Example #1
static ParseStatus CreateRawImageDemuxer(MemBuffer* const mem,
                                         WebPDemuxer** demuxer) {
  WebPBitstreamFeatures features;
  const VP8StatusCode status =
      WebPGetFeatures(mem->buf_, mem->buf_size_, &features);
  *demuxer = NULL;
  if (status != VP8_STATUS_OK) {
                                                  : PARSE_ERROR;

    WebPDemuxer* const dmux = (WebPDemuxer*)WebPSafeCalloc(1ULL, sizeof(*dmux));
    Frame* const frame = (Frame*)WebPSafeCalloc(1ULL, sizeof(*frame));
    if (dmux == NULL || frame == NULL) goto Error;
    InitDemux(dmux, mem);
    SetFrameInfo(0, mem->buf_size_, 1 /*frame_num*/, 1 /*complete*/, &features,
    if (!AddFrame(dmux, frame)) goto Error;
    dmux->state_ = WEBP_DEMUX_DONE;
    dmux->canvas_width_ = frame->width_;
    dmux->canvas_height_ = frame->height_;
    dmux->feature_flags_ |= frame->has_alpha_ ? ALPHA_FLAG : 0;
    dmux->num_frames_ = 1;
    *demuxer = dmux;
    return PARSE_OK;

    return PARSE_ERROR;
Example #2
void WebPAnimEncoderDelete(WebPAnimEncoder* enc) {
  if (enc != NULL) {;
    if (enc->encoded_frames_ != NULL) {
      size_t i;
      for (i = 0; i < enc->size_; ++i) {
void VP8LHashChainClear(VP8LHashChain* const p) {
  assert(p != NULL);

  p->size_ = 0;
  p->offset_length_ = NULL;
Example #4
// Parse a 'FRGM' chunk and any image bearing chunks that immediately follow.
// 'fragment_chunk_size' is the previously validated, padded chunk size.
static ParseStatus ParseFragment(WebPDemuxer* const dmux,
                                 uint32_t fragment_chunk_size) {
  const int frame_num = 1;  // All fragments belong to the 1st (and only) frame.
  const int is_fragmented = !!(dmux->feature_flags_ & FRAGMENTS_FLAG);
  const uint32_t frgm_payload_size = fragment_chunk_size - FRGM_CHUNK_SIZE;
  int added_fragment = 0;
  MemBuffer* const mem = &dmux->mem_;
  Frame* frame;
  ParseStatus status =
      NewFrame(mem, FRGM_CHUNK_SIZE, fragment_chunk_size, &frame);
  if (status != PARSE_OK) return status;

  frame->is_fragment_ = 1;
  frame->x_offset_ = 2 * ReadLE24s(mem);
  frame->y_offset_ = 2 * ReadLE24s(mem);

  // Store a fragment only if the 'fragments' flag is set and there is some
  // data available.
  status = StoreFrame(frame_num, frgm_payload_size, mem, frame);
  if (status != PARSE_ERROR && is_fragmented && frame->frame_num_ > 0) {
    added_fragment = AddFrame(dmux, frame);
    if (!added_fragment) {
      status = PARSE_ERROR;
    } else {
      dmux->num_frames_ = 1;

  if (!added_fragment) WebPSafeFree(frame);
  return status;
Example #5
void WebPDemuxDelete(WebPDemuxer* dmux) {
  Chunk* c;
  Frame* f;
  if (dmux == NULL) return;

  for (f = dmux->frames_; f != NULL;) {
    Frame* const cur_frame = f;
    f = f->next_;
  for (c = dmux->chunks_; c != NULL;) {
    Chunk* const cur_chunk = c;
    c = c->next_;
Example #6
void WebPFreeDecBuffer(WebPDecBuffer* buffer) {
  if (buffer != NULL) {
    if (!buffer->is_external_memory) {
    buffer->private_memory = NULL;
void VP8LBackwardRefsClear(VP8LBackwardRefs* const refs) {
  assert(refs != NULL);
  while (refs->free_blocks_ != NULL) {
    PixOrCopyBlock* const next = refs->free_blocks_->next_;
    refs->free_blocks_ = next;
Example #8
static int DeleteVP8Encoder(VP8Encoder* enc) {
  int ok = 1;
  if (enc != NULL) {
    ok = VP8EncDeleteAlpha(enc);
  return ok;
Example #9
WebPMuxError WebPMuxAssemble(WebPMux* mux, WebPData* assembled_data) {
  size_t size = 0;
  uint8_t* data = NULL;
  uint8_t* dst = NULL;
  WebPMuxError err;

