static bool SrcPyPathIsInGameFolder( const char *pPath )
#if 0
	if( SrcPySystem()->IsPathProtected() )
		// Verify the file is in the gamefolder
		char searchPaths[MAX_PATH];
		filesystem->GetSearchPath( "MOD", true, searchPaths, sizeof( searchPaths ) );
		V_StripTrailingSlash( searchPaths );
		if( V_IsAbsolutePath( pPath ) )
			if( V_strnicmp( pPath, searchPaths, V_strlen( searchPaths ) ) != 0 ) 
				return false;
			char pFullPath[MAX_PATH];
			char moddir[MAX_PATH];
			filesystem->RelativePathToFullPath( ".", "MOD", moddir, sizeof( moddir ) );
			V_MakeAbsolutePath( pFullPath, sizeof( pFullPath ), pPath, moddir );

			if( V_strnicmp( pFullPath, searchPaths, V_strlen(searchPaths) ) != 0 ) 
				return false;
#endif // 0
	return true;
// Purpose:
boost::python::list PyFS_ListDir( const char *pPath, const char *pPathID, const char *pWildCard, bool appendslashdir )
	if( !pPath || !pWildCard )
		return boost::python::list();

	const char *pFileName;
	char wildcard[MAX_PATH];
	FileFindHandle_t fh;
	boost::python::list result;

	// Construct the wildcard
	V_strncpy( wildcard, pPath, sizeof( wildcard ) );
	if( V_strlen( wildcard ) == 0 )
		V_strncpy( wildcard, "./", sizeof( wildcard ) );
	if( appendslashdir && filesystem->IsDirectory( pPath ) )
		V_AppendSlash( wildcard, sizeof( wildcard ) );
	V_strcat( wildcard, pWildCard, sizeof( wildcard ) );

	pFileName = filesystem->FindFirstEx( wildcard, pPathID, &fh );
	while( pFileName )
		result.append( boost::python::object(
				PyUnicode_DecodeUTF8( pFileName, V_strlen( pFileName ), "ignore" )
		) );
		pFileName = filesystem->FindNext( fh );
	filesystem->FindClose( fh );
	return result;
Example #3
CUtlString CUtlString::Replace( const char *pszFrom, const char *pszTo ) const
	Assert( pszTo ); // Can be 0 length, but not null
	Assert( pszFrom && *pszFrom ); // Must be valid and have one character.
	const char *pos = V_strstr( String(), pszFrom );
	if ( !pos )
		return *this;

	const char *pFirstFound = pos;

	// count number of search string
	int nSearchCount = 0;
	int nSearchLength = V_strlen( pszFrom );
	while ( pos )
		int nSrcOffset = ( pos - String() ) + nSearchLength;
		pos = V_strstr( String() + nSrcOffset, pszFrom );

	// allocate the new string
	int nReplaceLength = V_strlen( pszTo );
	int nAllocOffset = nSearchCount * ( nReplaceLength - nSearchLength );
	size_t srcLength = Length();
	CUtlString strDest;
	size_t destLength = srcLength + nAllocOffset;
	strDest.SetLength( destLength );

	// find and replace the search string
	pos = pFirstFound;
	int nDestOffset = 0;
	int nSrcOffset = 0;
	while ( pos )
		// Found an instance
		int nCurrentSearchOffset = pos - String();
		int nCopyLength = nCurrentSearchOffset - nSrcOffset;
		V_strncpy( strDest.GetForModify() + nDestOffset, String() + nSrcOffset, nCopyLength + 1 );
		nDestOffset += nCopyLength;
		V_strncpy( strDest.GetForModify() + nDestOffset, pszTo, nReplaceLength + 1 );
		nDestOffset += nReplaceLength;

		nSrcOffset = nCurrentSearchOffset + nSearchLength;
		pos = V_strstr( String() + nSrcOffset, pszFrom );

	// making sure that the left over string from the source is the same size as the left over dest buffer
	Assert( destLength - nDestOffset == srcLength - nSrcOffset );
	if ( destLength - nDestOffset > 0 )
		V_strncpy( strDest.GetForModify() + nDestOffset, String() + nSrcOffset, destLength - nDestOffset + 1 );

	return strDest;
void BuildPingHeader( CUtlVector<char> &data, char packetID, int iState )
	// Figure out the computer's name.
	char computerName[128];
	DWORD computerNameLen = sizeof( computerName );
	GetComputerName( computerName, &computerNameLen );	

