static void vips_leak( void ) { char txt[1024]; VipsBuf buf = VIPS_BUF_STATIC( txt ); vips_object_print_all(); if( vips_tracked_get_allocs() || vips_tracked_get_mem() || vips_tracked_get_files() ) { vips_buf_appendf( &buf, "memory: %d allocations, %zd bytes\n", vips_tracked_get_allocs(), vips_tracked_get_mem() ); vips_buf_appendf( &buf, "files: %d open\n", vips_tracked_get_files() ); } vips_buf_appendf( &buf, "memory: high-water mark " ); vips_buf_append_size( &buf, vips_tracked_get_mem_highwater() ); vips_buf_appends( &buf, "\n" ); fprintf( stderr, "%s", vips_buf_all( &buf ) ); vips__type_leak(); }
/** * im_system: * @im: image to run command on * @cmd: command to run * @out: stdout of command is returned here * * im_system() runs a command on an image, returning the command's output as a * string. The command is executed with popen(), the first '%%s' in the * command being substituted for a filename. * * If the IMAGE is a file on disc, then the filename will be the name of the * real file. If the image is in memory, or the result of a computation, * then a new file is created in the temporary area called something like * "vips_XXXXXX.v", and that filename given to the command. The file is * deleted when the command finishes. * * The environment variable TMPDIR can be used to set the temporary * directory. If it is not set, it defaults to "/tmp". * * In all cases, @log must be freed with im_free(). * * See also: im_system_image(). * * Returns: 0 on success, -1 on error */ int im_system( IMAGE *im, const char *cmd, char **out ) { FILE *fp; if( !im_isfile( im ) ) { IMAGE *disc; if( !(disc = im__open_temp( "%s.v" )) ) return( -1 ); if( im_copy( im, disc ) || im_system( disc, cmd, out ) ) { im_close( disc ); return( -1 ); } im_close( disc ); } else if( (fp = im_popenf( cmd, "r", im->filename )) ) { char line[IM_MAX_STRSIZE]; char txt[IM_MAX_STRSIZE]; VipsBuf buf = VIPS_BUF_STATIC( txt ); while( fgets( line, IM_MAX_STRSIZE, fp ) ) if( !vips_buf_appends( &buf, line ) ) break; pclose( fp ); if( out ) *out = im_strdup( NULL, vips_buf_all( &buf ) ); } return( 0 ); }
static void vips_leak( void ) { char txt[1024]; VipsBuf buf = VIPS_BUF_STATIC( txt ); vips_object_print_all(); if( vips_tracked_get_allocs() || vips_tracked_get_mem() || vips_tracked_get_files() ) { vips_buf_appendf( &buf, "memory: %d allocations, %zd bytes\n", vips_tracked_get_allocs(), vips_tracked_get_mem() ); vips_buf_appendf( &buf, "files: %d open\n", vips_tracked_get_files() ); } vips_buf_appendf( &buf, "memory: high-water mark " ); vips_buf_append_size( &buf, vips_tracked_get_mem_highwater() ); vips_buf_appends( &buf, "\n" ); if( strlen( vips_error_buffer() ) > 0 ) vips_buf_appendf( &buf, "error buffer: %s", vips_error_buffer() ); fprintf( stderr, "%s", vips_buf_all( &buf ) ); #ifdef DEBUG vips_buffer_dump_all(); #endif /*DEBUG*/ }
static void vips_exif_exif_entry( ExifEntry *entry, VipsExifRemove *ve ) { const char *tag_name; char vips_name_txt[256]; VipsBuf vips_name = VIPS_BUF_STATIC( vips_name_txt ); if( !(tag_name = vips_exif_entry_get_name( entry )) ) return; vips_buf_appendf( &vips_name, "exif-ifd%d-%s", exif_entry_get_ifd( entry ), tag_name ); /* Does this field exist on the image? If not, schedule it for * removal. */ if( !vips_image_get_typeof( ve->image, vips_buf_all( &vips_name ) ) ) ve->to_remove = g_slist_prepend( ve->to_remove, entry ); /* Orientation is really set from the vips * VIPS_META_ORIENTATION tag. If that's been deleted, we must delete * any matching EXIF tags too. */ if( strcmp( tag_name, "Orientation" ) == 0 && vips_image_get_typeof( ve->image, VIPS_META_ORIENTATION ) ) ve->to_remove = g_slist_prepend( ve->to_remove, entry ); /* If this is a string tag, we must also remove it ready for * recreation, see the comment below. */ if( tag_is_encoding( entry->tag ) || tag_is_ascii( entry->tag ) || tag_is_utf16( entry->tag ) ) ve->to_remove = g_slist_prepend( ve->to_remove, entry ); }
