//	ExcludePathsDlg_Setup
void ExcludePathsDlg_Setup( HWND hWnd )
	TreeView_SetBkColor( GetDlgItem( hWnd, IDC_PATHS_TREE ), g_backgroundColor );


	// read the exisiting exclude paths
	char szFilename[MAX_PATH];
	V_ComposeFileName( g_localPath, EXCLUDEPATHS_FILE, szFilename, sizeof( szFilename ) );
	if ( Sys_Exists( szFilename ) )
		Sys_LoadScriptFile( szFilename );
		while ( 1 ) 
			char *pToken = Sys_GetToken( true );
			if ( !pToken || !pToken[0] )
			Sys_StripQuotesFromToken( pToken );
			if ( !stricmp( pToken, "*" ) )
				pToken = "";
			else if ( pToken[0] == '\\' )
			char szPath[MAX_PATH];
			V_ComposeFileName( ROOT_NAME, pToken, szPath, sizeof( szPath ) );
			V_FixSlashes( szPath );

			g_ExcludePaths.AddToTail( szPath );
void SendPatchCommandToUIs( DWORD dwInstallerProcessId )
	Msg( "SendPatchCommandToUIs\n ");
	CUtlVector<char> data;

	// This arg tells the UI whether to exit after running the command or not.
	data.AddToTail( 1 );
	// First argument is the working directory, which is the cache path in this case.
	data.AddMultipleToTail( V_strlen( g_FileCachePath ) + 1, g_FileCachePath );
	// Second argument is the command line.
	char waitAndRestartExe[MAX_PATH], serviceUIExe[MAX_PATH], commandLine[1024 * 8];
	V_ComposeFileName( g_FileCachePath, "WaitAndRestart.exe", waitAndRestartExe, sizeof( waitAndRestartExe ) );
	V_ComposeFileName( g_BaseAppPath, "vmpi_service_ui.exe", serviceUIExe, sizeof( serviceUIExe ) ); // We're running the UI from the same directory this exe is in.
	char strSeconds[64];
	V_snprintf( strSeconds, sizeof( strSeconds ), "*%lu", dwInstallerProcessId );

	// IMPORTANT to use BuildCommandLineFromArgs here because it'll handle slashes and quotes correctly.
	// If we don't do that, the command often won't work.
	CUtlVector<char*> args;
	args.AddToTail( waitAndRestartExe );
	args.AddToTail( strSeconds );
	args.AddToTail( g_BaseAppPath );
	args.AddToTail( serviceUIExe );
	BuildCommandLineFromArgs( args, commandLine, sizeof( commandLine ) );
	data.AddMultipleToTail( V_strlen( commandLine ) + 1, commandLine );
	if ( g_pConnMgr )
		g_pConnMgr->SendPacket( -1, data.Base(), data.Count() );
		Sleep( 1000 );	// Make sure this packet goes out.
Example #3
// Purpose: Given an absolute path, do a find first find next on it and build
// a list of files.  Physical file system only
static void FindFileAbsoluteList( CUtlVector< CUtlString > &outAbsolutePathNames, const char *pszFindName )
	char szPath[MAX_PATH];
	V_strncpy( szPath, pszFindName, sizeof( szPath ) );
	V_StripFilename( szPath );

	char szResult[MAX_PATH];

	for ( const char *pszFoundFile = g_pFullFileSystem->FindFirst( pszFindName, &hFile ); pszFoundFile && hFile != FILESYSTEM_INVALID_FIND_HANDLE; pszFoundFile = g_pFullFileSystem->FindNext( hFile ) )
		V_ComposeFileName( szPath, pszFoundFile, szResult, sizeof( szResult ) );
		outAbsolutePathNames.AddToTail( szResult );

	g_pFullFileSystem->FindClose( hFile );
//	ExcludePathsDlg_SaveChanges
void ExcludePathsDlg_SaveChanges( HWND hWnd )
	HWND hWndTree = GetDlgItem( hWnd, IDC_PATHS_TREE );
	ExcludePathsDlg_BuildExcludeList_r( hWndTree, TreeView_GetRoot( hWndTree ), 0, "" );

	char szPath[MAX_PATH];
	V_ComposeFileName( g_localPath, EXCLUDEPATHS_FILE, szPath, sizeof( szPath ) );

	if ( !g_ExcludePaths.Count() )
		// no exclude paths
		unlink( szPath );
		FILE *fp = fopen( szPath, "wt" );
		if ( !fp )
			Sys_MessageBox( "Error", "Could not open '%s' for writing\n", szPath );

		fprintf( fp, "// Auto-Generated by VXConsole - DO NOT MODIFY!\n" );
		for ( int i = 0; i < g_ExcludePaths.Count(); i++ )
			// strip expected root path
			const char *pPath = g_ExcludePaths[i].String();
			pPath += strlen( ROOT_NAME );
			if ( !pPath[0] )
				// special code for root
				fprintf( fp, "*\n" );
			fprintf( fp, "\"\\%s\"\n", pPath );
		fclose( fp );
Example #5
	static HANDLE CreateTempFile( CUtlString &WritePath, CUtlString &FileName )
		char tempFileName[MAX_PATH];
		if ( WritePath.IsEmpty() )
			// use a safe name in the cwd
			char *pBuffer = tmpnam( NULL );
			if ( !pBuffer )
			if ( pBuffer[0] == '\\' )
			if ( pBuffer[strlen( pBuffer )-1] == '.' )
				pBuffer[strlen( pBuffer )-1] = '\0';
			V_snprintf( tempFileName, sizeof( tempFileName ), "_%s.tmp", pBuffer );
			// generate safe name at the desired prefix
			char uniqueFilename[MAX_PATH];
			SYSTEMTIME sysTime;                                                       \
			GetLocalTime( &sysTime );   
			sprintf( uniqueFilename, "%d_%d_%d_%d_%d.tmp", sysTime.wDay, sysTime.wHour, sysTime.wMinute, sysTime.wSecond, sysTime.wMilliseconds );                                                \
			V_ComposeFileName( WritePath.String(), uniqueFilename, tempFileName, sizeof( tempFileName ) );

