Example #1
// HUlib_drawMBg()
// Draws a background box which the message display review widget can
// display over
// Passed position, width, height, and the background patches
// Returns nothing
void HUlib_drawMBg
( int x,
  int y,
  int w,
  int h,
  const patch_t** bgp
    int xs = bgp[0]->width;
    int ys = bgp[0]->height;
    int i,j;

    // CPhipps - patch drawing updated
    // top rows
    V_DrawMemPatch(x, y, FG, bgp[0], NULL, VPT_NONE);    // ul
    for (j=x+xs; j<x+w-xs; j+=xs)         // uc
        V_DrawMemPatch(j, y, FG, bgp[1], NULL, VPT_NONE);
    V_DrawMemPatch(j, y, FG, bgp[2], NULL, VPT_NONE);    // ur

    // middle rows
    for (i=y+ys; i<y+h-ys; i+=ys)
        V_DrawMemPatch(x, i, FG, bgp[3], NULL, VPT_NONE);    // cl
        for (j=x+xs; j<x+w-xs; j+=xs)         // cc
            V_DrawMemPatch(j, i, FG, bgp[4], NULL, VPT_NONE);
        V_DrawMemPatch(j, i, FG, bgp[5], NULL, VPT_NONE);    // cr

    // bottom row
    V_DrawMemPatch(x, i, FG, bgp[6], NULL, VPT_NONE);    // ll
    for (j=x+xs; j<x+w-xs; j+=xs)         // lc
        V_DrawMemPatch(j, i, FG, bgp[7], NULL, VPT_NONE);
    V_DrawMemPatch(j, i, FG, bgp[8], NULL, VPT_NONE);    // lr
Example #2
// HUlib_drawTextLine()
// Draws a hu_textline_t widget
// Passed the hu_textline_t and flag whether to draw a cursor
// Returns nothing
void HUlib_drawTextLine
( hu_textline_t* l,
  boolean drawcursor )

    int     i;
    int     w;
    int     x;
    unsigned char c;
    const char *oc = l->cr; //jff 2/17/98 remember default color
    int y = l->y;           // killough 1/18/98 -- support multiple lines

    // draw the new stuff
    x = l->x;
    for (i=0; i<l->len; i++)
        c = toupper(l->l[i]); //jff insure were not getting a cheap toupper conv.

        if (c=='\n')         // killough 1/18/98 -- support multiple lines
        else if (c=='\t')    // killough 1/23/98 -- support tab stops
        else if (c=='\x1b')  //jff 2/17/98 escape code for color change
        {   //jff 3/26/98 changed to actual escape char
            if (++i<l->len)
                if (l->l[i]>='0' && l->l[i]<='9')
                    l->cr = colrngs[l->l[i]-'0'];
        else  if (c != ' ' && c >= l->sc && c <= 127)
            w = SHORT(l->f[c - l->sc]->width);
            if (x+w > SCREENWIDTH)
            // killough 1/18/98 -- support multiple lines:
            // CPhipps - patch drawing updated
            V_DrawMemPatch(x, y, FG, l->f[c - l->sc], l->cr, VPT_TRANS);
            x += w;
            x += 4;
            if (x >= SCREENWIDTH)
    l->cr = oc; //jff 2/17/98 restore original color

    // draw the cursor if requested
    if (drawcursor && x + SHORT(l->f['_' - l->sc]->width) <= SCREENWIDTH)
        // killough 1/18/98 -- support multiple lines
        // CPhipps - patch drawing updated
        V_DrawMemPatch(x, y, FG, l->f['_' - l->sc], NULL, VPT_NONE);
Example #3
// STlib_updateBinIcon()
// DInitialize a st_binicon_t widget, used for a multinumber display
// like the status bar's weapons, that are present or not.
// Draw a st_binicon_t widget, used for a multinumber display
// like the status bar's weapons that are present or not. Displays each
// when the control flag changes or refresh is true
// Passed a st_binicon_t widget, and a refresh flag
// Returns nothing.
void STlib_updateBinIcon
( st_binicon_t*   bi,
  boolean   refresh )
  int     x;
  int     y;
  int     w;
  int     h;

  if (*bi->on && (bi->oldval != *bi->val || refresh))
    x = bi->x - SHORT(bi->p->leftoffset);
    y = bi->y - SHORT(bi->p->topoffset);
    w = SHORT(bi->p->width);
    h = SHORT(bi->p->height);

    if (y - ST_Y < 0)
      I_Error("updateBinIcon: y - ST_Y < 0");

