Example #1
File: Edges.c Project: Rollmops/via
VEdge VAddEdge (VEdges edges, VFloat *edge_fields, int npoints, VFloat *points,
		VBooleanPromoted closed, VBooleanPromoted copy)
    VEdge edge = VMalloc (sizeof (VEdgeRec));
    size_t fsize, psize, isize;
    int i;
    VPointer p;
    VFloat *pdata;
    /* Add the edge to the end of the current list of edges in order to
       maintain a consistent ordering of edges during IO. */
    if (edges->last == NULL)
	edges->first = edge;
	edges->last->next = edge;
    edges->last = edge;
    edge->next = NULL;
    edges->nedges += 1;
    edges->npoints += npoints;
    edge->npoints = npoints;
    edge->closed = closed;
    isize = sizeof (VFloat *) * npoints;  /* Size of points index array. */
    /* If copying data, enough space is allocated to hold everything. */
    if (copy) {
#ifndef __alpha
	fsize = sizeof (VFloat) * edges->nedge_fields;
	psize = sizeof (VFloat) * npoints * edges->npoint_fields;
	/* pointers must be quadword-aligned on a DEC alpha */
#define quadalign(a)	((((a)-1)/8+1)*8)
	fsize = quadalign(sizeof (VFloat) * edges->nedge_fields);
	psize = quadalign(sizeof (VFloat) * npoints * edges->npoint_fields);
	p = VMalloc (fsize + psize + isize);
	edge->free = p;
	edge->edge_fields = (VFloat *) p;
	if (fsize > 0)
	    memcpy (p, edge_fields, fsize);
	pdata = (VFloat *) ((char *) p + fsize);
	memcpy (pdata, points, psize);
	edge->point_index = (VFloat **) ((char *) p + fsize + psize);
    } else {
	p = VMalloc (isize);
	edge->free = p;
	edge->edge_fields = edge_fields;
	pdata = points;
	edge->point_index = (VFloat **) p;

    /* Initialize index array into set of points. */
    for (i = 0; i < npoints; i++)
	edge->point_index[i] = pdata + i * edges->npoint_fields;

    return edge;
Example #2
	WORD type,
	WORD size,
	WORD vtype,
	WORD loc,
	WORD value )
   Code *p;
   VMRef v;
   (void)codeptr();   /* ensure there is space */
   v = VMalloc(sizeof(Code),codeseg);
   p = VMAddr(Code,v);
        trace("newcode: %8x : %3ld %3ld %3ld %8lx",p,type,size,vtype,value);
        p->type = (byte)type;
        p->size = (byte)size;
        p->vtype = (byte)vtype;
        p->loc = loc;
        p->value.fill = value;
   codesize += sizeof(Code);

   return v;
Example #3
static VNode VCopyNodeDeep(VGraph graph, VNode src)
  VNode dst;
  VAdjacency o, n;
  int cnt;
  if (src == 0) return 0;

  /* allocate and copy base part */
  dst = VCalloc(1, VNodeSize(graph));
  dst->base.hops = src->base.hops;
  dst->base.visited = src->base.visited;
  dst->base.weight = src->base.weight;
  dst->base.head = 0;
  /* copy all adjacencies */
  for (o = src->base.head; o; o = o->next)  {
    n = VMalloc(sizeof(VAdjRec));
    n->id = o->id; n->weight = o->weight;
    n->next = dst->base.head;
    dst->base.head = n;

  /* copy private area */
  cnt = (graph->nfields * VRepnPrecision(graph->node_repn)) / 8;
  memcpy(dst->data, src->data, cnt);
  return dst;
Example #4
VGraph VCreateGraph (int size, int nfields, VRepnKind repn, int useW)
  VGraph graph;

  /* Check parameters: */
  if (size < 1  || nfields < 1)
    VWarning ("VCreateGraph: Invalid number of nodes or fields.");

  /* Allocate memory for the VGraph, and the node table: */
  graph = VMalloc (sizeof (VGraphRec));
  if (graph == NULL) return NULL;

  graph->table = VCalloc(size, sizeof(VNode));
  if (graph->table == NULL) {
    return NULL;

  /* Initialize the VGraph: */
  graph->nnodes = 0;
  graph->nfields = nfields;
  graph->node_repn = repn;
  graph->attributes = VCreateAttrList ();
  graph->lastUsed = 0;
  graph->size = size;
  graph->useWeights = useW;
  graph->iter = 0;

  return graph;
Example #5
PUBLIC VMRef codeptr()
   /* if this would be the last code entry in the segment, get a   */
   /* new block and add a OBJNEWSEG entry.            */

   if( VMleft(codeseg) < sizeof(Code)*2 )
      VMRef newseg = VMPage();
      VMRef v = VMalloc(sizeof(Code),codeseg);
      Code *codetop = VMAddr(Code,v);
                if( NullRef(newseg) ) error("Cannot get code segement");

      codetop->type = OBJNEWSEG;
      codetop->size = 0;
      codetop->vtype = 0;
      codetop->value.v = newseg;
      codetop->loc = -1;

      codesize += sizeof(Code);
      trace("code extension: %lx",codeseg);
      codeseg = newseg;

   return VMnext(codeseg);
Example #6
static int ParseArgValues (int *arg, int argc,
			   char **argv, VOptionDescRec *opt)
  VArgVector *vec = (VArgVector *) opt->value;
  VPointer values;
  int nvalues = 0;
  VDictEntry *dict = opt->dict;
  char *cp;

  /* Locate the place we're to store the argument values: */
  if (opt->number == 0) {
    /* If a variable number of arguments is expected, allocate storage
       to hold them: */
    vec->vector = values = VMalloc ((argc - *arg) * VRepnSize (opt->repn));
  } else values = opt->value;

  /* If no dictionary is specified for a boolean-valued option, use the
     default one of true, false, yes, no... */
  if (opt->repn == VBooleanRepn && ! dict)
    dict = VBooleanDict;

  /* Parse argument values until we've reached the required number,
     we've run out of entered arguments, or we encounter one that
     is ill-formed: */
  while ((opt->number == 0 || nvalues < opt->number) && (*arg < argc)) {
    cp = argv[*arg];

    /* Special treatment for string-valued options: */
    if (opt->repn == VStringRepn) {

      /* An argument of the form -string is not interpreted as a
	 string value: */
      if (cp[0] == '-' && cp[1] != 0 && cp[1] != '-')

      /* An argument of the form --string is interpreted as string: */
      if (cp[0] == '-' && cp[1] == '-' && cp[2] != 0)
	cp += 2;

    /* Convert the argument to the specified internal form: */
    if (! VDecodeAttrValue (cp, dict, opt->repn, values))
    values = (VPointer) ((char *) values + VRepnSize (opt->repn));
    argv[(*arg)++] = NULL;

  /* Special treatment of boolean-valued options: if the option has just
     one value associated with it then treat -option <other options> like
     -option true <other options>: */
  if (opt->repn == VBooleanRepn && opt->number == 1 && nvalues == 0) {
    * (VBoolean *) opt->value = TRUE;
    nvalues = 1;

  return nvalues;
Example #7
static char *ReadString (FILE *f, char ch, VStringConst name)
    VBoolean escaped = (ch == '"');
    size_t len = 0;
    char *cp;
    size_t max_len;
    char *buf;

    buf = VMalloc (StringAllocIncrement);
    max_len = StringAllocIncrement;

    if (! escaped)
	ungetc (ch, f);

    cp = buf;
    while (1) {
	ch = fgetc (f);

	/* Check for premature EOF: */
	if (ch == EOF) {
	    VWarning ("VReadFile: EOF encountered in %s attribute", name);
	    return NULL;

	/* Check for closing " or escape sequence: */
	if (escaped) {
	    if (ch == '"')
	    if (ch == '\\')
		switch (ch = fgetc (f)) {

		case '\n':

		case 'n':
		    ch = '\n';
	} else if (isspace (ch))

