Example #1
* \ingroup	HGU_GL
* \brief	Trackball animation time-out procedure which calls any 
*		trackball callbacks and then if the trackball is in
*		it's animation mode reregisters itself as a time-out
*		procedure.
* \param	clientData		Used to pass the trackball instance.
* \param	id			Timeout function id.
static void	HGUglwCanvasTbAnimateFn(XtPointer clientData, XtIntervalId *id)
  Widget		givenW;
  HGUglwCanvasTbWidget tbW;
  HGUglwCanvasTbPart *ctb;
  HGUglwCanvasCallbackStruct cb;

  givenW = (Widget )clientData;
  tbW = (HGUglwCanvasTbWidget )clientData;
  ctb = &(tbW->hguGLwCanvasTb);
  WLZ_VTX_3_ADD(ctb->translateCurrent, ctb->translateCurrent,
  ctb->rotateCurrent = HGUglQuatProduct(ctb->rotateCurrent, ctb->rotateDelta);
  cb.reason = HGUglw_CR_TRACKBALL;
  cb.event = &(ctb->tbEvent);
  cb.width = tbW->core.width;
  cb.height = tbW->core.height;
  cb.glxCtx = tbW->hguGLwCanvas.glxCtx;
  XtCallCallbacks((Widget )tbW, HGUglwNtrackballCallback, &cb);
  if(ctb->trackballMode != HGUglwCANVASTB_MODE_ANIMATION)
    ctb->animateFnId = 0;
    ctb->animateFnId = XtAppAddTimeOut(XtWidgetToApplicationContext(givenW),
Example #2
* \return	Coordinates of centre of mass.
* \ingroup	WlzFeatures
* \brief	Computes the centre of mass of a vector of 3D vertices.
* \param	nVtx			Number of vertices.
* \param	vtx			The vertices.
WlzDVertex3	WlzCentreOfMassVtx3D(int nVtx, WlzDVertex3 *vtx)
  WlzDVertex3	cen;

  if(nVtx > 0)
    int		idx;

    for(idx = 0; idx < nVtx; ++idx)
      WLZ_VTX_3_ADD(cen, cen, vtx[idx]);
    WLZ_VTX_3_SCALE(cen, cen, 1.0 / nVtx);
Example #3
* \return	Woolz error code.
* \ingroup	WlzTransform
* \brief	Walks along a line segment calling the given function.
* \param	obj		Object passed to function.
* \param	fn		Function to call.
* \param	pWSp		Workspace in which the start and end positions,
* 				a valid interval domain and sufficent
* 				intervals have been set.
static WlzErrorNum WlzProfileWalk(
  WlzObject *obj,
  WlzProfileWalkFn fn,
  WlzProfileWalkWSp *pWSp)
  int		i,
  WlzIVertex3	d,
  WlzErrorNum	errNum = WLZ_ERR_NONE;

  WLZ_VTX_3_SUB(d, pWSp->end, pWSp->start);
  WLZ_VTX_3_SIGN(s, d);
  WLZ_VTX_3_ABS(d, d);
  m = ALG_MAX3(d.vtX, d.vtY, d.vtZ);
  WLZ_VTX_3_SET(e, m / 2, m / 2, m / 2);
  i = m;
  pWSp->index = 0;
  pWSp->inside = 0;
  p = pWSp->start;
    WlzIVertex3 t0,

    errNum = (*fn)(obj, p, pWSp);
    if((errNum != WLZ_ERR_NONE) || (--i < 0))
    WLZ_VTX_3_SUB(e, e, d);
    WLZ_VTX_3_SET(t0, (e.vtX < 0), (e.vtY < 0), (e.vtZ < 0));
    WLZ_VTX_3_SCALE_ADD(e, t0, m, e);
    WLZ_VTX_3_HAD(t1, t0, s);
    WLZ_VTX_3_ADD(p, p, t1);
/*! input is the voxsel sip and the unit vector nStraghtline, indicating direction
    in OPT space.
    output is the *sip1p in view space!
static WlzErrorNum WlzGetCorssPoint( WlzVertex sip,
                                WlzVertex nStraghtline,
                                WlzVertex *sip1p,
                                WlzThreeDViewStruct  *wlzViewStri  
   WlzVertex    vtemp, vtemp0, vo, vso, vtx1;
   WlzVertex    vs1, nI;
   double       dtemp, dtemp1, dtemp2;
   WlzErrorNum	errNum = WLZ_ERR_NONE;

   /* output for test */
   printf("Yaw:      %f\n",  wlzViewStri->theta*180.0/3.14); 
   printf("Pitch:    %f\n",  wlzViewStri->phi*180.0/3.14 );
   printf("Roll:     %f\n",  wlzViewStri->zeta*180.0/3.14 );
   printf("distance: %f\n",  wlzViewStri->dist );
   printf("scaling:  %f\n",  wlzViewStri->scale );
   printf("%f  %f  %f\n",  wlzViewStri->fixed.vtX, wlzViewStri->fixed.vtY ,wlzViewStri->fixed.vtZ  );

   vtx1.d3.vtX = 0.0;
   vtx1.d3.vtY = 0.0;
   vtx1.d3.vtZ = 1.0;
   /* get the normal n_i = nI.d3   of this plan i -plane do not need !!! */
   errNum = Wlz3DSectionTransformInvVtxR(wlzViewStri, vtx1.d3, &nI.d3 );