    if (*bi->val)
      V_DrawMemPatch(bi->x, bi->y, FG, bi->p, NULL, VPT_NONE);
      V_CopyRect(x, y-ST_Y, BG, w, h, x, y, FG);

    bi->oldval = *bi->val;
Example #4
// STlib_updateMultIcon()
// Draw a st_multicon_t widget, used for a multigraphic display
// like the status bar's keys. Displays each when the control
// numbers change or refresh is true
// Passed a st_multicon_t widget, and a refresh flag
// Returns nothing.
void STlib_updateMultIcon
( st_multicon_t*  mi,
  boolean   refresh )
  int w;
  int h;
  int x;
  int y;

  if (*mi->on && (mi->oldinum != *mi->inum || refresh))
    if (mi->oldinum != -1)
      x = mi->x - SHORT(mi->p[mi->oldinum]->leftoffset);
      y = mi->y - SHORT(mi->p[mi->oldinum]->topoffset);
      w = SHORT(mi->p[mi->oldinum]->width);
      h = SHORT(mi->p[mi->oldinum]->height);

      if (y - ST_Y < 0)
        I_Error("updateMultIcon: y - ST_Y < 0");

      V_CopyRect(x, y-ST_Y, BG, w, h, x, y, FG);
    if (*mi->inum != -1)  // killough 2/16/98: redraw only if != -1
      V_DrawMemPatch(mi->x, mi->y, FG, mi->p[*mi->inum], NULL, VPT_NONE);
    mi->oldinum = *mi->inum;
Example #5
void F_TextWrite (void)
    // erase the entire screen to a tiled background
    const byte *src; // cph - const
    int         x,y;
    int         lump;
    // killough 4/17/98: 
    src = W_CacheLumpNum(lump = firstflat + R_FlatNumForName(finaleflat));
    V_DrawBlock(0, 0, 0, 64, 64, src, 0);
    for (y=0 ; y<SCREENHEIGHT ; y+=64)
      for (x=y ? 0 : 64; x<SCREENWIDTH ; x+=64)
	V_CopyRect(0, 0, 0, ((SCREENWIDTH-x) < 64) ? (SCREENWIDTH-x) : 64, 
		   ((SCREENHEIGHT-y) < 64) ? (SCREENHEIGHT-y) : 64, x, y, 0);
  { // draw some of the text onto the screen
    int         cx = 10;
    int         cy = 10;
    const char* ch = finaletext; // CPhipps - const
    int         count = (finalecount - 10)/Get_TextSpeed();                 // phares
    int         w;
    if (count < 0)
      count = 0;
    for ( ; count ; count-- ) {
      int       c = *ch++;
      if (!c)
      if (c == '\n') {
	cx = 10;
	cy += 11;
      c = toupper(c) - HU_FONTSTART;
      if (c < 0 || c> HU_FONTSIZE) {
	cx += 4;
      w = SHORT (hu_font[c]->width);
      if (cx+w > SCREENWIDTH)
      // CPhipps - patch drawing updated
      V_DrawMemPatch(cx, cy, 0, hu_font[c], NULL, VPT_STRETCH);
Example #6
OVERLAY static void F_CastPrint (const char* text) // CPhipps - static, const char*
  const char* ch; // CPhipps - const
  int         c;
  int         cx;
  int         w;
  int         width;
  // find width
  ch = text;
  width = 0;
  while (ch)
    c = *ch++;
    if (!c)
    c = toupper(c) - HU_FONTSTART;
    if (c < 0 || c> HU_FONTSIZE)
      width += 4;
    w = SHORT (hu_font[c]->width);
    width += w;
  // draw it
  cx = 160-width/2;
  ch = text;
  while (ch)
    c = *ch++;
    if (!c)
    c = toupper(c) - HU_FONTSTART;
    if (c < 0 || c> HU_FONTSIZE)
      cx += 4;
    w = SHORT (hu_font[c]->width);
    // CPhipps - patch drawing updated
    V_DrawMemPatch(cx, 180, 0, hu_font[c], NULL, VPT_STRETCH);
Example #7
void STlib_updatePercent
( st_percent_t*   per,
  const byte *outrng,
  int refresh )
  if (*per->n.on && (refresh || (per->n.oldnum != *per->n.num))) { 
    // killough 2/21/98: fix percents not updated;
    /* CPhipps - make %'s only be updated if number changed */
    // CPhipps - patch drawing updated
    V_DrawMemPatch(per->n.x, per->n.y, FG, per->p, 
		   sts_pct_always_gray ? cr_gray : outrng, 
		   sts_always_red ? VPT_NONE : VPT_TRANS);

