Example #1
int32_t WebRtcG729fix_Inv_sqrt( /* (o) Q30 : output value (range: 0<=val<1) */
  int32_t L_x       /* (i) Q0  : input value    (range: 0<=val<=7fffffff)   */
  int16_t exp, i, a, tmp;
  int32_t L_y;

  if( L_x <= (int32_t)0) return ( (int32_t)0x3fffffffL);

  exp = WebRtcSpl_NormW32(L_x);
  L_x = L_shl(L_x, exp );               /* L_x is normalize */

  exp = WebRtcSpl_SubSatW16(30, exp);
  if( (exp & 1) == 0 )                  /* If exponent even -> shift right */
      L_x = L_shr(L_x, 1);

  exp = shr(exp, 1);
  exp = WebRtcSpl_AddSatW16(exp, 1);

  L_x = L_shr(L_x, 9);
  i   = extract_h(L_x);                 /* Extract b25-b31 */
  L_x = L_shr(L_x, 1);
  a   = extract_l(L_x);                 /* Extract b10-b24 */
  a   = a & (int16_t)0x7fff;

  i   = WebRtcSpl_SubSatW16(i, 16);

  L_y = L_deposit_h(WebRtcG729fix_tabsqr[i]);         /* tabsqr[i] << 16          */
  tmp = WebRtcSpl_SubSatW16(WebRtcG729fix_tabsqr[i], WebRtcG729fix_tabsqr[i+1]);    /* tabsqr[i] - tabsqr[i+1])  */
  L_y = L_msu(L_y, tmp, a);             /* L_y -=  tmp*a*2         */

  L_y = L_shr(L_y, exp);                /* denormalization */

Example #2
void WebRtcG729fix_Lsf_lsp2(
  int16_t lsf[],    /* (i) Q13 : lsf[m] (range: 0.0<=val<PI) */
  int16_t lsp[],    /* (o) Q15 : lsp[m] (range: -1<=val<1)   */
  int16_t m         /* (i)     : LPC order                   */
  int16_t i, ind;
  int16_t offset;   /* in Q8 */
  int16_t freq;     /* normalized frequency in Q15 */
  int32_t L_tmp;

  for(i=0; i<m; i++)
/*    freq = abs_s(freq);*/
    freq = mult(lsf[i], 20861);          /* 20861: 1.0/(2.0*PI) in Q17 */
    ind    = shr(freq, 8);               /* ind    = b8-b15 of freq */
    offset = freq & (int16_t)0x00ff;      /* offset = b0-b7  of freq */

    if (ind > 63){
      ind = 63;                 /* 0 <= ind <= 63 */

    /* lsp[i] = table2[ind]+ (slope_cos[ind]*offset >> 12) */

    L_tmp   = L_mult(WebRtcG729fix_slope_cos[ind], offset);   /* L_tmp in Q28 */
    lsp[i] = WebRtcSpl_AddSatW16(WebRtcG729fix_table2[ind], extract_l(L_shr(L_tmp, 13)));

Example #3
void WebRtcG729fix_Lsp_lsf2(
  int16_t lsp[],    /* (i) Q15 : lsp[m] (range: -1<=val<1)   */
  int16_t lsf[],    /* (o) Q13 : lsf[m] (range: 0.0<=val<PI) */
  int16_t m         /* (i)     : LPC order                   */
  int16_t i, ind;
  int16_t offset;   /* in Q15 */
  int16_t freq;     /* normalized frequency in Q16 */
  int32_t L_tmp;

  ind = 63;           /* begin at end of table2 -1 */

  for(i= m-(int16_t)1; i >= 0; i--)
    /* find value in table2 that is just greater than lsp[i] */
    while( WebRtcSpl_SubSatW16(WebRtcG729fix_table2[ind], lsp[i]) < 0 )
      ind = WebRtcSpl_SubSatW16(ind,1);
      if ( ind <= 0 )

    offset = WebRtcSpl_SubSatW16(lsp[i], WebRtcG729fix_table2[ind]);

    /* acos(lsp[i])= ind*512 + (slope_acos[ind]*offset >> 11) */

    L_tmp  = L_mult( WebRtcG729fix_slope_acos[ind], offset );   /* L_tmp in Q28 */
    freq = WebRtcSpl_AddSatW16(shl(ind, 9), extract_l(L_shr(L_tmp, 12)));
    lsf[i] = mult(freq, 25736);           /* 25736: 2.0*PI in Q12 */

Example #4
void WebRtcG729fix_Lsp_lsf(
  int16_t lsp[],    /* (i) Q15 : lsp[m] (range: -1<=val<1)                */
  int16_t lsf[],    /* (o) Q15 : lsf[m] normalized (range: 0.0<=val<=0.5) */
  int16_t m         /* (i)     : LPC order                                */
  int16_t i, ind, tmp;
  int32_t L_tmp;

  ind = 63;    /* begin at end of table -1 */

  for(i= m-(int16_t)1; i >= 0; i--)
    /* find value in table that is just greater than lsp[i] */
    while( WebRtcSpl_SubSatW16(WebRtcG729fix_table[ind], lsp[i]) < 0 )
      ind = WebRtcSpl_SubSatW16(ind,1);

