std::string Settings::GetDefaultRegistryPath() { std::string s("Software\\"); std::wstring vendor = Settings::GetCompanyName(); if ( !vendor.empty() ) s += WideToAnsi(vendor) + "\\"; s += WideToAnsi(Settings::GetAppName()); s += "\\WinSparkle"; return s; }
std::wstring ApplicationPathParer::GetApplicationPathOrigin( const std::wstring& appName ) { std::map<std::string, boost::any> users = boost::any_cast<std::map<std::string, boost::any> >(m_dict["User"]); if ( users.end() == users.find(WideToAnsi(appName)) ) return L""; std::map<std::string, boost::any> appDict = boost::any_cast<std::map<std::string, boost::any> >(users[WideToAnsi(appName)]); std::wstring result = AnsiToWide( boost::any_cast<std::string>(appDict["Container"]) ); return result; }
void UpdateChecker::Run() { // no initialization to do, so signal readiness immediately SignalReady(); try { #ifdef _DEBUG const std::string url = ""; #else const std::string url = Settings::GetAppcastURL(); #endif if ( url.empty() ) throw std::runtime_error("Appcast URL not specified."); StringDownloadSink appcast_xml; DownloadFile(url, &appcast_xml, GetAppcastDownloadFlags()); Appcast appcast; appcast.Load(; Settings::WriteConfigValue("LastCheckTime", time(NULL)); const std::string currentVersion = WideToAnsi(Settings::GetAppVersion()); std::string currentBuild = currentVersion.substr(currentVersion.find(":") + 1); std::string appcastBuild = appcast.Build.substr(appcast.Build.find(":") + 1); std::string currentProductionVersion = currentVersion.substr(0, currentVersion.find(",")); std::string appcastProductionVersion = appcast.Build.substr(0, appcast.Build.find(",")); // Check if our version is out of date. if ( CompareVersions(currentProductionVersion, appcastProductionVersion) >= 0 ) { // The same or newer version is already installed. if(m_showUI) UI::NotifyNoUpdates(); return; } // Check if the user opted to ignore this particular version. std::string toSkip; if ( Settings::ReadConfigValue("SkipThisVersion", toSkip) && toSkip == appcast.Version ) { if(m_showUI) UI::NotifyNoUpdates(); return; } UI::NotifyUpdateAvailable(appcast); } catch ( ... ) { UI::NotifyUpdateError(); throw; } }
void UpdateChecker::Run() { // no initialization to do, so signal readiness immediately SignalReady(); try { const std::string url = Settings::GetAppcastURL(); if ( url.empty() ) throw std::runtime_error("Appcast URL not specified."); CheckForInsecureURL(url, "appcast feed"); StringDownloadSink appcast_xml; DownloadFile(url, &appcast_xml, GetAppcastDownloadFlags()); Appcast appcast = Appcast::Load(; if (!appcast.ReleaseNotesURL.empty()) CheckForInsecureURL(appcast.ReleaseNotesURL, "release notes"); if (!appcast.DownloadURL.empty()) CheckForInsecureURL(appcast.DownloadURL, "update file"); Settings::WriteConfigValue("LastCheckTime", time(NULL)); const std::string currentVersion = WideToAnsi(Settings::GetAppBuildVersion()); // Check if our version is out of date. if ( !appcast.IsValid() || CompareVersions(currentVersion, appcast.Version) >= 0 ) { // The same or newer version is already installed. UI::NotifyNoUpdates(ShouldAutomaticallyInstall()); return; } // Check if the user opted to ignore this particular version. if ( ShouldSkipUpdate(appcast) ) { UI::NotifyNoUpdates(ShouldAutomaticallyInstall()); return; } UI::NotifyUpdateAvailable(appcast, ShouldAutomaticallyInstall()); } catch ( ... ) { UI::NotifyUpdateError(); throw; } }
