static VersionCmpResult RunCmpCommand(EvalContext *ctx, const char *command, const char *v1, const char *v2, Attributes a, const Promise *pp, PromiseResult *result) { Buffer *expanded_command = BufferNew(); { VarRef *ref_v1 = VarRefParseFromScope("v1", PACKAGES_CONTEXT); EvalContextVariablePut(ctx, ref_v1, v1, CF_DATA_TYPE_STRING, "source=promise"); VarRef *ref_v2 = VarRefParseFromScope("v2", PACKAGES_CONTEXT); EvalContextVariablePut(ctx, ref_v2, v2, CF_DATA_TYPE_STRING, "source=promise"); ExpandScalar(ctx, NULL, PACKAGES_CONTEXT, command, expanded_command); EvalContextVariableRemove(ctx, ref_v1); VarRefDestroy(ref_v1); EvalContextVariableRemove(ctx, ref_v2); VarRefDestroy(ref_v2); } FILE *pfp = a.packages.package_commands_useshell ? cf_popen_sh(BufferData(expanded_command), "w") : cf_popen(BufferData(expanded_command), "w", true); if (pfp == NULL) { cfPS(ctx, LOG_LEVEL_ERR, PROMISE_RESULT_FAIL, pp, a, "Can not start package version comparison command '%s'. (cf_popen: %s)", BufferData(expanded_command), GetErrorStr()); *result = PromiseResultUpdate(*result, PROMISE_RESULT_FAIL); BufferDestroy(expanded_command); return VERCMP_ERROR; } Log(LOG_LEVEL_VERBOSE, "Executing '%s'", BufferData(expanded_command)); int retcode = cf_pclose(pfp); if (retcode == -1) { cfPS(ctx, LOG_LEVEL_ERR, PROMISE_RESULT_FAIL, pp, a, "Error during package version comparison command execution '%s'. (cf_pclose: %s)", BufferData(expanded_command), GetErrorStr()); *result = PromiseResultUpdate(*result, PROMISE_RESULT_FAIL); BufferDestroy(expanded_command); return VERCMP_ERROR; } BufferDestroy(expanded_command); return retcode == 0; }
static Rval ExpandListEntry(EvalContext *ctx, const char *ns, const char *scope, int expandnaked, Rval entry) { if (entry.type == RVAL_TYPE_SCALAR && IsNakedVar(entry.item, '@')) { if (expandnaked) { char naked[CF_MAXVARSIZE]; GetNaked(naked, entry.item); if (!IsExpandable(naked)) { VarRef *ref = VarRefParseFromScope(naked, scope); DataType value_type = CF_DATA_TYPE_NONE; const void *value = EvalContextVariableGet(ctx, ref, &value_type); VarRefDestroy(ref); if (value) { return ExpandPrivateRval(ctx, ns, scope, value, DataTypeToRvalType(value_type)); } } } else { return RvalNew(entry.item, RVAL_TYPE_SCALAR); } } return ExpandPrivateRval(ctx, ns, scope, entry.item, entry.type); }
static VersionCmpResult RunCmpCommand(EvalContext *ctx, const char *command, const char *v1, const char *v2, Attributes a, Promise *pp) { char expanded_command[CF_EXPANDSIZE]; { VarRef *ref_v1 = VarRefParseFromScope("v1", "cf_pack_context"); EvalContextVariablePut(ctx, ref_v1, (Rval) { v1, RVAL_TYPE_SCALAR }, DATA_TYPE_STRING); VarRef *ref_v2 = VarRefParseFromScope("v2", "cf_pack_context"); EvalContextVariablePut(ctx, ref_v2, (Rval) { v2, RVAL_TYPE_SCALAR }, DATA_TYPE_STRING); ExpandScalar(ctx, NULL, "cf_pack_context", command, expanded_command); EvalContextVariableRemove(ctx, ref_v1); VarRefDestroy(ref_v1); EvalContextVariableRemove(ctx, ref_v2); VarRefDestroy(ref_v2); } FILE *pfp = a.packages.package_commands_useshell ? cf_popen_sh(expanded_command, "w") : cf_popen(expanded_command, "w", true); if (pfp == NULL) { cfPS(ctx, LOG_LEVEL_ERR, PROMISE_RESULT_FAIL, pp, a, "Can not start package version comparison command '%s'. (cf_popen: %s)", expanded_command, GetErrorStr()); return VERCMP_ERROR; } Log(LOG_LEVEL_VERBOSE, "Executing '%s'", expanded_command); int retcode = cf_pclose(pfp); if (retcode == -1) { cfPS(ctx, LOG_LEVEL_ERR, PROMISE_RESULT_FAIL, pp, a, "Error during package version comparison command execution '%s'. (cf_pclose: %s)", expanded_command, GetErrorStr()); return VERCMP_ERROR; } return retcode == 0; }
/** * @WARNING Don't call ScopeDelete*() before this, it's unnecessary. */ void ScopeNewSpecial(EvalContext *ctx, SpecialScope scope, const char *lval, const void *rval, DataType dt) { Rval rvald; VarRef *ref = VarRefParseFromScope(lval, SpecialScopeToString(scope)); if (EvalContextVariableGet(ctx, ref, &rvald, NULL)) { ScopeDeleteSpecial(scope, lval); } EvalContextVariablePut(ctx, ref, (Rval) { rval, DataTypeToRvalType(dt) }, dt); VarRefDestroy(ref); }
Rlist *ExpandList(EvalContext *ctx, const char *ns, const char *scope, const Rlist *list, int expandnaked) { Rlist *start = NULL; Rval returnval; for (const Rlist *rp = list; rp != NULL; rp = rp->next) { if (!expandnaked && (rp->val.type == RVAL_TYPE_SCALAR) && IsNakedVar(RlistScalarValue(rp), '@')) { returnval = RvalNew(RlistScalarValue(rp), RVAL_TYPE_SCALAR); } else if ((rp->val.type == RVAL_TYPE_SCALAR) && IsNakedVar(RlistScalarValue(rp), '@')) { char naked[CF_MAXVARSIZE]; GetNaked(naked, RlistScalarValue(rp)); if (!IsExpandable(naked)) { VarRef *ref = VarRefParseFromScope(naked, scope); DataType value_type = DATA_TYPE_NONE; const void *value = EvalContextVariableGet(ctx, ref, &value_type); if (value) { returnval = ExpandPrivateRval(ctx, ns, scope, value, DataTypeToRvalType(value_type)); } else { returnval = ExpandPrivateRval(ctx, ns, scope, rp->val.item, rp->val.type); } VarRefDestroy(ref); } else { returnval = ExpandPrivateRval(ctx, ns, scope, rp->val.item, rp->val.type); } } else { returnval = ExpandPrivateRval(ctx, ns, scope, rp->val.item, rp->val.type); } RlistAppend(&start, returnval.item, returnval.type); RvalDestroy(returnval); } return start; }
static void KeepPromises(EvalContext *ctx, const Policy *policy) { Rval retval; Seq *constraints = ControlBodyConstraints(policy, AGENT_TYPE_MONITOR); if (constraints) { for (size_t i = 0; i < SeqLength(constraints); i++) { Constraint *cp = SeqAt(constraints, i); if (!IsDefinedClass(ctx, cp->classes, NULL)) { continue; } VarRef *ref = VarRefParseFromScope(cp->lval, "control_monitor"); if (!EvalContextVariableGet(ctx, ref, &retval, NULL)) { Log(LOG_LEVEL_ERR, "Unknown lval '%s' in monitor control body", cp->lval); VarRefDestroy(ref); continue; } VarRefDestroy(ref); if (strcmp(cp->lval, CFM_CONTROLBODY[MONITOR_CONTROL_HISTOGRAMS].lval) == 0) { /* Keep accepting this option for backward compatibility. */ } if (strcmp(cp->lval, CFM_CONTROLBODY[MONITOR_CONTROL_TCP_DUMP].lval) == 0) { MonNetworkSnifferEnable(BooleanFromString(retval.item)); } if (strcmp(cp->lval, CFM_CONTROLBODY[MONITOR_CONTROL_FORGET_RATE].lval) == 0) { sscanf(retval.item, "%lf", &FORGETRATE); Log(LOG_LEVEL_DEBUG, "forget rate %f", FORGETRATE); } } } }
static Rval ExpandListEntry(EvalContext *ctx, const char *ns, const char *scope, int expandnaked, Rval entry) { if (entry.type == RVAL_TYPE_SCALAR && IsNakedVar(entry.item, '@')) { if (expandnaked) { char naked[CF_MAXVARSIZE]; GetNaked(naked, entry.item); if (IsExpandable(naked)) { char *exp = ExpandScalar(ctx, ns, scope, naked, NULL); strlcpy(naked, exp, sizeof(naked)); /* TODO err */ free(exp); } /* Check again, it might have changed. */ if (!IsExpandable(naked)) { VarRef *ref = VarRefParseFromScope(naked, scope); DataType value_type; const void *value = EvalContextVariableGet(ctx, ref, &value_type); VarRefDestroy(ref); if (value_type != CF_DATA_TYPE_NONE) /* variable found? */ { return ExpandPrivateRval(ctx, ns, scope, value, DataTypeToRvalType(value_type)); } } } else { return RvalNew(entry.item, RVAL_TYPE_SCALAR); } } return ExpandPrivateRval(ctx, ns, scope, entry.item, entry.type); }