	// Ping back at them.
	data.AddToTail( packetID );
	data.AddToTail( (char)iState );
	DWORD liveTime = GetTickCount() - g_AppStartTime;
	data.AddMultipleToTail( sizeof( liveTime ), (char*)&liveTime );

	data.AddMultipleToTail( sizeof( g_SocketPort ), (char*)&g_SocketPort );
	data.AddMultipleToTail( strlen( computerName ) + 1, computerName );

	if ( g_hRunningProcess )
		data.AddMultipleToTail( strlen( g_CurMasterName ) + 1, g_CurMasterName );
		data.AddMultipleToTail( 1, "" );

	// Write in how long the worker app has been running.
	DWORD appRunTime = 0;
	if ( g_hRunningProcess )
		appRunTime = GetTickCount() - g_CreateProcessTime;

	data.AddMultipleToTail( sizeof( appRunTime ), (char*)&appRunTime );

	// Finally, write the password.
	if ( g_pPassword )
		data.AddMultipleToTail( strlen( g_pPassword ) + 1, g_pPassword );
		data.AddToTail( 0 );

	data.AddMultipleToTail( V_strlen( g_VersionString ) + 1, g_VersionString );

	int processorPercentage, memoryUsageMegabytes;
	GetRunningProcessStats( processorPercentage, memoryUsageMegabytes );

	// Write processor percentage.
	data.AddToTail( (char)processorPercentage );

	// Write the EXE name.
	data.AddMultipleToTail( V_strlen( g_RunningProcess_ExeName ) + 1, g_RunningProcess_ExeName );
	// Write memory usage.
	short memUsageShort = (short)memoryUsageMegabytes;
	data.AddMultipleToTail( sizeof( memUsageShort ), (const char*)&memUsageShort );

	// Write the map name.
	data.AddMultipleToTail( V_strlen( g_RunningProcess_MapName ) + 1, g_RunningProcess_MapName );
bool VideoPlayerPanel::SetVideo( const char *pVideoFile )

	// clearing the video?
	if ( pVideoFile == NULL || pVideoFile[0] == 0x00 )
		return true;

	// create the material
	m_VideoMaterial = g_pVideo->CreateVideoMaterial( "VideoPlayerMaterial", pVideoFile, "GAME",
													VideoSystem::DETERMINE_FROM_FILE_EXTENSION, true );
	if ( m_VideoMaterial == NULL )
		return false;

	// save filename	
	int sLen = V_strlen( pVideoFile ) + 1;
	m_VideoFileName = new char[ sLen ];
	V_strncpy( m_VideoFileName, pVideoFile, sLen );
	// compute Playback dimensions
	int nWidth, nHeight;
	m_VideoMaterial->GetVideoImageSize( &nWidth, &nHeight );
	m_VideoMaterial->GetVideoTexCoordRange( &m_flU, &m_flV );

	float flFrameRatio = ( (float) GetWide() / (float) GetTall() );
	float flVideoRatio = ( (float) nWidth / (float) nHeight );

	if ( flVideoRatio > flFrameRatio )
		m_nPlaybackWidth = GetWide();
		m_nPlaybackHeight = ( GetWide() / flVideoRatio );
		m_letterBox = 1;
	else if ( flVideoRatio < flFrameRatio )
		m_nPlaybackWidth = ( GetTall() * flVideoRatio );
		m_nPlaybackHeight = GetTall();
		m_letterBox = 2;
		m_nPlaybackWidth = GetWide();
		m_nPlaybackHeight = GetTall();
		m_letterBox = 0;
	m_pMaterial = m_VideoMaterial->GetMaterial();
	m_VideoDuration = m_VideoMaterial->GetVideoDuration();
	m_VideoLoaded = true;
	return true;
Example #6
// Purpose: 
// Input  : *path - 
//			*extension - 
//			pathStringLength - 
void V_DefaultExtension( char *path, const char *extension, int pathStringLength )
	Assert( path );
	Assert( pathStringLength >= 1 );
	Assert( extension );
	Assert( extension[0] == '.' );

	char    *src;

