int Getc( int channel ){ int tid = -1; struct empty_message req_msg; struct char_message rpl; if(channel == COM1){ //we are sending to train, get the tid tid = WhoIs("u1receive"); req_msg.message_type = UART1_INPUT_SERVER_GETC_REQUEST_MESSAGE; }else if(channel == COM2){ //we are sending to terminal, get the tid tid = WhoIs("u2receive"); req_msg.message_type = INPUT_SERVER_GETC_REQUEST_MESSAGE; }else{ return -3; //NOT A PROPER COM CHANNEL } //check the return value of WhoIs if(tid < 0){ return -1; } //send the message to the server //int status = Send(tid, (char *) &req_msg, sizeof(req_msg), (char *) &rpl, sizeof(rpl)); Send(tid, (char *) &req_msg, sizeof(req_msg), (char *) &rpl, sizeof(rpl)); //TODO: add in checking for the return of the send and the reply //success return (int) rpl.c; }
void stopping_distance_task() { TRAIN = 36; // int term_tid = WhoIs("term_tid"); int train_tid = WhoIs(TRAIN_COMMAND); int uart_tid = WhoIs(UART_SERVER); int sensor_tid = WhoIs(SENSOR_SERVER); int clock_tid = WhoIs(CLOCK_SERVER); Delay(100, clock_tid); TrainCommandSwitchStraight(16, train_tid); TrainCommandSwitchCurved(15, train_tid); TrainCommandSwitchStraight(9, train_tid); TrainCommandSpeed(TRAIN, 0, train_tid); int speed; for (speed = 14; speed >= 10; speed--) { Printf("\rPress enter to start at speed %d .. ", speed); Getc(COM2, uart_tid); TrainCommandSpeed(TRAIN, speed, train_tid); int time; int sensor_node; do { SensorGetNextTriggered(&sensor_node, &time, sensor_tid); } while (sensor_node != E8); TrainCommandSpeed(TRAIN, 0, train_tid); } }
static INT UartpOpen ( IN IO_CHANNEL channel, OUT IO_DEVICE* device ) { if (ChannelCom1 == channel) { device->readTaskId = WhoIs(UART_COM1_READ_NAME); ASSERT(SUCCESSFUL(device->readTaskId)); device->writeTaskId = WhoIs(UART_COM1_WRITE_NAME); ASSERT(SUCCESSFUL(device->writeTaskId)); return 0; } else if (ChannelCom2 == channel) { device->readTaskId = WhoIs(UART_COM2_READ_NAME); ASSERT(SUCCESSFUL(device->readTaskId)); device->writeTaskId = WhoIs(UART_COM2_WRITE_NAME); ASSERT(SUCCESSFUL(device->writeTaskId)); return 0; } else { ASSERT(FALSE); return -1; } }
static void initDriver(Driver* me, int firstTime) { char uiName[] = UI_TASK_NAME; me->ui = WhoIs(uiName); me->CC = 0; me->speedAfterReverse = -1; me->rerouteCountdown = -1; me->nextSetSwitchNode = -1; me->reserveFailedLandmark.type = LANDMARK_BAD; char trackName[] = TRACK_NAME; me->trackManager = WhoIs(trackName); me->route.length = 0; me->stopCommited = 0; // haven't enabled speed zero yet. me->useLastSensorNow = 0; me->stopNow = 0; me->positionFinding = 0; me->currentlyLost = 0; me->testMode = 0; me->stopSensorHit = 0; me->nextSensorIsTerminal = 0; me->lastSensorIsTerminal = 0; me->lastSensorVal = 0; // NOte to ui to don't print sensor. me->setSwitchNaggerCount = 0; char timename[] = TIMESERVER_NAME; me->timeserver = WhoIs(timename); DriverInitMsg init; Receive(&(me->trainController), (char*)&init, sizeof(DriverInitMsg)); Reply(me->trainController, (char*)1, 0); me->trainNum = init.trainNum; me->uiMsg.nth = init.nth; me->uiMsg.trainNum = (char)init.trainNum; char com1Name[] = IOSERVERCOM1_NAME; me->com1 = WhoIs(com1Name); me->uiMsg.type = UPDATE_TRAIN; me->speed = 0; me->speedDir = ACCELERATE; me->distanceToNextSensor = 0; me->distanceFromLastSensor = 0; me->lastSensorActualTime = 0; me->lastSensorDistanceError = 0; if (firstTime) { me->delayer = Create(1, trainDelayer); me->stopDelayer = Create(1, trainStopDelayer); me->sensorWatcher = Create(3, trainSensor); me->navigateNagger = Create(2, trainNavigateNagger); } me->routeRemaining = -1; me->isAding = 0; initStoppingDistance((int*)me->d); initVelocity((int*)me->v); initAccelerationProfile((int*)me->a); }
void ipc1 () { bwprintf (COM2, "ipc1: I am %d\r\n", MyTid()); bwprintf (COM2, "ipc1: Registering as LOL\r\n"); RegisterAs ("LOL"); RegisterAs ("POO"); bwprintf (COM2, "ipc1: Registration complete.\r\n"); bwprintf (COM2, "ipc1: WhoIs(\"LOL\") = %d\r\n",WhoIs("LOL")); bwprintf (COM2, "ipc1: Exiting.\r\n"); bwprintf (COM2, "ipc1: WhoIs(\"POO\") = %d\r\n",WhoIs("POO")); Exit(); }
void stopping_distance_task() { TRAIN = 38; // int term_tid = WhoIs("term_tid"); int train_tid = WhoIs("train_server"); int uart_tid = WhoIs("uart_server"); int sensor_tid = WhoIs("sensor_server"); int clock_tid = WhoIs("clock_server"); init_tracka(track); Delay(100, clock_tid); TrainCommandSwitchStraight(16, train_tid); TrainCommandSwitchCurved(15, train_tid); TrainCommandSwitchStraight(9, train_tid); Printf("press 'a' for train 37, 'b' for 38\r"); if (Getc(COM2, uart_tid) == 'a') TRAIN = 37; else TRAIN = 38; TrainCommandSpeed(TRAIN, 0, train_tid); int speed; for (speed = 14; speed >= 1; speed--) { Printf("\rPress enter to start at speed %d .. ", speed); Getc(COM2, uart_tid); TrainCommandSpeed(TRAIN, 14, train_tid); int module, sensor, time; struct track_node *sensor_node; int sample_time = 0; do { SensorGetNextTriggered(&module, &sensor, &time, sensor_tid); sensor_node = &track[SENSOR_TO_NODE(module,sensor)]; // Printf("\rTriggered %s", sensor_node->name); } while (strcmp(sensor_node->name,"D14")); TrainCommandSpeed(TRAIN, speed, train_tid); do { SensorGetNextTriggered(&module, &sensor, &time, sensor_tid); sensor_node = &track[SENSOR_TO_NODE(module,sensor)]; // Printf("\rTriggered %s", sensor_node->name); } while (strcmp(sensor_node->name,"E8")); TrainCommandSpeed(TRAIN, 0, train_tid); } }
int Putc( int channel, char ch ){ int tid = -1; int copy_length = 0; //int status = 0; struct number_message rpl; if(channel == COM1) { //we are sending to train, get the tid tid = WhoIs("u1send"); //check the return value of WhoIs if(tid < 0){ return -1; } struct char_message msg; //copy the character into the message msg.c = ch; msg.message_type = UART1_PRINT_SERVER_INPUT_MESSAGE; //send the message to the server //status = Send(tid, (char *) &msg, sizeof(msg), (char *) &rpl, sizeof(rpl)); Send(tid, (char *) &msg, sizeof(msg), (char *) &rpl, sizeof(rpl)); } else if(channel == COM2) { //we are sending to terminal, get the tid tid = WhoIs("u2send"); //check the return value of WhoIs if(tid < 0){ return -1; } struct short_str_message msg; //copy the character into the message msg.str[0] = ch; msg.str[1] = '\0'; copy_length = 2 + 4; msg.message_type = PRINT_SERVER_STRING_MESSAGE; //send the message to the server //status = Send(tid, (char *) &msg, copy_length, (char *) &rpl, sizeof(rpl)); Send(tid, (char *) &msg, copy_length, (char *) &rpl, sizeof(rpl)); } else { return -3; //NOT A PROPER COM CHANNEL } //TODO: add in checking for the return of the send and the reply //success return 0; }
