void EpsFileWriter::Bezier(SBezier *sb) {
    Vector c, n = Vector::From(0, 0, 1);
    double r;
    if(sb->deg == 1) {
        MaybeMoveTo(sb->ctrl[0], sb->ctrl[1]);
        fprintf(f,     "    %.3f %.3f lineto\r\n",
                MmToPts(sb->ctrl[1].x - ptMin.x),
                MmToPts(sb->ctrl[1].y - ptMin.y));
    } else if(sb->IsCircle(n, &c, &r)) {
        Vector p0 = sb->ctrl[0], p1 = sb->ctrl[2];
        double theta0 = atan2(p0.y - c.y, p0.x - c.x),
               theta1 = atan2(p1.y - c.y, p1.x - c.x),
               dtheta = WRAP_SYMMETRIC(theta1 - theta0, 2*PI);
        MaybeMoveTo(p0, p1);
"    %.3f %.3f %.3f %.3f %.3f %s\r\n",
            MmToPts(c.x - ptMin.x),  MmToPts(c.y - ptMin.y),
            theta0*180/PI, theta1*180/PI,
            dtheta < 0 ? "arcn" : "arc");
    } else if(sb->deg == 3 && !sb->IsRational()) {
        MaybeMoveTo(sb->ctrl[0], sb->ctrl[3]);
"    %.3f %.3f %.3f %.3f %.3f %.3f curveto\r\n",
            MmToPts(sb->ctrl[1].x - ptMin.x), MmToPts(sb->ctrl[1].y - ptMin.y),
            MmToPts(sb->ctrl[2].x - ptMin.x), MmToPts(sb->ctrl[2].y - ptMin.y),
            MmToPts(sb->ctrl[3].x - ptMin.x), MmToPts(sb->ctrl[3].y - ptMin.y));
    } else {
void DxfFileWriter::Bezier(SBezier *sb) {
    Vector c, n = Vector::From(0, 0, 1);
    double r;
    if(sb->deg == 1) {
"  0\r\n"
"  8\r\n"     // Layer code
"  10\r\n"    // xA
"  20\r\n"    // yA
"  30\r\n"    // zA
"  11\r\n"    // xB
"  21\r\n"    // yB
"  31\r\n"    // zB
                sb->ctrl[0].x, sb->ctrl[0].y, sb->ctrl[0].z,
                sb->ctrl[1].x, sb->ctrl[1].y, sb->ctrl[1].z);
    } else if(sb->IsInPlane(n, 0) && sb->IsCircle(n, &c, &r)) {
        double theta0 = atan2(sb->ctrl[0].y - c.y, sb->ctrl[0].x - c.x),
               theta1 = atan2(sb->ctrl[2].y - c.y, sb->ctrl[2].x - c.x),
               dtheta = WRAP_SYMMETRIC(theta1 - theta0, 2*PI);
        if(dtheta < 0) {
            SWAP(double, theta0, theta1);

"  0\r\n"
"  8\r\n"     // Layer code
"  10\r\n"    // x
"  20\r\n"    // y
"  30\r\n"    // z
"  40\r\n"    // radius
"  50\r\n"    // start angle
"  51\r\n"    // end angle
                        c.x, c.y, 0.0,
                        theta0*180/PI, theta1*180/PI);
    } else {
Example #3
SSurface SSurface::FromRevolutionOf(SBezier *sb, Vector pt, Vector axis,
                                    double thetas, double thetaf)
    SSurface ret = {};

    ret.degm = sb->deg;
    ret.degn = 2;

    double dtheta = fabs(WRAP_SYMMETRIC(thetaf - thetas, 2*PI));

    // We now wish to revolve the curve about the z axis
    int i;
    for(i = 0; i <= ret.degm; i++) {
        Vector p = sb->ctrl[i];

        Vector ps = p.RotatedAbout(pt, axis, thetas),
               pf = p.RotatedAbout(pt, axis, thetaf);