	// if path doesn't have a .EXT, append extension
	// (extension should include the .)
	src = path + V_strlen(path) - 1;

	while ( !PATHSEPARATOR( *src ) && ( src > path ) )
		if (*src == '.')
			// it has an extension

	// Concatenate the desired extension
	V_strncat( path, extension, pathStringLength, COPY_ALL_CHARACTERS );
Example #7
// Purpose: 
// Input  : *in - 
//			*out - 
//			outSize - 
void V_StripExtension( const char *in, char *out, int outSize )
	// Find the last dot. If it's followed by a dot or a slash, then it's part of a 
	// directory specifier like ../../somedir/./blah.

	// scan backward for '.'
	int end = V_strlen( in ) - 1;
	while ( end > 0 && in[end] != '.' && !PATHSEPARATOR( in[end] ) )

	if (end > 0 && !PATHSEPARATOR( in[end] ) && end < outSize)
		int nChars = min( end, outSize-1 );
		if ( out != in )
			memcpy( out, in, nChars );
		out[nChars] = 0;
		// nothing found
		if ( out != in )
			V_strncpy( out, in, outSize );
// Purpose:
void PyFS_WriteFile( const char *filepath, const char *pathid, const char *content )
	if( !filepath )
		PyErr_SetString(PyExc_IOError, "No filepath specified" );
		throw boost::python::error_already_set(); 
	if( !content )
		PyErr_SetString(PyExc_IOError, "Content cannot be empty" );
		throw boost::python::error_already_set();

	if( !SrcPyPathIsInGameFolder( filepath ) )
		PyErr_SetString(PyExc_IOError, "filesystem module only allows paths in the game folder" );
		throw boost::python::error_already_set(); 

	CUtlBuffer buf( 0, 0, CUtlBuffer::TEXT_BUFFER );
	buf.Put( content, V_strlen( content ) );
	if( !filesystem->WriteFile( filepath, pathid, buf ) )
		PyErr_SetString(PyExc_IOError, "Failed to write file" );
		throw boost::python::error_already_set(); 
char* CopyString( const char *pStr )
	int len = V_strlen( pStr ) + 1;
	char *pRet = new char[len];
	V_strncpy( pRet, pStr, len );
	return pRet;
void CTextureSystem::OnFileChange( const char *pFilename, int context, CTextureSystem::EFileType eFileType )
	// It requires the forward slashes later...
	char fixedSlashes[MAX_PATH];
	V_StrSubst( pFilename, "\\", "/", fixedSlashes, sizeof( fixedSlashes ) );	

	// Get rid of the extension.
	if ( V_strlen( fixedSlashes ) < 5 )
		Assert( false );
	fixedSlashes[ V_strlen( fixedSlashes ) - 4 ] = 0;

	// Handle it based on what type of file we've got.
	if ( eFileType == k_eFileTypeVMT )
		IEditorTexture *pTex = FindActiveTexture( fixedSlashes, NULL, FALSE );
		if ( pTex )
			pTex->Reload( true );
			EnumMaterial( fixedSlashes, context );
			IEditorTexture *pTex = FindActiveTexture( fixedSlashes, NULL, FALSE );
			if ( pTex )
				GetMainWnd()->m_TextureBar.NotifyNewMaterial( pTex );
				GetMainWnd()->GetFaceEditSheet()->NotifyNewMaterial( pTex );
	else if ( eFileType == k_eFileTypeVTF )
		// Whether a VTF was added, removed, or modified, we do the same thing.. refresh it and any materials that reference it.
		ITexture *pTexture = materials->FindTexture( fixedSlashes, TEXTURE_GROUP_UNACCOUNTED, false );
		if ( pTexture )
			pTexture->Download( NULL );
			ReloadMaterialsUsingTexture( pTexture );
Example #11
char *_V_strrchr(const char* file, int line, const char *s, char c)
	AssertValidStringPtr( s );
    int len = V_strlen(s);
    s += len;
    while (len--)
	if (*--s == c) return (char *)s;
    return 0;
boost::python::object C_PlayerResource::PyGetPlayerName( int index )
	const char *pPlayerName = GetPlayerName( index );
	return boost::python::object(
			PyUnicode_DecodeUTF8( pPlayerName, V_strlen( pPlayerName ), "ignore" )
Example #13
// Purpose: Extracts the base name of a file (no path, no extension, assumes '/' or '\' as path separator)
// Input  : *in - 
//			*out - 
//			maxlen - 
void V_FileBase( const char *in, char *out, int maxlen )
	Assert( maxlen >= 1 );
	Assert( in );
	Assert( out );

