Example #1
static bool Particle_CollideHor(Vector3* nextPos, BlockID block) {
	Vector3 horPos = Vector3_Create3((Real32)Math_Floor(nextPos->X), 0.0f, (Real32)Math_Floor(nextPos->Z));
	Vector3 min, max;
	Vector3_Add(&min, &Block_MinBB[block], &horPos);
	Vector3_Add(&max, &Block_MaxBB[block], &horPos);
	return nextPos->X >= min.X && nextPos->Z >= min.Z && nextPos->X < max.X && nextPos->Z < max.Z;
Example #2
float Respawn_HighestSolidY(struct AABB* bb) {
	int minX = Math_Floor(bb->Min.X), maxX = Math_Floor(bb->Max.X);
	int minY = Math_Floor(bb->Min.Y), maxY = Math_Floor(bb->Max.Y);
	int minZ = Math_Floor(bb->Min.Z), maxZ = Math_Floor(bb->Max.Z);
	float highestY = RESPAWN_NOT_FOUND;

	BlockID block;
	struct AABB blockBB;
	Vector3 v;
	int x, y, z;	

	for (y = minY; y <= maxY; y++) { v.Y = (float)y;
		for (z = minZ; z <= maxZ; z++) { v.Z = (float)z;
			for (x = minX; x <= maxX; x++) { v.X = (float)x;

				block = World_GetPhysicsBlock(x, y, z);
				Vector3_Add(&blockBB.Min, &v, &Blocks.MinBB[block]);
				Vector3_Add(&blockBB.Max, &v, &Blocks.MaxBB[block]);

				if (Blocks.Collide[block] != COLLIDE_SOLID) continue;
				if (!AABB_Intersects(bb, &blockBB)) continue;
				if (blockBB.Max.Y > highestY) highestY = blockBB.Max.Y;
	return highestY;
Example #3
static bool Particle_PhysicsTick(Particle* p, Real32 gravity, bool throughLiquids, Real64 delta) {
	p->LastPos = p->NextPos;

	BlockID cur = Particle_GetBlock((Int32)p->NextPos.X, (Int32)p->NextPos.Y, (Int32)p->NextPos.Z);
	Real32 minY = Math_Floor(p->NextPos.Y) + Block_MinBB[cur].Y;
	Real32 maxY = Math_Floor(p->NextPos.Y) + Block_MaxBB[cur].Y;
	if (!Particle_CanPass(cur, throughLiquids) && p->NextPos.Y >= minY
		&& p->NextPos.Y < maxY && Particle_CollideHor(&p->NextPos, cur)) {
		return true;

	p->Velocity.Y -= gravity * (Real32)delta;
	Int32 startY = Math_Floor(p->NextPos.Y);
	Vector3 velocity;
	Vector3_Mul1(&velocity, &p->Velocity, (Real32)delta * 3.0f);
	Vector3_Add(&p->NextPos, &p->NextPos, &velocity);
	Int32 endY = Math_Floor(p->NextPos.Y);

	Int32 y;
	if (p->Velocity.Y > 0.0f) {
		/* don't test block we are already in */
		for (y = startY + 1; y <= endY && Particle_TestY(p, y, false, throughLiquids); y++) {}
	} else {
		for (y = startY; y >= endY && Particle_TestY(p, y, true, throughLiquids); y--) {}

	p->Lifetime -= (Real32)delta;
	return p->Lifetime < 0.0f;
static bool InputHandler_IntersectsOthers(Vector3 pos, BlockID block) {
	struct AABB blockBB, entityBB;
	struct Entity* entity;
	int id;

	Vector3_Add(&blockBB.Min, &pos, &Blocks.MinBB[block]);
	Vector3_Add(&blockBB.Max, &pos, &Blocks.MaxBB[block]);
	for (id = 0; id < ENTITIES_SELF_ID; id++) {
		entity = Entities.List[id];
		if (!entity) continue;