        Vector ct;
        if(ps.Equals(pf)) {
            // Degenerate case: a control point lies on the axis of revolution,
            // so we get three coincident control points.
            ct = ps;
        } else {
            // Normal case, the control point sweeps out a circle.
            Vector c = ps.ClosestPointOnLine(pt, axis);

            Vector rs = ps.Minus(c),
                   rf = pf.Minus(c);

            Vector ts = axis.Cross(rs),
                   tf = axis.Cross(rf);

            ct = Vector::AtIntersectionOfLines(ps, ps.Plus(ts),
                                               pf, pf.Plus(tf),
                                               NULL, NULL, NULL);

        ret.ctrl[i][0] = ps;
        ret.ctrl[i][1] = ct;
        ret.ctrl[i][2] = pf;

        ret.weight[i][0] = sb->weight[i];
        ret.weight[i][1] = sb->weight[i]*cos(dtheta/2);
        ret.weight[i][2] = sb->weight[i];

    return ret;
void SvgFileWriter::Bezier(SBezier *sb) {
    Vector c, n = Vector::From(0, 0, 1);
    double r;
    if(sb->deg == 1) {
        MaybeMoveTo(sb->ctrl[0], sb->ctrl[1]);
        fprintf(f, "L%.3f,%.3f ",
            (sb->ctrl[1].x - ptMin.x), (ptMax.y - sb->ctrl[1].y));
    } else if(sb->IsCircle(n, &c, &r)) {
        Vector p0 = sb->ctrl[0], p1 = sb->ctrl[2];
        double theta0 = atan2(p0.y - c.y, p0.x - c.x),
               theta1 = atan2(p1.y - c.y, p1.x - c.x),
               dtheta = WRAP_SYMMETRIC(theta1 - theta0, 2*PI);
        // The arc must be less than 180 degrees, or else it couldn't have
        // been represented as a single rational Bezier. So large-arc-flag
        // must be false. sweep-flag is determined by the sign of dtheta.
        // Note that clockwise and counter-clockwise are backwards in SVG's
        // mirrored csys.
        MaybeMoveTo(p0, p1);
        fprintf(f, "A%.3f,%.3f 0 0,%d %.3f,%.3f ",
                        r, r,
                        (dtheta < 0) ? 1 : 0,
                        p1.x - ptMin.x, ptMax.y - p1.y);
    } else if(!sb->IsRational()) {
        if(sb->deg == 2) {
            MaybeMoveTo(sb->ctrl[0], sb->ctrl[2]);
            fprintf(f, "Q%.3f,%.3f %.3f,%.3f ",
                sb->ctrl[1].x - ptMin.x, ptMax.y - sb->ctrl[1].y,
                sb->ctrl[2].x - ptMin.x, ptMax.y - sb->ctrl[2].y);
        } else if(sb->deg == 3) {
            MaybeMoveTo(sb->ctrl[0], sb->ctrl[3]);
            fprintf(f, "C%.3f,%.3f %.3f,%.3f %.3f,%.3f ",
                sb->ctrl[1].x - ptMin.x, ptMax.y - sb->ctrl[1].y,
                sb->ctrl[2].x - ptMin.x, ptMax.y - sb->ctrl[2].y,
                sb->ctrl[3].x - ptMin.x, ptMax.y - sb->ctrl[3].y);
    } else {
bool TextWindow::EditControlDoneForPaste(char *s) {
    Expr *e;
    switch(edit.meaning) {
            e = Expr::From(s, true);
            if(!e) break;
            int v = (int)e->Eval();
            if(v > 0) {
                shown.paste.times = v;
            } else {
                Error("Number of copies to paste must be at least one.");
        case EDIT_PASTE_ANGLE:
            e = Expr::From(s, true);
            if(!e) break;
            shown.paste.theta = WRAP_SYMMETRIC((e->Eval())*PI/180, 2*PI);