    /* acos(lsp[i])= ind*256 + ( ( lsp[i]-table[ind] ) * slope[ind] )/4096 */

    L_tmp  = L_mult(WebRtcSpl_SubSatW16(lsp[i], WebRtcG729fix_table[ind]), WebRtcG729fix_slope[ind]);
    tmp = L_round(L_shl(L_tmp, 3));     /*(lsp[i]-table[ind])*slope[ind])>>12*/
    lsf[i] = WebRtcSpl_AddSatW16(tmp, shl(ind, 8));
Example #5
static int16_t Sqrt(int32_t Num)
  int16_t i;
  int16_t Rez = (int16_t)0;
  int16_t Exp = (int16_t)0x4000;
  int32_t Acc, L_temp;
  for (i = 0; i < 14 ; i++) {
    Acc = L_mult(WebRtcSpl_AddSatW16(Rez, Exp),
        WebRtcSpl_AddSatW16(Rez, Exp));
    L_temp = WebRtcSpl_SubSatW32(Num, Acc);
    if (L_temp >= 0L)
      Rez = WebRtcSpl_AddSatW16(Rez, Exp);
    Exp = shr(Exp, (int16_t)1);

  return Rez;
Example #6
void WebRtcG729fix_Int_qlpc(
 int16_t lsp_old[], /* input : LSP vector of past frame              */
 int16_t lsp_new[], /* input : LSP vector of present frame           */
 int16_t Az[]       /* output: interpolated Az() for the 2 subframes */
  int16_t i;
  int16_t lsp[M];

  /*  lsp[i] = lsp_new[i] * 0.5 + lsp_old[i] * 0.5 */

  for (i = 0; i < M; i++) {
    lsp[i] = WebRtcSpl_AddSatW16(shr(lsp_new[i], 1), shr(lsp_old[i], 1));

  WebRtcG729fix_Lsp_Az(lsp, Az);              /* Subframe 1 */

  WebRtcG729fix_Lsp_Az(lsp_new, &Az[MP1]);    /* Subframe 2 */
Example #7
void WebRtcG729fix_Lsf_lsp(
  int16_t lsf[],    /* (i) Q15 : lsf[m] normalized (range: 0.0<=val<=0.5) */
  int16_t lsp[],    /* (o) Q15 : lsp[m] (range: -1<=val<1)                */
  int16_t m         /* (i)     : LPC order                                */
  int16_t i, ind, offset;
  int32_t L_tmp;

  for(i=0; i<m; i++)
    ind    = shr(lsf[i], 8);               /* ind    = b8-b15 of lsf[i] */
    offset = lsf[i] & (int16_t)0x00ff;      /* offset = b0-b7  of lsf[i] */

    /* lsp[i] = table[ind]+ ((table[ind+1]-table[ind])*offset) / 256 */

    L_tmp   = L_mult(WebRtcSpl_SubSatW16(WebRtcG729fix_table[ind+1], WebRtcG729fix_table[ind]), offset);
    lsp[i] = WebRtcSpl_AddSatW16(WebRtcG729fix_table[ind], extract_l(L_shr(L_tmp, 9)));
Example #8
int16_t WebRtcIsacfix_DecodeImpl(int16_t       *signal_out16,
                                 ISACFIX_DecInst_t *ISACdec_obj,
                                 int16_t       *current_framesamples)
  int k;
  int err;
  int16_t BWno;
  int16_t len = 0;

  int16_t model;

  int16_t Vector_Word16_1[FRAMESAMPLES/2];
  int16_t Vector_Word16_2[FRAMESAMPLES/2];

  int32_t Vector_Word32_1[FRAMESAMPLES/2];
  int32_t Vector_Word32_2[FRAMESAMPLES/2];

  int16_t lofilt_coefQ15[ORDERLO*SUBFRAMES]; //refl. coeffs
  int16_t hifilt_coefQ15[ORDERHI*SUBFRAMES]; //refl. coeffs
  int32_t gain_lo_hiQ17[2*SUBFRAMES];

  int16_t PitchLags_Q7[PITCH_SUBFRAMES];
  int16_t PitchGains_Q12[PITCH_SUBFRAMES];
  int16_t AvgPitchGain_Q12;

  int16_t tmp_1, tmp_2;
  int32_t tmp32a, tmp32b;
  int16_t gainQ13;

  int16_t frame_nb; /* counter */
  int16_t frame_mode; /* 0 for 20ms and 30ms, 1 for 60ms */
  int16_t processed_samples;

  /* PLC */
  int16_t overlapWin[ 240 ];

  (ISACdec_obj->bitstr_obj).W_upper = 0xFFFFFFFF;
  (ISACdec_obj->bitstr_obj).streamval = 0;
  (ISACdec_obj->bitstr_obj).stream_index = 0;
  (ISACdec_obj->bitstr_obj).full = 1;

  /* decode framelength and BW estimation - not used, only for stream pointer*/
  err = WebRtcIsacfix_DecodeFrameLen(&ISACdec_obj->bitstr_obj, current_framesamples);
  if (err<0)  // error check
    return err;

  frame_mode = (int16_t)WEBRTC_SPL_DIV(*current_framesamples, MAX_FRAMESAMPLES); /* 0, or 1 */
  processed_samples = (int16_t)WEBRTC_SPL_DIV(*current_framesamples, frame_mode+1); /* either 320 (20ms) or 480 (30, 60 ms) */

  err = WebRtcIsacfix_DecodeSendBandwidth(&ISACdec_obj->bitstr_obj, &BWno);
  if (err<0)  // error check
    return err;

  /* one loop if it's one frame (20 or 30ms), 2 loops if 2 frames bundled together (60ms) */
  for (frame_nb = 0; frame_nb <= frame_mode; frame_nb++) {

    /* decode & dequantize pitch parameters */
    err = WebRtcIsacfix_DecodePitchGain(&(ISACdec_obj->bitstr_obj), PitchGains_Q12);
    if (err<0)  // error check
      return err;

    err = WebRtcIsacfix_DecodePitchLag(&ISACdec_obj->bitstr_obj, PitchGains_Q12, PitchLags_Q7);
    if (err<0)  // error check
      return err;