  if (assembled_data == NULL) {
  // Clean up returned data, in case something goes wrong.
  memset(assembled_data, 0, sizeof(*assembled_data));

  if (mux == NULL) {

  // Finalize mux.
  err = MuxCleanup(mux);
  if (err != WEBP_MUX_OK) return err;
  err = CreateVP8XChunk(mux);
  if (err != WEBP_MUX_OK) return err;

  // Allocate data.
  size = ChunkListDiskSize(mux->vp8x_) + ChunkListDiskSize(mux->iccp_)
       + ChunkListDiskSize(mux->anim_) + ImageListDiskSize(mux->images_)
       + ChunkListDiskSize(mux->exif_) + ChunkListDiskSize(mux->xmp_)
       + ChunkListDiskSize(mux->unknown_) + RIFF_HEADER_SIZE;

  data = (uint8_t*)WebPSafeMalloc(1ULL, size);
  if (data == NULL) return WEBP_MUX_MEMORY_ERROR;

  // Emit header & chunks.
  dst = MuxEmitRiffHeader(data, size);
  dst = ChunkListEmit(mux->vp8x_, dst);
  dst = ChunkListEmit(mux->iccp_, dst);
  dst = ChunkListEmit(mux->anim_, dst);
  dst = ImageListEmit(mux->images_, dst);
  dst = ChunkListEmit(mux->exif_, dst);
  dst = ChunkListEmit(mux->xmp_, dst);
  dst = ChunkListEmit(mux->unknown_, dst);
  assert(dst == data + size);

  // Validate mux.
  err = MuxValidate(mux);
  if (err != WEBP_MUX_OK) {
    data = NULL;
    size = 0;

  // Finalize data.
  assembled_data->bytes = data;
  assembled_data->size = size;

  return err;
Example #10
void VP8TBufferClear(VP8TBuffer* const b) {
  if (b != NULL) {
    VP8Tokens* p = b->pages_;
    while (p != NULL) {
      VP8Tokens* const next = p->next_;
      p = next;
    VP8TBufferInit(b, b->page_size_);
Example #11
// Parse a 'ANMF' chunk and any image bearing chunks that immediately follow.
// 'frame_chunk_size' is the previously validated, padded chunk size.
static ParseStatus ParseAnimationFrame(
    WebPDemuxer* const dmux, uint32_t frame_chunk_size) {
  const int is_animation = !!(dmux->feature_flags_ & ANIMATION_FLAG);
  const uint32_t anmf_payload_size = frame_chunk_size - ANMF_CHUNK_SIZE;
  int added_frame = 0;
  int bits;
  MemBuffer* const mem = &dmux->mem_;
  Frame* frame;
  ParseStatus status =
      NewFrame(mem, ANMF_CHUNK_SIZE, frame_chunk_size, &frame);
  if (status != PARSE_OK) return status;

  frame->x_offset_       = 2 * ReadLE24s(mem);
  frame->y_offset_       = 2 * ReadLE24s(mem);
  frame->width_          = 1 + ReadLE24s(mem);
  frame->height_         = 1 + ReadLE24s(mem);
  frame->duration_       = ReadLE24s(mem);
  bits = ReadByte(mem);
  frame->dispose_method_ =
  frame->blend_method_ = (bits & 2) ? WEBP_MUX_NO_BLEND : WEBP_MUX_BLEND;
  if (frame->width_ * (uint64_t)frame->height_ >= MAX_IMAGE_AREA) {
    return PARSE_ERROR;

