Example #1
int VSIFSeek( FILE * fp, long nOffset, int nWhence )

    int     nResult = fseek( fp, nOffset, nWhence );
    int     nError = errno;

#ifdef VSI_DEBUG
    if( nWhence == SEEK_SET )
        VSIDebug3( "VSIFSeek(%p,%ld,SEEK_SET) = %d", fp, nOffset, nResult );
    else if( nWhence == SEEK_END )
        VSIDebug3( "VSIFSeek(%p,%ld,SEEK_END) = %d", fp, nOffset, nResult );
    else if( nWhence == SEEK_CUR )
        VSIDebug3( "VSIFSeek(%p,%ld,SEEK_CUR) = %d", fp, nOffset, nResult );
        VSIDebug4( "VSIFSeek(%p,%ld,%d-Unknown) = %d",
                   fp, nOffset, nWhence, nResult );

    errno = nError;
    return nResult;
int VSIUnixStdioHandle::Seek( vsi_l_offset nOffset, int nWhence )

    // seeks that do nothing are still surprisingly expensive with MSVCRT.
    // try and short circuit if possible.
    if( nWhence == SEEK_SET && nOffset == this->nOffset )
        return 0;

    int     nResult = VSI_FSEEK64( fp, nOffset, nWhence );
    int     nError = errno;

#ifdef VSI_DEBUG

    if( nWhence == SEEK_SET )
        VSIDebug3( "VSIUnixStdioHandle::Seek(%p," CPL_FRMT_GUIB ",SEEK_SET) = %d",
                   fp, nOffset, nResult );
    else if( nWhence == SEEK_END )
        VSIDebug3( "VSIUnixStdioHandle::Seek(%p," CPL_FRMT_GUIB ",SEEK_END) = %d",
                   fp, nOffset, nResult );
    else if( nWhence == SEEK_CUR )
        VSIDebug3( "VSIUnixStdioHandle::Seek(%p," CPL_FRMT_GUIB ",SEEK_CUR) = %d",
                   fp, nOffset, nResult );
        VSIDebug4( "VSIUnixStdioHandle::Seek(%p," CPL_FRMT_GUIB ",%d-Unknown) = %d",
                   fp, nOffset, nWhence, nResult );


    if( nResult != -1 )
        if( nWhence == SEEK_SET )
            this->nOffset = nOffset;
        else if( nWhence == SEEK_END )
            this->nOffset = VSI_FTELL64( fp );
        else if( nWhence == SEEK_CUR )
            this->nOffset += nOffset;
    bLastOpWrite = FALSE;
    bLastOpRead = FALSE;
    bAtEOF = FALSE;

    errno = nError;
    return nResult;
Example #3
FILE *VSIFOpen( const char * pszFilename, const char * pszAccess )

    FILE *fp = NULL;
    int     nError;

#if defined(WIN32) && !defined(WIN32CE)
    if( CSLTestBoolean(
            CPLGetConfigOption( "GDAL_FILENAME_IS_UTF8", "YES" ) ) )
        wchar_t *pwszFilename = 
            CPLRecodeToWChar( pszFilename, CPL_ENC_UTF8, CPL_ENC_UCS2 );
        wchar_t *pwszAccess = 
            CPLRecodeToWChar( pszAccess, CPL_ENC_UTF8, CPL_ENC_UCS2 );

        fp = _wfopen( pwszFilename, pwszAccess );

        CPLFree( pwszFilename );
        CPLFree( pwszAccess );
    fp = fopen( (char *) pszFilename, (char *) pszAccess );

    nError = errno;
    VSIDebug3( "VSIFOpen(%s,%s) = %p", pszFilename, pszAccess, fp );
    errno = nError;

    return( fp );
VSIVirtualHandle *
VSIUnixStdioFilesystemHandler::Open( const char *pszFilename, 
                                     const char *pszAccess )

    FILE    *fp = VSI_FOPEN64( pszFilename, pszAccess );
    int     nError = errno;
    VSIDebug3( "VSIUnixStdioFilesystemHandler::Open(\"%s\",\"%s\") = %p",
               pszFilename, pszAccess, fp );

    if( fp == NULL )
        errno = nError;
        return NULL;

