//	AURenderQualityPopup::RegisterEvents
void	AURenderQualityPopup::RegisterEvents ()
	EventTypeSpec events[] = {
		{ kEventClassCommand, kEventCommandProcess}
	WantEventTypes(GetWindowEventTarget(mView->GetCarbonWindow()), GetEventTypeCount(events), events);
Example #2
void	AUPropertyControl::RegisterEvents ()
#if !__LP64__
	EventTypeSpec events[] = {
		{ kEventClassControl, kEventControlValueFieldChanged }	// N.B. OS X only
	WantEventTypes(GetControlEventTarget(mControl), GetEventTypeCount(events), events);
Example #3
void	AUCarbonViewControl::Bind()
#if !__LP64__
	mInControlInitialization = 1;   // true
	AUListenerAddParameter(mListener, this, &mParam);
		// will cause an almost-immediate callback
	EventTypeSpec events[] = {
		{ kEventClassControl, kEventControlValueFieldChanged }	// N.B. OS X only
	WantEventTypes(GetControlEventTarget(mControl), GetEventTypeCount(events), events);

	if (mType == kTypeContinuous || mType == kTypeText || mType == kTypeDiscrete) {
		EventTypeSpec events[] = {
			{ kEventClassControl, kEventControlHit },
			{ kEventClassControl, kEventControlClick },
		    { kEventClassControl, kEventControlTrack }
		WantEventTypes(GetControlEventTarget(mControl), GetEventTypeCount(events), events);

	if (mType == kTypeText) {
		EventTypeSpec events[] = {
			{ kEventClassControl, kEventControlSetFocusPart }
		WantEventTypes(GetControlEventTarget(mControl), GetEventTypeCount(events), events); 
		ControlKeyFilterUPP proc = mParam.ValuesHaveStrings() ? StdKeyFilterCallback : NumericKeyFilterCallback;
			// this will fail for a static text field
		SetControlData(mControl, 0, kControlEditTextKeyFilterTag, sizeof(proc), &proc);
	mInControlInitialization = 0;   // false
OSStatus			AUCarbonViewBase::CreateCarbonView(AudioUnit inAudioUnit, WindowRef inWindow, ControlRef inParentControl, const Float32Point &inLocation, const Float32Point &inSize, ControlRef &outParentControl)
#if !__LP64__
	mEditAudioUnit = inAudioUnit;
	mCarbonWindow = inWindow;

	WindowAttributes attributes;
	verify_noerr(GetWindowAttributes(mCarbonWindow, &attributes));
	mCompositWindow = (attributes & kWindowCompositingAttribute) != 0;

	Rect area;
	area.left = short(inLocation.x); area.top = short(inLocation.y);
	area.right = short(area.left + inSize.x); area.bottom = short(area.top + inSize.y);
	OSStatus err = ::CreateUserPaneControl(inWindow, &area, 
						&mCarbonPane);	// subclass can resize mCarbonPane to taste
	if (err) return err;
	outParentControl = mCarbonPane;
	// register for mouse-down in our pane -- we want to clear focus
	EventTypeSpec paneEvents[] = {
		{ kEventClassControl, kEventControlClick }
	WantEventTypes(GetControlEventTarget(mCarbonPane), GetEventTypeCount(paneEvents), paneEvents);
	if (IsCompositWindow()) {
		verify_noerr(::HIViewAddSubview(inParentControl, mCarbonPane));
		mXOffset = 0;
		mYOffset = 0;
	else {
		verify_noerr(::EmbedControl(mCarbonPane, inParentControl));
		mXOffset = inLocation.x;
		mYOffset = inLocation.y;
	mBottomRight.h = mBottomRight.v = 0;
	SizeControl(mCarbonPane, 0, 0);
	if (err = CreateUI(mXOffset, mYOffset))
		return err;

	// we should only resize the control if a subclass has embedded
	// controls in this AND this is done with the EmbedControl call below
	// if mBottomRight is STILL equal to zero, then that wasn't done
	// so don't size the control
	Rect paneBounds;
	GetControlBounds(mCarbonPane, &paneBounds);
	// only resize mCarbonPane if it has not already been resized during CreateUI
	if ((paneBounds.top == paneBounds.bottom) && (paneBounds.left == paneBounds.right)) {
		if (mBottomRight.h != 0 && mBottomRight.v != 0)
			SizeControl(mCarbonPane, (short) (mBottomRight.h - mXOffset), (short) (mBottomRight.v - mYOffset));

	if (IsCompositWindow()) {
		// prepare for handling scroll-events
		EventTypeSpec scrollEvents[] = {
			{ kEventClassScrollable, kEventScrollableGetInfo },
			{ kEventClassScrollable, kEventScrollableScrollTo }
		WantEventTypes(GetControlEventTarget(mCarbonPane), GetEventTypeCount(scrollEvents), scrollEvents);
		mCurrentScrollPoint.x = mCurrentScrollPoint.y = 0.0f;
	return err;
	return noErr;