		FileName = tempFileName;
		return hFile;
Example #6
	static HANDLE CreateTempFile( CUtlString &WritePath, CUtlString &FileName )
		char tempFileName[MAX_PATH];
		if ( WritePath.IsEmpty() )
			// use a safe name in the cwd
			char *pBuffer = tmpnam( NULL );
			if ( !pBuffer )
			if ( pBuffer[0] == '\\' )
			if ( pBuffer[strlen( pBuffer )-1] == '.' )
				pBuffer[strlen( pBuffer )-1] = '\0';
			V_snprintf( tempFileName, sizeof( tempFileName ), "_%s.tmp", pBuffer );
			char uniqueFilename[MAX_PATH];
			static int counter = 0;
			time_t now = time( NULL );
			struct tm *tm = localtime( &now );
			sprintf( uniqueFilename, "%d_%d_%d_%d_%d.tmp", tm->tm_wday, tm->tm_hour, tm->tm_min, tm->tm_sec, ++counter );                                                \
			V_ComposeFileName( WritePath.String(), uniqueFilename, tempFileName, sizeof( tempFileName ) );

		FileName = tempFileName;
		FILE *hFile = fopen( tempFileName, "rw+" );
		return (HANDLE)hFile;
Example #7
bool F_Compose_File_Path(PCHARS szProjFilePath, PCHARS fileExtensionWithDot,
						ANSICHAR (&destBuf)[BUF_SIZE])
	AssertPtr( szProjFilePath );
	AssertPtr( destBuf );
	StaticAssert( BUF_SIZE > 0 );

	// pure name (e.g. "MyProject")
	ANSICHAR	projName[ 128 ];
	V_FileBase( szProjFilePath, projName, NUMBER_OF(projName) );

	// path relative to exe (e.g. "Projects/MyProject/")
	ANSICHAR	projFilePath[ FS_MAX_PATH ];
	VRET_FALSE_IF_NOT( V_ExtractFilePath( szProjFilePath, projFilePath, NUMBER_OF(projFilePath) ) );

	// path to .INI file relative to exe (e.g. "Projects/MyProject/MyProject.INI")
	V_ComposeFileName( projFilePath, projName, outFilePath, NUMBER_OF(outFilePath) );
	V_SetExtension( outFilePath, fileExtensionWithDot, NUMBER_OF(outFilePath) );

	mxStrCpyNAnsi( destBuf, outFilePath, NUMBER_OF(destBuf) );

	return true;
Example #8
CUtlString CUtlString::PathJoin( const char *pStr1, const char *pStr2 )
	char szPath[MAX_PATH];
	V_ComposeFileName( pStr1, pStr2, szPath, sizeof( szPath ) );
	return CUtlString( szPath );
// Generate a tree containing files from a reslist.  Returns TRUE if successful.
bool LoadReslist( const char *pReslistName, CUtlRBTree< CUtlString, int > *pTree )
	CUtlBuffer buffer;
	if ( !scriptlib->ReadFileToBuffer( pReslistName, buffer, true ) )
		return false;

	char szBasename[MAX_PATH];
	V_FileBase( pReslistName, szBasename, sizeof( szBasename ) );

	characterset_t breakSet;
	CharacterSetBuild( &breakSet, "" );

	// parse reslist
	char szToken[MAX_PATH];
	char szBspName[MAX_PATH];
	szBspName[0] = '\0';
	for ( ;; )
		int nTokenSize = buffer.ParseToken( &breakSet, szToken, sizeof( szToken ) );
		if ( nTokenSize <= 0 )

		// reslists are pc built, filenames can be sloppy
		V_strlower( szToken );
		V_FixSlashes( szToken );
		V_RemoveDotSlashes( szToken );

		// can safely cull filetypes that are ignored by queued loader at runtime
		bool bKeep = false;
		const char *pExt = V_GetFileExtension( szToken );
		if ( !pExt )
			// unknown
		else if ( !V_stricmp( pExt, "vmt" ) || 
				!V_stricmp( pExt, "vhv" ) || 
				!V_stricmp( pExt, "mdl" ) || 
				!V_stricmp( pExt, "raw" ) || 
				!V_stricmp( pExt, "wav" ) )
			bKeep = true;
		else if ( !V_stricmp( pExt, "mp3" ) )
			// change to .wav
			V_SetExtension( szToken, ".wav", sizeof( szToken ) );
			bKeep = true;
		else if ( !V_stricmp( pExt, "bsp" ) )
			// reslists erroneously have multiple bsps
			if ( !V_stristr( szToken, szBasename ) )
				// wrong one, cull it
				// right one, save it
				strcpy( szBspName, szToken );
				bKeep = true;

		if ( bKeep )
			FindOrAddFileToResourceList( szToken, pTree );

	if ( !szBspName[0] )
		// reslist is not bsp derived, nothing more to do
		return true;