static void stringview_refresh( vObject *vobject ) { Stringview *stringview = STRINGVIEW( vobject ); String *string = STRING( VOBJECT( stringview )->iobject ); #ifdef DEBUG Row *row = HEAPMODEL( string )->row; printf( "stringview_refresh: " ); row_name_print( row ); printf( " (%p)\n", vobject ); #endif /*DEBUG*/ if( string->value ) { char txt[MAX_STRSIZE]; VipsBuf buf = VIPS_BUF_STATIC( txt ); vips_buf_appendsc( &buf, FALSE, string->value ); editview_set_entry( EDITVIEW( stringview ), "%s", vips_buf_all( &buf ) ); } VOBJECT_CLASS( parent_class )->refresh( vobject ); }
static void workspaceview_drag_data_received( GtkWidget *widget, GdkDragContext *context, gint x, gint y, GtkSelectionData *selection_data, guint info, guint time ) { Workspaceview *wview = WORKSPACEVIEW( widget ); Workspace *ws = WORKSPACE( VOBJECT( wview )->iobject ); const char *from_row_path = (const char *) selection_data->data; Row *from_row; #ifdef DEBUG printf( "workspaceview_drag_data_received:\n" ); #endif /*DEBUG*/ /* We seem to rx drag events with x/y relative to the viewport. */ x += wview->vp.left; y += wview->; if( info == TARGET_SYMBOL && selection_data->length > 0 && selection_data->format == 8 && workspaceview_is_background( wview, GTK_WIDGET( wview->fixed )->window, x, y ) && (from_row = row_parse_name( main_workspaceroot->sym, from_row_path )) ) { char new_name[MAX_STRSIZE]; Column *col; char vips_buf_text[256]; VipsBuf buf = VIPS_BUF_STATIC( vips_buf_text ); Symbol *sym; workspace_column_name_new( ws, new_name ); col = column_new( ws, new_name ); col->x = x; col->y = y; workspace_column_select( ws, col ); /* Qualify relative to us. We don't want to embed * workspace names unless we have to. */ row_qualified_name_relative( ws->sym, from_row, &buf ); if( !(sym = workspace_add_def( ws, vips_buf_all( &buf ) )) ) iwindow_alert( widget, GTK_MESSAGE_ERROR ); symbol_recalculate_all(); /* Usually the drag-from row will be selected, very * annoying. Select the drag-to row. */ if( sym && sym->expr && sym->expr->row ) row_select( sym->expr->row ); } }
static void attach_exif_entry( ExifEntry *entry, VipsExif *ve ) { char name_txt[256]; VipsBuf name = VIPS_BUF_STATIC( name_txt ); char value_txt[256]; VipsBuf value = VIPS_BUF_STATIC( value_txt ); vips_buf_appendf( &name, "exif-ifd%d-%s", exif_entry_get_ifd( entry ), exif_tag_get_title( entry->tag ) ); vips_exif_to_s( ve->ed, entry, &value ); /* Can't do anything sensible with the error return. */ (void) vips_image_set_string( ve->image, vips_buf_all( &name ), vips_buf_all( &value ) ); }
static void workspacedefs_refresh( vObject *vobject ) { Workspacedefs *workspacedefs = WORKSPACEDEFS( vobject ); Workspace *ws = workspacedefs->ws; char txt[256]; VipsBuf buf = VIPS_BUF_STATIC( txt ); #ifdef DEBUG printf( "workspacedefs_refresh:\n" ); #endif /*DEBUG*/ if( !workspacedefs->changed ) { guint text_hash = g_str_hash( ws->local_defs ); if( text_hash != workspacedefs->text_hash ) { g_signal_handlers_block_by_func( gtk_text_view_get_buffer( GTK_TEXT_VIEW( workspacedefs->text ) ), workspacedefs_text_changed, workspacedefs ); text_view_set_text( GTK_TEXT_VIEW( workspacedefs->text ), ws->local_defs, TRUE ); g_signal_handlers_unblock_by_func( gtk_text_view_get_buffer( GTK_TEXT_VIEW( workspacedefs->text ) ), workspacedefs_text_changed, workspacedefs ); workspacedefs->text_hash = text_hash; } } if( ws->local_kit ) { int n = icontainer_get_n_children( ICONTAINER( ws->local_kit ) ); vips_buf_appendf( &buf, ngettext( "%d definition", "%d definitions", n ), n ); } if( workspacedefs->errors ) { if( !vips_buf_is_empty( &buf ) ) vips_buf_appendf( &buf, ", " ); vips_buf_appendf( &buf, _( "errors" ) ); } if( workspacedefs->changed ) { if( !vips_buf_is_empty( &buf ) ) vips_buf_appendf( &buf, ", " ); vips_buf_appendf( &buf, _( "modified" ) ); } set_glabel( workspacedefs->status, "%s", vips_buf_all( &buf ) ); VOBJECT_CLASS( parent_class )->refresh( vobject ); }
static void vips_exif_attach_entry( ExifEntry *entry, VipsExifParams *params ) { const char *tag_name; char vips_name_txt[256]; VipsBuf vips_name = VIPS_BUF_STATIC( vips_name_txt ); char value_txt[256]; VipsBuf value = VIPS_BUF_STATIC( value_txt ); if( !(tag_name = vips_exif_entry_get_name( entry )) ) return; vips_buf_appendf( &vips_name, "exif-ifd%d-%s", exif_entry_get_ifd( entry ), tag_name ); vips_exif_to_s( params->ed, entry, &value ); /* Can't do anything sensible with the error return. */ (void) vips_image_set_string( params->image, vips_buf_all( &vips_name ), vips_buf_all( &value ) ); }
static void * vips_cache_print_fn( void *value, void *a, void *b ) { char str[32768]; VipsBuf buf = VIPS_BUF_STATIC( str ); vips_object_to_string( VIPS_OBJECT( value ), &buf ); printf( "%p - %s\n", value, vips_buf_all( &buf ) ); return( NULL ); }
/* Do "print". */ static void apply_print_call( Reduce *rc, const char *name, HeapNode **arg, PElement *out ) { PElement rhs; char txt[MAX_STRSIZE]; VipsBuf buf = VIPS_BUF_STATIC( txt ); PEPOINTRIGHT( arg[0], &rhs ); itext_value_ev( rc, &buf, &rhs ); if( !heap_managedstring_new( rc->heap, vips_buf_all( &buf ), out ) ) reduce_throw( rc ); }
static void * vips_cache_print_fn( void *value, void *a, void *b ) { VipsOperationCacheEntry *entry = value; char str[32768]; VipsBuf buf = VIPS_BUF_STATIC( str ); vips_object_to_string( VIPS_OBJECT( entry->operation ), &buf ); printf( "%p - %s\n", value, vips_buf_all( &buf ) ); return( NULL ); }
/* Convenience ... print a row name out, identifying by tally heirarchy. */ void * row_name_print( Row *row ) { if( row ) { char txt[100]; VipsBuf buf = VIPS_BUF_STATIC( txt ); row_qualified_name( row, &buf ); printf( "%s ", vips_buf_all( &buf ) ); } else printf( "(null)" ); return( NULL ); }
/* Load a matrix or image. Don't recalc: you need to recalc later to test for * success/fail. See eg. workspace_add_def_recalc() */ Symbol * workspace_load_file( Workspace *ws, const char *filename ) { char txt[MAX_STRSIZE]; VipsBuf buf = VIPS_BUF_STATIC( txt ); Symbol *sym; if( !workspace_load_file_buf( &buf, filename ) ) return( NULL ); if( !(sym = workspace_add_def( ws, vips_buf_all( &buf ) )) ) return( NULL ); mainw_recent_add( &mainw_recent_image, filename ); return( sym ); }