static void initDriver(MultiTrainDriver* me) { char uiName[] = UI_TASK_NAME; me->ui = WhoIs(uiName); me->CC = 0; me->speedAfterReverse = -1; me->rerouteCountdown = -1; me->nextSetSwitchNode = -1; me->reserveFailedLandmark.type = LANDMARK_BAD; char trackName[] = TRACK_NAME; me->trackManager = WhoIs(trackName); me->route.length = 0; me->stopCommited = 0; // haven't enabled speed zero yet. me->useLastSensorNow = 0; me->stopNow = 0; me->testMode = 0; me->stopSensorHit = 0; me->setSwitchNaggerCount = 0; me->isReversing = 0; char timename[] = TIMESERVER_NAME; me->timeserver = WhoIs(timename); MultiTrainInitMsg init; Receive(&(me->trainController), (char*)&init, sizeof(MultiTrainInitMsg)); Reply(me->trainController, (char*)1, 0); // Create dumb drivers me->infoUpdater = -1; me->tailMode = 0; me->numTrainInGroup = 1; me->trainId[0] = CreateDumbTrain(init.nth, (int)init.trainNum); me->trainNum = init.trainNum; RegisterMulti(init.trainNum); me->speed = 0; me->speedDir = ACCELERATE; me->sensorWatcher = Create(3, trainSensor); me->courier = Create(3, multiTrainDriverCourier); me->routeRemaining = -1; me->stoppedCount = 0; me->route.length = 0; me->minFollowingDist = 100; me->maxFollowingDist = 150; }
void UpdatePositionDisplay( int train_number, int speed, char* pos_node, int pos_offset, int error, int max_error, char* dest_node, int dest_offset, char* state ) { int tid = -1; tid = WhoIs( "trainsTAB" ); //check the return value of WhoIs if( tid < 0 ) { return; } //create the message struct train_position_output_message msg; msg.message_type = TRAIN_POSITION_OUTPUT_MESSAGE; msg.train_nums = train_number; msg.train_speeds = speed; safestrcpy( msg.train_pos_node, pos_node, 6 ); msg.train_pos_off = pos_offset; msg.train_err = error; msg.train_max_err = max_error; safestrcpy( msg.train_dest_node, dest_node, 6 ); msg.train_dest_off = dest_offset; safestrcpy( msg.train_state, state, 6 ); //send the message via courier CourierSend( tid, (char *)&msg, sizeof (msg) ); }
int QueryAllSensors( char * sensorbuf ) { struct sensor_reply_message rpl; struct two_number_message msg; int tid = -1, status = 0, i = 0; tid = WhoIs( "mdiserv" ); //check the return value of WhoIs if( tid < 0 ) { return -1; } msg.message_type = QUERY_ALL_SENSORS_MESSAGE; Send( tid, (char *)&msg, sizeof (msg), (char *)&rpl, sizeof (rpl) ); if( status < 0 || (rpl.message_type == SENSOR_REPLY_MESSAGE) ) { return -1; } for( i = 0; i < CONFIG_SENSOR_RESULT_LENGTH; i++ ) { sensorbuf[i] = rpl.sensordata[i]; } return 0; }
int SetSwitch( int sw, int setting ) { struct number_message rpl; struct two_number_message msg; int tid = -1, status = 0; if( setting != SWITCH_STRAIGHT && setting != SWITCH_CURVED ) { return -2; } tid = WhoIs( "switchserv" ); //check the return value of WhoIs if( tid < 0 ) { return -1; } msg.message_type = SWITCH_CTRL_MESSAGE; msg.num1 = sw; msg.num2 = setting; Send( tid, (char *)&msg, sizeof (msg), (char *)&rpl, sizeof (rpl) ); if( status < 0 || ((rpl.message_type & MESSAGE_SEMANTIC_MASK) != SEMANTIC_ACK) ) { return -1; } return 0; }