    AvgPitchGain_Q12 = (int16_t)(((int32_t)PitchGains_Q12[0] + PitchGains_Q12[1] + PitchGains_Q12[2] + PitchGains_Q12[3])>>2);

    /* decode & dequantize FiltCoef */
    err = WebRtcIsacfix_DecodeLpc(gain_lo_hiQ17, lofilt_coefQ15, hifilt_coefQ15,
                                  &ISACdec_obj->bitstr_obj, &model);

    if (err<0)  // error check
      return err;

    /* decode & dequantize spectrum */
    len = WebRtcIsacfix_DecodeSpec(&ISACdec_obj->bitstr_obj, Vector_Word16_1, Vector_Word16_2, AvgPitchGain_Q12);
    if (len < 0)  // error check
      return len;

    // Why does this need Q16 in and out? /JS
    WebRtcIsacfix_Spec2Time(Vector_Word16_1, Vector_Word16_2, Vector_Word32_1, Vector_Word32_2);

    for (k=0; k<FRAMESAMPLES/2; k++) {
      Vector_Word16_1[k] = (int16_t)WEBRTC_SPL_RSHIFT_W32(Vector_Word32_1[k]+64, 7); //Q16 -> Q9

    /* ----  If this is recovery frame ---- */
    if( (ISACdec_obj->plcstr_obj).used == PLC_WAS_USED )
      (ISACdec_obj->plcstr_obj).used = PLC_NOT_USED;
      if( (ISACdec_obj->plcstr_obj).B < 1000 )
        (ISACdec_obj->plcstr_obj).decayCoeffPriodic = 4000;

      ISACdec_obj->plcstr_obj.decayCoeffPriodic = WEBRTC_SPL_WORD16_MAX;    /* DECAY_RATE is in Q15 */
      ISACdec_obj->plcstr_obj.decayCoeffNoise = WEBRTC_SPL_WORD16_MAX;    /* DECAY_RATE is in Q15 */
      ISACdec_obj->plcstr_obj.pitchCycles = 0;

      PitchGains_Q12[0] = (int16_t)WEBRTC_SPL_MUL_16_16_RSFT(PitchGains_Q12[0], 700, 10 );

      /* ---- Add-overlap ---- */
      WebRtcSpl_GetHanningWindow( overlapWin, RECOVERY_OVERLAP );
      for( k = 0; k < RECOVERY_OVERLAP; k++ )
        Vector_Word16_1[k] = WebRtcSpl_AddSatW16(
            (int16_t)WEBRTC_SPL_MUL_16_16_RSFT( (ISACdec_obj->plcstr_obj).overlapLP[k], overlapWin[RECOVERY_OVERLAP - k - 1], 14),
            (int16_t)WEBRTC_SPL_MUL_16_16_RSFT( Vector_Word16_1[k], overlapWin[k], 14) );


    /* --- Store side info --- */
    if( frame_nb == frame_mode )
      /* --- LPC info */
      WEBRTC_SPL_MEMCPY_W16( (ISACdec_obj->plcstr_obj).lofilt_coefQ15, &lofilt_coefQ15[(SUBFRAMES-1)*ORDERLO], ORDERLO );
      WEBRTC_SPL_MEMCPY_W16( (ISACdec_obj->plcstr_obj).hifilt_coefQ15, &hifilt_coefQ15[(SUBFRAMES-1)*ORDERHI], ORDERHI );
      (ISACdec_obj->plcstr_obj).gain_lo_hiQ17[0] = gain_lo_hiQ17[(SUBFRAMES-1) * 2];
      (ISACdec_obj->plcstr_obj).gain_lo_hiQ17[1] = gain_lo_hiQ17[(SUBFRAMES-1) * 2 + 1];

      /* --- LTP info */
      (ISACdec_obj->plcstr_obj).AvgPitchGain_Q12 = PitchGains_Q12[3];
      (ISACdec_obj->plcstr_obj).lastPitchGain_Q12 = PitchGains_Q12[3];
      (ISACdec_obj->plcstr_obj).lastPitchLag_Q7 = PitchLags_Q7[3];

      if( PitchLags_Q7[3] < 3000 )
        (ISACdec_obj->plcstr_obj).lastPitchLag_Q7 += PitchLags_Q7[3];

      WEBRTC_SPL_MEMCPY_W16( (ISACdec_obj->plcstr_obj).prevPitchInvIn, Vector_Word16_1, FRAMESAMPLES/2 );

    /* ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ */

    /* inverse pitch filter */
    WebRtcIsacfix_PitchFilter(Vector_Word16_1, Vector_Word16_2, &ISACdec_obj->pitchfiltstr_obj, PitchLags_Q7, PitchGains_Q12, 4);

    if( frame_nb == frame_mode )
      WEBRTC_SPL_MEMCPY_W16( (ISACdec_obj->plcstr_obj).prevPitchInvOut, &(Vector_Word16_2[FRAMESAMPLES/2 - (PITCH_MAX_LAG + 10)]), PITCH_MAX_LAG );

    /* reduce gain to compensate for pitch enhancer */
    /* gain = 1.0f - 0.45f * AvgPitchGain; */
    tmp32a = WEBRTC_SPL_MUL_16_16_RSFT(AvgPitchGain_Q12, 29, 0); // Q18
    tmp32b = 262144 - tmp32a;  // Q18
    gainQ13 = (int16_t) WEBRTC_SPL_RSHIFT_W32(tmp32b, 5); // Q13

    for (k = 0; k < FRAMESAMPLES/2; k++)
      Vector_Word32_1[k] = (int32_t) WEBRTC_SPL_LSHIFT_W32(WEBRTC_SPL_MUL_16_16(Vector_Word16_2[k], gainQ13), 3); // Q25