	CUtlVector< CUtlString > bspList;
	bool bOK = GetDependants_BSP( szBspName, &bspList );
	if ( !bOK )
		return false;
	// add all the bsp dependants to the resource list
	for ( int i=0; i<bspList.Count(); i++ )
		FindOrAddFileToResourceList( bspList[i].String(), pTree );

	// iterate all the models in the resource list, get all their dependents
	CUtlVector< CUtlString > modelList;
	for ( int i = pTree->FirstInorder(); i != pTree->InvalidIndex(); i = pTree->NextInorder( i ) )
		const char *pExt = V_GetFileExtension( pTree->Element( i ).String() );
		if ( !pExt || V_stricmp( pExt, "mdl" ) )

		if ( !GetDependants_MDL( pTree->Element( i ).String(), &modelList ) )
			return false;

	// add all the model dependents to the resource list
	for ( int i=0; i<modelList.Count(); i++ )
		FindOrAddFileToResourceList( modelList[i].String(), pTree );

	// check for optional commentary, include wav dependencies
	char szCommentaryName[MAX_PATH];
	V_ComposeFileName( g_szGamePath, szBspName, szCommentaryName, sizeof( szCommentaryName ) );
	V_StripExtension( szCommentaryName, szCommentaryName, sizeof( szCommentaryName ) );
	V_strncat( szCommentaryName, "_commentary.txt", sizeof( szCommentaryName ) );
	CUtlBuffer commentaryBuffer;
	if ( ReadFileToBuffer( szCommentaryName, commentaryBuffer, true, true ) )
		// any single token may be quite large to due to text
		char szCommentaryToken[8192];
		for ( ;; )
			int nTokenSize = commentaryBuffer.ParseToken( &breakSet, szCommentaryToken, sizeof( szCommentaryToken ) );
			if ( nTokenSize < 0 )
			if ( nTokenSize > 0 && !V_stricmp( szCommentaryToken, "commentaryfile" ) )
				// get the commentary file
				nTokenSize = commentaryBuffer.ParseToken( &breakSet, szCommentaryToken, sizeof( szCommentaryToken ) );
				if ( nTokenSize > 0 )
					// skip past sound chars
					char *pName = szCommentaryToken;
					while ( *pName && IsSoundChar( *pName ) )
					char szWavFile[MAX_PATH];
					V_snprintf( szWavFile, sizeof( szWavFile ), "sound/%s", pName );
					FindOrAddFileToResourceList( szWavFile, pTree );

	// check for optional blacklist
	char szBlacklist[MAX_PATH];
	V_ComposeFileName( g_szGamePath, "reslistfixes_xbox.xsc", szBlacklist, sizeof( szBlacklist ) );
	CUtlBuffer blacklistBuffer;
	if ( ReadFileToBuffer( szBlacklist, blacklistBuffer, true, true ) )
		for ( ;; )
			int nTokenSize = blacklistBuffer.ParseToken( &breakSet, szToken, sizeof( szToken ) );
			if ( nTokenSize <= 0 )

			bool bAdd;
			if ( !V_stricmp( szToken, "-" ) )
				bAdd = false;
			else if ( !V_stricmp( szToken, "+" ) )
				bAdd = true;
				// bad syntax, skip line
				Msg( "Bad Syntax, expecting '+' or '-' as first token in reslist fixup file '%s'.\n", szBlacklist );

			// get entry
			nTokenSize = blacklistBuffer.ParseToken( &breakSet, szToken, sizeof( szToken ) );
			if ( nTokenSize <= 0 )

			if ( bAdd )	
				FindOrAddFileToResourceList( szToken, pTree );
				RemoveFileFromResourceList( szToken, pTree );

	return true;
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- //
// Purpose: Launches vmpi_transfer.exe to download the required
// files from the master so we can launch.
// If successful, it sets hProcess to the process handle of the downloader.
// When that process terminates, we look for [cache dir]\ReadyToGo.txt and if it's
// there, then we start the job.
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- //
bool StartDownloadingAppFiles( 
	CUtlVector<char*> &newArgv, 
	char *cacheDir, 
	int cacheDirLen, 
	bool bShowAppWindow, 
	HANDLE *hProcess, 
	bool bPatching )
	*hProcess = NULL;
	V_strncpy( cacheDir, g_FileCachePath, cacheDirLen );
	// For now, cache dir is always the same. It's [current directory]\cache.
	if ( _access( cacheDir, 0 ) != 0 )
		if ( !CreateDirectory( cacheDir, NULL ) && GetLastError() != ERROR_ALREADY_EXISTS )
			Warning( "Unable to create cache directory: %s.\n", cacheDir );
			return false;

	// Clear all the files in the directory.
	char searchStr[MAX_PATH];
	V_ComposeFileName( cacheDir, "*.*", searchStr, sizeof( searchStr ) );
	_finddata_t findData;
	intptr_t ret = _findfirst( searchStr, &findData );
	if ( ret != -1 )
			if ( findData.name[0] == '.' )
			char fullFilename[MAX_PATH];
			V_ComposeFileName( cacheDir, findData.name, fullFilename, sizeof( fullFilename ) );
			if ( _unlink( fullFilename ) != 0 )
				Warning( "_unlink( %s ) failed.\n", fullFilename );
				return false;
		} while ( _findnext( ret, &findData ) == 0 );
		_findclose( ret );