	/* If the buffer in which we're accumulating the value is full,
	   allocate a larger one: */
	if (++len == max_len) {
	    buf = VRealloc (buf, max_len += StringAllocIncrement);
	    cp = buf + len - 1;

	/* Store the character in the current buffer: */
	*cp++ = ch;
    *cp = 0;

    /* Allocate a node of the correct size, or trim one already allocated so
       it is the correct size: */
    return buf;
Example #8
File: Attr.c Project: Rollmops/via
static VAttrRec *NewAttr (VStringConst name, VDictEntry *dict,
			  VRepnKind repn, va_list *args)
    size_t new_value_size, name_size;
    VPointer value;
    VAttrRec *a;

    name_size = strlen (name);
    switch (repn) {

    case VBitRepn:
    case VUByteRepn:
    case VSByteRepn:
    case VShortRepn:
    case VLongRepn:
    case VFloatRepn:
    case VDoubleRepn:
    case VBooleanRepn:
    case VStringRepn:

	/* Determine the amount of storage needed to record the new value.
	   In some cases, this requires first encoding the new value as a
	   string. */
	if (repn == VStringRepn && ! dict)
	    value = (VPointer) va_arg (*args, VStringConst);
	else value = (VPointer) Encode (dict, repn, args);
	new_value_size = strlen (value) + 1;

	/* Allocate storage for the new attribute and copy in its value: */
	a = VMalloc (sizeof (VAttrRec) + name_size + new_value_size);
	a->repn = VStringRepn;
	a->value = (a->name + name_size + 1);
	strcpy (a->value, value);

	a = VMalloc (sizeof (VAttrRec) + name_size);
	a->repn = repn;
	a->value = va_arg (*args, VPointer);
    strcpy (a->name, name);
    return a;
Example #9
extern VMRef
VMNew( int size )
   VMRef v;

   size = wordlen(size);

   v = VMalloc(size,vmheap);
   if( NullRef(v) ) 
      vmheap = VMPage();
      v = VMalloc(size,vmheap);


   return v;
Example #10
static VPointer VGraphEncodeDataMethod (VPointer value, VAttrList list,
					size_t length, VBoolean *free_itp)
  VGraph graph = value;
  VAttrListPosn posn;
  VNode n;
  size_t len;
  VPointer p, ptr;
  VAdjacency adj;
  int i, nadj;

#define pack(repn, cnt, dest) \
    if (! VPackData (repn, cnt, dest, VMsbFirst, &len, &p, NULL)) return NULL; \
    p = (char *) p + len; length -= len; len = length;
  /* Remove the attributes prepended by the VGraphEncodeAttrsMethod: */
  for (VFirstAttr (list, & posn);
       strcmp (VGetAttrName (& posn), VRepnAttr) != 0; VDeleteAttr (& posn));
  VDeleteAttr (& posn);

  /* Allocate a buffer for the encoded data: */
  if (length == 0)  {
    *free_itp = FALSE;
    return value;			/* we may return anything != 0 here */
  p = ptr = VMalloc (length);
  len = length;

  /* Pack each node: */
  for (i = 1; i <= graph->size; i++) {

    n = VGraphGetNode(graph, i); if (n == 0) continue;

    /* Count the number of adjacencies : */
    for (adj = n->base.head, nadj = 0; adj; adj = adj->next) nadj++;
    /* Pack the header */
    pack(VLongRepn, 1, &i);
    pack(VLongRepn, 1, &nadj);

    /* Pack the adjacencies : */
    for (adj = n->base.head; adj; adj = adj->next)  {
      pack(VLongRepn, 1, &adj->id);
      if (graph->useWeights) { pack(VFloatRepn, 1, &adj->weight); };
    /* Pack the node itself: */
    if (graph->useWeights) { pack(VFloatRepn, 1, &(n->base.weight)); };
    pack(graph->node_repn, graph->nfields, n->data);

  *free_itp = TRUE;
  return ptr;
Example #11
File: List.c Project: Rollmops/via
static VNodePtrType MakeNode (VPointer item, VNodePtrType prev,
			     VNodePtrType next)
    VNodePtrType result = VMalloc (sizeof (struct V_Node));

    result->item = item;
    result->prev = prev;
    result->next = next;

    return result;
Example #12
VPointer VRealloc (VPointer p, size_t size)
    if (size == 0) {
        VFree (p);
        return NULL;
    if (! p)
        return VMalloc (size);
    if (! (p = (VPointer) realloc (p, size)))
        VSystemError ("VRealloc: Memory allocation failure");
    return p;
Example #13
File: Attr.c Project: Rollmops/via
VBundle VCreateBundle (VStringConst type_name, VAttrList list,
		       size_t length, VPointer data)
    VBundle b;

    b = VMalloc (sizeof (VBundleRec) + strlen (type_name));
    strcpy (b->type_name, type_name);
    b->list = list;
    b->length = length;
    b->data = data;
    return b;
Example #14
File: vhemi.c Project: Rollmops/via
VGraphHemi(VGraph src,VLong hemi)
  VString str;
  VGraph dest=NULL;
  int i,j,n,ncols,half=0;
  float x,y,z,val=0;
  VNode node,node1;
  int *table;

  half = 80;   /* standard coordinate for inter-hemisperic cleft */

  if (VGetAttr (VGraphAttrList (src), "ca", NULL,VStringRepn, (VPointer) & str) == VAttrFound) {
    sscanf(str,"%f %f %f",&x,&y,&z);
    ncols = (int) x;
    half  = ncols/2;

  table = (int *) VMalloc(sizeof(int) * (src)->lastUsed + 1);
  for (i=0; i<= src->lastUsed; i++) table[i] = 0;

  n = (src)->lastUsed/2;
  dest = VCreateGraph(n,VGraphNFields(src),VNodeRepn(src),src->useWeights);
  for (i=1; i<=(src)->lastUsed; i++) {
    node = (VNode) VGraphGetNode (src,i);
    if (node == 0) continue;

    if ((hemi == 0 && x <= half) || (hemi == 1 && x > half)) {
      n = VGraphAddNode(dest,(VNode) node);
      table[i] = n;

  for (i=1; i<=(src)->lastUsed; i++) {
    node = (VNode) VGraphGetNode (src,i);
    if (node == 0) continue;

    for (j=1; j<=(src)->lastUsed; j++) {
      node1 = (VNode) VGraphGetNode (src,j);
      if (node1 == 0) continue;
      if (table[i] == 0 || table[j] == 0) continue;

      if (VGraphIsAdjacent(src,i,j) == TRUE) {
  return dest;
Example #15
int VGraphLinkNodes (VGraph graph, int a, int b)
  VNode n;
  VAdjacency adj;
  if (VGraphNodeIsFree(graph, a) || VGraphNodeIsFree(graph, b)) return FALSE;
  n = VGraphGetNode(graph, a);
  adj = VMalloc(sizeof(VAdjRec));
  adj->id = b; adj->weight = 0;
  adj->next = n->base.head;
  n->base.head = adj;
  return TRUE;
Example #16
File: List.c Project: Rollmops/via
VList VListCreate (void)
    VList vlist = VMalloc (sizeof (struct V_List));
    VNodePtrType dummy_head, dummy_tail;

    dummy_head = VMalloc (sizeof (struct V_Node));

    dummy_tail = VMalloc (sizeof (struct V_Node));

    dummy_head->item = NULL;
    dummy_head->prev = NULL;
    dummy_head->next = dummy_tail;

    dummy_tail->item = NULL;
    dummy_tail->prev = dummy_head;
    dummy_tail->next = NULL;

    vlist->head	   = dummy_head;
    vlist->tail	   = dummy_tail;
    vlist->current = dummy_head;
    vlist->count   = 0;

