Example #1
static int
listKeyBinding (ListGenerationData *lgd, const KeyBinding *binding, int longPress, const wchar_t *keysPrefix) {
  const BoundCommand *cmd = longPress? &binding->secondaryCommand: &binding->primaryCommand;
  size_t keysOffset;

  if (cmd->value == BRL_CMD_NOOP) return 1;

  if (!putCommandDescription(lgd, cmd, !binding->keyCombination.anyKeyCount)) return 0;
  if (!putCharacterString(lgd, WS_C(": "))) return 0;
  keysOffset = lgd->line.length;

  if (keysPrefix) {
    if (!putCharacterString(lgd, keysPrefix)) return 0;
    if (!putCharacterString(lgd, WS_C(", "))) return 0;

  if (longPress) {
    if (!putCharacterString(lgd, WS_C("long "))) return 0;

  if (!putKeyCombination(lgd, &binding->keyCombination)) return 0;

  if ((cmd->value & BRL_MSK_BLK) == BRL_BLK_CONTEXT) {
    const KeyContext *c = getKeyContext(lgd->keyTable, (KTB_CTX_DEFAULT + (cmd->value & BRL_MSK_ARG)));
    if (!c) return 0;

      size_t length = lgd->line.length - keysOffset;
      wchar_t keys[length + 1];

      wmemcpy(keys, &lgd->line.characters[keysOffset], length);
      keys[length] = 0;
      lgd->line.length = 0;

      if (isTemporaryKeyContext(lgd->keyTable, c)) {
        if (!listKeyContext(lgd, c, keys)) return 0;
      } else {
        if (!putCharacterString(lgd, WS_C("switch to "))) return 0;
        if (!putCharacterString(lgd, c->title)) return 0;
        if (!putCharacterString(lgd, WS_C(": "))) return 0;
        if (!putCharacterString(lgd, keys)) return 0;
        if (!endLine(lgd)) return 0;
  } else {
    if (!endLine(lgd)) return 0;

  return 1;
Example #2
getScreenCharacterType (const ScreenCharacter *character) {
  if (iswspace(character->text)) return SCT_SPACE;
  if (iswalnum(character->text)) return SCT_WORD;
  if (wcschr(WS_C("_"), character->text)) return SCT_WORD;
  return SCT_NONWORD;
Example #3
static DATA_OPERANDS_PROCESSOR(processUcsBlockOperands) {
  DataOperand action;

  if (getDataOperand(file, &action, "UCS block action")) {
    const wchar_t *expected = inUcsBlock? WS_C("END"): WS_C("START");

    if (isKeyword(expected, action.characters, action.length)) {
      inUcsBlock = !inUcsBlock;
    } else {
      reportDataError(file, "unexpected UCS block action: %.*" PRIws " (expecting %" PRIws ")",
                      action.length, action.characters, expected);

  return 1;
Example #4
static int
putCharacters (ListGenerationData *lgd, const wchar_t *characters, size_t count) {
  size_t newLength = lgd->lineLength + count;

  if (lgd->sectionTitle) {
    if (!handleLine(lgd, WS_C(""))) return 0;
    if (!handleLine(lgd, lgd->sectionTitle)) return 0;
    lgd->sectionTitle = NULL;

  if (newLength > lgd->lineSize) {
    size_t newSize = (newLength | 0X3F) + 1;
    wchar_t *newCharacters = realloc(lgd->lineCharacters, ARRAY_SIZE(newCharacters, newSize));

    if (!newCharacters) {
      return 0;

    lgd->lineCharacters = newCharacters;
    lgd->lineSize = newSize;

  wmemcpy(&lgd->lineCharacters[lgd->lineLength], characters, count);
  lgd->lineLength = newLength;
  return 1;
Example #5
static int
doListKeyTable (ListGenerationData *lgd) {
  if (!putUtf8String(lgd, gettext("Key Table"))) return 0;
  if (lgd->keyTable->title) {
    if (!putCharacterString(lgd, WS_C(": "))) return 0;
    if (!putCharacterString(lgd, lgd->keyTable->title)) return 0;
    if (!endLine(lgd)) return 0;

  if (lgd->keyTable->noteCount) {
    unsigned int noteIndex;

