Example #1
static void leading( VBUF *pbuf, char lead, int len )
    while( len-- > 0 ) {
        VbufConcChr( pbuf, lead );
Example #2
    DUMP_INFO* di,              // - dump information
    char chr )                  // - to be concatenated
    VbufConcChr( &di->buffer, chr );
    return di;
Example #3
void CmdLnCtxInfo(              // PRINT CONTEXT INFO
    void )
    CTX_CL* entry;              // - current entry
    VBUF buf;                   // - buffer

    VbufInit( &buf );
    for( entry = VstkTop( &cmdLnContexts )
       ; entry != NULL
       ; entry = VstkNext( &cmdLnContexts, entry ) ) {
        VbufRewind( &buf );
        switch( entry->base.ctx_type ) {
          case CTX_CLTYPE_ENV :
            VbufConcChr( &buf, '@' );
            VbufConcStr( &buf, entry->env.var );
          case CTX_CLTYPE_FC :
            VbufConcStr( &buf, "batch file of commands, line " );
            VbufConcDecimal( &buf, CompInfo.fc_file_line );
          case CTX_CLTYPE_PGM :
            VbufConcStr( &buf, "command line" );
          case CTX_CLTYPE_FILE :
            VbufConcStr( &buf, SrcFileFullName( entry->file.source ) );
          DbgDefault( "bad command-line context" );
        if( entry->base.sw_ptr != NULL ) {
            size_t size;
            char const * not_used;
            char const* old = CmdScanAddr();
            CmdScanInit( entry->base.sw_ptr );
            size = CmdScanOption( &not_used ) + 1;
            CmdScanInit( old );
            VbufConcStr( &buf, ", switch: " );
            for( old = entry->base.sw_ptr; size > 0; ++old, --size ) {
                VbufConcChr( &buf, *old );
        InfMsgPtr( INF_SWITCH, VbufString( &buf ) );
    VbufFree( &buf );
Example #4
// this prints grammatically correct messages.
// i.e. no errors, or 1 error, or 5 errors
static void intPrint            // PRINT INT LINE SEGMENT
    ( VBUF *buf
    , char *thing
    , char *end
    , unsigned int count )
    if( count == 0 ) {
        VbufConcStr( buf, "no " );
    } else {
        VbufConcDecimal( buf, count );
        VbufConcChr( buf, ' ' );
    VbufConcStr( buf, thing );
    if( count != 1 ) {
        VbufConcChr( buf, 's' );
    VbufConcStr( buf, end );
Example #5
bool CmdLnBatchRead(            // READ NEXT LINE IN COMMAND BUFFER
    VBUF *buf )                 // - virtual buffer
    VbufInit( buf );
    for(;;) {
        int c = nextChar();
        if( CompFlags.batch_file_eof ) break;
        if( c == '\n' ) break;
        VbufConcChr( buf, c );
    DbgVerify( VbufLen( buf ) > 0, "CmdLnReadBatch -- nothing" );
    ++ CompInfo.fc_file_line;
    return( VbufLen( buf ) );
Example #6
static void processCmdFile(     // PROCESS A COMMAND FILE
    OPT_STORAGE *data )         // - option data
    VBUF rec;                   // - record for file
    int c;                      // - next character

    VbufInit( &rec );
    for(;;) {
        for(;;) {
            c = NextChar();
            if( c == LCHR_EOF ) break;
            if( c == '\n' ) break;
            if( c == '\r' ) break;
            VbufConcChr( &rec, (char)c );
        procOptions( data, VbufString( &rec ) );
        for( ; ( c == '\n' ) || ( c == '\r' ); c = NextChar() );
        if( c == LCHR_EOF ) break;
        VbufRewind( &rec );
        VbufConcChr( &rec, (char)c );
    VbufFree( &rec );
Example #7
SYMBOL FormatMsg( VBUF *pbuf, char *fmt, va_list arg )
// this function assumes that pbuf is initialized
// all information is concatenated to the end of pbuf
    VBUF    prefix, suffix;
    char    cfmt;
    char    local_buf[ 1 + sizeof( int ) * 2 + 1 ];
    unsigned len;
    SYMBOL  retn_symbol;