        case EDIT_PASTE_SCALE: {
            e = Expr::From(s, true);
            double v = e->Eval();
            if(fabs(v) > 1e-6) {
                shown.paste.scale = v;
            } else {
                Error("Scale cannot be zero.");

            return false;
    return true;
Example #6
// Find all points where a line through a and b intersects our surface, and
// add them to the list. If seg is true then report only intersections that
// lie within the finite line segment (not including the endpoints); otherwise
// we work along the infinite line. And we report either just intersections
// inside the trim curve, or any intersection with u, v in [0, 1]. And we
// either disregard or report tangent points.
void SSurface::AllPointsIntersecting(Vector a, Vector b,
                                     List<SInter> *l,
                                     bool seg, bool trimmed, bool inclTangent)
    if(LineEntirelyOutsideBbox(a, b, seg)) return;

    Vector ba = b.Minus(a);
    double bam = ba.Magnitude();

    List<Inter> inters;

    // All the intersections between the line and the surface; either special
    // cases that we can quickly solve in closed form, or general numerical.
    Vector center, axis, start, finish;
    double radius;
    if(degm == 1 && degn == 1) {
        // Against a plane, easy.
        Vector n = NormalAt(0, 0).WithMagnitude(1);
        double d = n.Dot(PointAt(0, 0));
        // Trim to line segment now if requested, don't generate points that
        // would just get discarded later.
        if(!seg ||
           (n.Dot(a) > d + LENGTH_EPS && n.Dot(b) < d - LENGTH_EPS) ||
           (n.Dot(b) > d + LENGTH_EPS && n.Dot(a) < d - LENGTH_EPS))
            Vector p = Vector::AtIntersectionOfPlaneAndLine(n, d, a, b, NULL);
            Inter inter;
            ClosestPointTo(p, &(inter.p.x), &(inter.p.y));
    } else if(IsCylinder(&axis, &center, &radius, &start, &finish)) {
        // This one can be solved in closed form too.
        Vector ab = b.Minus(a);
        if(axis.Cross(ab).Magnitude() < LENGTH_EPS) {
            // edge is parallel to axis of cylinder, no intersection points
        // A coordinate system centered at the center of the circle, with
        // the edge under test horizontal
        Vector u, v, n = axis.WithMagnitude(1);
        u = (ab.Minus(n.ScaledBy(ab.Dot(n)))).WithMagnitude(1);
        v = n.Cross(u);
        Point2d ap = (a.Minus(center)).DotInToCsys(u, v, n).ProjectXy(),
                bp = (b.Minus(center)).DotInToCsys(u, v, n).ProjectXy(),
                sp = (start. Minus(center)).DotInToCsys(u, v, n).ProjectXy(),
                fp = (finish.Minus(center)).DotInToCsys(u, v, n).ProjectXy();

        double thetas = atan2(sp.y, sp.x), thetaf = atan2(fp.y, fp.x);

        Point2d ip[2];
        int ip_n = 0;
        if(fabs(fabs(ap.y) - radius) < LENGTH_EPS) {
            // tangent
            if(inclTangent) {
                ip[0] = Point2d::From(0, ap.y);
                ip_n = 1;
        } else if(fabs(ap.y) < radius) {
            // two intersections
            double xint = sqrt(radius*radius - ap.y*ap.y);
            ip[0] = Point2d::From(-xint, ap.y);
            ip[1] = Point2d::From( xint, ap.y);
            ip_n = 2;
        int i;
        for(i = 0; i < ip_n; i++) {
            double t = (ip[i].Minus(ap)).DivPivoting(bp.Minus(ap));
            // This is a point on the circle; but is it on the arc?
            Point2d pp = ap.Plus((bp.Minus(ap)).ScaledBy(t));
            double theta = atan2(pp.y, pp.x);
            double dp = WRAP_SYMMETRIC(theta  - thetas, 2*PI),
                   df = WRAP_SYMMETRIC(thetaf - thetas, 2*PI);
            double tol = LENGTH_EPS/radius;

            if((df > 0 && ((dp < -tol) || (dp > df + tol))) ||
               (df < 0 && ((dp >  tol) || (dp < df - tol))))

