const VertexFormat& VertexPositionNormalTexture::GetFormat()
    static VertexFormat fmt(VertexAttrib(VA_POSITION, 3, GL_FLOAT, 8 * sizeof(GLfloat), (void*)0),
                            VertexAttrib(VA_NORMAL,   3, GL_FLOAT, 8 * sizeof(GLfloat), (void*)(3 * sizeof(GLfloat))),
                            VertexAttrib(VA_TEXCOORD, 2, GL_FLOAT, 8 * sizeof(GLfloat), (void*)(6 * sizeof(GLfloat))));
    return fmt;
Example #2
void Model_Sonic::evaluatePrimitive(Primitive &primitive) {
	/* Create the actual IBO and VBO structures. */

	if (primitive.invalid || primitive.indices.empty() || primitive.vertices.empty())

	// Create the index buffer

	primitive.indexBuffer.setSize(primitive.indices.size(), sizeof(uint16), GL_UNSIGNED_SHORT);

	uint16 *indices = (uint16 *) primitive.indexBuffer.getData();
	memcpy(indices, &primitive.indices[0], primitive.indices.size() * sizeof(uint16));

	// Create vertex buffer

	VertexDecl vertexDecl;

	vertexDecl.push_back(VertexAttrib(VPOSITION, 3, GL_FLOAT));
	vertexDecl.push_back(VertexAttrib(VNORMAL  , 3, GL_FLOAT));
	vertexDecl.push_back(VertexAttrib(VCOLOR   , 4, GL_FLOAT));
	vertexDecl.push_back(VertexAttrib(VTCOORD  , 2, GL_FLOAT));

	primitive.vertexBuffer.setVertexDeclInterleave(primitive.vertices.size(), vertexDecl);

	float *vData = (float *) primitive.vertexBuffer.getData();
	for (PrimitiveVertices::const_iterator v = primitive.vertices.begin(); v != primitive.vertices.end(); ++v) {
		/* To get the absolute position of the vertex, transform it by the absolute
		 * position of its base node. Use an identity matrix as a fallback. */

		// TODO: For some primitives, we need to calculate the weighted average of several matrices
		Common::TransformationMatrix matrix;
		if (!v->nodes.empty() && v->nodes[0].node)
			matrix = v->nodes[0].node->getAsolutePosition();

		const Common::Vector3 pos = matrix * v->vertex;

		*vData++ = pos[0];
		*vData++ = pos[1];
		*vData++ = pos[2];

		*vData++ = v->normal[0];
		*vData++ = v->normal[1];
		*vData++ = v->normal[2];

		*vData++ = v->color[0];
		*vData++ = v->color[1];
		*vData++ = v->color[2];
		*vData++ = v->color[3];

		*vData++ = v->texCoord[0];
		*vData++ = v->texCoord[1];

Example #3
VertexDecl const * RouteVertex::getVertexDecl()
    static VertexAttrib attrs [] =
        VertexAttrib(ESemPosition, vertexOffset, EFloat, 3, sizeof(RouteVertex)),
        VertexAttrib(ESemNormal, normalOffset, EFloat, 2, sizeof(RouteVertex)),
        VertexAttrib(ESemLength, lengthOffset, EFloat, 3, sizeof(RouteVertex))

    static VertexDecl vd(attrs, ARRAY_SIZE(attrs));
    return &vd;
Example #4
// We need to make a default VertexAttrib to record the request to disable the location
void Vao::Layout::disableVertexAttribArray( GLuint index )
	VertexAttrib *existing;
	if( findVertexAttribForLocation( index, &existing ) ) {
		existing->mEnabled = false;
	else {
		mVertexAttribs.emplace_back( index, VertexAttrib() );
		mVertexAttribs.back().second.mEnabled = false;
Example #5
   * Configures this color in the OpenGL context.
  void Bind() const {
#ifdef USE_GLSL
#elif defined(HAVE_GLES)
    /* on Android, glColor4ub() is not implemented, and we're forced
       to use floating point math for something as trivial as
       configuring a RGB color value */
    glColor4x(r, g, b, a);
    glColor4ub(r, g, b, a);
Example #6
Shader::Shader(const Common::String &name, GLuint vertexShader, GLuint fragmentShader, const char **attributes)
	: _name(name) {
	GLuint shaderProgram = glCreateProgram();
	glAttachShader(shaderProgram, vertexShader);
	glAttachShader(shaderProgram, fragmentShader);

	for (int idx = 0; attributes[idx]; ++idx) {
		glBindAttribLocation(shaderProgram, idx, attributes[idx]);
		_attributes.push_back(VertexAttrib(idx, attributes[idx]));