	if ( !in || !in[ 0 ] )
		*out = 0;

	int len, start, end;

	len = V_strlen( in );
	// scan backward for '.'
	end = len - 1;
	while ( end&& in[end] != '.' && !PATHSEPARATOR( in[end] ) )
	if ( in[end] != '.' )		// no '.', copy to end
		end = len-1;
		end--;					// Found ',', copy to left of '.'

	// Scan backward for '/'
	start = len-1;
	while ( start >= 0 && !PATHSEPARATOR( in[start] ) )

	if ( start < 0 || !PATHSEPARATOR( in[start] ) )
		start = 0;

	// Length of new sting
	len = end - start + 1;

	int maxcopy = min( len + 1, maxlen );

	// Copy partial string
	V_strncpy( out, &in[start], maxcopy );
Example #14
void V_AppendSlash( char *pStr, int strSize )
	int len = V_strlen( pStr );
	if ( len > 0 && !PATHSEPARATOR(pStr[len-1]) )
		if ( len+1 >= strSize )
			Error( "V_AppendSlash: ran out of space on %s.", pStr );
		pStr[len+1] = 0;
Example #15
// Purpose: 
// Input  : *ppath - 
void V_StripTrailingSlash( char *ppath )
	Assert( ppath );

	int len = V_strlen( ppath );
	if ( len > 0 )
		if ( PATHSEPARATOR( ppath[ len - 1 ] ) )
			ppath[ len - 1 ] = 0;
Example #16
// Purpose: Builds all navigation meshes
bool CRecastMgr::Build( bool loadDefaultMeshes )
	double fStartTime = Plat_FloatTime();

	// Load map mesh
	if( !LoadMapMesh() )
		Warning("CRecastMesh::Build: failed to load map data!\n");
		return false;

	// Insert all meshes first
	if( loadDefaultMeshes )
	CUtlVector<CRecastMesh *> meshesToBuild;
	for ( int i = m_Meshes.First(); i != m_Meshes.InvalidIndex(); i = m_Meshes.Next(i ) )
		if( IsMeshBuildDisabled( m_Meshes[i]->GetName() ) )
		meshesToBuild.AddToTail( m_Meshes[i] );

	// Create meshes
	if( recast_build_threaded.GetBool() )
		// Build threaded
		CParallelProcessor<CRecastMesh *, CFuncJobItemProcessor<CRecastMesh *>, 2 > processor;
		processor.m_ItemProcessor.Init( &ThreadedBuildMesh, &PreThreadedBuildMesh, &PostThreadedBuildMesh );
		processor.Run( meshesToBuild.Base(), meshesToBuild.Count(), 1, recast_build_numthreads.GetInt(), g_pThreadPool );
		if( V_strlen( recast_build_single.GetString() ) > 0 )
			BuildMesh( m_pMapMesh, recast_build_single.GetString() );
			for( int i = 0; i < meshesToBuild.Count(); i++ )
				BuildMesh( m_pMapMesh, meshesToBuild[i]->GetName() );

	m_bLoaded = true;
	DevMsg( "CRecastMgr: Finished generating %d meshes in %f seconds\n", m_Meshes.Count(), Plat_FloatTime() - fStartTime );
	return true;
Example #17
void CUtlString::Append( const char *pchAddition, int nChars )
	nChars = Min<int>( nChars, V_strlen(	pchAddition ) );

	const int lhsLength( Length() );
	const int rhsLength( nChars );
	const int requestedLength( lhsLength + rhsLength );