    retn_symbol = NULL;
    cfmt = *fmt;
    while( cfmt ) {
        if( cfmt == '%' ) {
            cfmt = *fmt;
            switch( cfmt ) {
            case '1':   /* %01d */
            case '2':   /* %02d */
            case '3':   /* %03d */
            case '4':   /* %04d */
            case '5':   /* %05d */
            case '6':   /* %06d */
            case '7':   /* %07d */
            case '8':   /* %08d */
            case '9':   /* %09d */
                len = sticpy( local_buf, va_arg( arg, int ) ) - local_buf;
                leading( pbuf, '0', ( cfmt - '0' ) - len );
                VbufConcStr( pbuf, local_buf );
            case 'c':   /* %c */
                VbufConcChr( pbuf, va_arg( arg, int ) );
            case 's':   /* %s */
                VbufConcStr( pbuf, va_arg( arg, char * ) );
            case 'u':   /* %u */
                VbufConcDecimal( pbuf, va_arg( arg, unsigned int ) );
            case 'd':   /* %d */
                VbufConcInteger( pbuf, va_arg( arg, int ) );
            case 'L':   /* token location */
            {   TOKEN_LOCN *locn;
                locn = va_arg( arg, TOKEN_LOCN * );
                if( locn == NULL ) {
                    VbufConcStr( pbuf, "by compiler" );
                } else {
                    char *src_file = SrcFileName( locn->src_file );
                    if( src_file == NULL ) {
                        VbufConcStr( pbuf, "on the command line" );
                    } else {
                        if( ( CompFlags.ew_switch_used )
                          &&( locn->src_file == SrcFileTraceBackFile() ) ) {
                            VbufConcStr( pbuf, "at: " );
                        } else {
                            VbufConcStr( pbuf, "in: " );
                            VbufConcStr( pbuf, SrcFileName( locn->src_file ) );
                        VbufConcChr( pbuf, '(' );
                        VbufConcInteger( pbuf, locn->line );
                        if( locn->column ) {
                            if( CompFlags.ew_switch_used ) {
                                VbufConcChr( pbuf, ',' );
                                VbufConcInteger( pbuf, locn->column );
                            } else {
                                VbufConcStr( pbuf, ") (col " );
                                VbufConcInteger( pbuf, locn->column );
                        VbufConcChr( pbuf, ')' );
            }   break;
            case 'N':   /* name */
                FormatName( va_arg( arg, NAME ), &prefix );
                VbufConcVbuf( pbuf, &prefix );
                VbufFree( &prefix );
            case 'F':   /* symbol name (decorated) */
            {   SYMBOL      sym;
                sym = va_arg( arg, SYMBOL );
                FormatSym( sym, &prefix );
                VbufConcVbuf( pbuf, &prefix );
                VbufFree( &prefix );
            }   break;
            case 'S':   /* symbol name (abbreviated) */
            {   SYMBOL      sym;
                SYMBOL_NAME sn;
                NAME        name;
                sym = va_arg( arg, SYMBOL );
                if( sym == NULL ) {
                    VbufConcStr( pbuf, "module data" );
                } else {
                    if( formatClassForSym( sym, pbuf ) ) {
                        VbufConcStr( pbuf, "::" );
                    if( SymIsCtor( sym ) ) {
                        formatClassForSym( sym, pbuf );
                    } else if( SymIsDtor( sym ) ) {
                        VbufConcChr( pbuf, '~' );
                        formatClassForSym( sym, pbuf );
                    } else {
                        sn = sym->name;
#ifndef NDEBUG
                        if( sn == NULL ) {
                            CFatal( "FormatMsg -- %S symbol has NULL SYMBOL_NAME" );
                        name = sn->name;
#ifndef NDEBUG
                        if( name == NULL ) {
                            CFatal( "FormatMsg -- %S SYMBOL_NAME has NULL name" );
                        if( name == CppConversionName() ) {
                            VbufConcStr( pbuf, "operator " );
                            FormatType( SymFuncReturnType( sym )
                                      , &prefix
                                      , &suffix );
                            VbufFree( &suffix );
                        } else {
                            FormatName( name, &prefix );
                        VbufConcVbuf( pbuf, &prefix );
                        VbufFree( &prefix );
                    if( sym->flag2 & SF2_TOKEN_LOCN ) {
                        DbgVerify( retn_symbol == NULL, "too many symbols" );
                        retn_symbol = sym;
            }   break;
            case 'T':   /* type name */
            {   TYPE type = va_arg( arg, TYPE );
                TYPE refed = TypeReference( type );
                if( NULL != refed ) {
                    type = refed;
                FormatType( type, &prefix, &suffix );
                VbufConcVbuf( pbuf, &prefix );
                VbufConcVbuf( pbuf, &suffix );
                VbufFree( &prefix );
                VbufFree( &suffix );
                VbufTruncWhite( pbuf );
                if( NULL != refed ) {
                    VbufConcStr( pbuf, " (lvalue)" );
            }   break;
            case 'P':   /* PTREE list */
            {   const PTREE p = va_arg( arg, PTREE );

