Example #1
 * This function takes an already open relation and scans its pages,
 * skipping those that have the corresponding visibility map bit set.
 * For pages we skip, we find the free space from the free space map
 * and approximate tuple_len on that basis. For the others, we count
 * the exact number of dead tuples etc.
 * This scan is loosely based on vacuumlazy.c:lazy_scan_heap(), but
 * we do not try to avoid skipping single pages.
static void
statapprox_heap(Relation rel, output_type *stat)
	BlockNumber scanned,
	Buffer		vmbuffer = InvalidBuffer;
	BufferAccessStrategy bstrategy;
	TransactionId OldestXmin;
	uint64		misc_count = 0;

	OldestXmin = GetOldestXmin(rel, PROCARRAY_FLAGS_VACUUM);
	bstrategy = GetAccessStrategy(BAS_BULKREAD);

	nblocks = RelationGetNumberOfBlocks(rel);
	scanned = 0;

	for (blkno = 0; blkno < nblocks; blkno++)
		Buffer		buf;
		Page		page;
		OffsetNumber offnum,
		Size		freespace;


		 * If the page has only visible tuples, then we can find out the free
		 * space from the FSM and move on.
		if (VM_ALL_VISIBLE(rel, blkno, &vmbuffer))
			freespace = GetRecordedFreeSpace(rel, blkno);
			stat->tuple_len += BLCKSZ - freespace;
			stat->free_space += freespace;

		buf = ReadBufferExtended(rel, MAIN_FORKNUM, blkno,
								 RBM_NORMAL, bstrategy);

		LockBuffer(buf, BUFFER_LOCK_SHARE);

		page = BufferGetPage(buf);

		 * It's not safe to call PageGetHeapFreeSpace() on new pages, so we
		 * treat them as being free space for our purposes.
		if (!PageIsNew(page))
			stat->free_space += PageGetHeapFreeSpace(page);
			stat->free_space += BLCKSZ - SizeOfPageHeaderData;

		if (PageIsNew(page) || PageIsEmpty(page))


		 * Look at each tuple on the page and decide whether it's live or
		 * dead, then count it and its size. Unlike lazy_scan_heap, we can
		 * afford to ignore problems and special cases.
		maxoff = PageGetMaxOffsetNumber(page);

		for (offnum = FirstOffsetNumber;
			 offnum <= maxoff;
			 offnum = OffsetNumberNext(offnum))
			ItemId		itemid;
			HeapTupleData tuple;

			itemid = PageGetItemId(page, offnum);

			if (!ItemIdIsUsed(itemid) || ItemIdIsRedirected(itemid) ||


			ItemPointerSet(&(tuple.t_self), blkno, offnum);

			tuple.t_data = (HeapTupleHeader) PageGetItem(page, itemid);
			tuple.t_len = ItemIdGetLength(itemid);
			tuple.t_tableOid = RelationGetRelid(rel);

			 * We count live and dead tuples, but we also need to add up
			 * others in order to feed vac_estimate_reltuples.
			switch (HeapTupleSatisfiesVacuum(&tuple, OldestXmin, buf))
					/* Fall through */
					stat->dead_tuple_len += tuple.t_len;
					stat->tuple_len += tuple.t_len;
					elog(ERROR, "unexpected HeapTupleSatisfiesVacuum result");


	stat->table_len = (uint64) nblocks *BLCKSZ;

	stat->tuple_count = vac_estimate_reltuples(rel, false, nblocks, scanned,
											 stat->tuple_count + misc_count);

	 * Calculate percentages if the relation has one or more pages.
	if (nblocks != 0)
		stat->scanned_percent = 100 * scanned / nblocks;
		stat->tuple_percent = 100.0 * stat->tuple_len / stat->table_len;
		stat->dead_tuple_percent = 100.0 * stat->dead_tuple_len / stat->table_len;
		stat->free_percent = 100.0 * stat->free_space / stat->table_len;

	if (BufferIsValid(vmbuffer))
		vmbuffer = InvalidBuffer;
Example #2
 * Returns a list of items whose visibility map information does not match
 * the status of the tuples on the page.
 * If all_visible is passed as true, this will include all items which are
 * on pages marked as all-visible in the visibility map but which do not
 * seem to in fact be all-visible.
 * If all_frozen is passed as true, this will include all items which are
 * on pages marked as all-frozen but which do not seem to in fact be frozen.
static corrupt_items *
collect_corrupt_items(Oid relid, bool all_visible, bool all_frozen)
    Relation	rel;
    BlockNumber nblocks;
    corrupt_items *items;
    BlockNumber blkno;
    Buffer		vmbuffer = InvalidBuffer;
    BufferAccessStrategy bstrategy = GetAccessStrategy(BAS_BULKREAD);
    TransactionId OldestXmin = InvalidTransactionId;