    return vlist;
Example #17
File: help.c Project: Rollmops/via
static void LoadHelpFile (void)
    FILE *f;
    size_t len, incr;
    Topic *topic;
    char buf[100];

    ntopics = 0;
    topics = topic = VMalloc (sizeof (Topic) * maxTopics);
    if (! (f = fopen (helpFilename, "r"))) {
	VWarning ("Unable to open help database %s", helpFilename);
	ntopics = 1;
	topic->topic = "(No help topics)";
	topic->text = "(No help text)";
	topic->len = strlen (topic->text);

    do {
	fgets (buf, sizeof (buf), f);
    } while (! feof (f) && buf[0] != '@');

    while (! feof (f) && ntopics < maxTopics) {
	len = strlen (buf);
	if (buf[len - 1] == '\n')
	    buf[len - 1] = 0;
	topic->topic = VNewString (buf + 1);
	topic->text = NULL;
	len = 0;
	while (1) {
	    fgets (buf, sizeof (buf), f);
	    if (feof (f) || buf[0] == '@')
	    incr = strlen (buf);
	    topic->text = VRealloc ((XtPointer) topic->text, len + incr + 1);
	    strcpy (topic->text + len, buf);
	    len += incr;
	while (len > 0 && isspace (topic->text[len - 1]))
	topic->text[len] = 0;
	topic->len = len;

    fclose (f);
Example #18
ConcatDesigns(VImage *design, int nimages) {
    VImage dest = NULL;
    VString buf = NULL;
    VDouble x;
    int i, r, c, row, col;
    int nrows, ncols;
    nrows = ncols = 0;
    for(i = 0; i < nimages; i++) {
        ncols += VImageNColumns(design[i]);
        nrows += VImageNRows(design[i]);
    dest = VCreateImage(1, nrows, ncols, VFloatRepn);
    VFillImage(dest, VAllBands, 0);
    VCopyImageAttrs(design[0], dest);
    VSetAttr(VImageAttrList(dest), "nsessions", NULL, VShortRepn, (VShort)nimages);
    buf = (VString) VMalloc(80);
    buf[0] = '\0';
    for(i = 0; i < nimages; i++)
        sprintf(buf, "%s %d", buf, (int)VImageNRows(design[i]));
    VSetAttr(VImageAttrList(dest), "session_lengths", NULL, VStringRepn, buf);
    buf[0] = '\0';
    for(i = 0; i < nimages; i++)
        sprintf(buf, "%s %d", buf, (int)VImageNColumns(design[i]));
    VSetAttr(VImageAttrList(dest), "session_covariates", NULL, VStringRepn, buf);
    row = col = 0;
    for(i = 0; i < nimages; i++) {
        for(r = 0; r < VImageNRows(design[i]); r++) {
            for(c = 0; c < VImageNColumns(design[i]); c++) {
                x = VGetPixel(design[i], 0, r, c);
                if(row + r >= VImageNRows(dest))
                    VError(" row: %d\n", row + r);
                if(col + c >= VImageNColumns(dest))
                    VError(" column: %d\n", col + c);
                VSetPixel(dest, 0, row + r, col + c, x);
        row += VImageNRows(design[i]);
        col += VImageNColumns(design[i]);
    return dest;
Example #19
VRepnKind VRegisterType (VStringConst name, VTypeMethods *methods)
    VRepnInfoRec *p;

    /* Move the existing type information into a bigger table: */
    if (VRepnInfo == builtin_repn_info) {
        VRepnInfo = VMalloc ((VNRepnKinds + 1) * sizeof (VRepnInfoRec));
        memcpy(VRepnInfo, builtin_repn_info, VNRepnKinds * sizeof (VRepnInfoRec));
    } else
        VRepnInfo =
            VRealloc (VRepnInfo, (nRepnKinds + 1) * sizeof (VRepnInfoRec));

    /* Write the new type's info into the last table entry: */
    p = VRepnInfo + nRepnKinds;
    p->name = VNewString (name);
    p->size = p->precision = p->min_value = p->max_value = 0.0;
    p->methods = methods;

    return nRepnKinds++;
Example #20
int VReadObjects (FILE *file, VRepnKind repn, VAttrList *attributes,
		  VPointer **objects)
    VAttrList list;
    VAttrListPosn posn;
    int i, nobjects = 0;
    VPointer *vector;

    /* Read the file's contents: */
    list = VReadFile (file, NULL);
    if (! list)
	return FALSE;

    /* Count the objects found: */
    for (VFirstAttr (list, & posn); VAttrExists (& posn); VNextAttr (& posn))
	nobjects += (VGetAttrRepn (& posn) == repn);
    if (nobjects == 0) {
	VWarning ("VReadObjects: No %s objects present in stream",
		  VRepnName (repn));
	VDestroyAttrList (list);
	return FALSE;

    /* Allocate a vector of that many object pointers: */
    vector = VMalloc (nobjects * sizeof (VPointer));

    /* Extract the objects from the attribute list and place them in the
       vector: */
    for (VFirstAttr (list, & posn), i = 0; VAttrExists (& posn); )
	if (VGetAttrRepn (& posn) == repn) {
	    VGetAttrValue (& posn, NULL, repn, vector + i);
	    VDeleteAttr (& posn);
	} else VNextAttr (& posn);

    /* Return the objects and the remaining attributes: */
    *attributes = list;
    *objects = vector;
    return nobjects;
Example #21
File: Edges.c Project: Rollmops/via
VEdges VCreateEdges (int nrows, int ncolumns,
		     int nedge_fields, int npoint_fields)
    VEdges edges;

    /* Check parameters: */
    if (nrows < 1  ||  ncolumns < 1)
	VWarning ("VCreateEdges: Invalid number of rows or columns.");

    /* Allocate memory for the VEdges, its indices, and pixel values: */
    edges = VMalloc (sizeof (VEdgesRec));

    /* Initialize the VEdges: */
    edges->nrows = nrows;
    edges->ncolumns = ncolumns;
    edges->attributes = VCreateAttrList ();
    edges->nedge_fields = nedge_fields;
    edges->npoint_fields = npoint_fields;
    edges->nedges = edges->npoints = 0;
    edges->first = edges->last = NULL;
    edges->free = NULL;

