err err = errNone;
    UInt32 PalmMode = 0;
    UInt16 vfsMode = 0;
    PALM_FILE* file = NULL;
    FileHand fh = NULL;
    FileRef fr = NULL;

    /* supported modes: "r" "w" "a" "r+" "w+" "a+" */

    /* Note: All files are opened as binary,
            unsupported modes: "c", "n" 
    if( strstr( in_mode, "a+" ) )
        PalmMode = fileModeAppend;
        // Append doesn't appear to be possible in VFS
        ChASSERT(in_volRef == ((UInt16)-1));
    else if( strstr( in_mode, "w+" ) )
        PalmMode = fileModeReadWrite;
        vfsMode = vfsModeReadWrite;
    else if( strstr( in_mode, "r+" ) )
        PalmMode = fileModeUpdate;
        vfsMode = vfsModeReadWrite;
    else if( strstr( in_mode, "a" ) )
        PalmMode = fileModeAppend;
        // Append doesn't appear to be possible in VFS
        ChASSERT(in_volRef == ((UInt16)-1));
    else if( strstr( in_mode, "w" ) )
        PalmMode = fileModeReadWrite;
        vfsMode = vfsModeReadWrite;
    else if( strstr( in_mode, "r" ) )
        PalmMode = fileModeReadOnly;
        vfsMode = vfsModeRead;
        /* error */
        return NULL;

    if (in_volRef == ((UInt16)-1)) // If the file is on the Palm device itself
        fh = FileOpen( 0, in_name, 0, 0, PalmMode, &err );
        if( fh )
            file = (PALM_FILE*)MemPtrNew( sizeof(PALM_FILE) );
            file->file.fh = fh;
            file->volRef = ((UInt16)-1);
            /* ChTHROW(CS_INVALID_FILENAME); TODO raise error */
    else                          // if the file is on an expansion card
        err = VFSFileOpen(in_volRef, in_name, vfsMode, &fr);
        if ((err == errNone) && (fr != NULL))
            file = (PALM_FILE*)MemPtrNew( sizeof(PALM_FILE) );
            if (file != NULL)
	            file->file.fr = fr;
			    file->volRef = in_volRef;
            /* ChTHROW(CS_INVALID_FILENAME); TODO raise error */

    return file;
Example #6
/* Add file to doc list */
static void AddVFSFile
    UInt16              volRefNum,
    FileInfoType*       info,
    const Char*         dir,
    UInt16              location,
    EnumerateCardType   enumerateWhat
    Err             err;
    Char*           path;
    FileRef         ref;
    DocumentInfo    docInfo;
    UInt32          type;
    UInt32          creatorID;

    /* Set path to document */
    path = SafeMemPtrNew( StrLen( dir ) + StrLen( info->nameP ) + 2 );
    StrCopy( path, dir );
    StrCat( path, info->nameP );
    err = VFSFileOpen( volRefNum, path, vfsModeRead, &ref );
    if ( err == errNone ) {
        Char volumeLabel[ LABEL_LEN ];

        err = VFSFileDBInfo( ref, docInfo.name,
                &docInfo.attributes, NULL, &docInfo.created,
                NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, &type, &creatorID,
                NULL );
        if ( err == errNone && IsDocScan( enumerateWhat ) &&
             type == ViewerDocumentType && creatorID == ViewerAppID ) {
            DocumentData*   handlePtr;
            MemHandle       handle;
            UInt16          index;

            VFSFileSize( ref, &docInfo.size );
            GetPluckerVolumeLabel( volRefNum, volumeLabel, LABEL_LEN );
            docInfo.cardNo      = 0;
            docInfo.filename    = info->nameP;

            VFSFileClose( ref );

            handle = FindDocData( docInfo.name, numOfElements, &index );
            if ( handle != NULL ) {
                UInt16  categories;
                UInt32  oldCreated;
                UInt16  oldLocation;
                Boolean oldActive;
                Char    oldVolumeLabel[ LABEL_LEN ];
                UInt16  fileLen;
                UInt16  volumeLabelLen;
                UInt32  timestamp;

                SetFoundDocument( index );
                handlePtr       = MemHandleLock( handle );
                oldCreated      = handlePtr->created;
                oldLocation     = handlePtr->location;
                oldActive       = handlePtr->active;
                categories      = handlePtr->categories;
                timestamp       = handlePtr->timestamp;
                fileLen         = StrLen( handlePtr->data ) + 1;
                volumeLabelLen  = StrLen( handlePtr->data + fileLen ) + 1;
                StrNCopy( oldVolumeLabel, handlePtr->data + fileLen,
                    volumeLabelLen );
                MemHandleUnlock( handle );
                /* If the document is newer than the stored one, or
                   moved to external card then updated info */
                if ( ! oldActive || oldCreated < docInfo.created ||
                     oldLocation != location ||
                     ! STREQ( volumeLabel, oldVolumeLabel ) ) {
                    /* Assign remaining document data */
                    docInfo.location    = location;
                    docInfo.active      = true;
                    docInfo.categories  = categories;
                    /* A "new" document should be indicated as unread */
                    if ( ! oldActive || oldCreated < docInfo.created )
                        docInfo.timestamp = 0;
                        docInfo.timestamp = timestamp;

                    /* If document has been moved to external card the
                       meta database must be renamed */
                    if ( oldLocation != location )
                        VFSRenameMetaDocument( docInfo.name, oldLocation,
                            &docInfo );

                    UpdateDocument( &docInfo, volumeLabel, index,
                        &handle );
            else {
                docInfo.location    = location;
                docInfo.volumeRef   = volRefNum;
                docInfo.active      = true;
                docInfo.timestamp   = 0;

                ErrTry {
                    docInfo.categories = GetDefaultCategories( &docInfo );
                ErrCatch( UNUSED_PARAM( err ) ) {
                    docInfo.categories = UNFILED_CATEGORY;
                } ErrEndCatch
                AddDocument( &docInfo, volumeLabel );