	_shaderNo = shaderProgram;
	_uniforms = new Common::HashMap<Common::String, GLint>();
Example #7
Shader::Shader(const Common::String &name, GLuint vertexShader, GLuint fragmentShader, const char **attributes)
	: _name(name) {
	GLuint shaderProgram = glCreateProgram();
	glAttachShader(shaderProgram, vertexShader);
	glAttachShader(shaderProgram, fragmentShader);

	for (int idx = 0; attributes[idx]; ++idx) {
		glBindAttribLocation(shaderProgram, idx, attributes[idx]);
		_attributes.push_back(VertexAttrib(idx, attributes[idx]));

	glDetachShader(shaderProgram, vertexShader);
	glDetachShader(shaderProgram, fragmentShader);


	_shaderNo = Common::SharedPtr<GLuint>(new GLuint(shaderProgram), SharedPtrProgramDeleter());
	_uniforms = Common::SharedPtr<UniformsMap>(new UniformsMap());
Example #8
void ModelNode_Witcher::readTexturePaint(Model_Witcher::ParserContext &ctx) {
	uint32 layersOffset, layersCount;
	Model::readArrayDef(*ctx.mdb, layersOffset, layersCount);

	ctx.mdb->skip(28); // Unknown

	uint32 offMeshArrays = ctx.mdb->readUint32LE();

	uint32 sectorID0 = ctx.mdb->readUint32LE();
	uint32 sectorID1 = ctx.mdb->readUint32LE();
	uint32 sectorID2 = ctx.mdb->readUint32LE();
	uint32 sectorID3 = ctx.mdb->readUint32LE();

	float boundingMin[3], boundingMax[3];

	boundingMin[0] = ctx.mdb->readIEEEFloatLE();
	boundingMin[1] = ctx.mdb->readIEEEFloatLE();
	boundingMin[2] = ctx.mdb->readIEEEFloatLE();

	boundingMax[0] = ctx.mdb->readIEEEFloatLE();
	boundingMax[1] = ctx.mdb->readIEEEFloatLE();
	boundingMax[2] = ctx.mdb->readIEEEFloatLE();

	_diffuse[0] = ctx.mdb->readIEEEFloatLE();
	_diffuse[1] = ctx.mdb->readIEEEFloatLE();
	_diffuse[2] = ctx.mdb->readIEEEFloatLE();
	_ambient[0] = ctx.mdb->readIEEEFloatLE();
	_ambient[1] = ctx.mdb->readIEEEFloatLE();
	_ambient[2] = ctx.mdb->readIEEEFloatLE();

	float textureTransRot[3];
	textureTransRot[0] = ctx.mdb->readIEEEFloatLE();
	textureTransRot[1] = ctx.mdb->readIEEEFloatLE();
	textureTransRot[2] = ctx.mdb->readIEEEFloatLE();

	_shadow = ctx.mdb->readUint32LE() == 1;
	_render = ctx.mdb->readUint32LE() == 1;

	bool tileFade = ctx.mdb->readUint32LE() == 1;

	bool controlFade   = ctx.mdb->readByte() == 1;
	bool lightMapped   = ctx.mdb->readByte() == 1;
	bool rotateTexture = ctx.mdb->readByte() == 1;
	ctx.mdb->skip(1); // Unknown

	float transparencyShift = ctx.mdb->readIEEEFloatLE();

	uint32 defaultRenderList = ctx.mdb->readUint32LE();
	uint32 fourCC            = ctx.mdb->readUint32BE();

	ctx.mdb->skip(4); // Unknown

	float depthOffset = ctx.mdb->readIEEEFloatLE();

	uint32 blendGroup = ctx.mdb->readUint32LE();

	bool dayNightLightMaps = ctx.mdb->readByte() == 1;