	// Change the EXE name to an absolute path to exactly where it is in the cache directory.
	int maxExeNameLen = 1024;
	char *pExeName = new char[maxExeNameLen];
	if ( bPatching )
		V_ComposeFileName( cacheDir, "vmpi_service_install.exe", pExeName, maxExeNameLen );
		// Add args for the installer.
		newArgv.InsertAfter( 0, CopyString( "-DontTouchUI" ) );

		// When patching, we can't start the UI and the installer can't because we're running in the local system account
		// and the UI is running on the account of whoever logged in. So what we do is send a message to the UI telling it
		// to run <cacheDir>\WaitAndRestart and restart itself in N seconds.
		newArgv.InsertAfter( 0, CopyString( "-Install_Quiet" ) );
		V_ComposeFileName( cacheDir, newArgv[0], pExeName, maxExeNameLen );
	delete newArgv[0];
	newArgv[0] = pExeName;

	char fullExeFilename[MAX_PATH];
	V_ComposeFileName( g_BaseAppPath, "vmpi_transfer.exe", fullExeFilename, sizeof( fullExeFilename ) );
	CUtlVector<char*> downloaderArgs;
	downloaderArgs.AddToTail( fullExeFilename );
#if defined( _DEBUG )
	downloaderArgs.AddToTail( "-allowdebug" );
	downloaderArgs.AddToTail( "-CachePath" );		// Tell it where to download the files to.
	downloaderArgs.AddToTail( cacheDir );
	// Pass all the -mpi_worker, -mpi_file, -mpi_filebase args into the downloader app.
	for ( int i=1; i < (int)newArgv.Count()-1; i++ )
		if ( V_stricmp( newArgv[i], "-mpi_filebase" ) == 0 || V_stricmp( newArgv[i], "-mpi_file" ) == 0 )
			downloaderArgs.AddToTail( newArgv[i] );
			downloaderArgs.AddToTail( newArgv[i+1] );
			newArgv.Remove( i );
			newArgv.Remove( i );
		else if ( V_stricmp( newArgv[i], "-mpi_worker" ) == 0 )
			// We need this arg so it knows what IP to connect to, but we want to leave it in the final launch args too.
			downloaderArgs.AddToTail( newArgv[i] );
			downloaderArgs.AddToTail( newArgv[i+1] );
	// Transfer each file.
	if ( !RunProcessFromArgs( downloaderArgs, bShowAppWindow, false, g_BaseAppPath, &pi ) )
		return false;
	*hProcess = pi.hProcess;
	return true;
//	ExcludePathsDlg_Find_r
HTREEITEM ExcludePathsDlg_Find_r( HWND hWndTree, HTREEITEM hTree, int depth, const char *pBasePath, const char *pFindPath )
	TVITEM tvi = { 0 };
	char szName[MAX_PATH];
	tvi.hItem = hTree;
	tvi.pszText = szName;
	tvi.cchTextMax = sizeof( szName );
	if ( !TreeView_GetItem( hWndTree, &tvi ) )
		return NULL;

	char szPath[MAX_PATH];
	V_ComposeFileName( pBasePath, szName, szPath, sizeof( szPath ) );
	if ( !stricmp( szPath, pFindPath ) )
		return hTree;
	if ( tvi.cChildren )
		HTREEITEM hChild = TreeView_GetChild( hWndTree, hTree );
		if ( hChild )
			HTREEITEM hFindTree = ExcludePathsDlg_Find_r( hWndTree, hChild, depth+1, szPath, pFindPath );
			if ( hFindTree )
				return hFindTree;

	if ( !depth )
		// only iterate siblings of the parent's child
		return NULL;

	// iterate siblings
	HTREEITEM hSibling = hTree;
	while ( 1 )
		hSibling = TreeView_GetNextSibling( hWndTree, hSibling );
		if ( !hSibling )

		tvi.hItem = hSibling;
		if ( !TreeView_GetItem( hWndTree, &tvi ) )

		V_ComposeFileName( pBasePath, szName, szPath, sizeof( szPath ) );
		if ( !stricmp( szPath, pFindPath ) )
			return hSibling;

		if ( tvi.cChildren )
			HTREEITEM hChild = TreeView_GetChild( hWndTree, hSibling );
			if ( hChild )
				HTREEITEM hFindTree = ExcludePathsDlg_Find_r( hWndTree, hChild, depth+1, szPath, pFindPath );
				if ( hFindTree )
					return hFindTree;

	return NULL;
// The DX Support file is a very fat expensive KV file, causes a run-time startup slowdown.
// Becauase it normally lives in the game\bin directory, it can't be in the zip or preloaded.
// Thus, it gets reprocessed into just the trivial 360 portion and placed into the platform.zip
// Yes, it's evil.
bool ProcessDXSupportConfig( bool bWriteToZip )
	if ( !g_bIsPlatformZip )
		// only relevant when building platform zip, otherwise no-op
		return false;

	const char *pConfigName = "dxsupport.cfg";
	char szTempPath[MAX_PATH];
	char szSourcePath[MAX_PATH];
	V_ComposeFileName( g_szModPath, "../bin", szTempPath, sizeof( szTempPath ) );
	V_ComposeFileName( szTempPath, pConfigName, szSourcePath, sizeof( szSourcePath ) );