    if (all_visible)
        /* Don't pass rel; that will fail in recovery. */
        OldestXmin = GetOldestXmin(NULL, true);

    rel = relation_open(relid, AccessShareLock);

    if (rel->rd_rel->relkind != RELKIND_RELATION &&
            rel->rd_rel->relkind != RELKIND_MATVIEW &&
            rel->rd_rel->relkind != RELKIND_TOASTVALUE)
                 errmsg("\"%s\" is not a table, materialized view, or TOAST table",

    nblocks = RelationGetNumberOfBlocks(rel);

     * Guess an initial array size. We don't expect many corrupted tuples, so
     * start with a small array.  This function uses the "next" field to track
     * the next offset where we can store an item (which is the same thing as
     * the number of items found so far) and the "count" field to track the
     * number of entries allocated.  We'll repurpose these fields before
     * returning.
    items = palloc0(sizeof(corrupt_items));
    items->next = 0;
    items->count = 64;
    items->tids = palloc(items->count * sizeof(ItemPointerData));

    /* Loop over every block in the relation. */
    for (blkno = 0; blkno < nblocks; ++blkno)
        bool		check_frozen = false;
        bool		check_visible = false;
        Buffer		buffer;
        Page		page;
        OffsetNumber offnum,

        /* Make sure we are interruptible. */

        /* Use the visibility map to decide whether to check this page. */
        if (all_frozen && VM_ALL_FROZEN(rel, blkno, &vmbuffer))
            check_frozen = true;
        if (all_visible && VM_ALL_VISIBLE(rel, blkno, &vmbuffer))
            check_visible = true;
        if (!check_visible && !check_frozen)

        /* Read and lock the page. */
        buffer = ReadBufferExtended(rel, MAIN_FORKNUM, blkno, RBM_NORMAL,
        LockBuffer(buffer, BUFFER_LOCK_SHARE);

        page = BufferGetPage(buffer);
        maxoff = PageGetMaxOffsetNumber(page);

         * The visibility map bits might have changed while we were acquiring
         * the page lock.  Recheck to avoid returning spurious results.
        if (check_frozen && !VM_ALL_FROZEN(rel, blkno, &vmbuffer))
            check_frozen = false;
        if (check_visible && !VM_ALL_VISIBLE(rel, blkno, &vmbuffer))
            check_visible = false;
        if (!check_visible && !check_frozen)

        /* Iterate over each tuple on the page. */
        for (offnum = FirstOffsetNumber;
                offnum <= maxoff;
                offnum = OffsetNumberNext(offnum))
            HeapTupleData tuple;
            ItemId		itemid;

            itemid = PageGetItemId(page, offnum);

            /* Unused or redirect line pointers are of no interest. */
            if (!ItemIdIsUsed(itemid) || ItemIdIsRedirected(itemid))

            /* Dead line pointers are neither all-visible nor frozen. */
            if (ItemIdIsDead(itemid))
                ItemPointerSet(&(tuple.t_self), blkno, offnum);
                record_corrupt_item(items, &tuple.t_self);

            /* Initialize a HeapTupleData structure for checks below. */
            ItemPointerSet(&(tuple.t_self), blkno, offnum);
            tuple.t_data = (HeapTupleHeader) PageGetItem(page, itemid);
            tuple.t_len = ItemIdGetLength(itemid);
            tuple.t_tableOid = relid;

             * If we're checking whether the page is all-visible, we expect
             * the tuple to be all-visible.
            if (check_visible &&
                    !tuple_all_visible(&tuple, OldestXmin, buffer))
                TransactionId RecomputedOldestXmin;