	AllocMemory( requestedLength );
	const int allocatedLength( requestedLength );
	const int copyLength( allocatedLength - lhsLength < rhsLength ? allocatedLength - lhsLength : rhsLength );
	memcpy( GetForModify() + lhsLength, pchAddition, copyLength );
	m_pString[ allocatedLength ] = '\0';
void SetPassword( const char *pPassword )
	delete [] g_pPassword;
	if ( pPassword )
		int len = V_strlen( pPassword ) + 1;
		g_pPassword = new char[len];
		V_strncpy( g_pPassword, pPassword, len );
		g_pPassword = NULL;
Example #19
bool V_AppendSlash( char *pStr, int strSize )
	int len = V_strlen( pStr );
	if ( len > 0 && !PATHSEPARATOR(pStr[len-1]) )
		if ( len+1 >= strSize ) {
			ptERROR( "V_AppendSlash: ran out of space on %s.", pStr );
			return false;
		pStr[len+1] = 0;
	return true;
void SendPatchCommandToUIs( DWORD dwInstallerProcessId )
	Msg( "SendPatchCommandToUIs\n ");
	CUtlVector<char> data;

	// This arg tells the UI whether to exit after running the command or not.
	data.AddToTail( 1 );
	// First argument is the working directory, which is the cache path in this case.
	data.AddMultipleToTail( V_strlen( g_FileCachePath ) + 1, g_FileCachePath );
	// Second argument is the command line.
	char waitAndRestartExe[MAX_PATH], serviceUIExe[MAX_PATH], commandLine[1024 * 8];
	V_ComposeFileName( g_FileCachePath, "WaitAndRestart.exe", waitAndRestartExe, sizeof( waitAndRestartExe ) );
	V_ComposeFileName( g_BaseAppPath, "vmpi_service_ui.exe", serviceUIExe, sizeof( serviceUIExe ) ); // We're running the UI from the same directory this exe is in.
	char strSeconds[64];
	V_snprintf( strSeconds, sizeof( strSeconds ), "*%lu", dwInstallerProcessId );

	// IMPORTANT to use BuildCommandLineFromArgs here because it'll handle slashes and quotes correctly.
	// If we don't do that, the command often won't work.
	CUtlVector<char*> args;
	args.AddToTail( waitAndRestartExe );
	args.AddToTail( strSeconds );
	args.AddToTail( g_BaseAppPath );
	args.AddToTail( serviceUIExe );
	BuildCommandLineFromArgs( args, commandLine, sizeof( commandLine ) );
	data.AddMultipleToTail( V_strlen( commandLine ) + 1, commandLine );
	if ( g_pConnMgr )
		g_pConnMgr->SendPacket( -1, data.Base(), data.Count() );
		Sleep( 1000 );	// Make sure this packet goes out.
Example #21
// Purpose: This function fixes cases of filenames like materials\\blah.vmt or somepath\otherpath\\ and removes the extra double slash.
void V_FixDoubleSlashes( char *pStr )
	int len = V_strlen( pStr );

	for ( int i=1; i < len-1; i++ )
		if ( (pStr[i] == '/' || pStr[i] == '\\') && (pStr[i+1] == '/' || pStr[i+1] == '\\') )
			// This means there's a double slash somewhere past the start of the filename. That 
			// can happen in Hammer if they use a material in the root directory. You'll get a filename 
			// that looks like 'materials\\blah.vmt'
			V_memmove( &pStr[i], &pStr[i+1], len - i );
Example #22
// Purpose: Remove final filename from string
// Input  : *path - 
// Output : void  V_StripFilename
void  V_StripFilename (char *path)
	int             length;

	length = V_strlen( path )-1;
	if ( length <= 0 )

	while ( length > 0 && 
		!PATHSEPARATOR( path[length] ) )

	path[ length ] = 0;
void V_IsolateFirstDir (char *path)
	int             lengthMax;
	int             pos = 0;

	lengthMax = V_strlen( path )-1;
	if ( lengthMax <= 0 )

	while ( pos <= lengthMax && 
		!PATHSEPARATOR( path[pos] ) )

	path[ pos ] = 0;
Example #24
// Purpose: Copies string using local new/delete operators
// Input  : *from - 
// Output : char
char *ConCommandBase::CopyString( const char *from )
	int		len;
	char	*to;

	len = V_strlen( from );
	if ( len <= 0 )
		to = new char[1];
		to[0] = 0;
		to = new char[len+1];
		Q_strncpy( to, from, len+1 );
	return to;
char *V_StripFirstDir (char *path)
	int			len_max;
	len_max = V_strlen( path )-1;
	if ( len_max <= 0 )
		return NULL;

	int             pos = 0;

	while ( pos <= len_max && 
		!PATHSEPARATOR( path[pos] ) )

	if ( PATHSEPARATOR( path[pos] ) && pos < len_max )