    VSIUnixStdioHandle *poHandle = new VSIUnixStdioHandle;
    poHandle->fp = fp;
    poHandle->nOffset = 0;
    poHandle->bLastOpWrite = FALSE;
    poHandle->bLastOpRead = FALSE;
    poHandle->bAtEOF = FALSE;

    errno = nError;
    return poHandle;
Example #5
FILE *VSIFOpen( const char * pszFilename, const char * pszAccess )

    FILE *fp = NULL;

#if defined(WIN32)
    if( CSLTestBoolean(
            CPLGetConfigOption( "GDAL_FILENAME_IS_UTF8", "YES" ) ) )
        wchar_t *pwszFilename =
            CPLRecodeToWChar( pszFilename, CPL_ENC_UTF8, CPL_ENC_UCS2 );
        wchar_t *pwszAccess =
            CPLRecodeToWChar( pszAccess, CPL_ENC_UTF8, CPL_ENC_UCS2 );

        fp = _wfopen( pwszFilename, pwszAccess );

        CPLFree( pwszFilename );
        CPLFree( pwszAccess );
    fp = fopen( (char *) pszFilename, (char *) pszAccess );

#ifdef VSI_DEBUG
    // Capture the error from fopen to avoid being overwritten by errors
    // from VSIDebug3.
    const int nError = errno;
    VSIDebug3( "VSIFOpen(%s,%s) = %p", pszFilename, pszAccess, fp );
    errno = nError;

    return fp;
VSIVirtualHandle *
VSIUnixStdioFilesystemHandler::Open( const char *pszFilename, 
                                     const char *pszAccess )

    FILE    *fp = VSI_FOPEN64( pszFilename, pszAccess );
    int     nError = errno;
    VSIDebug3( "VSIUnixStdioFilesystemHandler::Open(\"%s\",\"%s\") = %p",
               pszFilename, pszAccess, fp );

    if( fp == NULL )
        errno = nError;
        return NULL;

    VSIUnixStdioHandle *poHandle = new VSIUnixStdioHandle(this, fp);

    errno = nError;

/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/*      If VSI_CACHE is set we want to use a cached reader instead      */
/*      of more direct io on the underlying file.                       */
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    if( (EQUAL(pszAccess,"r") || EQUAL(pszAccess,"rb"))
        && CSLTestBoolean( CPLGetConfigOption( "VSI_CACHE", "FALSE" ) ) )
        return VSICreateCachedFile( poHandle );
        return poHandle;
Example #7
size_t VSIFWrite( const void *pBuffer, size_t nSize, size_t nCount, FILE * fp )

    size_t nResult = fwrite( pBuffer, nSize, nCount, fp );

    VSIDebug3( "VSIFWrite(%p,%ld) = %ld", 
               fp, (long) nSize * nCount, (long) nResult );

    return nResult;
Example #8
size_t VSIFRead( void * pBuffer, size_t nSize, size_t nCount, FILE * fp )

    size_t nResult = fread( pBuffer, nSize, nCount, fp );

    VSIDebug3( "VSIFRead(%p,%ld) = %ld", 
               fp, (long) nSize * nCount, (long) nResult * nSize );

    return nResult;
FILE *VSIFOpen( const char * pszFilename, const char * pszAccess )

    FILE    *fp = fopen( (char *) pszFilename, (char *) pszAccess );
    int     nError = errno;

    VSIDebug3( "VSIFOpen(%s,%s) = %p", pszFilename, pszAccess, fp );

    errno = nError;
    return( fp );
Example #10
FILE *VSIFOpen( const char * pszFilename, const char * pszAccess )

    FILE * fp;

    fp = fopen( (char *) pszFilename, (char *) pszAccess );

    VSIDebug3( "VSIFOpen(%s,%s) = %p", pszFilename, pszAccess, fp );

    return( fp );
Example #11
VSILFILE *VSIFOpenL( const char * pszFilename, const char * pszAccess )

    VSIFilesystemHandler *poFSHandler = 
        VSIFileManager::GetHandler( pszFilename );
    VSILFILE* fp = (VSILFILE *) poFSHandler->Open( pszFilename, pszAccess );

    VSIDebug3( "VSIFOpenL(%s,%s) = %p", pszFilename, pszAccess, fp );
    return fp;
Example #12
int VSIFSeek( FILE * fp, long nOffset, int nWhence )