                 * Time has passed since we computed OldestXmin, so it's
                 * possible that this tuple is all-visible in reality even
                 * though it doesn't appear so based on our
                 * previously-computed value.  Let's compute a new value so we
                 * can be certain whether there is a problem.
                 * From a concurrency point of view, it sort of sucks to
                 * retake ProcArrayLock here while we're holding the buffer
                 * exclusively locked, but it should be safe against
                 * deadlocks, because surely GetOldestXmin() should never take
                 * a buffer lock. And this shouldn't happen often, so it's
                 * worth being careful so as to avoid false positives.
                RecomputedOldestXmin = GetOldestXmin(NULL, true);

                if (!TransactionIdPrecedes(OldestXmin, RecomputedOldestXmin))
                    record_corrupt_item(items, &tuple.t_self);
                    OldestXmin = RecomputedOldestXmin;
                    if (!tuple_all_visible(&tuple, OldestXmin, buffer))
                        record_corrupt_item(items, &tuple.t_self);

             * If we're checking whether the page is all-frozen, we expect the
             * tuple to be in a state where it will never need freezing.
            if (check_frozen)
                if (heap_tuple_needs_eventual_freeze(tuple.t_data))
                    record_corrupt_item(items, &tuple.t_self);


    /* Clean up. */
    if (vmbuffer != InvalidBuffer)
    relation_close(rel, AccessShareLock);

     * Before returning, repurpose the fields to match caller's expectations.
     * next is now the next item that should be read (rather than written) and
     * count is now the number of items we wrote (rather than the number we
     * allocated).
    items->count = items->next;
    items->next = 0;

    return items;
Example #3
/* ----------------------------------------------------------------
 *		BitmapHeapNext
 *		Retrieve next tuple from the BitmapHeapScan node's currentRelation
 * ----------------------------------------------------------------
static TupleTableSlot *
BitmapHeapNext(BitmapHeapScanState *node)
	ExprContext *econtext;
	HeapScanDesc scan;
	TIDBitmap  *tbm;
	TBMIterator *tbmiterator = NULL;
	TBMSharedIterator *shared_tbmiterator = NULL;
	TBMIterateResult *tbmres;
	OffsetNumber targoffset;
	TupleTableSlot *slot;
	ParallelBitmapHeapState *pstate = node->pstate;
	dsa_area   *dsa = node->ss.ps.state->es_query_dsa;

	 * extract necessary information from index scan node
	econtext = node->ss.ps.ps_ExprContext;
	slot = node->ss.ss_ScanTupleSlot;
	scan = node->ss.ss_currentScanDesc;
	tbm = node->tbm;
	if (pstate == NULL)
		tbmiterator = node->tbmiterator;
		shared_tbmiterator = node->shared_tbmiterator;
	tbmres = node->tbmres;

	 * If we haven't yet performed the underlying index scan, do it, and begin
	 * the iteration over the bitmap.
	 * For prefetching, we use *two* iterators, one for the pages we are
	 * actually scanning and another that runs ahead of the first for
	 * prefetching.  node->prefetch_pages tracks exactly how many pages ahead
	 * the prefetch iterator is.  Also, node->prefetch_target tracks the
	 * desired prefetch distance, which starts small and increases up to the
	 * node->prefetch_maximum.  This is to avoid doing a lot of prefetching in
	 * a scan that stops after a few tuples because of a LIMIT.
	if (!node->initialized)
		if (!pstate)
			tbm = (TIDBitmap *) MultiExecProcNode(outerPlanState(node));

			if (!tbm || !IsA(tbm, TIDBitmap))
				elog(ERROR, "unrecognized result from subplan");

			node->tbm = tbm;
			node->tbmiterator = tbmiterator = tbm_begin_iterate(tbm);
			node->tbmres = tbmres = NULL;

			if (node->prefetch_maximum > 0)
				node->prefetch_iterator = tbm_begin_iterate(tbm);
				node->prefetch_pages = 0;
				node->prefetch_target = -1;
#endif							/* USE_PREFETCH */
			 * The leader will immediately come out of the function, but
			 * others will be blocked until leader populates the TBM and wakes
			 * them up.
			if (BitmapShouldInitializeSharedState(pstate))
				tbm = (TIDBitmap *) MultiExecProcNode(outerPlanState(node));
				if (!tbm || !IsA(tbm, TIDBitmap))
					elog(ERROR, "unrecognized result from subplan");

				node->tbm = tbm;

				 * Prepare to iterate over the TBM. This will return the
				 * dsa_pointer of the iterator state which will be used by
				 * multiple processes to iterate jointly.
				pstate->tbmiterator = tbm_prepare_shared_iterate(tbm);
				if (node->prefetch_maximum > 0)
					pstate->prefetch_iterator =

					 * We don't need the mutex here as we haven't yet woke up
					 * others.
					pstate->prefetch_pages = 0;
					pstate->prefetch_target = -1;

