std::vector<Eigen::Matrix4f > Trajectory::createWorkspaceTrajectory( VirtualRobot::RobotNodePtr r ) { VR_ASSERT(rns); if (!r) r = rns->getTCP(); VR_ASSERT(r); RobotPtr robot = rns->getRobot(); VR_ASSERT(robot); Eigen::VectorXf jv; rns->getJointValues(jv); std::vector<Eigen::Matrix4f > result; for (size_t i = 0; i < path.size(); i++) { // get tcp coords: robot->setJointValues(rns,path[i]); Eigen::Matrix4f m; result.push_back(r->getGlobalPose()); } robot->setJointValues(rns,jv); return result; }
VirtualRobot::CollisionModelPtr CollisionModel::CreateUnitedCollisionModel(const std::vector<CollisionModelPtr>& colModels) { VR_ASSERT(colModels.size() > 0); CollisionCheckerPtr colChecker = colModels[0]->getCollisionChecker(); std::vector<VisualizationNodePtr> visus; for (size_t i = 0; i < colModels.size(); i++) { VisualizationNodePtr v = colModels[i]->getVisualization(); if (v) { visus.push_back(v); } VR_ASSERT(colModels[i]->getCollisionChecker() == colChecker); } if (visus.size() == 0) { return CollisionModelPtr(); } VisualizationNodePtr vc = VisualizationNode::CreateUnitedVisualization(visus); return CollisionModelPtr(new CollisionModel(vc, "", colChecker)); }
void DynamicsRobot::createDynamicsNode( VirtualRobot::RobotNodePtr node ) { VR_ASSERT(node); // check if already created if (hasDynamicsRobotNode(node)) return; DynamicsWorldPtr dw = DynamicsWorld::GetWorld(); DynamicsObjectPtr drn = dw->CreateDynamicsObject(node); VR_ASSERT(drn); dynamicRobotNodes[node] = drn; }
void DynamicsRobot::actuateNode( VirtualRobot::RobotNodePtr node, float jointValue , float jointVelocity) { VR_ASSERT(robot); VR_ASSERT(node); VR_ASSERT(robot->hasRobotNode(node)); robotNodeActuationTarget target; target.actuation = ePositionVelocity; target.node = node; target.jointValueTarget = jointValue; target.jointVelocityTarget = jointVelocity; target.jointTorqueTarget = 0.0f; actuationTargets[node] = target; }
DynamicsObjectPtr DynamicsRobot::getDynamicsRobotNode( VirtualRobot::RobotNodePtr node ) { VR_ASSERT(node); if (dynamicRobotNodes.find(node) == dynamicRobotNodes.end()) return DynamicsObjectPtr(); return dynamicRobotNodes[node]; }
bool DynamicsRobot::isNodeActuated( VirtualRobot::RobotNodePtr node ) { VR_ASSERT(node); if (actuationTargets.find(node) == actuationTargets.end()) return false; return actuationTargets[node].actuation!=eDisabled; }
float DynamicsRobot::getNodeTarget( VirtualRobot::RobotNodePtr node ) { VR_ASSERT(node); if (actuationTargets.find(node) == actuationTargets.end()) return 0.0f; return actuationTargets[node].jointValueTarget; }
void RobotNode::setJointValue(float q) { RobotPtr r = getRobot(); VR_ASSERT(r); WriteLockPtr lock = r->getWriteLock(); setJointValueNoUpdate(q); updatePose(); }
void RobotNodeSet::setJointValues( const RobotConfigPtr jointValues ) { VR_ASSERT(jointValues); RobotPtr rob = robot.lock(); VR_ASSERT(rob); WriteLockPtr lock = rob->getWriteLock(); for (unsigned int i=0;i<robotNodes.size();i++) { if (jointValues->hasConfig(robotNodes[i]->getName())) robotNodes[i]->setJointValueNoUpdate(jointValues->getConfig(robotNodes[i]->getName())); } if (kinematicRoot) kinematicRoot->updatePose(); else rob->applyJointValues(); }