    return edges;
Example #22
GetListInfo(VString in_filename, ListInfo *linfo) {
    VAttrList list = NULL;
    VAttrListPosn posn;
    FILE *in_file = NULL;
    VString str, voxel = NULL;
    VRepnKind repn = VShortRepn;
    int ntimesteps, nrows, ncols;
    int id, j, itr, found, nobject, nbands;
    VImageInfo *imageInfo = NULL;
    in_file = VOpenInputFile(in_filename, TRUE);
        VError("error opening file %s", in_filename);
    if(! ReadHeader(in_file))
        VError("error reading header");
    if(!(list = ReadAttrList(in_file)))
        VError("error reading attr list");
    j = 0;
    for(VFirstAttr(list, & posn); VAttrExists(& posn); VNextAttr(& posn)) {
    imageInfo = (VImageInfo *) VMalloc(sizeof(VImageInfo) * (j + 1));
    itr = ntimesteps = nrows = ncols = 0;
    nobject = nbands = found = id = 0;
    for(VFirstAttr(list, & posn); VAttrExists(& posn); VNextAttr(& posn)) {
        str = VGetAttrName(&posn);
        if(strncmp(str, "history", 7) == 0) {
        if(! VGetImageInfo(in_file, list, nobject, &imageInfo[nbands]))
            VError(" error reading image info");
        linfo->ntimesteps = linfo->nrows = linfo->ncols = 0;
        if(imageInfo[nbands].repn == VShortRepn) {
            found = 1;
            repn = imageInfo[nbands].repn;
            if(imageInfo[nbands].nbands > ntimesteps)
                ntimesteps = imageInfo[nbands].nbands;
            if(imageInfo[nbands].nrows > nrows)
                nrows = imageInfo[nbands].nrows;
            if(imageInfo[nbands].ncolumns > ncols)
                ncols = imageInfo[nbands].ncolumns;
            if(voxel == NULL)
                voxel = imageInfo[nbands].voxel;
            /* check if slice contains non-zero data */
            linfo->zero[nbands] = 1;
            if(imageInfo[nbands].nrows < 2)
                linfo->zero[nbands] = 0;
            linfo->info[id] = imageInfo[nbands];
            itr = imageInfo[nbands].repetition_time;
        VError(" couldn't find functional data");
    linfo->ntimesteps = ntimesteps;
    linfo->nrows    = nrows;
    linfo->ncols    = ncols;
    linfo->nslices  = id;
    linfo->itr      = itr;
    linfo->repn     = repn;
    linfo->voxel    = voxel;
    linfo->filename = VNewString(in_filename);
    return list;
Example #23
main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
    static VArgVector in_files;
    static VString out_filename;
    static VBoolean in_found, out_found;
    static VOptionDescRec  options[] = {
        {"in", VStringRepn, 0, & in_files, & in_found, NULL, "Input files" },
        {"out", VStringRepn, 1, & out_filename, & out_found, NULL, "Output file" }
    FILE *fp = NULL;
    VStringConst in_filename;
    VAttrList list = NULL, out_list = NULL;
    VImage *design = NULL, tmp = NULL, dest = NULL;
    VAttrListPosn posn;
    int  i, nimages;
    char prg_name[100];
	char ver[100];
	getLipsiaVersion(ver, sizeof(ver));
	sprintf(prg_name, "vcatdesign V%s", ver);
    fprintf(stderr, "%s\n", prg_name);
    /* Parse command line arguments: */
    if(! VParseCommand(VNumber(options), options, & argc, argv) ||
            ! VIdentifyFiles(VNumber(options), options, "in", & argc, argv, 0) ||
            ! VIdentifyFiles(VNumber(options), options, "out", & argc, argv, -1))
        goto Usage;
    if(argc > 1) {
        VReportBadArgs(argc, argv);
        VReportUsage(argv[0], VNumber(options), options, NULL);
    /* Read each input file */
    nimages = in_files.number;
    design = (VImage *) VMalloc(sizeof(VImage) * nimages);
    for(i = 0; i < nimages; i++) {
        in_filename = ((VStringConst *) in_files.vector)[i];
        fprintf(stderr, " reading:  %s\n", in_filename);
        fp = VOpenInputFile(in_filename, TRUE);
        list = VReadFile(fp, NULL);
        if(! list)
            VError("Error reading file %s", in_filename);
        for(VFirstAttr(list, & posn); VAttrExists(& posn); VNextAttr(& posn)) {
            if(VGetAttrRepn(& posn) != VImageRepn)
            VGetAttrValue(& posn, NULL, VImageRepn, & tmp);
            if(VPixelRepn(tmp) == VFloatRepn || VPixelRepn(tmp) == VDoubleRepn) {
                design[i] = tmp;
    /* process */
    dest = ConcatDesigns(design, nimages);
    out_list = VCreateAttrList();
    VAppendAttr(out_list, "image", NULL, VImageRepn, dest);
    /* Output: */
    VHistory(VNumber(options), options, prg_name, &list, &out_list);
    fp = VOpenOutputFile(out_filename, TRUE);
        VError(" error opening outout file %s", out_filename);
    if(! VWriteFile(fp, out_list))
    fprintf(stderr, "%s: done.\n", argv[0]);
    return 0;
Example #24
VBoolean VPackData (VRepnKind repn,
		    size_t nels, VPointer unpacked, VPackOrder packed_order,
		    size_t *length, VPointer *packed, VBoolean *alloced)
    VPackOrder unpacked_order;
    size_t unpacked_elsize = VRepnSize (repn) * CHAR_BIT;
    size_t packed_elsize = VRepnPrecision (repn);
    size_t packed_length = (nels * packed_elsize + 7) / 8;

    /* If space for the packed data was supplied, ensure there's
       enough of it: */
    if (! alloced && packed_length > *length) {
	VWarning ("VPackData: Insufficient space for packed data");
	return FALSE;
    *length = packed_length;

    /* Determine the present machine's internal byte order: */
    unpacked_order = MachineByteOrder ();

    /* If the desired byte order matches that of the present machine's, and
       the unpacked and packed data element sizes are identical,
       just return the unpacked data: */
    if (unpacked_order == packed_order && unpacked_elsize == packed_elsize) {
	if (alloced) {
	    *packed = unpacked;
	    *alloced = FALSE;
	} else if (unpacked != packed)
	    memcpy (*packed, unpacked, packed_length);
	return TRUE;

    /* Allocate a buffer for the packed data if none was provided: */
    if (alloced) {
	*packed = VMalloc (packed_length);
	*alloced = TRUE;

    /* Pack data elements into the buffer: */
    if (unpacked_elsize == packed_elsize) {
	/* If the packed and unpacked are the same size, do a straight copy: */
	if (unpacked != *packed)
	    memcpy (*packed, unpacked, packed_length);
	/* Swap bytes if necessary: */
	if (packed_order != unpacked_order && packed_elsize > 8)
	    SwapBytes (nels, packed_elsize / 8, (char *) *packed);

    } else if (packed_elsize == 1) {

	/* If the elements are VBits, this packs them: */
	VPackBits (nels, packed_order, (VBit *) unpacked, (char *) *packed);

    } else

	/* Packing multi-byte integers or floats is currently not supported: */
	VError ("VPackData: Packing %s from %d to %d bits is not supported",
		VRepnName (repn), unpacked_elsize, packed_elsize);