				/* We have initialized the shared state so wake up others. */

			/* Allocate a private iterator and attach the shared state to it */
			node->shared_tbmiterator = shared_tbmiterator =
				tbm_attach_shared_iterate(dsa, pstate->tbmiterator);
			node->tbmres = tbmres = NULL;

			if (node->prefetch_maximum > 0)
				node->shared_prefetch_iterator =
					tbm_attach_shared_iterate(dsa, pstate->prefetch_iterator);
#endif							/* USE_PREFETCH */
		node->initialized = true;

	for (;;)
		Page		dp;
		ItemId		lp;


		 * Get next page of results if needed
		if (tbmres == NULL)
			if (!pstate)
				node->tbmres = tbmres = tbm_iterate(tbmiterator);
				node->tbmres = tbmres = tbm_shared_iterate(shared_tbmiterator);
			if (tbmres == NULL)
				/* no more entries in the bitmap */

			BitmapAdjustPrefetchIterator(node, tbmres);

			 * Ignore any claimed entries past what we think is the end of the
			 * relation.  (This is probably not necessary given that we got at
			 * least AccessShareLock on the table before performing any of the
			 * indexscans, but let's be safe.)
			if (tbmres->blockno >= scan->rs_nblocks)
				node->tbmres = tbmres = NULL;

			 * We can skip fetching the heap page if we don't need any fields
			 * from the heap, and the bitmap entries don't need rechecking,
			 * and all tuples on the page are visible to our transaction.
			node->skip_fetch = (node->can_skip_fetch &&
								!tbmres->recheck &&

			if (node->skip_fetch)
				 * The number of tuples on this page is put into
				 * scan->rs_ntuples; note we don't fill scan->rs_vistuples.
				scan->rs_ntuples = tbmres->ntuples;
				 * Fetch the current heap page and identify candidate tuples.
				bitgetpage(scan, tbmres);

			if (tbmres->ntuples >= 0)

			 * Set rs_cindex to first slot to examine
			scan->rs_cindex = 0;

			/* Adjust the prefetch target */
			 * Continuing in previously obtained page; advance rs_cindex


			 * Try to prefetch at least a few pages even before we get to the
			 * second page if we don't stop reading after the first tuple.
			if (!pstate)
				if (node->prefetch_target < node->prefetch_maximum)
			else if (pstate->prefetch_target < node->prefetch_maximum)
				/* take spinlock while updating shared state */
				if (pstate->prefetch_target < node->prefetch_maximum)
#endif							/* USE_PREFETCH */

		 * Out of range?  If so, nothing more to look at on this page
		if (scan->rs_cindex < 0 || scan->rs_cindex >= scan->rs_ntuples)
			node->tbmres = tbmres = NULL;

		 * We issue prefetch requests *after* fetching the current page to try
		 * to avoid having prefetching interfere with the main I/O. Also, this
		 * should happen only when we have determined there is still something
		 * to do on the current page, else we may uselessly prefetch the same
		 * page we are just about to request for real.
		BitmapPrefetch(node, scan);

		if (node->skip_fetch)
			 * If we don't have to fetch the tuple, just return nulls.
			 * Okay to fetch the tuple.
			targoffset = scan->rs_vistuples[scan->rs_cindex];
			dp = (Page) BufferGetPage(scan->rs_cbuf);
			lp = PageGetItemId(dp, targoffset);

			scan->rs_ctup.t_data = (HeapTupleHeader) PageGetItem((Page) dp, lp);
			scan->rs_ctup.t_len = ItemIdGetLength(lp);
			scan->rs_ctup.t_tableOid = scan->rs_rd->rd_id;
			ItemPointerSet(&scan->rs_ctup.t_self, tbmres->blockno, targoffset);


			 * Set up the result slot to point to this tuple.  Note that the
			 * slot acquires a pin on the buffer.