	CUtlBuffer sourceBuf( 0, 0, CUtlBuffer::TEXT_BUFFER );
	if ( !g_pFullFileSystem->ReadFile( szSourcePath, NULL, sourceBuf ) )
		Msg( "Error! Couldn't open file '%s'!\n", pConfigName ); 
		return false;

	KeyValues *pKV = new KeyValues( "" );
	if ( !pKV->LoadFromBuffer( "dxsupport.cfg", sourceBuf ) )
		Msg( "Error! Couldn't parse config file '%s'!\n", pConfigName ); 
		return false;

	// only care about the xbox specific dxlevel 98 block
	KeyValues *pXboxSubKey = NULL;
	for ( KeyValues *pSubKey = pKV->GetFirstSubKey(); pSubKey != NULL && pXboxSubKey == NULL; pSubKey = pSubKey->GetNextKey() )
		// descend each sub block
		for ( KeyValues *pKey = pSubKey->GetFirstSubKey(); pKey != NULL && pXboxSubKey == NULL; pKey = pKey->GetNextKey() )
			if ( !V_stricmp( pKey->GetName(), "name" ) && pKey->GetInt( (const char *)NULL ) == 98 )
				pXboxSubKey = pSubKey;
	if ( !pXboxSubKey )
		Msg( "Error! Couldn't find expected dxlevel 98 in config file '%s'!\n", pConfigName ); 
		return false;

	CUtlBuffer kvBuffer( 0, 0, CUtlBuffer::TEXT_BUFFER );
	kvBuffer.Printf( "\"dxsupport\"\n" );
	kvBuffer.Printf( "{\n" );
	kvBuffer.Printf( "\t\"0\"\n" );
	kvBuffer.Printf( "\t{\n" );
	for ( KeyValues *pKey = pXboxSubKey->GetFirstSubKey(); pKey != NULL; pKey = pKey->GetNextKey() )
		kvBuffer.Printf( "\t\t\"%s\" \"%s\"\n", pKey->GetName(), pKey->GetString( (const char *)NULL ) );
	kvBuffer.Printf( "\t}\n" );
	kvBuffer.Printf( "}\n" );

	CUtlBuffer targetBuf( 0, 0, CUtlBuffer::TEXT_BUFFER | CUtlBuffer::CONTAINS_CRLF );
	kvBuffer.ConvertCRLF( targetBuf );

	// only appears in zip file
	bool bSuccess = WriteBufferToFile( pConfigName, targetBuf, bWriteToZip, WRITE_TO_DISK_NEVER );


	return bSuccess;
int APIENTRY WinMain(HINSTANCE hInstance,
                     HINSTANCE hPrevInstance,
                     LPSTR     lpCmdLine,
                     int       nCmdShow)
	// Hook spew output.
	SpewOutputFunc( MySpewOutputFunc );

	// Get access to the registry..

	// Setup our version string.
	LoadString( hInstance, VMPI_SERVICE_IDS_VERSION_STRING, g_VersionString, sizeof( g_VersionString ) );

	// Setup the base app path.
	if ( !GetModuleFileName( GetModuleHandle( NULL ), g_BaseAppPath, sizeof( g_BaseAppPath ) ) )
		Warning( "GetModuleFileName failed.\n" );
		return false;
	V_StripLastDir( g_BaseAppPath, sizeof( g_BaseAppPath ) );

	// Setup the cache path.
	V_ComposeFileName( g_BaseAppPath, "vmpi_service_cache", g_FileCachePath, sizeof( g_FileCachePath ) );

	const char *pArg = FindArg( __argc, __argv, "-mpi_pw", NULL );
	SetPassword( pArg );
	if ( FindArg( __argc, __argv, "-console" ) )

	if ( FindArg( __argc, __argv, "-superdebug" ) )
		g_bSuperDebugMode = true;

	g_AppStartTime = GetTickCount();
	g_bMinimized = FindArg( __argc, __argv, "-minimized" ) != NULL;

	g_hInstance = hInstance;


	// Install the service?
	if ( g_RunMode == RUNMODE_CONSOLE )

	return 0;
// Returns true if the service was just patched and should exit.
bool CheckDownloaderFinished()
	if ( !g_Waiting_hProcess )
		return false;
	// Check if the downloader has timed out and kill it if necessary.
	if ( Plat_FloatTime() - g_Waiting_StartTime > MAX_DOWNLOADER_TIME_ALLOWED )
		TerminateProcess( g_Waiting_hProcess, 1 );
		CloseHandle( g_Waiting_hProcess );
		g_Waiting_hProcess = NULL;
		return false;

	// Check if it's done.
	if ( WaitForSingleObject( g_Waiting_hProcess, 0 ) != WAIT_OBJECT_0 )
		return false;

	CloseHandle( g_Waiting_hProcess );
	g_Waiting_hProcess = NULL;

	// Ok, it's done. Did it finish successfully?
	char testFilename[MAX_PATH];
	V_ComposeFileName( g_FileCachePath, "ReadyToGo.txt", testFilename, sizeof( testFilename ) );
	if ( _access( testFilename, 0 ) != 0 )
		return false;
	// Ok, the downloader finished successfully. Run the worker app.
	if ( g_bSuperDebugMode )
		AdjustSuperDebugArgs( g_Waiting_Argv );