   /* in OPT space */

   /* check  the n_{i} *  nStraghtline != 0  other wise throw an erro  */
   dtemp =  WLZ_VTX_3_DOT(nStraghtline.d3, nI.d3);
   /* dtemp = abs(dtemp); */
   if( ( dtemp <  0.000001 ) && ( dtemp >  -0.000001 ) )
      printf(" the  n_{i} is verticl to n_straght line in OPT space,\n");
      printf(" there is no crossed point. Please chose different straight\n");
      printf("line and  try again\n ");
      printf("%lg  %lg  %lg\n", nI.d3.vtX, nI.d3.vtY, nI.d3.vtZ);
      printf("%lg  %lg  %lg\n", nStraghtline.d3.vtX, nStraghtline.d3.vtY, nStraghtline.d3.vtZ);
      exit( 1 );
     /* not parallel to z-direction  */
     /*  s_{i} = x_{i} + n_straight_line * s
                 = x_{i} + n_straight_line * 
		     <  [ O_{i} - x_{i}  ] dot n_{i}  /   ( n_straightline dot n_{i} ) >

     	/*  dtemp =  ( n_straightlien dot n_{i} )  aleady got */

     	/* get the  o_i+1 
   		vo.d3.vtX   = wlzViewStr1->fixed.vtX + wlzViewStr->dist * nI.d3.vtX;
   		vo.d3.vtY   = wlzViewStr1->fixed.vtY + wlzViewStr->dist * nI.d3.vtY;
   		vo.d3.vtY   = wlzViewStr1->fixed.vtZ + wlzViewStr->dist * nI.d3.vtZ;
    		WLZ_VTX_3_SCALE(vtemp0.d3, nI.d3, wlzViewStri->dist);
    		WLZ_VTX_3_ADD(vo.d3, wlzViewStri->fixed, vtemp0.d3);

    		/* vso.d3 = vo.d3 - vx.d3 */
   	/* vs0.d3 dot n_i */
     		dtemp1  =  WLZ_VTX_3_DOT(vso.d3, nI.d3);

   	/* get the s */
     		dtemp2 =  dtemp1  / dtemp;
      	/*  vtemp.d3   =   (  n_straightlien * s  )  */
     		WLZ_VTX_3_SCALE(vtemp.d3, nStraghtline.d3,  dtemp2 );

    	/* now get the p_{i} */ 
     		WLZ_VTX_3_ADD(vs1.d3, sip.d3, vtemp.d3 );


   /*---- get the p_{i}' = T_{i} p_{i}  ----*/
   errNum = Wlz3DSectionTransformVtxR(wlzViewStri, vs1.d3, &vtemp.d3 );
   sip1p->d3.vtX = vtemp.d3.vtX;
   sip1p->d3.vtY = vtemp.d3.vtY;
   sip1p->d3.vtZ = vtemp.d3.vtZ;

   printf("%lg  %lg  %lg\n", sip1p->d3.vtX, sip1p->d3.vtY, sip1p->d3.vtZ );

   return errNum;

* - Function:   WlzTrack3DVertical
* - Returns:    WlzVetex 
* - Purpose:    Track vertex through neighbour layer.	
* - Parameters:	
*     -#   sip:              input   WlzVertex.
*     -#   sip1p:            output  WlzVertex by tracking.
*     -#   wlzViewStri:      WlzThreeDViewStruct for layer i;
*     -#   wlzViewStrip1:    WlzThreeDViewStruct for the next layer i+-1;
*     -#   UpOrDown:         > 0 Up;  <= 0 down; 
* - Author:       J. Rao, R. Baldock
static WlzErrorNum WlzTrack3DVertical( WlzVertex sip, 
                                WlzVertex *sip1p,
                                WlzThreeDViewStruct  *wlzViewStri,  
			        WlzThreeDViewStruct  *wlzViewStrip1,
				int UpOrDown)

   WlzVertex vtemp, vtemp0, vs, vo, vso, vtx1;
   WlzVertex vs1, nI, nIP1;
   double    dtemp, dtemp1, dtemp2;
   WlzErrorNum	       errNum = WLZ_ERR_NONE;

   /* output for test */
   printf("Yaw:      %f\n",  wlzViewStri->theta*180.0/3.14); 
   printf("Pitch:    %f\n",  wlzViewStri->phi*180.0/3.14 );
   printf("Roll:     %f\n",  wlzViewStri->zeta*180.0/3.14 );
   printf("distance: %f\n",  wlzViewStri->dist );
   printf("scaling:  %f\n",  wlzViewStri->scale );
   printf("%f  %f  %f\n",  wlzViewStri->fixed.vtX, wlzViewStri->fixed.vtY ,wlzViewStri->fixed.vtZ  );