		Entity_GetBounds(entity, &entityBB);
		entityBB.Min.Y += 1.0f / 32.0f; /* when player is exactly standing on top of ground */
		if (AABB_Intersects(&entityBB, &blockBB)) return true;
	return false;
static bool InputHandler_CheckIsFree(BlockID block) {
	struct Entity* p        = &LocalPlayer_Instance.Base;
	struct HacksComp* hacks = &LocalPlayer_Instance.Hacks;

	Vector3 pos, nextPos;
	struct AABB blockBB, playerBB;
	struct LocationUpdate update;

	/* Non solid blocks (e.g. water/flowers) can always be placed on players */
	if (Blocks.Collide[block] != COLLIDE_SOLID) return true;

	Vector3I_ToVector3(&pos, &Game_SelectedPos.TranslatedPos);
	if (InputHandler_IntersectsOthers(pos, block)) return false;
	nextPos = LocalPlayer_Instance.Interp.Next.Pos;
	Vector3_Add(&blockBB.Min, &pos, &Blocks.MinBB[block]);
	Vector3_Add(&blockBB.Max, &pos, &Blocks.MaxBB[block]);

	/* NOTE: Need to also test against next position here, otherwise player can 
	fall through the block at feet as collision is performed against nextPos */
	Entity_GetBounds(p, &playerBB);
	playerBB.Min.Y = min(nextPos.Y, playerBB.Min.Y);

	if (hacks->Noclip || !AABB_Intersects(&playerBB, &blockBB)) return true;
	if (hacks->CanPushbackBlocks && hacks->PushbackPlacing && hacks->Enabled) {
		return InputHandler_PushbackPlace(&blockBB);

	playerBB.Min.Y += 0.25f + ENTITY_ADJUSTMENT;
	if (AABB_Intersects(&playerBB, &blockBB)) return false;

	/* Push player upwards when they are jumping and trying to place a block underneath them */
	nextPos.Y = pos.Y + Blocks.MaxBB[block].Y + ENTITY_ADJUSTMENT;
	LocationUpdate_MakePos(&update, nextPos, false);
	p->VTABLE->SetLocation(p, &update, false);
	return true;
Example #6
void Particles_RainSnowEffect(Vector3 pos) {
	Vector3 startPos = pos;
	Int32 i;
	for (i = 0; i < 2; i++) {
		Real32 velX = Random_Float(&rnd) * 0.8f - 0.4f; /* [-0.4, 0.4] */
		Real32 velZ = Random_Float(&rnd) * 0.8f - 0.4f;
		Real32 velY = Random_Float(&rnd) + 0.4f;
		Vector3 velocity = Vector3_Create3(velX, velY, velZ);

		Vector3 offset;
		offset.X = Random_Float(&rnd);  /* [0.0, 1.0] */
		offset.Y = Random_Float(&rnd) * 0.1f + 0.01f;
		offset.Z = Random_Float(&rnd);

		if (Rain_Count == PARTICLES_MAX) Rain_RemoveAt(0);
		RainParticle* p = &Rain_Particles[Rain_Count++];

		Vector3_Add(&pos, &startPos, &offset);
		Particle_Reset(&p->Base, pos, velocity, 40.0f);
		Int32 type = Random_Range(&rnd, 0, 30);
		p->Base.Size = (UInt8)(type >= 28 ? 2 : (type >= 25 ? 4 : 3));
Example #7
void Particles_BreakBlockEffect(Vector3I coords, BlockID oldBlock, BlockID block) {
	if (block != BLOCK_AIR || Block_Draw[oldBlock] == DRAW_GAS) return;
	block = oldBlock;

	Vector3 worldPos;
	Vector3I_ToVector3(&worldPos, &coords);
	TextureLoc texLoc = Block_GetTexLoc(block, FACE_XMIN);
	Int32 texIndex;
	TextureRec baseRec = Atlas1D_TexRec(texLoc, 1, &texIndex);
	Real32 uScale = (1.0f / 16.0f), vScale = (1.0f / 16.0f) * Atlas1D_InvTileSize;