    return TRUE;
Example #25
** slicetime correction for non-constant TR
VSlicetime_NC(VAttrList list, VShort minval, VFloat tdel,
              VBoolean slicetime_correction, float *onset_array, VString filename) {
    FILE *fp = NULL;
    VImage src;
    VAttrListPosn posn;
    VString buf, str;
    int b, r, c, i, j, nt = 0, mt = 0, val, del = 0;
    double xmin, xmax, sum, nx, estim_tr = 0;
    double *xx = NULL, *yy = NULL, xi, yi, slicetime = 0, u = 0;
    gsl_interp_accel *acc = NULL;
    gsl_spline *spline = NULL;
    xmin = (VShort) VRepnMinValue(VShortRepn);
    xmax = (VShort) VRepnMaxValue(VShortRepn);
    buf = VMalloc(LEN);
    ** read scan times from file, non-constant TR
    if(strlen(filename) > 2) {
        fp = fopen(filename, "r");
            VError(" error opening file %s", filename);
        i = 0;
        while(!feof(fp)) {
            for(j = 0; j < LEN; j++)
                buf[j] = '\0';
            fgets(buf, LEN, fp);
            if(buf[0] == '%' || buf[0] == '#')
            if(strlen(buf) < 2)
        nt = i;
        fprintf(stderr, " num timesteps: %d\n", nt);
        xx = (double *) VCalloc(nt, sizeof(double));
        yy = (double *) VCalloc(nt, sizeof(double));
        i = 0;
        sum = 0;
        while(!feof(fp)) {
            for(j = 0; j < LEN; j++)
                buf[j] = '\0';
            fgets(buf, LEN, fp);
            if(buf[0] == '%' || buf[0] == '#')
            if(strlen(buf) < 2)
            if(sscanf(buf, "%lf", &u) != 1)
                VError(" line %d: illegal input format", i + 1);
            xx[i] = u * 1000.0;  /* convert to millisec */
            if(i > 1)
                sum += xx[i] - xx[i - 1];
        estim_tr = sum / (double)(nt - 2);
        fprintf(stderr, " average scan interval = %.3f sec\n", estim_tr / 1000.0);
    ** process data
    b = -1;
    for(VFirstAttr(list, & posn); VAttrExists(& posn); VNextAttr(& posn)) {
        if(VGetAttrRepn(& posn) != VImageRepn)
        VGetAttrValue(& posn, NULL, VImageRepn, & src);
        if(VPixelRepn(src) != VShortRepn)
        VSetAttr(VImageAttrList(src), "repetition_time", NULL, VLongRepn, (VLong)estim_tr);
        VExtractAttr(VImageAttrList(src), "MPIL_vista_0", NULL, VStringRepn, &str, FALSE);
        if(VImageNRows(src) < 2)
        ** get header info
        if(VGetAttr(VImageAttrList(src), "slice_time", NULL,
                    VDoubleRepn, (VPointer) & slicetime) != VAttrFound && slicetime_correction && onset_array == NULL)
            VError(" 'slice_time' info missing");
        if(onset_array != NULL)
            slicetime = onset_array[b];
        if(nt != VImageNBands(src))
            VError(" inconsistent number of time steps, %d %d",
                   nt, VImageNBands(src));
        if(acc == NULL && slicetime_correction) {
            acc = gsl_interp_accel_alloc();
            spline = gsl_spline_alloc(gsl_interp_akima, nt);
            for(i = 0; i < 5; i++) {
                if(xx[i] / 1000.0 > tdel)
            del = i;
            fprintf(stderr, " The first %.2f secs (%d timesteps) will be replaced.\n", tdel, del);
        ** loop through all voxels in current slice
            fprintf(stderr, " slice: %3d,  %10.3f ms\r", b, slicetime);
        for(r = 0; r < VImageNRows(src); r++) {
            for(c = 0; c < VImageNColumns(src); c++) {
                if(VPixel(src, 0, r, c, VShort) < minval)
                /* replace first few time steps by average */
                if(del > 0) {
                    mt = del + 10;
                    if(mt > nt)
                        mt = nt;
                    sum = nx = 0;
                    for(i = del; i < mt; i++) {
                        sum += VPixel(src, i, r, c, VShort);
                    if(nx < 1)
                    val = sum / nx;
                    for(i = 0; i < del; i++) {
                        VPixel(src, i, r, c, VShort) = val;
                /* correct for slicetime offsets using cubic spline interpolation */
                for(i = 0; i < nt; i++) {
                    yy[i] = VPixel(src, i, r, c, VShort);
                gsl_spline_init(spline, xx, yy, nt);
                for(i = 1; i < nt; i++) {
                    xi = xx[i] - slicetime;
                    yi = gsl_spline_eval(spline, xi, acc);
                    val = (int)(yi + 0.49);
                    if(val > xmax)
                        val = xmax;
                    if(val < xmin)
                        val = xmin;
                    VPixel(src, i, r, c, VShort) = val;
    fprintf(stderr, "\n");
Example #26
** slicetime correction with constant TR
VSlicetime(VAttrList list, VShort minval, VFloat tdel,
           VBoolean slicetime_correction, float *onset_array) {
    VImage src;
    VAttrListPosn posn;
    VString str, buf;
    int b, r, c, i, nt, mt, val, del = 0;
    double xmin, xmax, sum, nx;
    double *xx = NULL, *yy = NULL, xi, yi, tr = 0, xtr = 0, slicetime = 0;
    gsl_interp_accel *acc = NULL;
    gsl_spline *spline = NULL;
    xmin = (VShort) VRepnMinValue(VShortRepn);
    xmax = (VShort) VRepnMaxValue(VShortRepn);
    buf = VMalloc(256);
    ** process data
    b = -1;
    for(VFirstAttr(list, & posn); VAttrExists(& posn); VNextAttr(& posn)) {
        if(VGetAttrRepn(& posn) != VImageRepn)
        VGetAttrValue(& posn, NULL, VImageRepn, & src);
        if(VPixelRepn(src) != VShortRepn)
        if(VImageNRows(src) < 2)
        ** get header info
        if(VGetAttr(VImageAttrList(src), "slice_time", NULL,
                    VDoubleRepn, (VPointer) & slicetime) != VAttrFound && slicetime_correction && onset_array == NULL)
            VError(" 'slice_time' info missing");;
        if(onset_array != NULL)
            slicetime = onset_array[b];
        tr = 0;
        if(VGetAttr(VImageAttrList(src), "repetition_time", NULL,
                    VDoubleRepn, (VPointer) & tr) != VAttrFound) {
            tr = 0;
            if(VGetAttr(VImageAttrList(src), "MPIL_vista_0", NULL,
                        VStringRepn, (VPointer) & str) == VAttrFound) {
                sscanf(str, " repetition_time=%lf %s", &tr, buf);
        if(tr < 1)
            VError(" attribute 'repetition_time' missing");
        xtr = tr / 1000.0;
        del = (int)(tdel / xtr + 0.5);     /* num timesteps to be ignored */
        nt = VImageNBands(src);
        if(acc == NULL) {
            acc = gsl_interp_accel_alloc();
            spline = gsl_spline_alloc(gsl_interp_akima, nt);
            xx = (double *) VCalloc(nt, sizeof(double));
            yy = (double *) VCalloc(nt, sizeof(double));
            fprintf(stderr, " The first %.2f secs (%d timesteps) will be replaced.\n", tdel, del);
        ** loop through all voxels in current slice
            fprintf(stderr, " slice: %3d,  %10.3f ms,  TR: %.3f\r", b, slicetime, xtr);
        for(r = 0; r < VImageNRows(src); r++) {