    /* perceptual post-filtering (using normalized lattice filter) */
    WebRtcIsacfix_NormLatticeFilterAr(ORDERLO, (ISACdec_obj->maskfiltstr_obj).PostStateLoGQ0,
                                      Vector_Word32_1, lofilt_coefQ15, gain_lo_hiQ17, 0, Vector_Word16_1);

    /* --- Store Highpass Residual --- */
    for (k = 0; k < FRAMESAMPLES/2; k++)
      Vector_Word32_1[k]    = WEBRTC_SPL_LSHIFT_W32(Vector_Word32_2[k], 9); // Q16 -> Q25

    for( k = 0; k < PITCH_MAX_LAG + 10; k++ )
      (ISACdec_obj->plcstr_obj).prevHP[k] = Vector_Word32_1[FRAMESAMPLES/2 - (PITCH_MAX_LAG + 10) + k];

    WebRtcIsacfix_NormLatticeFilterAr(ORDERHI, (ISACdec_obj->maskfiltstr_obj).PostStateHiGQ0,
                                      Vector_Word32_1, hifilt_coefQ15, gain_lo_hiQ17, 1, Vector_Word16_2);

    /* recombine the 2 bands */

    /* Form the polyphase signals, and compensate for DC offset */
    for (k=0;k<FRAMESAMPLES/2;k++) {
      tmp_1 = (int16_t)WebRtcSpl_SatW32ToW16(((int32_t)Vector_Word16_1[k]+Vector_Word16_2[k] + 1)); /* Construct a new upper channel signal*/
      tmp_2 = (int16_t)WebRtcSpl_SatW32ToW16(((int32_t)Vector_Word16_1[k]-Vector_Word16_2[k])); /* Construct a new lower channel signal*/
      Vector_Word16_1[k] = tmp_1;
      Vector_Word16_2[k] = tmp_2;

    WebRtcIsacfix_FilterAndCombine1(Vector_Word16_1, Vector_Word16_2, signal_out16 + frame_nb * processed_samples, &ISACdec_obj->postfiltbankstr_obj);

  return len;
Example #9
 * Function  Dec_gain                                                        *
 * ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~                                                        *
 * Decode the pitch and codebook gains                                       *
 *                                                                           *
 * input arguments:                                                          *
 *                                                                           *
 *   index      :Quantization index                                          *
 *   code[]     :Innovative code vector                                      *
 *   L_subfr    :Subframe size                                               *
 *   bfi        :Bad frame indicator                                         *
 *                                                                           *
 * output arguments:                                                         *
 *                                                                           *
 *   gain_pit   :Quantized pitch gain                                        *
 *   gain_cod   :Quantized codebook gain                                     *
 *                                                                           *
void WebRtcG729fix_Dec_gain(
   Decod_ld8a_state *st,
   int16_t index,        /* (i)     :Index of quantization.         */
   int16_t code[],       /* (i) Q13 :Innovative vector.             */
   int16_t L_subfr,      /* (i)     :Subframe length.               */
   int16_t bfi,          /* (i)     :Bad frame indicator            */
   int16_t *gain_pit,    /* (o) Q14 :Pitch gain.                    */
   int16_t *gain_cod     /* (o) Q1  :Code gain.                     */
   int16_t  index1, index2, tmp;
   int16_t  gcode0, exp_gcode0;
   int32_t  L_gbk12, L_acc, L_accb;

   /*-------------- Case of erasure. ---------------*/

   if(bfi != 0){
      *gain_pit = mult( *gain_pit, 29491 );      /* *0.9 in Q15 */
      if (*gain_pit > 29491) *gain_pit = 29491;
      *gain_cod = mult( *gain_cod, 32111 );      /* *0.98 in Q15 */

      * update table of past quantized energies      *
      *                              (frame erasure) *


   /*-------------- Decode pitch gain ---------------*/

   index1 = WebRtcG729fix_imap1[ shr(index,NCODE2_B) ] ;
   index2 = WebRtcG729fix_imap2[ index & (NCODE2-1) ] ;
   *gain_pit = WebRtcSpl_AddSatW16( WebRtcG729fix_gbk1[index1][0], WebRtcG729fix_gbk2[index2][0] );

   /*-------------- Decode codebook gain ---------------*/

   *-  energy due to innovation                       -*
   *-  predicted energy                               -*
   *-  predicted codebook gain => gcode0[exp_gcode0]  -*

   WebRtcG729fix_Gain_predict(st->past_qua_en, code, L_subfr, &gcode0, &exp_gcode0 );

   * *gain_code = (gbk1[indice1][1]+gbk2[indice2][1]) * gcode0;      *

   L_acc = L_deposit_l( WebRtcG729fix_gbk1[index1][1] );
   L_accb = L_deposit_l( WebRtcG729fix_gbk2[index2][1] );
   L_gbk12 = WebRtcSpl_AddSatW32( L_acc, L_accb );                       /* Q13 */
   tmp = extract_l( L_shr( L_gbk12,1 ) );                  /* Q12 */
   L_acc = L_mult(tmp, gcode0);             /* Q[exp_gcode0+12+1] */

   L_acc = L_shl(L_acc, WebRtcSpl_AddSatW16( negate(exp_gcode0),(-12-1+1+16) ));
   *gain_cod = extract_h( L_acc );                          /* Q1 */