	// Figure out the name of the master machine.
	V_strncpy( g_CurMasterName, "<unknown>", sizeof( g_CurMasterName ) );
	for ( int iArg=1; iArg < g_Waiting_Argv.Count()-1; iArg++ )
		if ( stricmp( g_Waiting_Argv[iArg], "-mpi_MasterName" ) == 0 )
			Q_strncpy( g_CurMasterName, g_Waiting_Argv[iArg+1], sizeof( g_CurMasterName ) );

	char DLLFilename[MAX_PATH];
	if ( FindArg( __argc, __argv, "-TryDLLMode" ) && 
		g_RunMode == RUNMODE_CONSOLE && 
		GetDLLFilename( g_Waiting_Argv, DLLFilename ) &&
		!g_Waiting_bPatching )
		// This is just a helper for debugging. If it's VRAD, we can run it
		// in-process as a DLL instead of running it as a separate EXE.
		RunInDLL( DLLFilename, g_Waiting_Argv );
		// Run the (hopefully!) MPI app they specified.
		RunProcessAtCommandLine( g_Waiting_Argv, g_Waiting_bShowAppWindow, g_Waiting_bPatching, g_Waiting_Priority );
		if ( g_Waiting_bPatching )
			// Tell any currently-running UI apps to patch themselves and quit ASAP so the installer can finish.
			SendPatchCommandToUIs( g_dwRunningProcessId );

			ResumeThread( g_hRunningThread ); // We started the installer suspended so we could make sure we'd send out the patch command.
			// We just ran the installer, but let's forget about it, otherwise we'll kill its process when we exit here.
			CloseHandle( g_hRunningProcess );
			CloseHandle( g_hRunningThread ) ;
			g_hRunningProcess = g_hRunningThread = NULL;
			g_RunningProcess_ExeName[0] = 0;
			g_RunningProcess_MapName[0] = 0;

			return true;
	return false;
// Get list of files that a model requires.
bool GetDependants_MDL( const char *pModelName, CUtlVector< CUtlString > *pList )
	if ( !g_bModPathIsValid )
		Msg( "Indeterminate mod path, Cannot perform BSP conversion\n" );
		return false;

	CUtlBuffer sourceBuf;
	if ( !g_pFullFileSystem->ReadFile( pModelName, "GAME", sourceBuf ) )
		Msg( "Error! Couldn't open file '%s'!\n", pModelName ); 
		return false;

	studiohdr_t *pStudioHdr = (studiohdr_t *)sourceBuf.Base();
	Studio_ConvertStudioHdrToNewVersion( pStudioHdr );
	if ( pStudioHdr->version != STUDIO_VERSION )
		Msg( "Error! Bad Model '%s', Expecting Version (%d), got (%d)\n", pModelName, STUDIO_VERSION, pStudioHdr->version ); 
		return false;

	char szOutName[MAX_PATH];
	if ( pStudioHdr->flags & STUDIOHDR_FLAGS_OBSOLETE )
		V_strncpy( szOutName, "materials/sprites/obsolete.vmt", sizeof( szOutName ) );
		V_FixSlashes( szOutName );
		pList->AddToTail( szOutName );
	else if ( pStudioHdr->textureindex != 0 )
		// iterate each texture
		int	i;
		int	j;
		for ( i = 0; i < pStudioHdr->numtextures; i++ )
			// iterate through all directories until a valid material is found
			bool bFound = false;
			for ( j = 0; j < pStudioHdr->numcdtextures; j++ )
				char szPath[MAX_PATH];
				V_ComposeFileName( "materials", pStudioHdr->pCdtexture( j ), szPath, sizeof( szPath ) );

				// should have been fixed in studiomdl
				// some mdls are ending up with double slashes, borking loads
				int len = strlen( szPath );
				if ( len > 2 && szPath[len-2] == '\\' && szPath[len-1] == '\\' )
					szPath[len-1] = '\0';
				V_ComposeFileName( szPath, pStudioHdr->pTexture( i )->pszName(), szOutName, sizeof( szOutName ) ); 
				V_SetExtension( szOutName, ".vmt", sizeof( szOutName ) );

				if ( g_pFullFileSystem->FileExists( szOutName, "GAME" ) )
					bFound = true;

			if ( bFound )
				pList->AddToTail( szOutName );
	return true;
//	ExcludePathsDlg_BuildExcludeList_r
//	An exclude path represents the path head, and thus does not need to iterate its children
//	if they are deemed to the same exclusion state.
void ExcludePathsDlg_BuildExcludeList_r( HWND hWndTree, HTREEITEM hTree, int depth, const char *pPath )
	int checkState = -1;
	bool bStateIsSame = ExcludePathsDlg_GetCheckState_r( hWndTree, hTree, 0, &checkState );
	if ( checkState == -1 )

	TVITEM tvi = { 0 };
	char szName[MAX_PATH];
	tvi.hItem = hTree;
	tvi.pszText = szName;
	tvi.cchTextMax = sizeof( szName );
	if ( !TreeView_GetItem( hWndTree, &tvi ) )

	char szPath[MAX_PATH];
	V_ComposeFileName( pPath, szName, szPath, sizeof( szPath ) );

	if ( checkState == 1 && ( bStateIsSame || !tvi.cChildren ) )
		// add to exclude list
		g_ExcludePaths.AddToTail( szPath );

	if ( !bStateIsSame && tvi.cChildren )
		// mixed states, must recurse to resolve
		HTREEITEM hChild = TreeView_GetChild( hWndTree, hTree );
		if ( hChild )
			ExcludePathsDlg_BuildExcludeList_r( hWndTree, hChild, depth+1, szPath );

	if ( !depth )
		// only iterate siblings of the parent's child

	// iterate siblings
	HTREEITEM hSibling = hTree;
	while ( 1 )
		hSibling = TreeView_GetNextSibling( hWndTree, hSibling );
		if ( !hSibling )

		checkState = -1;
		bStateIsSame = ExcludePathsDlg_GetCheckState_r( hWndTree, hSibling, 0, &checkState );
		if ( checkState == -1 )

		tvi.hItem = hSibling;
		if ( !TreeView_GetItem( hWndTree, &tvi ) )