Rval EvaluateFinalRval(EvalContext *ctx, const Policy *policy, const char *ns, const char *scope, Rval rval, bool forcelist, const Promise *pp) { assert(ctx); assert(policy); Rval returnval; /* Treat lists specially. */ if (rval.type == RVAL_TYPE_SCALAR && IsNakedVar(rval.item, '@')) { char naked[CF_MAXVARSIZE]; GetNaked(naked, rval.item); if (IsExpandable(naked)) /* example: @(blah_$(blue)) */ { returnval = ExpandPrivateRval(ctx, NULL, "this", rval.item, rval.type); } else { VarRef *ref = VarRefParseFromScope(naked, scope); DataType value_type; const void *value = EvalContextVariableGet(ctx, ref, &value_type); VarRefDestroy(ref); if (DataTypeToRvalType(value_type) == RVAL_TYPE_LIST) { returnval.item = ExpandList(ctx, ns, scope, value, true); returnval.type = RVAL_TYPE_LIST; } else { returnval = ExpandPrivateRval(ctx, NULL, "this", rval.item, rval.type); } } } else if (forcelist) /* We are replacing scalar @(name) with list */ { returnval = ExpandPrivateRval(ctx, ns, scope, rval.item, rval.type); } else if (FnCallIsBuiltIn(rval)) { returnval = RvalCopy(rval); } else { returnval = ExpandPrivateRval(ctx, NULL, "this", rval.item, rval.type); } switch (returnval.type) { case RVAL_TYPE_SCALAR: case RVAL_TYPE_CONTAINER: break; case RVAL_TYPE_LIST: for (Rlist *rp = RvalRlistValue(returnval); rp; rp = rp->next) { switch (rp->val.type) { case RVAL_TYPE_FNCALL: { FnCall *fp = RlistFnCallValue(rp); rp->val = FnCallEvaluate(ctx, policy, fp, pp).rval; FnCallDestroy(fp); break; } case RVAL_TYPE_SCALAR: if (EvalContextStackCurrentPromise(ctx) && IsCf3VarString(RlistScalarValue(rp))) { void *prior = rp->val.item; rp->val = ExpandPrivateRval(ctx, NULL, "this", prior, RVAL_TYPE_SCALAR); free(prior); } /* else: returnval unchanged. */ break; default: assert(!"Bad type for entry in Rlist"); } } break; case RVAL_TYPE_FNCALL: if (FnCallIsBuiltIn(returnval)) { FnCall *fp = RvalFnCallValue(returnval); returnval = FnCallEvaluate(ctx, policy, fp, pp).rval; FnCallDestroy(fp); } break; default: assert(returnval.item == NULL); /* else we're leaking it */ returnval.item = NULL; returnval.type = RVAL_TYPE_NOPROMISEE; break; } return returnval; }
static int HailServer(EvalContext *ctx, char *host) { AgentConnection *conn; char sendbuffer[CF_BUFSIZE], recvbuffer[CF_BUFSIZE], peer[CF_MAXVARSIZE], digest[CF_MAXVARSIZE], user[CF_SMALLBUF]; bool gotkey; char reply[8]; FileCopy fc = { .portnumber = (unsigned short) ParseHostname(host, peer), }; char ipaddr[CF_MAX_IP_LEN]; if (Hostname2IPString(ipaddr, peer, sizeof(ipaddr)) == -1) { Log(LOG_LEVEL_ERR, "HailServer: ERROR, could not resolve '%s'", peer); return false; } Address2Hostkey(ipaddr, digest); GetCurrentUserName(user, CF_SMALLBUF); if (INTERACTIVE) { Log(LOG_LEVEL_VERBOSE, "Using interactive key trust..."); gotkey = HavePublicKey(user, peer, digest) != NULL; if (!gotkey) { gotkey = HavePublicKey(user, ipaddr, digest) != NULL; } if (!gotkey) { printf("WARNING - You do not have a public key from host %s = %s\n", host, ipaddr); printf(" Do you want to accept one on trust? (yes/no)\n\n--> "); while (true) { if (fgets(reply, sizeof(reply), stdin) == NULL) { FatalError(ctx, "EOF trying to read answer from terminal"); } if (Chop(reply, CF_EXPANDSIZE) == -1) { Log(LOG_LEVEL_ERR, "Chop was called on a string that seemed to have no terminator"); } if (strcmp(reply, "yes") == 0) { printf("Will trust the key...\n"); fc.trustkey = true; break; } else if (strcmp(reply, "no") == 0) { printf("Will not trust the key...\n"); fc.trustkey = false; break; } else { printf("Please reply yes or no...(%s)\n", reply); } } } } /* Continue */ #ifdef __MINGW32__ if (LEGACY_OUTPUT) { Log(LOG_LEVEL_INFO, "..........................................................................."); Log(LOG_LEVEL_INFO, " * Hailing %s : %u, with options \"%s\" (serial)", peer, fc.portnumber, REMOTE_AGENT_OPTIONS); Log(LOG_LEVEL_INFO, "..........................................................................."); } else { Log(LOG_LEVEL_INFO, "Hailing '%s' : %u, with options '%s' (serial)", peer, fc.portnumber, REMOTE_AGENT_OPTIONS); } #else /* !__MINGW32__ */ if (BACKGROUND) { Log(LOG_LEVEL_INFO, "Hailing '%s' : %u, with options '%s' (parallel)", peer, fc.portnumber, REMOTE_AGENT_OPTIONS); } else { if (LEGACY_OUTPUT) { Log(LOG_LEVEL_INFO, "..........................................................................."); Log(LOG_LEVEL_INFO, " * Hailing %s : %u, with options \"%s\" (serial)", peer, fc.portnumber, REMOTE_AGENT_OPTIONS); Log(LOG_LEVEL_INFO, "..........................................................................."); } else { Log(LOG_LEVEL_INFO, "Hailing '%s' : %u, with options '%s' (serial)", peer, fc.portnumber, REMOTE_AGENT_OPTIONS); } } #endif /* !__MINGW32__ */ fc.servers = RlistFromSplitString(peer, '*'); if (fc.servers == NULL || strcmp(RlistScalarValue(fc.servers), "localhost") == 0) { Log(LOG_LEVEL_INFO, "No hosts are registered to connect to"); return false; } else { int err = 0; conn = NewServerConnection(fc, false, &err, -1); if (conn == NULL) { RlistDestroy(fc.servers); Log(LOG_LEVEL_VERBOSE, "No suitable server responded to hail"); return false; } } /* Check trust interaction*/ HailExec(conn, peer, recvbuffer, sendbuffer); RlistDestroy(fc.servers); return true; } /********************************************************************/ /* Level 2 */ /********************************************************************/ static void KeepControlPromises(EvalContext *ctx, const Policy *policy) { Seq *constraints = ControlBodyConstraints(policy, AGENT_TYPE_RUNAGENT); if (constraints) { for (size_t i = 0; i < SeqLength(constraints); i++) { Constraint *cp = SeqAt(constraints, i); if (!IsDefinedClass(ctx, cp->classes)) { continue; } VarRef *ref = VarRefParseFromScope(cp->lval, "control_runagent"); const void *value = EvalContextVariableGet(ctx, ref, NULL); VarRefDestroy(ref); if (!value) { Log(LOG_LEVEL_ERR, "Unknown lval '%s' in runagent control body", cp->lval); continue; } if (strcmp(cp->lval, CFR_CONTROLBODY[RUNAGENT_CONTROL_FORCE_IPV4].lval) == 0) { continue; } if (strcmp(cp->lval, CFR_CONTROLBODY[RUNAGENT_CONTROL_TRUSTKEY].lval) == 0) { continue; } if (strcmp(cp->lval, CFR_CONTROLBODY[RUNAGENT_CONTROL_ENCRYPT].lval) == 0) { continue; } if (strcmp(cp->lval, CFR_CONTROLBODY[RUNAGENT_CONTROL_PORT_NUMBER].lval) == 0) { continue; } if (strcmp(cp->lval, CFR_CONTROLBODY[RUNAGENT_CONTROL_BACKGROUND].lval) == 0) { /* * Only process this option if are is no -b or -i options specified on * command line. */ if (BACKGROUND || INTERACTIVE) { Log(LOG_LEVEL_WARNING, "'background_children' setting from 'body runagent control' is overridden by command-line option."); } else { BACKGROUND = BooleanFromString(value); } continue; } if (strcmp(cp->lval, CFR_CONTROLBODY[RUNAGENT_CONTROL_MAX_CHILD].lval) == 0) { MAXCHILD = (short) IntFromString(value); continue; } if (strcmp(cp->lval, CFR_CONTROLBODY[RUNAGENT_CONTROL_OUTPUT_TO_FILE].lval) == 0) { OUTPUT_TO_FILE = BooleanFromString(value); continue; } if (strcmp(cp->lval, CFR_CONTROLBODY[RUNAGENT_CONTROL_OUTPUT_DIRECTORY].lval) == 0) { if (IsAbsPath(value)) { strncpy(OUTPUT_DIRECTORY, value, CF_BUFSIZE - 1); Log(LOG_LEVEL_VERBOSE, "Setting output direcory to '%s'", OUTPUT_DIRECTORY); } continue; } if (strcmp(cp->lval, CFR_CONTROLBODY[RUNAGENT_CONTROL_TIMEOUT].lval) == 0) { continue; } if (strcmp(cp->lval, CFR_CONTROLBODY[RUNAGENT_CONTROL_HOSTS].lval) == 0) { if (HOSTLIST == NULL) // Don't override if command line setting { HOSTLIST = value; } continue; } } } const char *expire_after = EvalContextVariableControlCommonGet(ctx, COMMON_CONTROL_LASTSEEN_EXPIRE_AFTER); if (expire_after) { LASTSEENEXPIREAFTER = IntFromString(expire_after) * 60; } }