  // Store a frame only if the animation flag is set there is some data for
  // this frame is available.
  status = StoreFrame(dmux->num_frames_ + 1, anmf_payload_size, mem, frame);
  if (status != PARSE_ERROR && is_animation && frame->frame_num_ > 0) {
    added_frame = AddFrame(dmux, frame);
    if (added_frame) {
    } else {
      status = PARSE_ERROR;

  if (!added_frame) WebPSafeFree(frame);
  return status;
Example #12
static void End(WebPWorker* const worker) {
  if (worker->status_ >= OK) {
    ChangeState(worker, NOT_OK);
    pthread_join(worker->impl_->thread_, NULL);
    worker->status_ = NOT_OK;
  worker->impl_ = NULL;
  assert(worker->status_ == NOT_OK);
Example #13
static void End(WebPWorker* const worker) {
  if (worker->impl_ != NULL) {
    WebPWorkerImpl* const impl = (WebPWorkerImpl*)worker->impl_;
    ChangeState(worker, NOT_OK);
    pthread_join(impl->thread_, NULL);
    worker->impl_ = NULL;
  worker->status_ = NOT_OK;
  assert(worker->impl_ == NULL);
  assert(worker->status_ == NOT_OK);
Example #14
static ParseStatus ParseSingleImage(WebPDemuxer* const dmux) {
  const size_t min_size = CHUNK_HEADER_SIZE;
  MemBuffer* const mem = &dmux->mem_;
  Frame* frame;
  ParseStatus status;
  int image_added = 0;

  if (dmux->frames_ != NULL) return PARSE_ERROR;
  if (SizeIsInvalid(mem, min_size)) return PARSE_ERROR;
  if (MemDataSize(mem) < min_size) return PARSE_NEED_MORE_DATA;

  frame = (Frame*)WebPSafeCalloc(1ULL, sizeof(*frame));
  if (frame == NULL) return PARSE_ERROR;

  // For the single image case we allow parsing of a partial frame, so no
  // minimum size is imposed here.
  status = StoreFrame(1, 0, &dmux->mem_, frame);
  if (status != PARSE_ERROR) {
    const int has_alpha = !!(dmux->feature_flags_ & ALPHA_FLAG);
    // Clear any alpha when the alpha flag is missing.
    if (!has_alpha && frame->img_components_[1].size_ > 0) {
      frame->img_components_[1].offset_ = 0;
      frame->img_components_[1].size_ = 0;
      frame->has_alpha_ = 0;

    // Use the frame width/height as the canvas values for non-vp8x files.
    // Also, set ALPHA_FLAG if this is a lossless image with alpha.
    if (!dmux->is_ext_format_ && frame->width_ > 0 && frame->height_ > 0) {
      dmux->state_ = WEBP_DEMUX_PARSED_HEADER;
      dmux->canvas_width_ = frame->width_;
      dmux->canvas_height_ = frame->height_;
      dmux->feature_flags_ |= frame->has_alpha_ ? ALPHA_FLAG : 0;
    if (!AddFrame(dmux, frame)) {
      status = PARSE_ERROR;  // last frame was left incomplete
    } else {
      image_added = 1;
      dmux->num_frames_ = 1;

  if (!image_added) WebPSafeFree(frame);
  return status;
Example #15
static void SmoothSegmentMap(VP8Encoder* const enc) {
  int n, x, y;
  const int w = enc->mb_w_;
  const int h = enc->mb_h_;
  const int majority_cnt_3_x_3_grid = 5;
  uint8_t* const tmp = (uint8_t*)WebPSafeMalloc(w * h, sizeof(*tmp));
  assert((uint64_t)(w * h) == (uint64_t)w * h);   // no overflow, as per spec