			 * If we are using lossy info, we have to recheck the qual
			 * conditions at every tuple.
			if (tbmres->recheck)
				econtext->ecxt_scantuple = slot;
				if (!ExecQualAndReset(node->bitmapqualorig, econtext))
					/* Fails recheck, so drop it and loop back for another */
					InstrCountFiltered2(node, 1);

		/* OK to return this tuple */
		return slot;

	 * if we get here it means we are at the end of the scan..
	return ExecClearTuple(slot);
Example #4
/* ----------------------------------------------------------------
 *		IndexOnlyNext
 *		Retrieve a tuple from the IndexOnlyScan node's index.
 * ----------------------------------------------------------------
static TupleTableSlot *
IndexOnlyNext(IndexOnlyScanState *node)
	EState	   *estate;
	ExprContext *econtext;
	ScanDirection direction;
	IndexScanDesc scandesc;
	TupleTableSlot *slot;
	ItemPointer tid;

	 * extract necessary information from index scan node
	estate = node->ss.ps.state;
	direction = estate->es_direction;
	/* flip direction if this is an overall backward scan */
	if (ScanDirectionIsBackward(((IndexOnlyScan *) node->ss.ps.plan)->indexorderdir))
		if (ScanDirectionIsForward(direction))
			direction = BackwardScanDirection;
		else if (ScanDirectionIsBackward(direction))
			direction = ForwardScanDirection;
	scandesc = node->ioss_ScanDesc;
	econtext = node->ss.ps.ps_ExprContext;
	slot = node->ss.ss_ScanTupleSlot;

	if (scandesc == NULL)
		 * We reach here if the index only scan is not parallel, or if we're
		 * serially executing an index only scan that was planned to be
		 * parallel.
		scandesc = index_beginscan(node->ss.ss_currentRelation,

		node->ioss_ScanDesc = scandesc;

		/* Set it up for index-only scan */
		node->ioss_ScanDesc->xs_want_itup = true;
		node->ioss_VMBuffer = InvalidBuffer;

		 * If no run-time keys to calculate or they are ready, go ahead and
		 * pass the scankeys to the index AM.
		if (node->ioss_NumRuntimeKeys == 0 || node->ioss_RuntimeKeysReady)

	 * OK, now that we have what we need, fetch the next tuple.
	while ((tid = index_getnext_tid(scandesc, direction)) != NULL)
		HeapTuple	tuple = NULL;


		 * We can skip the heap fetch if the TID references a heap page on
		 * which all tuples are known visible to everybody.  In any case,
		 * we'll use the index tuple not the heap tuple as the data source.
		 * Note on Memory Ordering Effects: visibilitymap_get_status does not
		 * lock the visibility map buffer, and therefore the result we read
		 * here could be slightly stale.  However, it can't be stale enough to
		 * matter.
		 * We need to detect clearing a VM bit due to an insert right away,
		 * because the tuple is present in the index page but not visible. The
		 * reading of the TID by this scan (using a shared lock on the index
		 * buffer) is serialized with the insert of the TID into the index
		 * (using an exclusive lock on the index buffer). Because the VM bit
		 * is cleared before updating the index, and locking/unlocking of the
		 * index page acts as a full memory barrier, we are sure to see the
		 * cleared bit if we see a recently-inserted TID.
		 * Deletes do not update the index page (only VACUUM will clear out
		 * the TID), so the clearing of the VM bit by a delete is not
		 * serialized with this test below, and we may see a value that is
		 * significantly stale. However, we don't care about the delete right
		 * away, because the tuple is still visible until the deleting
		 * transaction commits or the statement ends (if it's our
		 * transaction). In either case, the lock on the VM buffer will have
		 * been released (acting as a write barrier) after clearing the bit.
		 * And for us to have a snapshot that includes the deleting
		 * transaction (making the tuple invisible), we must have acquired
		 * ProcArrayLock after that time, acting as a read barrier.
		 * It's worth going through this complexity to avoid needing to lock
		 * the VM buffer, which could cause significant contention.
		if (!VM_ALL_VISIBLE(scandesc->heapRelation,
			 * Rats, we have to visit the heap to check visibility.
			InstrCountTuples2(node, 1);
			tuple = index_fetch_heap(scandesc);
			if (tuple == NULL)
				continue;		/* no visible tuple, try next index entry */

			 * Only MVCC snapshots are supported here, so there should be no
			 * need to keep following the HOT chain once a visible entry has
			 * been found.  If we did want to allow that, we'd need to keep
			 * more state to remember not to call index_getnext_tid next time.
			if (scandesc->xs_continue_hot)
				elog(ERROR, "non-MVCC snapshots are not supported in index-only scans");

			 * Note: at this point we are holding a pin on the heap page, as
			 * recorded in scandesc->xs_cbuf.  We could release that pin now,
			 * but it's not clear whether it's a win to do so.  The next index
			 * entry might require a visit to the same heap page.