	Common::UString dayNightTransition = Common::readStringFixed(*ctx.mdb, Common::kEncodingASCII, 200);

	bool ignoreHitCheck  = ctx.mdb->readByte() == 1;
	bool needsReflection = ctx.mdb->readByte() == 1;
	ctx.mdb->skip(1); // Unknown

	float reflectionPlaneNormal[3];
	reflectionPlaneNormal[0] = ctx.mdb->readIEEEFloatLE();
	reflectionPlaneNormal[1] = ctx.mdb->readIEEEFloatLE();
	reflectionPlaneNormal[2] = ctx.mdb->readIEEEFloatLE();

	float reflectionPlaneDistance = ctx.mdb->readIEEEFloatLE();

	bool fadeOnCameraCollision = ctx.mdb->readByte() == 1;
	bool noSelfShadow          = ctx.mdb->readByte() == 1;
	bool isReflected           = ctx.mdb->readByte() == 1;
	ctx.mdb->skip(1); // Unknown

	float detailMapScape = ctx.mdb->readIEEEFloatLE();

	bool onlyReflected = ctx.mdb->readByte() == 1;

	Common::UString lightMapName = Common::readStringFixed(*ctx.mdb, Common::kEncodingASCII, 64);

	bool canDecal            = ctx.mdb->readByte() == 1;
	bool ignoreLODReflection = ctx.mdb->readByte() == 1;
	bool enableSpecular      = ctx.mdb->readByte() == 1;

	uint32 endPos = ctx.mdb->seek(ctx.offRawData + offMeshArrays);


	uint32 vertexOffset, vertexCount;
	Model::readArrayDef(*ctx.mdb, vertexOffset, vertexCount);

	uint32 normalsOffset, normalsCount;
	Model::readArrayDef(*ctx.mdb, normalsOffset, normalsCount);

	uint32 tangentsOffset, tangentsCount;
	Model::readArrayDef(*ctx.mdb, tangentsOffset, tangentsCount);

	uint32 biNormalsOffset, biNormalsCount;
	Model::readArrayDef(*ctx.mdb, biNormalsOffset, biNormalsCount);

	uint32 tVertsOffset[4], tVertsCount[4];
	for (uint t = 0; t < 4; t++)
		Model::readArrayDef(*ctx.mdb, tVertsOffset[t], tVertsCount[t]);

	uint32 unknownOffset, unknownCount;
	Model::readArrayDef(*ctx.mdb, unknownOffset, unknownCount);

	uint32 facesOffset, facesCount;
	Model::readArrayDef(*ctx.mdb, facesOffset, facesCount);

	if ((vertexCount == 0) || (facesCount == 0)) {

	std::vector<TexturePaintLayer> layers;

	for (uint32 l = 0; l < layersCount; l++) {
		ctx.mdb->seek(ctx.offRawData + layersOffset + l * 52);

		layers[l].hasTexture = ctx.mdb->readByte() == 1;
		if (!layers[l].hasTexture)

		ctx.mdb->skip(3); // Unknown
		ctx.mdb->skip(4); // Offset to material

		layers[l].texture = Common::readStringFixed(*ctx.mdb, Common::kEncodingASCII, 32);

		uint32 weightsOffset, weightsCount;
		Model::readArrayDef(*ctx.mdb, weightsOffset, weightsCount);

		ctx.mdb->seek(ctx.offRawData + weightsOffset);

		for (std::vector<float>::iterator w = layers[l].weights.begin(); w != layers[l].weights.end(); ++w)
			*w = ctx.mdb->readIEEEFloatLE();

	std::vector<Common::UString> textures;

	evaluateTextures(1, textures, 0, tVertsCount, dayNightLightMaps, lightMapName);


	size_t texCount = textures.size();

	// Read vertices

	VertexDecl vertexDecl;

	vertexDecl.push_back(VertexAttrib(VPOSITION, 3, GL_FLOAT));
	vertexDecl.push_back(VertexAttrib(VNORMAL  , 3, GL_FLOAT));
	for (uint t = 0; t < texCount; t++)
		vertexDecl.push_back(VertexAttrib(VTCOORD + t, 2, GL_FLOAT));

	_vertexBuffer.setVertexDeclLinear(vertexCount, vertexDecl);

	// Read vertex position
	ctx.mdb->seek(ctx.offRawData + vertexOffset);
	float *v = reinterpret_cast<float *>(_vertexBuffer.getData(0));
	for (uint32 i = 0; i < vertexCount; i++) {
		*v++ = ctx.mdb->readIEEEFloatLE();
		*v++ = ctx.mdb->readIEEEFloatLE();
		*v++ = ctx.mdb->readIEEEFloatLE();

	// Read vertex normals
	assert(normalsCount == vertexCount);
	ctx.mdb->seek(ctx.offRawData + normalsOffset);
	v = reinterpret_cast<float *>(_vertexBuffer.getData(1));
	for (uint32 i = 0; i < normalsCount; i++) {
		*v++ = ctx.mdb->readIEEEFloatLE();
		*v++ = ctx.mdb->readIEEEFloatLE();
		*v++ = ctx.mdb->readIEEEFloatLE();