   * update table of past quantized energies      *
   WebRtcG729fix_Gain_update(st->past_qua_en, L_gbk12 );


Example #10
void WebRtcG729fix_Decod_ld8a(
  Decod_ld8a_state *st,
  int16_t  parm[],      /* (i)   : vector of synthesis parameters
                                  parm[0] = bad frame indicator (bfi)   */
  int16_t  synth[],     /* (o)   : synthesis speech                     */
  int16_t  A_t[],       /* (o)   : decoded LP filter in 2 subframes     */
  int16_t  *T2,         /* (o)   : decoded pitch lag in 2 subframes     */
  int16_t  *Vad,        /* (o)   : frame type                           */
  int16_t  bad_lsf      /* (i)   : bad LSF indicator                    */
  int16_t  *Az;                  /* Pointer on A_t   */
  int16_t  lsp_new[M];           /* LSPs             */
  int16_t  code[L_SUBFR];        /* ACELP codevector */

  /* Scalars */

  int16_t  i, j, i_subfr;
  int16_t  T0, T0_frac, index;
  int16_t  bfi;
  int32_t  L_temp;

  int16_t bad_pitch;             /* bad pitch indicator */

  /* for G.729B */
  int16_t ftyp;
  int16_t lsfq_mem[MA_NP][M];

  int Overflow;

  /* Test bad frame indicator (bfi) */

  bfi = *parm++;
  /* for G.729B */
  ftyp = *parm;

  if(bfi == 1) {
    if(st->past_ftyp == 1) {
      ftyp = 1;
      parm[4] = 1;    /* G.729 maintenance */
    else ftyp = 0;
    *parm = ftyp;  /* modification introduced in version V1.3 */
  *Vad = ftyp;

  /* Processing non active frames (SID & not transmitted) */
  if(ftyp != 1) {
    WebRtcG729fix_Get_decfreq_prev(st, lsfq_mem);
    WebRtcG729fix_Dec_cng(st, st->past_ftyp, st->sid_sav, st->sh_sid_sav,
            parm, st->exc, st->lsp_old, A_t, &st->seed, lsfq_mem);
    WebRtcG729fix_Update_decfreq_prev(st, lsfq_mem);

    Az = A_t;
    for (i_subfr = 0; i_subfr < L_FRAME; i_subfr += L_SUBFR) {
      Overflow = WebRtcG729fix_Syn_filt(Az, &st->exc[i_subfr], &synth[i_subfr], L_SUBFR, st->mem_syn, 0);
      if(Overflow != 0) {
        /* In case of overflow in the synthesis          */
        /* -> Scale down vector exc[] and redo synthesis */
        for (i = 0; i < PIT_MAX + L_INTERPOL + L_FRAME; i++)
          st->old_exc[i] = shr(st->old_exc[i], 2);
        WebRtcG729fix_Syn_filt(Az, &st->exc[i_subfr], &synth[i_subfr], L_SUBFR, st->mem_syn, 1);
        WEBRTC_SPL_MEMCPY_W16(st->mem_syn, &synth[i_subfr+L_SUBFR-M], M);
      Az += MP1;

      *T2++ = st->old_T0;
    st->sharp = SHARPMIN;
  /* Processing active frame */
  else {
    st->seed = INIT_SEED;

    /* Decode the LSPs */
    WebRtcG729fix_D_lsp(st, parm, lsp_new, WebRtcSpl_AddSatW16(bfi, bad_lsf));
    parm += 2;
       Note: "bad_lsf" is introduce in case the standard is used with
       channel protection.
    /* Interpolation of LPC for the 2 subframes */
    WebRtcG729fix_Int_qlpc(st->lsp_old, lsp_new, A_t);
    /* update the LSFs for the next frame */
    WEBRTC_SPL_MEMCPY_W16(st->lsp_old, lsp_new, M);
     *          Loop for every subframe in the analysis frame                 *
     * The subframe size is L_SUBFR and the loop is repeated L_FRAME/L_SUBFR  *
     *  times                                                                 *
     *     - decode the pitch delay                                           *
     *     - decode algebraic code                                            *
     *     - decode pitch and codebook gains                                  *
     *     - find the excitation and compute synthesis speech                 *
    Az = A_t;            /* pointer to interpolated LPC parameters */
    for (i_subfr = 0; i_subfr < L_FRAME; i_subfr += L_SUBFR)

        index = *parm++;        /* pitch index */

        if(i_subfr == 0)
            i = *parm++;        /* get parity check result */
            bad_pitch = WebRtcSpl_AddSatW16(bfi, i);
            if( bad_pitch == 0)
                WebRtcG729fix_Dec_lag3(index, PIT_MIN, PIT_MAX, i_subfr, &T0, &T0_frac);
                st->old_T0 = T0;
            else                /* Bad frame, or parity error */
                T0  = st->old_T0;
                T0_frac = 0;
                st->old_T0 = WebRtcSpl_AddSatW16(st->old_T0, 1);
                if(st->old_T0 > PIT_MAX) {
                  st->old_T0 = PIT_MAX;
        else                    /* second subframe */
            if(bfi == 0)
                WebRtcG729fix_Dec_lag3(index, PIT_MIN, PIT_MAX, i_subfr, &T0, &T0_frac);
                st->old_T0 = T0;
                T0 = st->old_T0;
                T0_frac = 0;
                st->old_T0 = WebRtcSpl_AddSatW16(st->old_T0, 1);
                if (st->old_T0 > PIT_MAX) {
                  st->old_T0 = PIT_MAX;
        *T2++ = T0;