std::wstring ApplicationPathParer::GetApplicationPath( const std::wstring& appName ) { std::map<std::string, boost::any> users = boost::any_cast<std::map<std::string, boost::any> >(m_dict["User"]); if ( users.end() == users.find(WideToAnsi(appName)) ) return L""; std::map<std::string, boost::any> appDict = boost::any_cast<std::map<std::string, boost::any> >(users[WideToAnsi(appName)]); std::wstring result = AnsiToWide( boost::any_cast<std::string>(appDict["Container"]) ); std::wstring::size_type pos = result.find(L'/'); while ( pos != std::wstring::npos ) { result = result.replace(pos, 1, L"\\"); ++pos; pos = result.find(L'/', pos); } return result; }
void CSpriteFontTextRenderer::DrawText(DirectX::SpriteBatch& spriteBatch, int x, int y, LPCWSTR text, DirectX::XMVECTOR color) { std::wstring ws = text; std::string s = WideToAnsi(ws); float fxPos = (float)x; for (int i = 0; i < s.length(); i++) { CHAR c = s[i]; RECT r = _glyphtionary[c]; r.right = r.left + r.right; r.bottom = + r.bottom; spriteBatch.Draw(_sprite, DirectX::XMFLOAT2(fxPos, (float)y), &r, color, 0, DirectX::XMFLOAT2(0, 0), 1.0); fxPos += r.right - r.left; } }
int CSpriteFontTextRenderer::MeasureText(LPCWSTR text) { std::wstring ws = text; std::string s = WideToAnsi(ws); int width = 0; for (int i = 0; i < s.length(); i++) { CHAR c = s[i]; RECT r = _glyphtionary[c]; r.right = r.left + r.right; r.bottom = + r.bottom; width += r.right - r.left; } return width; }
void UpdateChecker::Run() { // no initialization to do, so signal readiness immediately SignalReady(); try { const std::string url = Settings::GetAppcastURL(); if ( url.empty() ) throw std::runtime_error("Appcast URL not specified."); StringDownloadSink appcast_xml; DownloadFile(url, &appcast_xml, GetAppcastDownloadFlags()); Appcast appcast; appcast.Load(; Settings::WriteConfigValue("LastCheckTime", time(NULL)); const std::string currentVersion = WideToAnsi(Settings::GetAppVersion()); // Check if our version is out of date. if ( CompareVersions(currentVersion, appcast.Version) >= 0 ) { // The same or newer version is already installed. UI::NotifyNoUpdates(); return; } // Check if the user opted to ignore this particular version. std::string toSkip; if ( Settings::ReadConfigValue("SkipThisVersion", toSkip) && toSkip == appcast.Version ) { UI::NotifyNoUpdates(); return; } UI::NotifyUpdateAvailable(appcast); } catch ( ... ) { UI::NotifyUpdateError(); throw; } }
std::wstring IOSWeixinParser::GetTableNameFromUserName(const std::wstring& userName) { std::string md5Src = WideToAnsi(userName); unsigned char hash[16] = {0}; MD5_CTX c = {0}; MD5_Init(&c); MD5_Update(&c, md5Src.c_str(), strlen(md5Src.c_str())); MD5_Final(hash, &c); char hex[1024] = {0}; for ( int i = 0; i < 16; ++i ) sprintf(hex+2*i, "%.2x", hash[i]); char table[1024] = {0}; sprintf(table, "Chat_%s", hex); return AnsiToWide(table); }