            for(c = 0; c < VImageNColumns(src); c++) {
                if(VPixel(src, 0, r, c, VShort) < minval)
                /* replace first few time steps by average */
                if(del > 0) {
                    mt = del + 10;
                    if(mt > nt)
                        mt = nt;
                    sum = nx = 0;
                    for(i = del; i < mt; i++) {
                        sum += VPixel(src, i, r, c, VShort);
                    if(nx < 1)
                    val = sum / nx;
                    for(i = 0; i < del; i++) {
                        VPixel(src, i, r, c, VShort) = val;
                /* correct for slicetime offsets using cubic spline interpolation */
                for(i = 0; i < nt; i++) {
                    xi = i;
                    xx[i] = xi * tr;
                    yy[i] = VPixel(src, i, r, c, VShort);
                gsl_spline_init(spline, xx, yy, nt);
                for(i = 1; i < nt; i++) {
                    xi = xx[i] - slicetime;
                    yi = gsl_spline_eval(spline, xi, acc);
                    val = (int)(yi + 0.49);
                    if(val > xmax)
                        val = xmax;
                    if(val < xmin)
                        val = xmin;
                    VPixel(src, i, r, c, VShort) = val;
    fprintf(stderr, "\n");
Example #27
VTopSmoothImage3d(VImage bit_image, VImage grey_image, VImage result, VLong neighb, VLong numiter) {
    long nbands, nrows, ncols, npixels;
    VRepnKind repn;
    long i, i0, i1, n, iter, npts, u;
    long b0, b1, r0, r1, c0, c1, b, r, c;
    long n1, n6, n18, n26;
    int isum;
    double sum, norm = 0;
    VBit *dest_pp, *bit_pp;
    VUByte *ubyte_pp;
    int background = 0;
    VPoint *array = NULL;
    repn   = VPixelRepn(bit_image);
    if(repn != VBitRepn)
        VError("Smooth3d: repn must be bit");
    nbands = VImageNBands(bit_image);
    nrows  = VImageNRows(bit_image);
    ncols  = VImageNColumns(bit_image);
    npixels = nbands * nrows * ncols;
    if(result == NULL)
        result = VCreateImage(nbands, nrows, ncols, repn);
    if(! result)
        return NULL;
    bit_pp = VPixelPtr(bit_image, 0, 0, 0);
    dest_pp = VPixelPtr(result, 0, 0, 0);
    for(i = 0; i < npixels; i++)
        *dest_pp++ = *bit_pp++;
    n1  = 8;
    n6  = 4;
    n18 = 2;
    n26 = 1;
    switch(neighb) {
    case 0:
        norm = n1 + 6 * n6;
    case 1:
        norm = n1 + 6 * n6 + 12 * n18;
    case 2:
        norm = n1 + 6 * n6 + 12 * n18 + 8 * n26;
    n = 1;
    ubyte_pp = VPixelPtr(grey_image, 0, 0, 0);
    for(i = 0; i < npixels; i++)
        if(*ubyte_pp++ > background)
    array = (VPoint *) VMalloc(sizeof(VPoint) * (n + 2));
    for(i = 0; i < n + 2; i++)
        array[i].val = array[i].b = array[i].r = array[i].c = 0;
    n = 1;
    for(b = 0; b < nbands; b++) {
        for(r = 0; r < nrows; r++) {
            for(c = 0; c < ncols; c++) {
                u = VPixel(grey_image, b, r, c, VUByte);
                if(u > background) {
                    array[n].b = b;
                    array[n].r = r;
                    array[n].c = c;
                    array[n].val = (float)u;
    npts = n;
    VPoint_hpsort(n - 1, array);
    iter = 0;
    n = 100;
    while(n > 1 && iter < numiter) {
        n = 0;
        for(i = 1; i < npts; i++) {
            b = array[i].b;
            r = array[i].r;
            c = array[i].c;
            b0 = (b < 1) ? 0 : b - 1;
            b1 = (b > nbands - 2) ?  nbands - 1 : b + 1;
            r0 = (r < 1) ? 0 : r - 1;
            r1 = (r > nrows - 2) ?  nrows - 1 : r + 1;
            c0 = (c < 1) ? 0 : c - 1;
            c1 = (c > ncols - 2) ?  ncols - 1 : c + 1;
            isum = 0;
            i1 = VPixel(bit_image, b, r, c, VBit);
            isum += (int) i1 * n1;
            isum += (int) VPixel(bit_image, b0, r, c, VBit) * n6;
            isum += (int) VPixel(bit_image, b, r0, c, VBit) * n6;
            isum += (int) VPixel(bit_image, b, r, c0, VBit) * n6;
            isum += (int) VPixel(bit_image, b1, r, c, VBit) * n6;
            isum += (int) VPixel(bit_image, b, r1, c, VBit) * n6;
            isum += (int) VPixel(bit_image, b, r, c1, VBit) * n6;
            if(neighb == 1) {
                isum += VPixel(bit_image, b0, r0, c, VBit) * n18;
                isum += (int) VPixel(bit_image, b, r0, c0, VBit) * n18;
                isum += (int) VPixel(bit_image, b0, r, c0, VBit) * n18;
                isum += (int) VPixel(bit_image, b1, r1, c, VBit) * n18;
                isum += (int) VPixel(bit_image, b, r1, c1, VBit) * n18;
                isum += (int) VPixel(bit_image, b1, r, c1, VBit) * n18;
                isum += (int) VPixel(bit_image, b1, r0, c, VBit) * n18;
                isum += (int) VPixel(bit_image, b, r1, c0, VBit) * n18;
                isum += (int) VPixel(bit_image, b1, r, c0, VBit) * n18;
                isum += (int) VPixel(bit_image, b0, r1, c, VBit) * n18;
                isum += (int) VPixel(bit_image, b, r0, c1, VBit) * n18;
                isum += (int) VPixel(bit_image, b0, r, c1, VBit) * n18;
            if(neighb == 2) {
                isum += (int) VPixel(bit_image, b0, r0, c0, VBit) * n26;
                isum += (int) VPixel(bit_image, b1, r0, c0, VBit) * n26;
                isum += (int) VPixel(bit_image, b0, r1, c0, VBit) * n26;
                isum += (int) VPixel(bit_image, b0, r0, c1, VBit) * n26;
                isum += (int) VPixel(bit_image, b1, r1, c0, VBit) * n26;
                isum += (int) VPixel(bit_image, b1, r0, c1, VBit) * n26;
                isum += (int) VPixel(bit_image, b0, r1, c1, VBit) * n26;
                isum += (int) VPixel(bit_image, b1, r1, c1, VBit) * n26;
            sum = (double) isum / (double) norm;
            i0 = 0;
            if(sum >= 0.5)
                i0 = 1;
            if(i1 == 1 && i0 == 0) {
                if(VSimplePoint(result, b, r, c, 26) == 0)
                    i0 = 1;
            } else if(i1 == 0 && i0 == 1) {
                VPixel(result, b, r, c, VBit) = 1;
                if(VSimplePoint(result, b, r, c, 26) == 0)
                    i0 = 0;
            VPixel(result, b, r, c, VBit) = i0;
            if(i0 != i1)
        if(numiter > 1) {
            bit_pp  = (VBit *) VImageData(bit_image);
            dest_pp = (VBit *) VImageData(result);
            for(i = 0; i < npixels; i++)
                *bit_pp++ = *dest_pp++;
    /* Successful completion: */
    VCopyImageAttrs(bit_image, result);
    return result;
Example #28
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
    static VFloat reso   = -1.0;
    static VLong itype   = 0;
    static VBoolean flip = TRUE;
    static VBoolean reorder = TRUE;
    static VOptionDescRec  options[] = {
            "reso", VFloatRepn, 1, (VPointer) &reso,
            VOptionalOpt, NULL, "New voxel resolution in mm, def: -1 means min(1.0,\"best source resolution\")"