/* Make a VipsObject. */ void vo_object_new( Reduce *rc, const char *name, PElement *required, PElement *optional, PElement *out ) { Vo *vo; Managedgobject *managedgobject; if( !(vo = vo_new( rc, name )) ) reduce_throw( rc ); if( !vo_args( vo, required, optional ) ) { vo_free( vo ); reduce_throw( rc ); } /* Ask the object to construct. */ if( vips_object_build( vo->object ) ) { error_top( _( "VIPS library error." ) ); error_sub( "%s", im_error_buffer() ); im_error_clear(); vo_free( vo ); reduce_throw( rc ); } /* Return the constructed object. */ if( !(managedgobject = managedgobject_new( vo->rc->heap, G_OBJECT( vo->object ) )) ) { vo_free( vo ); reduce_throw( rc ); } PEPUTP( out, ELEMENT_MANAGED, managedgobject ); #ifdef DEBUG { char txt[1000]; VipsBuf buf = VIPS_BUF_STATIC( txt ); vips_object_to_string( vo->object, &buf ); printf( "vo_object_new: built %s\n", vips_buf_all( &buf ) ); } #endif /*DEBUG*/ vo_free( vo ); }
/* Do a graph_export_image call. */ static void apply_graph_export_image_call( Reduce *rc, const char *name, HeapNode **arg, PElement *out ) { #ifdef HAVE_LIBGOFFICE PElement rhs; double dpi; Plot *plot; Imageinfo *ii; PEPOINTRIGHT( arg[1], &rhs ); dpi = PEGETREAL( &rhs ); PEPOINTRIGHT( arg[0], &rhs ); if( !reduce_is_instanceof( rc, CLASS_PLOT, &rhs ) ) { char txt[100]; VipsBuf buf = VIPS_BUF_STATIC( txt ); itext_value_ev( rc, &buf, &rhs ); error_top( _( "Bad argument." ) ); error_sub( _( "Argument 2 to \"%s\" should " "be instance of \"%s\", you passed:\n %s" ), name, CLASS_PLOT, vips_buf_all( &buf ) ); reduce_throw( rc ); } plot = g_object_new( TYPE_PLOT, NULL ); if( !classmodel_update_members( CLASSMODEL( plot ), &rhs ) ) { UNREF( plot ); reduce_throw( rc ); } if( !(ii = plot_to_image( plot, rc, dpi )) ) { UNREF( plot ); reduce_throw( rc ); } UNREF( plot ); PEPUTP( out, ELEMENT_MANAGED, ii ); #else /*!HAVE_LIBGOFFICE*/ PEPUTP( out, ELEMENT_BOOL, TRUE ); #endif /*HAVE_LIBGOFFICE*/ }
/* Mark a row as containing an error ... called from expr_error_set() * ... don't call this directly. */ void row_error_set( Row *row ) { if( !row->err ) { Workspace *ws = row->ws; gboolean was_clear = ws->errors == NULL; ws->errors = g_slist_prepend( ws->errors, row ); row->err = TRUE; #ifdef DEBUG_ERROR printf( "row_error_set: " ); row_name_print( row ); printf( "\n" ); #endif /*DEBUG_ERROR*/ iobject_changed( IOBJECT( row ) ); /* First error? State change on workspace. */ if( was_clear ) iobject_changed( IOBJECT( ws ) ); /* If this is a local row, mark the top row in error too to end * recomp on this tree. */ if( row != row->top_row ) { char txt[100]; VipsBuf buf = VIPS_BUF_STATIC( txt ); row_qualified_name( row, &buf ); error_top( _( "Error in row." ) ); /* Elements are name of row, principal error, * secondary error. */ error_sub( _( "Error in row %s: %s\n%s" ), vips_buf_all( &buf ), row->expr->error_top, row->expr->error_sub ); expr_error_set( row->top_row->expr ); } } }
static void transform_array_double_g_string( const GValue *src_value, GValue *dest_value ) { int n; double *array = vips_value_get_array_double( src_value, &n ); char txt[1024]; VipsBuf buf = VIPS_BUF_STATIC( txt ); int i; for( i = 0; i < n; i++ ) /* Use space as a separator since ',' may be a decimal point * in this locale. */ vips_buf_appendf( &buf, "%g ", array[i] ); g_value_set_string( dest_value, vips_buf_all( &buf ) ); }
static void * vips_exif_exif_remove( ExifEntry *entry, VipsExifRemove *ve ) { #ifdef DEBUG { const char *tag_name; char vips_name_txt[256]; VipsBuf vips_name = VIPS_BUF_STATIC( vips_name_txt ); tag_name = vips_exif_entry_get_name( entry ); vips_buf_appendf( &vips_name, "exif-ifd%d-%s", exif_entry_get_ifd( entry ), tag_name ); printf( "vips_exif_exif_remove: %s\n", vips_buf_all( &vips_name ) ); } #endif /*DEBUG*/ exif_content_remove_entry( ve->content, entry ); return( NULL ); }