  if (tmp == NULL) return;
  for (y = 1; y < h - 1; ++y) {
    for (x = 1; x < w - 1; ++x) {
      int cnt[NUM_MB_SEGMENTS] = { 0 };
      const VP8MBInfo* const mb = &enc->mb_info_[x + w * y];
      int majority_seg = mb->segment_;
      // Check the 8 neighbouring segment values.
      cnt[mb[-w - 1].segment_]++;  // top-left
      cnt[mb[-w + 0].segment_]++;  // top
      cnt[mb[-w + 1].segment_]++;  // top-right
      cnt[mb[   - 1].segment_]++;  // left
      cnt[mb[   + 1].segment_]++;  // right
      cnt[mb[ w - 1].segment_]++;  // bottom-left
      cnt[mb[ w + 0].segment_]++;  // bottom
      cnt[mb[ w + 1].segment_]++;  // bottom-right
      for (n = 0; n < NUM_MB_SEGMENTS; ++n) {
        if (cnt[n] >= majority_cnt_3_x_3_grid) {
          majority_seg = n;
      tmp[x + y * w] = majority_seg;
  for (y = 1; y < h - 1; ++y) {
    for (x = 1; x < w - 1; ++x) {
      VP8MBInfo* const mb = &enc->mb_info_[x + w * y];
      mb->segment_ = tmp[x + y * w];
Example #16
int WebPPlaneDistortion(const uint8_t* src, size_t src_stride,
                        const uint8_t* ref, size_t ref_stride,
                        int width, int height, size_t x_step,
                        int type, float* distortion, float* result) {
  uint8_t* allocated = NULL;
  const AccumulateFunc metric = (type == 0) ? AccumulateSSE :
                                (type == 1) ? AccumulateSSIM :
  if (src == NULL || ref == NULL ||
      src_stride < x_step * width || ref_stride < x_step * width ||
      result == NULL || distortion == NULL) {
    return 0;

  if (x_step != 1) {   // extract a packed plane if needed
    int x, y;
    uint8_t* tmp1;
    uint8_t* tmp2;
    allocated =
        (uint8_t*)WebPSafeMalloc(2ULL * width * height, sizeof(*allocated));
    if (allocated == NULL) return 0;
    tmp1 = allocated;
    tmp2 = tmp1 + (size_t)width * height;
    for (y = 0; y < height; ++y) {
      for (x = 0; x < width; ++x) {
        tmp1[x + y * width] = src[x * x_step + y * src_stride];
        tmp2[x + y * width] = ref[x * x_step + y * ref_stride];
    src = tmp1;
    ref = tmp2;
  *distortion = (float)metric(src, width, ref, width, width, height);

  *result = (type == 1) ? (float)GetLogSSIM(*distortion, (double)width * height)
                        : (float)GetPSNR(*distortion, (double)width * height);
  return 1;
Example #17
static int Reset(WebPWorker* const worker) {
  int ok = 1;
  worker->had_error = 0;
  if (worker->status_ < OK) {
    WebPWorkerImpl* const impl =
        (WebPWorkerImpl*)WebPSafeCalloc(1, sizeof(WebPWorkerImpl));
    worker->impl_ = (void*)impl;
    if (worker->impl_ == NULL) {
      return 0;
    if (pthread_mutex_init(&impl->mutex_, NULL)) {
      goto Error;
    if (pthread_cond_init(&impl->condition_, NULL)) {
      goto Error;
    ok = !pthread_create(&impl->thread_, NULL, ThreadLoop, worker);
    if (ok) worker->status_ = OK;
    if (!ok) {
      worker->impl_ = NULL;
      return 0;
    worker->status_ = OK;
  } else if (worker->status_ > OK) {
    ok = Sync(worker);
  assert(!ok || (worker->status_ == OK));
  return ok;
Example #18
void VP8LColorCacheClear(VP8LColorCache* const cc) {
    if (cc != NULL) {
        cc->colors_ = NULL;
Example #19
int VP8LBuildHuffmanTable(HuffmanCode* const root_table, int root_bits,
                          const int code_lengths[], int code_lengths_size) {
  HuffmanCode* table = root_table;  // next available space in table
  int total_size = 1 << root_bits;  // total size root table + 2nd level table
  int* sorted = NULL;               // symbols sorted by code length
  int len;                          // current code length
  int symbol;                       // symbol index in original or sorted table
  // number of codes of each length:
  int count[MAX_ALLOWED_CODE_LENGTH + 1] = { 0 };
  // offsets in sorted table for each length:
  int offset[MAX_ALLOWED_CODE_LENGTH + 1];

  assert(code_lengths_size != 0);
  assert(code_lengths != NULL);
  assert(root_table != NULL);
  assert(root_bits > 0);