void UserActionDlg::onTrUserActionItemClicked(QTreeWidgetItem* item, int column) { std::wstring text = item->text(0).toStdWString(); std::map<std::wstring, int> indexMap; //indexMap[L"用户文件行为"] = 0; indexMap[L"全部操作"] = 0; indexMap[L"新建文件"] = 0; indexMap[L"删除文件"] = 0; indexMap[L"拷贝文件"] = 0; indexMap[L"移动文件"] = 0; indexMap[L"新建目录"] = 0; indexMap[L"删除目录"] = 0; //indexMap[L"用户敏感行为"] = 1; indexMap[L"键盘记录"] = 1; indexMap[L"密码窗口感知"] = 2; indexMap[L"剪切板监控"] = 3; //indexMap[L"进程行为"] = 4; indexMap[L"文件访问"] = 4; indexMap[L"执行轨迹"] = 5; //indexMap[L"通讯行为"] = 6; indexMap[L"短信记录"] = 6; indexMap[L"通话记录"] = 7; indexMap[L"通讯录"] = 8; strcpy(opType, WideToAnsi(text).c_str()); if ( indexMap.end() != indexMap.find(text) ) { int index = indexMap[text]; ui.stkUserAction->setCurrentIndex(index); ui.lbUserAction->setText(item->parent()->text(0) + " - " + item->text(0)); if ( index == 0 ) RefreshUserFOIData(); if ( index == 1 && !m_queryKeyboardInfoFinished && NULL == m_waitKeyboardInfoDlg ) { m_waitKeyboardInfoDlg = new WaitDlg(ui.tbKeyboardRecord); m_waitKeyboardInfoDlg->show(); RefreshIMEData(); } if ( index == 2 && 0 == ui.tbPasswordRecord->rowCount() ) RefreshPWIData(); if ( index == 3 && 0 == ui.tbClipboardData->rowCount() ) RefreshCBDData(); if ( index == 4 && 0 == ui.tbFileAccessRecord->rowCount() ) RefreshFOIData(); if ( index == 5 && 0 == ui.tbCommandRecord->rowCount() ) RefreshPEIData(); if ( index == 6 && 0 == ui.tbMessageInfo->rowCount() ) RefreshSMSData(); if ( index == 7 && 0 == ui.tbCallInfo->rowCount() ) RefreshCALData(); if ( index == 8 && 0 == ui.tbAddressBook->rowCount() ) RefreshCONTACTData(); } }
HRESULT CLucid3DRenderer::AddMesh(GraphicsDevicePtr graphicsDevice, std::wstring& contentPath, IModelContentPtr pModelContent, MeshInfo meshInfo) { HRESULT hr = S_OK; CStringW diffuseTextureName; Lucid3DRenderBufferDesc renderDesc; ModelContentBufferDescription vertexBuffer; ModelContentBufferDescription indexBuffer; ModelContentMaterialDescription material; InputStreamPtr spStream; TexturePtr tex; std::string contentPathA = WideToAnsi(contentPath); std::string diffuseTexturePath; std::string specularTexturePath; std::string normalTexturePath; // Get vertex and index buffer descriptions for target mesh hr = pModelContent->GetVertexBuffer(meshInfo.vertexBufferId, vertexBuffer); GOTO_EXIT_IF_FAILED_MESSAGE(hr, "Failed to get vertex buffer"); hr = pModelContent->GetIndexBuffer(meshInfo.indexBufferId, indexBuffer); GOTO_EXIT_IF_FAILED_MESSAGE(hr, "Failed to get index buffer"); hr = pModelContent->GetMaterial(meshInfo.materialId, material); GOTO_EXIT_IF_FAILED_MESSAGE(hr, "Failed to get material"); VertexElement elements[] = { VertexElement(0, VertexChannelType::Float3, VertexChannelSemantic::Position, false), VertexElement(0, VertexChannelType::Float3, VertexChannelSemantic::Normal, false), VertexElement(0, VertexChannelType::Float3, VertexChannelSemantic::Tangent, false), VertexElement(0, VertexChannelType::Float3, VertexChannelSemantic::BiTangent, false), VertexElement(0, VertexChannelType::Float2, VertexChannelSemantic::TexCoord0, false), }; hr = graphicsDevice->CreateVertexBuffer((uint)vertexBuffer.stride, vertexBuffer.numElements, elements, _countof(elements), ResourceAccess::Read, ResourceAccess::Write, vertexBuffer.pBuffer.get()->ptr, &renderDesc.m_vertexBuffer); GOTO_EXIT_IF_FAILED_MESSAGE(hr, "Failed to create vertex buffer"); hr = graphicsDevice->CreateIndexBuffer((uint)indexBuffer.stride, (uint)indexBuffer.numElements, D3D11_PRIMITIVE_TOPOLOGY_TRIANGLELIST, ResourceAccess::Read, ResourceAccess::Write, indexBuffer.pBuffer.get()->ptr, &renderDesc.m_indexBuffer); GOTO_EXIT_IF_FAILED_MESSAGE(hr, "Failed to create index buffer"); hr = Renderer::CreateMaterial(std::to_string((uint64)meshInfo.materialId).c_str(), &renderDesc.m_material); GOTO_EXIT_IF_FAILED_MESSAGE(hr, "Failed to create the material"); diffuseTexturePath = (contentPathA + + ".tc").c_str(); hr = IO::ReadExistingFile(diffuseTexturePath.c_str(), &spStream); if (FAILED(hr)) { DEBUG_PRINT("Failed to load diffuse texture file '%s', hr = 0x%lx",diffuseTexturePath.c_str(), hr); goto Exit; } hr = Graphics::CreateTextureFromStream(graphicsDevice, spStream, false, ResourceAccess::Read, ResourceAccess::None, &tex); if (FAILED(hr)) { DEBUG_PRINT("Failed to create texture from diffuse texture file '%s', hr = 0x%lx",diffuseTexturePath.c_str(), hr); goto Exit; } renderDesc.m_material->SetTexture(TextureUsage::Diffuse, tex); if ( != 0) { normalTexturePath = (contentPathA + + ".tc").c_str(); hr = IO::ReadExistingFile(normalTexturePath.c_str(), &spStream); if (FAILED(hr)) { DEBUG_PRINT("Failed to load normal texture file '%s', hr = 0x%lx",normalTexturePath.c_str(), hr); goto Exit; } hr = Graphics::CreateTextureFromStream(graphicsDevice, spStream, false, ResourceAccess::Read, ResourceAccess::None, &tex); if (FAILED(hr)) { DEBUG_PRINT("Failed to create texture from normal texture file '%s', hr = 0x%lx",normalTexturePath.c_str(), hr); goto Exit; } renderDesc.m_material->SetTexture(TextureUsage::Normal, tex); } renderDesc.m_material->SetSpecularPower(120.0f); // Add the buffers to the render collection m_buffers.push_back(renderDesc); Exit: return hr; }
HRESULT CLucid3DRenderer::AddContent(GraphicsDevicePtr graphicsDevice, std::wstring& contentPath, ISpriteFontContentPtr pSpriteFontContent) { Clear(); HRESULT hr = S_OK; std::string spriteFontName; std::wstring spriteFontNameW; Lucid3DRenderBufferDesc renderDesc; InputStreamPtr spStream; TexturePtr tex; BYTE* pData = nullptr; DWORD cbData = 0; pSpriteFontContent->GetSpriteFontName(spriteFontNameW); spriteFontName = WideToAnsi(spriteFontNameW); XMProjSpaceVertex vertices[] = { { XMFLOAT2(-1, 1), XMFLOAT2(0, 0) }, { XMFLOAT2(1, 1), XMFLOAT2(1, 0) }, { XMFLOAT2(1, -1), XMFLOAT2(1, 1) }, { XMFLOAT2(-1, -1), XMFLOAT2(0, 1) }, }; uint32 indices[] = { 0, 1, 2, 0, 2, 3 }; VertexElement layout[] = { VertexElement(0, VertexChannelType::Float2, VertexChannelSemantic::Position, false), VertexElement(0, VertexChannelType::Float2, VertexChannelSemantic::TexCoord0, false), }; hr = graphicsDevice->CreateVertexBuffer(sizeof(XMProjSpaceVertex), _countof(vertices), layout, _countof(layout), ResourceAccess::Read, ResourceAccess::None, vertices, &renderDesc.m_vertexBuffer); GOTO_EXIT_IF_FAILED_MESSAGE(hr, "Failed to create vertex buffer"); hr = graphicsDevice->CreateIndexBuffer(sizeof(indices[0]), _countof(indices), D3D11_PRIMITIVE_TOPOLOGY_TRIANGLELIST, ResourceAccess::Read, ResourceAccess::None, indices, &renderDesc.m_indexBuffer); GOTO_EXIT_IF_FAILED_MESSAGE(hr, "Failed to create index buffer"); hr = Renderer::CreateMaterial(spriteFontName.c_str(), &renderDesc.m_material); GOTO_EXIT_IF_FAILED_MESSAGE(hr, "Failed to create the material"); // Get a stream to the DDS data stored in the spritefont content hr = pSpriteFontContent->GetTextureData(&pData, &cbData); GOTO_EXIT_IF_FAILED_MESSAGE(hr, "Failed to get texture data from spritefont content"); hr = IO::CreateInputStreamOnBuffer(pData, cbData, &spStream); GOTO_EXIT_IF_FAILED_MESSAGE(hr, "Failed to get create lucid memory stream for texture data from spritefont content"); hr = Graphics::CreateTextureFromStream(graphicsDevice, spStream, false, ResourceAccess::Read, ResourceAccess::None, &tex); if (FAILED(hr)) { DEBUG_PRINT("Failed to create texture from spritefont texture data, hr = 0x%lx", hr); goto Exit; } renderDesc.m_material->SetTexture(TextureUsage::Diffuse, tex); // Add the buffers to the render collection m_buffers.push_back(renderDesc); Exit: SAFE_DELETE_ARRAY(pData); return hr; }