  STlib_updateNum(&per->n, outrng, refresh);
Example #8
OVERLAY void ST_refreshBackground(void)
    if (st_statusbaron)
        // CPhipps - patch drawing updated
        V_DrawBlock(ST_X, 0, BG, sbar_width, sbar_height, sbar, VPT_NONE);

        // killough 3/7/98: make face background change with displayplayer
        if (netgame) {
            int whattrans = playernumtotrans[displayplayer];
            V_DrawMemPatch(ST_FX, 0, BG, faceback,
                           whattrans ? translationtables + 256*(whattrans-1) : NULL,
                           whattrans ? VPT_TRANS : VPT_NONE);

        V_CopyRect(ST_X, 0, BG, ST_WIDTH, ST_HEIGHT, ST_X, ST_Y, FG);
Example #9
OVERLAY void F_TextWrite (void)
  { // draw some of the text onto the screen
    int         cx = 10;
    int         cy = 10;
    const char* ch = finaletext; // CPhipps - const
    int         count =
      FixedDiv(((finalecount - 10) * FRACUNIT), Get_TextSpeed()) >> FRACBITS;
    int         w;
    if (count < 0)
      count = 0;
    for ( ; count ; count-- ) {
      int       c = *ch++;
      if (!c)
      if (c == '\n') {
	cx = 10;
	cy += 11;
      c = toupper(c) - HU_FONTSTART;
      if (c < 0 || c> HU_FONTSIZE) {
	cx += 4;
      w = SHORT (hu_font[c]->width);
      if (cx+w > SCREENWIDTH)
      // CPhipps - patch drawing updated
      V_DrawMemPatch(cx, cy, 0, hu_font[c], NULL, VPT_STRETCH);
Example #10
 * STlib_drawNum()
 * A fairly efficient way to draw a number based on differences from the 
 * old number.
 * Passed a st_number_t widget, a color range for output, and a flag
 * indicating whether refresh is needed.
 * Returns nothing
 * jff 2/16/98 add color translation to digit output
 * cphipps 10/99 - const pointer to colour trans table, made function static
static void STlib_drawNum
( st_number_t*  n,
  const byte *outrng,
  boolean refresh )

  int   numdigits = n->width;
  int   num = *n->num;

  int   w = SHORT(n->p[0]->width);
  int   h = SHORT(n->p[0]->height);
  int   x = n->x;

  int   neg;

  // leban 1/20/99:
  // strange that somebody went through all the work to draw only the
  // differences, and then went and constantly redrew all the numbers.
  // return without drawing if the number didn't change and the bar
  // isn't refreshing.
  if(n->oldnum == num && !refresh)

  // CPhipps - compact some code, use num instead of *n->num
  if ((neg = (n->oldnum = num) < 0))
    if (numdigits == 2 && num < -9)
      num = -9;
    else if (numdigits == 3 && num < -99)
      num = -99;

    num = -num;

  // clear the area
  x = n->x - numdigits*w;

  if (n->y - ST_Y < 0)
    I_Error("drawNum: n->y - ST_Y < 0");

  V_CopyRect(x, n->y - ST_Y, BG, w*numdigits, h, x, n->y, FG);

  // if non-number, do not draw it
  if (num == 1994)

  x = n->x;

  //jff 2/16/98 add color translation to digit output
  // in the special case of 0, you draw 0
  if (!num)
    // CPhipps - patch drawing updated, reformatted
    V_DrawMemPatch(x - w, n->y, FG, n->p[0], outrng, 
		   (outrng && !sts_always_red) ? VPT_TRANS : VPT_NONE);

  // draw the new number
  //jff 2/16/98 add color translation to digit output
  while (num && numdigits--) {
    // CPhipps - patch drawing updated, reformatted
    x -= w;
    V_DrawMemPatch(x, n->y, FG, n->p[num % 10], outrng, 
		   (outrng && !sts_always_red) ? VPT_TRANS : VPT_NONE);
    num /= 10;

  // draw a minus sign if necessary
  //jff 2/16/98 add color translation to digit output
  // cph - patch drawing updated, load by name instead of acquiring pointer earlier
  if (neg)
    V_DrawNamePatch(x - w, n->y, FG, "STTMINUS", outrng, 
		   (outrng && !sts_always_red) ? VPT_TRANS : VPT_NONE);