void sensor_notifier() { // Find the sensor server. int sensor_server_tid = -2; do { sensor_server_tid = WhoIs("SensorServer"); dlog("Sensor Server Tid %d\n", sensor_server_tid); } while (sensor_server_tid < 0); // Set up sensors. enable_sensor_reset(); // Delay a bit to read old data and then clear it. Delay(10); ReadClear(COM1); // Poll sensor data and forward it. SensorServerMessage msg; SensorServerMessage rply; msg.type = SENSOR_EVENT_REQUEST; char old_data[SENSOR_DATA_SIZE] = {0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0}; for(;;) { dump_sensors(); int i = 0; for (; i < SENSOR_DATA_SIZE; ++i) { char new_data = (char)Getc(COM1);[i] = new_data & ~old_data[i]; old_data[i] = new_data; } Send(sensor_server_tid, (char *)&msg, sizeof(msg), (char *)&rply, sizeof(rply)); dassert(rply.type == SENSOR_EVENT_RESPONSE, "Invalid Response from SensorServer"); } }
INT SwitchGetDirection ( IN INT sw, OUT SWITCH_DIRECTION* direction ) { INT result; UINT index = SwitchpToIndex(sw); if (index < NUM_SWITCHES) { result = WhoIs(SWITCH_SERVER_NAME); if (SUCCESSFUL(result)) { INT switchServerId = result; SWITCH_REQUEST request = { GetDirectionRequest, (UCHAR) sw }; result = Send(switchServerId, &request, sizeof(request), direction, sizeof(*direction)); } } else { result = -1; } return result; }
int Delay(int ticks) { int clock_tid; int r, t = MyTid(); char msg[5]; char *ip; clock_tid = WhoIs("clck"); clock_tid = 2; msg[0] = 'd'; ip = (char *)&ticks; msg[1] = *ip++; msg[2] = *ip++; msg[3] = *ip++; msg[4] = *ip++; DPRINT("Delayed tid %d with msg \'%x%x%x%x%x\' to server at tid %d\r\n", MyTid(), msg[0], msg[1], msg[2], msg[3], msg[4], clock_tid); //if (t == 5) { bwputstr(COM2, "YAYA\r\n"); } r = Send(clock_tid, msg, 5, NULL, 0); if (r < 0) { DPRINTERR("Send() from inside Delay() failed with retval %d\r\n", r); PANIC; } return 0; }
void switch_server() { server_tid = MyTid(); switches_init(); // Find the location server. tid_t location_server_tid = -2; do { location_server_tid = WhoIs("LocationServer"); dlog("Location Server Tid %d\n", location_server_tid); } while (location_server_tid < 0); tid_t tid; SwitchServerMessage msg, reply; while (1) { Receive(&tid, (char *) &msg, sizeof(msg)); switch (msg.type) { case SET_SWITCH: reply.type = SET_SWITCH_RESPONSE; Reply(tid, (char *) &reply, sizeof(reply)); switch_set(msg.switch_no, msg.direction, location_server_tid); break; default: break; } } }
void uart1_receiver_notifier() { bwdebug( DBG_SYS, UART1_RECEIVER_DEBUG_AREA, "UART1_RECEIVER_NOTIFIER: enters" ); int server_tid = WhoIs("uart1_receiver"); UART_request request; int receive_buffer = 0; FOREVER { //Wait until there is data in UART1 //bwprintf( COM2, "F\n" ); bwdebug( DBG_SYS, UART1_RECEIVER_DEBUG_AREA, "UART1_RECEIVER_NOTIFIER: waiting for data" ); AwaitEvent( UART1_RECEIVE_READY, (int) &receive_buffer ); bwdebug( DBG_SYS, UART1_RECEIVER_DEBUG_AREA, "UART1_RECEIVER_NOTIFIER: data received" ); //bwprintf( COM2, "G\n" ); //Configure the request request.type = UART1_RECEIVE_NOTIFIER_REQUEST; = receive_buffer; //Send data to the server (uart1_receiver_server) Send(server_tid, (char *) &request, sizeof(request), (char *) 0, 0); } }