#ifdef DEBUG
    /* To workaround Coverity strange warning about potential negative seek */
    /* CID 1340084 when called from dgnwrite.cpp */
    if( nWhence == SEEK_SET && nOffset < 0 )
        return -1;
    int nResult = fseek( fp, nOffset, nWhence );

#ifdef VSI_DEBUG
    // Capture the error from fseek to avoid being overwritten by errors
    // from VSIDebug.
    const int nError = errno;

    if( nWhence == SEEK_SET )
        VSIDebug3( "VSIFSeek(%p,%ld,SEEK_SET) = %d", fp, nOffset, nResult );
    else if( nWhence == SEEK_END )
        VSIDebug3( "VSIFSeek(%p,%ld,SEEK_END) = %d", fp, nOffset, nResult );
    else if( nWhence == SEEK_CUR )
        VSIDebug3( "VSIFSeek(%p,%ld,SEEK_CUR) = %d", fp, nOffset, nResult );
        VSIDebug4( "VSIFSeek(%p,%ld,%d-Unknown) = %d",
                   fp, nOffset, nWhence, nResult );

    errno = nError;

    return nResult;
Example #13
int VSIFSeek( FILE * fp, long nOffset, int nWhence )

#ifdef VSI_DEBUG
    if( nWhence == SEEK_SET )
        VSIDebug2( "VSIFSeek(%p,%d,SEEK_SET)", fp, nOffset );
    else if( nWhence == SEEK_END )
        VSIDebug2( "VSIFSeek(%p,%d,SEEK_END)", fp, nOffset );
    else if( nWhence == SEEK_CUR )
        VSIDebug2( "VSIFSeek(%p,%d,SEEK_CUR)", fp, nOffset );
        VSIDebug3( "VSIFSeek(%p,%d,%d-Unknown)", fp, nOffset, nWhence );

    return( fseek( fp, nOffset, nWhence ) );
int VSIUnixStdioHandle::Seek( vsi_l_offset nOffset, int nWhence )
    bAtEOF = FALSE;

    // seeks that do nothing are still surprisingly expensive with MSVCRT.
    // try and short circuit if possible.
    if( nWhence == SEEK_SET && nOffset == this->nOffset )
        return 0;

    // on a read-only file, we can avoid a lseek() system call to be issued
    // if the next position to seek to is within the buffered page
    if( bReadOnly && nWhence == SEEK_SET )
        GIntBig nDiff = (GIntBig)nOffset - (GIntBig)this->nOffset;
        if( nDiff > 0 && nDiff < 4096 )
            GByte abyTemp[4096];
            int nRead = (int)fread(abyTemp, 1, (int)nDiff, fp);
            if( nRead == (int)nDiff )
                this->nOffset = nOffset;
                bLastOpWrite = FALSE;
                bLastOpRead = FALSE;
                return 0;

    const int nResult = VSI_FSEEK64( fp, nOffset, nWhence );
    int nError = errno;

#ifdef VSI_DEBUG

    if( nWhence == SEEK_SET )
        VSIDebug3( "VSIUnixStdioHandle::Seek(%p," CPL_FRMT_GUIB ",SEEK_SET) = %d",
                   fp, nOffset, nResult );
    else if( nWhence == SEEK_END )
        VSIDebug3( "VSIUnixStdioHandle::Seek(%p," CPL_FRMT_GUIB ",SEEK_END) = %d",
                   fp, nOffset, nResult );
    else if( nWhence == SEEK_CUR )
        VSIDebug3( "VSIUnixStdioHandle::Seek(%p," CPL_FRMT_GUIB ",SEEK_CUR) = %d",
                   fp, nOffset, nResult );
        VSIDebug4( "VSIUnixStdioHandle::Seek(%p," CPL_FRMT_GUIB ",%d-Unknown) = %d",
                   fp, nOffset, nWhence, nResult );


    if( nResult != -1 )
        if( nWhence == SEEK_SET )
            this->nOffset = nOffset;
        else if( nWhence == SEEK_END )
            this->nOffset = VSI_FTELL64( fp );
        else if( nWhence == SEEK_CUR )
            this->nOffset += nOffset;

    bLastOpWrite = FALSE;
    bLastOpRead = FALSE;

    errno = nError;
    return nResult;