  // Build histogram of code lengths.
  for (symbol = 0; symbol < code_lengths_size; ++symbol) {
    if (code_lengths[symbol] > MAX_ALLOWED_CODE_LENGTH) {
      return 0;

  // Error, all code lengths are zeros.
  if (count[0] == code_lengths_size) {
    return 0;

  // Generate offsets into sorted symbol table by code length.
  offset[1] = 0;
  for (len = 1; len < MAX_ALLOWED_CODE_LENGTH; ++len) {
    if (count[len] > (1 << len)) {
      return 0;
    offset[len + 1] = offset[len] + count[len];

  sorted = (int*)WebPSafeMalloc(code_lengths_size, sizeof(*sorted));
  if (sorted == NULL) {
    return 0;

  // Sort symbols by length, by symbol order within each length.
  for (symbol = 0; symbol < code_lengths_size; ++symbol) {
    const int symbol_code_length = code_lengths[symbol];
    if (code_lengths[symbol] > 0) {
      sorted[offset[symbol_code_length]++] = symbol;

  // Special case code with only one value.
  if (offset[MAX_ALLOWED_CODE_LENGTH] == 1) {
    HuffmanCode code;
    code.bits = 0;
    code.value = (uint16_t)sorted[0];
    ReplicateValue(table, 1, total_size, code);
    return total_size;

    int step;              // step size to replicate values in current table
    uint32_t low = -1;     // low bits for current root entry
    uint32_t mask = total_size - 1;    // mask for low bits
    uint32_t key = 0;      // reversed prefix code
    int num_nodes = 1;     // number of Huffman tree nodes
    int num_open = 1;      // number of open branches in current tree level
    int table_bits = root_bits;        // key length of current table
    int table_size = 1 << table_bits;  // size of current table
    symbol = 0;
    // Fill in root table.
    for (len = 1, step = 2; len <= root_bits; ++len, step <<= 1) {
      num_open <<= 1;
      num_nodes += num_open;
      num_open -= count[len];
      if (num_open < 0) {
        return 0;
      for (; count[len] > 0; --count[len]) {
        HuffmanCode code;
        code.bits = (uint8_t)len;
        code.value = (uint16_t)sorted[symbol++];
        ReplicateValue(&table[key], step, table_size, code);
        key = GetNextKey(key, len);

    // Fill in 2nd level tables and add pointers to root table.
    for (len = root_bits + 1, step = 2; len <= MAX_ALLOWED_CODE_LENGTH;
         ++len, step <<= 1) {
      num_open <<= 1;
      num_nodes += num_open;
      num_open -= count[len];
      if (num_open < 0) {
        return 0;
      for (; count[len] > 0; --count[len]) {
        HuffmanCode code;
        if ((key & mask) != low) {
          table += table_size;
          table_bits = NextTableBitSize(count, len, root_bits);
          table_size = 1 << table_bits;
          total_size += table_size;
          low = key & mask;
          root_table[low].bits = (uint8_t)(table_bits + root_bits);
          root_table[low].value = (uint16_t)((table - root_table) - low);
        code.bits = (uint8_t)(len - root_bits);
        code.value = (uint16_t)sorted[symbol++];
        ReplicateValue(&table[key >> root_bits], step, table_size, code);
        key = GetNextKey(key, len);