	// Read texture coordinates
	for (uint t = 0; t < texCount; t++) {

		ctx.mdb->seek(ctx.offRawData + tVertsOffset[t]);
		v = reinterpret_cast<float *>(_vertexBuffer.getData(2 + t));
		for (uint32 i = 0; i < tVertsCount[t]; i++) {
			if (i < tVertsCount[t]) {
				*v++ = ctx.mdb->readIEEEFloatLE();
				*v++ = ctx.mdb->readIEEEFloatLE();
			} else {
				*v++ = 0.0f;
				*v++ = 0.0f;

	// Read faces

	_indexBuffer.setSize(facesCount * 3, sizeof(uint32), GL_UNSIGNED_INT);

	ctx.mdb->seek(ctx.offRawData + facesOffset);
	uint32 *f = reinterpret_cast<uint32 *>(_indexBuffer.getData());
	for (uint32 i = 0; i < facesCount; i++) {
		// Vertex indices
		*f++ = ctx.mdb->readUint32LE();
		*f++ = ctx.mdb->readUint32LE();
		*f++ = ctx.mdb->readUint32LE();

		ctx.mdb->skip(68); // Unknown


Example #9
void ModelNode_Witcher::readMesh(Model_Witcher::ParserContext &ctx) {
	ctx.mdb->skip(4); // Function pointer
	ctx.mdb->skip(4); // Unknown

	uint32 offMeshArrays = ctx.mdb->readUint32LE();

	ctx.mdb->skip(4); // Unknown

	float boundingMin[3], boundingMax[3];

	boundingMin[0] = ctx.mdb->readIEEEFloatLE();
	boundingMin[1] = ctx.mdb->readIEEEFloatLE();
	boundingMin[2] = ctx.mdb->readIEEEFloatLE();

	boundingMax[0] = ctx.mdb->readIEEEFloatLE();
	boundingMax[1] = ctx.mdb->readIEEEFloatLE();
	boundingMax[2] = ctx.mdb->readIEEEFloatLE();

	ctx.mdb->skip(28); // Unknown

	float volFogScale = ctx.mdb->readIEEEFloatLE();

	ctx.mdb->skip(16); // Unknown

	_diffuse[0] = ctx.mdb->readIEEEFloatLE();
	_diffuse[1] = ctx.mdb->readIEEEFloatLE();
	_diffuse[2] = ctx.mdb->readIEEEFloatLE();
	_ambient[0] = ctx.mdb->readIEEEFloatLE();
	_ambient[1] = ctx.mdb->readIEEEFloatLE();
	_ambient[2] = ctx.mdb->readIEEEFloatLE();

	float textureTransRot[3];
	textureTransRot[0] = ctx.mdb->readIEEEFloatLE();
	textureTransRot[1] = ctx.mdb->readIEEEFloatLE();
	textureTransRot[2] = ctx.mdb->readIEEEFloatLE();

	_shininess = ctx.mdb->readIEEEFloatLE();

	_shadow  = ctx.mdb->readUint32LE() == 1;
	_beaming = ctx.mdb->readUint32LE() == 1;
	_render  = ctx.mdb->readUint32LE() == 1;

	_hasTransparencyHint = true;
	_transparencyHint    = ctx.mdb->readUint32LE() == 1;

	ctx.mdb->skip(4); // Unknown

	Common::UString texture[4];
	for (int t = 0; t < 4; t++) {
		texture[t] = Common::readStringFixed(*ctx.mdb, Common::kEncodingASCII, 64);

		if (texture[t] == "NULL")

	bool tileFade = ctx.mdb->readUint32LE() == 1;

	bool controlFade   = ctx.mdb->readByte() == 1;
	bool lightMapped   = ctx.mdb->readByte() == 1;
	bool rotateTexture = ctx.mdb->readByte() == 1;

	ctx.mdb->skip(1); // Unknown

	float transparencyShift = ctx.mdb->readIEEEFloatLE();

	uint32 defaultRenderList = ctx.mdb->readUint32LE();
	uint32 preserveVColors   = ctx.mdb->readUint32LE();

	uint32 fourCC = ctx.mdb->readUint32BE();