		 * Fill the scan tuple slot with data from the index.  This might be
		 * provided in either HeapTuple or IndexTuple format.  Conceivably an
		 * index AM might fill both fields, in which case we prefer the heap
		 * format, since it's probably a bit cheaper to fill a slot from.
		if (scandesc->xs_hitup)
			 * We don't take the trouble to verify that the provided tuple has
			 * exactly the slot's format, but it seems worth doing a quick
			 * check on the number of fields.
			Assert(slot->tts_tupleDescriptor->natts ==
			ExecStoreHeapTuple(scandesc->xs_hitup, slot, false);
		else if (scandesc->xs_itup)
			StoreIndexTuple(slot, scandesc->xs_itup, scandesc->xs_itupdesc);
			elog(ERROR, "no data returned for index-only scan");

		 * If the index was lossy, we have to recheck the index quals.
		 * (Currently, this can never happen, but we should support the case
		 * for possible future use, eg with GiST indexes.)
		if (scandesc->xs_recheck)
			econtext->ecxt_scantuple = slot;
			if (!ExecQualAndReset(node->indexqual, econtext))
				/* Fails recheck, so drop it and loop back for another */
				InstrCountFiltered2(node, 1);

		 * We don't currently support rechecking ORDER BY distances.  (In
		 * principle, if the index can support retrieval of the originally
		 * indexed value, it should be able to produce an exact distance
		 * calculation too.  So it's not clear that adding code here for
		 * recheck/re-sort would be worth the trouble.  But we should at least
		 * throw an error if someone tries it.)
		if (scandesc->numberOfOrderBys > 0 && scandesc->xs_recheckorderby)
					 errmsg("lossy distance functions are not supported in index-only scans")));

		 * Predicate locks for index-only scans must be acquired at the page
		 * level when the heap is not accessed, since tuple-level predicate
		 * locks need the tuple's xmin value.  If we had to visit the tuple
		 * anyway, then we already have the tuple-level lock and can skip the
		 * page lock.
		if (tuple == NULL)

		return slot;

	 * if we get here it means the index scan failed so we are at the end of
	 * the scan..
	return ExecClearTuple(slot);
Example #5
 * BitmapPrefetch - Prefetch, if prefetch_pages are behind prefetch_target
static inline void
BitmapPrefetch(BitmapHeapScanState *node, HeapScanDesc scan)
	ParallelBitmapHeapState *pstate = node->pstate;

	if (pstate == NULL)
		TBMIterator *prefetch_iterator = node->prefetch_iterator;

		if (prefetch_iterator)
			while (node->prefetch_pages < node->prefetch_target)
				TBMIterateResult *tbmpre = tbm_iterate(prefetch_iterator);
				bool		skip_fetch;

				if (tbmpre == NULL)
					/* No more pages to prefetch */
					node->prefetch_iterator = NULL;

				 * If we expect not to have to actually read this heap page,
				 * skip this prefetch call, but continue to run the prefetch
				 * logic normally.  (Would it be better not to increment
				 * prefetch_pages?)
				 * This depends on the assumption that the index AM will
				 * report the same recheck flag for this future heap page as
				 * it did for the current heap page; which is not a certainty
				 * but is true in many cases.
				skip_fetch = (node->can_skip_fetch &&
							  (node->tbmres ? !node->tbmres->recheck : false) &&

				if (!skip_fetch)
					PrefetchBuffer(scan->rs_rd, MAIN_FORKNUM, tbmpre->blockno);


	if (pstate->prefetch_pages < pstate->prefetch_target)
		TBMSharedIterator *prefetch_iterator = node->shared_prefetch_iterator;

		if (prefetch_iterator)
			while (1)
				TBMIterateResult *tbmpre;
				bool		do_prefetch = false;
				bool		skip_fetch;

				 * Recheck under the mutex. If some other process has already
				 * done enough prefetching then we need not to do anything.
				if (pstate->prefetch_pages < pstate->prefetch_target)
					do_prefetch = true;

				if (!do_prefetch)

				tbmpre = tbm_shared_iterate(prefetch_iterator);
				if (tbmpre == NULL)
					/* No more pages to prefetch */
					node->shared_prefetch_iterator = NULL;

				/* As above, skip prefetch if we expect not to need page */
				skip_fetch = (node->can_skip_fetch &&
							  (node->tbmres ? !node->tbmres->recheck : false) &&

				if (!skip_fetch)
					PrefetchBuffer(scan->rs_rd, MAIN_FORKNUM, tbmpre->blockno);
#endif							/* USE_PREFETCH */