void DynamicsRobot::actuateNodeTorque( VirtualRobot::RobotNodePtr node, float jointTorque ) { VR_ASSERT(robot); VR_ASSERT(node); VR_ASSERT(robot->hasRobotNode(node)); //if (!hasDynamicsRobotNode(node)) // createDynamicsNode(node); //DynamicsObjectPtr dnyRN = getDynamicsRobotNode(node); robotNodeActuationTarget target; target.actuation = eTorque; target.node = node; target.jointValueTarget = 0.0f; target.jointVelocityTarget = 0.0f; target.jointTorqueTarget = jointTorque; //target.dynNode = dnyRN; actuationTargets[node] = target; }
CoMIK::CoMIK(RobotNodeSetPtr rnsJoints, RobotNodeSetPtr rnsBodies, RobotNodePtr coordSystem, int dimensions) : JacobiProvider(rnsJoints), coordSystem(coordSystem) { VR_ASSERT(rns); VR_ASSERT(rnsBodies); checkImprovement = false; this->rnsBodies = rnsBodies; numDimensions = dimensions; bodyNodes = rnsBodies->getAllRobotNodes(); for (size_t i = 0; i < bodyNodes.size(); i++) { // get all joints that influence the body std::vector<RobotNodePtr> parentsN = bodyNodes[i]->getAllParents(rns); bodyNodeParents[bodyNodes[i]] = parentsN; } if (rnsBodies->getMass()==0) { VR_ERROR << "The RNS does not contain any bodies or masses are not specified (mass==0)" << endl; } }
RobotNodeSetPtr RobotNodeSet::createRobotNodeSet(RobotPtr robot, const std::string &name, const std::vector< std::string > &robotNodeNames, const std::string &kinematicRootName, const std::string &tcpName, bool registerToRobot) { VR_ASSERT (robot!=NULL); std::vector< RobotNodePtr > robotNodes; if (robotNodeNames.empty()) { VR_WARNING << " No robot nodes in set..." << endl; } else { for (unsigned int i=0;i<robotNodeNames.size();i++) { RobotNodePtr node = robot->getRobotNode(robotNodeNames[i]); THROW_VR_EXCEPTION_IF(!node, "No robot node with name " << robotNodeNames[i] << " found..."); robotNodes.push_back(node); } } RobotNodePtr kinematicRoot; if (!kinematicRootName.empty()) { RobotNodePtr node = robot->getRobotNode(kinematicRootName); THROW_VR_EXCEPTION_IF(!node, "No root node with name " << kinematicRootName << " found..."); kinematicRoot = node; } else { if (!robotNodes.empty()) kinematicRoot = robotNodes[0]; } RobotNodePtr tcp; if (!tcpName.empty()) { RobotNodePtr node = robot->getRobotNode(tcpName); THROW_VR_EXCEPTION_IF(!node, "No tcp node with name " << tcpName << " found..."); tcp = node; } else { if (!robotNodes.empty()) tcp = robotNodes[robotNodes.size()-1]; } RobotNodeSetPtr rns = RobotNodeSet::createRobotNodeSet(robot, name, robotNodes, kinematicRoot, tcp, registerToRobot); return rns; }
RobotNodeSetPtr RobotNodeSet::createRobotNodeSet(RobotPtr robot, const std::string &name, const std::vector< RobotNodePtr > &robotNodes, const RobotNodePtr kinematicRoot, const RobotNodePtr tcp, bool registerToRobot) { VR_ASSERT (robot!