    if (!endLine(lgd)) return 0;

    for (noteIndex=0; noteIndex<lgd->keyTable->noteCount; noteIndex+=1) {
      if (!putCharacterString(lgd, lgd->keyTable->noteTable[noteIndex])) return 0;
      if (!endLine(lgd)) return 0;

    static const unsigned char contexts[] = {

    const unsigned char *context = contexts;
    unsigned int count = ARRAY_COUNT(contexts);

    while (count) {
      const KeyContext *ctx = getKeyContext(lgd->keyTable, *context);

      if (ctx) {
        lgd->sectionTitle = ctx->title;
        if (!listKeyContext(lgd, ctx, NULL)) return 0;

      context += 1, count -= 1;

    unsigned int context;

    for (context=KTB_CTX_DEFAULT+1; context<lgd->keyTable->keyContextCount; context+=1) {
      const KeyContext *ctx = getKeyContext(lgd->keyTable, context);

      if (ctx && !isTemporaryKeyContext(lgd->keyTable, ctx)) {
        lgd->sectionTitle = ctx->title;
        if (!listKeyContext(lgd, ctx, NULL)) return 0;

  return 1;
Example #6
static DATA_OPERANDS_PROCESSOR(processEncodingOperands) {
  DataOperand encoding;

  if (getDataOperand(file, &encoding, "character encoding name")) {
    if (!isKeyword(WS_C("UTF-8"), encoding.characters, encoding.length)) {
      reportDataError(file, "unsupported character encoding: %.*" PRIws,
                      encoding.length, encoding.characters);

  return 1;
Example #7
static int
processEncodingOperands (DataFile *file, void *data) {
  DataOperand encoding;

  if (getDataOperand(file, &encoding, "character encoding name")) {
    if (!isKeyword(WS_C("UTF-8"), encoding.characters, encoding.length)) {
      reportDataError(file, "unsupported character encoding: %.*" PRIws,
                      encoding.length, encoding.characters);

  return 1;
Example #8
static int
rstWriteHeader (const wchar_t *text, unsigned int level, void *data) {
  RestructuredTextData *rst = data;

  if (rst->headerLevel < level) {
    while (++rst->headerLevel < level) {
      if (!rstAddHeader(WS_C("\\ "), rst)) return 0;
  } else if (rst->headerLevel > level) {
    rst->headerLevel = level;

  return rstAddHeader(text, rst);
Example #9
static int
listKeyboardFunctions (ListGenerationData *lgd, const KeyContext *ctx) {
  const char *prefix = "braille keyboard ";

    unsigned int index;

    for (index=0; index<ctx->mappedKeyCount; index+=1) {
      const MappedKeyEntry *map = &ctx->mappedKeyTable[index];
      const KeyboardFunction *kbf = map->keyboardFunction;

      if (!putUtf8String(lgd, prefix)) return 0;
      if (!putUtf8String(lgd, kbf->name)) return 0;
      if (!putCharacterString(lgd, WS_C(": "))) return 0;
      if (!putKeyName(lgd, &map->keyValue)) return 0;
      if (!endLine(lgd)) return 0;

    const KeyboardFunction *kbf = keyboardFunctionTable;
    const KeyboardFunction *end = kbf + keyboardFunctionCount;

    while (kbf < end) {
      if (ctx->superimposedBits & kbf->bit) {
        if (!putUtf8String(lgd, prefix)) return 0;
        if (!putUtf8String(lgd, kbf->name)) return 0;
        if (!putCharacterString(lgd, WS_C(": superimposed"))) return 0;
        if (!endLine(lgd)) return 0;

      kbf += 1;

  return 1;
Example #10
static DATA_OPERANDS_PROCESSOR(processDelegateOperands) {
  DataOperand type;

  if (getDataOperand(file, &type, "delegate type")) {
    if (isKeyword(WS_C("FILE"), type.characters, type.length)) {
      DataOperand name;

      if (getDataOperand(file, &name, "file name")) {
        return includeDataFile(file, name.characters, name.length);
    } else {
      return includeDataFile(file, type.characters, type.length);

  return 1;
Example #11
static int
processDelegateOperands (DataFile *file, void *data) {
  DataOperand type;