static void KeepControlPromises(EvalContext *ctx, const Policy *policy, GenericAgentConfig *config) { CFD_MAXPROCESSES = 30; MAXTRIES = 5; DENYBADCLOCKS = true; CFRUNCOMMAND[0] = '\0'; SetChecksumUpdatesDefault(ctx, true); /* Keep promised agent behaviour - control bodies */ Banner("Server control promises.."); PolicyResolve(ctx, policy, config); /* Now expand */ Seq *constraints = ControlBodyConstraints(policy, AGENT_TYPE_SERVER); if (constraints) { for (size_t i = 0; i < SeqLength(constraints); i++) { Constraint *cp = SeqAt(constraints, i); #define IsControlBody(e) (strcmp(cp->lval, CFS_CONTROLBODY[e].lval) == 0) if (!IsDefinedClass(ctx, cp->classes)) { continue; } VarRef *ref = VarRefParseFromScope(cp->lval, "control_server"); const void *value = EvalContextVariableGet(ctx, ref, NULL); VarRefDestroy(ref); if (!value) { Log(LOG_LEVEL_ERR, "Unknown lval '%s' in server control body", cp->lval); } else if (IsControlBody(SERVER_CONTROL_SERVER_FACILITY)) { SetFacility(value); } else if (IsControlBody(SERVER_CONTROL_DENY_BAD_CLOCKS)) { DENYBADCLOCKS = BooleanFromString(value); Log(LOG_LEVEL_VERBOSE, "Setting denybadclocks to '%s'", DENYBADCLOCKS ? "true" : "false"); } else if (IsControlBody(SERVER_CONTROL_LOG_ENCRYPTED_TRANSFERS)) { LOGENCRYPT = BooleanFromString(value); Log(LOG_LEVEL_VERBOSE, "Setting logencrypt to '%s'", LOGENCRYPT ? "true" : "false"); } else if (IsControlBody(SERVER_CONTROL_LOG_ALL_CONNECTIONS)) { SV.logconns = BooleanFromString(value); Log(LOG_LEVEL_VERBOSE, "Setting logconns to %d", SV.logconns); } else if (IsControlBody(SERVER_CONTROL_MAX_CONNECTIONS)) { CFD_MAXPROCESSES = (int) IntFromString(value); MAXTRIES = CFD_MAXPROCESSES / 3; Log(LOG_LEVEL_VERBOSE, "Setting maxconnections to %d", CFD_MAXPROCESSES); /* The handling of max_readers in LMDB is not ideal, but * here is how it is right now: We know that both cf-serverd and * cf-hub will access the lastseen database. Worst case every * single thread and process will do it at the same time, and * this has in fact been observed. So we add the maximum of * those two values together to provide a safe ceiling. In * addition, cf-agent can access the database occasionally as * well, so add a few extra for that too. */ DBSetMaximumConcurrentTransactions(CFD_MAXPROCESSES + EnterpriseGetMaxCfHubProcesses() + 10); continue; } else if (IsControlBody(SERVER_CONTROL_CALL_COLLECT_INTERVAL)) { COLLECT_INTERVAL = (int) 60 * IntFromString(value); Log(LOG_LEVEL_VERBOSE, "Setting call_collect_interval to %d (seconds)", COLLECT_INTERVAL); } else if (IsControlBody(SERVER_CONTROL_LISTEN)) { SERVER_LISTEN = BooleanFromString(value); Log(LOG_LEVEL_VERBOSE, "Setting server listen to '%s' ", SERVER_LISTEN ? "true" : "false"); } else if (IsControlBody(SERVER_CONTROL_CALL_COLLECT_WINDOW)) { COLLECT_WINDOW = (int) IntFromString(value); Log(LOG_LEVEL_VERBOSE, "Setting collect_window to %d (seconds)", COLLECT_INTERVAL); } else if (IsControlBody(SERVER_CONTROL_CF_RUN_COMMAND)) { strlcpy(CFRUNCOMMAND, value, sizeof(CFRUNCOMMAND)); Log(LOG_LEVEL_VERBOSE, "Setting cfruncommand to '%s'", CFRUNCOMMAND); } else if (IsControlBody(SERVER_CONTROL_ALLOW_CONNECTS)) { Log(LOG_LEVEL_VERBOSE, "Setting allowing connections from ..."); for (const Rlist *rp = value; rp != NULL; rp = rp->next) { if (!IsItemIn(SV.nonattackerlist, RlistScalarValue(rp))) { PrependItem(&SV.nonattackerlist, RlistScalarValue(rp), cp->classes); } } } else if (IsControlBody(SERVER_CONTROL_DENY_CONNECTS)) { Log(LOG_LEVEL_VERBOSE, "Setting denying connections from ..."); for (const Rlist *rp = value; rp != NULL; rp = rp->next) { if (!IsItemIn(SV.attackerlist, RlistScalarValue(rp))) { PrependItem(&SV.attackerlist, RlistScalarValue(rp), cp->classes); } } } else if (IsControlBody(SERVER_CONTROL_SKIP_VERIFY)) { /* Skip. */ } else if (IsControlBody(SERVER_CONTROL_ALLOW_ALL_CONNECTS)) { Log(LOG_LEVEL_VERBOSE, "Setting allowing multiple connections from ..."); for (const Rlist *rp = value; rp != NULL; rp = rp->next) { if (!IsItemIn(SV.multiconnlist, RlistScalarValue(rp))) { PrependItem(&SV.multiconnlist, RlistScalarValue(rp), cp->classes); } } } else if (IsControlBody(SERVER_CONTROL_ALLOW_USERS)) { Log(LOG_LEVEL_VERBOSE, "SET Allowing users ..."); for (const Rlist *rp = value; rp != NULL; rp = rp->next) { if (!IsItemIn(SV.allowuserlist, RlistScalarValue(rp))) { PrependItem(&SV.allowuserlist, RlistScalarValue(rp), cp->classes); } } } else if (IsControlBody(SERVER_CONTROL_TRUST_KEYS_FROM)) { Log(LOG_LEVEL_VERBOSE, "Setting trust keys from ..."); for (const Rlist *rp = value; rp != NULL; rp = rp->next) { if (!IsItemIn(SV.trustkeylist, RlistScalarValue(rp))) { PrependItem(&SV.trustkeylist, RlistScalarValue(rp), cp->classes); } } } else if (IsControlBody(SERVER_CONTROL_ALLOWLEGACYCONNECTS)) { Log(LOG_LEVEL_VERBOSE, "Setting allowing legacy connections from ..."); for (const Rlist *rp = value; rp != NULL; rp = rp->next) { if (!IsItemIn(SV.allowlegacyconnects, RlistScalarValue(rp))) { PrependItem(&SV.allowlegacyconnects, RlistScalarValue(rp), cp->classes); } } } else if (IsControlBody(SERVER_CONTROL_PORT_NUMBER)) { CFENGINE_PORT = IntFromString(value); strlcpy(CFENGINE_PORT_STR, value, sizeof(CFENGINE_PORT_STR)); Log(LOG_LEVEL_VERBOSE, "Setting default port number to %d", CFENGINE_PORT); } else if (IsControlBody(SERVER_CONTROL_BIND_TO_INTERFACE)) { strlcpy(BINDINTERFACE, value, sizeof(BINDINTERFACE)); Log(LOG_LEVEL_VERBOSE, "Setting bindtointerface to '%s'", BINDINTERFACE); } else if (IsControlBody(SERVER_CONTROL_ALLOWCIPHERS)) { SV.allowciphers = xstrdup(value); Log(LOG_LEVEL_VERBOSE, "Setting allowciphers to '%s'", SV.allowciphers); } #undef IsControlBody } } const void *value = EvalContextVariableControlCommonGet(ctx, COMMON_CONTROL_SYSLOG_HOST); if (value) { /* Don't resolve syslog_host now, better do it per log request. */ if (!SetSyslogHost(value)) { Log(LOG_LEVEL_ERR, "Failed to set syslog_host, '%s' too long", (const char *)value); } else { Log(LOG_LEVEL_VERBOSE, "Setting syslog_host to '%s'", (const char *)value); } } value = EvalContextVariableControlCommonGet(ctx, COMMON_CONTROL_SYSLOG_PORT); if (value) { SetSyslogPort(IntFromString(value)); } value = EvalContextVariableControlCommonGet(ctx, COMMON_CONTROL_FIPS_MODE); if (value) { FIPS_MODE = BooleanFromString(value); Log(LOG_LEVEL_VERBOSE, "Setting FIPS mode to to '%s'", FIPS_MODE ? "true" : "false"); } value = EvalContextVariableControlCommonGet(ctx, COMMON_CONTROL_LASTSEEN_EXPIRE_AFTER); if (value) { LASTSEENEXPIREAFTER = IntFromString(value) * 60; } value = EvalContextVariableControlCommonGet(ctx, COMMON_CONTROL_BWLIMIT); if (value) { double bval; if (DoubleFromString(value, &bval)) { bwlimit_kbytes = (uint32_t) ( bval / 1000.0); Log(LOG_LEVEL_VERBOSE, "Setting rate limit to %d kBytes/sec", bwlimit_kbytes); } } }