void RPSClient_Initialize(RPSClient * client) { client->tid = MyTid(); RNG_Initialize(&client->rng, client->tid); client->server_id = WhoIs((char*) RPS_SERVER_NAME); client->num_rounds_to_play = 5; client->running = 1; }
int sem_init( Semaphore* sem, int count ) { sem->srv_tid = WhoIs( SEMAPHORE_SERVER_NAME ); sem->count = count; rbuf_init( &sem->wait_queue, ( uchar* )sem->wait_queue_buf, sizeof( int ), sizeof( int ) * SEMAPHORE_WAIT_QUEUE_SIZE ); return ERR_NONE; }
static void sensorQueryResponseWorker() { char com1Name[] = IOSERVERCOM1_NAME; int com1 = WhoIs(com1Name); char timeName[] = TIMESERVER_NAME; int time = WhoIs(timeName); int parent = MyParentsTid(); for (;;) { SensorMsg msg; char c = Getc(com1); msg.type = QUERY_RESPONSE_WORKER; = c; msg.time = Time(time); Send(parent, (char *)&msg, sizeof(SensorMsg), (char *)NULL, 0); } }
void command_track( struct char_buffer* cbuff, int* track, struct track_node * track_data ) { char str_arg1[CONFIG_CLI_MAX_CHARACTERS]; char str_arg2[CONFIG_CLI_MAX_CHARACTERS]; if( next_token( cbuff, str_arg1 ) == 0 || str_arg1[0] == '\0' || str_arg1[1] != '\0' || next_token( cbuff, str_arg2 ) != 0 ) { CommandOutput( "[TRACK]\tInvalid Arguments" ); return; } //check the switch state if( str_arg1[0] != 'a' && str_arg1[0] != 'b' ) { CommandOutput( "[TRACK]\tInvalid track designation" ); return; } if( *track != TRACK_UNINITIALIZED ) { CommandOutput( "[TRACK]\tTrack Already Selected" ); return; } if( str_arg1[0] == 'a' ) { *track = TRACK_A; CommandOutput( "[TRACK]\tSelecting Track A" ); init_tracka( track_data ); } else { *track = TRACK_B; CommandOutput( "[TRACK]\tSelecting Track B" ); init_trackb( track_data ); } //Send a message to the route server, telling them which track should be used struct number_message msg, rpl; int tid = WhoIs( "routeserv" ); while( tid < 0 ) { tid = WhoIs( "routeserv" ); } msg.message_type = ROUTE_SERVER_INIT_MESSAGE; msg.num = *track; Send( tid, (char *)&msg, sizeof (msg), (char *)&rpl, sizeof (msg) ); }
void trainSensorNotifier() { int i; int parent_tid = MyParentTid(); int com1_tid = WhoIs(COM1_REG_NAME); int sensor_next = 0; int data_changed = TRUE; char query = SENSOR_READ_MULTI + SENSOR_DECODER_TOTAL; SensorMsg msg; msg.type = SENSOR_DATA; for(i = 0; i < SENSOR_BYTES_TOTAL; i++) { msg.sensor_data[i] = 0; } /* Filter out left over sensor data */ while(1) { if(sensor_next == 0 && data_changed) { Putc(com1_tid, query); data_changed = 0; } else break; int new_data = Getc(com1_tid); assert(new_data >= 0, "Fail to get"); if(new_data != 0) data_changed = TRUE; sensor_next = (sensor_next + 1) % SENSOR_BYTES_TOTAL; } data_changed = FALSE; Putc(com1_tid, SENSOR_AUTO_RESET); while(1) { if(sensor_next == 0) { if(data_changed) { data_changed = FALSE; // Deliver sensor data to the parent Send(parent_tid, (char *)(&msg), SENSOR_BYTES_TOTAL, NULL, 0); } // Request sensor data again Putc(com1_tid, query); } // Get and save new data int new_data = Getc(com1_tid); assert(new_data >= 0, "Fail to get"); if(msg.sensor_data[sensor_next] != new_data) { msg.sensor_data[sensor_next] = new_data & 0xff; data_changed = TRUE; } // Increment the counter sensor_next = (sensor_next + 1) % SENSOR_BYTES_TOTAL; } }