gboolean iimage_replace( iImage *iimage, const char *filename ) { Row *row = HEAPMODEL( iimage )->row; iText *itext = ITEXT( HEAPMODEL( iimage )->rhs->itext ); char txt[MAX_STRSIZE]; VipsBuf buf = VIPS_BUF_STATIC( txt ); vips_buf_appends( &buf, "Image_file \"" ); vips_buf_appendsc( &buf, TRUE, filename ); vips_buf_appends( &buf, "\"" ); if( itext_set_formula( itext, vips_buf_all( &buf ) ) ) { itext_set_edited( itext, TRUE ); workspace_set_modified( row->ws, TRUE ); (void) expr_dirty( row->expr, link_serial_new() ); mainw_recent_add( &mainw_recent_image, filename ); } return( TRUE ); }
static void * imageheader_add_item( IMAGE *im, const char *field, GValue *value, Imageheader *imageheader ) { char txt[256]; VipsBuf buf = VIPS_BUF_STATIC( txt ); GtkTreeIter iter; char *value_str; const char *extra; value_str = g_strdup_value_contents( value ); vips_buf_appendf( &buf, "%s", value_str ); /* Look for enums and decode them. */ extra = NULL; if( strcmp( field, "coding" ) == 0 ) extra = vips_enum_nick( VIPS_TYPE_CODING, g_value_get_int( value ) ); else if( strcmp( field, "format" ) == 0 ) extra = vips_enum_nick( VIPS_TYPE_BAND_FORMAT, g_value_get_int( value ) ); else if( strcmp( field, "interpretation" ) == 0 ) extra = vips_enum_nick( VIPS_TYPE_INTERPRETATION, g_value_get_int( value ) ); if( extra ) vips_buf_appendf( &buf, " - %s", extra ); gtk_list_store_append( imageheader->store, &iter ); gtk_list_store_set( imageheader->store, &iter, NAME_COLUMN, field, VALUE_COLUMN, vips_buf_all( &buf ), -1 ); g_free( value_str ); return( NULL ); }
void iimage_header( GtkWidget *parent, Model *model ) { iImage *iimage = IIMAGE( model ); Row *row = HEAPMODEL( iimage )->row; Workspace *ws = row_get_workspace( row ); GtkWidget *imageheader; char txt[512]; VipsBuf buf = VIPS_BUF_STATIC( txt ); imageheader = imageheader_new( iimage ); row_qualified_name_relative( ws->sym, row, &buf ); iwindow_set_title( IWINDOW( imageheader ), _( "Header for \"%s\"" ), vips_buf_all( &buf ) ); idialog_set_callbacks( IDIALOG( imageheader ), NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL ); idialog_add_ok( IDIALOG( imageheader ), iwindow_true_cb, _( "OK" ) ); iwindow_set_parent( IWINDOW( imageheader ), parent ); idialog_set_iobject( IDIALOG( imageheader ), IOBJECT( iimage ) ); iwindow_build( IWINDOW( imageheader ) ); gtk_widget_show( imageheader ); }
VipsObjectClass *object_class = VIPS_OBJECT_GET_CLASS( object ); #ifdef DEBUG printf( "vips_object_build: " ); vips_object_print_name( object ); printf( "\n" ); #endif /*DEBUG*/ return( object_class->build( object ) ); } void vips_object_print_class( VipsObjectClass *class ) { char str[1000]; VipsBuf buf = VIPS_BUF_STATIC( str ); class->print_class( class, &buf ); printf( "%s\n", vips_buf_all( &buf ) ); } void vips_object_print( VipsObject *object ) { VipsObjectClass *class = VIPS_OBJECT_GET_CLASS( object ); /* This is used for printing image headers, so we may need lots of * space. See header.c. */ char str[32768]; VipsBuf buf = VIPS_BUF_STATIC( str );
/* Make the insides of an about box. */ static void about_build( iDialog *idlg, GtkWidget *work ) { /* Translators: translate this to a credit for you, and it'll appear in * the About box. */ char *translator_credits = _( "translator_credits" ); GtkWidget *hb; GtkWidget *lab; char txt[MAX_DIALOG_TEXT]; char txt2[MAX_DIALOG_TEXT]; VipsBuf buf = VIPS_BUF_STATIC( txt ); GtkWidget *image; im_snprintf( txt2, MAX_DIALOG_TEXT, _( "About %s." ), PACKAGE ); vips_buf_appendf( &buf, "<b><big>%s</big></b>\n\n", txt2 ); im_snprintf( txt2, MAX_DIALOG_TEXT, _( "%s is an image processing