		V_ComposeFileName( pPath, szName, szPath, sizeof( szPath ) );

		if ( checkState == 1 && ( bStateIsSame || !tvi.cChildren ) )
			// add to exclude list
			g_ExcludePaths.AddToTail( szPath );

		if ( !bStateIsSame && tvi.cChildren )
			HTREEITEM hChild = TreeView_GetChild( hWndTree, hSibling );
			if ( hChild )
				ExcludePathsDlg_BuildExcludeList_r( hWndTree, hChild, depth+1, szPath );
Example #17
// A Scene image file contains all the compiled .XCD
bool CSceneImage::CreateSceneImageFile( CUtlBuffer &targetBuffer, char const *pchModPath, bool bLittleEndian, bool bQuiet, ISceneCompileStatus *pStatus )
	CUtlVector<fileList_t>	vcdFileList;
	CUtlSymbolTable			vcdSymbolTable( 0, 32, true );

	Msg( "\n" );

	// get all the VCD files according to the seacrh paths
	char searchPaths[512];
	g_pFullFileSystem->GetSearchPath( "GAME", false, searchPaths, sizeof( searchPaths ) );
	char *pPath = strtok( searchPaths, ";" );
	while ( pPath )
		int currentCount = vcdFileList.Count();

		char szPath[MAX_PATH];
		V_ComposeFileName( pPath, "scenes/*.vcd", szPath, sizeof( szPath ) );

		scriptlib->FindFiles( szPath, true, vcdFileList );

		Msg( "Scenes: Searching '%s' - Found %d scenes.\n", szPath, vcdFileList.Count() - currentCount );

		pPath = strtok( NULL, ";" );

	if ( !vcdFileList.Count() )
		Msg( "Scenes: No Scene Files found!\n" );
		return false;

	// iterate and convert all the VCD files
	bool bGameIsTF = V_stristr( pchModPath, "\\tf" ) != NULL;
	for ( int i=0; i<vcdFileList.Count(); i++ )
		const char *pFilename = vcdFileList[i].fileName.String();
		const char *pSceneName = V_stristr( pFilename, "scenes\\" );
		if ( !pSceneName )

		if ( !bLittleEndian && bGameIsTF && V_stristr( pSceneName, "high\\" ) )

		// process files in order they would be found in search paths
		// i.e. skipping later processed files that match an earlier conversion
		UtlSymId_t symbol = vcdSymbolTable.Find( pSceneName );
		if ( symbol == UTL_INVAL_SYMBOL )
			vcdSymbolTable.AddString( pSceneName );

			pStatus->UpdateStatus( pFilename, bQuiet, i, vcdFileList.Count() );

			if ( !CreateTargetFile_VCD( pFilename, "", false, bLittleEndian ) )
				Error( "CreateSceneImageFile: Failed on '%s' conversion!\n", pFilename );


	if ( !g_SceneFiles.Count() )
		// nothing to do
		return true;

	Msg( "Scenes: Finalizing %d unique scenes.\n", g_SceneFiles.Count() );

	// get the string pool
	CUtlVector< unsigned int > stringOffsets;
	CUtlBuffer stringPool;
	g_ChoreoStringPool.GetTableAndPool( stringOffsets, stringPool );

	if ( !bQuiet )
		Msg( "Scenes: String Table: %d bytes\n", stringOffsets.Count() * sizeof( int ) );
		Msg( "Scenes: String Pool: %d bytes\n", stringPool.TellMaxPut() );

	// first header, then lookup table, then string pool blob
	int stringPoolStart = sizeof( SceneImageHeader_t ) + stringOffsets.Count() * sizeof( int );
	// then directory
	int sceneEntryStart = stringPoolStart + stringPool.TellMaxPut();
	// then variable sized summaries
	int sceneSummaryStart = sceneEntryStart + g_SceneFiles.Count() * sizeof( SceneImageEntry_t );
	// then variable sized compiled binary scene data
	int sceneDataStart = 0;

	// construct header
	SceneImageHeader_t imageHeader = { 0 };
	imageHeader.nId = SCENE_IMAGE_ID;
	imageHeader.nVersion = SCENE_IMAGE_VERSION;
	imageHeader.nNumScenes = g_SceneFiles.Count();
	imageHeader.nNumStrings = stringOffsets.Count();
	imageHeader.nSceneEntryOffset = sceneEntryStart;
	if ( !bLittleEndian )
		imageHeader.nId = BigLong( imageHeader.nId );
		imageHeader.nVersion = BigLong( imageHeader.nVersion );
		imageHeader.nNumScenes = BigLong( imageHeader.nNumScenes );
		imageHeader.nNumStrings = BigLong( imageHeader.nNumStrings );
		imageHeader.nSceneEntryOffset = BigLong( imageHeader.nSceneEntryOffset );
	targetBuffer.Put( &imageHeader, sizeof( imageHeader ) );