int Time() { int clock_tid; int time, r; clock_tid = WhoIs("clck"); r = Send(clock_tid, "t", 1, (char *)&time, 4); /* XXX check return value XXX */ return time; }
void command_game( struct char_buffer* cbuff ) { char str_arg1[CONFIG_CLI_MAX_CHARACTERS]; if( next_token( cbuff, str_arg1 ) != 0 ) { CommandOutput( "[Q]\tInvalid Arguments" ); return; } //hand over the character stream to the game task Send( WhoIs("gameKEY"), (char*)0, 0, (char*)0, 0 ); }
void ClockClient_Start() { ClockClient client; ClockClient_Initialize(&client); robprintfbusy((const unsigned char *)"ClockClient TID=%d: start\n", client.tid); assertf(client.server_tid, "ClockClient: server not found. got=%d", client.server_tid); assertf(client.server_tid, "ClockClient: parent not found. got=%d", client.parent_tid); K3Message * send_message = (K3Message *) client.send_buffer; K3Message * reply_message = (K3Message *) client.reply_buffer; send_message->message_type = MESSAGE_TYPE_HELLO; Send(client.parent_tid, client.send_buffer, MESSAGE_SIZE, client.reply_buffer, MESSAGE_SIZE); assertf(reply_message->message_type == MESSAGE_TYPE_ACK, "ClockClient TID=%d: failed to get ACK message\n"); client.delay_time = reply_message->delay_time; client.num_delays = reply_message->num_delays; robprintfbusy((const unsigned char *)"ClockClient TID=%d: Got delay_time=%d, num_delays=%d\n", client.tid, client.delay_time, client.num_delays); int i; for (i = 0; i < client.num_delays; i++) { //robprintfbusy((const unsigned char *)"ClockClient TID=%d: About to delay %d, i=%d\n", client.tid, client.delay_time, i); Delay(client.delay_time); robprintfbusy((const unsigned char *)"ClockClient TID=%d: I just delayed delay_time=%d, i=%d\n", client.tid, client.delay_time, i); } //robprintfbusy((const unsigned char *)"ClockClient TID=%d: Finished, telling idletask we're shutting down.\n", client.tid); send_message->message_type = MESSAGE_TYPE_SHUTDOWN; i = 0; int admin_tid; while (1) { admin_tid = WhoIs((char*) ADMINISTRATOR_TASK_NAME); if (admin_tid) { break; } i++; assertf(i < 1000, "ClockClient TID=%d: Didn't get an admin tid"); } Send(admin_tid, client.send_buffer, MESSAGE_SIZE, client.reply_buffer, MESSAGE_SIZE); assertf(reply_message->message_type == MESSAGE_TYPE_ACK, "ClockClient TID=%d: failed to get ACK message\n"); robprintfbusy((const unsigned char *)"ClockClient TID=%d: Exit\n", client.tid); Exit(); }
void notifier() { char cs_name[] = CS_REG_NAME; int cs_tid = WhoIs(cs_name); assert(cs_tid >= 0, "Notifier cannot find clock server's tid"); char send[1] = ""; while (1) { AwaitEvent(EVENT_TIME_ELAP, NULL, 0); Send(cs_tid, send, 1, NULL, 0); } }
int Time() { static int clockServerTid = -1; if (clockServerTid < 0) { clockServerTid = WhoIs(CLOCK_SERVER_NAME); } ClockReq req; req.type = TIME; Send(clockServerTid, &req, sizeof(req), &(, sizeof(int)); return; }