	ctx.mdb->skip(4); // Unknown

	float depthOffset       = ctx.mdb->readIEEEFloatLE();
	float coronaCenterMult  = ctx.mdb->readIEEEFloatLE();
	float fadeStartDistance = ctx.mdb->readIEEEFloatLE();

	bool distFromScreenCenterFace = ctx.mdb->readByte() == 1;
	ctx.mdb->skip(3); // Unknown

	float enlargeStartDistance = ctx.mdb->readIEEEFloatLE();

	bool affectedByWind = ctx.mdb->readByte() == 1;
	ctx.mdb->skip(3); // Unknown

	float dampFactor = ctx.mdb->readIEEEFloatLE();

	uint32 blendGroup = ctx.mdb->readUint32LE();

	bool dayNightLightMaps = ctx.mdb->readByte() == 1;

	Common::UString dayNightTransition = Common::readStringFixed(*ctx.mdb, Common::kEncodingASCII, 200);

	bool ignoreHitCheck  = ctx.mdb->readByte() == 1;
	bool needsReflection = ctx.mdb->readByte() == 1;
	ctx.mdb->skip(1); // Unknown

	float reflectionPlaneNormal[3];
	reflectionPlaneNormal[0] = ctx.mdb->readIEEEFloatLE();
	reflectionPlaneNormal[1] = ctx.mdb->readIEEEFloatLE();
	reflectionPlaneNormal[2] = ctx.mdb->readIEEEFloatLE();

	float reflectionPlaneDistance = ctx.mdb->readIEEEFloatLE();

	bool fadeOnCameraCollision = ctx.mdb->readByte() == 1;
	bool noSelfShadow          = ctx.mdb->readByte() == 1;
	bool isReflected           = ctx.mdb->readByte() == 1;
	bool onlyReflected         = ctx.mdb->readByte() == 1;

	Common::UString lightMapName = Common::readStringFixed(*ctx.mdb, Common::kEncodingASCII, 64);

	bool canDecal            = ctx.mdb->readByte() == 1;
	bool multiBillBoard      = ctx.mdb->readByte() == 1;
	bool ignoreLODReflection = ctx.mdb->readByte() == 1;
	ctx.mdb->skip(1); // Unknown

	float detailMapScape = ctx.mdb->readIEEEFloatLE();

	ctx.offTextureInfo = ctx.mdb->readUint32LE();

	uint32 endPos = ctx.mdb->seek(ctx.offRawData + offMeshArrays);


	uint32 vertexOffset, vertexCount;
	Model::readArrayDef(*ctx.mdb, vertexOffset, vertexCount);

	uint32 normalsOffset, normalsCount;
	Model::readArrayDef(*ctx.mdb, normalsOffset, normalsCount);

	uint32 tangentsOffset, tangentsCount;
	Model::readArrayDef(*ctx.mdb, tangentsOffset, tangentsCount);

	uint32 biNormalsOffset, biNormalsCount;
	Model::readArrayDef(*ctx.mdb, biNormalsOffset, biNormalsCount);

	uint32 tVertsOffset[4], tVertsCount[4];
	for (uint t = 0; t < 4; t++)
		Model::readArrayDef(*ctx.mdb, tVertsOffset[t], tVertsCount[t]);

	uint32 unknownOffset, unknownCount;
	Model::readArrayDef(*ctx.mdb, unknownOffset, unknownCount);

	uint32 facesOffset, facesCount;
	Model::readArrayDef(*ctx.mdb, facesOffset, facesCount);

	if (ctx.fileVersion == 133)
		ctx.offTexData = ctx.mdb->readUint32LE();

	if ((vertexCount == 0) || (facesCount == 0)) {

	std::vector<Common::UString> textures;
	readTextures(ctx, textures);

	evaluateTextures(4, textures, texture, tVertsCount, dayNightLightMaps, lightMapName);


	size_t texCount = textures.size();

	// Read vertices

	VertexDecl vertexDecl;

	vertexDecl.push_back(VertexAttrib(VPOSITION, 3, GL_FLOAT));
	vertexDecl.push_back(VertexAttrib(VNORMAL  , 3, GL_FLOAT));
	for (uint t = 0; t < texCount; t++)
		vertexDecl.push_back(VertexAttrib(VTCOORD + t, 2, GL_FLOAT));

	_vertexBuffer.setVertexDeclLinear(vertexCount, vertexDecl);