ExecConfig *ExecConfigNew(bool scheduled_run, const EvalContext *ctx, const Policy *policy) { ExecConfig *exec_config = xcalloc(1, sizeof(ExecConfig)); exec_config->scheduled_run = scheduled_run; exec_config->exec_command = xstrdup(""); exec_config->agent_expireafter = 2 * 60; /* two hours */ exec_config->mail_server = xstrdup(""); exec_config->mail_from_address = xstrdup(""); exec_config->mail_to_address = xstrdup(""); exec_config->mail_subject = xstrdup(""); exec_config->mail_max_lines = 30; exec_config->mailfilter_include = SeqNew(0, &free); exec_config->mailfilter_include_regex = SeqNew(0, &RegexFree); exec_config->mailfilter_exclude = SeqNew(0, &free); exec_config->mailfilter_exclude_regex = SeqNew(0, &RegexFree); exec_config->fq_name = xstrdup(VFQNAME); exec_config->ip_address = xstrdup(VIPADDRESS); exec_config->ip_addresses = GetIpAddresses(ctx); Seq *constraints = ControlBodyConstraints(policy, AGENT_TYPE_EXECUTOR); if (constraints) { for (size_t i = 0; i < SeqLength(constraints); i++) { Constraint *cp = SeqAt(constraints, i); if (!IsDefinedClass(ctx, cp->classes)) { continue; } VarRef *ref = VarRefParseFromScope(cp->lval, "control_executor"); DataType t; const void *value = EvalContextVariableGet(ctx, ref, &t); VarRefDestroy(ref); if (t == CF_DATA_TYPE_NONE) { ProgrammingError("Unknown attribute '%s' in control body," " should have already been stopped by the parser", cp->lval); } if (strcmp(cp->lval, CFEX_CONTROLBODY[EXEC_CONTROL_MAILFROM].lval) == 0) { free(exec_config->mail_from_address); exec_config->mail_from_address = xstrdup(value); Log(LOG_LEVEL_DEBUG, "mailfrom '%s'", exec_config->mail_from_address); } else if (strcmp(cp->lval, CFEX_CONTROLBODY[EXEC_CONTROL_MAILTO].lval) == 0) { free(exec_config->mail_to_address); exec_config->mail_to_address = xstrdup(value); Log(LOG_LEVEL_DEBUG, "mailto '%s'", exec_config->mail_to_address); } else if (strcmp(cp->lval, CFEX_CONTROLBODY[EXEC_CONTROL_MAILSUBJECT].lval) == 0) { free(exec_config->mail_subject); exec_config->mail_subject = xstrdup(value); Log(LOG_LEVEL_DEBUG, "mailsubject '%s'", exec_config->mail_subject); } else if (strcmp(cp->lval, CFEX_CONTROLBODY[EXEC_CONTROL_SMTPSERVER].lval) == 0) { free(exec_config->mail_server); exec_config->mail_server = xstrdup(value); Log(LOG_LEVEL_DEBUG, "smtpserver '%s'", exec_config->mail_server); } else if (strcmp(cp->lval, CFEX_CONTROLBODY[EXEC_CONTROL_EXECCOMMAND].lval) == 0) { free(exec_config->exec_command); exec_config->exec_command = xstrdup(value); Log(LOG_LEVEL_DEBUG, "exec_command '%s'", exec_config->exec_command); } else if (strcmp(cp->lval, CFEX_CONTROLBODY[EXEC_CONTROL_AGENT_EXPIREAFTER].lval) == 0) { exec_config->agent_expireafter = IntFromString(value); Log(LOG_LEVEL_DEBUG, "agent_expireafter %d", exec_config->agent_expireafter); } else if (strcmp(cp->lval, CFEX_CONTROLBODY[EXEC_CONTROL_MAILMAXLINES].lval) == 0) { exec_config->mail_max_lines = IntFromString(value); Log(LOG_LEVEL_DEBUG, "maxlines %d", exec_config->mail_max_lines); } else if (strcmp(cp->lval, CFEX_CONTROLBODY[EXEC_CONTROL_MAILFILTER_INCLUDE].lval) == 0) { SeqDestroy(exec_config->mailfilter_include); SeqDestroy(exec_config->mailfilter_include_regex); RlistMailFilterFill(value, &exec_config->mailfilter_include, &exec_config->mailfilter_include_regex, "include"); } else if (strcmp(cp->lval, CFEX_CONTROLBODY[EXEC_CONTROL_MAILFILTER_EXCLUDE].lval) == 0) { SeqDestroy(exec_config->mailfilter_exclude); SeqDestroy(exec_config->mailfilter_exclude_regex); RlistMailFilterFill(value, &exec_config->mailfilter_exclude, &exec_config->mailfilter_exclude_regex, "exclude"); } } } return exec_config; }
static void KeepControlPromises(EvalContext *ctx, const Policy *policy, GenericAgentConfig *config) { CFD_MAXPROCESSES = 30; MAXTRIES = 5; DENYBADCLOCKS = true; CFRUNCOMMAND[0] = '\0'; SetChecksumUpdatesDefault(ctx, true); /* Keep promised agent behaviour - control bodies */ Banner("Server control promises.."); PolicyResolve(ctx, policy, config); /* Now expand */ Seq *constraints = ControlBodyConstraints(policy, AGENT_TYPE_SERVER); if (constraints) { for (size_t i = 0; i < SeqLength(constraints); i++) { Constraint *cp = SeqAt(constraints, i); if (!IsDefinedClass(ctx, cp->classes)) { continue; } VarRef *ref = VarRefParseFromScope(cp->lval, "control_server"); const void *value = EvalContextVariableGet(ctx, ref, NULL); VarRefDestroy(ref); if (!value) { Log(LOG_LEVEL_ERR, "Unknown lval '%s' in server control body", cp->lval); continue; } if (strcmp(cp->lval, CFS_CONTROLBODY[SERVER_CONTROL_SERVER_FACILITY].lval) == 0) { SetFacility(value); continue; } if (strcmp(cp->lval, CFS_CONTROLBODY[SERVER_CONTROL_DENY_BAD_CLOCKS].lval) == 0) { DENYBADCLOCKS = BooleanFromString(value); Log(LOG_LEVEL_VERBOSE, "Setting denybadclocks to '%s'", DENYBADCLOCKS ? "true" : "false"); continue; } if (strcmp(cp->lval, CFS_CONTROLBODY[SERVER_CONTROL_LOG_ENCRYPTED_TRANSFERS].lval) == 0) { LOGENCRYPT = BooleanFromString(value); Log(LOG_LEVEL_VERBOSE, "Setting logencrypt to '%s'", LOGENCRYPT ? "true" : "false"); continue; } if (strcmp(cp->lval, CFS_CONTROLBODY[SERVER_CONTROL_LOG_ALL_CONNECTIONS].lval) == 0) { SV.logconns = BooleanFromString(value); Log(LOG_LEVEL_VERBOSE, "Setting logconns to %d", SV.logconns); continue; } if (strcmp(cp->lval, CFS_CONTROLBODY[SERVER_CONTROL_MAX_CONNECTIONS].lval) == 0) { CFD_MAXPROCESSES = (int) IntFromString(value); MAXTRIES = CFD_MAXPROCESSES / 3; Log(LOG_LEVEL_VERBOSE, "Setting maxconnections to %d", CFD_MAXPROCESSES); #ifdef LMDB static int LSD_MAXREADERS = 0; if (LSD_MAXREADERS < CFD_MAXPROCESSES) { int rc = UpdateLastSeenMaxReaders(CFD_MAXPROCESSES); if (rc == 0) { LSD_MAXREADERS = CFD_MAXPROCESSES; } } #endif continue; } if (strcmp(cp->lval, CFS_CONTROLBODY[SERVER_CONTROL_CALL_COLLECT_INTERVAL].lval) == 0) { COLLECT_INTERVAL = (int) 60 * IntFromString(value); Log(LOG_LEVEL_VERBOSE, "Setting call_collect_interval to %d (seconds)", COLLECT_INTERVAL); continue; } if (strcmp(cp->lval, CFS_CONTROLBODY[SERVER_CONTROL_LISTEN].lval) == 0) { SERVER_LISTEN = BooleanFromString(value); Log(LOG_LEVEL_VERBOSE, "Setting server listen to '%s' ", (SERVER_LISTEN)? "true":"false"); continue; } if (strcmp(cp->lval, CFS_CONTROLBODY[SERVER_CONTROL_CALL_COLLECT_WINDOW].lval) == 0) { COLLECT_WINDOW = (int) IntFromString(value); Log(LOG_LEVEL_VERBOSE, "Setting collect_window to %d (seconds)", COLLECT_INTERVAL); continue; } if (strcmp(cp->lval, CFS_CONTROLBODY[SERVER_CONTROL_CF_RUN_COMMAND].lval) == 0) { strlcpy(CFRUNCOMMAND, value, sizeof(CFRUNCOMMAND)); Log(LOG_LEVEL_VERBOSE, "Setting cfruncommand to '%s'", CFRUNCOMMAND); continue; } if (strcmp(cp->lval, CFS_CONTROLBODY[SERVER_CONTROL_ALLOW_CONNECTS].lval) == 0) { Log(LOG_LEVEL_VERBOSE, "Setting allowing connections from ..."); for (const Rlist *rp = value; rp != NULL; rp = rp->next) { if (!IsItemIn(SV.nonattackerlist, RlistScalarValue(rp))) { AppendItem(&SV.nonattackerlist, RlistScalarValue(rp), cp->classes); } } continue; } if (strcmp(cp->lval, CFS_CONTROLBODY[SERVER_CONTROL_DENY_CONNECTS].lval) == 0) { Log(LOG_LEVEL_VERBOSE, "Setting denying connections from ..."); for (const Rlist *rp = value; rp != NULL; rp = rp->next) { if (!IsItemIn(SV.attackerlist, RlistScalarValue(rp))) { AppendItem(&SV.attackerlist, RlistScalarValue(rp), cp->classes); } } continue; } if (strcmp(cp->lval, CFS_CONTROLBODY[SERVER_CONTROL_SKIP_VERIFY].lval) == 0) { continue; } if (strcmp(cp->lval, CFS_CONTROLBODY[SERVER_CONTROL_ALLOW_ALL_CONNECTS].lval) == 0) { Log(LOG_LEVEL_VERBOSE, "Setting allowing multiple connections from ..."); for (const Rlist *rp = value; rp != NULL; rp = rp->next) { if (!IsItemIn(SV.multiconnlist, RlistScalarValue(rp))) { AppendItem(&SV.multiconnlist, RlistScalarValue(rp), cp->classes); } } continue; } if (strcmp(cp->lval, CFS_CONTROLBODY[SERVER_CONTROL_ALLOW_USERS].lval) == 0) { Log(LOG_LEVEL_VERBOSE, "SET Allowing users ..."); for (const Rlist *rp = value; rp != NULL; rp = rp->next) { if (!IsItemIn(SV.allowuserlist, RlistScalarValue(rp))) { AppendItem(&SV.allowuserlist, RlistScalarValue(rp), cp->classes); } } continue; } if (strcmp(cp->lval, CFS_CONTROLBODY[SERVER_CONTROL_TRUST_KEYS_FROM].lval) == 0) { Log(LOG_LEVEL_VERBOSE, "Setting trust keys from ..."); for (const Rlist *rp = value; rp != NULL; rp = rp->next) { if (!IsItemIn(SV.trustkeylist, RlistScalarValue(rp))) { AppendItem(&SV.trustkeylist, RlistScalarValue(rp), cp->classes); } } continue; } if (strcmp(cp->lval, CFS_CONTROLBODY[SERVER_CONTROL_ALLOWLEGACYCONNECTS].lval) == 0) { Log(LOG_LEVEL_VERBOSE, "Setting allowing legacy connections from ..."); for (const Rlist *rp = value; rp != NULL; rp = rp->next) { if (!IsItemIn(SV.allowlegacyconnects, RlistScalarValue(rp))) { AppendItem(&SV.allowlegacyconnects, RlistScalarValue(rp), cp->classes); } } continue; } if (strcmp(cp->lval, CFS_CONTROLBODY[SERVER_CONTROL_PORT_NUMBER].lval) == 0) { CFENGINE_PORT = IntFromString(value); strlcpy(CFENGINE_PORT_STR, value, sizeof(CFENGINE_PORT_STR)); Log(LOG_LEVEL_VERBOSE, "Setting default port number to %d", CFENGINE_PORT); continue; } if (strcmp(cp->lval, CFS_CONTROLBODY[SERVER_CONTROL_BIND_TO_INTERFACE].lval) == 0) { strlcpy(BINDINTERFACE, value, sizeof(BINDINTERFACE)); Log(LOG_LEVEL_VERBOSE, "Setting bindtointerface to '%s'", BINDINTERFACE); continue; } if (strcmp(cp->lval, CFS_CONTROLBODY[SERVER_CONTROL_ALLOWCIPHERS].lval) == 0) { SV.allowciphers = xstrdup(value); Log(LOG_LEVEL_VERBOSE, "Setting allowciphers to '%s'", SV.allowciphers); continue; } } } const void *value = EvalContextVariableControlCommonGet(ctx, COMMON_CONTROL_SYSLOG_HOST); if (value) { /* Don't resolve syslog_host now, better do it per log request. */ if (!SetSyslogHost(value)) { Log(LOG_LEVEL_ERR, "Failed to set syslog_host, '%s' too long", (const char *)value); } else { Log(LOG_LEVEL_VERBOSE, "Setting syslog_host to '%s'", (const char *)value); } } value = EvalContextVariableControlCommonGet(ctx, COMMON_CONTROL_SYSLOG_PORT); if (value) { SetSyslogPort(IntFromString(value)); } value = EvalContextVariableControlCommonGet(ctx, COMMON_CONTROL_FIPS_MODE); if (value) { FIPS_MODE = BooleanFromString(value); Log(LOG_LEVEL_VERBOSE, "Setting FIPS mode to to '%s'", FIPS_MODE ? "true" : "false"); } value = EvalContextVariableControlCommonGet(ctx, COMMON_CONTROL_LASTSEEN_EXPIRE_AFTER); if (value) { LASTSEENEXPIREAFTER = IntFromString(value) * 60; } }
Rval EvaluateFinalRval(EvalContext *ctx, const Policy *policy, const char *ns, const char *scope, Rval rval, bool forcelist, const Promise *pp) { assert(ctx); assert(policy); Rval returnval, newret; if ((rval.type == RVAL_TYPE_SCALAR) && IsNakedVar(rval.item, '@')) /* Treat lists specially here */ { char naked[CF_MAXVARSIZE]; GetNaked(naked, rval.item); if (!IsExpandable(naked)) { VarRef *ref = VarRefParseFromScope(naked, scope); DataType value_type = DATA_TYPE_NONE; const void *value = EvalContextVariableGet(ctx, ref, &value_type); if (!value || DataTypeToRvalType(value_type) != RVAL_TYPE_LIST) { returnval = ExpandPrivateRval(ctx, NULL, "this", rval.item, rval.type); } else { returnval.item = ExpandList(ctx, ns, scope, value, true); returnval.type = RVAL_TYPE_LIST; } VarRefDestroy(ref); } else { returnval = ExpandPrivateRval(ctx, NULL, "this", rval.item, rval.type); } } else { if (forcelist) /* We are replacing scalar @(name) with list */ { returnval = ExpandPrivateRval(ctx, ns, scope, rval.item, rval.type); } else { if (FnCallIsBuiltIn(rval)) { returnval = RvalCopy(rval); } else { returnval = ExpandPrivateRval(ctx, NULL, "this", rval.item, rval.type); } } } switch (returnval.type) { case RVAL_TYPE_SCALAR: case RVAL_TYPE_CONTAINER: break; case RVAL_TYPE_LIST: for (Rlist *rp = RvalRlistValue(returnval); rp; rp = rp->next) { if (rp->val.type == RVAL_TYPE_FNCALL) { FnCall *fp = RlistFnCallValue(rp); FnCallResult res = FnCallEvaluate(ctx, policy, fp, pp); FnCallDestroy(fp); rp->val = res.rval; } else { if (EvalContextStackCurrentPromise(ctx)) { if (IsCf3VarString(RlistScalarValue(rp))) { newret = ExpandPrivateRval(ctx, NULL, "this", rp->val.item, rp->val.type); free(rp->val.item); rp->val.item = newret.item; } } } /* returnval unchanged */ } break; case RVAL_TYPE_FNCALL: if (FnCallIsBuiltIn(returnval)) { FnCall *fp = RvalFnCallValue(returnval); returnval = FnCallEvaluate(ctx, policy, fp, pp).rval; FnCallDestroy(fp); } break; default: returnval.item = NULL; returnval.type = RVAL_TYPE_NOPROMISEE; break; } return returnval; }
static void ResolveControlBody(EvalContext *ctx, GenericAgentConfig *config, const Body *control_body) { const ConstraintSyntax *body_syntax = NULL; Rval returnval; assert(strcmp(control_body->name, "control") == 0); for (int i = 0; CONTROL_BODIES[i].constraints != NULL; i++) { body_syntax = CONTROL_BODIES[i].constraints; if (strcmp(control_body->type, CONTROL_BODIES[i].body_type) == 0) { break; } } if (body_syntax == NULL) { FatalError(ctx, "Unknown agent"); } char scope[CF_BUFSIZE]; snprintf(scope, CF_BUFSIZE, "%s_%s", control_body->name, control_body->type); Log(LOG_LEVEL_DEBUG, "Initiate control variable convergence for scope '%s'", scope); EvalContextStackPushBodyFrame(ctx, NULL, control_body, NULL); for (size_t i = 0; i < SeqLength(control_body->conlist); i++) { Constraint *cp = SeqAt(control_body->conlist, i); if (!IsDefinedClass(ctx, cp->classes)) { continue; } if (strcmp(cp->lval, CFG_CONTROLBODY[COMMON_CONTROL_BUNDLESEQUENCE].lval) == 0) { returnval = ExpandPrivateRval(ctx, NULL, scope, cp->rval.item, cp->rval.type); } else { returnval = EvaluateFinalRval(ctx, control_body->parent_policy, NULL, scope, cp->rval, true, NULL); } VarRef *ref = VarRefParseFromScope(cp->lval, scope); EvalContextVariableRemove(ctx, ref); if (!EvalContextVariablePut(ctx, ref, returnval.item, ConstraintSyntaxGetDataType(body_syntax, cp->lval), "source=promise")) { Log(LOG_LEVEL_ERR, "Rule from %s at/before line %zu", control_body->source_path, cp->offset.line); } VarRefDestroy(ref); if (strcmp(cp->lval, CFG_CONTROLBODY[COMMON_CONTROL_OUTPUT_PREFIX].lval) == 0) { strncpy(VPREFIX, returnval.item, CF_MAXVARSIZE); } if (strcmp(cp->lval, CFG_CONTROLBODY[COMMON_CONTROL_DOMAIN].lval) == 0) { strcpy(VDOMAIN, cp->rval.item); Log(LOG_LEVEL_VERBOSE, "SET domain = %s", VDOMAIN); EvalContextVariableRemoveSpecial(ctx, SPECIAL_SCOPE_SYS, "domain"); EvalContextVariableRemoveSpecial(ctx, SPECIAL_SCOPE_SYS, "fqhost"); snprintf(VFQNAME, CF_MAXVARSIZE, "%s.%s", VUQNAME, VDOMAIN); EvalContextVariablePutSpecial(ctx, SPECIAL_SCOPE_SYS, "fqhost", VFQNAME, DATA_TYPE_STRING, "inventory,source=agent,group=Host name"); EvalContextVariablePutSpecial(ctx, SPECIAL_SCOPE_SYS, "domain", VDOMAIN, DATA_TYPE_STRING, "source=agent"); EvalContextClassPutHard(ctx, VDOMAIN, "source=agent"); } if (strcmp(cp->lval, CFG_CONTROLBODY[COMMON_CONTROL_IGNORE_MISSING_INPUTS].lval) == 0) { Log(LOG_LEVEL_VERBOSE, "SET ignore_missing_inputs %s", RvalScalarValue(cp->rval)); config->ignore_missing_inputs = BooleanFromString(cp->rval.item); } if (strcmp(cp->lval, CFG_CONTROLBODY[COMMON_CONTROL_IGNORE_MISSING_BUNDLES].lval) == 0) { Log(LOG_LEVEL_VERBOSE, "SET ignore_missing_bundles %s", RvalScalarValue(cp->rval)); config->ignore_missing_bundles = BooleanFromString(cp->rval.item); } if (strcmp(cp->lval, CFG_CONTROLBODY[COMMON_CONTROL_CACHE_SYSTEM_FUNCTIONS].lval) == 0) { Log(LOG_LEVEL_VERBOSE, "SET cache_system_functions %s", RvalScalarValue(cp->rval)); bool cache_system_functions = BooleanFromString(RvalScalarValue(cp->rval)); EvalContextSetEvalOption(ctx, EVAL_OPTION_CACHE_SYSTEM_FUNCTIONS, cache_system_functions); } if (strcmp(cp->lval, CFG_CONTROLBODY[COMMON_CONTROL_GOALPATTERNS].lval) == 0) { /* Ignored */ continue; } RvalDestroy(returnval); } EvalContextStackPopFrame(ctx); }