	//path[ pos ] = 0;
	return &path[ pos ];
Example #26
// Purpose: Strip off the last directory from dirName
// Input  : *dirName - 
//			maxlen - 
// Output : Returns true on success, false on failure.
bool V_StripLastDir( char *dirName, int maxlen )
	if( dirName[0] == 0 || 
		!V_stricmp( dirName, "./" ) || 
		!V_stricmp( dirName, ".\\" ) )
		return false;
	int len = V_strlen( dirName );

	Assert( len < maxlen );

	// skip trailing slash
	if ( PATHSEPARATOR( dirName[len-1] ) )

	while ( len > 0 )
		if ( PATHSEPARATOR( dirName[len-1] ) )
			dirName[len] = 0;
			V_FixSlashes( dirName, CORRECT_PATH_SEPARATOR );
			return true;

	// Allow it to return an empty string and true. This can happen if something like "tf2/" is passed in.
	// The correct behavior is to strip off the last directory ("tf2") and return true.
	if( len == 0 )
		V_snprintf( dirName, maxlen, ".%c", CORRECT_PATH_SEPARATOR );
		return true;

	return true;
Example #27
// Normalizes a float string in place.  
// (removes leading zeros, trailing zeros after the decimal point, and the decimal point itself where possible)
void V_normalizeFloatString( char* pFloat )
	// If we have a decimal point, remove trailing zeroes:
	if( strchr( pFloat,'.' ) )
		int len = V_strlen(pFloat);

		while( len > 1 && pFloat[len - 1] == '0' )
			pFloat[len - 1] = '\0';

		if( len > 1 && pFloat[ len - 1 ] == '.' )
			pFloat[len - 1] = '\0';

	// TODO: Strip leading zeros

	// Purpose: 
	// Input  : *in - 
	//			numchars - 
	//			*out - 
	//			maxoutputbytes - 
	void S_littleendianhextobinary( char const *in, int numchars, byte *out, int maxoutputbytes )
		int len = V_strlen( in );
		numchars = MIN( len, numchars );
		// Make sure it's even
		numchars = ( numchars ) & ~0x1;

		// Must be an even # of input characters (two chars per output byte)
		Assert( numchars >= 2 );

		memset( out, 0x00, maxoutputbytes );

		byte *p;
		int i;

		p = out;
		for ( i = numchars-2; 
			( i >= 0 ) && ( ( p - out ) < maxoutputbytes ); 
			i-=2, p++ )
			*p = ( S_nibble( in[i] ) << 4 ) | S_nibble( in[i+1] );		
Example #29
// Purpose: 
// Input  : *in - 
//			numchars - 
//			*out - 
//			maxoutputbytes - 
void V_hextobinary( char const *in, int numchars, byte *out, int maxoutputbytes )
	int len = V_strlen( in );
	numchars = min( len, numchars );
	// Make sure it's even
	numchars = ( numchars ) & ~0x1;

	// Must be an even # of input characters (two chars per output byte)
	Assert( numchars >= 2 );

	memset( out, 0x00, maxoutputbytes );

	byte *p;
	int i;

	p = out;
	for ( i = 0; 
		 ( i < numchars ) && ( ( p - out ) < maxoutputbytes ); 
		 i+=2, p++ )
		*p = ( V_nibble( in[i] ) << 4 ) | V_nibble( in[i+1] );		
Example #30
// Purpose: 
// Input  : *path - 
//			*dest - 
//			destSize - 
// Output : void V_ExtractFilePath
bool V_ExtractFilePath (const char *path, char *dest, int destSize )
	Assert( destSize >= 1 );
	if ( destSize < 1 )
		return false;

	// Last char
	int len = V_strlen(path);
	const char *src = path + (len ? len-1 : 0);

	// back up until a \ or the start
	while ( src != path && !PATHSEPARATOR( *(src-1) ) )

	int copysize = min( src - path, destSize - 1 );
	memcpy( dest, path, copysize );
	dest[copysize] = 0;

	return copysize != 0 ? true : false;