	// Read vertex position
	ctx.mdb->seek(ctx.offRawData + vertexOffset);
	float *v = reinterpret_cast<float *>(_vertexBuffer.getData(0));
	for (uint32 i = 0; i < vertexCount; i++) {
		*v++ = ctx.mdb->readIEEEFloatLE();
		*v++ = ctx.mdb->readIEEEFloatLE();
		*v++ = ctx.mdb->readIEEEFloatLE();

	// Read vertex normals
	assert(normalsCount == vertexCount);
	ctx.mdb->seek(ctx.offRawData + normalsOffset);
	v = reinterpret_cast<float *>(_vertexBuffer.getData(1));
	for (uint32 i = 0; i < normalsCount; i++) {
		*v++ = ctx.mdb->readIEEEFloatLE();
		*v++ = ctx.mdb->readIEEEFloatLE();
		*v++ = ctx.mdb->readIEEEFloatLE();

	// Read texture coordinates
	for (uint t = 0; t < texCount; t++) {

		ctx.mdb->seek(ctx.offRawData + tVertsOffset[t]);
		v = reinterpret_cast<float *>(_vertexBuffer.getData(2 + t));
		for (uint32 i = 0; i < tVertsCount[t]; i++) {
			if (i < tVertsCount[t]) {
				*v++ = ctx.mdb->readIEEEFloatLE();
				*v++ = ctx.mdb->readIEEEFloatLE();
			} else {
				*v++ = 0.0f;
				*v++ = 0.0f;

	// Read faces

	_indexBuffer.setSize(facesCount * 3, sizeof(uint32), GL_UNSIGNED_INT);

	ctx.mdb->seek(ctx.offRawData + facesOffset);
	uint32 *f = reinterpret_cast<uint32 *>(_indexBuffer.getData());
	for (uint32 i = 0; i < facesCount; i++) {
		ctx.mdb->skip(4 * 4 + 4);

		if (ctx.fileVersion == 133)
			ctx.mdb->skip(3 * 4);

		// Vertex indices
		*f++ = ctx.mdb->readUint32LE();
		*f++ = ctx.mdb->readUint32LE();
		*f++ = ctx.mdb->readUint32LE();

		if (ctx.fileVersion == 133)


Example #10
 Int32 Shader::registerVertexAttrib (const DataUnit &unit,
                                     const CharString &name)
   attribs.pushBack( VertexAttrib( unit, name ));
   return (Int32) attribs.size()-1;
Example #11
void ModelNode_KotOR::readMesh(Model_KotOR::ParserContext &ctx) {
	size_t P = ctx.mdl->pos();

	ctx.mdl->skip(8); // Function pointers

	uint32 facesOffset, facesCount;
	Model::readArrayDef(*ctx.mdl, facesOffset, facesCount);

	float boundingMin[3], boundingMax[3];

	boundingMin[0] = ctx.mdl->readIEEEFloatLE();
	boundingMin[1] = ctx.mdl->readIEEEFloatLE();
	boundingMin[2] = ctx.mdl->readIEEEFloatLE();

	boundingMax[0] = ctx.mdl->readIEEEFloatLE();
	boundingMax[1] = ctx.mdl->readIEEEFloatLE();
	boundingMax[2] = ctx.mdl->readIEEEFloatLE();

	float radius = ctx.mdl->readIEEEFloatLE();

	float pointsAverage[3];
	pointsAverage[0] = ctx.mdl->readIEEEFloatLE();
	pointsAverage[1] = ctx.mdl->readIEEEFloatLE();
	pointsAverage[2] = ctx.mdl->readIEEEFloatLE();

	_diffuse[0] = ctx.mdl->readIEEEFloatLE();
	_diffuse[1] = ctx.mdl->readIEEEFloatLE();
	_diffuse[2] = ctx.mdl->readIEEEFloatLE();

	_ambient[0] = ctx.mdl->readIEEEFloatLE();
	_ambient[1] = ctx.mdl->readIEEEFloatLE();
	_ambient[2] = ctx.mdl->readIEEEFloatLE();

	_specular[0] = 0;
	_specular[1] = 0;
	_specular[2] = 0;

	uint32 transparencyHint = ctx.mdl->readUint32LE();