/** * Evaluate the relevant control body, and set the * relevant fields in #ctx and #config. */ static void ResolveControlBody(EvalContext *ctx, GenericAgentConfig *config, const Body *control_body) { const char *filename = control_body->source_path; assert(CFG_CONTROLBODY[COMMON_CONTROL_MAX].lval == NULL); const ConstraintSyntax *body_syntax = NULL; for (int i = 0; CONTROL_BODIES[i].constraints != NULL; i++) { body_syntax = CONTROL_BODIES[i].constraints; if (strcmp(control_body->type, CONTROL_BODIES[i].body_type) == 0) { break; } } if (body_syntax == NULL) { FatalError(ctx, "Unknown control body: %s", control_body->type); } char *scope; assert(strcmp(control_body->name, "control") == 0); xasprintf(&scope, "control_%s", control_body->type); Log(LOG_LEVEL_DEBUG, "Initiate control variable convergence for scope '%s'", scope); EvalContextStackPushBodyFrame(ctx, NULL, control_body, NULL); for (size_t i = 0; i < SeqLength(control_body->conlist); i++) { const char *lval; Rval evaluated_rval; size_t lineno; /* Use nested scope to constrain cp. */ { Constraint *cp = SeqAt(control_body->conlist, i); lval = cp->lval; lineno = cp->offset.line; if (!IsDefinedClass(ctx, cp->classes)) { continue; } if (strcmp(lval, CFG_CONTROLBODY[COMMON_CONTROL_BUNDLESEQUENCE].lval) == 0) { evaluated_rval = ExpandPrivateRval(ctx, NULL, scope, cp->rval.item, cp->rval.type); } else { evaluated_rval = EvaluateFinalRval(ctx, control_body->parent_policy, NULL, scope, cp->rval, true, NULL); } } /* Close scope: assert we only use evaluated_rval, not cp->rval. */ VarRef *ref = VarRefParseFromScope(lval, scope); EvalContextVariableRemove(ctx, ref); DataType rval_proper_datatype = ConstraintSyntaxGetDataType(body_syntax, lval); if (evaluated_rval.type != DataTypeToRvalType(rval_proper_datatype)) { Log(LOG_LEVEL_ERR, "Attribute '%s' in %s:%zu is of wrong type, skipping", lval, filename, lineno); VarRefDestroy(ref); RvalDestroy(evaluated_rval); continue; } bool success = EvalContextVariablePut( ctx, ref, evaluated_rval.item, rval_proper_datatype, "source=promise"); if (!success) { Log(LOG_LEVEL_ERR, "Attribute '%s' in %s:%zu can't be added, skipping", lval, filename, lineno); VarRefDestroy(ref); RvalDestroy(evaluated_rval); continue; } VarRefDestroy(ref); if (strcmp(lval, CFG_CONTROLBODY[COMMON_CONTROL_OUTPUT_PREFIX].lval) == 0) { strlcpy(VPREFIX, RvalScalarValue(evaluated_rval), sizeof(VPREFIX)); } if (strcmp(lval, CFG_CONTROLBODY[COMMON_CONTROL_DOMAIN].lval) == 0) { strlcpy(VDOMAIN, RvalScalarValue(evaluated_rval), sizeof(VDOMAIN)); Log(LOG_LEVEL_VERBOSE, "SET domain = %s", VDOMAIN); EvalContextVariableRemoveSpecial(ctx, SPECIAL_SCOPE_SYS, "domain"); EvalContextVariableRemoveSpecial(ctx, SPECIAL_SCOPE_SYS, "fqhost"); snprintf(VFQNAME, CF_MAXVARSIZE, "%s.%s", VUQNAME, VDOMAIN); EvalContextVariablePutSpecial(ctx, SPECIAL_SCOPE_SYS, "fqhost", VFQNAME, CF_DATA_TYPE_STRING, "inventory,source=agent,attribute_name=Host name"); EvalContextVariablePutSpecial(ctx, SPECIAL_SCOPE_SYS, "domain", VDOMAIN, CF_DATA_TYPE_STRING, "source=agent"); EvalContextClassPutHard(ctx, VDOMAIN, "source=agent"); } if (strcmp(lval, CFG_CONTROLBODY[COMMON_CONTROL_IGNORE_MISSING_INPUTS].lval) == 0) { Log(LOG_LEVEL_VERBOSE, "SET ignore_missing_inputs %s", RvalScalarValue(evaluated_rval)); config->ignore_missing_inputs = BooleanFromString( RvalScalarValue(evaluated_rval)); } if (strcmp(lval, CFG_CONTROLBODY[COMMON_CONTROL_IGNORE_MISSING_BUNDLES].lval) == 0) { Log(LOG_LEVEL_VERBOSE, "SET ignore_missing_bundles %s", RvalScalarValue(evaluated_rval)); config->ignore_missing_bundles = BooleanFromString( RvalScalarValue(evaluated_rval)); } if (strcmp(lval, CFG_CONTROLBODY[COMMON_CONTROL_CACHE_SYSTEM_FUNCTIONS].lval) == 0) { Log(LOG_LEVEL_VERBOSE, "SET cache_system_functions %s", RvalScalarValue(evaluated_rval)); bool cache_system_functions = BooleanFromString( RvalScalarValue(evaluated_rval)); EvalContextSetEvalOption(ctx, EVAL_OPTION_CACHE_SYSTEM_FUNCTIONS, cache_system_functions); } if (strcmp(lval, CFG_CONTROLBODY[COMMON_CONTROL_PROTOCOL_VERSION].lval) == 0) { config->protocol_version = ProtocolVersionParse( RvalScalarValue(evaluated_rval)); Log(LOG_LEVEL_VERBOSE, "SET common protocol_version: %s", PROTOCOL_VERSION_STRING[config->protocol_version]); } /* Those are package_inventory and package_module common control body options */ if (strcmp(lval, CFG_CONTROLBODY[COMMON_CONTROL_PACKAGE_INVENTORY].lval) == 0) { AddDefaultInventoryToContext(ctx, RvalRlistValue(evaluated_rval)); Log(LOG_LEVEL_VERBOSE, "SET common package_inventory list"); } if (strcmp(lval, CFG_CONTROLBODY[COMMON_CONTROL_PACKAGE_MODULE].lval) == 0) { AddDefaultPackageModuleToContext(ctx, RvalScalarValue(evaluated_rval)); Log(LOG_LEVEL_VERBOSE, "SET common package_module: %s", RvalScalarValue(evaluated_rval)); } if (strcmp(lval, CFG_CONTROLBODY[COMMON_CONTROL_GOALPATTERNS].lval) == 0) { /* Ignored */ } RvalDestroy(evaluated_rval); } EvalContextStackPopFrame(ctx); free(scope); }
ExecConfig *ExecConfigNew(bool scheduled_run, const EvalContext *ctx, const Policy *policy) { ExecConfig *exec_config = xcalloc(1, sizeof(ExecConfig)); exec_config->scheduled_run = scheduled_run; exec_config->exec_command = xstrdup(""); exec_config->agent_expireafter = 2 * 60; /* two hours */ exec_config->mail_server = xstrdup(""); exec_config->mail_from_address = xstrdup(""); exec_config->mail_to_address = xstrdup(""); exec_config->mail_subject = xstrdup(""); exec_config->mail_max_lines = 30; exec_config->fq_name = xstrdup(VFQNAME); exec_config->ip_address = xstrdup(VIPADDRESS); exec_config->ip_addresses = GetIpAddresses(ctx); Seq *constraints = ControlBodyConstraints(policy, AGENT_TYPE_EXECUTOR); if (constraints) { for (size_t i = 0; i < SeqLength(constraints); i++) { Constraint *cp = SeqAt(constraints, i); if (!IsDefinedClass(ctx, cp->classes)) { continue; } VarRef *ref = VarRefParseFromScope(cp->lval, "control_executor"); const void *value = EvalContextVariableGet(ctx, ref, NULL); if (!value) { /* Has already been checked by the parser. */ ProgrammingError( "Unknown attribute in body executor control: %s", cp->lval); VarRefDestroy(ref); continue; } VarRefDestroy(ref); if (strcmp(cp->lval, CFEX_CONTROLBODY[EXEC_CONTROL_MAILFROM].lval) == 0) { free(exec_config->mail_from_address); exec_config->mail_from_address = xstrdup(value); Log(LOG_LEVEL_DEBUG, "mailfrom '%s'", exec_config->mail_from_address); } else if (strcmp(cp->lval, CFEX_CONTROLBODY[EXEC_CONTROL_MAILTO].lval) == 0) { free(exec_config->mail_to_address); exec_config->mail_to_address = xstrdup(value); Log(LOG_LEVEL_DEBUG, "mailto '%s'", exec_config->mail_to_address); } else if (strcmp(cp->lval, CFEX_CONTROLBODY[EXEC_CONTROL_MAILSUBJECT].lval) == 0) { free(exec_config->mail_subject); exec_config->mail_subject = xstrdup(value); Log(LOG_LEVEL_DEBUG, "mailsubject '%s'", exec_config->mail_subject); } else if (strcmp(cp->lval, CFEX_CONTROLBODY[EXEC_CONTROL_SMTPSERVER].lval) == 0) { free(exec_config->mail_server); exec_config->mail_server = xstrdup(value); Log(LOG_LEVEL_DEBUG, "smtpserver '%s'", exec_config->mail_server); } else if (strcmp(cp->lval, CFEX_CONTROLBODY[EXEC_CONTROL_EXECCOMMAND].lval) == 0) { free(exec_config->exec_command); exec_config->exec_command = xstrdup(value); Log(LOG_LEVEL_DEBUG, "exec_command '%s'", exec_config->exec_command); } else if (strcmp(cp->lval, CFEX_CONTROLBODY[EXEC_CONTROL_AGENT_EXPIREAFTER].lval) == 0) { exec_config->agent_expireafter = IntFromString(value); Log(LOG_LEVEL_DEBUG, "agent_expireafter %d", exec_config->agent_expireafter); } else if (strcmp(cp->lval, CFEX_CONTROLBODY[EXEC_CONTROL_MAILMAXLINES].lval) == 0) { exec_config->mail_max_lines = IntFromString(value); Log(LOG_LEVEL_DEBUG, "maxlines %d", exec_config->mail_max_lines); } } } return exec_config; }