HRESULT CLucid3DRenderer::AddContent(GraphicsDevicePtr graphicsDevice, std::wstring& contentPath, ITextureContentPtr pTextureContent) { Clear(); HRESULT hr = S_OK; std::string textureName; std::wstring textureNameW; Lucid3DRenderBufferDesc renderDesc; InputStreamPtr spStream; TexturePtr tex; WCHAR szTempPath[MAX_PATH] = {0}; WCHAR szTempFile[MAX_PATH] = {0}; pTextureContent->GetTextureName(textureNameW); textureName = WideToAnsi(textureNameW); XMProjSpaceVertex vertices[] = { { XMFLOAT2(-1, 1), XMFLOAT2(0, 0) }, { XMFLOAT2(1, 1), XMFLOAT2(1, 0) }, { XMFLOAT2(1, -1), XMFLOAT2(1, 1) }, { XMFLOAT2(-1, -1), XMFLOAT2(0, 1) }, }; uint32 indices[] = { 0, 1, 2, 0, 2, 3 }; VertexElement layout[] = { VertexElement(0, VertexChannelType::Float2, VertexChannelSemantic::Position, false), VertexElement(0, VertexChannelType::Float2, VertexChannelSemantic::TexCoord0, false), }; hr = graphicsDevice->CreateVertexBuffer(sizeof(XMProjSpaceVertex), _countof(vertices), layout, _countof(layout), ResourceAccess::Read, ResourceAccess::None, vertices, &renderDesc.m_vertexBuffer); GOTO_EXIT_IF_FAILED_MESSAGE(hr, "Failed to create vertex buffer"); hr = graphicsDevice->CreateIndexBuffer(sizeof(indices[0]), _countof(indices), D3D11_PRIMITIVE_TOPOLOGY_TRIANGLELIST, ResourceAccess::Read, ResourceAccess::None, indices, &renderDesc.m_indexBuffer); GOTO_EXIT_IF_FAILED_MESSAGE(hr, "Failed to create index buffer"); hr = Renderer::CreateMaterial(textureName.c_str(), &renderDesc.m_material); GOTO_EXIT_IF_FAILED_MESSAGE(hr, "Failed to create the material"); // HACK: HACK: Coop, I'm not familiar enough with this to do the 'right' way of loading the .tc // so I'm hacking it up good :) you can fix this later if you want GetTempPath(ARRAYSIZE(szTempPath), szTempPath); GetTempFileName(szTempPath, L"", 0, szTempFile); pTextureContent->SaveToFile(szTempFile); hr = IO::ReadExistingFile(WideToAnsi(std::wstring(szTempFile)).c_str(), &spStream); if (FAILED(hr)) { DEBUG_PRINT("Failed to load diffuse texture file '%s', hr = 0x%lx",szTempFile, hr); goto Exit; } hr = Graphics::CreateTextureFromStream(graphicsDevice, spStream, false, ResourceAccess::Read, ResourceAccess::None, &tex); if (FAILED(hr)) { DEBUG_PRINT("Failed to create texture from diffuse texture file '%s', hr = 0x%lx", szTempFile, hr); goto Exit; } renderDesc.m_material->SetTexture(TextureUsage::Diffuse, tex); // Add the buffers to the render collection m_buffers.push_back(renderDesc); Exit: return hr; }
//====================================================================================== // MessageHandler() // // Handles messages from DirectPlay. //====================================================================================== HRESULT CDarkPeer::MessageHandler(void* pContext, DWORD messageType, void* pMessage) { switch (messageType) { case DPN_MSGID_CREATE_PLAYER: { HandleCreatePlayerMsg((DPNMSG_CREATE_PLAYER*)pMessage); break; } case DPN_MSGID_DESTROY_PLAYER: { // Translate DPlay8's destroy player message to DPlay4 PDPNMSG_DESTROY_PLAYER pDestroyPlayer = (PDPNMSG_DESTROY_PLAYER) pMessage; DPNID dpnidPlayer = pDestroyPlayer->dpnidPlayer; DPMSG_DESTROYPLAYERORGROUP* pDP4DestroyPlayer = new DPMSG_DESTROYPLAYERORGROUP; if (dpnidPlayer != m_dpnidLocal && g_pNetMan) { #if (GAME == GAME_THIEF) #if 1 DPN_PLAYER_INFO* pPeerInfo = GetPeerInfo(pDestroyPlayer->dpnidPlayer); if (pPeerInfo) { char playerName[kMaxPlayerName]; WideToAnsi(playerName, pPeerInfo->pwszName, sizeof(playerName)); const char* str = "%s has left the game."; MessageMgr::Get()->AddLineFormat(true, str, playerName); ConPrintF(str, playerName); SAFE_DELETE_ARRAY(pPeerInfo); } #else const char* playerName = Players.NameFromDPNID(pDestroyPlayer->dpnidPlayer); const char* msg = "%s has left the game."; MessageMgr::Get()->AddLineFormat(true, msg, playerName); ConPrintF(msg, playerName); #endif #endif ZeroMemory(pDP4DestroyPlayer, sizeof(DPMSG_DESTROYPLAYERORGROUP)); pDP4DestroyPlayer->lpLocalData = m_DP4PlayerData[dpnidPlayer]; pDP4DestroyPlayer->dpId = dpnidPlayer; pDP4DestroyPlayer->dwType = DPSYS_DESTROYPLAYERORGROUP; pDP4DestroyPlayer->dwPlayerType = DPPLAYERTYPE_PLAYER; // send Thief the destroy player notification in the form it expects from DPlay 4 NetMessage* pMsg = new NetMessage; pMsg->m_pMsgData = (BYTE*)pDP4DestroyPlayer; pMsg->m_size = sizeof(DPMSG_DESTROYPLAYERORGROUP); pMsg->m_dpnidSender = DPID_SYSMSG; m_DarkQueue.Push(pMsg); // find the player's index and destroy the player data } break; } case DPN_MSGID_INDICATE_CONNECT: { if (g_Net == STATE_Host) { #ifndef _RELEASE if (Client.MissionStarted() && !Cfg.GetBool("AllowJoinsInProgress")) #else if (Client.MissionStarted()) #endif return DPNERR_HOSTREJECTEDCONNECTION; } break; } case DPN_MSGID_CONNECT_COMPLETE: { PDPNMSG_CONNECT_COMPLETE pConnComplete = (PDPNMSG_CONNECT_COMPLETE)pMessage; if (pConnComplete->hResultCode == DPN_OK) { #if (GAME == GAME_THIEF || GAME == GAME_DROMED) m_dpnidLocal = (pConnComplete->dpnidLocal); ConPrintF("Connected to session."); _SFX_Play_Raw(1, 0, "pickloot.wav"); #endif SetEvent(m_ConnectedEvent); } break; } case DPN_MSGID_ENUM_HOSTS_RESPONSE: { m_csEnumResponse.Lock(); DPNMSG_ENUM_HOSTS_RESPONSE* pResponse = (DPNMSG_ENUM_HOSTS_RESPONSE*)pMessage; OnEnumerationResponse(pResponse); m_csEnumResponse.Unlock(); break; } case DPN_MSGID_RECEIVE: { PDPNMSG_RECEIVE pRecvData = (PDPNMSG_RECEIVE)pMessage; Packet* packet = (Packet*)pRecvData->pReceiveData; csReceive.Lock(); // this may not be a good idea... some original packets are very close to these numbers if (packet->type > NewPacketStart && packet->type < NewPacketEnd) { HandleNewPacket(pRecvData->pReceiveData, pRecvData->dwReceiveDataSize, pRecvData->dpnidSender); csReceive.Unlock(); return DPN_OK; } NetMessage* pMsg = new NetMessage; pMsg->m_pMsgData = pRecvData->pReceiveData; pMsg->m_size = pRecvData->dwReceiveDataSize; pMsg->m_bufferHandle = pRecvData->hBufferHandle; // Save buffer handle so we can return it to DirectPlay with ReturnBuffer() later pMsg->m_dpnidSender = pRecvData->dpnidSender; m_DarkQueue.Push(pMsg); csReceive.Unlock(); return DPNSUCCESS_PENDING; } case DPN_MSGID_TERMINATE_SESSION: { // Translate DPlay8's terminate session message to DPlay4 PDPNMSG_TERMINATE_SESSION pTerminateSession = (PDPNMSG_TERMINATE_SESSION)pMessage; DPMSG_SESSIONLOST* pDP4SessLost = new DPMSG_SESSIONLOST; NetMessage* pMsg = new NetMessage; ZeroMemory(pDP4SessLost, sizeof(DPMSG_SESSIONLOST)); pDP4SessLost->dwType = DPSYS_SESSIONLOST; pMsg->m_pMsgData = (BYTE*)pDP4SessLost; pMsg->m_size = sizeof(DPMSG_SESSIONLOST); pMsg->m_dpnidSender = DPID_SYSMSG; m_DarkQueue.Push(pMsg); #if (GAME == GAME_THIEF || GAME == GAME_DROMED) if (pTerminateSession->pvTerminateData) { SDestroyReason* pMsg = (SDestroyReason*)pTerminateSession->pvTerminateData; switch (pMsg->reason) { case DReason_CrcFailed: Client.StartEndGameTimer(EndGameTime, ER_KickedCrc); break; default: case DReason_Kicked: Client.StartEndGameTimer(EndGameTime, ER_Kicked); break; } } else Client.StartEndGameTimer(EndGameTime, ER_HostLeft); #endif break; } } return DPN_OK; }
//====================================================================================== // HandleCreatePlayerMsg() // // Handles create player system message from DPlay. //====================================================================================== void CDarkPeer::HandleCreatePlayerMsg(DPNMSG_CREATE_PLAYER* pCreatePlayer) { csReceive.Lock(); // Block packet receives while we're handling this // Translate DPlay8's create player message to DPlay4 char playerName[kMaxPlayerName] = ""; DPMSG_CREATEPLAYERORGROUP* pDP4CreatePlayer = new DPMSG_CREATEPLAYERORGROUP; // Retrieve the peer info and set the host and local DPNIDs DPN_PLAYER_INFO* pdpPlayerInfo = GetPeerInfo(pCreatePlayer->dpnidPlayer); //Log.Print("Connection from DPNID: %08x", pCreatePlayer->dpnidPlayer); if (pdpPlayerInfo) { if (pdpPlayerInfo->dwPlayerFlags == DPNPLAYER_HOST) { m_dpnidHost = pCreatePlayer->dpnidPlayer; if (Debug.IsFlagSet(DEBUG_NET)) ConPrintF("Set host DPNID to %x.", m_dpnidHost); } else if (pdpPlayerInfo->dwPlayerFlags == DPNPLAYER_LOCAL) m_dpnidLocal = pCreatePlayer->dpnidPlayer; char playerName[kMaxPlayerName]; WideToAnsi(playerName, pdpPlayerInfo->pwszName, kMaxPlayerName); // Display the connection message if this isn't the local player if (!(pdpPlayerInfo->dwPlayerFlags & DPNPLAYER_LOCAL)) { ConPrintF("%s connected.", playerName); MessageMgr::Get()->AddLineFormat(false, "%s connected.", playerName); } SAFE_DELETE_ARRAY(pdpPlayerInfo); } else ConPrintF("Failed to get peer info for DPNID %x.", pCreatePlayer->dpnidPlayer); if (g_pNetMan->AmDefaultHost() && !IsStagingMode()) { if (Client.MissionStarted()) { IPtr<IQuestData> pQuest = _AppGetAggregated(IID_IQuestData); CNetMsg_StartMission msg; msg.difficulty = pQuest->Get("Difficulty"); msg.missionID = _GetMissionData()->missNumber; Send(pCreatePlayer->dpnidPlayer, (void*)&msg, sizeof(CNetMsg_StartMission), NULL, DPNSEND_GUARANTEED | DPNSEND_NOLOOPBACK); } } if (g_Net == STATE_Client && m_bReceivedExistingPlayers || g_Net == STATE_Host) { if (pCreatePlayer->pvPlayerContext == this) { if (Debug.IsFlagSet(DEBUG_NET)) ConPrintF("Creating local host. (%x)", pCreatePlayer->dpnidPlayer); m_dpnidLocal = (pCreatePlayer->dpnidPlayer); csReceive.Unlock(); return;// DPN_OK; } // send Thief the new player notification in the form it expects from DPlay 4 ZeroMemory(pDP4CreatePlayer, sizeof(DPMSG_CREATEPLAYERORGROUP)); pDP4CreatePlayer->dwType = DPSYS_CREATEPLAYERORGROUP; pDP4CreatePlayer->dwPlayerType = DPPLAYERTYPE_PLAYER; pDP4CreatePlayer->dpId = pCreatePlayer->dpnidPlayer; NetMessage* pMsg = new NetMessage; pMsg->m_pMsgData = (BYTE*)pDP4CreatePlayer; pMsg->m_size = sizeof(DPMSG_CREATEPLAYERORGROUP); pMsg->m_dpnidSender = DPID_SYSMSG; m_DarkQueue.Push(pMsg); #ifdef _THIEFBUILD _SFX_Play_Raw(1, 0, "pickloot.wav"); #endif } csReceive.Unlock(); }