	_hasTransparencyHint = true;
	_transparencyHint    = (transparencyHint != 0);

	std::vector<Common::UString> textures;

	textures.push_back(Common::readStringFixed(*ctx.mdl, Common::kEncodingASCII, 32));
	textures.push_back(Common::readStringFixed(*ctx.mdl, Common::kEncodingASCII, 32));

	ctx.mdl->skip(24); // Unknown

	ctx.mdl->skip(12); // Vertex indices counts

	uint32 offOffVerts, offOffVertsCount;
	Model::readArrayDef(*ctx.mdl, offOffVerts, offOffVertsCount);

	if (offOffVertsCount > 1)
		throw Common::Exception("Face offsets offsets count wrong (%d)", offOffVertsCount);

	ctx.mdl->skip(12); // Unknown

	ctx.mdl->skip(24 + 16); // Unknown

	uint32 mdxStructSize = ctx.mdl->readUint32LE();

	ctx.mdl->skip(8); // Unknown

	uint32 offNormals = ctx.mdl->readUint32LE();

	ctx.mdl->skip(4); // Unknown

	uint32 offUV[2];
	offUV[0] = ctx.mdl->readUint32LE();
	offUV[1] = ctx.mdl->readUint32LE();

	ctx.mdl->skip(24); // Unknown

	uint16 vertexCount  = ctx.mdl->readUint16LE();
	uint16 textureCount = ctx.mdl->readUint16LE();


	byte unknownFlag1 = ctx.mdl->readByte();
	_shadow  = ctx.mdl->readByte() == 1;
	byte unknownFlag2 = ctx.mdl->readByte();
	_render  = ctx.mdl->readByte() == 1;


	if (ctx.kotor2)

	uint32 offNodeData = ctx.mdl->readUint32LE();


	if ((offOffVertsCount < 1) || (vertexCount == 0) || (facesCount == 0))

	uint32 endPos = ctx.mdl->pos();

	if (textureCount > 2) {
		warning("Model_KotOR::readMesh(): textureCount > 2 (%d)", textureCount);
		textureCount = 2;

	if ((textureCount > 0) && !ctx.texture.empty())
		textures[0] = ctx.texture;


	// Read vertices (interleaved)

	VertexDecl vertexDecl;

	vertexDecl.push_back(VertexAttrib(VPOSITION, 3, GL_FLOAT));
	vertexDecl.push_back(VertexAttrib(VNORMAL  , 3, GL_FLOAT));
	for (uint t = 0; t < textureCount; t++)
		vertexDecl.push_back(VertexAttrib(VTCOORD + t , 2, GL_FLOAT));

	_vertexBuffer.setVertexDeclInterleave(vertexCount, vertexDecl);

	float *v = reinterpret_cast<float *>(_vertexBuffer.getData());
	for (uint32 i = 0; i < vertexCount; i++) {
		// Position
		ctx.mdx->seek(offNodeData + i * mdxStructSize);
		*v++ = ctx.mdx->readIEEEFloatLE();
		*v++ = ctx.mdx->readIEEEFloatLE();
		*v++ = ctx.mdx->readIEEEFloatLE();

		// Normal
		//ctx.mdx->seek(offNodeData + i * mdxStructSize + offNormals);
		*v++ = ctx.mdx->readIEEEFloatLE();
		*v++ = ctx.mdx->readIEEEFloatLE();
		*v++ = ctx.mdx->readIEEEFloatLE();

		// TexCoords
		for (uint16 t = 0; t < textureCount; t++) {
			if (offUV[t] != 0xFFFFFFFF) {
				ctx.mdx->seek(offNodeData + i * mdxStructSize + offUV[t]);
				*v++ = ctx.mdx->readIEEEFloatLE();
				*v++ = ctx.mdx->readIEEEFloatLE();
			} else {
				*v++ = 0.0f;
				*v++ = 0.0f;

	// Read faces

	ctx.mdl->seek(ctx.offModelData + offOffVerts);
	uint32 offVerts = ctx.mdl->readUint32LE();

	ctx.mdl->seek(ctx.offModelData + offVerts);

	_indexBuffer.setSize(facesCount * 3, sizeof(uint16), GL_UNSIGNED_SHORT);

	uint16 *f = reinterpret_cast<uint16 *>(_indexBuffer.getData());
	for (uint32 i = 0; i < facesCount * 3; i++)
		f[i] = ctx.mdl->readUint16LE();


const VertexFormat& VertexPositionColor::GetFormat()
    static VertexFormat fmt(VertexAttrib(VA_POSITION, 3, GL_FLOAT, 7 * sizeof(GLfloat), (void*)0),
                            VertexAttrib(VA_COLOR,    4, GL_FLOAT, 7 * sizeof(GLfloat), (void*)(3 * sizeof(GLfloat))));
    return fmt;
const VertexFormat& VertexPosition::GetFormat()
    static VertexFormat fmt(VertexAttrib(VA_POSITION, 3, GL_FLOAT, 3 * sizeof(GLfloat), (void*)0));
    return fmt;
Example #14
bool ModelNode_NWN2::loadSkin(Model_NWN2::ParserContext &ctx) {
	uint32 tag = ctx.mdb->readUint32BE();
	if (tag != kSkinID)
		throw Common::Exception("Invalid skin packet signature (%s)", Common::debugTag(tag).c_str());

	uint32 packetSize = ctx.mdb->readUint32LE();