    // Check if tree is full.
    if (num_nodes != 2 * offset[MAX_ALLOWED_CODE_LENGTH] - 1) {
      return 0;

  return total_size;
Example #20
void VP8LHtreeGroupsFree(HTreeGroup* const htree_groups) {
  if (htree_groups != NULL) {
int VP8LHashChainFill(VP8LHashChain* const p, int quality,
                      const uint32_t* const argb, int xsize, int ysize,
                      int low_effort) {
  const int size = xsize * ysize;
  const int iter_max = GetMaxItersForQuality(quality);
  const uint32_t window_size = GetWindowSizeForHashChain(quality, xsize);
  int pos;
  int argb_comp;
  uint32_t base_position;
  int32_t* hash_to_first_index;
  // Temporarily use the p->offset_length_ as a hash chain.
  int32_t* chain = (int32_t*)p->offset_length_;
  assert(size > 0);
  assert(p->size_ != 0);
  assert(p->offset_length_ != NULL);

  if (size <= 2) {
    p->offset_length_[0] = p->offset_length_[size - 1] = 0;
    return 1;

  hash_to_first_index =
      (int32_t*)WebPSafeMalloc(HASH_SIZE, sizeof(*hash_to_first_index));
  if (hash_to_first_index == NULL) return 0;

  // Set the int32_t array to -1.
  memset(hash_to_first_index, 0xff, HASH_SIZE * sizeof(*hash_to_first_index));
  // Fill the chain linking pixels with the same hash.
  argb_comp = (argb[0] == argb[1]);
  for (pos = 0; pos < size - 2;) {
    uint32_t hash_code;
    const int argb_comp_next = (argb[pos + 1] == argb[pos + 2]);
    if (argb_comp && argb_comp_next) {
      // Consecutive pixels with the same color will share the same hash.
      // We therefore use a different hash: the color and its repetition
      // length.
      uint32_t tmp[2];
      uint32_t len = 1;
      tmp[0] = argb[pos];
      // Figure out how far the pixels are the same.
      // The last pixel has a different 64 bit hash, as its next pixel does
      // not have the same color, so we just need to get to the last pixel equal
      // to its follower.
      while (pos + (int)len + 2 < size && argb[pos + len + 2] == argb[pos]) {
      if (len > MAX_LENGTH) {
        // Skip the pixels that match for distance=1 and length>MAX_LENGTH
        // because they are linked to their predecessor and we automatically
        // check that in the main for loop below. Skipping means setting no
        // predecessor in the chain, hence -1.
        memset(chain + pos, 0xff, (len - MAX_LENGTH) * sizeof(*chain));
        pos += len - MAX_LENGTH;
        len = MAX_LENGTH;
      // Process the rest of the hash chain.
      while (len) {
        tmp[1] = len--;
        hash_code = GetPixPairHash64(tmp);
        chain[pos] = hash_to_first_index[hash_code];
        hash_to_first_index[hash_code] = pos++;
      argb_comp = 0;
    } else {
      // Just move one pixel forward.
      hash_code = GetPixPairHash64(argb + pos);
      chain[pos] = hash_to_first_index[hash_code];
      hash_to_first_index[hash_code] = pos++;
      argb_comp = argb_comp_next;
  // Process the penultimate pixel.
  chain[pos] = hash_to_first_index[GetPixPairHash64(argb + pos)];


  // Find the best match interval at each pixel, defined by an offset to the
  // pixel and a length. The right-most pixel cannot match anything to the right
  // (hence a best length of 0) and the left-most pixel nothing to the left
  // (hence an offset of 0).
  assert(size > 2);
  p->offset_length_[0] = p->offset_length_[size - 1] = 0;
  for (base_position = size - 2; base_position > 0;) {
    const int max_len = MaxFindCopyLength(size - 1 - base_position);
    const uint32_t* const argb_start = argb + base_position;
    int iter = iter_max;
    int best_length = 0;
    uint32_t best_distance = 0;
    uint32_t best_argb;
    const int min_pos =
        (base_position > window_size) ? base_position - window_size : 0;
    const int length_max = (max_len < 256) ? max_len : 256;
    uint32_t max_base_position;