         * - Find the adaptive codebook vector.            *

        WebRtcG729fix_Pred_lt_3(&st->exc[i_subfr], T0, T0_frac, L_SUBFR);

         * - Decode innovative codebook.                         *
         * - Add the fixed-gain pitch contribution to code[].    *

        if(bfi != 0)            /* Bad frame */

            parm[0] = WebRtcG729fix_Random(&st->seed_fer) & (int16_t)0x1fff; /* 13 bits random */
            parm[1] = WebRtcG729fix_Random(&st->seed_fer) & (int16_t)0x000f; /*  4 bits random */

        WebRtcG729fix_Decod_ACELP(parm[1], parm[0], code);
        parm +=2;

        j = shl(st->sharp, 1);      /* From Q14 to Q15 */
        if(T0 < L_SUBFR) {
          for (i = T0; i < L_SUBFR; i++) {
            code[i] = WebRtcSpl_AddSatW16(code[i], mult(code[i-T0], j));

         * - Decode pitch and codebook gains.              *

        index = *parm++;        /* index of energy VQ */

        WebRtcG729fix_Dec_gain(st, index, code, L_SUBFR, bfi, &st->gain_pitch, &st->gain_code);

         * - Update pitch sharpening "sharp" with quantized gain_pitch *

        st->sharp = st->gain_pitch;
        if (st->sharp > SHARPMAX)      { st->sharp = SHARPMAX; }
        else if (st->sharp < SHARPMIN) { st->sharp = SHARPMIN; }

         * - Find the total excitation.                          *
         * - Find synthesis speech corresponding to exc[].       *

        for (i = 0; i < L_SUBFR;  i++)
            /* exc[i] = gain_pitch*exc[i] + gain_code*code[i]; */
            /* exc[i]  in Q0   gain_pitch in Q14               */
            /* code[i] in Q13  gain_codeode in Q1              */
            L_temp = L_mult(st->exc[i+i_subfr], st->gain_pitch);
            L_temp = L_mac(L_temp, code[i], st->gain_code);
            L_temp = L_shl(L_temp, 1);
            st->exc[i+i_subfr] = L_round(L_temp);
        Overflow = WebRtcG729fix_Syn_filt(Az, &st->exc[i_subfr], &synth[i_subfr], L_SUBFR, st->mem_syn, 0);
        if(Overflow != 0)
            /* In case of overflow in the synthesis          */
            /* -> Scale down vector exc[] and redo synthesis */

            for (i = 0; i < PIT_MAX + L_INTERPOL + L_FRAME; i++)
              st->old_exc[i] = shr(st->old_exc[i], 2);

            WebRtcG729fix_Syn_filt(Az, &st->exc[i_subfr], &synth[i_subfr], L_SUBFR, st->mem_syn, 1);
          WEBRTC_SPL_MEMCPY_W16(st->mem_syn, &synth[i_subfr+L_SUBFR-M], M);

        Az += MP1;              /* interpolated LPC parameters for next subframe */
   *  For G729b
  if(bfi == 0) {
    L_temp = 0L;
    for (i = 0; i < L_FRAME; i++) {
      L_temp = L_mac(L_temp, st->exc[i], st->exc[i]);
    } /* may overflow => last level of SID quantizer */
    st->sh_sid_sav = WebRtcSpl_NormW32(L_temp);
    st->sid_sav = L_round(L_shl(L_temp, st->sh_sid_sav));
    st->sh_sid_sav = WebRtcSpl_SubSatW16(16, st->sh_sid_sav);

  * Update signal for next frame.                    *
  * -> shift to the left by L_FRAME  exc[]           *

  Copy(&st->old_exc[L_FRAME], &st->old_exc[0], PIT_MAX+L_INTERPOL);

  /* for G729b */
  st->past_ftyp = ftyp;

Example #11
void WebRtcG729fix_Dec_lag3(
  int16_t index,       /* input : received pitch index           */
  int16_t pit_min,     /* input : minimum pitch lag              */
  int16_t pit_max,     /* input : maximum pitch lag              */
  int16_t i_subfr,     /* input : subframe flag                  */
  int16_t *T0,         /* output: integer part of pitch lag      */
  int16_t *T0_frac     /* output: fractional part of pitch lag   */
  int16_t i;
  int16_t T0_min, T0_max;

  if (i_subfr == 0)                  /* if 1st subframe */
    if (index < 197)
      /* *T0 = (index+2)/3 + 19 */

      *T0 = WebRtcSpl_AddSatW16(mult(WebRtcSpl_AddSatW16(index, 2), 10923), 19);

      /* *T0_frac = index - *T0*3 + 58 */

      i = WebRtcSpl_AddSatW16(WebRtcSpl_AddSatW16(*T0, *T0), *T0);
      *T0_frac = WebRtcSpl_AddSatW16(WebRtcSpl_SubSatW16(index, i), 58);
      *T0 = WebRtcSpl_SubSatW16(index, 112);
      *T0_frac = 0;


  else  /* second subframe */
    /* find T0_min and T0_max for 2nd subframe */

    T0_min = WebRtcSpl_SubSatW16(*T0, 5);
    if (T0_min < pit_min)
      T0_min = pit_min;

    T0_max = WebRtcSpl_AddSatW16(T0_min, 9);
    if (T0_max > pit_max)
      T0_max = pit_max;
      T0_min = WebRtcSpl_SubSatW16(T0_max, 9);

    /* i = (index+2)/3 - 1 */
    /* *T0 = i + t0_min;    */

    i = WebRtcSpl_SubSatW16(mult(WebRtcSpl_AddSatW16(index, 2), 10923), 1);
    *T0 = WebRtcSpl_AddSatW16(i, T0_min);