static void KeepControlPromises(EvalContext *ctx, Policy *policy, GenericAgentConfig *config) { Rval retval; CFD_MAXPROCESSES = 30; MAXTRIES = 5; DENYBADCLOCKS = true; CFRUNCOMMAND[0] = '\0'; SetChecksumUpdates(true); /* Keep promised agent behaviour - control bodies */ Banner("Server control promises.."); PolicyResolve(ctx, policy, config); /* Now expand */ Seq *constraints = ControlBodyConstraints(policy, AGENT_TYPE_SERVER); if (constraints) { for (size_t i = 0; i < SeqLength(constraints); i++) { Constraint *cp = SeqAt(constraints, i); if (!IsDefinedClass(ctx, cp->classes, NULL)) { continue; } VarRef *ref = VarRefParseFromScope(cp->lval, "control_server"); if (!EvalContextVariableGet(ctx, ref, &retval, NULL)) { Log(LOG_LEVEL_ERR, "Unknown lval '%s' in server control body", cp->lval); VarRefDestroy(ref); continue; } VarRefDestroy(ref); if (strcmp(cp->lval, CFS_CONTROLBODY[SERVER_CONTROL_SERVER_FACILITY].lval) == 0) { SetFacility(retval.item); continue; } if (strcmp(cp->lval, CFS_CONTROLBODY[SERVER_CONTROL_DENY_BAD_CLOCKS].lval) == 0) { DENYBADCLOCKS = BooleanFromString(retval.item); Log(LOG_LEVEL_VERBOSE, "Setting denybadclocks to '%s'", DENYBADCLOCKS ? "true" : "false"); continue; } if (strcmp(cp->lval, CFS_CONTROLBODY[SERVER_CONTROL_LOG_ENCRYPTED_TRANSFERS].lval) == 0) { LOGENCRYPT = BooleanFromString(retval.item); Log(LOG_LEVEL_VERBOSE, "Setting logencrypt to '%s'", LOGENCRYPT ? "true" : "false"); continue; } if (strcmp(cp->lval, CFS_CONTROLBODY[SERVER_CONTROL_LOG_ALL_CONNECTIONS].lval) == 0) { SV.logconns = BooleanFromString(retval.item); Log(LOG_LEVEL_VERBOSE, "Setting logconns to %d", SV.logconns); continue; } if (strcmp(cp->lval, CFS_CONTROLBODY[SERVER_CONTROL_MAX_CONNECTIONS].lval) == 0) { CFD_MAXPROCESSES = (int) IntFromString(retval.item); MAXTRIES = CFD_MAXPROCESSES / 3; Log(LOG_LEVEL_VERBOSE, "Setting maxconnections to %d", CFD_MAXPROCESSES); continue; } if (strcmp(cp->lval, CFS_CONTROLBODY[SERVER_CONTROL_CALL_COLLECT_INTERVAL].lval) == 0) { COLLECT_INTERVAL = (int) 60 * IntFromString(retval.item); Log(LOG_LEVEL_VERBOSE, "Setting call_collect_interval to %d (seconds)", COLLECT_INTERVAL); continue; } if (strcmp(cp->lval, CFS_CONTROLBODY[SERVER_CONTROL_LISTEN].lval) == 0) { SERVER_LISTEN = BooleanFromString(retval.item); Log(LOG_LEVEL_VERBOSE, "Setting server listen to '%s' ", (SERVER_LISTEN)? "true":"false"); continue; } if (strcmp(cp->lval, CFS_CONTROLBODY[SERVER_CONTROL_CALL_COLLECT_WINDOW].lval) == 0) { COLLECT_WINDOW = (int) IntFromString(retval.item); Log(LOG_LEVEL_VERBOSE, "Setting collect_window to %d (seconds)", COLLECT_INTERVAL); continue; } if (strcmp(cp->lval, CFS_CONTROLBODY[SERVER_CONTROL_CF_RUN_COMMAND].lval) == 0) { strncpy(CFRUNCOMMAND, retval.item, CF_BUFSIZE - 1); Log(LOG_LEVEL_VERBOSE, "Setting cfruncommand to '%s'", CFRUNCOMMAND); continue; } if (strcmp(cp->lval, CFS_CONTROLBODY[SERVER_CONTROL_ALLOW_CONNECTS].lval) == 0) { Rlist *rp; Log(LOG_LEVEL_VERBOSE, "Setting allowing connections from ..."); for (rp = (Rlist *) retval.item; rp != NULL; rp = rp->next) { if (!IsItemIn(SV.nonattackerlist, rp->item)) { AppendItem(&SV.nonattackerlist, rp->item, cp->classes); } } continue; } if (strcmp(cp->lval, CFS_CONTROLBODY[SERVER_CONTROL_DENY_CONNECTS].lval) == 0) { Rlist *rp; Log(LOG_LEVEL_VERBOSE, "Setting denying connections from ..."); for (rp = (Rlist *) retval.item; rp != NULL; rp = rp->next) { if (!IsItemIn(SV.attackerlist, rp->item)) { AppendItem(&SV.attackerlist, rp->item, cp->classes); } } continue; } if (strcmp(cp->lval, CFS_CONTROLBODY[SERVER_CONTROL_SKIP_VERIFY].lval) == 0) { Rlist *rp; Log(LOG_LEVEL_VERBOSE, "Setting skip verify connections from ..."); for (rp = (Rlist *) retval.item; rp != NULL; rp = rp->next) { if (!IsItemIn(SV.skipverify, rp->item)) { AppendItem(&SV.skipverify, rp->item, cp->classes); } } continue; } if (strcmp(cp->lval, CFS_CONTROLBODY[SERVER_CONTROL_ALLOW_ALL_CONNECTS].lval) == 0) { Rlist *rp; Log(LOG_LEVEL_VERBOSE, "Setting allowing multiple connections from ..."); for (rp = (Rlist *) retval.item; rp != NULL; rp = rp->next) { if (!IsItemIn(SV.multiconnlist, rp->item)) { AppendItem(&SV.multiconnlist, rp->item, cp->classes); } } continue; } if (strcmp(cp->lval, CFS_CONTROLBODY[SERVER_CONTROL_ALLOW_USERS].lval) == 0) { Rlist *rp; Log(LOG_LEVEL_VERBOSE, "SET Allowing users ..."); for (rp = (Rlist *) retval.item; rp != NULL; rp = rp->next) { if (!IsItemIn(SV.allowuserlist, rp->item)) { AppendItem(&SV.allowuserlist, rp->item, cp->classes); } } continue; } if (strcmp(cp->lval, CFS_CONTROLBODY[SERVER_CONTROL_TRUST_KEYS_FROM].lval) == 0) { Rlist *rp; Log(LOG_LEVEL_VERBOSE, "Setting trust keys from ..."); for (rp = (Rlist *) retval.item; rp != NULL; rp = rp->next) { if (!IsItemIn(SV.trustkeylist, rp->item)) { AppendItem(&SV.trustkeylist, rp->item, cp->classes); } } continue; } if (strcmp(cp->lval, CFS_CONTROLBODY[SERVER_CONTROL_PORT_NUMBER].lval) == 0) { SHORT_CFENGINEPORT = (short) IntFromString(retval.item); strncpy(STR_CFENGINEPORT, retval.item, 15); Log(LOG_LEVEL_VERBOSE, "Setting default portnumber to %u = %s = %s", (int) SHORT_CFENGINEPORT, STR_CFENGINEPORT, RvalScalarValue(retval)); SHORT_CFENGINEPORT = htons((short) IntFromString(retval.item)); continue; } if (strcmp(cp->lval, CFS_CONTROLBODY[SERVER_CONTROL_BIND_TO_INTERFACE].lval) == 0) { strncpy(BINDINTERFACE, retval.item, CF_BUFSIZE - 1); Log(LOG_LEVEL_VERBOSE, "Setting bindtointerface to '%s'", BINDINTERFACE); continue; } } } if (EvalContextVariableControlCommonGet(ctx, COMMON_CONTROL_SYSLOG_HOST, &retval)) { /* Don't resolve syslog_host now, better do it per log request. */ if (!SetSyslogHost(retval.item)) { Log(LOG_LEVEL_ERR, "Failed to set syslog_host, '%s' too long", (char *) retval.item); } else { Log(LOG_LEVEL_VERBOSE, "Setting syslog_host to '%s'", (char *) retval.item); } } if (EvalContextVariableControlCommonGet(ctx, COMMON_CONTROL_SYSLOG_PORT, &retval)) { SetSyslogPort(IntFromString(retval.item)); } if (EvalContextVariableControlCommonGet(ctx, COMMON_CONTROL_FIPS_MODE, &retval)) { FIPS_MODE = BooleanFromString(retval.item); Log(LOG_LEVEL_VERBOSE, "Setting FIPS mode to to '%s'", FIPS_MODE ? "true" : "false"); } if (EvalContextVariableControlCommonGet(ctx, COMMON_CONTROL_LASTSEEN_EXPIRE_AFTER, &retval)) { LASTSEENEXPIREAFTER = IntFromString(retval.item) * 60; } }
void ExecConfigUpdate(const EvalContext *ctx, const Policy *policy, ExecConfig *exec_config) { ExecConfigResetDefault(exec_config); Seq *constraints = ControlBodyConstraints(policy, AGENT_TYPE_EXECUTOR); if (constraints) { for (size_t i = 0; i < SeqLength(constraints); i++) { Constraint *cp = SeqAt(constraints, i); if (!IsDefinedClass(ctx, cp->classes, NULL)) { continue; } VarRef *ref = VarRefParseFromScope(cp->lval, "control_executor"); Rval retval; if (!EvalContextVariableGet(ctx, ref, &retval, NULL)) { // TODO: should've been checked before this point. change to programming error Log(LOG_LEVEL_ERR, "Unknown lval '%s' in exec control body", cp->lval); VarRefDestroy(ref); continue; } VarRefDestroy(ref); if (strcmp(cp->lval, CFEX_CONTROLBODY[EXEC_CONTROL_MAILFROM].lval) == 0) { free(exec_config->mail_from_address); exec_config->mail_from_address = xstrdup(retval.item); Log(LOG_LEVEL_DEBUG, "mailfrom '%s'", exec_config->mail_from_address); } else if (strcmp(cp->lval, CFEX_CONTROLBODY[EXEC_CONTROL_MAILTO].lval) == 0) { free(exec_config->mail_to_address); exec_config->mail_to_address = xstrdup(retval.item); Log(LOG_LEVEL_DEBUG, "mailto '%s'", exec_config->mail_to_address); } else