  if (getDataOperand(file, &type, "delegate type")) {
    if (isKeyword(WS_C("FILE"), type.characters, type.length)) {
      DataOperand name;

      if (getDataOperand(file, &name, "file name")) {
        return includeDataFile(file, name.characters, name.length);
    } else {
      return includeDataFile(file, type.characters, type.length);

  return 1;
Example #12
static int
listHotkeyEvent (ListGenerationData *lgd, const KeyValue *keyValue, const char *event, int command) {
  if (command != BRL_CMD_NOOP) {
    if ((command & BRL_MSK_BLK) == BRL_BLK_CONTEXT) {
      const KeyContext *c = getKeyContext(lgd->keyTable, (KTB_CTX_DEFAULT + (command & BRL_MSK_ARG)));
      if (!c) return 0;
      if (!putUtf8String(lgd, "switch to ")) return 0;
      if (!putCharacterString(lgd, c->title)) return 0;
    } else {
      if (!putCommandDescription(lgd, command, (keyValue->key != KTB_KEY_ANY))) return 0;

    if (!putCharacterString(lgd, WS_C(": "))) return 0;
    if (!putUtf8String(lgd, event)) return 0;
    if (!putCharacter(lgd, WC_C(' '))) return 0;
    if (!putKeyName(lgd, keyValue)) return 0;
    if (!endLine(lgd)) return 0;

  return 1;
Example #13
static int
rstAddHeader (const wchar_t *text, RestructuredTextData *rst) {
  static const wchar_t characters[] = {
    WC_C('='), WC_C('-'), WC_C('~')

  int isTitle = rst->headerLevel == 0;
  size_t length = wcslen(text);
  wchar_t underline[length + 1];

  wmemset(underline, characters[rst->headerLevel], length);
  underline[length] = 0;

  if (!rstAddLine(text, rst)) return 0;
  if (!rstAddLine(underline, rst)) return 0;
  if (!rstAddBlankLine(rst)) return 0;

  if (isTitle) {
    if (!rstAddLine(WS_C(".. contents::"), rst)) return 0;
    if (!rstAddBlankLine(rst)) return 0;

  return 1;
Example #14
static int
listKeyContext (ListGenerationData *lgd, const KeyContext *ctx, const wchar_t *keysPrefix) {
    const HotkeyEntry *hotkey = ctx->hotkeyTable;
    unsigned int count = ctx->hotkeyCount;

    while (count) {
      if (!(hotkey->flags & HKF_HIDDEN)) {
        if (!listHotkeyEvent(lgd, &hotkey->keyValue, "press", hotkey->pressCommand)) return 0;
        if (!listHotkeyEvent(lgd, &hotkey->keyValue, "release", hotkey->releaseCommand)) return 0;

      hotkey += 1, count -= 1;

    const KeyBinding *binding = ctx->keyBindingTable;
    unsigned int count = ctx->keyBindingCount;

    while (count) {
      if (!(binding->flags & KBF_HIDDEN)) {
        size_t keysOffset;

        if (!putCommandDescription(lgd, binding->command, !binding->combination.anyKeyCount)) return 0;
        if (!putCharacterString(lgd, WS_C(": "))) return 0;
        keysOffset = lgd->lineLength;

        if (keysPrefix) {
          if (!putCharacterString(lgd, keysPrefix)) return 0;
          if (!putCharacterString(lgd, WS_C(", "))) return 0;

        if (!putKeyCombination(lgd, &binding->combination)) return 0;

        if ((binding->command & BRL_MSK_BLK) == BRL_BLK_CONTEXT) {
          const KeyContext *c = getKeyContext(lgd->keyTable, (KTB_CTX_DEFAULT + (binding->command & BRL_MSK_ARG)));
          if (!c) return 0;

            size_t length = lgd->lineLength - keysOffset;
            wchar_t keys[length + 1];

            wmemcpy(keys, &lgd->lineCharacters[keysOffset], length);
            keys[length] = 0;
            lgd->lineLength = 0;