    pos = chain[base_position];
    if (!low_effort) {
      int curr_length;
      // Heuristic: use the comparison with the above line as an initialization.
      if (base_position >= (uint32_t)xsize) {
        curr_length = FindMatchLength(argb_start - xsize, argb_start,
                                      best_length, max_len);
        if (curr_length > best_length) {
          best_length = curr_length;
          best_distance = xsize;
      // Heuristic: compare to the previous pixel.
      curr_length =
          FindMatchLength(argb_start - 1, argb_start, best_length, max_len);
      if (curr_length > best_length) {
        best_length = curr_length;
        best_distance = 1;
      // Skip the for loop if we already have the maximum.
      if (best_length == MAX_LENGTH) pos = min_pos - 1;
    best_argb = argb_start[best_length];

    for (; pos >= min_pos && --iter; pos = chain[pos]) {
      int curr_length;
      assert(base_position > (uint32_t)pos);

      if (argb[pos + best_length] != best_argb) continue;

      curr_length = VP8LVectorMismatch(argb + pos, argb_start, max_len);
      if (best_length < curr_length) {
        best_length = curr_length;
        best_distance = base_position - pos;
        best_argb = argb_start[best_length];
        // Stop if we have reached a good enough length.
        if (best_length >= length_max) break;
    // We have the best match but in case the two intervals continue matching
    // to the left, we have the best matches for the left-extended pixels.
    max_base_position = base_position;
    while (1) {
      assert(best_length <= MAX_LENGTH);
      assert(best_distance <= WINDOW_SIZE);
      p->offset_length_[base_position] =
          (best_distance << MAX_LENGTH_BITS) | (uint32_t)best_length;
      // Stop if we don't have a match or if we are out of bounds.
      if (best_distance == 0 || base_position == 0) break;
      // Stop if we cannot extend the matching intervals to the left.
      if (base_position < best_distance ||
          argb[base_position - best_distance] != argb[base_position]) {
      // Stop if we are matching at its limit because there could be a closer
      // matching interval with the same maximum length. Then again, if the
      // matching interval is as close as possible (best_distance == 1), we will
      // never find anything better so let's continue.
      if (best_length == MAX_LENGTH && best_distance != 1 &&
          base_position + MAX_LENGTH < max_base_position) {
      if (best_length < MAX_LENGTH) {
        max_base_position = base_position;
  return 1;
Example #22
void WebPMuxDelete(WebPMux* mux) {
  if (mux != NULL) {
static int BackwardReferencesLz77Box(int xsize, int ysize,
                                     const uint32_t* const argb, int cache_bits,
                                     const VP8LHashChain* const hash_chain_best,
                                     VP8LHashChain* hash_chain,
                                     VP8LBackwardRefs* const refs) {
  int i;
  const int pix_count = xsize * ysize;
  uint16_t* counts;
  int window_offsets[WINDOW_OFFSETS_SIZE_MAX] = {0};
  int window_offsets_new[WINDOW_OFFSETS_SIZE_MAX] = {0};
  int window_offsets_size = 0;
  int window_offsets_new_size = 0;
  uint16_t* const counts_ini =
      (uint16_t*)WebPSafeMalloc(xsize * ysize, sizeof(*counts_ini));
  int best_offset_prev = -1, best_length_prev = -1;
  if (counts_ini == NULL) return 0;

  // counts[i] counts how many times a pixel is repeated starting at position i.
  i = pix_count - 2;
  counts = counts_ini + i;
  counts[1] = 1;
  for (; i >= 0; --i, --counts) {
    if (argb[i] == argb[i + 1]) {
      // Max out the counts to MAX_LENGTH.
      counts[0] = counts[1] + (counts[1] != MAX_LENGTH);
    } else {
      counts[0] = 1;