=NULL); if (robotNodes.empty() || !robotNodes[0]) { VR_WARNING << " No robot nodes in set..." << endl; } else { CollisionCheckerPtr cc = robotNodes[0]->getCollisionChecker(); for (unsigned int i=1;i<robotNodes.size();i++) { if (robotNodes[0]->getRobot() != robotNodes[i]->getRobot()) { THROW_VR_EXCEPTION("Robot nodes belong to different robots"); } if (cc != robotNodes[i]->getCollisionChecker()) { THROW_VR_EXCEPTION("Robot nodes belong to different collision checkers"); } } } RobotNodePtr kinematicRootNode = kinematicRoot; if (!kinematicRootNode) { kinematicRootNode = robot->getRootNode(); } RobotNodePtr tcpNode = tcp; if (!tcpNode) { THROW_VR_EXCEPTION_IF(robotNodes.empty(), "can not determine the tcp node need for creating a RobotNodeSet"); tcpNode = robotNodes[robotNodes.size()-1]; } RobotNodeSetPtr rns(new RobotNodeSet(name, robot, robotNodes, kinematicRootNode, tcpNode)); if (registerToRobot) { THROW_VR_EXCEPTION_IF(robot->hasRobotNodeSet(rns), "RobotNodeSet with name " << rns->getName() << " already present in the robot"); robot->registerRobotNodeSet(rns); } return rns; }
void DynamicsRobot::actuateNode( VirtualRobot::RobotNodePtr node, float jointValue ) { VR_ASSERT(robot); VR_ASSERT(node); VR_ASSERT(robot->hasRobotNode(node)); // if node is a joint without model, there is no dyn node! //DynamicsObjectPtr dnyRN; //if (hasDynamicsRobotNode(node)) // dnyRN = getDynamicsRobotNode(node); // createDynamicsNode(node); robotNodeActuationTarget target; target.actuation = ePosition; target.node = node; target.jointValueTarget = jointValue; target.jointVelocityTarget = 0.0f; target.jointTorqueTarget = 0.0f; //target.dynNode = dnyRN; actuationTargets[node] = target; }
void RobotNodeSet::setJointValues(const Eigen::VectorXf &jointValues) { THROW_VR_EXCEPTION_IF(jointValues.rows() != robotNodes.size(), "Wrong vector dimension (robotNodes:" << robotNodes.size() << ", jointValues: " << jointValues.size() << ")" << endl); RobotPtr rob = robot.lock(); VR_ASSERT(rob); WriteLockPtr lock = rob->getWriteLock(); for (unsigned int i=0;i<robotNodes.size();i++) { robotNodes[i]->setJointValueNoUpdate(jointValues[i]); } if (kinematicRoot) kinematicRoot->updatePose(); else rob->applyJointValues(); }
SupportPolygon::SupportPolygon(SceneObjectSetPtr contactModels) : contactModels(contactModels) { floor = MathTools::getFloorPlane(); VR_ASSERT(this->contactModels); for (size_t i = 0; i < contactModels->getSize(); i++) { if (contactModels->getSceneObject((int)i)->getCollisionModel()) { colModels.push_back(contactModels->getSceneObject((int)i)->getCollisionModel()); } } THROW_VR_EXCEPTION_IF(colModels.size() == 0, "RobotNodeSet does not contain any collision models"); }
VirtualRobot::TriMeshModelPtr SphereApproximator::generateTriMesh(const SphereApproximation& a) { Eigen::Vector3f v1, v2, v3; MathTools::TriangleFace f; int nVertices = (int)a.vertices.size(); int nFaces = (int)a.faces.size(); VR_ASSERT(nVertices > 0); int nVertexCount = 0; TriMeshModelPtr tr(new TriMeshModel()); for (int i = 0; i < nFaces; i++) { f =; v1 =; v2 =; v3 =; tr->addTriangleWithFace(v1, v3, v2); } return tr; }