            if (isTemporaryKeyContext(lgd->keyTable, c)) {
              if (!listKeyContext(lgd, c, keys)) return 0;
            } else {
              if (!putCharacterString(lgd, WS_C("switch to "))) return 0;
              if (!putCharacterString(lgd, c->title)) return 0;
              if (!putCharacterString(lgd, WS_C(": "))) return 0;
              if (!putCharacterString(lgd, keys)) return 0;
              if (!endLine(lgd)) return 0;
        } else {
          if (!endLine(lgd)) return 0;

      binding += 1, count -= 1;

  if (!listKeyboardFunctions(lgd, ctx)) return 0;
  return 1;
Example #15
  if (getCharacterOperand(file, &character)) {
    unsigned char dots;

    if (getDotsOperand(file, &dots)) {
      if (!setTextTableGlyph(ttd, character, dots)) return 0;

  return 1;

static int
processTextTableLine (DataFile *file, void *data) {
  static const DataProperty properties[] = {
    {.name=WS_C("char"), .processor=processCharOperands},
    {.name=WS_C("glyph"), .processor=processGlyphOperands},
    {.name=WS_C("byte"), .processor=processByteOperands},
    {.name=NULL, .processor=NULL}

  return processPropertyOperand(file, properties, "text table directive", data);

TextTableData *
processTextTableStream (FILE *stream, const char *name) {
  return processTextTableLines(stream, name, processTextTableLine);

TextTable *
compileTextTable (const char *name) {
Example #16
static int
rstAddBlankLine (RestructuredTextData *rst) {
  return rstAddLine(WS_C(""), rst);
Example #17
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <errno.h>
#include "log.h"
#include "file.h"
#include "ctb.h"
#include "ctb_internal.h"
#include "datafile.h"
#include "dataarea.h"
#include "brldots.h"
#include "hostcmd.h"

static const wchar_t *const characterClassNames[] = {

struct CharacterClass {
  struct CharacterClass *next;
  ContractionTableCharacterAttributes attribute;
  BYTE length;
  wchar_t name[1];
Example #18
static int
getDotsOperand (DataFile *file, unsigned char *dots) {
  if (findDataOperand(file, "cell")) {
    wchar_t character;

    if (getDataCharacter(file, &character)) {
      int noDots = 0;
      wchar_t enclosed = (character == WC_C('('))? WC_C(')'):
      *dots = 0;

      if (!enclosed) {
        if (wcschr(WS_C("0"), character)) {
          noDots = 1;
        } else {
          ungetDataCharacters(file, 1);

      while (getDataCharacter(file, &character)) {
        int space = iswspace(character);

        if (enclosed) {
          if (character == enclosed) {
            enclosed = 0;

          if (space) continue;
        } else if (space) {
          ungetDataCharacters(file, 1);

          int dot;

          if (noDots || !brlDotNumberToIndex(character, &dot)) {
            reportDataError(file, "invalid dot number: %.1" PRIws, &character);
            return 0;

            unsigned char bit = brlDotBits[dot];

            if (*dots & bit) {
              reportDataError(file, "duplicate dot number: %.1" PRIws, &character);
              return 0;

            *dots |= bit;

      if (enclosed) {
        reportDataError(file, "incomplete cell");
        return 0;

      return 1;

  return 0;
Example #19

static DATA_OPERANDS_PROCESSOR(processIfSetOperands) {
  return processConfigurationDirectiveTestOperands(file, 1, data);

static DATA_OPERANDS_PROCESSOR(processIfNotSetOperands) {
  return processConfigurationDirectiveTestOperands(file, 0, data);

static DATA_OPERANDS_PROCESSOR(processConfigurationLine) {
    {.name=WS_C("ifset"), .processor=processIfSetOperands},
    {.name=WS_C("ifnotset"), .processor=processIfNotSetOperands},
    {.name=NULL, .processor=processConfigurationOperands},

  return processDirectiveOperand(file, &directives, "configuration file directive", data);

static void
freeConfigurationDirectives (ConfigurationFileProcessingData *conf) {
  while (conf->directive.count > 0) free(conf->directive.table[--conf->directive.count]);

static int
addConfigurationDirectives (ConfigurationFileProcessingData *conf) {
  for (unsigned int optionIndex=0; optionIndex<conf->info->optionCount; optionIndex+=1) {