void AXObjectCache::detachWrapper(AccessibilityObject* obj, AccessibilityDetachmentType detachmentType)
    AtkObject* wrapper = obj->wrapper();

    // If an object is being detached NOT because of the AXObjectCache being destroyed,
    // then it's being removed from the accessibility tree and we should emit a signal.
    if (detachmentType != AccessibilityDetachmentType::CacheDestroyed) {
        if (obj->document()) {
            // Look for the right object to emit the signal from, but using the implementation
            // of atk_object_get_parent from AtkObject class (which uses a cached pointer if set)
            // since the accessibility hierarchy in WebCore will no longer be navigable.
            gpointer webkitAccessibleClass = g_type_class_peek_parent(WEBKIT_ACCESSIBLE_GET_CLASS(wrapper));
            gpointer atkObjectClass = g_type_class_peek_parent(webkitAccessibleClass);
            AtkObject* atkParent = ATK_OBJECT_CLASS(atkObjectClass)->get_parent(ATK_OBJECT(wrapper));

            // We don't want to emit any signal from an object outside WebKit's world.
            if (WEBKIT_IS_ACCESSIBLE(atkParent)) {
                // The accessibility hierarchy is already invalid, so the parent-children relationships
                // in the AccessibilityObject tree are not there anymore, so we can't know the offset.
                g_signal_emit_by_name(atkParent, "children-changed::remove", -1, wrapper);

AtkObject* DumpRenderTreeSupportEfl::focusedAccessibleElement(const Evas_Object* ewkFrame)
    AtkObject* wrapper = rootAccessibleElement(ewkFrame);
    if (!wrapper)
        return 0;

    return webkitAccessibleGetFocusedElement(WEBKIT_ACCESSIBLE(wrapper));
String DumpRenderTreeSupportEfl::accessibilityHelpText(const AtkObject* axObject)
    if (!axObject || !WEBKIT_IS_ACCESSIBLE(axObject))
        return String();

    WebCore::AccessibilityObject* coreObject = webkitAccessibleGetAccessibilityObject(WEBKIT_ACCESSIBLE(axObject));
    if (!coreObject)
        return String();

    return coreObject->helpText();
void AXObjectCache::detachWrapper(AccessibilityObject* obj)