if (strcmp(cp->lval, CFEX_CONTROLBODY[EXEC_CONTROL_MAILSUBJECT].lval) == 0) { free(exec_config->mail_subject); exec_config->mail_subject = xstrdup(retval.item); Log(LOG_LEVEL_DEBUG, "mailsubject '%s'", exec_config->mail_subject); } else if (strcmp(cp->lval, CFEX_CONTROLBODY[EXEC_CONTROL_SMTPSERVER].lval) == 0) { free(exec_config->mail_server); exec_config->mail_server = xstrdup(retval.item); Log(LOG_LEVEL_DEBUG, "smtpserver '%s'", exec_config->mail_server); } else if (strcmp(cp->lval, CFEX_CONTROLBODY[EXEC_CONTROL_EXECCOMMAND].lval) == 0) { free(exec_config->exec_command); exec_config->exec_command = xstrdup(retval.item); Log(LOG_LEVEL_DEBUG, "exec_command '%s'", exec_config->exec_command); } else if (strcmp(cp->lval, CFEX_CONTROLBODY[EXEC_CONTROL_AGENT_EXPIREAFTER].lval) == 0) { exec_config->agent_expireafter = IntFromString(retval.item); Log(LOG_LEVEL_DEBUG, "agent_expireafter %d", exec_config->agent_expireafter); } else if (strcmp(cp->lval, CFEX_CONTROLBODY[EXEC_CONTROL_EXECUTORFACILITY].lval) == 0) { exec_config->log_facility = xstrdup(retval.item); Log(LOG_LEVEL_DEBUG, "executorfacility '%s'", exec_config->log_facility); } else if (strcmp(cp->lval, CFEX_CONTROLBODY[EXEC_CONTROL_MAILMAXLINES].lval) == 0) { exec_config->mail_max_lines = IntFromString(retval.item); Log(LOG_LEVEL_DEBUG, "maxlines %d", exec_config->mail_max_lines); } else if (strcmp(cp->lval, CFEX_CONTROLBODY[EXEC_CONTROL_SPLAYTIME].lval) == 0) { int time = IntFromString(RvalScalarValue(retval)); exec_config->splay_time = (int) (time * SECONDS_PER_MINUTE * GetSplay()); } else if (strcmp(cp->lval, CFEX_CONTROLBODY[EXEC_CONTROL_SCHEDULE].lval) == 0) { Log(LOG_LEVEL_DEBUG, "Loading user-defined schedule..."); StringSetClear(exec_config->schedule); for (const Rlist *rp = retval.item; rp; rp = rp->next) { StringSetAdd(exec_config->schedule, xstrdup(RlistScalarValue(rp))); Log(LOG_LEVEL_DEBUG, "Adding '%s'", RlistScalarValue(rp)); } } } } char ipbuf[CF_MAXVARSIZE] = ""; for (Item *iptr = EvalContextGetIpAddresses(ctx); iptr != NULL; iptr = iptr->next) { if ((SafeStringLength(ipbuf) + SafeStringLength(iptr->name)) < sizeof(ipbuf)) { strcat(ipbuf, iptr->name); strcat(ipbuf, " "); } else { break; } } Chop(ipbuf, sizeof(ipbuf)); free(exec_config->ip_addresses); exec_config->ip_addresses = xstrdup(ipbuf); }
static void TestSysVar(EvalContext *ctx, const char *lval, const char *expected) { VarRef *ref = VarRefParseFromScope(lval, "sys"); assert_string_equal(expected, EvalContextVariableGet(ctx, ref, NULL)); VarRefDestroy(ref); }
static int HailServer(const EvalContext *ctx, const GenericAgentConfig *config, char *host) { assert(host != NULL); AgentConnection *conn; char sendbuffer[CF_BUFSIZE], recvbuffer[CF_BUFSIZE], hostkey[CF_HOSTKEY_STRING_SIZE], user[CF_SMALLBUF]; bool gotkey; char reply[8]; bool trustkey = false; char *hostname, *port; ParseHostPort(host, &hostname, &port); if (hostname == NULL || strcmp(hostname, "localhost") == 0) { Log(LOG_LEVEL_INFO, "No remote hosts were specified to connect to"); return false; } if (port == NULL) { port = "5308"; } char ipaddr[CF_MAX_IP_LEN]; if (Hostname2IPString(ipaddr, hostname, sizeof(ipaddr)) == -1) { Log(LOG_LEVEL_ERR, "HailServer: ERROR, could not resolve '%s'", hostname); return false; } Address2Hostkey(hostkey, sizeof(hostkey), ipaddr); GetCurrentUserName(user, CF_SMALLBUF); if (INTERACTIVE) { Log(LOG_LEVEL_VERBOSE, "Using interactive key trust..."); gotkey = HavePublicKey(user, ipaddr, hostkey) != NULL; if (!gotkey) { /* TODO print the hash of the connecting host. But to do that we * should open the connection first, and somehow pass that hash * here! redmine#7212 */ printf("WARNING - You do not have a public key from host %s = %s\n", hostname, ipaddr); printf(" Do you want to accept one on trust? (yes/no)\n\n--> "); while (true) { if (fgets(reply, sizeof(reply), stdin) == NULL) { FatalError(ctx, "EOF trying to read answer from terminal"); } if (Chop(reply, CF_EXPANDSIZE) == -1) { Log(LOG_LEVEL_ERR, "Chop was called on a string that seemed to have no terminator"); } if (strcmp(reply, "yes") == 0) { printf("Will trust the key...\n"); trustkey = true; break; } else if (strcmp(reply, "no") == 0) { printf("Will not trust the key...\n"); trustkey = false; break; } else { printf("Please reply yes or no...(%s)\n", reply); } } } } #ifndef __MINGW32__ if (BACKGROUND) { Log(LOG_LEVEL_INFO, "Hailing %s : %s (in the background)", hostname, port); } else #endif { Log(LOG_LEVEL_INFO, "........................................................................"); Log(LOG_LEVEL_INFO, "Hailing %s : %s", hostname, port); Log(LOG_LEVEL_INFO, "........................................................................"); } ConnectionFlags connflags = { .protocol_version = config->protocol_version, .trust_server = trustkey }; int err = 0; conn = ServerConnection(hostname, port, CONNTIMEOUT, connflags, &err); if (conn == NULL) { Log(LOG_LEVEL_ERR, "Failed to connect to host: %s", hostname); return false; } /* Send EXEC command. */ HailExec(conn, hostname, recvbuffer, sendbuffer); return true; } /********************************************************************/ /* Level 2 */ /********************************************************************/ static void KeepControlPromises(EvalContext *ctx, const Policy *policy) { Seq *constraints = ControlBodyConstraints(policy, AGENT_TYPE_RUNAGENT); if (constraints) { for (size_t i = 0; i < SeqLength(constraints); i++) { Constraint *cp = SeqAt(constraints, i); if (!IsDefinedClass(ctx, cp->classes)) { continue; } VarRef *ref = VarRefParseFromScope(cp->lval, "control_runagent"); const void *value = EvalContextVariableGet(ctx, ref, NULL); VarRefDestroy(ref); if (!value) { Log(LOG_LEVEL_ERR, "Unknown lval '%s' in runagent control body", cp->lval); continue; } if (strcmp(cp->lval, CFR_CONTROLBODY[RUNAGENT_CONTROL_FORCE_IPV4].lval) == 0) { continue; } if (strcmp(cp->lval, CFR_CONTROLBODY[RUNAGENT_CONTROL_TRUSTKEY].lval) == 0) { continue; } if (strcmp(cp->lval, CFR_CONTROLBODY[RUNAGENT_CONTROL_ENCRYPT].lval) == 0) { continue; } if (strcmp(cp->lval, CFR_CONTROLBODY[RUNAGENT_CONTROL_PORT_NUMBER].lval) == 0) { continue; } if (strcmp(cp->lval, CFR_CONTROLBODY[RUNAGENT_CONTROL_BACKGROUND].lval) == 0) { /* * Only process this option if are is no -b or -i options specified on * command line. */ if (BACKGROUND || INTERACTIVE) { Log(LOG_LEVEL_WARNING, "'background_children' setting from 'body runagent control' is overridden by command-line option."); } else { BACKGROUND = BooleanFromString(value); } continue; } if (strcmp(cp->lval, CFR_CONTROLBODY[RUNAGENT_CONTROL_MAX_CHILD].lval) == 0) { MAXCHILD = (short) IntFromString(value); continue; } if (strcmp(cp->lval, CFR_CONTROLBODY[RUNAGENT_CONTROL_OUTPUT_TO_FILE].lval) == 0) { OUTPUT_TO_FILE = BooleanFromString(value); continue; } if (strcmp(cp->lval, CFR_CONTROLBODY[RUNAGENT_CONTROL_OUTPUT_DIRECTORY].lval) == 0) { if (IsAbsPath(value)) { strlcpy(OUTPUT_DIRECTORY, value, CF_BUFSIZE); Log(LOG_LEVEL_VERBOSE, "Setting output direcory to '%s'", OUTPUT_DIRECTORY); } continue; } if (strcmp(cp->lval, CFR_CONTROLBODY[RUNAGENT_CONTROL_TIMEOUT].lval) == 0) { continue; } if (strcmp(cp->lval, CFR_CONTROLBODY[RUNAGENT_CONTROL_HOSTS].lval) == 0) { if (HOSTLIST == NULL) // Don't override if command line setting { HOSTLIST = value; } continue; } } } const char *expire_after = EvalContextVariableControlCommonGet(ctx, COMMON_CONTROL_LASTSEEN_EXPIRE_AFTER); if (expire_after) { LASTSEENEXPIREAFTER = IntFromString(expire_after) * 60; } }