	Vector3 minBB = Block_MinBB[block];
	Vector3 maxBB = Block_MaxBB[block];
	Int32 minX = (Int32)(minBB.X * 16), minZ = (Int32)(minBB.Z * 16);
	Int32 maxX = (Int32)(maxBB.X * 16), maxZ = (Int32)(maxBB.Z * 16);

	Int32 minU = min(minX, minZ), maxU = min(maxX, maxZ);
	Int32 minV = (Int32)(16 - maxBB.Y * 16), maxV = (Int32)(16 - minBB.Y * 16);
	Int32 maxUsedU = maxU, maxUsedV = maxV;
	/* This way we can avoid creating particles which outside the bounds and need to be clamped */
	if (minU < 12 && maxU > 12) maxUsedU = 12;
	if (minV < 12 && maxV > 12) maxUsedV = 12;

	#define GRID_SIZE 4
	/* gridOffset gives the centre of the cell on a grid */
	#define CELL_CENTRE ((1.0f / GRID_SIZE) * 0.5f)

	Int32 x, y, z;
	Real32 maxU2 = baseRec.U1 + maxU * uScale;
	Real32 maxV2 = baseRec.V1 + maxV * vScale;
	for (x = 0; x < GRID_SIZE; x++) {
		for (y = 0; y < GRID_SIZE; y++) {
			for (z = 0; z < GRID_SIZE; z++) {
				Real32 cellX = (Real32)x / GRID_SIZE, cellY = (Real32)y / GRID_SIZE, cellZ = (Real32)z / GRID_SIZE;
				Vector3 cell = Vector3_Create3(CELL_CENTRE + cellX, CELL_CENTRE / 2 + cellY, CELL_CENTRE + cellZ);
				if (cell.X < minBB.X || cell.X > maxBB.X || cell.Y < minBB.Y
					|| cell.Y > maxBB.Y || cell.Z < minBB.Z || cell.Z > maxBB.Z) continue;

				Vector3 velocity; /* centre random offset around [-0.2, 0.2] */
				velocity.X = CELL_CENTRE + (cellX - 0.5f) + (Random_Float(&rnd) * 0.4f - 0.2f);
				velocity.Y = CELL_CENTRE + (cellY - 0.0f) + (Random_Float(&rnd) * 0.4f - 0.2f);
				velocity.Z = CELL_CENTRE + (cellZ - 0.5f) + (Random_Float(&rnd) * 0.4f - 0.2f);

				TextureRec rec = baseRec;
				rec.U1 = baseRec.U1 + Random_Range(&rnd, minU, maxUsedU) * uScale;
				rec.V1 = baseRec.V1 + Random_Range(&rnd, minV, maxUsedV) * vScale;
				rec.U2 = rec.U1 + 4 * uScale;
				rec.V2 = rec.V1 + 4 * vScale;
				rec.U2 = min(rec.U2, maxU2) - 0.01f * uScale;
				rec.V2 = min(rec.V2, maxV2) - 0.01f * vScale;

				if (Terrain_Count == PARTICLES_MAX) Terrain_RemoveAt(0);
				TerrainParticle* p = &Terrain_Particles[Terrain_Count++];
				Real32 life = 0.3f + Random_Float(&rnd) * 1.2f;

				Vector3 pos;
				Vector3_Add(&pos, &worldPos, &cell);
				Particle_Reset(&p->Base, pos, velocity, life);
				p->Rec = rec;
				p->TexLoc = (TextureLoc)texLoc;
				p->Block = block;
				Int32 type = Random_Range(&rnd, 0, 30);
				p->Base.Size = (UInt8)(type >= 28 ? 12 : (type >= 25 ? 10 : 8));