            Vector p = a.Plus((b.Minus(a)).ScaledBy(t));

            Inter inter;
            ClosestPointTo(p, &(inter.p.x), &(inter.p.y));
    } else {
        // General numerical solution by subdivision, fallback
        int cnt = 0, level = 0;
        AllPointsIntersectingUntrimmed(a, b, &cnt, &level, &inters, seg, this);

    // Remove duplicate intersection points
    int i, j;
    for(i = 0; i < inters.n; i++) {
        for(j = i + 1; j < inters.n; j++) {
            if(inters.elem[i].p.Equals(inters.elem[j].p)) {
                inters.elem[j].tag = 1;

    for(i = 0; i < inters.n; i++) {
        Point2d puv = inters.elem[i].p;

        // Make sure the point lies within the finite line segment
        Vector pxyz = PointAt(puv.x, puv.y);
        double t = (pxyz.Minus(a)).DivPivoting(ba);
        if(seg && (t > 1 - LENGTH_EPS/bam || t < LENGTH_EPS/bam)) {

        // And that it lies inside our trim region
        Point2d dummy = { 0, 0 };
        int c = bsp->ClassifyPoint(puv, dummy, this);
        if(trimmed && c == SBspUv::OUTSIDE) {

        // It does, so generate the intersection
        SInter si;
        si.p = pxyz;
        si.surfNormal = NormalAt(puv.x, puv.y);
        si.pinter = puv;
        si.srf = this;
        si.onEdge = (c != SBspUv::INSIDE);

Example #7
bool TextWindow::EditControlDoneForStyles(const char *str) {
    Style *s;
    switch(edit.meaning) {
        case EDIT_STYLE_WIDTH: {
            s = Style::Get(edit.style);

            double v;
            int units = (edit.meaning == EDIT_STYLE_TEXT_HEIGHT) ?
                            s->textHeightAs : s->widthAs;
            if(units == Style::UNITS_AS_MM) {
                v = SS.StringToMm(str);
            } else {
                v = atof(str);
            v = max(0, v);
            if(edit.meaning == EDIT_STYLE_TEXT_HEIGHT) {
                s->textHeight = v;
            } else {
                s->width = v;
            s = Style::Get(edit.style);
            s->textAngle = WRAP_SYMMETRIC(atof(str), 360);

        case EDIT_STYLE_COLOR: {
            Vector rgb;
            if(sscanf(str, "%lf, %lf, %lf", &rgb.x, &rgb.y, &rgb.z)==3) {
                rgb = rgb.ClampWithin(0, 1);
                if(edit.meaning == EDIT_STYLE_COLOR) {
                    s = Style::Get(edit.style);
                    s->color = RGBf(rgb.x, rgb.y, rgb.z);
                } else if(edit.meaning == EDIT_STYLE_FILL_COLOR) {
                    s = Style::Get(edit.style);
                    s->fillColor = RGBf(rgb.x, rgb.y, rgb.z);
                } else {
                    SS.backgroundColor = RGBf(rgb.x, rgb.y, rgb.z);
            } else {
                Error("Bad format: specify color as r, g, b");
        case EDIT_STYLE_NAME:
            if(!StringAllPrintable(str) || !*str) {
                Error("Invalid characters. Allowed are: A-Z a-z 0-9 _ -");
            } else {
                s = Style::Get(edit.style);

            Expr *e = Expr::From(str, true);
            if(e) {
                double ev = e->Eval();
                if(ev < 0.001 || isnan(ev)) {
                    Error("Scale must not be zero or negative!");
                } else {
                    SS.bgImage.scale = ev / SS.MmPerUnit();
        default: return false;
    return true;