	_name = Common::readStringFixed(*ctx.mdb, Common::kEncodingASCII, 32);

	// Skipping lower level of detail models
	if (_name.endsWith("_L01") || _name.endsWith("_L02"))
		return false;

	Common::UString skeletonName = Common::readStringFixed(*ctx.mdb, Common::kEncodingASCII, 32);

	Common::UString diffuseMap = Common::readStringFixed(*ctx.mdb, Common::kEncodingASCII, 32);
	Common::UString normalMap  = Common::readStringFixed(*ctx.mdb, Common::kEncodingASCII, 32);
	                _tintMap   = Common::readStringFixed(*ctx.mdb, Common::kEncodingASCII, 32);
	Common::UString glowMap    = Common::readStringFixed(*ctx.mdb, Common::kEncodingASCII, 32);

	_diffuse [0] = ctx.mdb->readIEEEFloatLE();
	_diffuse [1] = ctx.mdb->readIEEEFloatLE();
	_diffuse [2] = ctx.mdb->readIEEEFloatLE();
	_specular[0] = ctx.mdb->readIEEEFloatLE();
	_specular[1] = ctx.mdb->readIEEEFloatLE();
	_specular[2] = ctx.mdb->readIEEEFloatLE();

	float  specularPower = ctx.mdb->readIEEEFloatLE();
	float  specularValue = ctx.mdb->readIEEEFloatLE();
	uint32 textureFlags  = ctx.mdb->readUint32LE();

	uint32 vertexCount = ctx.mdb->readUint32LE();
	uint32 facesCount  = ctx.mdb->readUint32LE();

	if ((vertexCount == 0) || (facesCount == 0))
		return false;

	std::vector<Common::UString> textures;


	// Read vertices (interleaved)

	VertexDecl vertexDecl;

	vertexDecl.push_back(VertexAttrib(VPOSITION, 3, GL_FLOAT));
	vertexDecl.push_back(VertexAttrib(VNORMAL  , 3, GL_FLOAT));
	vertexDecl.push_back(VertexAttrib(VTCOORD  , 3, GL_FLOAT));

	if (!_tintMap.empty())
		vertexDecl.push_back(VertexAttrib(VTCOORD + 1, 3, GL_FLOAT));

	_vertexBuffer.setVertexDeclInterleave(vertexCount, vertexDecl);

	float *v = (float *) _vertexBuffer.getData();
	for (uint32 i = 0; i < vertexCount; i++) {
		// Position
		*v++ = ctx.mdb->readIEEEFloatLE();
		*v++ = ctx.mdb->readIEEEFloatLE();
		*v++ = ctx.mdb->readIEEEFloatLE();

		// Normal
		*v++ = ctx.mdb->readIEEEFloatLE();
		*v++ = ctx.mdb->readIEEEFloatLE();
		*v++ = ctx.mdb->readIEEEFloatLE();

		ctx.mdb->skip(4 * 4); // Bone weights
		ctx.mdb->skip(4 * 1); // Bone indices
		ctx.mdb->skip(3 * 4); // Tangent
		ctx.mdb->skip(3 * 4); // Binormal

		// TexCoords
		*v++ = ctx.mdb->readIEEEFloatLE();
		*v++ = ctx.mdb->readIEEEFloatLE();
		*v++ = ctx.mdb->readIEEEFloatLE();

		// TintMap TexCoords
		if (!_tintMap.empty()) {
			v[0] = v[-3];
			v[1] = v[-2];
			v[2] = v[-1];
			v += 3;

		ctx.mdb->skip(4); // Bone count

	// Read faces

	_indexBuffer.setSize(facesCount * 3, sizeof(uint16), GL_UNSIGNED_SHORT);

	uint16 *f = (uint16 *) _indexBuffer.getData();
	for (uint32 i = 0; i < facesCount * 3; i++)
		f[i] = ctx.mdb->readUint16LE();


	_render = true;

	return true;