    /* t0_frac = index - 2 - i*3; */

    i = WebRtcSpl_AddSatW16(WebRtcSpl_AddSatW16(i, i), i);
    *T0_frac = WebRtcSpl_SubSatW16(WebRtcSpl_SubSatW16(index, 2), i);

Example #12
 * procedure Calc_exc_rand                                   *
 *           ~~~~~~~~~~~~~                                   *
 *   Computes comfort noise excitation                       *
 *   for SID and not-transmitted frames                      *
void WebRtcG729fix_Calc_exc_rand(
  int32_t L_exc_err[],
  int16_t cur_gain,      /* (i)   :   target sample gain                 */
  int16_t *exc,          /* (i/o) :   excitation array                   */
  int16_t *seed,         /* (i)   :   current Vad decision               */
  int flag_cod           /* (i)   :   encoder/decoder flag               */
  int16_t i, j, i_subfr;
  int16_t temp1, temp2;
  int16_t pos[4];
  int16_t sign[4];
  int16_t t0, frac;
  int16_t *cur_exc;
  int16_t g, Gp, Gp2;
  int16_t excg[L_SUBFR], excs[L_SUBFR];
  int32_t L_acc, L_ener, L_k;
  int16_t max, hi, lo, inter_exc;
  int16_t sh;
  int16_t x1, x2;
  if (cur_gain == 0) {
    WebRtcSpl_ZerosArrayW16(exc, L_FRAME);
    Gp = 0;
    t0 = WebRtcSpl_AddSatW16(L_SUBFR,1);
    for (i_subfr = 0;  i_subfr < L_FRAME; i_subfr += L_SUBFR) {
      if (flag_cod != FLAG_DEC)
        WebRtcG729fix_update_exc_err(L_exc_err, Gp, t0);
  /* Loop on subframes */
  cur_exc = exc;
  for (i_subfr = 0;  i_subfr < L_FRAME; i_subfr += L_SUBFR) {

    /* generate random adaptive codebook & fixed codebook parameters */
    temp1 = WebRtcG729fix_Random(seed);
    frac = WebRtcSpl_SubSatW16((temp1 & (int16_t)0x0003), 1);
    if(frac == 2) frac = 0;
    temp1 = shr(temp1, 2);
    t0 = WebRtcSpl_AddSatW16((temp1 & (int16_t)0x003F), 40);
    temp1 = shr(temp1, 6);
    temp2 = temp1 & (int16_t)0x0007;
    pos[0] = WebRtcSpl_AddSatW16(shl(temp2, 2), temp2); /* 5 * temp2 */
    temp1 = shr(temp1, 3);
    sign[0] = temp1 & (int16_t)0x0001;
    temp1 = shr(temp1, 1);
    temp2 = temp1 & (int16_t)0x0007;
    temp2 = WebRtcSpl_AddSatW16(shl(temp2, 2), temp2);
    pos[1] = WebRtcSpl_AddSatW16(temp2, 1);     /* 5 * x + 1 */
    temp1 = shr(temp1, 3);
    sign[1] = temp1 & (int16_t)0x0001;
    temp1 = WebRtcG729fix_Random(seed);
    temp2 = temp1 & (int16_t)0x0007;
    temp2 = WebRtcSpl_AddSatW16(shl(temp2, 2), temp2);
    pos[2] = WebRtcSpl_AddSatW16(temp2, 2);     /* 5 * x + 2 */
    temp1 = shr(temp1, 3);
    sign[2] = temp1 & (int16_t)0x0001;
    temp1 = shr(temp1, 1);
    temp2 = temp1 & (int16_t)0x000F;
    pos[3] = WebRtcSpl_AddSatW16((temp2 & (int16_t)1), 3); /* j+3*/
    temp2 = (shr(temp2, 1)) & (int16_t)7;
    temp2 = WebRtcSpl_AddSatW16(shl(temp2, 2), temp2); /* 5i */
    pos[3] = WebRtcSpl_AddSatW16(pos[3], temp2);
    temp1 = shr(temp1, 4);
    sign[3] = temp1 & (int16_t)0x0001;
    Gp = WebRtcG729fix_Random(seed) & (int16_t)0x1FFF; /* < 0.5 Q14 */
    Gp2 = shl(Gp, 1);           /* Q15 */

    /* Generate gaussian excitation */
    L_acc = 0L;
    for(i=0; i<L_SUBFR; i++) {
      temp1 = Gauss(seed);
      L_acc = L_mac(L_acc, temp1, temp1);
      excg[i] = temp1;

    Compute fact = alpha x cur_gain * sqrt(L_SUBFR / Eg)
    with Eg = SUM(i=0->39) excg[i]^2
    and alpha = 0.5
    alpha x sqrt(L_SUBFR)/2 = 1 + FRAC1
    L_acc = WebRtcG729fix_Inv_sqrt(L_shr(L_acc,1));  /* Q30 */
    WebRtcG729fix_L_Extract(L_acc, &hi, &lo);
    /* cur_gain = cur_gainR << 3 */
    temp1 = mult_r(cur_gain, FRAC1);
    temp1 = WebRtcSpl_AddSatW16(cur_gain, temp1);
    /* <=> alpha x cur_gainR x 2^2 x sqrt(L_SUBFR) */

    L_acc = WebRtcG729fix_Mpy_32_16(hi, lo, temp1);   /* fact << 17 */
    sh = WebRtcSpl_NormW32(L_acc);
    temp1 = extract_h(L_shl(L_acc, sh));  /* fact << (sh+1) */

    sh = WebRtcSpl_SubSatW16(sh, 14);
    for (i = 0; i < L_SUBFR; i++) {