int DelayUntil( int ticks ) { assert(ticks >= 0, "DelayUntil ticks is negative"); char cs_name[] = CS_REG_NAME; int cs_tid = WhoIs(cs_name); assert(cs_tid >= 0, "DelayUntil: cannot find clock server's tid"); DelayUntilQuery query; query.type = CS_QUERY_TYPE_DELAY_UNTIL; query.delay_time = (unsigned int) ticks; return Send(cs_tid, (char*)(&query), sizeof(DelayUntilQuery), NULL, 0); }
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Sensors Server Notifier // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- void sensors_server_notifier(){ bwdebug( DBG_SYS, SENSORS_SERVER_DEBUG_AREA, "SENSORS_SERVER_NOTIFIER: enters" ); // Initialization Init_sensor_msg init_msg; Sensor_msg sensor_msg; Cmd_request cmd_request; int sensor_server_tid, my_tid, last_recieved; char *sensor_data; bwdebug( DBG_SYS, SENSORS_SERVER_DEBUG_AREA, "SENSORS_SERVER_NOTIFIER: recieving init info" ); Receive( &sensor_server_tid, (char *)&init_msg, sizeof(init_msg) ); //Reply( sensor_server_tid, 0, 0 ); sensor_data = init_msg.sensor_data_buff; int cmd_server_tid = WhoIs( COMMAND_SERVER_NAME ); bwassert( cmd_server_tid >= 0, "SENSORS SERVER: This task requires the command server to be able to operate." ); // Reset the sensors bwdebug( DBG_SYS, SENSORS_SERVER_DEBUG_AREA, "SENSORS_SERVER_NOTIFIER: Resetting sensors" ); my_tid = MyTid(); cmd_request.type = QUERY_CMD_REQUEST; cmd_request.cmd.cmd_type = RESET_SENSORS_CMD_TYPE; cmd_request.cmd.sender_tid = my_tid; Send( cmd_server_tid, ( char * ) &cmd_request, sizeof( cmd_request ), 0, 0 ); // Receive trash? bwdebug( DBG_SYS, SENSORS_SERVER_DEBUG_AREA, "SENSORS_SERVER_NOTIFIER: recieving trash" ); cmd_request.type = QUERY_CMD_REQUEST; cmd_request.cmd.cmd_type = QUERY_SENSORS_CMD_TYPE; cmd_request.cmd.sensors = sensor_data; Send( cmd_server_tid, ( char * ) &cmd_request, sizeof( cmd_request ), 0, 0 ); bwdebug( DBG_SYS, SENSORS_SERVER_DEBUG_AREA, "SENSORS_SERVER_NOTIFIER: Unblocking sensor server" ); Reply( sensor_server_tid, 0, 0 ); // Configure the messages. sensor_msg.type = SENSOR_DATA_RECEIVED_MSG; FOREVER{ last_recieved = Time(); // Get the data from the command server Send( cmd_server_tid, ( char * ) &cmd_request, sizeof( cmd_request ), 0, 0 ); // Inform the sensor server that new data arrived Send( sensor_server_tid, ( char * ) &sensor_msg, sizeof( sensor_msg ), 0, 0 ); //DelayUntil( last_recieved + 100 / SENSOR_QUERY_FREQENCY ); Delay( 20 ); // 10 } }
int Time() { char cs_name[] = CS_REG_NAME; int cs_tid = WhoIs(cs_name); assert(cs_tid >= 0, "Time: cannot find clock server's tid"); int ret = -1; TimeQuery query; TimeReply reply; query.type = CS_QUERY_TYPE_TIME; ret = Send(cs_tid, (char*)(&query), sizeof(TimeQuery), (char*)(&reply), sizeof(TimeReply)); if (ret < 0) return ret; return reply.time; }
static void sensorQueryResponseTimeoutWorker() { char timeServerName[] = TIMESERVER_NAME; int timeServer= WhoIs(timeServerName); int parent = MyParentsTid(); for (;;) { SensorMsg msg; msg.type = QUERY_RESPONSE_TIMEOUT_WORKER; Send(parent, (char *)&msg, sizeof(SensorMsg), (char *)NULL, 0); Delay(7, timeServer); } }