  // Figure out the window offsets around a pixel. They are stored in a
  // spiraling order around the pixel as defined by VP8LDistanceToPlaneCode.
    int x, y;
    for (y = 0; y <= 6; ++y) {
      for (x = -6; x <= 6; ++x) {
        const int offset = y * xsize + x;
        int plane_code;
        // Ignore offsets that bring us after the pixel.
        if (offset <= 0) continue;
        plane_code = VP8LDistanceToPlaneCode(xsize, offset) - 1;
        if (plane_code >= WINDOW_OFFSETS_SIZE_MAX) continue;
        window_offsets[plane_code] = offset;
    // For narrow images, not all plane codes are reached, so remove those.
    for (i = 0; i < WINDOW_OFFSETS_SIZE_MAX; ++i) {
      if (window_offsets[i] == 0) continue;
      window_offsets[window_offsets_size++] = window_offsets[i];
    // Given a pixel P, find the offsets that reach pixels unreachable from P-1
    // with any of the offsets in window_offsets[].
    for (i = 0; i < window_offsets_size; ++i) {
      int j;
      int is_reachable = 0;
      for (j = 0; j < window_offsets_size && !is_reachable; ++j) {
        is_reachable |= (window_offsets[i] == window_offsets[j] + 1);
      if (!is_reachable) {
        window_offsets_new[window_offsets_new_size] = window_offsets[i];

  hash_chain->offset_length_[0] = 0;
  for (i = 1; i < pix_count; ++i) {
    int ind;
    int best_length = VP8LHashChainFindLength(hash_chain_best, i);
    int best_offset;
    int do_compute = 1;

    if (best_length >= MAX_LENGTH) {
      // Do not recompute the best match if we already have a maximal one in the
      // window.
      best_offset = VP8LHashChainFindOffset(hash_chain_best, i);
      for (ind = 0; ind < window_offsets_size; ++ind) {
        if (best_offset == window_offsets[ind]) {
          do_compute = 0;
    if (do_compute) {
      // Figure out if we should use the offset/length from the previous pixel
      // as an initial guess and therefore only inspect the offsets in
      // window_offsets_new[].
      const int use_prev =
          (best_length_prev > 1) && (best_length_prev < MAX_LENGTH);
      const int num_ind =
          use_prev ? window_offsets_new_size : window_offsets_size;
      best_length = use_prev ? best_length_prev - 1 : 0;
      best_offset = use_prev ? best_offset_prev : 0;
      // Find the longest match in a window around the pixel.
      for (ind = 0; ind < num_ind; ++ind) {
        int curr_length = 0;
        int j = i;
        int j_offset =
            use_prev ? i - window_offsets_new[ind] : i - window_offsets[ind];
        if (j_offset < 0 || argb[j_offset] != argb[i]) continue;
        // The longest match is the sum of how many times each pixel is
        // repeated.
        do {
          const int counts_j_offset = counts_ini[j_offset];
          const int counts_j = counts_ini[j];
          if (counts_j_offset != counts_j) {
            curr_length +=
                (counts_j_offset < counts_j) ? counts_j_offset : counts_j;
          // The same color is repeated counts_pos times at j_offset and j.
          curr_length += counts_j_offset;
          j_offset += counts_j_offset;
          j += counts_j_offset;
        } while (curr_length <= MAX_LENGTH && j < pix_count &&
                 argb[j_offset] == argb[j]);
        if (best_length < curr_length) {
          best_offset =
              use_prev ? window_offsets_new[ind] : window_offsets[ind];
          if (curr_length >= MAX_LENGTH) {
            best_length = MAX_LENGTH;
          } else {
            best_length = curr_length;

    assert(i + best_length <= pix_count);
    assert(best_length <= MAX_LENGTH);
    if (best_length <= MIN_LENGTH) {
      hash_chain->offset_length_[i] = 0;
      best_offset_prev = 0;
      best_length_prev = 0;
    } else {
      hash_chain->offset_length_[i] =
          (best_offset << MAX_LENGTH_BITS) | (uint32_t)best_length;
      best_offset_prev = best_offset;
      best_length_prev = best_length;
  hash_chain->offset_length_[0] = 0;

  return BackwardReferencesLz77(xsize, ysize, argb, cache_bits, hash_chain,
Example #24
static void CleanupParams(SmoothParams* const p) {