Example #1
//                    X p a n d   P o i n t
//  Evaluates one grid intersection only and advances indexes so
//       the next call will evaluate the next one. 
int XpandPoint( SurfaceGrid &Zgrid, ScatData &RandomData )
{  static float Zvalue; 
//assert( xIndex < NumXcoords );
//assert( yIndex < NumYcoords );
if( NumDataPoints < 3 ) return 0;

// Select the closest point in each octant surround the grid point.
SelectPoints( RandomData, Zgrid) ;

// Check if point can be included and if so.. calculate it. 
if ( IncludeGridPoint() > 0 ) Zvalue = WeightedAverage(RandomData); 
else                          Zvalue = UndefinedZ;

Zgrid.zset(xIndex, yIndex, Zvalue ) ;

// Move to next grid intersection....
if( xIndex >= NumXcoords )  { ++yIndex; xIndex= 0; } 

if( yIndex >= NumYcoords ){ Locator.New(0, NumXcoords, NumYcoords); return 0; }
//assert( NumberDone <= TotalGridPoints);

return 1; 
Example #2
DefuzzifierFactory::DefuzzifierFactory() {
    registerClass(Bisector().className(), &(Bisector::constructor));
    registerClass(Centroid().className(), &(Centroid::constructor));
    registerClass(LargestOfMaximum().className(), &(LargestOfMaximum::constructor));
    registerClass(MeanOfMaximum().className(), &(MeanOfMaximum::constructor));
    registerClass(SmallestOfMaximum().className(), &(SmallestOfMaximum::constructor));
    registerClass(WeightedAverage().className(), &(WeightedAverage::constructor));
    registerClass(WeightedSum().className(), &(WeightedSum::constructor));