package." ), PACKAGE ); vips_buf_appendf( &buf, "%s\n\n", txt2 ); im_snprintf( txt2, MAX_DIALOG_TEXT, _( "%s comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY. This is " "free software and you are welcome to redistribute " "it under certain conditions, see" ), PACKAGE ); vips_buf_appendf( &buf, "%s\n\n", txt2 ); im_snprintf( txt2, MAX_DIALOG_TEXT, _( NIP_COPYRIGHT ), PACKAGE ); vips_buf_appendf( &buf, "%s\n\n", txt2 ); { char buf1[FILENAME_MAX]; char buf2[FILENAME_MAX]; im_snprintf( buf1, FILENAME_MAX, "%s" G_DIR_SEPARATOR_S "start", get_savedir() ); expand_variables( buf1, buf2 ); nativeize_path( buf2 ); escape_markup( buf2, buf1, FILENAME_MAX ); vips_buf_appendf( &buf, "<b>%s:</b> %s\n", _( "Personal start folder" ), buf1 ); } vips_buf_appendf( &buf, "<b>%s:</b> %s\n", _( "Homepage" ), VIPS_HOMEPAGE ); escape_markup( im_version_string(), txt2, MAX_DIALOG_TEXT ); vips_buf_appendf( &buf, "<b>%s:</b> %s\n", _( "Linked to VIPS" ), txt2 ); escape_markup( IM_VERSION_STRING, txt2, MAX_DIALOG_TEXT ); vips_buf_appendf( &buf, "<b>%s:</b> %s\n", _( "Built against VIPS" ), txt2 ); escape_markup( PACKAGE, txt2, MAX_DIALOG_TEXT ); vips_buf_appendf( &buf, "<b>$PACKAGE:</b> %s\n", txt2 ); escape_markup( VERSION, txt2, MAX_DIALOG_TEXT ); vips_buf_appendf( &buf, "<b>$VERSION:</b> %s\n", txt2 ); escape_markup( NN( g_getenv( "VIPSHOME" ) ), txt2, MAX_DIALOG_TEXT ); vips_buf_appendf( &buf, "<b>$VIPSHOME:</b> %s\n", txt2 ); escape_markup( NN( g_getenv( "HOME" ) ), txt2, MAX_DIALOG_TEXT ); vips_buf_appendf( &buf, "<b>$HOME:</b> %s\n", txt2 ); escape_markup( NN( g_getenv( "SAVEDIR" ) ), txt2, MAX_DIALOG_TEXT ); vips_buf_appendf( &buf, "<b>$SAVEDIR:</b> %s\n", txt2 ); escape_markup( PATH_TMP, txt2, MAX_DIALOG_TEXT ); vips_buf_appendf( &buf, "<b>%s:</b> %s\n", _( "Temp files in" ), txt2 ); if( strcmp( translator_credits, "translator_credits" ) != 0 ) { vips_buf_appendf( &buf, "\n" ); vips_buf_appends( &buf, translator_credits ); } vips_buf_appendf( &buf, "\n" ); mainw_find_disc( &buf ); /* Expands to (eg.) "14GB free in /pics/tmp" */ vips_buf_appendf( &buf, _( " in \"%s\"" ), PATH_TMP ); vips_buf_appends( &buf, "\n" ); vips_buf_appendf( &buf, _( "%d cells in heap, %d cells free, %d cells maximum" ), reduce_context->heap->ncells, reduce_context->heap->nfree, reduce_context->heap->max_fn( reduce_context->heap ) ); vips_buf_appends( &buf, "\n" ); vips_buf_appendf( &buf, _( "%d vips calls cached by nip2" ), cache_history_size ); vips_buf_appends( &buf, "\n" ); vips_buf_appendf( &buf, _( "%d vips operations cached by libvips" ), vips_cache_get_size() ); vips_buf_appends( &buf, "\n" ); vips_buf_appendf( &buf, _( "using %d threads" ), im_concurrency_get() ); vips_buf_appends( &buf, "\n" ); vips_buf_appendf( &buf, _( "%d pixel buffers in vips" ), vips_tracked_get_allocs() ); vips_buf_appends( &buf, "\n" ); vips_buf_append_size( &buf, vips_tracked_get_mem() ); vips_buf_appendf( &buf, _( " of ram in pixel buffers" ) ); vips_buf_appends( &buf, "\n" ); vips_buf_append_size( &buf, vips_tracked_get_mem_highwater() ); vips_buf_appendf( &buf, _( " of ram highwater mark" ) ); vips_buf_appends( &buf, "\n" ); hb = gtk_hbox_new( FALSE, 0 ); gtk_container_border_width( GTK_CONTAINER( hb ), 10 ); gtk_container_add( GTK_CONTAINER( work ), hb ); gtk_widget_show( hb ); image = image_new_from_file( "$VIPSHOME/share/$PACKAGE/data/vips-128.png" ); gtk_box_pack_start( GTK_BOX( hb ), image, FALSE, FALSE, 2 ); gtk_widget_show( image ); lab = gtk_label_new( "" ); gtk_label_set_markup( GTK_LABEL( lab ), vips_buf_all( &buf ) ); gtk_label_set_justify( GTK_LABEL( lab ), GTK_JUSTIFY_LEFT ); gtk_label_set_selectable( GTK_LABEL( lab ), TRUE ); gtk_label_set_line_wrap( GTK_LABEL( lab ), TRUE ); gtk_box_pack_start( GTK_BOX( hb ), lab, FALSE, FALSE, 2 ); gtk_widget_show( lab ); }