RobotConfigPtr RobotConfig::clone( RobotPtr newRobot ) { if (!newRobot) newRobot = robot.lock(); VR_ASSERT (newRobot); std::map< RobotNodePtr, float > newConfigs; std::map< RobotNodePtr, float >::iterator i = configs.begin(); while (i!=configs.end()) { RobotNodePtr rn = newRobot->getRobotNode(i->first->getName()); if (!rn) { VR_WARNING << "Could not completely clone RobotConfig " << name << " because new robot does not know a RobotNode with name " << i->first->getName() << endl; } else { newConfigs[rn] = i->second; } i++; } RobotConfigPtr result(new RobotConfig(newRobot,name,newConfigs)); return result; }
void PathProcessingThread::workingMethod() { if (!threadStarted) { VR_WARNING << "Thread should be in started mode?!" << endl; } VR_ASSERT(pathProcessor); CSpacePathPtr res = pathProcessor->optimize(optimizeSteps); mutex.lock(); if (res) processingFinished = true; else processingFinished = false; resultPath = res; // the thread ends here threadStarted = false; mutex.unlock(); }
void MeshConverter::checkAndSplitVertex(VirtualRobot::TriMeshModelPtr tm, int faceIdx, float maxDist) { VR_ASSERT(tm); VR_ASSERT(faceIdx >= 0 && faceIdx < (int)tm->faces.size()); float d12, d13, d23; Eigen::Vector3f v1, v2, v3; v1 = tm->vertices[tm->faces[faceIdx].id1]; v2 = tm->vertices[tm->faces[faceIdx].id2]; v3 = tm->vertices[tm->faces[faceIdx].id3]; Eigen::Vector3f v4; unsigned int id4; size_t checkFaceIdx; d12 = (v1 - v2).norm(); d23 = (v2 - v3).norm(); d13 = (v1 - v3).norm(); if (d12 > maxDist || d23 > maxDist || d13 > maxDist) { // split at longest edge if (d12 >= d23 && d12 >= d13) { v4 = v1 + (v2 - v1) * 0.5f; tm->addVertex(v4); id4 = tm->vertices.size() - 1; // add new face MathTools::TriangleFace face; face.id1 = id4; face.id2 = tm->faces[faceIdx].id2; face.id3 = tm->faces[faceIdx].id3; face.normal = tm->faces[faceIdx].normal; tm->addFace(face); // update current face tm->faces[faceIdx].id2 = id4; } else if (d23 >= d12 && d23 >= d13) { v4 = v2 + (v3 - v2) * 0.5f; tm->addVertex(v4); id4 = tm->vertices.size() - 1; // add new face MathTools::TriangleFace face; face.id1 = tm->faces[faceIdx].id1; face.id2 = id4; face.id3 = tm->faces[faceIdx].id3; face.normal = tm->faces[faceIdx].normal; tm->addFace(face); // update current face tm->faces[faceIdx].id3 = id4; } else { v4 = v3 + (v1 - v3) * 0.5f; tm->addVertex(v4); id4 = tm->vertices.size() - 1; // add new face MathTools::TriangleFace face; face.id1 = tm->faces[faceIdx].id1; face.id2 = tm->faces[faceIdx].id2; face.id3 = id4; face.normal = tm->faces[faceIdx].normal; tm->addFace(face); // update current face tm->faces[faceIdx].id1 = id4; } checkFaceIdx = tm->faces.size() - 1; // check new face checkAndSplitVertex(tm, checkFaceIdx, maxDist); // recursively check current face checkAndSplitVertex(tm, faceIdx, maxDist); } }
void DynamicsRobot::actuateNode(const std::string &node, float jointValue ) { VR_ASSERT(robot); VR_ASSERT(robot->hasRobotNode(node)); actuateNode(robot->getRobotNode(node),jointValue); }
void Trajectory::addPoint(const Eigen::VectorXf &c) { VR_ASSERT (c.rows() == dimension); path.push_back(c); }
float PoseQualityMeasurement::getPoseQuality( const Eigen::VectorXf &direction ) { VR_ASSERT(direction.rows()==3 || direction.rows()==6); VR_WARNING << "Please use derived classes..." << endl; return 0.0f; }