            "flip", VBooleanRepn, 1, (VPointer) &flip,
            VOptionalOpt, NULL, "Whether to flip to natural convention"

            "reorder", VBooleanRepn, 1, (VPointer) &reorder,
            VOptionalOpt, NULL, "Whether to reorder axial slices from axial source image"

            "interpolation", VLongRepn, 1, & itype, VOptionalOpt, ITYPDict,
            "Type of interpolation (0: linear, 1: nearest neighbour, 2: cubic spline)"
    FILE *in_file, *out_file;
    VAttrList list;
    VAttrListPosn posn;
    int nobjects = 0;
    VImage src = NULL, dest = NULL, result = NULL;
    int i, b, r, c, nbands, nrows, ncols;
    VString str, newstr, fixpointString, caString, cpString;
    float fix_c, fix_r, fix_b;
    float ca_c, ca_r, ca_b;
    float cp_c, cp_r, cp_b;
    float x, y, z, min;
    VDouble v, scale_band, scale_row, scale_col;
    float scale[3], shift[3];
    /* print information */
    char prg_name[100];
	char ver[100];
	getLipsiaVersion(ver, sizeof(ver));
	sprintf(prg_name, "visotrop V%s", ver);
    fprintf(stderr, "%s\n", prg_name);
    /* Parse command line arguments: */
    VParseFilterCmd(VNumber(options), options, argc, argv,
                    & in_file, & out_file);
    /* Read source image(s): */
    if(!(list = VReadFile(in_file, NULL)))
    /* Scale each object: */
    for(VFirstAttr(list, & posn); VAttrExists(& posn); VNextAttr(& posn)) {
        switch(VGetAttrRepn(& posn)) {
        case VImageRepn:
            VGetAttrValue(& posn, NULL, VImageRepn, & src);
            if(VGetAttr(VImageAttrList(src), "voxel", NULL,
                        VStringRepn, (VPointer) & str) == VAttrFound) {
                sscanf(str, "%f %f %f", &x, &y, &z);
                fprintf(stderr, " voxel: %f %f %f\n", x, y, z);
                min = x < y ? x : y;
                min = z < min ? z : min;
                /* if resolution is not set, use default value 1 or
                   smaler value if the image resolution is better */
                if(reso < 0.0)
                    reso = min < 1.0 ? min : 1.0;
                if(reso <= 0.0)
                fprintf(stderr, " new resolution: %f \n", reso);
                scale_col  = x / reso;
                scale_row  = y / reso;
                scale_band = z / reso;
                nbands = VImageNBands(src) * scale_band;
                nrows = VImageNRows(src) * scale_row;
                ncols = VImageNColumns(src) * scale_col;
                if(VImageNBands(src) == nbands
                        && VImageNRows(src) == nrows
                        && VImageNColumns(src) == ncols) {
                    itype = 0;
                fprintf(stderr, " interpolation type: %s\n", ITYPDict[itype].keyword);
                fprintf(stderr, " old dim: %3d %3d %3d\n",
                        VImageNBands(src), VImageNRows(src), VImageNColumns(src));
                for(i = 0; i < 3; i++)
                    shift[i] = scale[i] = 0;
                scale[0] = scale_band;
                scale[1] = scale_row;
                scale[2] = scale_col;
                switch(itype) {
                    /* trilinear interpolation resampling */
                case 0:
                    dest = VTriLinearScale3d(src, NULL, (int)nbands, (int)nrows, (int)ncols,
                                             shift, scale);
                    /* nearest neightbour resampling */
                case 1:
                    dest = VNNScale3d(src, NULL, (int)nbands, (int)nrows, (int)ncols,
                                      shift, scale);
                    /* cubic spline */
                case 2:
                    dest = VCubicSplineScale3d(src, NULL, (int)nbands, (int)nrows, (int)ncols,
                                               shift, scale);
                case 3: /* no interpolation, just reshuffle */
                    dest = VCopyImage(src, NULL, VAllBands);
                    VError(" unknown resampling type %d", itype);
                if(! dest)
                /*aa 2003/09/11 added function not to rotate siemens data*/
                if(! VGetAttr(VImageAttrList(src), "orientation", NULL,
                              VStringRepn, (VPointer) & str) == VAttrFound)
                    VError(" attribute 'orientation' missing");
                if(strcmp(str, "axial") == 0) {
                    fprintf(stderr, " new dim: %3d %3d %3d\n", nbands, nrows, ncols);
                    result = VCreateImage(nbands, nrows, ncols, VPixelRepn(src));
                    VFillImage(result, VAllBands, 0);
                    for(b = 0; b < nbands; b++)
                        for(r = 0; r < nrows; r++)
                            for(c = 0; c < ncols; c++) {
                                v = VGetPixel(dest, b, r, c);
                                if((flip == FALSE) && (reorder == FALSE))
                                    VSetPixel(result, b, r, ncols - c - 1, v);
                                else if((flip == TRUE)  && (reorder == FALSE))
                                    VSetPixel(result, b, r, c, v);
                                else if((flip == FALSE) && (reorder == TRUE))
                                    VSetPixel(result, nbands - b - 1, r, ncols - c - 1, v);
                                else if((flip == TRUE)  && (reorder == TRUE))
                                    VSetPixel(result, nbands - b - 1, r, c, v);
                } else if(strcmp(str, "sagittal") == 0) {
                    /* re-arrange from sagittal to axial orientation */
                    fprintf(stderr, " new dim: %3d %3d %3d\n", nrows, ncols, nbands);
                    result = VCreateImage(nrows, ncols, nbands, VPixelRepn(src));
                    VFillImage(result, VAllBands, 0);
                    for(b = 0; b < nbands; b++)
                        for(r = 0; r < nrows; r++)
                            for(c = 0; c < ncols; c++) {
                                v = VGetPixel(dest, b, r, c);
                                if(flip == FALSE)
                                    VSetPixel(result, r, c, nbands - b - 1, v);
                                    VSetPixel(result, r, c, b, v);
                } else if(strcmp(str, "coronal") == 0) {
                    /* re-arrange from coronal to axial orientation */
                    fprintf(stderr, " new dim: %3d %3d %3d\n", nrows, nbands, ncols);
                    result = VCreateImage(nrows, nbands, ncols, VPixelRepn(src));
                    VFillImage(result, VAllBands, 0);
                    for(b = 0; b < nbands; b++)
                        for(r = 0; r < nrows; r++)
                            for(c = 0; c < ncols; c++) {
                                v = VGetPixel(dest, b, r, c);
                                if(flip == FALSE)
                                    VSetPixel(result, r, b, ncols - c - 1, v);
                                    VSetPixel(result, r, b, c, v);
                } else {
                    VError(" unknown resampling type %d", itype);
                /* copy attributes from source image */
                VCopyImageAttrs(src, result);
                // [TS] 08/03/27
                // correct 'fixpoint', 'ca' and 'cp' if they exist in the source image
                // NOTE:
                // this is only done when no flipping or reordering is requested :-(
                // (WARNING!!!!) '-flip true' actually means that no flipping is done (WHAAAAT ????)
                // and therefore we test for reorder = false and flip = true
                fixpointString = VMalloc(80);
                caString       = VMalloc(80);
                cpString       = VMalloc(80);
                VBoolean _issueWarning = FALSE;
                if(VGetAttr(VImageAttrList(src), "fixpoint", NULL, VStringRepn, (VPointer)&fixpointString) == VAttrFound) {
                    if(reorder == FALSE && flip == TRUE) {
                        sscanf(fixpointString, "%f %f %f", &fix_c, &fix_r, &fix_b);
                        fix_c *= scale_col;
                        fix_r *= scale_row;
                        fix_b *= scale_band;
                        sprintf((char *)fixpointString, "%f %f %f", fix_c, fix_r, fix_b);
                        VSetAttr(VImageAttrList(result), "fixpoint", NULL, VStringRepn, fixpointString);
                    } else {
                        _issueWarning = TRUE;
                if(VGetAttr(VImageAttrList(src), "ca", NULL, VStringRepn, (VPointer)&caString) == VAttrFound) {
                    if(reorder == FALSE && flip == TRUE) {