* if( vips_image_get_width( im ) < 100 ) { * // we have detected an error, we must set a message * vips_error( "myprogram", "%s", _( "width too small" ) ); * return( -1 ); * } * ]| * * The domain argument most of these functions take is not localised and is * supposed to indicate the component which failed. */ /* Make global array to keep the error message buffer. */ #define VIPS_MAX_ERROR (10240) static char vips_error_text[VIPS_MAX_ERROR] = ""; static VipsBuf vips_error_buf = VIPS_BUF_STATIC( vips_error_text ); #define IM_DIAGNOSTICS "IM_DIAGNOSTICS" #define IM_WARNING "IM_WARNING" /** * vips_error_buffer: * * Get a pointer to the start of the error buffer as a C string. * The string is owned by the error system and must not be freed. * * See also: vips_error_clear(). * * Returns: the error buffer as a C string which must not be freed */ const char *
static int parse_header( Read *read ) { VipsImage *im = read->im; Image *image = read->image; Image *p; int i; #ifdef DEBUG printf( "parse_header: filename = %s\n", read->filename ); printf( "GetImageChannelDepth(AllChannels) = %zd\n", GetImageChannelDepth( image, AllChannels, &image->exception ) ); printf( "GetImageDepth() = %zd\n", GetImageDepth( image, &image->exception ) ); printf( "image->depth = %zd\n", image->depth ); printf( "GetImageType() = %d\n", GetImageType( image, &image->exception ) ); printf( "IsGrayImage() = %d\n", IsGrayImage( image, &image->exception ) ); printf( "IsMonochromeImage() = %d\n", IsMonochromeImage( image, &image->exception ) ); printf( "IsOpaqueImage() = %d\n", IsOpaqueImage( image, &image->exception ) ); printf( "image->columns = %zd\n", image->columns ); printf( "image->rows = %zd\n", image->rows ); #endif /*DEBUG*/ im->Xsize = image->columns; im->Ysize = image->rows; read->frame_height = image->rows; if( (im->Bands = get_bands( image )) < 0 ) return( -1 ); /* Depth can be 'fractional'. You'd think we should use * GetImageDepth() but that seems unreliable. 16-bit mono DICOM images * are reported as depth 1, for example. */ im->BandFmt = -1; if( image->depth >= 1 && image->depth <= 8 ) im->BandFmt = VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR; if( image->depth >= 9 && image->depth <= 16 ) im->BandFmt = VIPS_FORMAT_USHORT; #ifdef UseHDRI if( image->depth == 32 ) im->BandFmt = VIPS_FORMAT_FLOAT; if( image->depth == 64 ) im->BandFmt = VIPS_FORMAT_DOUBLE; #else /*!UseHDRI*/ if( image->depth == 32 ) im->BandFmt = VIPS_FORMAT_UINT; #endif /*UseHDRI*/ if( im->BandFmt == -1 ) { vips_error( "magick2vips", _( "unsupported bit depth %d" ), (int) image->depth ); return( -1 ); } switch( image->colorspace ) { case GRAYColorspace: if( im->BandFmt == VIPS_FORMAT_USHORT ) im->Type = VIPS_INTERPRETATION_GREY16; else im->Type = VIPS_INTERPRETATION_B_W; break; case RGBColorspace: if( im->BandFmt == VIPS_FORMAT_USHORT ) im->Type = VIPS_INTERPRETATION_RGB16; else im->Type = VIPS_INTERPRETATION_RGB; break; case sRGBColorspace: if( im->BandFmt == VIPS_FORMAT_USHORT ) im->Type = VIPS_INTERPRETATION_RGB16; else im->Type = VIPS_INTERPRETATION_sRGB; break; case CMYKColorspace: im->Type = VIPS_INTERPRETATION_CMYK; break; default: vips_error( "magick2vips", _( "unsupported colorspace %d" ), (int) image->colorspace ); return( -1 ); } switch( image->units ) { case PixelsPerInchResolution: im->Xres = image->x_resolution / 25.4; im->Yres = image->y_resolution / 25.4; break; case PixelsPerCentimeterResolution: im->Xres = image->x_resolution / 10.0; im->Yres = image->y_resolution / 10.0; break; default: im->Xres = 1.0; im->Yres = 1.0; break; } /* Other fields. */ im->Coding = VIPS_CODING_NONE; vips_image_pipelinev( im, VIPS_DEMAND_STYLE_SMALLTILE, NULL ); /* Three ways to loop over attributes / properties :-( */ #ifdef HAVE_RESETIMAGEPROPERTYITERATOR { char *key; /* This is the most recent imagemagick API, test for this first. */ ResetImagePropertyIterator( image ); while( (key = GetNextImageProperty( image )) ) { char name_text[256]; VipsBuf name = VIPS_BUF_STATIC( name_text ); vips_buf_appendf( &name, "magick-%s", key ); vips_image_set_string( im, vips_buf_all( &name ), GetImageProperty( image, key ) ); } } #elif defined(HAVE_RESETIMAGEATTRIBUTEITERATOR) { const ImageAttribute *attr; /* magick6.1-ish and later, deprecated in 6.5ish. */ ResetImageAttributeIterator( image ); while( (attr = GetNextImageAttribute( image )) ) { char name_text[256]; VipsBuf name = VIPS_BUF_STATIC( name_text ); vips_buf_appendf( &name, "magick-%s", attr->key ); vips_image_set_string( im, vips_buf_all( &name ), attr->value ); } } #else { const ImageAttribute *attr; /* GraphicsMagick is missing the iterator: we have to loop ourselves. * ->attributes is marked as private in the header, but there's no * getter so we have to access it directly. */ for( attr = image->attributes; attr; attr = attr->next ) { char name_text[256]; VipsBuf name = VIPS_BUF_STATIC( name_text ); vips_buf_appendf( &name, "magick-%s", attr->key ); vips_image_set_string( im, vips_buf_all( &name ), attr->value ); } } #endif /* Do we have a set of equal-sized frames? Append them. FIXME ... there must be an attribute somewhere from dicom read which says this is a volumetric image */ read->n_frames = 0; for( p = image; p; (p = GetNextImageInList( p )) ) { if( p->columns != (unsigned int) im->Xsize || p->rows != (unsigned int) im->Ysize || get_bands( p ) != im->Bands ) break; read->n_frames += 1; } if( p ) /* Nope ... just do the first image in the list. */ read->n_frames = 1; #ifdef DEBUG printf( "image has %d frames\n", read->n_frames ); #endif /*DEBUG*/ /* If all_frames is off, just get the first one. */ if( !read->all_frames ) read->n_frames = 1; /* Record frame pointers. */ im->Ysize *= read->n_frames; if( !(read->frames = VIPS_ARRAY( NULL, read->n_frames, Image * )) ) return( -1 ); p = image; for( i = 0; i < read->n_frames; i++ ) { read->frames[i] = p; p = GetNextImageInList( p ); } return( 0 ); }
* if( im->Xsize < 100 ) { * // we have detected an error, we must set a message * im_error( "myprogram", "%s", _( "XSize too small" ) ); * return( -1 ); * } * ]| * * The domain argument most of these functions take is not localised and is * supposed to indicate the component which failed. */ /* Make global array to keep the error message buffer. */ #define IM_MAX_ERROR (10240) static char im_error_text[IM_MAX_ERROR] = ""; static VipsBuf im_error_buf = VIPS_BUF_STATIC( im_error_text ); #define IM_DIAGNOSTICS "IM_DIAGNOSTICS" #define IM_WARNING "IM_WARNING" /** * im_error_buffer: * * Get a pointer to the start of the error buffer as a C string. * The string is owned by the error system and must not be freed. * * See also: im_error_clear(). * * Returns: the error buffer as a C string which must not be freed */ const char *