      temp2 = mult_r(excg[i], temp1);
      temp2 = shr_r(temp2, sh);   /* shl if sh < 0 */
      excg[i] = temp2;

    /* generate random  adaptive excitation */
    WebRtcG729fix_Pred_lt_3(cur_exc, t0, frac, L_SUBFR);

    /* compute adaptive + gaussian exc -> cur_exc */
    max = 0;
    for(i = 0; i < L_SUBFR; i++) {
      temp1 = mult_r(cur_exc[i], Gp2);
      temp1 = WebRtcSpl_AddSatW16(temp1, excg[i]); /* may overflow */
      cur_exc[i] = temp1;
      temp1 = abs_s(temp1);
      if (temp1 > max)
        max = temp1;

    /* rescale cur_exc -> excs */
    if (max == 0)
      sh = 0;
    else {
      sh = WebRtcSpl_SubSatW16(3, WebRtcSpl_NormW16(max));
      if (sh <= 0)
        sh = 0;
    for (i = 0; i < L_SUBFR; i++) {
      excs[i] = shr(cur_exc[i], sh);

    /* Compute fixed code gain */

    /*** Solve EQ(X) = 4 X**2 + 2 b X + c                     */

    L_ener = 0L;
    for (i = 0; i < L_SUBFR; i++) {
      L_ener = L_mac(L_ener, excs[i], excs[i]);
    } /* ener x 2^(-2sh + 1) */

    /* inter_exc = b >> sh */
    inter_exc = 0;
    for (i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
      j = pos[i];
      if (sign[i] == 0) {
        inter_exc = WebRtcSpl_SubSatW16(inter_exc, excs[j]);
      else {
        inter_exc = WebRtcSpl_AddSatW16(inter_exc, excs[j]);

    /* Compute k = cur_gainR x cur_gainR x L_SUBFR */
    L_acc = L_mult(cur_gain, L_SUBFR);
    L_acc = L_shr(L_acc, 6);
    temp1 = extract_l(L_acc);   /* cur_gainR x L_SUBFR x 2^(-2) */
    L_k   = L_mult(cur_gain, temp1); /* k << 2 */
    temp1 = WebRtcSpl_AddSatW16(1, shl(sh,1));
    L_acc = L_shr(L_k, temp1);  /* k x 2^(-2sh+1) */

    /* Compute delta = b^2 - 4 c */
    L_acc = WebRtcSpl_SubSatW32(L_acc, L_ener); /* - 4 c x 2^(-2sh-1) */
    inter_exc = shr(inter_exc, 1);
    L_acc = L_mac(L_acc, inter_exc, inter_exc); /* 2^(-2sh-1) */
    sh = WebRtcSpl_AddSatW16(sh, 1);
    /* inter_exc = b x 2^(-sh) */
    /* L_acc = delta x 2^(-2sh+1) */

    if (L_acc < 0) {

      /* adaptive excitation = 0 */
      WEBRTC_SPL_MEMCPY_W16(cur_exc, excg, L_SUBFR);
      temp1 = abs_s(excg[(int)pos[0]]) | abs_s(excg[(int)pos[1]]);
      temp2 = abs_s(excg[(int)pos[2]]) | abs_s(excg[(int)pos[3]]);
      temp1 = temp1 | temp2;
      sh = ((temp1 & (int16_t)0x4000) == 0) ? (int16_t)1 : (int16_t)2;
      inter_exc = 0;
      for(i=0; i<4; i++) {
        temp1 = shr(excg[(int)pos[i]], sh);
        if(sign[i] == 0) {
          inter_exc = WebRtcSpl_SubSatW16(inter_exc, temp1);
        else {
          inter_exc = WebRtcSpl_AddSatW16(inter_exc, temp1);
      } /* inter_exc = b >> sh */
      WebRtcG729fix_L_Extract(L_k, &hi, &lo);
      L_acc = WebRtcG729fix_Mpy_32_16(hi, lo, K0); /* k x (1- alpha^2) << 2 */
      temp1 = WebRtcSpl_SubSatW16(shl(sh, 1), 1); /* temp1 > 0 */
      L_acc = L_shr(L_acc, temp1); /* 4k x (1 - alpha^2) << (-2sh+1) */
      L_acc = L_mac(L_acc, inter_exc, inter_exc); /* delta << (-2sh+1) */
      Gp = 0;

    temp2 = Sqrt(L_acc);        /* >> sh */
    x1 = WebRtcSpl_SubSatW16(temp2, inter_exc);
    x2 = negate(WebRtcSpl_AddSatW16(inter_exc, temp2)); /* x 2^(-sh+2) */
    if(abs_s(x2) < abs_s(x1)) x1 = x2;
    temp1 = WebRtcSpl_SubSatW16(2, sh);
    g = shr_r(x1, temp1);       /* shl if temp1 < 0 */
    if (g >= 0) {
      if (g > G_MAX)
        g = G_MAX;
    else {
      if (WebRtcSpl_AddSatW16(g, G_MAX) < 0)
        g = negate(G_MAX);

    /* Update cur_exc with ACELP excitation */
    for (i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
      j = pos[i];
      if (sign[i] != 0) {
        cur_exc[j] = WebRtcSpl_AddSatW16(cur_exc[j], g);
      else {
        cur_exc[j] = WebRtcSpl_SubSatW16(cur_exc[j], g);

    if (flag_cod != FLAG_DEC)
      WebRtcG729fix_update_exc_err(L_exc_err, Gp, t0);

    cur_exc += L_SUBFR;
  } /* end of loop on subframes */