                FormatPTreeList( p, &prefix );
                VbufConcVbuf( pbuf, &prefix );
                VbufFree( &prefix );
            }   break;
            case 'I':   /* PTREE id */
            {   const PTREE p = va_arg( arg, PTREE );

                FormatPTreeId( p, &prefix );
                VbufConcVbuf( pbuf, &prefix );
                VbufFree( &prefix );
            }   break;
            case 'M':   /* template info */
            {   TEMPLATE_INFO * const tinfo = va_arg( arg, TEMPLATE_INFO * );
                const SYMBOL sym = tinfo->sym;

                FormatTemplateInfo( tinfo, &prefix );
                VbufConcVbuf( pbuf, &prefix );
                VbufFree( &prefix );
                if( sym->flag2 & SF2_TOKEN_LOCN ) {
                    DbgVerify( retn_symbol == NULL, "too many symbols" );
                    retn_symbol = sym;
            }   break;
            case 'C':   /* template specialisation */
            {   TEMPLATE_SPECIALIZATION * const tspec =
                    va_arg( arg, TEMPLATE_SPECIALIZATION * );

                FormatTemplateSpecialization( tspec, &prefix );
                VbufConcVbuf( pbuf, &prefix );
                VbufFree( &prefix );
            }   break;
                VbufConcChr( pbuf, cfmt );
        } else {
Example #8
void DumpObjectModelEnum(       // DUMP OBJECT MODEL: ENUM
    TYPE type )                 // - enum type
    SYMBOL sym;                 // - current symbol
    TYPE base;                  // - base type
    VBUF buffer;                // - printing buffer
    char buf[16];               // - buffer
    int numb;                   // - a numeric value
    const char *name;           // - name to be printed
    bool sign;                  // - TRUE ==> signed enum
    unsigned mask;              // - used to mask to true size
    unsigned val;               // - value as unsigned

    CompFlags.log_note_msgs = TRUE;
    base = TypedefModifierRemoveOnly( type );
    sym = base->u.t.sym;
    VbufInit( &buffer );
    VbufConcStr( &buffer, "Object Model for: " );
    if( NULL == sym->name->name || NameStr( sym->name->name )[0] == '.' ) {
        VbufConcStr( &buffer, "anonymous enum type" );
    } else {
        VbufConcStr( &buffer, NameStr( sym->name->name ) );
    switch( TypedefModifierRemove( base->of ) -> id ) {
    case TYP_CHAR :
    case TYP_UCHAR :
        name = "unsigned char";
        sign = FALSE;
    case TYP_SCHAR :
        name = "signed char";
        sign = TRUE;
    case TYP_SSHORT :
        name = "signed short";
        sign = TRUE;
    case TYP_USHORT :
        name = "unsigned short";
        sign = FALSE;
    case TYP_SINT :
        name = "signed int";
        sign = TRUE;
    case TYP_UINT :
        name = "unsigned int";
        sign = FALSE;
    case TYP_SLONG :
        name = "signed long";
        sign = TRUE;
    case TYP_ULONG :
        name = "unsigned long";
        sign = FALSE;
    case TYP_SLONG64 :
        name = "__int64";
        sign = TRUE;
    case TYP_ULONG64 :
        name = "unsigned __int64";
        sign = FALSE;
        DbgDefault( "DumpObjectModelEnum -- bad underlying type" );
    VbufConcStr( &buffer, ", base type is " );
    VbufConcStr( &buffer, name );
    vbufWrite( &buffer );
    mask = CgMemorySize( base );
    if( mask == sizeof( unsigned ) ) {
        mask = -1;
    } else {
        mask = ( 1 << ( mask * 8 ) ) - 1;
    for( ; ; ) {
        sym = sym->thread;
        if( ! SymIsEnumeration( sym ) ) break;
        VbufRewind( &buffer );
        VbufConcStr( &buffer, "    " );
        VbufConcStr( &buffer, NameStr( sym->name->name ) );
        VbufConcStr( &buffer, " = " );
        numb = sym->u.sval;
        if( sign && numb < 0 ) {
            VbufConcChr( &buffer, '-' );
            VbufConcDecimal( &buffer, -numb );
        } else {
            VbufConcDecimal( &buffer, numb );
        val = mask & numb;
        if( val > 10 ) {
            itoa( val, buf, 16 );
            VbufConcStr( &buffer, " /0x" );
            VbufConcStr( &buffer, buf );
        vbufWrite( &buffer );
    VbufFree( &buffer );
    CompFlags.log_note_msgs = FALSE;