	// header is immediately followed by string table and pool
	for ( int i = 0; i < stringOffsets.Count(); i++ )
		unsigned int offset = stringPoolStart + stringOffsets[i];
		if ( !bLittleEndian )
			offset = BigLong( offset );
		targetBuffer.PutInt( offset );
	Assert( stringPoolStart == targetBuffer.TellMaxPut() );
	targetBuffer.Put( stringPool.Base(), stringPool.TellMaxPut() );

	// construct directory
	CUtlSortVector< SceneImageEntry_t, CSceneImageEntryLessFunc > imageDirectory;
	imageDirectory.EnsureCapacity( g_SceneFiles.Count() );

	// build directory
	// directory is linear sorted by filename checksum for later binary search
	for ( int i = 0; i < g_SceneFiles.Count(); i++ )
		SceneImageEntry_t imageEntry = { 0 };

		// name needs to be normalized for determinstic later CRC name calc
		// calc crc based on scenes\anydir\anyscene.vcd
		char szCleanName[MAX_PATH];
		V_strncpy( szCleanName, g_SceneFiles[i].fileName.String(), sizeof( szCleanName ) );
		V_strlower( szCleanName );
		V_FixSlashes( szCleanName );
		char *pName = V_stristr( szCleanName, "scenes\\" );
		if ( !pName )
			// must have scenes\ in filename
			Error( "CreateSceneImageFile: Unexpected lack of scenes prefix on %s\n", g_SceneFiles[i].fileName.String() );

		CRC32_t crcFilename = CRC32_ProcessSingleBuffer( pName, strlen( pName ) );
		imageEntry.crcFilename = crcFilename;

		// temp store an index to its file, fixup later, necessary to access post sort
		imageEntry.nDataOffset = i;
		if ( imageDirectory.Find( imageEntry ) != imageDirectory.InvalidIndex() )
			// filename checksums must be unique or runtime binary search would be bogus
			Error( "CreateSceneImageFile: Unexpected filename checksum collision!\n" );

		imageDirectory.Insert( imageEntry );

	// determine sort order and start of data after dynamic summaries
	CUtlVector< int > writeOrder;
	writeOrder.EnsureCapacity( g_SceneFiles.Count() );
	sceneDataStart = sceneSummaryStart;
	for ( int i = 0; i < imageDirectory.Count(); i++ )
		// reclaim offset, indicates write order of scene file
		int iScene = imageDirectory[i].nDataOffset;
		writeOrder.AddToTail( iScene );

		// march past each variable sized summary to determine start of scene data
		int numSounds = g_SceneFiles[iScene].soundList.Count();
		sceneDataStart += sizeof( SceneImageSummary_t ) + ( numSounds - 1 ) * sizeof( int );

	// finalize and write directory
	Assert( sceneEntryStart == targetBuffer.TellMaxPut() );
	int nSummaryOffset = sceneSummaryStart;
	int nDataOffset = sceneDataStart;
	for ( int i = 0; i < imageDirectory.Count(); i++ )
		int iScene = writeOrder[i];

		imageDirectory[i].nDataOffset = nDataOffset;
		imageDirectory[i].nDataLength = g_SceneFiles[iScene].compiledBuffer.TellMaxPut();
		imageDirectory[i].nSceneSummaryOffset = nSummaryOffset;
		if ( !bLittleEndian )
			imageDirectory[i].crcFilename = BigLong( imageDirectory[i].crcFilename );
			imageDirectory[i].nDataOffset = BigLong( imageDirectory[i].nDataOffset );
			imageDirectory[i].nDataLength = BigLong( imageDirectory[i].nDataLength );
			imageDirectory[i].nSceneSummaryOffset = BigLong( imageDirectory[i].nSceneSummaryOffset );
		targetBuffer.Put( &imageDirectory[i], sizeof( SceneImageEntry_t ) );

		int numSounds = g_SceneFiles[iScene].soundList.Count();
		nSummaryOffset += sizeof( SceneImageSummary_t ) + (numSounds - 1) * sizeof( int );

		nDataOffset += g_SceneFiles[iScene].compiledBuffer.TellMaxPut();

	// finalize and write summaries
	Assert( sceneSummaryStart == targetBuffer.TellMaxPut() );
	for ( int i = 0; i < imageDirectory.Count(); i++ )
		int iScene = writeOrder[i];
		int msecs = g_SceneFiles[iScene].msecs;
		int soundCount = g_SceneFiles[iScene].soundList.Count();
		if ( !bLittleEndian )
			msecs = BigLong( msecs );
			soundCount = BigLong( soundCount );
		targetBuffer.PutInt( msecs );
		targetBuffer.PutInt( soundCount );
		for ( int j = 0; j < g_SceneFiles[iScene].soundList.Count(); j++ )
			int soundId = g_SceneFiles[iScene].soundList[j];
			if ( !bLittleEndian )
				soundId = BigLong( soundId );
			targetBuffer.PutInt( soundId );

	// finalize and write data
	Assert( sceneDataStart == targetBuffer.TellMaxPut() );
	for ( int i = 0; i < imageDirectory.Count(); i++ )
		int iScene = writeOrder[i];
		targetBuffer.Put( g_SceneFiles[iScene].compiledBuffer.Base(), g_SceneFiles[iScene].compiledBuffer.TellMaxPut() );

	if ( !bQuiet )
		Msg( "Scenes: Final size: %.2f MB\n", targetBuffer.TellMaxPut() / (1024.0f * 1024.0f ) );

	// cleanup

	return true;