   /* vtemp0.d3 = (sx', sy', sz')   */
   WlzValueCopyDVertexToDVertex3(&vtemp0.d3, &sip.d3, 1);
   vtemp0.d3.vtZ = wlzViewStri->dist;
   /* reverse affine transformation the vertx to get  vs.d3 = s_i here is in OPT space */
   errNum = Wlz3DSectionTransformInvVtxR(wlzViewStri, vtemp0.d3, &vs.d3 );
   printf("%f  %f  %f\n", vs.d3.vtX, vs.d3.vtY, vs.d3.vtZ);

   /* as the vs.d3 is in OPT space and we want vertical tracking
      we have:
      vs1.d3.vtX = vs.d3.vtX
      vs1.d3.vtY = vs.d3.vtY

      vs1.d3.vtZ = ? need to be find !!!!!

      vs1.d3.vtZ = vs.d3.vtZ + s

      where s  n_z dot n_{i+1} = [ O_{i+1} - r_{i}     ] dot n_{i+1}

      nz.d3.vtX = 0.0;
      nz.d3.vtY = 0.0;
      nz.d3.vtZ = 1.0;
      if( UpOrDown <= 0 )
   	nz.d3.vtZ = -1.0;

   vtx1.d3.vtX = 0.0;
   vtx1.d3.vtY = 0.0;
   vtx1.d3.vtZ = 1.0;
   /* get the normal n_i = nI.d3   of this plan i -plane do not need !!! */
   errNum = Wlz3DSectionTransformInvVtxR(wlzViewStri, vtx1.d3, &nI.d3 );
   /* get the normal n_i(+-1) = nIP1.d3  of the next plan i+-1 -plane */
   errNum = Wlz3DSectionTransformInvVtxR(wlzViewStrip1, vtx1.d3, &nIP1.d3 );

   /* track the s_{i+-1} vertically in OPT space */

   /* check  the n_{i+1}_z != 0 other wise throw an erro  */
   dtemp =  nIP1.d3.vtZ;
   /* dtemp = abs(dtemp); */
   if( ( dtemp <  0.00000001 ) && ( dtemp >  -0.00000001 ) )
      printf(" the z-component of n_{i+1} is zero in OPT space, we can't track vertically\n ");
      printf("%lg  %lg  %lg\n", nIP1.d3.vtX, nIP1.d3.vtY, nIP1.d3.vtZ);
      exit( 1 );

     /* not parallel to z-direction  */
     /*  s_{i+1} = S_{i} + n_z * s
                 = S_{i} + n_z * <  [ O_{i+1} - r_{i}     ] dot n_{i+1}  /   ( n_z dot n_{i+1} ) >

     	/*  dtemp =    ( n_z dot n_{i+1} )  */
     		dtemp  =  WLZ_VTX_3_DOT(vtx1.d3, nIP1.d3);

     	/* get the  o_i+1 
   		vo.d3.vtX   = wlzViewStr1->fixed.vtX + wlzViewStr->dist * nIP1.d3.vtX;
   		vo.d3.vtY   = wlzViewStr1->fixed.vtY + wlzViewStr->dist * nIP1.d3.vtY;
   		vo.d3.vtY   = wlzViewStr1->fixed.vtZ + wlzViewStr->dist * nIP1.d3.vtZ;
    		WLZ_VTX_3_SCALE(vtemp0.d3, nIP1.d3, wlzViewStrip1->dist);
    		WLZ_VTX_3_ADD(vo.d3, wlzViewStrip1->fixed, vtemp0.d3);

    		/* vso.d3 = vo.d3 - vs.d3 */
   	/* vs0.d3 dot n_i+1 */
     		dtemp1  =  WLZ_VTX_3_DOT(vso.d3, nIP1.d3);

   	/* get the s */
     		dtemp2 =  dtemp1  / dtemp;
      	/*  vtemp.d3   =   (  n_z * s  )  */
     		WLZ_VTX_3_SCALE(vtemp.d3, vtx1.d3,  dtemp2 );

    	/* now get the s_{i+1} */ 
     		WLZ_VTX_3_ADD(vs1.d3, vs.d3, vtemp.d3 );


   /*---- get the s_{i+1}' = T_{i+1} s_{i+1}  ----*/
   errNum = Wlz3DSectionTransformVtxR(wlzViewStrip1, vs1.d3, &vtemp.d3 );
   sip1p->d3.vtX = vtemp.d3.vtX;
   sip1p->d3.vtY = vtemp.d3.vtY;
   sip1p->d3.vtZ = vtemp.d3.vtZ;

   printf("%lg  %lg  %lg\n", sip1p->d3.vtX, sip1p->d3.vtY, sip1p->d3.vtZ );

   return errNum;