                        sscanf(caString, "%f %f %f", &ca_c, &ca_r, &ca_b);
                        ca_c *= scale_col;
                        ca_r *= scale_row;
                        ca_b *= scale_band;
                        sprintf((char *)caString, "%f %f %f", ca_c, ca_r, ca_b);
                        VSetAttr(VImageAttrList(result), "ca", NULL, VStringRepn, caString);
                    } else {
                        _issueWarning = TRUE;
                if(VGetAttr(VImageAttrList(src), "cp", NULL, VStringRepn, (VPointer)&cpString) == VAttrFound) {
                    if(reorder == FALSE && flip == TRUE) {
                        sscanf(cpString, "%f %f %f", &cp_c, &cp_r, &cp_b);
                        cp_c *= scale_col;
                        cp_r *= scale_row;
                        cp_b *= scale_band;
                        sprintf((char *)cpString, "%f %f %f", cp_c, cp_r, cp_b);
                        VSetAttr(VImageAttrList(result), "cp", NULL, VStringRepn, cpString);
                    } else {
                        _issueWarning = TRUE;
                if(_issueWarning) {
                    VWarning("Attributes 'fixpoint', 'ca' and 'cp' exist but were not corrected and are therefore likely to be wrong");
                    VWarning("This was caused by setting -flip to false or -reorder to true");
                    VWarning("Please correct the values manually using vattredit");
                /* set the attributes to the changed values */
                newstr = VMalloc(80);
                sprintf((char *)newstr, "%f %f %f", reso, reso, reso);
                VSetAttr(VImageAttrList(result), "voxel", NULL, VStringRepn, newstr);
                VSetAttr(VImageAttrList(result), "orientation", NULL, VStringRepn, "axial");
                    VSetAttr(VImageAttrList(result), "convention", NULL, VStringRepn, "natural");
                    VSetAttr(VImageAttrList(result), "convention", NULL, VStringRepn, "radiologic");
            VSetAttrValue(& posn, NULL, VImageRepn, result);
    /* Make History */
    VHistory(VNumber(options), options, prg_name, &list, &list);
    /* Write the results to the output file: */
    if(! VWriteFile(out_file, list))
    fprintf(stderr, "%s: done.\n", argv[0]);
    return EXIT_SUCCESS;
Example #29
PairedTest(VImage *src1, VImage *src2, VImage dest, int n, VShort type) {
    int i, j, k, b, r, c, nslices, nrows, ncols;
    float ave1, ave2, var1, var2, nx, u;
    float sum, smooth = 0;
    float t, z, df, sd, cov, *data1 = NULL, *data2 = NULL;
    float tiny = 1.0e-10;
    nslices = VImageNBands(src1[0]);
    nrows   = VImageNRows(src1[0]);
    ncols   = VImageNColumns(src1[0]);
    dest = VCopyImage(src1[0], NULL, VAllBands);
    VFillImage(dest, VAllBands, 0);
    VSetAttr(VImageAttrList(dest), "num_images", NULL, VShortRepn, (VShort)n);
    VSetAttr(VImageAttrList(dest), "patient", NULL, VStringRepn, "paired_ttest");
    if(type == 0)
        VSetAttr(VImageAttrList(dest), "modality", NULL, VStringRepn, "tmap");
        VSetAttr(VImageAttrList(dest), "modality", NULL, VStringRepn, "zmap");
    VSetAttr(VImageAttrList(dest), "df", NULL, VShortRepn, (VShort)(n - 1));
    /* get smoothness estimates */
    sum = nx = 0;
    for(i = 0; i < n; i++) {
        if(VGetAttr(VImageAttrList(src1[i]), "smoothness", NULL, VFloatRepn, &smooth) == VAttrFound) {
            sum += smooth;
    for(i = 0; i < n; i++) {
        if(VGetAttr(VImageAttrList(src2[i]), "smoothness", NULL, VFloatRepn, &smooth) == VAttrFound) {
            sum += smooth;
    if(nx > 1) {
        VSetAttr(VImageAttrList(dest), "smoothness", NULL, VFloatRepn, sum / nx);
    data1 = (float *) VMalloc(n * sizeof(float));
    data2 = (float *) VMalloc(n * sizeof(float));
    df = n - 1;
    nx = (float)n;
    for(b = 0; b < nslices; b++) {
        for(r = 0; r < nrows; r++) {
            for(c = 0; c < ncols; c++) {
                k = 0;
                for(i = 0; i < n; i++) {
                    data1[i] = VPixel(src1[i], b, r, c, VFloat);
                    data2[i] = VPixel(src2[i], b, r, c, VFloat);
                    if(ABS(data1[i]) > tiny && ABS(data2[i]) > tiny)
                if(k < n - 3)
                avevar(data1, n, &ave1, &var1);
                avevar(data2, n, &ave2, &var2);
                if(var1 < tiny || var2 < tiny)
                z = t = 0;
                cov = 0;
                for(j = 0; j < n; j++)
                    cov += (data1[j] - ave1) * (data2[j] - ave2);
                cov /= df;
                u = (var1 + var2 - 2.0 * cov);
                if(u < tiny)
                sd = sqrt(u / nx);
                if(sd < tiny)
                t = (ave1 - ave2) / sd;
                if(isnan(t) || isinf(t))
                switch(type) {
                case 0:
                    VPixel(dest, b, r, c, VFloat) = t;
                case 1:
                    /* z = t2z_approx(t,df); */
                    z = t2z((double)t, (double)df);
                    if(t < 0)
                        z = -z;
                    VPixel(dest, b, r, c, VFloat) = z;
                    VError(" illegal type");
    return dest;
Example #30
main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
    static VArgVector in_files;
    static VString out_filename;
    static VString filename;
    static VShort minval = 0;
    static VFloat fwhm = 4.0;
    static VOptionDescRec  options[] = {
        {"in", VStringRepn, 0, & in_files, VRequiredOpt, NULL, "Input files" },
        {"out", VStringRepn, 1, & out_filename, VRequiredOpt, NULL, "Output file" },
        {"design", VStringRepn, 1, (VPointer) &filename, VRequiredOpt, NULL, "Design file"},
            "fwhm", VFloatRepn, 1, (VPointer) &fwhm, VOptionalOpt, NULL,
            "FWHM of temporal Gaussian filter in seconds"
        {"minval", VShortRepn, 1, (VPointer) &minval, VOptionalOpt, NULL, "Signal threshold"}
    FILE *fp = NULL, *f = NULL;
    VStringConst in_filename;
    VString ifilename;
    VAttrList list = NULL, list1 = NULL;
    VAttrList out_list = NULL, history_list = NULL;
    VAttrListPosn posn;
    VImage design = NULL;
    ListInfo *linfo;
    VLong itr = 0;
    VFloat sigma = 0, tr = 0;
    int  i, n, nimages;
   char prg_name[100];
	char ver[100];
	getLipsiaVersion(ver, sizeof(ver));
	sprintf(prg_name, "vcolorglm V%s", ver);
    fprintf(stderr, "%s\n", prg_name);
    ** parse command line
    if(! VParseCommand(VNumber(options), options, & argc, argv)) {
        VReportUsage(argv[0], VNumber(options), options, NULL);
    if(argc > 1) {
        VReportBadArgs(argc, argv);
    ** read design matrix
    fp = VOpenInputFile(filename, TRUE);
    list1 = VReadFile(fp, NULL);
    if(! list1)
        VError("Error reading design file");
    n = 0;
    for(VFirstAttr(list1, & posn); VAttrExists(& posn); VNextAttr(& posn)) {
        if(VGetAttrRepn(& posn) != VImageRepn)
        VGetAttrValue(& posn, NULL, VImageRepn, & design);
        if(VPixelRepn(design) != VFloatRepn /* && VPixelRepn(design) != VDoubleRepn */)
    if(n == 0)
        VError(" design matrix not found ");
    ** get pre-coloring info
    if(VGetAttr(VImageAttrList(design), "repetition_time", NULL, VLongRepn, &itr) != VAttrFound)
        VError(" TR info missing in header");
    tr = (float) itr / 1000.0;
    sigma = 0;
    if(tr > 0.001 && fwhm > 0.001) {
        fprintf(stderr, " TR: %.3f seconds\n", tr);
        sigma = fwhm / 2.35482;
        sigma /= tr;
        if(sigma < 0.1) {
            VWarning(" 'fwhm/sigma' too small (%.3f / %.3f), will be set to zero", fwhm, sigma);
            sigma = 0;
    ** Read each input file
    nimages = in_files.number;
    linfo = (ListInfo *) VMalloc(sizeof(ListInfo) * nimages);
    for(i = 0; i < nimages; i++) {
        in_filename = ((VStringConst *) in_files.vector)[i];
        ifilename = VNewString(in_filename);
        fprintf(stderr, " file:  %s\n", ifilename);
        list = GetListInfo(ifilename, &linfo[i]);
        /* Create history */
        if(i == 0) {
            history_list = VReadHistory(&list);
            if(history_list == NULL)
                history_list = VCreateAttrList();
            VPrependHistory(VNumber(options), options, prg_name, &history_list);

    ** GLM
    out_list = VRegression(linfo, nimages, minval, design, sigma, itr);

    **  Output:
    VPrependAttr(out_list, "history", NULL, VAttrListRepn, history_list);
    f = VOpenOutputFile(out_filename, TRUE);
        VError(" error opening outout file %s", out_filename);
    if(! VWriteFile(f, out_list))
    fprintf(stderr, "%s: done.\n", argv[0]);
    return 0;